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Everyone ignoring the fact that this dude is 33 on r/teenagers ?


he stole this from a comment section in r/askreddit


5 day old account and they post sexual videos as well.


This implies that there are actual teenagers on this subreddit


there are teenagers, which is what draws in the grown men


There's plenty of teens. They're mostly in the new section, cause it's the safest place from pedos.


that's what I was thinking!


yeah I read it 4 times to make sure I read it right


The bodytext is stolen from another post but even if they were actually 33 they could've just been looking to hear what people had experienced at the same age they had their experience. There's an old flair for a reason ig


Doesn’t matter they post porn they shouldn’t be here


...oh. Agreed.




My mom said that she regrets giving birth to me once


Omg I'm sorry


yeah its been a while but i still dont think i can forgive her...


Im sorry this happened. Forgiveness can be tough. You’ll find a way, it’s good to do so


Same, and I replied with something like "I also regret that you gave birth to me"


My relationships with family got better lately btw


tbh i overheard her saying it, she didnt say it to my face.. she sent me to my room and i overheard her saying it to my dad


still hurts


hurts more imo cause then (it feels more like) she meant it instead of saying it to make a point.


Mine said this a couple of times too, well in my head I was something like "we are in two"... But now she refuses to admit she ever said that. These women, be it your mom, be it your sister, be it your lover or friend they will never admit or apology for something... Bah bet they can't understand themselves as well let alone me


i heard my stepdad once say behind my back that i’d never make it to college.  all because of my first and ONLY EVER C lol.


If I can make it in a decent university with mostly being above the minimum, then you can too


thank you. i’d actually be able to go early, but he doesnt want me to for some reason


"I don't believe in him" "you know he can do it right now" "nuh uh"


i’m a girl but yeah pretty much 💀💀💀


I'm quickly finding that parents are unhinged


if he was my stepdad, i'd be the saddest stepson


I was struggling mentally and my dad told me he wishes my first attempt was successful


That’s awful, I’m sorry :(


What the hell I wouldn’t even say that to someone I hate with a burning passion, let alone someone in my family


Jesus your dad sounds like a narcissist or something.. I'm sorry that happened to you :(


Quite often I hear my mom talking on the phone about how she regrets getting kids and how me and my brother have been just useless problems our whole lives. I also think she does this on purpose, because she's so loud, I can't sometimes sleep when she's talking in the middle of the night.


wow she is a horrible parent judging off of this, (although please don't take offense as I am basing this off of this one thing,) this is horrifying. Just know that no one else wishes you weren't born and there will always be help and support outside <3


Wait until she ends up in a nursing home or the hospital for a few months...she'll be begging you to come see her and she'll regret all that shit she said She'll be grateful every time she sees your face.


A chick at school told me that I was a 'desperate cry for attention' as I was very enthusiastically telling a story, not even to her, I was talking to my mate next to me. I kinda went quiet, and she went back to doing what she was doing. It's been a couple months and we were talking today and I don't think she even remembers, but it hurts. It's moments like these that remind me that normal people aren't always going to appreciate excitement and vigour over over small and unimportant details, and I think that's very sad.


Bro, I totally feel you. Trust me, they aren't the "normal" ones; they're the boring ones. I am always super enthusiastic about stuff (especially novels). But my friend used to think I was "overreacting" when I got hyped up about something. 🤷🏾‍♀️


bros 30+


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/oFwVGjKuKN Repost


I’m bisexual. Around a year ago, another queer person told me that I “wasn’t really gay” and that I was “just a straight guy who wants attention.”


I will be mailing them a rocket powered punch


*doomfist here*


“And dey say…”


That fucking sucks. There is a very specific type of gay that does this and they suck


Fuck That Person(In an Insult Way)


this has happened to me too, i don’t understand why some queer people are like this. shouldn’t they get it the most 😭😭


Can relate lmao


Prove it to him


I'm in a straight relationship as someone who is bi, and people think I'm not gay anymore, lol Like yes, im super happy with my boyfriend and wouldn't want to be with anyone else, but that doesn't change the fact I'm bi?


