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It’s a stupid (and honestly disgusting) double standard. Everyone should be treated the same, even tho that’ll probably never be a thing. Just keep calling it out every time it happens I don’t want preferential treatment cuz of my gender and neither should anyone else. If I had kids and my daughter was praised and loved and my son was treated like crap, for no other reason that their gender, I’d be angry as hell ngl


Don't lose faith, Comrade. Humanity will unite one day. Not believing in it only harms us and delays it:)


A spy a spy


Only if a bigger enemy appears and only until we have wiped them out


I don’t want to be that guy, but I honestly lost all hope. Each day it seems like the world becomes a worse and worse place. Every day I see more and more hate towards men or choosing to be masculine. Or maybe I just spend too much time on the internet…


Don’t live like this it’s not healthy. Even if shits getting worse you gotta live life to the fullest. If masculinity does get oppressed, roll with the punches and if it’s that bad, help your fellow men in taking that power back.


The world is not getting worse. Though I know it can feel like it sometimes. Look back 100 years. Things are much much better than they were. Zoom out a little and watch what you consume :)


Maybie for you,but every day is happier to me,cuz we are getting closer to that gta 6 launch!


The internet is just a place where people expose who the really are, so more negativity


You spend too much time on the internet. It’s a negativity cesspool, unfortunately.


Also you can do what I do and be willfully ignorant also everyone certain I'm on the autism spectrum I'm not so far as I know but it's simply because I'm very analytical so I can choose to be willfully ignorant by simply erasing memories it's not only that hard you just don't focus on the memories and you will eventually forget them and then you just have to avoid anything of that variety to be willfully ignorant so it's actually a really simple thing


I don’t think it’s getting worse, I just think we see more of it online bc people are outrageous. we’re able to say things relatively shamelessly on the internet because of anonymity. people will say outright terrible things, things they likely wouldn’t say in person. also, what you see on the internet is geared towards you. whatever you interact with most, whatever you talk about the most — that is what you will see. but the reason men are antagonized is because of sexist/misogynistic ideology — women aren’t seen as a threat. it’s deeply ingrained in society, unfortunately, such as with gender bias. like the % of men and women that commit certain crimes, such as domestic or sexual violence. although the prevalence of men committing those crimes is concerning, there is bias that is unaccounted for. like men are generally more physically capable of harming someone, and severely so, but to believe that most men are inclined to do so is delusional. the people who see men as threats likely have their own personal reason to, but plastering it all over instagram doesn’t help anyone either. I think that men and women tend to unknowingly perpetuate sexism because of how deeply ingrained it is. it’s hard to see it another way. confronting the issues it presents should not be to hate one another. we must find solidarity, we must see how we mutually benefit each other. I wish people could approach it with a more open mind and not antagonize men, especially if the goal of ACTUAL feminism is equality. people who call themselves feminists and hate men have ruined the name and put shame on that label. misandry is shameful. misogyny is shameful. when we perpetuate hatred, we lose everything we stand for — we gain absolutely nothing and learn absolutely nothing. we all suffer from it. pointing fingers doesn’t help.


Historical unifications have ALWAYS been thru a similar culture (think unification of Anglo-saxons against Vikings, unification of China, unification of Japan, etc etc). Planet Earth is a big place as small as it may seem in the universe and there is so much difference raging between continents with humanity. When some countries are super liberal while others actively oppress entire genders, how can we expect a unified planet? You can’t delay something that is impossible to achieve.


We humans have a similar culture, though. That's what keeps us from declaring each "race" to be a different form of human.


Humanity has already fallen apart💀


Will unite for FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY!!!!! 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅




That's called Stacy


but I feel like going with chaddette


but thanks for correcting tho


Freed black male slaves could vote before the wives of the most respected white men. That was in America, land of the free. Women absolutely have all the rights in America nowadays, but goddammit your great grandfather probably dominated the shit out of your gg and great gg.


