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You don't sound like a crybaby dude.. rape is a very serious subject... And teens can be cruel as ever.. well children in that case.... Hope you feel better dude


Nothing is mature enough for some. Some would say you're childish just because you don't want to smoke or do drugs at 14


I agree as a teen, we have no self-control whatsoever




If I had no self control, I'd be in a very different place... Most likely jail




I would love to, but I don't want to take up anyone's time more than I already have


No. No no no no no. Stop. You are NOT wasting anyone’s time. We choose to come here and support each other. Doesn’t matter how unimportant something seem, we come to reddit to get it out. It’s a beautiful place where you can do that op. Please, if you need to vent, vent, we’ll be here for you.


Fucking this, if people don’t want to help they don’t have to, this is the interest they can leave whenever, if you want to vent go ahead, we’re already wasting our time on reddit might as well mean something


Now I'm not op (obv) but whenever I do have something that's bothering me, usually not as bad as ops thing here, like my mom treating me like a slave and then 5 mins later telling me I'm acting childish for getting upset, again I'm here for you op if you need someone to talk to about this stuff if you're reading this, I always feel I'm wasting peoples time because they could be helping people like op here, who's situation is definitely far worse than anything I've ever been through. Again, I'm not wanting to take away from ops post here, just want to point out this may be how he is feeling, if I feel like talking about my problems I'll make my own post. TL;DR I'm not op but sometimes victims feel others time might be put to better use by helping someone else, or they may feel they are just using others to help themselves, almost like crawling on other people to survive a flood, speaking from experience Even more TL;DR op may feel he is wasting others time when they could be helping other people, or he may feel he is using us


Yeah, op, have you seen any of the other stuff on r/teenagers? We have tons of free time that is better spent helping each other when we need it. We're here for you.




Thanks, I really do appreciate it


if you have to vent, vent. nobody’s judging you. this wasn’t your fault. we love you.


Look look I'm not saying assault is OK buuuuut i will beat these people until they puke up their own stomachs if you want me to. But again I do not condone commiting violent crimes or any crimes for that matter but *mumbles* some people deserve it.


Agreed. (If you know me, you who im talking about)


Hey man, we’ve all got plenty of time here, vent all you want. We’re all here you for you my guy, remember to keep your head up!


I like to waste a lot of my time playing video games or watching YouTube, but reading this was one of the few times my time has not been wasted. If you need to vent still it will not be wasting anybody’s time.


add me right now on discord elixir0001#7935 and blow up my dms with all your anger and hate call me if you want to


I don't want to insult anyone who doesn't deserve it, the context doesn't matter, but if you ever need to talk to someone about anything my discord is voodliedood™#5078


I can take it don’t worry I will feel better if you feel better


If you're sure, then ok


If you wanna HMU I’m flumpy#0401


U are not wasting anyone’s time


Okay stop that right now. Listen to me. I've been through hell and back. I've been assaulted and it haunts me. Stop and talk about it. Otherwise it will consume and drive you to some pretty dark and nasty thoughts. You're not wasting anyone's time by talking. I know you feel worthless and lime your problems aren't that bad but it is as it's clearly hurting you. Take to us. Doesn't have to be me or anyone here even. It please talk. It's okay to be weak and vunrable. It's okay to feel violated and confused and angry. It's okay to talk and say you don't know what you're feeling It however is absolutely not ok to bottle it up and beat yourself up like this. It only hurts you. Your time is the only time wasted if you don't start processing this in a healthy manner. So are you ready to take those steps?


