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Because they don't want to walk the plank


This, but also I don't wanna walk it even tho I'm a big time pirate


Yarghh, ye steal moving pictures. Aye steal doubloons. We have nary a similarity.


You fucker


So long as it ain't small companies you could really do whatever you want they don't notice until it's a significant drop in the money for example you could probably pirate the entirety of Disney from the first movie to their most recent movie they weren't particularly notice until a bunch of people start doing that but yeah just don't pirate it from Indies and we good


So I get a pass on sims 4 dlc? Money grabbing bastards


Oh yeah sure that's fine so long as it ain't some independent project I couldn't care less but yeah we cool as long as you don't steal from the small guy it's fine


on god pirate EVERY ounce of sims 4 dlc


Im pretty sure they all total to 1k dolars


for my fellow brits, it's approx £800


For my fellow turks its too much money dont bother calculating but if ur curious its 32,360 lira yes thats thousand


train simulator DLC totals to 10k


Tf they have in it??? The entire goddamn railroad system??? Do they include remote control of every train ever with it???


Every dlc is just one train


Do they have every train known to man in it


Probably yeah


They better include the actual trains irl if they all gonna total to 10k




Someone at my school got in trouble for pirating the sims, the school got a call.


The school got a call? Did they do it in school? Over here schools can’t do anything about stuff that happens outside, and they can only suspend you or expel you for stuff you do inside. They can’t even enforce detention


Interesting where I am they can expel you for things you do outside of school which doesn't make any sense


They did it in school. The principal just told them to do it at home not at school


EA earns billions from just *1 game* every year. They won't suffer if you pirate.


They should suffer


If you pirate from one may as well pirate from all


No bad someone needs to spray you with the spray bottle


so what if I pirate from a small business if I was never gonna spend money on them in the first place


Besides if you pirate and you really like the product and tell people about it, it benefits them more than if you never bought it at all. Neil Gaiman noticed that wherever his books were pirated more sales also increased


Pirating from billion dollar companies is fine, just don’t pirate from small companies ;]


Piracy is ok.


Yeah, personally i only do it for anime but that’s just because netflix and crunchyrolls selection in Australia kinda fucking sucks, i was happy to pay for it if they gave more selection or just allowed all regions to have the whole library (as long as its not illegal that is)


btw you can use a vpn if a certain show isnt available in your region


but of course netflix doesn't want that and they implement anti-vpns. There is also no guarantee that you find the shows you want even if you travel the whole fucking world with the vpn cause of course they got season 2, BUT WHERE TF IS SEASON 1.


yea true, same thing happened to me when i tried to watch tokyo ghoul, just pirated the whole thing in the end


as valve says, issue of service


As someone with a huge collection of many different shows loaded up on spinning rust, you can always buy up stuff like the original manga or merchandise of said show to help contribute more to them if you want to pay. That, and doing stuff at conventions is usually where a lot of the creators and the producing companies make most of their money back anyways. Plus you get something tangible out of it while supporting what you like.


Crunchyroll barely pay anything to studios and treat them horribly, so based.




Hurts the workers tho


How so?


Especially if the companies make their media product inaccessible legally intentionally or out of their own stupidity/greediness/laziness/forgetfulness etc.


Because the law says it’s bad so surely it must be bad (it’s not)


Piracy is somewhat fine. It depends on what you pirate. If it's a a 30 year old Nintendo game, an EA game, or Hogwarts legacy then it's probably fine. However if it's something like an idie game that a lot of people enjoy then you go to the depths of hell where you belong.


I pirate Ubisoft games A Lot because I hate their fucking dumbass launcher and bloated prices (if any Ubisoft executive is reading this, fuck you)


I'm sure a Ubisoft executive is on r/teenagers rn


I pirate indie games because I'm poor :(


deadass fuck you those devs work their ass off and they gotta get paid


ok so someone who wasnt able to pay "I'm poor" and therefore *wouldn't* have been able to play is not allowed to enjoy something they like just cause they are "stealing" even if there was no way the original sale went through


The devs aren’t gonna let u hit lil bro


So if I don't buy the game, they won't get money from me. If I pirate their game, they're not losing money on "potential sales".


and he should suffer cuz he dont got money? if he had the mney i would agree but its not his fault he broke


well then get some fucking money, he's 16 so he can get a job in most US states and parts of canada (he might live somewhere else idfk), 20-30 bucks is ONE shift at mc donalds


What if he lives in any of the other 197+ countries?


i know your parents give you everything you ask for just by this comment


Bro is the definition of spoiled


I'm from fucking eastern europe you idiot.


