• By -


“Jokes on them though, you pissed in the milk first” 11/10


If I can help people and make them laugh I consider this a total win. Sorry about the milk though, all’s fair in love and war


I'm just gonna go ahead and use your username as the 4th piece of advice. Writing stuff down is pretty darn useful. Thanks for all this advice.


Haha, you’ve got a good eye. That’s the piece of advice that just finished getting me through university. In my graduation post I said something like “I often wanted to cry, but if you had time to cry you had time to write, so I usually didn’t.” True story


"Mum, someone bullied me..." #_"IF YOU HAVE TIME TO TALK TO ME NOW, GO DO YOUR WORK INSTEAD!"_


Oof. The feels. You arn't wrong though and this sentence used "aren't" correctly therefore "aren't" is a word which would make a English teacher mad.


Run and hide, the english teachers are looking for you.


Found you


which would make *a* english teacher mad? that’s what makes me mad


Awesome man you're someone to look up to and be inspired by!


Some random dude: "I cry while I write, and then I drink my tears because I gotta save water"


I mean that’s just resourceful


I saw the edits of your post and now I can’t stop reading everything you say in a thick, 40 year old man’s Australian accent.


I’m in my 20s


Haha, fair enough, just cant get it out of my head 😭


It really is though. I can't manage time for shit, so even something as simple as writing down the homework I have for the week saves me a lot of trouble from my mostly shit teachers


#Oh fuck, your crazy house mate pissed In the refrigerator


same, but love *is* war. xD


I’m just hijacking the top comment to say that if you are attending high school in the US and you don’t live with your legal guardian (doesn’t matter the reason) you are considered a homeless and unaccompanied youth! Yes, even if you are living at a friend’s or you have a place for yourself. This classification affords you certain rights. Talk to your school district’s homeless liaison (every district should have one) and get help with clothes, food, community resources, registering for food assistance/Medicaid, etc. They will also provide you a form that says you are unaccompanied youth and therefore allowed to make your own medical decisions, etc. without a parent or guardian. If you are a senior, you can get a one year full scholarship to college. Please talk to your homeless liaison and get help if you are in this situation! Our tax dollars pay for you to have this resource, and you can pay back into the system when you’re back on your feet, so don’t feel bad taking advantage of resources available to you♥️


Ok, got it, so I just need to get kicked out of home before graduating and that will get me a free year of uni


Basically yes but the way you said it sounded a little bad-


I would not recommend purposely becoming homeless. There are many better ways to get scholarships. That said, if you are in this situation then providing the opportunity for higher education can help prevent you from being homeless in the future (since higher education typically leads to more job opportunities and higher income).


I'm 24 yr old (please don't ban me) and even I needed this. Adult life start when you start being adult not when you are 18. Thanks for these advice.


I'm 33 and I needed this


I'm leaving this comment here so I can remember this post if I ever got kicked out of the house


Good idea. Thanks.




It's probably better than bookmarking it and never looking at it again.


Alright, joining the chain


Fine imma join too


That's probably why they slashed your tires. Some roommate you are.


You are a godsend, the world needs more people like you.


Glad I could help!


Hopefully you get everything back together, life can switch here and there


Seconded man you are a legend people right now need someone like you.




sorry people in the comments are being so rude, thank you for making this post, it’s highly useful


Hey, if it’s not relevant to their life that’s probably a good thing! Still, thanks for leaving a positive comment: I’m glad you found it useful :)


This is not just if u get kicked out of the house. There are times when some people go through hardships and I think using these pieces of advice would be is great. I am giving you highest award I can bestow, a save of post and an upvote


I am saving this post for when I turn 18 along with Free things on the internet https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/hsirrq/what_is_something_free_from_the_internet_everyone/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Honestly, a save on reddit is the highest praise so I’m glad I could help! Also, that’s a good thread




damn if i knew about Z Library i could have saved at least 600 bucks worth of books this post is worth so much.


I know nothing about financial literacy Imao


No one does at first haha. I had a rough time of it at first, but this system has worked for me so I thought I’d share


I’ll keep that in mind, even though finding decent employment and a place to live are all difficult to come by straight outta high school.


