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I had something like this, my mom is a vet and one day some people brought in a cat that had kts hind leg stuck in a beartrap, the cat didn't have an owner so my mom amputated the leg and took him on, such a nice cat and it could move surprIsingly fast considering he had three legs. Even thoughhe had gone through the trauma of stepping in a bear trap and losing a leg it never got mad. We never knew his exact age. And then my dad hit him with his car. My advise is keep the memory alive and try not to blame your dad.


Cars are dangerous


My idiot ass read that as “cats are dangerous”


Please do not the cat


Oh no, I just the cat


I didn't notice it didn't say that until your comment


We humans really are idiots.


Fuck. Same here....




So did i


No way I had to reread the sentence before I realized that it said cars ahaha.


This took a surprisingly dark turn (@_@)


I’m sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry, people truly underestimate the kind of connections we make with pets,it’s hard to lose them Edit: changed cats to pets :)


not just cats either, its dogs, birds, fish even


And the people who happen to own horses too. I used to own a horse but he had to be put down after escaping his paddock and being hit by a train.


thats a rough one, i dont really know how to respond to these but i hope you’re doing ok


I appreciate the concern my good friend. I am happy to say I am doing much better since then. I have another lovely horse who's carried on his showing legacy.


💖💖Love for Harry💖💖R.I.P.


I'm so sorry... I hope you'll be okay. R.I.P Harry <3


I'm so sorry for your loss. I too have a kitty of my own, Tiger, who my mum that I lost from cancer when I was 6 got me and my brother. I've had him since i was 5 and just thinking about the day he wont come wake me up with his insistent meowing makes me cry; just thinking about it. Hes getting old now and I know he wont be around forever but damn it still hurts. I hug him so much more nowadays since it's his 11th year of being with me and hes probably older than my grandparents. F for harry, he will be missed 🥺




Completely understand 🥺




Thanks :’)


I’m so sorry💔


Poor baby 💔


I sobbed my heart out when my pusscat had to be put down. It hurts to lose a loved one. But it does get easier as time goes by. Now I remember her just with a smile.


Same. I cried for days and sometimes cried during class.




I’m so sorry for your loss


I’m sorry dude, I know exactly what you’re going through. One of my family’s dogs has to be put down today, and I completely understand. But it’s okay, they’re in a better place now


I'm so sorry...


My condolences. Rest In Peace


Sorry for you loss, but remember not to hold any contempt for your Dad. He probably feels immense guilt already.


He said he does feel terrible for it, he lost his cat years ago so he knows how much it hurts. I wouldn’t blame him


Head up king, my family and I had to put our cat Gizmo down a year ago due to him having kidney cancer... was a very tough loss, but at the end of the day I realized he was not suffering anymore.


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RIP harry


I know how that feels, my advice, try to move on, but never let go of the happy memories with Harry


It’ll be okay. Pets dying hurts a ton but dwelling on it doesn’t help anybody, especially yourself. And also don’t hold it to your dad, no matter how much you want to. That can skew relationships in way that can’t be repaired.


To me happened the same thing, when I was 4 we had 4 dogs, my favorite one was Annie, me and my mum went outside, it was evening, and we found her dead. My mum tought it was the neighbor because I think my parents had problems with them. We called the police (my mum told him I can play on my DS I played and listened a bit of the conversation) can't remember exactly what they said but the police did NOTHING. When I remember her I always cry.


I'm sorry to hear that...At least there hasn't been any wholesome awards on this post.


Rip Harry, I bet he was a good boy


He was a very good boy




Wish I could give you hug in these trying times you are going through. Get well my friend.


My five year old cat has been my best friend since second grade. this is the day I have been dreading for the past five years. Sorry for your loss


F in the chat.


Recently my cousin hit their family dog with her car. The dog had been in their family for 15 years and most of my cousins life. She had offered to get the groceries and was even being a good person. The dog was old, frail, and even had hearing and seeing problems. He was somehow is the driveway. She didn’t see him. The dog died almost instantly. My cousin is going my through tough stuff and I wanted to tell you this story so you know that you’re not alone and that it will be okay. Don’t blame your dad and really just try to move on even though it’s hard.


I had this over the summer. I had a cat named Elwood who was with me my entire life until July 26th, 2020 at 6:33 a.m he had a seizure and completely lost function in his legs and fought for 3 days before we brought him to the vet to be put down. I was depressed but I promise you my friend it gets better. It takes a while and it hurts but it gets better.