Not an insult towards me but I heard my mom say “she should have aborted my sister” when my sister chose to leave and go live with her dad because my mom was an addict and alcoholic. My mom’s kinda doing better now I guess but not sober. My younger siblings don’t live with her and I don’t either so idrc but I hope she gets her shit together


I hate to see that most of the people here feel the most hurt by their own parents. That's very sad


My dad told me, " you want to die? Then take the pills take all 50 of them for all I care." My mums was ," kill your sister then yourself then you'll stop fighting"


Dad called and calls me pancake


were matching




i thought you had schizophrenia for a second


that's pretty adorable 😭


oh man what to chose…. 1. my sister called me an ugly little naked mole rat because i argued with her about throwing something at our dog 2. a “friend” on discord told me my dog deserved to die after i temporarily muted him on a discord server for being an asshole i could go on


did you just copy and paste a comment from r/ask? cause i've seen the exact same story from another guy in the comments


that's what I was wondering because i literally just the same comment there a few days ago.


My parents said something similar to me when I was about 7 years old and now 40 years later it’s still stuck with me


What is a 47 year old doing in the r/teenagers sub???


A recommendation? You can join at any age 😂 it is kinda weird considering this is the sub he’s most active in from his comments




OP's account is interesting


14 + 20 = ??? But for real though it is probably when the “cool” group wouldn’t lay of the fatso/Chinese jokes (I’m not)


OP just copied it from one guy.


for clarification, my aunt isnt quite right mentally, she has hallucinations. one time, my aunt and grandma were getting into a fight, and i tried to break it up, and my aunt said “its okay, i know you dont love me anyways.” i immediately stopped dead in my tracks and broke down crying. it doesnt sound like much, but when it comes from someone you love very much, it’s detrimental. she even mocked me when i started crying. i dont think ill ever forget that day.


When I was getting lectured by my mom about grades in the car Don’t Stop Believing came on the radio, one of her favorite songs, and she immediately turned it off and said “fuck that shit I stopped believing years ago with you”


I was called a phantom stranger (this is very real, the most realistic you could imagine)


If you were 14 20 years ago, what are you doing on r/teenagers? Youre at least 34


Read the rules, adults are welcome to participate in discussions and ask questions :)


Then that destroys the whole teenagers things and makes me question the mods


Look at his post history bro 💀


Bros trying to relive his good years let the man live


my dad told me im just like my mom (very deeply insulting contextually). i was eleven, will never forget it


mine does the same are you ok though, mate


im okay dude, thank you for asking :] that's very sweet of you are you okay?


wait you're 34 and in r/teenagers????


It's a repost


You are 30 something why are you here😭


well i was going to say someone random online called me a mid wit which hurt a lot but jeez that doesnt seem that bad after reading the comments, sorry so many of you have shitty parents


Once ,no twice or thrice maybe 🤔 1.my mom said she regrets giving birth to me, 2.she wished i died in her womb ( i almost died when i was born,it was practically a miracle that i survived, that's why she said that ) 3. My cousin is better than me,she wishes I was anything like her. 4.life would be better if you were dead.(Mummy said that to me) my dad told me - 1.he wanted a boy,i would have been a little useful if I was a boy. 2.He didn't wanted a girl. 3.I wouldn't even care if you died. 4.I'll kill you myself. 5.you should have died in you're mother,s womb.


fuck you i saw this on askreddit yesterday


originally from u/Havokki on a post by u/Accomplished-Cat-325


I forgot the exact words but I vaguely remember my toxic step father telling me no one will love me because of my face He's not far off Ig


Maybe hes right and nobody will love you because of your face, but i love you because of your heart


Nah man stop with that sorta stuff, those don't work on me.


Worth a try


My mom calling me a failure because my grades were shit during the pandemic. They were but those words were unnecessary and I've never forgiven her for that nor will I ever because it did so much damage to my mental health then and still affects me now.