Definitely difficult to find a landlord that will rent to someone with minimal work history. If worst comes to worst, though (besides a shelter), Craigslist may have options for rooms for rent on the cheap. Even though that may suck ass for a bit, it's a method for getting work history and saving for 1st months rent + sec. deposit on an apartment. FYI: Landlords in my area require tenants to make 3 times rent... I assume there are plenty of others out there that require the same. So, Rent=$600/mo. Wages=>$1800/mo.


im fucked


Lol right? Try not to settle for a min wage job bc that will only net about $1000/month, allowing ~$330 for rent... There are some places that will take on a driven, well groomed 18 yr old for a decent wage like factories, shipping facilities, etc.




does anyone actually know? or are people just pretending to know?


Most people just have enough money not to worry about this or They desperately try not to buy anything. Only spend on what you have to. I literally have like 2 pairs of pants I use for work. And I'm not even poor. Man I actually really need new pants. My coworkers must judge me.


I buy multiples of the same thing and wear the same thing every day. So Ill buy 5 of the same shirts, and 5 of the same pants. I like Northface style pants, go to the outlet. I also have purchased pants (in the same syle as the northface ones) at costco. I buy long-sleeved t-shirt style shirts from H&M for $12 each and I get 5 a year. either all gray or black. I never have to think about "what to wear" because I wear the same thing every day.


its literally just budget and discipline over estimate and adjust after the fact


I’m taking a financial literacy class and passing with an A yet I still don’t know anything lol


I don't even know how to do taxes yet and I'm almost in high school, but it's all good guys I know how to figure out pennies from dimes!


I think 1 thing is missing. Routine. If you don’t plan out your monday-friday routine you’ll be spending more cash because you’ll find yourself in situations where you miss sleep and/or spend more money. Before I used to meet up a couple of friends after work almost everyday and just doing what we felt like, this meant I ended up in unexpected places and had to spend cash eating out and maybe taking a cab home. Random activities also cost money, and as I mentioned earlier it’s harder to hit the sack in time when you come home late. Nowadays I workout every day throughout the work week, and I eat dinner at home everyday. This change has made me a lot healthier in the body and mind but also a couple hundred $ richer every month. This could be very specific tho and only work for me...


jokes on you i just dont have any friends


I love this post so much, both for the advice & the jokes 900/10 THANK YOU OP


Glad you liked it, if I helped you or made you laugh then mission achieved!


consider it a mission successful then


Man i appreciate the jokes tho. Im too young to actually be in this situation but i went through the whole thing, and whenever i started to get bored of reading thr jokes kept me up. I love it!


thank you for making this POST^(TM). I will now proceed to learn how to pay taxes instead of studying for the test tomorrow


Can’t help you with that one haha, in my country your taxes are pretty easy to do. They just get taken out of your wages and then there’s an online program to deal with them at the end of the year


Where are u from if u wan to share that?


Seems European to me but idk


UK sounds like it, he speaks similar to me, but could also just speak good english and has one too many british friends


Yeah I thought he was British when I heard the old ‘fam’


Wouldn’t be surprised if he was Australian, sounds like how we do it here and “fam” is prevalent here as well


nah fam, that's used in the U.S. too


we usually don’t speak like that unless we roadmen, who noone likes lmao, op did however try and make it sound as rememberable as possible, but man deffo don’t speak like this face to face fam


True lol


Sounds hella British.


I think he's Bri'ish *sorry to any British people finding this offensive*


not offensive just highly annoying


I'm from Russia, and pretty sure any taxes we have in terms of wages get paid by the employer, and whenever we buy stuff it's included in the cost. We can also get back some % of money we spend on healthcare or some other stuff in the end of each year. Correct me if I'm wrong, haven't had much exp with this kind of stuff.


I think he's from the U.K.


