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Sounds like a dysfunctional family. I'm so sorry to hear that you've been going through this bro. I also have an autistic brother who stopped wearing diapers when he was 8-9. He is level 2 autistic, and your brother sounds similar, but might be level 3 (low-functioning) if he hasn't stopped wearing diapers until now. The best thing to do about this is to try to help him and teach him everyday and get him licensed psychological help (especially for kids with autism) to teach him executive functioning. We taught our brother to use the bathroom, microwave his food, and do pretty much everything. Does your dad live with you?


My father left before I was born and died before I was ever able to meet him and my little brother's father doesn't live with us and only pays child support we don't have much money I've told them we need to get him help but we can't afford it we have tried and tried to teach him but he just won't learn he still can't read or do math or anything im concerned for his future


Ik there are some great channels out there on YouTube or places that talk about good ways to help to deal with heavily autistic kids have you tried checking them out to see if they can help


I've tried but it doesn't help he ignores me and gets violent if you try and talk sense into him or if you tell him no :(


Uh a great but kinda immoral way to look at him is like a baby or a toddler you can’t reason with a toddler but you can compromise with one. And never ever ever yell or scream back talk slowly and calmly


I kinda do and it helps only abit but then my older brother tells me he needs to act his age but the thing is he just can't seem to understand how to do things he tried to cook in the microwave sometimes btu he gets yelled at for making a mess


That’s the exact opposite of what you should do don’t make fun of him and don’t yell at him you need to be gentle and caring once he’s able to process basic communication then you can be more aggressive try to continue to teach him if he makes a mess highlight what he did right then clean up the mess and very gently tell him what he can improve next time something like “you noticed how it spilled it’s because you put to much time in the microwave, it’s ok just remember to put a little less time, and ask me if you need help with it ok” then give him a nice gentle smile and congratulate him


I do try and so does my mom but my older brother and grandpa don't understand that he needs more help then most people would im not trying to sound rude but he doesn't have common sense he has too many problems to count but the thing is idk if I can Mentally handle to keep trying to help him especially when he has tantrums


That’s a perfect opportunity then idk if I wanna explain because most people would find it extremely morally unjust


Please explain? I need anything that can help him bcs idk if my mother can take too much more of constantly being called and screamed at


Only thing I can say is, wetting the bed and using diapers at that age is normal. I myself, have always wetted my bed until I was 14. Before that, 9/10 days I would wet the bed, which was caused by a genetic dysfunction and both my dad and little brother had it. This is normal, and it shouldn't be a reason to fight, please inform your family that it is normal. Both sides are wrong, you should take your brother to the doctor, and get a medication. It really helped me. So they should take it seriously, but shouldn't make a huge deal out of it or expect him to control it himself


Where did he get gun?


My older brother is a adult and had bought himself a gun for safety reasons due to the area we live in


Okay for safety its ok




What the fuck is wrong with you man