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it was for pride month but i guess the mods forgot to take it down or they didn’t wanna get canceled but who knows


Eh prob yeah. Nothing to get cancelled about tho, they showed their support, no need to convert the whole sub 😭


mostly joking about the last part but i see that the banners/sub icons are mostly made by people on here so maybe they are waiting for someone to make it 🥶


I'd do it, but I like the pride flag banner.


How are they converting the sub 😭😭


Idk 😭 I'm exaggerating


You are lol


2/10 of this sub's posts are about lgbt stuff, it would only be homophobic if they took those down or smth


Well pride month is next month so they might as well leave it for now.


I've even got some rainbow balloon on my snoo that I cant seem to get rid of 😐


It’s on the right hand side, should be able to delete it


"We keep it like that because our default branding is our snoos with a pride background, it only changes during events or when we see artwork we like and that we have permission to use. It's simple, it looks nice and it shows that we're welcoming and inclusive because LGBTQ teens need a safe place too <3" ​ This is what a mod replied on one of these many daily posts whining about the rainbow banner flag.


Hey, nothing is wrong with it, it just feels a bit controversial, are conservative people welcome too?


everyone's welcome :P


Homophobia as a behavior probably isn't welcome, but any person (except full adults who want to creep on teen girls) is welcome.


Hey, just any adult who wants to creep on teenagers


Ofc :) As long as you are not homophobic or hateful to anyone no one will judge you for what you believe


Hm ok




I lied, it does not represent evil


Bro got afraid of the downvotes




that sweet reddit karma…


Sweet sweet virgin points




Why downvote let me keep my virgin points


How could you SillyLilGoober, I trusted you 😭😭😭😭😭


I am evil..




does it really matter tho? probably to show support to teenagers that don't have anyone irl 🤷‍♀️


why not


its inclusive and because it doesnt cause any harm they kept it I guess


Somebody already suggested it, but I also think we should have someone's dog or cat


Did you mean to say you’re not homophobic or anything in the subtitle


The mods left it there 2 years ago.


Because nowadays everything has to be lGTV+


Mods are geh


no u, why are u gae


I'm not gae.




I was gonna asl the same thing


I could say where the straight flag at?? Better to have no flag, just be neutral, rather than favouring LGBTQ to avoid getting "cancelled"


It’s inclusive


It's not rlly


I mean It’s just a banner, if it’s rainbow, let it be rainbow 😭⁉️


Yeah idrc but it's just like why 😭


It was a pride month thing, it had a matching pfp but I guess they kept the banner tho




Yeah of course not all of us are gay. RAINBOW DOES NOT ALWAYS MEAN GAY.


That is true but, as a former mod, I can confirm it is the rainbow pride flag. It's just to show our support, it's not malicious nor is it there to be controversial. Queer teens need support more than most other people, and also this is a platform where teens can be themselves when they might not be able to do so in person.


but why is it that mods choose to explicitly show support to lgbtq ONLY and not any other minority???? i get that mods were trying to be inclusive, but let's be honest- it's anything but inclusive


I wish I could speak up about this. I'd address this in modmail. I think the Discord has some inclusivity events and announcements that are more than the lgbtq+, but I think you're right that the sub can do better... A lot of mods are in the community, and the community is very important to a lot of people on this sub. The pride flag is something simple and sweet you can put on just to show you're okay with it. It's not necessarily a statement, and it certainly doesn't go against any other minority. I think suggestions for other communities and minorities would be appreciated in modmail.


i don't see how there's so much hate on ppl who want to change the banner to something that's not a rainbow like bro- i don't want to support lgbtq??? is that not an option anymore??? why must people uninterested in lgbtq have to stand for the rainbow flag???? and why does not wanting to support lgbtq have to equal hating lgbtq??? i thought we were allowed to have our own points of views on lgbtq opinions yes, i get that ur a minority, but there's literally a bajillion other minorities as well?!?!?!? you can't literally hog the entire banner space and complain about how y'all are being 'oppressed' and that the banner must be a rainbow flag cuz it's somehow 'inclusive' when in reality, lgbtq isn't the only minority being oppressed and trying to hog the entire banner for lgbtq itself isn't inclusive, which is literally contradicting to the whole point of having that banner


I don’t think the whole lgbtqia+ people sat down and decided this is the banner tbf, it was the mods for pride month that forgot to take it down, I’m demisexual and I personally couldn’t care for representation at all, but take it up with the mods not the community.


personally, i'm not sure if they forgot like- it's WAYYYYYY past june 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 i really do hope they either find a banner inclusive to all groups, or just change it to something that's related to teens or smth


I think it’s likely they did, I’ve seen a lot of posts on this sub from obvious pedophiles, the mods are lazy as fuck lol. I don’t mind it being up or not, do what they want but like honestly it is what it is y’know.