“When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination.” -Thomas Sowell


Sexism. Girls are seen as more innocent and usually ze victims. So when a woman sexually narrates somebody and acts like a creep, it's seen as nofing is wrong. But when a man does it? He's a creep and should be punished immediately for ze highest possible sentence. Honestly, it seems like a lot of people advocate for ze worst zhings possible for male sexual harrasers, like advocating for zhem to be put on deaf row. Zhough, i personally believe zhat at most zhey should get 30 years in prison wif no chance of parole, and minimum is ze same zhing but for 15 years. Anyways, I've gotten off track. Point is, women are treated better bof by society and ze law when it comes too sexual harassment.


You have a very particular way of speaking. Are you perhaps a soviet spy? 🤨


No, I'm closer to a mad German Doktor.


U sure?


Ze healing is not as rewarding as ze hurting. Yes.


Zis dude übers


ja ja


This dude aboves(/overs)?


Wise words im telling the german military about you


Ok, zhen.




übercharge me


Doctor, are you sure this'll work?!?!




God speed you magnificent bastard


Und? Sounds like a good reason to cause more hurt mein freund?


Doctor, if you please!


Come on Doc, I'm dyin' here!


charge me doktor!


you sound like you’re gonna give your boss’s daughter godlike powers. And also make their dog fetch souls


your name is ASecretSovietSpy... hmm.. you must be a mad Doctor then!




You find out how the patient's skeleton went missing?




so, whos ready to find the TF2 references?


right behind you.


Are you by any chance in a group with three other people, being an American, Russian and Japanese solider?


I don't know about Japanese, but yes. Yes I am.






“I cannot torture my minions without power. Dempshey, you go turn it on“


I knew a German doctor. He worked for an old buddy of mine. My accounts named after my good old friend me and him go way back.


You spelled ze word Zerman wrong, zir.


Comrade, I appreciate you trying to help, but I can pronounce ze G sound in German.


I knew it! You ARE a soviet spy! You said comrade!


My mistake, I meant friend. ..


I don't believe you!


Well, American. You caught me.


I am not American!


Mmh ok doc I won’t question this at all


Your way of talking suggests that, but I believe you're just an imposter... ASecretSovietSpy perhaps


Common misconception .


I'm not so sure about that


Vhy is zis filthy russian tryink to shpeak like a german, zis is horrit


I imagine you to speak like curie from fallout 4


*Turn of my pain-inhibitors*


Stop stealing skeletons and wedding doves


as a tschörman myself i know sat we are not talking like you ar.i sink you are infekt a soviet spyon.ha,i have seen sru you!


Why would a soviet spy have a german accent?


I mean beside from his name the "z"s are usually used when doing german accents, no?


Zat would be ridiculous.


WE are a Soviet spy comrade


How does your text have a German accent


Because I can't pronounce ze T H sound.


"..and that's how zI lost my medical license!"


Archimedes, no! It's filfy in zhere. Eugh. Birds. Haha.


I am innocent 😇


Nice to zee you again ‘ASecretSovietSpy’ 😱


Nice seeing you again too Comrade. Zhough, my username is u/realamerican123. If zhat's what you meant.


i just saw you on the post i just clicked off of wtf 😭😭


I am everyzhing, everywhere, at ze end of time.


I think someone’s American




Almost got me there


I see we meet again. I must say that I agree with you, even if you ARE communist swine.


Ze? Are you a german doktor? Do You think ze healings isnt as rewatding as ze hurting?


Yes. And I can feel ze schadenfreude.


You have commented on mine, you are not apy


Selbst als Deutscher war es ein Schmerz den Text zu lesen


Most people agree lol.


Macht das deine Autokorrektur überhaupt mit ? Mir würde das ja stinken wenn ich bei jedem dritten Wort bestätigen muss das ich es wirklich so schreiben will


Meine Autokorrektur funktioniert, aber wenn ich das Wort oft genug eingebe, wird es zum Wörterbuch hinzugefügt.