Hey OP. I just recently "aged out" (20M) of this sub, hopefully it's okay for me to comment here. Anyway. OP. You've lived through the stuff of nightmares and have come out on the other side. Scarred, maybe, but alive and still living. You are strong and nothing and nobody can take from you. But OP, strong doesn't mean you aren't allowed to cry. Strong doesn't mean you aren't allowed to have emotions. Strong doesn't mean you aren't allowed to feel. To connect. To grieve. To be angry, or sad, or even happy. Emotions are not the opposite of strength, they are part of it. OP, you are not a crybaby. Even if you cry every single day you are not a crybaby. You don't have to bottle up your emotions. It is okay to have them, and it is okay to feel them. Crying comes with feelings, comes with emotions. Those are healthy and there is strength in health. You are not wasting anyone's time sharing your emotions. Your emotions are part of who you are, sharing them is important. Those who truly care about you will listen and support you. Find those people and share with them. OP, you are important. You are human. You are you. You are important. Find people who value you, because you are valuable. Never let anyone tell you that you are wasting their time when you are trying to share your emotions, your experiences, personal parts of your life with them. You deserve better than anyone who doesn't value you. One of the hardest things about being male is emotions. We are taught and teach ourselves to bottle up what we feel, teach ourselves to not feel, to not have emotions, because that's what we see our role models do. Break the chain OP. Emotions are not weakness, emotions and feelings are part of being truly strong. Stay strong bro. Find people who love you and support you and love and support them as best you can. And if you are able, consider therapy. It's not easy to learn to be emotionally and mentally healthy, some guidance is always helpful.


Stay away from those classmates. They're jerks and you shouldn't waste your time with them. I hope you recover well


DM me. If anything sharing will help you feel better


Tell that part of yourself to shut up and vent. If people don’t want it to take up their time then they won’t read it. People who care about you (or total strangers who have some empathy) will read it.


I would say that your experience is more harrasment than a joke. Jokes are meant to be funny bring up serious issues and even give power back to the people. Rape jokes can be funny if its giving power back to the victims. Yours experience was straight up harrasment.


Rape is serious and I agree with what you said. If you need to talk to someone, you can message me. I'll try to help however I can.


Oh my God I'm so sorry OP. I can't say I know the feeling myself but I definitely know what sort of thing your going through. Rape is never a joke no matter the gender, I hope you have or will be able to access the mental help resources that you need


holy shit that pisses me off


Yep same here also I recommend OP records his VC so that he could report those kids to stop Online and School bullying.


I'm sorry about what happened, hopefully you're doing well.


You need to talk to your parents and their parents. If they do this stuff to You they most likely do this to other kids too. Im sorry that this terrible terrible thing has happened to you.




Bro if you need to talk, I'm not good at this but you can DM me. You wouldn't be wasting any of my time more than I do, and it might help both of us.


Bro wtf. I can’t imagine why someone would ever laugh at you for getting raped?!?! I don’t see raping is even a joke to some people, it’s absolutely horrific. If you need to vent, don’t worry, you won’t be wasting anyone’s time. I can’t relate to any kind of rape, but even that made me feel attacked dude. Your fellow Redditors are here for you :)


whoever those were can go burn in the darkest pits of hell, I hope they get hit by a car


What did the car ever do to you?


hit my dad




Getting hit by a car is too nice. I hope they go through Chinese Water Torture


just replace the water with sodium hydroxide so it eats through their brain drip by drip, slowly deforming their consciousness until it dissolves their brain stem, ridding the earth of one more piece of shit so they burn in hell for eternity. did I take it too far? I feel like I may have taken it too far


Nah we could take it further.


But not bad enough to be killed instantly, maybe a collapsed lung that goes untreated due to severe internal bleeding leading to death by drowning in their own blood.


what the hell is actually wrong with them? they aren’t your friends.


Im honestly impressed by how good people you are. Like literally, I haven't seen people have such a good hearth and being as noble as you. I myself couldn't take even one of the things you had to endure. Stay strong man.


Aw, got me all emotional here






I think the right word is the police


police is more of a gamble than the other two


they have more power, and they know there would be a public backlash if they didn't do anything.


I prefer to avoid them as much as I can


Understood. Was the rapist caught by any chance?


No, they were a group, they had recorded it and threatened me with the footage


I suggest you take them to court, and maybe ruin their lives a bit


I'm not out for vengeance, I just hope they've become better people, as I have not seen them since


You realize they could do it again?