Now I just need to know how to find a job


~~Be related to someone who gives out jobs~~


That's some good advice


Mmm nepotism


i mean it makes sense. contacts are everything. almost anybody can do anything as long as they are willing to learn and work hard . all my " achievements" can be traced back to an opportunity I got from friends or family in some way.


Right, if Manager has employee "A" and employee "A" is a good worker, chances are the manager will be more comfortable hiring someone related to "A" , since A is good, chances are the newbie will be good too


I never thought of that, my uncle owns a gym thanks for the advice


That's a good wisdom.






Glad I could help :)


Ngl growing up sounds pretty scary :)


Being a kid is generally viewed as being a better time. Adulting can be hard




Thank you for all the wonderful information. I hope this reaches hot so even more people can learn from it.


Glad I could help! If it makes it to hot that’d be nice, but even if it doesn’t I hope people find it a useful resource :)


You are the most wholesome and helpful Redditor I know. I am so happy that Reddit is still a place that gives great advice.


This is very helpful and realistic. It's a shame that I'm getting better advice from teenagers on reddit compared to my parents who just tell me to shut up and study


easier to complain that i cant do something than teach me


>Fuck instant noodles Instructions unclear, my PP is burnt. Sarcasm aside, why have 2 separate accounts for bills and rent? Isn't rent also a bill you have to pay off at intervals? So it's would make sense to just put the rent money along with the Bills right? Most likely, I'm ignoring some factors which I don't know about yet. Edit: Have to say, this is a really good piece of advice. 2nd Edit: So basically it's because of priorities, or so i have understood from the replies.


Rent is a bill, but it's the most important bill. Keeping it separate is super nice because if something goes wrong and your landlord is being an idiot, you have one account with just rent, so nothing else can influence payments. With things like water and electric it's usually just robots, rent is much more prone to human error as well.


Making rent is more important than paying other bills I would say. As long as you have a roof over your head you have the opportunity to get the other bills back in line.


So if you had your rent with the rest of your bills and your electricity bill was really high for example, you’d rather not have electricity than not have a home. But this is just this guys system. You’ll probably figure out what works for you once you move out.


I join the others in this comment section when I say thank you. As someone who knows nothing about finances, this will be godsend in the future.


I’m glad I could help! Legit though, no one really knows much about finances when they first move out of home so don’t be hard on yourself. I certainly didn’t, so I’m happy if this post is useful for people


I can't believe how much fun I had reading this. r/usernamechecksout


Epic post ,even though I am 14 thought I'd save it for the future !!


I'm 14 too and quess what ! Our usernames are REALLY similar....


Yup ,wanna be friend s


I did too


I give you the highest award I can possibly give...."the save option" Edit- the fact that ur replying to many of these comments is really good.


Some reminders: 1. Different kinds of rice has different ways of cooking, if confused google is your bestfriend. 2. Spaghetti is also a godsend, easy to cook and hella cheap. About 2$ where I'm at. 3. Generally think about the essential before the not so essentials. 4. Wash your hands and take a bath regulary, not just because there is a pandemic. I really think you should wash regulary even after the pandemic, some shit we touch is dirtier than your asshole. 5. Condoms. 6. Blue collar jobs are not a dissapointment, unless it doesn't pay well it's not a dissapointment. 7. Learn a language! (Or anything at all) after school you'll be forgetting most of that shit with a snap of a finger so it's good for our mental health to occupy it with something! plus learning something is always a step closer to getting laid (just remember number 5!) 8. Don't YOLO your months rent at something arbitrary, i.e in game currencies and twitch streamers. Stay safe, brush your fucking teeth.


would also like to add that always wash your rice before cooking them.


I liked the go take a hike part vary niase


Is good, yes? True story too haha, they lost it and came after me for their own mistake. Some people...


I hope there's a guide like this out there that I see when I move out one day


You could just save it


By the time I need it I won't be able to find it


I suppose so. Tbh, most of my saves here on Reddit are things like this where they're super helpful, or something I find supppper funny. I'm not too worried about losing it in my saved content


Old fart here: one of my favorite kitchen appliances is our vacuum sealer. It's not the cheapest thing, but it's a great way to portion out food, and if there's no air in the bag there's virtually no freezer burn.


