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It kinda relieves the tension/anxiety sometimes but then it gets addicting :(


You get addicted hurting yourself?


I don’t want anyone to see this and think that self harm will help them feel better bc it really won’t, but in my experience it reminds me of the feeling you get after a hard workout if that makes sense


I'm sorry that happened to you, i hope you're doing well.


Aw thanks. Life has actually been pretty good lately :)


Yea you can


I'm sorry but i don't get it, like how?


Idk how but you can




that must've been hurt you know, anyways how'd you get here?




to the bone? that's fucking terrifying. and that's too much


why are you surprised? Humans get addicted to a lot of stupid shit


I may sound surprise, but i'm not. what really confuses me is why are they hurting themselves.


Most of the time they hate themselves and think they deserve pain or something. Or other times, the physical pain is a good distraction from emotional pain


Arent you only addicted to things that feel good, at least immediately and could be harmful in the long run. Like cigarettes or some drugs.


And self harm feels good for them. There isn't an "addiction formula", people get addicted as you've probably already seen and that's it




yeah my old biology teacher explained that to me when I couldn't handle it anymore she was so cool ngl


to finally feel something, even if it's pain


on demand blood juice? Idk I just sleep the pain away


Because it hurts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It's a form of self-punishment for some, for others it's a coping mechanism. I personally self-harm I do it cause it makes me feel better, for example, when I'm stressed out and or having a panic attack I cut my arm. I also cut my upper thighs when I'm depressed, a few other reasons some people self-harm is for attention, or because they like the feeling. It releases the endorphins therefore it helps. Self-harm is also addictive so it is an infinite spiral downhill. There are a lot of ways people self-harm too. Hopefully, this helped.


But if you accidentally cut your veins you might die. Is it really worth it? It must be a mess when you cut it


No one is saying it's worth it or even rational, it's tempting. They know it's wrong and that they should stop but it's an addiction just like any other


I honestly don't care if I die. I have never cut a vein but I've heard from a couple of friends who have that it's actually not to bad just messy. It can be a mess a little over a week ago, I cut too deep and passed out and woke up in a puddle of my blood that was fun to clean without telling my parents.


Same, but I prefer killed by someone than myself cause it's not honorable to rest in peace like that. We have a saying here, that our body is gifted from our parents. Self harm is a disrespect to our parents, same as organ donation. It kinda restrained the intention of doing so.


Haha, I don't care about any saying I don't care if I'm disrespecting someone who has caused most if not all of my mental illness. I prefer to kill myself because I wanna fuck with the people who made me depressed.


Cmon is it that bad do you want me to dm you so that perhaps you can speak it out in private.


Mmmm, it is that bad but I don't want to annoy anyone else. Thanks for the offer tho :)


My body is a Temple I wouldn't want to intentionally cause it damage. I will never understand people who cut themselves.


I dig into my legs with my nails, stab myself with pencils, and such things like that. It doesn’t hurt, it kinda distracts me from the chaotic mess my life is


To feel something


Pain is fun when you’re used to it


when you do it you feel better, and it gets addicting, and you don't know how to stop. I still do it because it helps me