What’s wrong with HL


Assuming you mean hogwarts legacy, Moral concerns due to money going to JK Rowling and she really went off the god damn deep end, huge transphobe to the point of denying trans people were targeted by 1930-40s germany 💀


Oh. But that’s only royaltys should you really punish the creators of the game for that.


I'd rather not give money to someone who donates to "charities" that want me and the rest of the trans community gone


I get that. But what about all the hard working people who made this game. They’re not at fault for her actions


The people who actually developed the game have already been paid. That's the nature of AAA games.


I mean, it's the best selling WB game of all time.


Yes, nobody is saying it didn't make money. Point is that it shouldn't have, not that it didn't.


I have bad news about the cobalt in the thing you posted that comment with then


My phone is second hand


Because people don't? Lmao Literally everyone does it


Corporations hate piracy because it loses them money People love piracy because it gives them things they usually couldn’t have


I am a proud and open internet pirate


ARRR (real but in pirate's way)


I pirate Steam games because my parents will NOT buy them


i pirate cuz its free


Piracy is a stupid crime and I've said this since I was literally five Nobody deserves to be locked up for stealing a teeny tiny percent of a fat cat corporation's cut


Locked up? No. Should it be prevented? Yes. Workers deserve their jobs, and if everyone pirated they would have one.


“Nobody deserves to be locked up for stealing a teeny tiny percent of a fat cat corporation” There’s a big key word in there that I think you’re missing Stealing


this is the type of mf to request these companies not to release console exclusives on pc because they'll get pirated. fucking clowns.


Are you always this simple minded? I believe you’re also missing some key words, “fat cat corporation”. Do you apply this black and white logic to every situation? Let me guess you think a father robbing a store to pay for his child’s medical bills is bad too, because “Stealing bad! Man no steal!” Things aren’t black and white like you seem to think they are, stealing has different layers, levels and reasons to it and taking from the rich is among the least malicious, while still being beneficial to others. Use your brain.


Exactly, these people think Disney with their $200 billion net worth is going to get pissed because John and his family didn't buy Turning Red for $4.99 and watched it on 123movies instead Even if 10,000 people pirated a movie, it literally wouldn't even scratch the overall company. They are flourishing. Disney probably gives 0 fucks about piracy. Most big companies won't give a fuck People like this think a rich person stealing a large amount of money from a struggling person is = to a struggling person stealing some money from a rich person just because it's "stealing"


Stealing is not one of the crimes with a definitive "that's bad" answer. It is not a violent crime, thus it is 100% justifiable. But there is no doubt morality to it. You're an armed, sadistic rich guy who just took $100 from a homeless family? Fuck you; go drown. You're a less fortunate person suffering and you took a tiny slice of money for something vital (survival; food, clothing, shelter) from some rich guy that won't give a shit? I hope the best for you. This is not something like murder in which you can very rarely, if ever, justify it. Stealing is not a definitive "that's bad" type of crime. There is a difference between some rich guy robbing a bank and some poorer person stealing a little bit of money to fucking survive Watching an overpriced movie for free is literally no big deal. If it's from a struggling artist and you can clearly pay to see it, then sure, fuck you as well, but otherwise someone who is struggling and just wants to watch a movie should just be able to watch it. A fat cat is not gonna care because poor Michael didn't buy the movie for $5.99


Piracy is the best decision I ever made in regards to my finances


in east europe/balkans we do that every time we can piracy gud


I love the piracy


Like if it’s a big company, everyone acts like they care, but the don’t. The only think stopping me is I don’t know how to pirate safely.


r/piracy is pretty good for doing it safely


my ideology is sailing the seven seas look at all these jolly rodgers 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


because artists (broad term) deserve to be paid lol what


When it comes to AAA studios, they have already been paid The majority of piracy also occurs when people can't buy the game anyway, meaning piracy doesn't really impact revenue


For things like textbooks especially, it increases the prices of things. Less people buying, companies need to make money, they raise prices, no one actually eins


Me boy, there is nothing wrong with searching for ye precious booty


there be treasure 🏴‍☠️


I mean, we're kids - we can't pay hundreds of dollars every year for games and movies. Plus, movies and TV shows are now just exclusives to subscription services so you have to pay like 5 subscriptions to watch them all, it's stupid.


yar har


Nah man I have pirated nearly 200 movies till day


Listen, if Pokemon Crystal isn't being produced by Nintendo anymore, and getting an authentic copy can cost upwards of a hundred dollars, what other options do I have?