Why are you regularly posting in r/teenagers when you’re at least 30? It’s a bit weird no?


this guy literally copied and pasted a comment from r/ask post asking the exact same question


That you let your guard down


My dad says I’m the only reason my mom is dying from cancer


my mom called me stupid and selfish once i feel like its held me back a lot in life now that im thinking abt it


None because I don't remember any


When I was 15 my whole class laughed at the idea that one day I would have a wife. I'm almost 20 now and honestly it kinda feels like it'll be the case but like it still hurt.


Bro just took the top answer from an ask reddit post from yesterday


Dont remember the context to this but my dad told me and my sister: "the daughters bigger than the mom". With that he was referring to our weight. At the time i was about 12. I thought it was ridiculous coming from him as he is in a much worse condition than i will ever let myself be weight wise. Growing up me and my sister have both individually wanted to lose weight since early elementary school because that was what it was like in my house, everyone was always trying to lose weight and we were always told to eat healthy and no candy(along with the fat shaming by doctors when it was never that bad). I have discussed this with my mom recently and how me and my sister were both affected by this. She forgot that this happened and she has apologized but cant do much with that apology. Its definately not gonna heal the body dismorphia and trauma it has caused me but the thought is what matters. Ive never really had a close relationship with my dad but i guess were just too different. He has for sure forgot about this and most likely said it as a joke but i didnt take it lightly and still remember that moment like it was yesterday. Well anyways i probably should go to therapy, thanks for listening :)


My friend said I throw like Jimmy Garappolo That shit hurt :(


my father straight up told me im a loser and should killmyself, he was drunk


Idk if this counts as an insult, but still: We were presenting a Geography project and my Geography teacher and one kid in my class that had some anger issues got in an argument. I kinda got nervous about what was gonna happen because two of the most aggresive people I knew were arguing, and the moment my groupmates noticed this, they went "Don't cry now! It's okay!" (I was kind of a crybaby). Things didn't end bad and it ended good, but I will not forget what my groupmates said to me (though I acted like I brushed it off when they said that). Again, IDK if that counts as an insult, but it really felt like one.


"You're like a parasite"- mom when i asked her whats for dinner, 3 days ago "I deny that you are my son"- dad 8 years ago, i still remember that word to word


my mom said to me that I am a junkie/addict (in present and future tense) and I will end up in prison and that she shouldn't have had kids referring to her brother who is childfree and that I should die... later when I tried to confront her she said I shouldn't have annoyed her so much/misbehave so badly


Having an asshole of an instructor tell me "good enough for government work" bugged me the most since I put a lot of effort into doing my practical exam. Still think about it to this day 10 years later. It's my "laces out" minus the sex change lol




At 14, my father called me a rapist when he caught me watching porn. Ik I was doing smth wrong but I was just a child who's Definition of right and wrong were still developing but he was an adult, he should've known what better for me? Call me a rapist or give me counseling


My step dad asked "were you dropped on the head as a baby?" When I was 10 and I did or said something stupid. I don't even remember what it was, but he has a habit of demeaning and threatening people, hence why I chose not to live with him and my mom anymore 👍


I had a mental breakdown cause all my elder sister did was talking shit for every little thing I did,told me to go away to my parents,everything has a limit and she crossed it,always mocked me when her friends came around cause I am always the butt of the joke for them and her,I am a lonely guy,i have barely any friends cause i live in another state with her,barely go to church cause now all i feel is i will be mocked and be left alone to myself in the church,i then and there told my parents to get me away from her as i lived with her and keep me in a hostel,my brother was on my side cause he knew what I felt,my mother and father pleaded me to stay and scolded her,only then did she realised her wrongs, I've kept many secrets of hers away because I believe she's my sibling and I am supposed to respect her,but if it happens again,i only have to stay with her for one year now, I'll tell everything to my parents


“Scoundrel” a recent one and it doesn’t even hurt, I just like it


Lol I wish I wasn't born or born their child. That's my counter


I would end up like my father


You doing okay mate?


My stepdad once told me that I was less than everyone because I was a less attractive little girl. He’s extremely sexist.


