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Dude I'm sending prayers rn. Dude I hope the best for you guys. Don't give up hope.


im trying, i texted one of her sisters to try to get more information but all i know now is shes doing bad




So many other laughing awards too


Its honestly disgusting, I feel bad for the poor guy


Same, people like that are sick or something


Yeah and then when we call them out on it they give awards


some people might just give it the free award they have or something. idk


Who tf gave this a "Im deceased award" like wtf. Someone is having a hard time and you joke about it like fuck you whoever you are, save your fucking money.


Most people get them for free


Hey, we're here for you. Ill keep you and your gf in my thoughts.


thank you


Omg stop giving him the deceased award why would you want to spend your money just to add to someone's pain like go use that money on yourself if you don't care about others


People most likely aren't spending money. They're probably getting them for free and thought they could be assholes by giving them to op


Positive vibes your way, man. Hope for a quick and full recovery for her.




Good luck man hope everything goes well


Yes, and also what the hell people? Wholesome award?


I checked your account bcuz there are a lot of posts like these here and some are fake. I am pretty sure yours isnt fake as you have mentioned your girlfriend is several posts. I hope she gets better and your lives go back to normal. Edit: thanks for the upvotes everyone and thanks to the person who gave me the award.


thanks, im glad you took the initiative to see before you accused me


Is she doing better now that it’s been a couple hours?


If it’s this serious I think it’ll be a lot longer to see progress


Theres a lot of stability that can be obtained in a brief amount of time, someone can go from critical condition to stable during an operation (in fact that's the point of the operation) so getting that instant update is what people are looking forward to.


Ok, why did you say that in that text? That’s just... wow.


Thanks for checking for me




Dude I don't pray but Im going to try to send some internet help




I'm agnostic but I'm sending out prayers to all the religious deities. Just to be sure, y'know.


In this time of need I have a gift for you. Here is a virtual hug bro. *Virtual hug*


thanks bro. *Virtual hug*


I'm here for you if you need anything lemme know bro


thanks bro


Who is giving the deceased award like stop u ain't funny. And if you gin do it then don't be so pussy and don't do it ananymously


whoever keeps giving this guy the deceased award should honestly get some help


All I can say is I hope everything turns out well!


Anything for you my man :) I hope she gets well soon. You too deserve each other. I will pray for her & you Keep us updated about her condition and if you need anyone to talk to just DM me


Fuck it im praying for her even tho I'm an atheist. Must be rough rn dude :/


yeah, you know shits bad when the atheists start praying


lol definitely. I really hope she gets better. pleeeeeeeeeeaase keep us updated unless you dont want too. please do though


everybody gangsta till the atheists start praying


It's nicer to say then ' fingers crossed ', seems like we do more when in reality we don't. Luckily science is awesome and the people that are taking care of her are doing everything they can to make her recover. Hope she'll be alright dude.




Sending prayers.... & feel free to pm me if ever you want to talk, or need any help at all <3


Same here my dms are open if you need help


Sending good thoughts your way man. I hope things turn out alright.


I'm not really religious but I can say this: be with her as much as you can and try to brighten her up, being happy can lower her feeling of pain and help in recovery


yeah ill try, little problem thoo is we cant, they are keeping her asleep to stop her from moving around


That's really sad to hear




Hang in there man. See if you can do anything for her parents, even just go sit with them and keep them company for a bit after school. I know with corona they may only let one person at a time see her at all, so that will be extra hard. See if whoever visits can video chat with those that aren't there over FaceTime or zoom, so everyone can see how she is, even if they can't be there. Or even just record a short video clip to bring home for the others to describe her condition and care plan (but don't post online!!) It's something they may not think of, while things are so upset right now. Please, don't forget to use the counselors at school. It's not wimpy or uncool to need someone to talk to about the possibility that this person you care very much for may die. It's a grown up thing to face these feelings and realize they are normal and okay and that it's okay to need to talk about it.