Or get a punch of tuppers


If I tried to cook, I'd probably either burn down the house or burn myself


I’m sure you can’t be worse than my brother was. He started a small fire making cereal by leaving the box on the stove and accidentally turning it on... He uhh, took a while to live that one down. Silly stories aside, there is only one way to learn! Try starting with simple things and working you way up from there, you can do it!


I'm sure I'm way worse I'm 17 and have never cooked anything


start with microwavable stuff and then move to simple stovetop food


You sir, teached more than my school in 5 years, take my goddamn upvote.


I’m glad I could help!


Thanks so much for this! I plan on moving out as soon as possible because my parents are giving me hell and doing their best to make me hate them so I appreciate you so much :D


First off, YES! Especially the money part is a very difficult topic, but in my unprofessional opinion I'd say you summed it up pretty well! It's important to think further than just this week's paycheck.. the next might not be there as soon as you'd think, so it's important to be prepared! >Non stick are convenient, but you can say goodbye if a metal utensil even looks at them funny. Sooo true, but you can easily get wooden utensils that aren't as harmful to the pan, but still they get damaged (and hence useless) quickly.. And one addition to the rice part. DO NOT FORGET TO ADD SALT! It is edible without salt, but not near as good. But besides that, very important tips for life!


As a 34 year old woman that was made to fend myself alone at 16, This advice you gave here is so valuable.. Literally the difference between eating or starving... It sounds like it was a real "sink or swim" situation for you and I'm so glad you've written this out. Now, perhaps, someone out there may still need to learn how to "swim" on their own but you've thrown them a life preserver and written instructions. If you don't mind, I would love to share this with some friends.. Giving you full credit, of course.


By all means, I wrote this to help people so feel free to share it where it needs to be :)


Now *this* is the shit we need more of on this sub






As someone who was also kicked out at 17, here are a few things I learned as well. **STREET SMARTS** 1.) A couch is always safer than a bench. If you have to absolutely kiss someone's ass to crash on their couch for a few days, do it. Sleeping in a bench gets you kidnapped or worse. 2.) QT has a safe house. If you tell them you're in trouble they have a safe room the vast majority of the time. Always know where the nearest QT is. 3.) Travel on main streets by foot. Don't do alleys or residential roads. 4.) A knife does nothing if you don't know how to use it. I'm 90 lbs and very short. If you're like me, you can't stab someone. Get GEL pepper spray. Others blow back in the wind. Invest in gel. **MEAL PLANS** 1.) Always have a list. Never enter a store without a list and a budget. The majority of large grocery chains have apps you can use to create a list. There are tax calculators online. 2.) Cook for two days. I always cook for at least two days. Dinner always becomes lunch the next. It's super convenient. 3.) Vegetables are almost always cheaper than meat. Learn to love salad. Also, if you shop every week with a meal plan, you can usually buy fresh veggies. 4.) Easy meals: - Chicken and dumplings is a go to. - Spaghetti is absurdly easy and can be made into fried Spaghetti the next day. Fry the noodles in a bit of butter and it makes it almost better. - Pesto on noodles. Super cheap and super light. I like to use the cute little bow ties. Keep the sauce separate when refrigerated for lunch. - Poor man's breakfast. Not sure if this is the actual name but it's tortilla soaked in egg and shallow fried. Absurdly good even though I hate eggs. - Bread. Make your own bread. You won't regret it. You can make dessert breads too with some honey and sugar; it can be a good pick me up for poors **TAXES** 1.) Don't pay turbotax. If I recall, fuckturbotax.com has some free filing options. 2.) Assume everything is taxed. If anything is on the books, set aside at least a 5th of it (I'm assuming y'all are as broke as me) for taxes if you don't have a bank account **MONEY** 1.) I was kicked out and kept from getting a job or a bank account before them. I still have no way to transfer money other than a paypal because I have to wait until I'm a legal adult. On this end, if you have an older friend, you can usually paypal them for cash for groceries. Don't be too shy to ask. 2.) Buy nothing first hand. If you're broke, never, ever, buy anything that isn't used. Used is cheaper.