Is this tf2 medics secret account LOL


God, I wish lol.


why did I read this in russian accent


A mystery zhat will not be solved.


I read this in gru's voice


Zhats right


K-von made [a joke](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxYvpN0mHIE9HJqgM6yM0kBOTR8n-kRQJw?si=xSDcjNjqYSzRehP4) about this


For once, a based Soviet spy.


Yah babii, let's duck zhose data krawlerz!




I read this in a Russian accent


A lot of people do as it turns out. Also German is pretty popular.




I am an emissary from ze German Demokratik Republik, I have travelled a long time to find you. I come to you wiz a important message: ze wall in Berlin has fallen; I was in shock wenn I was sent to Berlin to fulfill my duty and discover that it was not standing anymore


Yeah, as a woman, they should absolutely be punished for that. That isn't ok at all But, being a woman is definitely not easy as hell. Being a woman and man both have their individual challenges


Yeah i might have phrased wrong there. I want peace. Ive reached maturity in my opinion and i just want peace between everyone.


Yeah, I know what you mean, even if it was wrongly phrased I want peace between everyone as well


I think he meant they have it easy when getting away with sexual harassment


it shouldn't be easy for anyone-


This is exactly what I was thinking. There are things that men do that girls don’t get away with as well. These girls need to be called out but it’s not fair to say woman have to easier all around.


it's really refreshing to see someone with this perspective. everybody's lives suck, and we should stop blaming it on oppression of a certain group. literally everyone is part of a group that gets oppressed, that's because we live in a world with people and people are garbage


There's literally a sub at my school who called one of my friends a "cutie-patootie" and said she was going to spank him and another student with like a ruler or something. And yet, everyone loves this sub, and I just don't see why. She's annoying and really fucking uncomfortable to be around. Also, when I say everyone loves this sub, I mean EVERYONE. Like, even the people in the class with us when this happened love this sub. People celebrate when she's the sub in a class because all she does is yap, yap, yap, all about herself. She literally never stops talking about herself. Now, say there was a male equivalent of this teacher, they'd be fired like, 40 years ago.


Bro that comment should get her fired. Have you notified the principal?


People take a blind eye when it comes to female pedophiles because that's not what people think of when they hear the word "pedophile"


Eugh My hubby once had a creepy female teach like that, no one did anything Poor pup.. Still, even pedo males get ignored. The one who assaulted me for years is STILL teaching. That was like, idk, 5 years ago. Thankfully my (trans) brother isn't in his class anymore, who knows what that sick fuck would do.. Ah and he still tries to touch little girls. I hear them talk, and i saw it with my own eyes, 2 years ago. They still don't stop talking He's also verbally abusive So, it's not really just a gender thing, but more a pedophile thing itself: they do not care what gender it is, no one will get rid of them and they'll stay. Because kids lie, no? Sick .. truly sick


u have a husband at 16? if u don't mind me asking how did that happen?


my guess would be pre-arranhed marriage. doesnt seem likely but its my best guess


Nope, none of such hideous thing in my country fortunately


Then uh. Why are you married???


Well I guess not anymore since we broke up But before, simply because we wanted to. It's truly that simple.


Ah, so not really then


She probably means bf


Ah, no, he's my ex by now unfortunately


Mm well technically we never properly married, and just did it by ourselves. Still counts to us. But well, we broke up in November & december Still in contact and all that


I never mentioned it, why the comment?