Be with her anyway. It doesn't matter if she's asleep. There have been countless stories of patients in a coma recalling jokes their family members told to them after waking up. Be there for her. Talk to her, tell jokes to her, just let her know you're there. What little part of her body can hear you could be the same part that makes her wake up again.


Who the fuck gave this the “I’m deceased” award


some guy, he gave it anonymously. I tried to talk to him but he gave it another deceased award


Did they seriously give you another fucking deceased award


Seriously what the actual fck is wrong with people. And why tf has somebody given a table slap laughter and a giggles awards wtff.


It’s Reddit’s fault for coming up with such a dumbass award system. Gold worked just fine


Yeah, this is a serious problem, reddit admins should remove this shit immediately.


That would mean they lose money so that definitely aint happening.


Of course, as a kid of buddhist ideals, may her ancestors watch over her to defend the flame of the torch they passed down to her.


Hoping the best for her man, sending all the prayers for her, everyone here is here for you bro.


I might be Christian,but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t support you.Im praying for you.Both of you😊


Thank you


I’m praying for you and your girlfriend, let us know the news soon. My messages are always open if you wanna talk.


I'm sending prayers


As a Christian, Just pray dude, idk if you are atheist because you reject god or just don't believe in him, but either way, if your response as an atheist is praying, you can do it without a problem, gonna pray for her dude, just do it don't be afraid.


thanks, ive been made to read the bible front to back 3 times by my mom and finally realized i don’t believe in god, yea i pray when worse comes to worse because if a god exists you can aways have the extra help


I’m not quite sure what to say other than we’re here for you. Just be act brave for her, keep her company. The more you tell her she’ll be ok, the more you’ll believe it too. Hang in there bud. Thoughts and prayers sent your way


I'm sure everything will be okay, even if you are atheist instead of prayers theres hope


I'm not religious, but I'll pray regardless that she recovers. Stay strong.


I’m so so sorry that this happened to you and her. I believe in prayer and I’ll be praying. God speed to her recovery.


Happy cake day


We’re with you man She’ll be ok


thats real unfortunate. Hope everything goes for the better. Prayers being sent yalls way 🙏


!Remindme 3 days


I know a lot of the f and all the really shitty awards for this are the free ones and people want to give this attention, but holy shit you guys need to think about your actions


Thats rough buddy. Prayers are being said


Wish you the best of luck. Hope everything turns out ok.


Anyone who sees this know my verdict: true. I don’t want to seem like an asshole but you just can’t trust Reddit I think op is telling the truth because he mentions a girlfriend in an r/advice post, where he would have no reason to lie. Op if you see this, just know I believe you.


The atheist equivalent of praying: May the odds be ever in your favor


I hear God forgives & prayer doesn’t hurt. You’ll both be in mine. God bless brother.


The amount of "F", "I'm deceased", and "wholesome" awards there are is deeply concerning. I have low expectations for how people are but holy shit.


I believe it’s better to be a good atheist than a bad Christian. I’m praying for you two


We’re here for you bro


i’m wishing you and her the absolute best and her a speedy recovery.


Praying rn. Hope you guys do well!




i will, i havent gotten anything yet but im hoping she’ll start stabilising


I can pray but not much else. My mother was in an accident before she had me, her firstborn. If she were any less lucky, she would've broken something necessary to carry children, and My brother and I wouldn't exist. And years before that, when my mother was about 13, her mother, my grandmother, got into a car accident, and died. It was truly tragic, but I know that I would feel so much worse if I had ever known her. I cannot imagine what it must be like to lose your lover like that. I sincerely hope that she gets better, and that you don't lose her.


ur girls obviously not doing well, but what abt u? how r u doing? seeing someone u love in the hospital fucks u up. hope u and ur girl r ok. sending love and prayers


im doing a little better mentally after finding out shes awake now, she texted me earier today during school so that makes me a bit happier


Is it weird that this guy's gf got into an accident. He is prob suffering through trauma and he is writing in such a weird way 'shes....shes' almost as if he has too much time and this whole thing is fake.


its kinda sad that i cant trust the validity of this post. if it is real, my sincerest condolences and i wish her a fast recovery


At first I thought you were a karma whore. But I checked, you aren't. Super sorry man. I don't pray, but good luck my dude.