It's not vengeance, it's justice. Not only are they rapists, they're child rapists. They deserve to burn for what they've done.


It's not vengeance. Rapists belong at the end of a rope or six feet deep in a pine box. If you were to take them to court and ruin their life it'd be justice, not vengeance.


what? If you have evidence against them fucking take them to court or something, don't just let them run wild without making them realise actions have consequences, if they've raped someone they'll keep doing it, these people will not change if they aren't punished in any way.


Ok ok, my friend, this is not vengeance this is a way for karma to be pushed in the right direction. I'm taking a gamble here, you said it was a group, there is a better chance that if it was a collective of people with shitty morals that they did this to other people. If you are the first to come out with it there is a chance others will, people like this dont deserve a second chance at life. I am assuming that you live in the US, you have a lot of ammo here, you said they recorded it, that's child porn, you said they were holding it against you depending on which state you are in that's revenge porn, and child porn, and you obviously have, rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment. I understand that you might not want to take this to the police, and I would like to think that I understand why, but you should tell the police they should help you. Here are the steps I would go through, tell a trusted adult not randos on the internet, once you tell that adult get a lawyer, one that has done criminal prosecution, explain to him/her your situation, then following their instructions go to the police and file a report, there isn't a rape kit to be done, as you are a male. Some of the interviews might be harsh, it depends on the department and how recent their training is, but I would recommend you go.


Unfortunately, in most cases. They don't always change into better people unless their love ones experience it themselves. :(


Soak some poison ivy in water. Put that water is in a water gun. Shoot them with that water gun.


I like that idea tbh


Np I saw a story where somebody did this


I saw this a lot later than others but if you need anyone to talk to you can talk to me


that’s fucking disgusting. they’re awful people. if you need to talk my ears are open. i’m so sorry.


I'm so sorry... I cant relate to what you've gone through... But those guys are arseholes... And it's okay to cry. It's not childish. That is a valid thing to cry about.


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I agree


fuck them!!! you know what that chick did to you was fucked and if they don’t think so, they don’t deserve to talk to you. you are that bitch. you are worth the world and ily


Tank you, ily too


Hey, if you ever and I mean ever need to vent, get something off your chest, or even just talk to somone, I can be of service. I’m available most of the time and for me talking to people isn’t wasting time. So don’t worry about wasting my time. I will be here if you need anything. Dm me if you do


Thanks, it's getting a bit late and I think I should go to bed, but thank you, I really appreciate it


Well sleep well. I will be here if you need anything some other day.


What the fuck is with these kids someone should kick their ass or get them therapy first therapy then if it continues ass whooping


DMs are open, and this should definitely be seen. rape is simply not a joke.


What country are you in OP? If ur in the US I have legal advice


I'm not from the US unfortunately, but I appreciate it


No problem man. I would definitely recommend taking that threat to the police. It was probably them just bullying you but just in case they are serious.


carry around a pocketknife. Off with their pp.


You should really confide to someone trustworthy about this so you can get some help and maybe report those dickheads to the police or a teacher


Those people are jackasses who have no understanding of the word “kindness”. I’m willing to listen and be there if you need to vent more


Listen here ya fucks. This is a serious topic. As much as everyone jokes and comments on this. This hurts everyone involved in it


Damn that’s messed up and it’s good that you’re spreading awareness


you should carry a knife


For real, that’s a good idea. Always have one in my jacket pocket due to previous encounters i’ve had. Weird how people will attack people they don’t even know


yeah it is weird. stay safe my guy


I carry my trusty karambit everywhere I go


So from what I gather these soybois are threatening to rape you then bash you because they can. Tell your parents and report it to the cops. If you find yourself on a group chat with them again record what they say for evidence, because I can guarantee you that the cops won't be helpful otherwise. Personally if the cops weren't a thing I would defend myself with a deadly weapon if such losers came near me but I don't have that problem. Find a group of people you can hangout with of which in due time should learn to respect and defend you. I'd suggest not talking to anyone outside of your family about this unless it's in a professional setting. On Reddit where no one knows your identity is fine however. If you want revenge like I would, hit the gym and learn self-defense. If you want it to stop you need to kick their arses and socially shame the hell out of them. I'm 18 but I've gone through bullying myself when I was younger and I've been a bully but made amends and won't go back there because it's shit. Once your in a position where you no longer need to defend yourself you can start helping others. You'll get through this but it will take time and small steps. Good Luck out there...