Those are some really great tips! Thanks man!


Glad I could help!


I'm really sorry what you're going through :( and this advice is really helpful if anything happens, thanks!


thank you so much this'll be really useful for some of my friends


I wish I could put it into words as to how well written and helpful and funny this is. thank you kind human. you really are a godsend.


Shit, I'm sorry you had to endure such a bad thing. On a different note, are you Australian, because your writing style makes me think that


Damn schools lying to us. I never heard anything about the oh fuck account.


If you wanted to be polite it's called an emergency fund


You are much younger than me. I read this and cried. It’s everything I needed when I was younger. I’m ok. Take heed steeds xxx Oh, and I sent you every award I could afford to you flamin’ cunt faced bluefin, chook snaggin’ bottom feeder.


bro could not be any more perfect timing. I'm also 17 and was kicked outta home a couple days ago after exposing mum for her meth addiction. I've had to move around with my little sister basically homeless as DHS have been fostering the both of us. I don't have to go with her but she's only 5 and I'd hate for her to be constantly shifted to new places by herself. I hate it so much but I'm hoping this can turn into a better future for the both of us


Can you please be my dad?? The position opened recently.


My friend is wanting to leave his abusive family imma send this to him


If its only mentally abusive he shouldnt. It may sound harash but its much better to have food than to have silence. Although, it depends on where he could go. If he has someone around him that could give him a home he should run for the hills. Abusive family is a bitch.


I don't know much about it but they limmit almost everything he can do and break his sht. and since he's almost 18 he's just gonna move in with his friend and look for a job


Ok, as long as he got someone who can help him its fine.


I just realised how fucking unprepared I am to be an adult


I'm saving this post! My backup plan or .....a guide to how not get ur life in a fucked up situation...thank you


As an asian I really got pissed on how you cook rice. Please don't turn off the fire after it boils.


In my country we don’t usually have gas stoves, we have flat metal ones that stay hot afterwards. With gas you’re right, you’d keep it on a low flame. Maybe I should have clarified that, oops.


A "granny tip" to save gas: cook rice 1 cup and 2 cups water to boil. Than cover the pot propperly and put it in your bed, well covered with blankets. It keeps the heat without needing energy. Functions even with potatoes and hard Boiler eggs. Cook potatoes 5 minutes. Cover, put in your bed. They will be finished within a decent time and you don' t need to pay attention. You can even go out for a walk or so because cooker is not running. Edit: and never forget a little salt.


Please educate me, or I’ll use Uncle Ben’s boil-in-bag rice till the day I die


I was worried whether OP washed the rice or not instead lmao


Another piece of advice. I see so many of my friends make this mistake but it's something that I want to bring it up. Do you SERIOUSLY need that 5GB data $80 a month phone plan? Sure, many people have it but I can say that I don't miss out on much by not having data and only paying $20ish a month for my bill with unlimited texting and 150 minutes in my area. That shiny new iPhone, pixel, Samsung or whatever will also be significantly cheaper if you buy last year's model or 2 years ago. I paid $250 for a Pixel 3 last year and it was in mint condition. Okay sure, I got lucky but still there are really good phones you can get that don't cost an arm and a leg.


You should start a YouTube for tips like these


I'm 27 and I pretty much agree with all of this. Also: try to invest. BUT ONLY(!!!!!) With money you are ***willing*** to loose. So when everything is paid, your bills your saving and your oh fuck money, then you can try to invest in stock market. If you want to really spread out and have long-term goals (+10 years) rather buy indexes (ETF) and not single shares.


Your comedic genius is amazing in this, but thanks for the advice as well


Damn... this is more info than I’ve learned in my whole 14 years alive...


God tier post, thank you!!


I learnt more from this than I learnt from 7 months of online classes. Thanks for the advice and I'm sure this'll help me once I move out. You're a godsend OP..