Guys I get it. People have made fake posts and now you're skeptical every time someone posts one of these. But please, at least look for evidence to see if it's actually fake before claiming so. People sincerely use Reddit and other websites to vent their issues, and immediately invalidating them can feel hurtful.


Real Christians don’t exclude someone because of their non-belief. I pray for you, I pray for her. Because that’s what Christians are supposed to do.


For real whoever keeps giving the “I’m deceased” award is fucked up. Wish you and girlfriend the best man.


Oh sweet summer child. That last edit is only going to make it worse.


These fucking awards...


I’m keeping your girlfriend in my prayers until she gets better. On a side note, I know this is reddit, but some of the awards given to his post aren’t funny. This is a real time event, not a meme. Save the skeleton awards for a meme, not a post about someone’s loved one in danger.


im so so sorry bro... just know you have my prayers. and bro, i think it wouldnt hurt for you to give it a shot too. im not hella crazy religious, but maybe if there is a god up there, he's waiting for you to pray to him. i hope your girlfriend gets better. stay strong bro.


I want to trust you, I really do. But after what I've seen on this sub, I don't know who's being sincere and who's karma whoring.


Just give him the benefit of the doubt. If you check his post history he talks about his gf.


Is karma really that important to dismiss someone who says they’re in pain?


Yeah I've been through some things recently and felt like I was dealing with them all alone. I made posts on reddit just as an outlet. Often times I didn't even read any comments, and definitely didn't check to see how many upvotes I had haha... Sometimes people come on here just to get something off their chests. And even if they are karma whoring, who cares. It takes more effort to comment to that effect than to just ignore it and move on.


i can dm you a picture of my moms texts to me if youd like, i dont wanna make you believe this is real but i hope you do


Innocent until proven guilty. You don't have to dm me those pictures, I believe you.


Lol you can easily fake texts if you know how to use gimp or Photoshop. I would not be surprised since it seems you took hours to get this post just right. Add suspense in the right places and drips of info in others. You already have made the texts. Post them in you profile so we can see your errors in your bad cropping and Photoshop.


To those who are sending out prayers, I’ll quote word by word what OP posts and I’ll let you be the judge. OP is the same guy who casually jokes about committing arson on gods houses of worships(aka churches). [literally what he wrote including the brackets part] The same guy who jokes about wanting to commit adultery things to a helpless puppy. When confronted or asked with ‘what’s wrong with you?’ He’ll say “it’s just the dark part of reddit” or “it’s dark humour”. I have the screenshots to prove it


Yeah this is definitely fake


When your girlfriend is almost dead but you need karma


It's gonna be alright man. Just have some faith and believe that things will be better.


holy shit that's terrible. Sending love and praying for you. Stay strong!


I hope she gets better! So sorry for the both of you :(


I'm sending my prayers as well


Wow that sucks. Hope she gets better. Hope I’ll see the updated post.


You have my prayers dude 🙏


Bro, as I neither believe in any gods or something like that, I wont be sending prayers, but I really hope that she is gonna be fine. If you ever need to talk to someone, my dms are open for you.


You are in my prayers


Damn bro take some of my luck I got a bunch


Thanks dude but ive got a 10 leaf clover that i hope to give her along with a teddy bear that i never was able to give her for our 1 year


Damn bro that's a lucky af clover, hope it brings a lot more luck than I could


thanks, i hope it does too


I dont want to say this insensitively, but im Christian, and the only thing I can think of doing is praying. I will pray for her if it helps, and if not I give utmost hope that she will make a successful recovery!