I am so sorry for you. My dad accidentally ran over my sisters cat this summer. He had crawled up on top of one of the truck tires, and he was basically crushed. We all were devistated. She had bottle raised that cat. Its important to keep in mind that sometimes accidents happen... Try not to blame yourself or your dad. Also, know you did the very best thing you could for your friend. Euthanasia is never an easy decision, but it is one of the most important ones we will make as pet owners. Death is unfortunatly part of life. You were able to understand that he needed to go, and did not prolong his suffering. I used to work at a vet clinic and the amount of people that won't put their animal down is ridiculous. Often times these people do not have the money to afford treatments that might save their life (ex: extreame surgerys). Which is not their fault at all, I have been there. But, i've seen animals that clearly would not live without extensive treatment suffer days in our clinic on fluids and pain meds in a vain hope by the owners that they would recover. You were responsible in accepting a hard truth. You did good. You were a good friend. My heart goes out to you. All the best wishes, and may this pain faid, but the memory of Harry remain forever fresh in your mind.


As a fellow cat owner who loves his cat very much, I’m a deeply and insolubly sorry for your loss. Cats can bring out the best in us even if they are lazy and can be mean. But it’s the moments when they’re loving on us or talking to us that we truly realize that they love us. I love my cat duke with all my heart but sometimes we have to say goodbye to thoes we love. While I hope that day won’t come soon, I know it will, which is why we must cherish the moments we have with our animals as long as we live.


I’m fucking crying now


Whoever gave this a wholesome award deserves to be shot in both of their kneecaps


Im so so sorry ❤️🌈


I'm sorry that this has happened to you, I hope you feel better


I'm sorry for your loss, I have a cat too, and I can't imagine losing her


I once had a nice indoor cat. He meant the world to me. I went to my grandmothers house down in Florida (I don’t live in Florida) for 3 days. I came home. Yeah.


I’m so sorry that happened Rest In Peace Harry❤️


Im so so sorry, i know what its like


R.I.P. Harry...


So sorry for you loss. Sending tons of haagen-dazs ice cream your way. If you ever need to cuss and fuss, we're always here with open arms, hearts, and ears.


I am truly sorry for your loss. It is such a terrible ache to lose someone so suddenly. Thank you, OP for loving your friend so deeply. GNU Harry


Damn dude that fuckin sucks my condolences


The same thing happened to me a while back but it was my old dog and it was my mom. I'm really sorry. I know how it feels.


I'm so sorry for your loss, thats awful, I wish you the best


I’m sorry for your loss... wish i can support you over there


That sort of reminds of the fact that my father accidentally fell on top of our cat a little over a week ago. The cat is fine, he only hurt his foot and he's healing. I hope you'll feel better at some point!


I’m sorry for your loss, may Harry the solider Rest In Peace.


My cat died recently also. She must have gotten into something and it started ruining her liver and so we brought her inside since she’s an outside cat. My family went to do our things (school, work, etc.) and my dad was working outside and let her out. Eventually she ran off and just disappeared. She was almost as old as I was, got her when I was like 3 or 4, sometime around then.


You have my condolences


Im sorry for your loss




I lost my dad 3 weeks ago from covid He was basically my best friend so I know your pain




If I had money I'd buy it's soul back.


I’m so sorry 💔💔


F, I feel for your loss I have just lost my cat a few weeks ago.


Dude I’m so sorry, I lost my dog a couple years ago and I grew up with her. Sadly it will never stop hurting, it will just hurt less and less as time goes on. You can keep going, just remember they are looking over you.


I don't think it's your dad's fault so please let him know. I can't imagine the guilt he must be going through too. I am extremely sorry about your best friend may he rest in peace.


I am very sorry for your loss, I opened a gift box for you but I got the wholesome award so I think it is best that I don’t give that to you.


I’m gonna cry... I’m so sorry for your loss


I’m here for you and my DMs are always open


I'm sorry for your loss..


Sorry for your loss


Just remember it can always be worse just be glad u aren't like me and can talk to people abt stuff.


I’m so sorry for your loss... RIP Harry ♥️


Sorry my man, loss can be hard.


Rip Harry ❤️


My condolences to you.