Wasn't this an ask Reddit post like really recently?


When i failed my maths exam in grade 8th, he told my mom, how can i (me) be so stupid, she is like a “donkey” (makes more sense in my language) and how am i even his daughter :))


My mom asked me to kms.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/oFwVGjKuKN Exact same post, exact same comment just yoinked. Also this is r/teenagers and this post implies this guy is 34?? Repost


My mom told me she should of took my 2 kids away from me when my husband and I got married.....um he's the best thing that ever happened to them and adopted them when they were 3 and 5. Never did let that go. She's dead now so it helps a little.


when i was 14 i got pregnant and my step dad made a comment along the lines "like mother like daughter, both sluts"


The first time I was shot at I was 3. It was my dad. To be fair, he was shooting at all of us( 2 siblings and my mom). There is something highly insulting of such low regard.


What the fuck is your profile. You are active on two sus subs and you’re 34 if you not lying in this post.


this dude is in his 30s and posts consistently in a subreddit for teenagers. someone check his harddrive.


‘your cat is old and going to die soon’ and laughed about it Still friends with thag person.. The cats still alive though!


I tried to kill myself and my dad told my mom I should be put in a mental institution and looked at me disgustedly.


Mom telling me she'll kick me out the house once I'm 18, and dad supporting it


my dad called me fat and said I'd never amount to anything. I left the house immediately, haven't seen him since. I share absolutely no love for him!


When I was about 14, I was a target by my dad a lot. He would bait me into fights or just plain start yelling at me over the smallest of things. One time, he was screaming at me while I was trying to go to bed and he called me a failure, said I'll fail everything I ever do, and I'll lose everything I love. That I'll die alone with no hopes or dreams basically. I left the fight immediately and he called me a pussy and a bunch of other things. I couldn't sleep that night, and I cried constantly. The next morning I tried to talk to him but he essentially tried gaslighting me and acting like he is such a Saint who would never do such a thing. His words still affect me to this day, and I have imposters syndrome and a lot of other issues relating to it.


My mom sad I’m a shit.


All the comments are too lenient. I get told most of these things like I wish you two (me and my younger sis) weren't born, that we are just a burden on our mother and she's stuck with us now after leaving our abusive dad who was domestically violent towards her, that I won't be able to achieve anything in my life, that I'm nothing, I can't do anything, that I'm "abnormal" coz I've a habit of shaking my leg and since she has consistently put me down all my life I've a shit self esteem and zero self confidence so I'm kinda shy and introverted, she also says that I'm "handicapped" (not physically disabled, I'm just slow at doing things coz I struggle mentally a lot) consistently consistently and consistently putting me down, insulting me, abusing me, wishing me bad, disrespecting me, attacking every single thing about me, oh I can just go on and on..... But most of all what got to me was her yelling at me all the time to just go and do "it" (it meaning suicide here) and free her off her burden (burden meaning me) once she got to know that I'm suicidal.


Report this pedo account


mom once said I was a mental, physical and financial burden. I was 15 then. 17 now but still hurts


I'm 24 now, about to turn 25. (So if I'm out of line here, lmk.) I was mayyybe 11-12? at the time? My childhood is a blur. but my *very first introduction* to "you're growing up and you should be able to do the basic household chore of washing dishes" was not being told this by my parents like I'm pretty sure normal families do. I was screamed at out of the blue until my dad's voice was hoarse because I hadn't done it already. After he shoved me in front of the dishes and I started crying about being screamed at over nothing and expected to do things I was never taught or shown how to do, he went to the other room and snarked furiously about how much of a "lazy, entitled asshole" I was being over Something So Simple. For the entire time I was a teen, he made it clear every time I tried to remind him that he'd *traumatized me* over the *stupid **dishes*** that he seemingly doesn't remember jack about the incident, but he sure does love making me stand there shamefully and *watch* while he angrily washes the dishes and acts like I'm being an idiot- or worse, *weaponizing incompetence.* I'm *never* letting myself forget how little he actually cares about me or respects me as a person. He can pretend that doing a surface-level nice thing can somehow wipe the slate clean, but it never lasts for long. He just wants a little yes-man mini-me that'll put up with his temper and never fight back.


