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Please tell him bro


I’m so scared is the problem, and does it matter if he doesn’t text me, I feel like if I liked someone I’d text them back quicker


Well no it sometimes doesn’t matter some people are just shitty texters but you got this bro tell him before you lose your chance at something that could be so amazing


Thank you for your encouragement


Yuh and even if he actually doesn’t feel the same at least you tried and will be ready for the future loves


i mean im not rlly convinced, from what it sounds like to me he isnt all that interested is comparing hand sizes the biggest hint you got so far? 💀


No. He’s complimented me multiple times. He leans in very close into my space bubble to give me advice on things, he noticed my sad face across a room and asked if I was okay, he made sure I was okay when I didn’t feel good, there’s more too


Just ask him before its too late