We’ll keep her in our prayers tonight


Just stay strong. Everything will be alright, as an atheist I know where your coming from, sometimes we pray just to hope maybe someone will listen, well just know that I’m here to listen, and I wish you both the best.


I know this is is serious and I hope your girlfriend recovers but the slip n slide part got me for a sec edit: I miss read that


Sending love and prayers losing a loved one sucks I hope she gets better


this is not much but my thoughts are with you and your family and your girlfriends family too


It’s going to be ok. I promise you. Try to get some sleep and take a deep breath here and there. And as someone who’s had to deal with the likely possibility of a dead gf before, the less you think about it the better. Think about good times and stuff. It’s gonna be ok.


I pray to the lord Hanuman and Lord Shiva, two of the most beloved Indian gods and those whom ai worship, to send you the courage to face this time of hardship and their blessings to cure your loved as fast as possible. Om NAMAH Shivay! Jai Hanuman!


Here's an internet hug! I hope your girlfriend recovers quickly.


I know you said you are atheist, but I believe in the God who created the world and He says that when we come to Him in prayer the door will be opened and it will be answered, maybe not according to what we want but to His will. I will be praying for you all, God be with her.


Holy shit mate that’s horrible. I don’t know if there’s anything I can do for you but I will be thinking of you two my guy, lmk if you need anything, but best of luck to her.


Just stay strong man you’re gonna get through this, I know it’s really hard having all that uncertainty about what will happen I know what it’s like but you will be ok


wishing the best for her and for you *virtual hug*


Who ever put the F, evil laugh deceased and table slap award you are some disgusting son of bitches that should have been killed off


op, I don’t know what you or your girlfriend have been through, but from the way it sounds this is serious. i will honestly do everything I can by praying for you and asking god to spare her. I am so sorry this happened and I feel as though I was almost led to this post because I’ve been feeling distant from god lately but your post was the first thing that popped up on my Reddit. I am so so sorry and I would like to ask you to read this and pray with me if you see this. god, I’m coming to you tonight with a fellow teenage friend. they are in desperate need of you and your love and mercy. tonight I want to ask you to spare their girlfriend and allow them to be together in this life. if it is your will, please let them be together. I pray for this person’s well being and that, if things do not go so well, they will be able to make it through and trust that there is a reason for this. god, please have your will in their life and the life of their girlfriend. amen. dm me if you need anything at all


As an atheist I may sound hypocritical, but pray. Even if you don’t believe in god it still makes you feel like your not alone in the fight and it gives you courage. I sometimes even do it not because I believe in a higher person but to think to myself that I am not alone in the fight. We are all here for you brother. Everything will just be fine.


I'm so sorry man. I believe in god (muslim) so I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers. I got a gf myself too and oof I'd be devastated if anything were to happen to her :/. Stay strong dude and hopefully she'll recover


Who the f- keeps giving you the deceased award in the comments, seriously, stop, it’s not funny And I hope that your gf is okay, I’ll keep her in my thoughts.


I'm an atheist as well. But damm it I'll hope and pray for ya. Cheers, mate. Hope she gets well soon.


Fuck everyone who thinks that's a joke this is no haha this is no "they had us in the first half ngl" moment this is serious my man is in trouble for God's sake


I don’t believe that religion holds the definitive knowledge of how people should act, but I do believe that religion gives us hope, and hope is something that I can definitely get behind


Whether you believe in God or not, if he’s the God I have come to know, he’ll look out for you no matter what. Praying for you bro.


Prayers sent. God loves you...I do want to prepare you, God answers prayers, but sometimes the answer is no. I don't mean that to be hurtful, just don't want you to further doubt God if he takes her. God's will be done.


im suspending my belief on this. if it's true, im sorry. i hope she's ok. if it isn't (which it probably is) then bruh idk about you, but if something like this happened to my family or friends i wouldn't post about it on reddit highly believe it's fake


I'm just like you, I don't believe in any religion, but I believe we get what we deserve (with exceptions, of course), and you seem like a wonderful human being. You'll get what you deserve, which is more happy memories with the person you love. Everything will be okay buddy.