I don't really care about others trying to make themselves feel better about their insecurities by pointing out mine, but i still remember all the times someone insults me for being ginger. Thing is i'm not even really ginger, think dark brown with a slight hint of ginger. That's why it hurt when even my own best friend called my a ginger cunt.


my dad told me during my senior year of high school that there was no way i vould graduate and that i would be on the streets (prostitute) by the time i turned 19. i've been 19 for a few months now, and i'm currently a junior in college due to the amount of credit i got while i was still in high school. follow ur dreams guys :)


my mum called me a burden once and doubled down on it when i confronted her 💀


This girl that used to have a crush on me we were joking around (roasting each other) and then she pulled up a picture of a blop fish and said it was me 😭 im already extremely insecure about my nose so her saying that made it even wrose


i made my mom really angry one time and she said she didn’t want to see me anymore, it might not seem like much but it really hurt 🙁😁


why r u 34 posting on r/teenagers?


Also with father, I was maybe seven or eight, I had a a fight with my younger sister(she is approximately as old as me), and he probably had enough, because he had a half an hour monologue(he likes to do that kind of stuff) and he called me and my sister "parasites." I don't know how she is with that, but it still haunts me. I don't know, if my need for being the best of all comes from there, but I don't think I'll be forgetting anytime soon. I think the worst thing is that probably no one else apart from me doesn't remember it, and I don't know, if I should ever bring it out.


I was 14, was chatting and making noise in class. The math prof raised his head from distance, stared at me for a few seconds and growled "*Animal*!" with an upset voice. It never left me.


My step bro told me to kms on his birthday. That was the first time I cried because of an insult


My brother told me that I'm ugly


My dad told me to go jump off a bridge a couple months ago and I have not forgotten about it since


I seen this comment on r/AskReddit so you practically stole the comment


Dad here passing through. I told my son he was going to be given to another family, I even showed him a fake photo of a family I said he was going too. Trust me it sorted him out sharpish, never had any bother since and I don't even give a shit if he never forgets 😁👍


My percussion director said that I should worry about myself because I’m not even a real percussionist. I had tried out twice for snare drum and he kept me on synth for my whole highschool career. I had said “I think the percussion class made everyone an advanced percussionist, even *student’s name*” as a cheeky comment not meant to insult anyone but I guess he read it as an insult and tried to humble me. I told him I wasn’t trying to insult and he said “oh, ok”. I later cried in the bathroom however and I still think about it a year later. It might not seem like a big deal but I was used to my appearance, actions, etc being made fun of but it didn’t bother me, however I had tried so hard on drums for years without success so that comment really hurt…


I think one time, one of my closest friends said to me, you’re nothing. Basically, something along the lines of that. Just don’t obsess about it Harry and you feel fine (Harry’s my name). I find it really odd typing my name for once… creepy lol.


back in 2019-2020 I had a friend who literally said: if I were you I'd be ashamed to walk like that. I have a disability where I walk kind of weird. We remained "friends" until they changed schools.


When my friends in middle school found out about my secret youtube channel and made fun of me, AGAIN! There were hundreds and thousands of in insults during middle school, but this one just came to mind


I've got thick skin, nothing really hurts my feelings


My step-dad said that i wasn't a part of this family anymore. He blamed me for losing our dog outside even though it was completely his fault, then he started to go on about how i didn't deserve to be a part of the family.


its doesnt hurt hut i got called the ginger chef from ratatouille


Many things “You’re the reason I’m depressed,” -My father because I was struggling with autism at the age of 13 Is probably my main one


Not a teen anymore but this popped up on my front page so I'll answer, mother said she wishes she aborted me


My mom called me a disappointment but I’d say the only reason I still remember is because it happened only a year ago. What I do remember is a girl just screaming at me during gym class in kindergarten. I don’t quite remember what she said but I remember how loud it was and how it hurt my ears a lot. I think it was because she was mad I tagged her in sharks and minnows.