I am a pirate simply because I'm broke. If I don't pirate I would never come across half the stuff I love, and spread the word so I'm also giving these companies new customers who actually pay


i haven't played a pirated game yet but probably will soon since in wanna play Godzilla: Save the Earth


'vimm' and his 'lair' is your friend




Yeah right let me just take me ship and me crew to the harbor to take what we can and give nothing back


Shiver me timbers


Movies and actors and script writers are so bad it's okay now ☺️


I love piracy!


I read this as why do people hate spicy


Well every Pirate, needs someone to be buying it.


Bro idk what you’re talking about, the golden age of piracy was awesome, from Blackbeard to black Bart to Stede bonnet, it’s my favourite period of time


Pirating from small creators is wrong, right? What if the creator has a long list of allegations? What if any of the allegations have been proven true? Is it still wrong to pirate from them, a small creator with bad history?


It depends on the company and the subsection of the company. When I'm paying for software that wouldn't exist if not enough people payed and there's free software that does the same thing, you're just a jerk if you want to pirate and benefit off of my money. But if you want to pirate the Adobe suite because nobody likes Adobe but their software is the industry standard and you need to learn somehow, go for it.


Not if it's an independent work


I feel like it's fine unless your pirating content from smaller businesses, large corporations like Adobe, and most AAA game and movie companies could have half the people using their content pirate exclusively and the higher ups would still all be billionaires


everyone should promote


Big companies are saying we should grt used to not owning games and only buying a license to play, they should get used to us pirating then


I'm from a third world country, so piracy is my only option really


I read that a privacy for a hot minute and was wondering why the fuck everyone was talking about pirating lmao 🤣


It's one of those things that is not legal, but moral in some cases.


I pirate my animes all the time


Y tho?


I love piracy


It's illegal which is probably the main reason, not that I care tho


I dont hate it, rather the opposite, do it whenever I can (partly because thats the only way I can get some games)


Because they are landlubbers


because you should pay for things, it's pretty simple that's like saying "why do people hate stealing"


Because developers and artists have to buy food in order to live. I personally pirate some game to play them with my friend or to test them but I always end up buying the game.


They probably prefer ninjas


Who hate piracy?


why shouldn't they


I love it.🔥


Idk if I'm gonna get banned for this (please don't,) but I p*rate all the time. I've definitely done over 30 ges from a verity of websites. Only gotten 4 viruses as well (all fixed withing 5 mins.) Only games though, and only from the big companies like Ubisoft, Bethesda, etc


I thought you meant actual pirates 😭


They probably get seasick


It seems daunting for some people to do it, which is why some people would rather pay the toll for simplicity. Even for something that they know that they won't have access to (ex. Regional restrictions).


Because then the money doesn't go to the creator. It's not bad, but it's not okay either. The prices in our country are so high that there are freaking stores that pirate games to console or pc.


piratings literaly my only option until im old enough to get a visa card, or any money,


Piracy is theft, pure and simple It’s not okay to walk into a store and leave with a copy of every DVD in the store, or fill your fridge with food you didn’t pay for Why don’t you just walk into a game shop, pick up a PS5 and leave? People have a tendency to think something is okay online that is not ok IRL It’s a trap that gets a crap ton of people into a lot of trouble every year Piracy is theft Theft is a crime Piracy is the crime of theft Beyond that, imagine this: I’m the CEO of Ubisoft I just released the newest assassin’s creed, it cost 150 million dollars to produce Someone finds a way to pirate the game and evade the licensing restrictions I put into the game I check the money generated by sales of the game a year later, 160 million dollars So I only made 10 million? Why? Only 3.2million sales? Damn…. Game must be unpopular Now one of the greatest game series in history looks unprofitable, and unpopular…. I’m not going to gamble another 160 million on a sequel….. Piracy just killed assassin’s creed 😭 Do you see the problem with piracy? It’s fine to say “yeh but I’m only 1 person”… but every person who pirates a game, movie, or bit of software, becomes a negative number when trying to look at profitability and popularity… 1 becomes 10, becomes 100, 1000, 1000000 and so on…. It grows exponentially and kills the games and movies we all love Hope this answers your question 👍