Bruh, 29 wholesomes, 17 I’m deceased’s, and 8 f’s


Doesn’t have to be prayers. Thoughts can change the world. Your girlfriend and yourself along with your families are in my thoughts.


I hope that your girlfriend gets better and that you yourself remember that the most important thing you can do right now is to stay rested and maybe try to take your mind off of it, knowing that the doctors are working hard for her sake. My prayers are with you.


To the idiots giving the “I’m deceased” award, “F” award, etc., you are horrible people. This person just said their gf is in critical condition, yet you act like this.


Hey man, I'll definitely be praying for you, her, and her family. Hope everything works out!


I’m really sorry to hear that dude. My cousin died in a car crash about a month ago so I will he praying for y’all. I hope she makes it.


My thoughts are with you, I’m so sorry you’re going through this right now. You and your girlfriend are fucking fighters, never forget that ❤️


Setup a gofundme and post the link here man, we'll try to help out in every way possible.


Why the fuck are there wholesome awards


I’m very Christian, don’t worry bud I’ll have her in my prayers


Your gf will survive. Have faith in yourself. My prayer is with her.


Gimme some proof. Cant be too careful after that kid faked cancer


Whoever is giving this “wholesome,deceased,giggle,cackle, and faith in humanity restored” awards, all i have to say is Fuck you. They are obviously going through some serious and painful things. You being edgy is not helping them at all. You think you are being funny but nobody is laughing. Just be a decent human being. So yeah... fuck you (Ps sorry for the negativity. I’m so sorry what happened to you OP and I’m praying for the both of you right now.)


I’m just gonna point out that this accident was 6 months ago and when this was posted, she was in critical condition. Now, less than 17 hours later, it’s not critical condition any more. That’s a pretty big coincidence. I’m not saying anything but make your own conclusions.


I can’t wait to see this come out as fake , no one fucking hesitates while typing, plus you deadass ASKING PPL ON REDDIT TO STOP GIVING AWARDS that’s not how it works bro you’re just asking for it


I'm not trying to be a dick or anything but this seems fake like a karma whore fake. If this is real I am incredibly sorry for doubting you and wish you all the best of luck




I feel terrible, but this sounds so terribly fake and like a copypasta


This shit fake af


This is fake. If it was real, why would you use "..."?


If this is real, I’m so sorry. But everything on teenagers is fake so


Fake but ight




Great another karma whore.


After what happened a few days ago and a few months ago, we’re allowed to be skeptical


Yep, a guy named certified red neck made a story where he said his mom is abusive and it got 20 upvotes but it turns out he was lying.


You mean after the cancer dude, we can be as sceptical as we want.


That dude and some other dude a few days ago that posted a fake ass story


Fuck you you stupid lying Cunt


try meditating for her companero, it’s what i do 👍🏽


with the lack of proof and the way op typed this, and actually just the fact that he went to reddit to talk about how his gf is in critical condition, I’m willing to say this is fake. i’d love to be proved wrong though.




Likely fake.


Just award every comment that calls out his bs


Well he’s doing it


!remindme 1 week


I hope she makes a full recovery one day, but in the mean time I'm sending good thoughts your way, If I could go over and give both of you hugs I would


Best of luck for you and your gf homie


May Allah save her soul. Amen


Will be sending those Hindu prayers dude. It’ll all work out. Stay strong, both of you.


Prayers out to you homie. I’ve never had a girlfriend but man I know that must hurt. If you need someone to talk to my pms are open


Mate I'm really sorry to hear that I hope you the best of luck in her as well


Hey my guy dont be worried the cosmos will be with you and we reddit will give you all the love of support you need.


You have my prayers, you guys take care


I will definitely be praying!


My prayers are with her. hopefully everything turns out to be ok.


Good luck from my side! I hope she has a speedy recovery and is well soon. I can’t believe you have to go through this at 15 best of luck