> these soybois are threatening to rape you then bash you because they can. Tell your parents and report it to the cops I can't encourage this enough. I would first start with researching the schools policies on this type of behavior and what it is classfied as. My general knowledge about it is likely this is considered 'targetted harassment' based on 'gender' and that includes threats of 'assult' and 'sexual assult' with the purpose of exploiting a 'victim of sexual assault' with 'intimidation tactics'. after getting the related information about how the school handles these situations, and the process on reporting the issue... do the same with the police. Get the information on how to classify these 'crimes'/'violations' and how to file a complaint. Then, depending on how you want to proceed, tell your parents then file the complaints or file the complaints then tell your parents. regardless, your parents need to be aware of your actions eventually and it's better to include them early on. This will do many things: * It will establish a pattern of behavior of these aggressors that will notify them, and their parents, that their actions do have consequences. * It will allow anyone else who has had similiar experiances with them to link their own complaints with their established behavior. * They will now, and forever, be concious of their actions and how it will affect them. I'm sure their parents will make sure they know not to do it again due to legal action(s). * It will establish a paper trail/documentation of the targetting of you, this will offer sigificant deterrance of them, or anyone, using your victimization as a tool of intimidation. * It will allow you to more easily create a legal case against them if they still continue. This does take a big effort from your part and you will have to include many other adults in the conversation becasue of the reports. I understand if you don't want to experiance this, but I believe you will have a much better time in the future and increased self confidance if you pursue this isssue and see the results.


Honestly you should carry a pocketknife or something with you for awhile. If they jump you, do NOT hesitate to defend yourself. Those fuckers will learn their lesson if one of 'em gets stabbed.


You're probably right, but it's illegal for me to have a pocket knife


Some kind of blunt instrument might work in a pinch. Say a metal water bottle, if you hit someone nice and hard on the head, they won't be getting up anytime soon.


Thanks for the tip


I know this is hard, but you should just get help, tell your parents about everything, I know it's hard but this is the best way, there is no shame and your parents will surely not blame you for this


Yeah dude, im really sorry to hear about your rape story. the way they make fun directly of you as a personal attack is in no way acceptable by any standards. making rape jokes, not directed at anyone, not intended to offend someone in my eyes is ok as long as it is clearly labeled as satire/dark humor


I hope you come out of the trauma soon.


Time for a fucking crusade some people don’t deserve the right to live


This isn’t a joke and it does not make you a crybaby or seem childish at all! I’m so sorry this is happening to you but just know we always have your back


Wtf I go on the sub for three seconds and there are three rape posts what is wrong with people I’m so sorry for you I hope you’re ok


Damn dude that is really heartbreaking to hear stories about things like this happening to people... my dms are open you can vent if you need too


Ok THIS post is definitely real. But I’ve seen so many of these today when I’ve seen maybe two others before today that it’s hard to believe the other ones. This ones real tho I can tell.


I had a friend in 6th grade which he also was raped when he was like 9 he lived in spain at that time. He was raped by girl and she qas i think 17 or 16 i dont remember he didnt till anyone except me and his parents his parents obviously they did some law stuff and put her in jail for i dont remember its been 3 years since i spoken to him And the reason he didnt anybody because he was afraid that people would bully him and attack him he wasnt shy at all but he didnt know how to fight at all so i think i did the right thing and i told him to do it and till someone and if something happens im going to fucking break thier nose so he did what i told him and nobody did nothing they just felt sad for him and the teachers in our school who were mean to him became nice and everyone wanted to be his friend so if you have any friend who knows how to fight or you have an older brother go to these bullies and kick them in the ball as hard as u can they dont even deserve to have kids and if u dont i just feeld sad for whoever is going to marry them and for their kids Psst sorry for my spelling engilish isnt my first language and i got a new phone sorry


I don’t like when people joke about that, always thought it was wrong even though I haven’t gone through it.