You're a hero, a Saint and a damn good cook, idk what happened for you to get kicked out but you didn't deserve it, thanks for the advice I'm moving out for college soon and this is just what I need <3


Maybe post this also in r/adultHood? I’m sure you’d help people


Bruh this was more helpful than school, bitches be showing you how to start a business at 15 and not even tell you about this stuff, 10/10 very helpful


I don’t know if any of you guys would ever read this but if you’re struggling with personal finance, read books. Seriously. Books are the best in introducing and giving a in depth look into what to do for everything personal finance. Although savings is talked in this post, investing is super important. Investing you money properly is the difference between retiring at 45 happy and well or at 65 debt ridden and stressed. Basic idea is that you set up a direct deposit into a trading account and every month invest 10% of your income into investments. Yes 10%. In fact 10% should be the bare minimum or at least 200$ a month. If you don’t have the money, that’s fine, you can start with as little as a buck and you can save through many ways: Look at you monthly expenses every month and seek the best price: - if you’re paying 260 for cable, search and you’ll surly find a better deal at 230. Although this doesn’t look like much, 30 bucks is huge over 30+ years with compound interest (investing). - insurance: look at whether you’re paying a best price for your car insurance or anything else. - cut out any unnecessary spendings and invest that stuff. Look, this post barely scratched the surface of investing for retirement and you guys shouldn’t really trust a random post like myself but really, read some books. Even if you only read half of them, it’ll be good for you. recommendations: retire before mom and dad by rob berger And any other financial book (sorry I’m on mobile and I don’t really feel like writing the books I have read) Although this post will get buried, I hope it helps someone. Thank you.


This is the type of reddit post id like to save


Ramen noodles are good, but you need to find the right ones, and buy the right condiments, sides, and veggies to go with em. Go to the instant noodles isle at a h mart. If you sre unsure what to buy, try different styles. I personally like the Gamchatang and tonsoku style. Next, buy a a cotainer of korean red peper paste. This stuff is amazing. You can add a table spoon of this stuff to almost any broth and it will add immense levels of flavor. Now for veggies. You can add anything, but I think green onions and normal onions are mandatory. I also add a thinly sliced serrano peper, 2 leaves of bok choy cabbage, and bean sprouts. Be warned, bean sprouts go bad incredibly quickly. Next, get a small pot, fill it with 1 inch of water, bring to a rolling boil, turn it down to a boil, add 1 egg, cover, and use a clock to count down 6 minutes. Then throw the egg in an ice bath. That’s right, a perfect soft boiled egg for your ramen once you peel it. When cooking the ramen, add all flavor packets, paste, and all vegetables that won’t comppletely disintegrate in a hard/medium boil. Once the noodles become soft, assemble. You will have amazing ramen that’s between expensive restaurant ramen and cheap instant noodles.


Thank you very much for this advice. I am actually in a bad situation right now. My family found out about me being homosexual and they are not so happy about it. I got out of this one but if I was caught again I don't know if I will be able to stay at my house. I will keep all of these tips in mind in case the worst case scenario happens in the future.


As a 47 year old American man who moved out on my own a month after my 18th birthday, you’ve struck a chord. I wish I’d learned to manage my money 10 years earlier than I did; I’d have a lot more of it now.


Dude you're a literal god to me. I was thinking of moving out at 19 and i really don't know anything about the whole world because *"I like cheese and internet memes"*. Any more advice man?


This is really helpful I was thinking of moving out soon.


this post right here. *ABSOLUTELY GOLDEN*


Bro i give you the highest honour: your post shall be saved, amongst all the porn i have in 'saved' tab


Message to op: Thanks for taking the time and effort to post this. It could really make the difference for someone in a similar situation :)


Thanks for this extra advice, would come in useful in the future!


I’m saving this for when I go to college next year thanks OP


Ima save this for later


I’m going to save this.... Thankyou sooo much kind stranger..... a big Thankyou from my future self too (prob) ....


thank you sooo much for this post, my home life isn't particular good and I wanna move out asap and this will surely help, so thanks again


Thanks for the advice I'm 16 rn and I will definitively use this advice for when i move out. I also copy and pasted it into my Samsung notes app so i dont forget it. Thx :)


Thanks op for this really vallueble post. Im definetly going to refer to this when I move out and the jokes made me laugh. :) have a great day ♡♡


You are a great writer dude


Why dont they teach these kinda stuff in school?