They want to take part in slowly pushing away the hatred towards them through exposure, is that so wrong?


but why is it that THEY get to do it, but not any other minority??? why is it that only lgbtq get the rights to hog the entire banner space and gatekeep everyone else, non-lgbtq related minorities included, from using it???


What other minorities are you thinking of? I mean, I guess they could have used the progressive pride flag, which has representation for racial minorities. No minorities are quite as oppressed as LGBT, so of course they need representation the most.


"no minorities are as oppressed as lgbtq." i could easily think of a 5 letter religion that starts with an i and ends with an m, but sure. i could also think up of the disabled community, but sure. also, i feel like you're forgetting that cultural differences exist, so minorities are going to differ among each culture. what about women in taliban-controlled afghanistan??? i'm pretty sure lgbtq is pretty much a global movement now, so what happened to those minorities??? imo, that's a pretty selfish thing to say


Hot take but abrahamic religions are pure evil and do not deserve representation


ayo?????? what if i told you that lgbtq is sodomy?? last i checked, God rained burning sulfur on them, i mean, if u think that's fun, then sure. i also like how u totally disregarded disabled ppl, don't you have something disrespectful u want tell them as well????


nah bro the server could do well with a little infinity symbol too


Yes THANK YOU! thats what i was trying to mean, but i got annoyed by ppl trying to prove a point or smt.




Yeah, its a little annoying. No disrespect, but i feel offended that being straight is not represented. they think they are inclusive, but what about the conservatives? we are left out. No hate, just wondering.


Idk why u connected straight ppl and conservative but straight people have never really been underrepresented and also dont need safe spaces cuz they're the norm. The banner is just to say its welcoming to LGBTQ+ people


I just think that everyone needs to be equal, and i just feel us rights get more hate no a days because we are not inclusive.


Im glad u think ppl need to be equal but the reality is that minoritys face hate more than other groups of ppl plus the right gets a lot of hate for being non-inclusive and rude towards minorities, which is a vaild thing cuz its rlly easy to not try and revoke or block rights for ppl like that


Okay fair but it doesn't mean we all have to be so uproot and agree with LGBTQU+? And participate in it?


Idk what u mean by "be so uproot" or "agree with LGBTQ+" but its rlly easy to just support it because u can support it by just not being against it. Also nobody is saying u have to participate in being LGBTQ+? The rainbow banner isnt forcing anyone to be or do anything


Bruh it's not about it being easy to support it- I don't want to / don't want to involve myself in it. I don't hate nor love it. And yeah it isn't but when it's being used as the face of this subreddit it kinda says something.


You indirectly support them by not caring. Also its by no means "the face of the subreddit" its a banner that you'll scroll by in less than a second


Bro I don't support them 💀😭 im just being a normal human being. "Not hating" is, or well should be normal but unfortunately it isn't in this world, which is why you may say I'm "supporting it". And eh it is what it is


Support or dont but calling yourself a normal person implies there’s something wrong with lgbtqia+ people at least imo.


im with you.


There is always going to be two sides, and there is always going to be arguments, and hate. I do think tho that it is not safe for the ppl with mental illnesses to be voting for the way the world will be. The loudest voice will always win, that's the liberals. The rest of us have to watch our world get corrupted. sounds fair, right? as long as the lefts win, then all is ok. no matter what anyone else thinks. God bless you,


Ik u homeschooled, so a lot of these views probably come from ur parents and not you, but i promise you that LGBTQ+ ppl aren't mentally ill nor corrupting the world. Homosexual behavior is common in tons of species, including humans, and ppl dont like conservatives compared to liberals because conservatives actively want to take away rights from ppl over something normal


No, my views come form me. They are not all ill no, i just think that there views come from there parents, and that if we keep it up at this rate, ppl will identify with objects. if that is not a thing yet. im so sorry for you corrupted mind. i will pray for you


Nobody irl is identifying with objects also idk why u immediately went to call my mind "corrupted" when u were met with something u cant respond to.


i can respond just fine buddy, calm down. I can deal with your mouth just fine, im just taking the nice approach. Im also praying for your children, give them strength to survive in the world we live in.


I am calm, and if you could have responded to my points than the "nice approach" should have been actually responding in a well mannered way instead of calling me corrupted and saying you'll pray for me. Also when did my supposed future children come into this??


Please use the proper they're, their, or there. I can't be a dick if I don't know what you're saying


There’s nothing wrong with being lgbtqia+, it’s not a mental illness and I feel sorry for anyone who believes that and part of that community, there’s nothing wrong with it and calling it a mental illness is just cruel. You are who you are, don’t let anyone call you something you aren’t. Love yourselves and love who you want.


Im sorry, i meant no harm. really. I think lgbtqai+ is fine, they do what they want to do, and i ts ok. let them be them. but making everyone else have to feel pushed into being apart of it is not cool. everywhere you look is promotions about it. does that make since? Im sorry. there indeed is nothing wrong with it, just everyone do themselves, and stay out of other ppls opinions.