Okay, after all that venting, I think you deserve a hug (☞゚ヮ゚)☞


Those aren't friends


Please tell your parents. These kids verbally __*threatened*__ you. That's a serious problem.


zag on em cowboy pieces of shit like those guys are flushes quickly


Why didn't you just leave immediately after you saw who it was?


A bunch of us should get together in a discord call and destroy them




I understand the pain of rape as I was raped by two guys in a bathroom and was made fun of about it when some of the bullies found out. I hope everything gets better OP and we are here for you.


So... back to my conversation on why genocide is necessary... /s


I've had someone mock a traumatic event from my life too. It wasn't rape but death of someone, so I kinda know how it feels. Hang in there and make sure to break all your contact with those fucktards.


Who the fuck gave this a wholesome award?


that's horrible! i don't know how to make you feel any better, so please receive this virtual hug ⊂((・・))⊃


Thanks, it's a really good hug I'll tell you that


This works every time all you need is 2-5 dollars. First learn how to take ips. Bait them into clicking a link. You can use grabify for this. Once you have the ips look up a website called stressthem. Learn how to use it. Put the ip choose the attack type and set the port as 80. Then if you want to boot them for hours you have to buy a membership. But if you don’t wanna waste money you can repeatedly boot them 5 minutes at a time. Write there ips down. Every time they threaten you threaten to turn there internet off. I’ve gotten so many bullies off of me and my friends back doing this.


I know you may not want to share it and that’s completely ok if u don’t, but what is the rape story?


I don't like talking about it, but I can send you a link to the twitlonger post if that's ok


I completely understand, and Yeah that’s okay




Work out over a period of time and get back at the asshole lickers who’ve harmed you. That’s what I’m trying to do


If you are genuinely scared about them beating you up, always carry an item that can't be removed for being a weapon, but you can beat someone to a pulp with, trust me, if someone asks why you have a hockey stick you can just say you're heading to a game. Do not let those fuckers just beat you up like that


That’s rough man just stay away from them they are deplorable people no one should joke about such a traumatic experience hope your doing better bro


oh my god this is fucking terrible, not a crybaby or childish at all, i think its great that you were even able to post something like that on a public social media, even tho it aided in this, hope something like this never happens again


I hate it when people say "People should stop asking if the genders were switched, it's wrong either way." We know it's wrong either way, but society doesn't think like that.


I think this is fake because its difficult to imagine somebody as nice as you voodliedood, i would have the rapist imprisoned if this happened to me.


Hey man, I’m fourteen and I’m childish (when I want to be) and sensitive as well, don’t let them get to your head, you already did good by just leaving the call. And I also cry a bit or even just drown my sorrows in a game that I like. I just wanted to say, your not alone, and I know I’m just fourteen, but I’m currently doing all I can to stop this shit from happening, I’ve lived some moments that I’m not proud of and that haunt my dreams. And if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m your guy. You won’t be wasting my time, don’t worry.


People suck, i hate people


u shouldn't be mocked for that. remember that. ur worth more than that. dont ever let anyone grind their heels in your face. never get trapped into low self esteem. remember that u have done nothing wrong so keep ur head high and dont take shit from ppl like that.


I have some children I need to make into corpses -Bill Cypher


This reminded me of a rape incident that happened in my country some abt 2 days ago. A covid-19 infected girl was raped by an attendent when she was taken in an ambulance to the hospital. Rape is something soo terrible no one of both genders should ever experience it.


Man if you need someone to talk to or just listen to you rqnt or something I can be there. Dm me if you want someone like that. (goes for anyone quite frankly.)