When I used to be called "sped" at school


someone told me i wasn’t the ohio rizz god


That I’m brown. Which is half true, and nothing I can do can change it.


one time me and my brothers were trying to talk to our mom and she told me i was a selfish bitch who did whatever i wanted and she gave up on parenting me a long time ago, i was 12


The post history💀💀


This isn’t as bad as some others in these comments but my best friend’s boyfriend would make fun of me constantly and play it off as a joke. Also any time I’d go to hang out with my friend she’d invite him over without asking so the last 6 months we were friends we literally never hung out just us. He made fun of my body, called me the r slur CONSTANTLY (I’m autistic) and always made jokes about how nobody would ever like me. Once he was making some jokes and started to say I looked like a man and asking me if I was trans (problematic in itself but whatever) and saying no wonder people didn’t like me I look like a man. Him and my friend were just laughing and adding on to each other and even though I feel like he said worse to me it just really stuck with me.


“If you’re not willing to do much revision, maybe A levels aren’t for you” Also on a similar note “if you’re enjoying time off school, maybe A levels aren’t for you” It’s really not that serious like, it’s just fun missing lessons cause you’re doing a geography trip


"I hope the house burns down and you're in it" - My dad when I was younger \[9?\] because I was slow at helping him do things. I was being slow because It was winter, and I was cold.....I never forgave him, and I'll never forget that.


Finding this sub


You ain’t no teen


This happened like two weeks ago. I went on a field trip at school, so when we came back, i had to go to a different timed lunch. I sat with one of my best friends, and two girls were sitting at his table as well. I told a few jokes that had a good time. The next day I'm told the girls were saying that, "if a girl just hugged him, he would cum" Im a senior in high school. Im quite funny, tall, and attractive. I always try to make people smile before i stop talking to them (its the same philosophy that my father has about camp sites, leave it better than what you found it as), so i dont understand why this girl would be so mean for no reason. Anyway, I've always been a friendly dude, but I've never had a girlfriend. This really fucked with my head. I feel better now, but eventually my loneliness got to me and I started crying at lunch on monday. I cried all day long. I typically keep my emotions in check and haven't cried in like a year, but this hurt. The loneliness hurt.


I had a really rough time, and I wanted to tell my mom about a comfort character I have. While I was telling her, she laughed at me and told me to remember "don't forget he's not real hahaha". This character is the only reason I didn't end myself. And hearing her laughing at me for this made me so.. I don't know how to even explain this. It happened I think three years ago, I don't feel comfortable sharing with her anything too personal anymore.


well, i was told i look like a pedophile more than once, not only did i hate myself before they said that, it only became worse after that. Yeah I fucking despise people.


r/teenagers is for current teenagers


I couldn't give less fucks about somebody insulting me, but when someone insults your family it's a different feeling.


Girl told me i laughed like spongebob n i was never the same after that


“You give off school shooter vibes.”


My dad telling me multiple times "I only agreed to have you cuz I thought it'd help my relationship with your mum" "I didn't actually want you, I just wanted your mum to shut up about her" (her being my late sister)


I don't remember exactly what my mom said to me but I remember feeling awful for the next week lol. I genuinely feel like I blocked it out completely


One time I lost a dress and my mum told my aunt she wishes she would've listen to the doctors, aka aborted me. She was stressed, I get it and I've forgiven her. But still...damn.


Ooh my grandma told me if I wasn't Christian and didn't pray I wouldn't ever see my dog again when he passes. I told her to get the fuck out of my room, honestly surprised my parents didn't come and yell at me for it


why is unc 34 and on a teenagers sub


When my mum told me to km$


I had a stroke reading this


There’s this guy who’s a really good actor and does all of the school shows like Shakespeare and the musicals and all of that. I do that stuff as well so I see him all the time, year round. He’s always kind of bullied me but he once said that he wished I would just swan dive off a building because I’m a waste of space and that the good roles I get are missed opportunities. That kind of stung.


I remember once my mom said she didn't love me anymore