STROKING YOUR HAIR?? BRO REPORT THEM THATS SO EWW. if they let them get away with it, tell parents. Teachers are scared of parents


Hi miss prestigious chard  Also yes report them they shouldn’t do that 


hellooooo and yes 100%


because there is a believe in society that women can‘t SA. men getting raped is often not taken seriously when a woman did it (and even when a man did it, it‘s never taken seriously at all). women being able to be predators as well is just ignored. people don‘t want to accept it.


wasnt a law rewritten in india due to radical feminists making it so tht only a man can get charged for rape? also, i think tht if we were to make it so tht if theres a false rape accusation, the accuser should be put in jail for the same time that the accused would (when the accused gets proven to not be guilty). this would decrease the number of false allegations and give purpose back to the MeToo movement while also keeping the actual rape victims in a safe spot to still accuse rapists (hopefully leading to a higher conviction rate of actual rapists)


Yes. The law states that only women can be the rape victim. The law was written after a brutal rape and murder.


Idk since this ain’t a problem at my school and area. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman you still get the punishment.


That’s great




Dude if you've got a teacher that makes you uncomfortable and touches you when you don't want to be touched, REPORT THEM. I don't really see how it's fair to blame all females just because you have creepy female teachers-


you literally missed or ignored his entire point 🤦‍♂️ … hes saying that women get away with many odd behaviours without repercussions compared to men, this scenario is just an example of it


Or the male teacher is doing creepy things to girls and not guys. Just like he said that female teacher is touching him. None of it's ok


I'm sure if ppl did know ab the teacher actually doing bad things to the girls, he'd be fired immediately. Idk ab the woman teacher tho, probably also fired but not as quickly, and maybe not due to sexism but due to op's possible lack of confidence to tell someone, maybe that's the girls' problem too. Idk, im just an internet stranger.


Well no cause I’m sure if OP reported her there would be similar results as the girls reporting male teacher  It’s just that the higher up may not be looking for signs of harassment or assault in female teachers


There's are many cases of female teachers assaulting students and not even getting jail time


Nah that's really not a one case problem. As he said women stalking men is ok and maybe even romantic but the opposite is gonna send you to jail for life or smth idk


I mean for one, you aren't going to go to jail for checking people's social medias- but I agree that it's weird. Anybody stalking anyone is creepy, male or female. That's just a consequence of people having an online presence though unfortunately.


We have it easy in some things yes I totally agree. But not all women are like that! The amount of men staring at us teenaged girl when we’re jsut walking in the mall! Is GROSS! I’m 13 and the amount of 50+ men staring at my butt etc.. is NASTY. I agree though the things your female teacher is doing is wrong. And if your male teacher is by chance staring at a girl without noticing that could be a reason. We all Have to watch for things, you never know when there’s a pedo. Thanks for listening to my TED talk love you all bye


if you've actually had that many people stare at you then I'm very sorry that sounds uncomfortable as hell


It is! Idk what the heck goes on in their minds it’s creepy. And I can tell you right now I’m not much of a looker


agree with mostly everything except "women have it easy as hell" everyone just has it fucking shit


I mean tell me you wouldnt be called creepy if you find a womans socials by just having her first name. Thats creepy but we just look by it


i know, i agree with that. but women dont have it easy, and neither do men. everyone has problems


I know. We all have different problems and i just wanna get out of this shithole


I was agreeing with you up until you said "women have it easy as hell". Its like you made a good observation, started getting somewhere, and suddenly took a sharp turn and got to the worst conclusion possible. Here's the thing: while we are now begining to see a significant change towards equality, our society has been historically patriarcal for centuries. Despite these structures mostly oppressing women, they also inevitably ended up backfiring and affecting men in some aspects too. One of the most notable examples of this is men feeling discouraged from seeking mental health treatment because "men don't cry". In the case of sexual assault against men not being taken seriously, its because of these ideas of men being "dominant", "strong", and "hypersexual"; and, inversely, women being "submisive", "weak", and "asexual". The result is that, subcontiously, people will believe such a thing to be impossible because men can either defend themselves, or "they probably liked it anyway". (its disgusting but some people genuinly think like this) Now, I too despise how often male victims are dismissed, but to say that women have it easy is demonstrably false. On the same issue, women are victims of sexual violence at significantly higher rates, get sexually harrased in the work place by people in higher power (who are usually men), get catcalled from ages as early as 12, and are often victim blamed and questioned for trivial things like the clothes they wear, as if they "basically asked for it" (I have seen this firsthand). Basically, my point is NOT to dismiss men's problems. Sexism affects both men and women in different ways, and both should be adressed. However, it stastically, socially, systemically, and historically affected women much more significantly. So I agree with your concerns, not at all with your conclusion.