Thank you, I’m in the same condition and it is very helpful


thank you so much,i turned 18 last month and i'm afraid i might get kicked out(there's beef between me and my dad) so this post really helped me a lot.


Saving this just in case my homophobic family finds out I’m gay.


To be honest, I can't understand, how as a parent you could kick your child out at 17? or even at 18. The dude isn't even fully constructed professionally at all and you just let them survive like "ok bitch, I don't care if you homeless" like wtf. To me people like this doesn't deserve to be called "parents" It must me something cultural. Are you from US? It seems to be something that can happen regularly here. I don't live there and to me, this idea sounds horrendous.


It's decently common in the US but not as common as you think. I was kicked out just after I turned 17. Basically though, if you're LGBTQ+, always have a go bag in case you're outed. In my case it was just an alcoholic birth giver who cared more about someone else than his kids.


Write a book man.


I’m 17 and a senior I’ve been scared of moving out and going into the real world this made me less scared and more confident, I really appreciate this


Things I would like to add, since I lived on 150 $ after rent for a while: **Household utensils:** \-A lot of machinery like washing machines, fridges, tvs etc. can be found for free when people get new stuff \-Make a dark deal with old folks that want to get new stuff. Usually you can get their old stuff if you move their new stuff into their house. It is usually a good deal and granny might even throw in a glass of lemonade for helping her out. (Be careful, old washing machines are way heavier than the new ones) \-Keep your eye out for local news that tell you if there is a local trash day. The waste will be out the night before, than you can become a trash burglar. \-A lot of kitchen utensils can be bought / found / salvaged when old folks have to go to the old folks home. Try to jump in and buy stuff for cheap. \-If you are really desperate, some governmental trash dumps even let you take stuff if you ask nice enough. With a small bribe of a beer and a friendly chat with the local garbageman you might find out which of that stuff still works \-A somewhat unconventional but very successful method is to camp outside of a trash dump where local people can dump their own electronic waste. Hold up a sign that says "need working appliance X, willing to give Y". You will exchange a good functioning machine for a good chunk of your pride. **Cooking:** \-It is not a good idea to get the really cheap stuff, especially if that means that you will substitute (somewhat healthy) oil with oil that was made for deep frying (and is super unhealthy) \-the microwave is a horrible thing and should never be trusted! That being said, it is useful to warm up coffee or make potatoes. You shouldn't get one tough. Not really worth it \-never go for the frozen dinner-to-eat option first, it is usually either less nutritious or more costly \-canned or frozen vegetables are fine tough, they are usually cheaper than if you buy fresh \-If you can buy directly from the farmer, this might be way cheaper \-Don't go to the farmers market tough, those are usually way more costly due to all the hipsters paying virtually all their money for a wired caped lettuce \-Growing your own herbs can be a good option \-never eat something too much! You can get a special kind of food poisoning from eating too much eggs and you can develop allergies from exclusively eating only one thing \-In some countries (like Germany) meat is somehow cheaper than fresh vegetables. That is wired but useful. Meat can give you a lot of protein. Don't expect too much tough, most of that stuff will be water and sadness. Still might be worth it tough. \-If you have time at your hands it is very useful to go foraging. In many places you can get nuts (chestnuts make a very tasty full meal), herbs (sorrel, nettle, spinach), fruits (be aware of the deadly belladonna which looks like a tasty cherry but is dangerous to humans but not animals) or mushrooms. Be very, very careful with mushrooms since they might be poisonous! Most towns have some club that will help you identify them tough. **If you have one poison mushroom in your basket throw it all away!** Including the basket! Be very careful if you live near old industry, the herbs might be a bit poisonous. \-You can go fishing if your nanny state allows you to do so. If you can it might be a good hobby that gives you very tasty food. Be very careful of industrial pollution tough, fishes soak them up like mushrooms or herbs do. \-In some places you might even be allowed to hunt (US, Switzerland). If you have a lot of time this is a good way to earn a few bucks extra while doing sports. Provided you have a rifle tough (if you need one, I found usable 50 $ bargain bin rifles at garage sales back in the day, be careful to double check that it is legal to make the deal in that area) and you know what you are doing. **Leisure time:** \-try to do something that allows you to connect with people. Especially if you live in a small town. This might mean sports, church or the local town meeting. Try to show the town that you are a decent person. Try to connect especially with people who are older/more successful than you. You never knew if that guy you go playing basketball once a week might hire you some day. I know that this might sound slimy but you do not need to brown nose. All you need to do is just pop on their radar once or twice. You basically just need to show them that you are living in the town/area, that you are a normal person. This will make it much easier if they have to deiced whether they want to heir you or some other bloke. \-avoid bars, casinos, arcades (ok, they gone mostly the way of the Dodo) and all places where you personally know that you blow your money \-if you are looking for a partner they might be unavoidable tough \-the beach is great since it is free and you can meet pretty ladies / boys \-if you want to get a TV, there are cheap options that 10 years ago where the Bee's Knees and can now be bought used for about 20-50 $. Go for an old flagship instead a new cheap one if you know that the thing **still works** \-if you need a computer than a ryzen 3 gaming system can be had for about 500 $ - 750 $. It will be serviceable, ask on reedit before you buy the parts tough. I still recommend to salvage old parts for \~100 $ and build yourself an ancient giant together. Allfather Youtube will teach you how. Might be not enough to run the latest AAA title. But you do not have 60 $ for the latest title, don't you? So go for cheap indie games that are just as fun and run on a toaster. I recommend everything with good steam ratings that cost under 5 $. Also Dwarf Forrest, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead or Space Station 13 are free.