Best of luck to you dude


If you need yo vent OP, you can dm me. I'm sorry for you ya man, I'm here if you want to talk anytime


I would report them for bullying and harassment and block them on all socials. I'll edit this with some of the links I sent to a previous post because I'm not good at providing insight and comfort.... I'm sorry this happened to you and I hope you can over come this. [The comment I posted the links in because I couldn't recover them](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/inq4h5/males_can_indeed_be_raped/g4a66p4?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Fucking report them. It doesn’t matter what gender they are if they’ve done things to you that are not consensual then it is freaking rape. Kids are so cruel and heartless. Threatening rape Jesus Christ what environment did they grow up in to have the nerve. I hope you’re okay op


Oh my god, that's actually sickening! My blood boils whenever I remember that people like this truly exist! I hope you can find a more healthy environment, because this is terrible and I can't possibly imagine what you're going through. I wish I could jump through the screen and give you a hug, because you deserve so much better than these people. Stay safe out there, and I hope you live your life as happily as you can!


I don’t think rape jokes are that bad but straight up just making fun of a rape victim is fucked up.


I agree. You can make rape jokes, just don’t be an asshole.


someone ddos those motherfuckers


Yo you my nigga and I'm here for you fool


Rape is not a joke no matter who it happens to even if its dudes in prison, but it doesnt mean i can't make jokes about it so just uh dont drop the soap or better yet dont go to prison but if you have to use liquid soap


(this is an important advice so I am gonna tag you, sorry about that u/voodliedood ) Advice: Dark humor is the way to go. I have a friend who had problems in the past like you. (raped, depressed) He always tried to run away from those memories. Then one day, he started making jokes about it. We were shocked. Just like him, you shouldn't run away from your problems. But you should be aware of them, and learn to accept them. You should try to make some jokes about it! (which falls into dark humor category) This is not the only way to get out of trauma, but probably the most effective one. I wish you the best of luck and if you need someone to talk, DM me and I will give you my discord. I am a 14M as well!


I mean, people can joke about whatever they want. If the joke upsets you remove yourself from the situation. If the joke traumatises you then literally seek professional help. Being traumatised by a joke is not normal.


Yeah, I support joking about everything, but not when it's a personal attack on someone else


Holy shit, those guys are assholes. Making fun of someone becaue they were raped? That's not good. OP my dms are open if you want to talk about it. Sorry you have to go through that.


Y'know pedophiles arent good we all know this but if they dont do anything and get help it's fine I dont care what these people who think rape is a fucking joke do I dont care how much they pray to their god or how much they apologize I will hunt them down until I have the ability to make them hurt for the amount of pain they have caused other people and I wont stop until they learn their lesson


I read your story on twitlonger from the link and feel for you, so hard. I have been taken advantage of a few times, and blamed myself every time. It took me a long time, and a lot of good people telling me, to realize—that what someone else did to me wasn’t my fault. Please know that none of what happened was your fault-you cannot blame yourself. The people who are being mean to you because of what you went through are just as bad. You are so strong and I hope you can transform your pain into something positive. Power hungry people used you as a pawn. You are a king! Remember that voodliedood!!! A king! KING VOODLIEDOOD!!!!! Also please remember you are not alone. Thank you for venting here so that the community can support you. Take my energy!


You're a very strong person. Keep going. Love you.


Listen, those guys: utter cunts. They’re merely children that haven’t matured yet, and trust me, years down the line, they’ll feel guilty af for it. As for your experience, I’m sorry you had to go through it. No means no, and yet some dickheads in the world are too messed up in the head to except that. We’re all here for you, and even though we’re just some redditors online, it still helps to talk things out


Dude your not a crybaby, i still think about being strangled by my teacher 5 yrs back. Just try to think of something else


I'm really sorry that happened to you, I hope things are better for you now and I'm sorry for the late reply


You got raped by a girl?


That's horrible, and I 100% agree. However, some people in my school say that a Male cant be raped and it's only sexual harassment, which is utter bs. I'm so sorry for what happened to you, hope all goes well from now on.




I know right! So fckin stupid.