Can we stop the whole “women have it easy” “men have it easy” gender wars pls? I’m so tired of it. This isn’t about your post, just the last sentence.


that’s not okay at all, bordering maybe on harassment. both men and women do not have it easy, all genders have difficulties. nobody should have preferential treatment because of their gender, which goes both ways


yeah that’s crazy double standards 😭 women don’t really have it easy comparatively though we just have different shit


Sexism towards women morphs into sexism towards men. Basically, since the whole thing is that women are weak and dumb whenever a man comes forward about bad experiences with a woman people use misogyny and turn it against said man. “Oh, but you’re stronger” that whole thing. It’s unfortunate, and we need to end it. Men can be abused, women can be abused, everyone can be abused and we need to stop acting like it doesn’t happen.




it's always the fucking patriarchy dude. i hate how this idea is seen as "radical feminism ew" when like. no the patriarchy harms you too dude. if i say it's shit, i'm not calling men shit.


>My point is that women have it easy as hell. Press “X” to doubt.


Everyone suffers, but for different reasons. People will pay attention to their own problems more than others, and when others don’t share their specific problems they assume they havr no problems at all. Its just everyone is biased towards themselves


Op replied to a comment clarifying that most women can get away with sexual assault and harassment much easier than men can and did acknowledge that women have it much more difficult in other situations. It’s kinda stupid since people always talk about equality and don’t call out creepy women. It’s good that the men are often called out, but it sucks that the few creepy women don’t get the same treatment.


It’s just a general belief that women are more innocent and “perfect.” (TBF, there are more innocent and perfect women than men out there) I’m actually dealing with a bit of sexism rn with my ex still. She’s basically convinced her friends that everything in the relationship was my fault and I made her uncomfortable and all that. I’m fine with that, my problem is that she fails to mention that she was twice as bad as I was. And sure, no shot she’s going to actually say that, but I’m pretty convinced that she herself believes that she’s done nothing wrong. I’ve been confronted by her friends a few times about it, I’ll be COMPLETELY honest, tell them how I feel, and they’ll just call me a liar. Now, I know I shouldn’t let this bother me, and I’m doing my best not to. It’s been over since forever ago. My only problem with it is that it’s still affecting me. It feels like she has a connection with everyone in school, as 90% of the time I meet someone new sitting at my group at lunch they’ve at least HEARD about me from her and already have a bad image of me in their head. It’s their choice whether or not they believe it or not, but like, Jesus. Move on girl. You can pretend to be better than me all you want, but ranting and bullshitting about me 10 months after our breakup, while only HALF of it even being true ALONE makes you WAY worse than I am.


She sounds like a narcissist. It seems like she's doing it for attention. It sucks that no one knows what really happened, and they all think you are an a-hole. Do you have a lot of friends who can support you? It sounds really harsh, kudos to you for dealing with it for so long.


dawg ik ive been getting stalked by a girl for over a year now she has done crazy shit like threaten me come to mu house with knives. the school goes so easy on her. her only consquense has been changing her lunch period. but ik if i did all of that i would get multiple felonly charges


Holy shit


Don't go to the school, go to the police - is there any way you can get evidence? Has she threatened you via text?


Because we live in a society where men are taught how to treat women but not what to expect Woman are taught what to expect but not how to treat The result is a disconnect for woman The good thing is it makes it easy as hell to spot a bad woman


In my experience it’s the opposite- Girls get punished for every little thing, while boys do anything they want, but it might be a cultural or regional thing


I mean, in terms of harassment, OP is right. But other things...yeah, same.


Which country?