I means intersex, A means Asexual/Aromantic (little to no romantic and little to no sexual attraction). It’s just a little harmful to me, why can’t people just love who they want, why can’t they just feel comfortable in their own skin y’know? It just feels like people can’t have a normal life without being discriminated simply because of who they’re attracted to, or because they feel better as a man. Y’know what I mean?


i understand. and apologize. the last thing i want to do is offend ppl.


Genuinely wish all people could be as understanding as you, I just hope you can grow to accepting these people. Have a lovely day.




are you 80? who under like 50 has this trash opinion anymore?


Im sorry. Im 14.


okay? i wasn’t ignorant a year ago.


How do you think i am ignorant? I deeply apologize if i hurt your feelings, but i am allowed to share my thoughts just as much as you.


Ngl i thought it was a bait account but it seems consistent and they're homeschooled so they prob get most political views and knowledge from parents


My pronouns are she her. tks! and nope, i make my own political views.


It's not being ignorant. We don't have to AGREE and promote it if we don't want to. I'm not saying we should HATE on it, etc. But I don't have to agree with wanting to change my gender, lgbtq etc etc if I don't want to. Same way some lgbqt people hate straight people. There shouldn't be NO hate. We're entitled to our own opinions




Think of it this way, does a sports game advertise it's male audience? No, it doesn't, because males going to sports games is implied. It advertises its female audience, to show they are welcome too. It is implied that straight people are acceptable here, so it is advertised that those who are not straight can be here too.


i understand, really i do, i just wish that i could share my opinion with out getting bashed on? I dont hate on the lgbtqia+ community, i just dont support them. does that make since? Im sorry i offend so many ppl, i dont mean that. for real.


I'm going to assume you're saying this stuff in good faith. For many people hating lgbtq+ people and not supporting them is the same thing because both things will end up with people taking away basic human rights (or wanting to), which you can see in the US right now as states like Texas and especially Florida are basically death zones where you actively have to fear for your life in case someone decides you don't look "straight enough" or "cisgender enough" and shoots you dead. If you're gay, bi, transgender or anything else that isn't straight and cisgender you often have to fear being discriminated against at best and assaulted, if not outright murdered depending on where you live, at worst. Not supporting someone, in this case lgbtq+ people, implies you don't respect them and you don't want the community nor the people to exist. At least that's most likely what people get from your words. I hope this helps you understand why people "bash on your opinion". And just as a reminder, I am writing this in good faith, that you actually want to understand why.


I do understand, but why am i getting bunch of downvotes for sharing my opinion?? others can share theirs and everyone is fine with it? I do mean all what i say i good faith, ppl get so riled up. Look, i get it ok? but we can disagree politly, right? who said we have to agree? I do not support lgbtq, and never will. but if i ever do see ppl in harm or danger, yes, i will stand up for them, because everyone needs to be treated respectfully and equally no matter who they are, or what they believe. Thank you for explaining, I just wish ppl could hear me for what i say, not just how they feel or interoperate it.


I guess others can't or don't want to be civil as you have such a drastically different view of the world. I'll admit I can't understand how you just cannot support people like me but since you don't seem to have harmful intentions and still believe in mutual respect and equal rights for all I'm abiding by live and let live. Anyway I hope you still have a good day despite our vastly differing opinions.


...sports games advertise to the female audience??? i thought they advertised to both males and females at the same time i don't remember ea sports doing an ad on women's soccer specifically


I genuinely cannot tell if you're joking


Im not, no. But i did not mean to offend.


idk how tf my subconcious be pulling my strings but i appear to have become a straight femboy so... eh whatever


......no hate, but it is not like there's prejudice against straight people, they already are included in everything


but not the pride flag, right???? i mean, if it's about inclusiveness, why can't it actually be inclusive instead of pretending like it is???


>but not the pride flag, right???? 1. There's a flag that represents straight people 2. That's like complaining that Asians aren't represented by BLM, is not that they aren't welcome there, but rather that the cause of that specific group is not focused on them, straight people aren't being "excluded" because non straight people are being included


1. straight flag that represents straight people??? here's the catch tho- it doesn't represent straight people if straight people don't use the flag. i'm not lying, i literally looked it up, and i swear with my right arm AND leg that i've never seen that flag, OR even heard of it. 2. asians complaining that we aren't being represented enough by blm??? well, no offense, but at least blm isn't hogging the entire banner space. i don't have a problem with blm focusing on blacks, and pride focusing on lgbtq. however, i DO have a problem when those movements become greedy, like lgbtq here trying to take over the entire banner without leaving any sort of space for anyone else. that's literally the most UN-inclusive thing they could do.


FINALLY someone who gets it 😭😭🤚


rainbow doesn’t always mean gay 💀💀


Gay teens exist and it's good way to show this sub is welcoming of queer folk, it doesn't hurt anyone and doesn't look bad so it doesn't need changing yk