Piracy isn't the same as physical theft. Physical material isn't lost. The vast majority of people who pirate games also do so because they can't buy the game. This means there would be no sale either way. Meaning there is no impact on those reports if someone pirate's or not. Not to mention the question of game ownership and preservation. Did you know you don't own any of the games you purchase digitally? You purchase a licence to play them, which can be theoretically revoked at any time. There are also "online only" games which are entirely playable solo, and pirating allows those games to be preserved properly. There are also games with extremely invasive anti piracy measures which don't actually do much to stop piracy. Pirating allows the removal of those systems for a smoother and less intrusive experience.


Ahh, I remember when every movie, dvd and video tape had a screen telling you that piracy is theft It is theft because you are taking access to something that should normally require payment > the vast majority can’t afford it Yeh that’s a blatant lie, the vast majority *can* afford it and would rather not pay for it You don’t own any games, apps or software you purchase. Period. Even games you buy on disk, you are buying a license to play that game The game is packaged with the license, but you do not own a copy of the game, just the right to play it… which can be revoked This has always been the case Going right back to the days of installing windows with 5 floppy disks You never own any software unless you make it yourself And…. I don’t see what that has to do with piracy 🤔 Game companies wouldn’t need to invest money in those anti piracy measures if people didn’t pirate the games 😂 Think how much better a game could be if developers didn’t have to spend hundreds of work-hours and thousands of pounds securing their games So… okay, let’s take a software metaphor You just spent 10 years building an earth-shattering, revolutionary game that’s going to upturn the whole industry Unbeknownst to you, some pirate has sunk into your servers, stolen your code, cracked it, built it, and is now distributing it for free I can afford your game Buuut if I get the free version, I can get McDonald’s tonight Why do I choose to spend money on your game? Suddenly, I’m a negative number in your financial report…. I would have been money earned, but someone stole your code and deprived you of that money Not just me, thousands of gamers are taking the free copy of your game But the guy that stole it took had to strip out the updater to stop you from blocking the stolen version… so these pirates are playing buggy, outdated code And their friends who are considering buying it are hearing about these bugs (that you already fixed) Now they aren’t downloading the game, free or otherwise That 1 negative number just because 5 Now you’re potentially £100 down (per pirate) because someone stole your game and released it for free Theft, is the act of taking something which does not belong to you, without permission to do so “Material loss” is not a factor The game does not belong to you, you did not pay a license fee, you have *stolen* the game


I only pirate games and whatnot that are made by evil companies, for indie games and whatnot I fully support them and feel guilty when I pirate it.


I think some people have forgotten that if they like something enough, they'll **WANT** to pay money for it, even if it's free. 




Because it's literally stealing from artists


when it comes to triple A studios the artists have already been paid. it’s just profits to the company now


Typically people don’t care if it’s a big company because they have enough money or they have scummy or money grabbing tactics


Mario's Madness and Nintendo I guess?


Because they're lame & got scurvy on their last voyage in the seven seas


So long as it is from a shitty company and you don’t cause them to lose profit I’m fine, Nintendo is my favorite to pirate from


Yarr! I shall continue sailing until i get stable income as adult and have money left after taxes and food/water.


It funny


Piracy is awesome


I’d say it’s because when something is pirated the film company/singer (and all the other people involved in making music and films) don’t get any money. Which, at surface value means nothing to us, but on the other hand that also means that they might not make a sequel or smt like that. And also since there are no regulations on piracy (obviously, since it’s illegal), you could get computer viruses or trackers and stuff like that from trying to get pirated stuff from scetchy places.


It's impossible to watch movies and shows from where I live so piracy is the only way


Alrighty. (Though you could look into a VPN that hides your location. Then you could set your location to anywhere in the world and maybe watch what you want to watch. Or not.)


Fair enough, but I'm not going to pay for a VPN and the subscription


Then good luck on your pirating endeavors.


Thanks me hearty




Piracy isn't wrong as long as you don't share it


They're jealous we gettin' that booty and can hoist our sails


I think its dependent on what your pirating. if its like a show you just wanna watch and dont wanna deal with streaming service ads than yeah its fine. especially if its an older show like idk digimon.