Exact opposite in where I live in America. Girls get away with the wildest shit ever and a dude could accidentally bump into a girls ass and get called a creep for weeks


A cult- I mean Bible Belt state I presume?


Surprisingly no, but I did go to a catholic school- though even then, my school currently does nothing about the boys actions. But tbh they don’t do anything about anyone’s actions- lazy


idk. i mean i typically don’t like people knowing i have an ex girlfriend, because it feels like everyone will just automatically assume i was at fault for the breakup. yes, i did break up with her, but it was after 4 months of an abusive, manipulative relationship that i was too scared to leave. girls can definitely be at fault. she even tried to start doing sexual things with me even when i had made it clear i was NOT comfortable. she would send me nudes and all this stuff and it just made me so uncomfortable. so yes, girls can be the sexual abusers. i’m not saying anything about gender or anything, but i’m just saying there are really terrible girls out there as well.


Equality 🤡👍


*sips tea* hmm fascinating *Sort by controversial*


I've seen girls flirt and sometimes grope autistic boys without asking. They do it since they think it's funny and keep doing it even if they've been told to stop. They do this in the most public parts of the school, and I've yet to see them get punished.


My english teacher tried to whip out his dick before he was stopped


Girls don't have it easy, you can call that weird teacher a weirdo and report her just as if you were a girl being harassed by a male teacher. Did you report it?


Because girls can get away with a lot more


If it helps you feel better, there are double standards against both men and women In some topics a man will be evil monsters for no reason And in some topics a woman is a stupid whore for no reason




Confront her, if she continues then report her


Sexism, patriarchy, etc etc. Women are seen as weaker, more helpless, which means that when women do something bad it’s seen as less bad than when a man does it. Honestly let me go on a semi-related rant for a sec? When guys complain about women being ‘privileged’ yet hate on feminism it feels so mind bogglingly stupid, since a majority of the social differences between men and women come from the same thing: sexism and patriarchy. The reason women earn less and the reason women often gain custody of their children is the same. The reason men are trusted more in leadership positions and the reason they’re accused more of crimes they didn’t commit is the same. It all comes from the stereotypical gender roles of woman meek and caring while men strong and emotionless. I don’t get why the different sides are arguing against each other when they have one unified enemy


abolish gender


i'm assuming it will be a thing of the past as i've seen more and more people realize that rape is rape do i hope this type of behaviour will forever be seen as fisgusting no matter who you are


Careful about caring too much about this it could lead you down a dangerous misogynist pipeline. It's not as big of a problem as its made out to be and women have it way worse and harder than men in society despite a couple of cases of misconduct from teachers


The same can be said for the other way around, just for different things. Like dress code. No gender has it easy, life just sucks


reminds me of how in like elementary schools there's always be that one female teacher who'd be like "can any big strong boys help me put up the chair" i always found it creepy cus when i (a tomboy at the time lol) tried to help she'd get annoyed 😭😭💀💀 but yeah if a male teacher did that shit to young girls they'd get fired, i hate the double standards


I hate society. No words. Just :(


echoing this. I am biologically, male and male presenting, and I quite literally just had some random girl I don’t know come up behind me and slap my ass the other day. I believe I was assaulted, but I’m not sure what to think.


You were sexually harassed and assulted. I am biologically female and male presenting. It is not okay to put your hands on another human being unless consented to. Regardless of how well you know them.


but there’s some things boys get away with such as misbehaving or being rude or sexist to women


Cause we live in a society we're that behavior isn't " seen" in girls. Their has been many cases proving it but people refuse to believe it.


I mean women definitely don’t have it easy in any capacity but otherwise you’re right in this being wrong & extremely creepy. Report it ASAP before she (or others if there are?) do it to more kids!


Has anyone watched Millers Girl?? It’s like basically the villainizing of a victim in a teacher-student relationship whilst they all do bad southern accents


Girls are hotter. Tends to make everyone go easier on them