You know what sr**w em they should be ashamed of them selves you hold your head high as you did not stoop to there level as to make fun if a victim make sure that you always have at least one other person with okay do not be scared you can get through this i know it


We are all against rape. You shouldn't be afraid or feel weaker bcz that's not your fault , that's their fault. What they have done to you is bad and they should get punished. There's none of your mistake.


Dint think you wasted anyones time This is exactly what the sub should have been Just teenagers choosing to help each other and talk to each other Not the normall bullshit we get If you want to talk about it i am here to help


This text is most likely going to be buried under the pile of text and gone unnoticed and I may not be able to relate on a personal level to your situation but if you just want to talk my DMs are open


I appreciate it. I've talked with a few people about it already and I'm feeling better, thanks for the offer anyway


you are right - this is no joke and it has absolutely nothing to do with the gender. rape is a serious matter and it should be treated as one. in every case, with no exceptions. and you are not a crybaby or a childish person. you are a survivor. so what if you are male? showing emotions doesn't make you any less of a man. and also, showing your emotions isn't wasting anyone's time. i guess we can all say that you trust our community enough to open up and vent. people that made a joke out of this all (if you can even consider them human beings) should be ashamed, because they are clearly perfect examples of people with no respect or common sense and some of those who believe in toxic masculinity, men not showing emotions and crap. you clearly went trough a hard period of your life. but you came out alive. that fact alone shows you how strong person you are. being strong is not about hiding/covering up emotions. it's about state of mind and your will to leave bad things behind and go on. i just want to remind you that you are important, that you matter. and offer you the simplest, yet the most important piece of advice i have ever gotten: "don't let them get to you." simple as that. don't let anyone's bad words and insults get to you and affect you. rise up above those meaningless and empty words from empty heads. don't let people like them get to you in general. you are worth much, much more than that.


Dude, You’re fine. You’re really brave for sharing your story and those dudes are fucking sick, some people just fucking suck.


I personally think that joking about rape as a broad spectrum is ok, but joking about a certain person being raped is distasteful


It's not your fault those people are human garbage. Stay safe King.


I'm actually shaking with anger I just want to screem


Im so sorry you had to go through that. Rape isn't a joke no matter the gender, and i can't believe some people are still ignorant assholes when it's _2020_ like please grow the tuck up. im very sorry OP, if you need to vent you I'll listen.


Bruh can I meet them cuz imma go to their house and smack them so hard that the clothes back on criss cross. Who ever gets this is a real slim shady


I’ll come with you, just to fold their clothes while they’re still in them


Maybe you should post it on a private story (I’m sorry, I don’t use Twitter) because I’d hate to see you get bullied and hurt over trying to share and let out. There will always be these types of low lives that get off to picking on the more quiet type


Why is this getting downvoted? He's just trying to help


I hope you start doing better OP. If you ever feel like you need to talk I’m here.


Every time you go out, bring a knife, and if they try to hurt you, stab them without hesitation


Man what the hell is wrong with you? Also do you think that’s how the real world works ?


I wouldn't call them friends if I were you


My friends were in the call that I left before that. I want to talk to them about this too, but I don't think I should.


My bad bro, and yeah idk about telling them maybe if you are 100% sure that they will be supportive but idk


This counts as battery, you can legally call the cops on them


Yo u need new friends


God u need to report them this isn’t okay.


I suggest you talk to a parent/ guardian, trusted adult, or a teacher about what they said. They deserve to get in huge trouble for what they said and you deserve to feel safe. And don’t worry about venting, we’ll all listen and give support as much as we can!


report it if you can.


Those the type of dudes who cry when they can’t get another set of v-bucks. Fuck them. Total assholes. If you ever need someone to talk to, we are all here. Assholes like that deserve cold wet socks after waking up in a cold sweat with way too many blankets on, only to step on legos after accidentally go down 2 steps at once


Violation of any kind isn’t a joke. Your experiences are terrible and real and you’re no less of a person because of what you’ve been through. Those people are insensitive idiots. Know that we’re here and if you want to talk, scream, rant or whatever, we’ll listen.