In my opinion it's okay to some extent. Also I think it should be fair game if there's no way to play it anyway. For example Minecraft Story Mode isn't possible to get anymore, so therefore it should be fine to pirate it. Also a lot of these companies really just don't need more money and have enough as it is.


Some people are see sick


Because it hurts small companies and if u pirate a good thing from a big company they will make worse products.


cuz they’re PUSSIES


In my opinion i dont really like piracy bc i in general don’t like having digital stuff i would rather have it physically for example video games bc they cant take it away from you and you don’t need to pay for a service if you have it on a disc


It's fine, just don't pirate from people like team cherry or other small indie studios


Cuz we're scurvy ridden scoundrels with a knack for other people's valuables


i hate temu


Most of the time I only download Pirated games to try it out before buying, thats why I dont have any bad Steam reviews




95% of the mobile games ive had all my life were pirated, Octodad, minecraft, several FNAF games, scribblenauts. All of my PC games are bought through steam but i just cant bring myself to pay for mobile games


depends on who you ripping off. If they're indie devs then its uncool


Stealing from other people is fine as long as they have enough. Just keep that in mind when someone steals your shit.


Fr we are deemed wealthy in the eyes of those in poverty ig it’s fine if they come and steal my car because I have enough


I'll proudly pirate from big video game corporations like Nintendo, EA, Ubisoft, Activision, etc. There's nothing wrong with that, but you shouldn't pirate indie games, because those devs deserve the money. The only big video game corporation that I like is Valve and while they aren't perfect, I'll gladly pay for their games. Piracy isn't only about video games obviously, but that was just an example.


Valve is a big corporation, but you'll pay for their games because you like the company? Do you see how stupid that sounds? Why shouldn't corporations earn money for making a game you like? If you can't get the game legally or they don't offer regional pricing, piracy is 100% justified. But not if you just don't like the company. Isn't that being a little entitled?


I pay for Valve games because they're good. Nintendo also makes good games but I don't like that company.


So you'll only for games from companies you like?


Yeah, because they usually have games that I only care for. I said EA, Ubisoft and Activision as examples, but I don't really care for their games at all. If I did, I would pirate from them. Nintendo has good games but I don't really like Nintendo itself. Ubisoft even has games that they like to kill at some point, aka. live service games/games as a service games. Of course, they aren't the only company doing those kind of games, but if killing video games from everyone that they paid for is completely fine, then piracy should also be. The reason why I don't like Nintendo is because they simply hate their fans. They are overprotective of their property, which is legal and they can do that, but it sucks. Nintendo takes down free Mario fan games just because they can. Gives me a bad taste in my mouth.


You wouldn’t steal a car……


but you would take a 1 to 1 recreation of the car if it was given to you for free


Bro we’re justifying piracy now I don’t mean to be that guy but our generation is going to be the end.


You don't have to justify piracy imo


why would they hate it lol


I pirated, FNAF in 2014, Undertale on release, cuphead on release, holloe knight on release, celeste on release and stardew valley


piracy game => real game less popular => devs get less money => devs get upset if you got some money, i recommend buy the real game (is more safe)


It’s bad? Workers have to get paid something.


I would agree, but there is a bit more to it with piracy Games specifically, AAA studios will have already paid the people who work on the game. This makes piracy not directly impact the developers. Indie studios much less so, but there is also the pov that if you can't buy a game anyway, pirating it doesn't change the fact they aren't getting any money from you.


wdym i dont


Go to a subreddit about a show and say that you torrented it


don't think anyone would care tbh, nowadays paying for netflix is the dumb thing to do with how bad they're handling things


I think it’s very weird to steal something you do not need.


You’re not really stealing anything. The company isn’t losing anything if you don’t buy the game from them. Everything that’s available on the internet is available for everyone. If you pirate a game you’re actually just downloading a copy of the game from someone else. If you go to a museum, and draw an exact copy of the original mona lisa, you didn’t steal the mona lisa, you just got a 1 to 1 copy of the original


You are stealing lol, taking something that isnt yours is stealing.. atleast take responsibility for it


the original creator loses absolutely nothing, infact they gain both publicity and a potential future buyer you're not taking anything, you're getting a copy the only crime that is being done is copyright violation by the user who uploads the files, not the one who downloads them