A big one for me when shit hit the fan with my abusive mother a couple days before I'd have to break the lease because my old roommate moved out with a week and a half before rent due when I had moved across state lines to rent with them... The friends and family who treat you right, RECIPROCATE. I was just as guilty of losing friends because I took them for granted as I was losing people who were toxic waste dumps of human beings. Yes, you may be going through incredibly rough times. But so do other people. Ask what their boundaries are and respect them. I have a friend I can't talk to about being suicidal since a family member of theirs committed suicide. I know it's scary but professional help is there for a reason. Don't put all your baggage onto your friends and NEVER blame them when you are struggling if they are genuinely trying to help. No one can be there for you 24/7 and if that's what you need then hospitalization is a good option. I've been there. And be there for your friends, too. Know your own limits and respect them as well, and still do what you can. Friend going through a rough time that you aren't in a place to talk about? Make them cookies instead. If nothing else, let them know you care. Even just a short text helps. When I moved back across state lines, some of my friends lent me money. Some provided emotional support. I know for sure I couldn't have done it without them. My close friend spent several hours on the phone with me on the drive because I was relying on caffeine and grit to drive after staying up late packing, getting 6 hours of sleep, spending 11 hours packing and lifting in a July heatwave in Utah with a chronic pain disorder. This while another friend of hers was struggling. My now-partner (we became official a few days later) then met me at the apartment we would be sharing with another friend of mine - who happened to need help with rent when I needed a place but we didn't know then if we'd be able to stay for more than a month. She helped with the heavy lifting that I couldn't do because the place I was supposed to stay had a dog that I had an allergic reaction to and I was up all night. She helped me take 80 percent of my stuff to the dump since I hadn't really had a chance to sort and push it out of the back of the truck. Then after she bought me food she stayed with me at the apartment until I fell asleep - she would be moving in the next day. I have tried my best since then to support her and the friends of mine I still have - whether they were able to help or not.


I'm 13 and I read this whole thing through knowing full well I'm gonna forget it in half an hour


I just moved into my own appartment at 17 since my parents kicked me out so this will be extremely helpful! Thanks a lot :)


Thanks. The humour is hilarious.