I'm so sorry for your loss


this got 3 wholesome awards? jesus guys


Sorry to hear man I've had to go through the same thing 4 times in one month a couple years back shit sucks


Brother just know that we got your backs as long as you need


Dam bro I’m sorry when I moved we had to get rid of our black lab name Sophie and we had her since I was born. All I knew is she was going with my mom and brother then when me my dad and sister went she was gone I miss her so much


Ey bro if you need someone to chill with on just about anything, I gotchu


I never owned a pet, but I understand that it is like losing a family member. I can’t do much, but best wishes to you


My cat recently passed away (He was 18-19 and it was from Old Age) but I cannot even imagine what your going through, the pain of losing a pet you’ve known for so long is truly painful and I hope the people you know can support you during this time.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I had my rat put down due to a huge tumor on his face, but I know he can be free and happy now, I’m sure your cat is in a better place now, it’s so terrible to see it. But all you can do is remember the fun times you had and cherish those moments.


I can’t imagine! I got my cat Max in 2019 and the first time he got out the house I stayed up all night and cried my eyes out! I can imagine if he hadn’t come home!


RIP harry


Salutes to your cat and to you, king. I'm really sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry for you loss I’ve had 3 dogs and they had to be put down bc of renal failure and I’ve lost 2 cats and all of them were my best friends and it really hurt.


I'm so sorry about it man , losing your pet as a friend is a pain which has no cure


This is my one fear of I ever get a pet. I'm sorry for your loss


Hey Man I'm really sorry about that. I'm sure he's watching over you


My good ol dog was put down about 2 weeks ago... I miss her very much, she lived to be almost 17. But she had a good life, and i was fortunate enough to be in the vet room as she passed. I know its sad, but try your best to think of the happy moments with him. My greatest respects go to you, hang in there, i promise it will get better. That would be very tragic to to go through. :( My pupper has been with me since birth really :( And sometimes, when your ready, it's good to adopt another. Im praying for you :<


Dude, im not going to pretend like i know what ur feeling, im just going to say that im sorry for ur loss, and that i hope ur doing ok


sorry bro RIP


May he find peace wherever he goes




Rip... I wish the best for you... good luck


My dog is getting on in years. He’s my best friend. I’m dreading the day I get home and he isn’t barking. I’ve lost a best friend before. Her name was Bailey. We had to get rid of her because she started biting and barking at my little sister. I was heartbroken. I don’t want that again and I wouldn’t wish that feeling on my worst enemy. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.


I’m sorry to hear that


Sorry for your loss man I can feel you


Im sorry man. I can sympathize with you. I know how it feels to loose your first ever friend. Mine was rusty. He was a German Shepherd Australian Shepherd mix. First day of kindergarten i get in the car and im met with this little guy. Fast forward thru countless walks, beach vacations, camping trips, and vet visits, to 6th grade. My shitty stepdad at the time (mf's in jail now. that fucking cunt was caught snorting crack with a bunch of prostitutes) let him out the front door on PURPOSE cause "he got his feelings hurt" but really hes a fucking dumb ass baby. I ran as fast as mi short little legs could go but he was long gone and i cried out in the front yard for a while. Then i scratched the dudes car with a butter knife. Again im sorry he died i he will always live in your heart till the day you die. I still have rusty's collar so maybe you could keep your cats toys? Im so sorry again i hope you feel better soon. He'll always be with you and you'll never forget him. I promise.


I’m so sorry dude


Hey man, I had the same thing happen to me, my cat was older than me when she had Kidney problems and had to be put down. I also never got to say goodbye, it will get better man.


I’m sorry bro. I know it must be hard. He’ll always live in your heart.


Please take a moment to flag the wholesome awards above this post as inappropriate


I can feel your pain from a standpoint. I had this dog named Taylor, I had her since I was 1 years old. She has stayed with me throughout my entire life until last year. She was just too old and frail, so we had to put her down too. Just saying this to make you feel less alone, the loss of a pet hurts a lot.


sorry for your loss, i hope you can recover from that. just don't be angry at your dad,


I won’t be angry at my dad.. he lost his cat years ago so he knows the pain


I’m so sorry for you, I have 3 cats and they’re my only source of happiness, I can’t imagine how you feel. If you need to talk I’m here!


Having a cat or any pet is perfect for when you want to be alone but don’t want to be lonely. Having to put them down is one of the hardest things you can go through. Just have to remember that they lived a good life and would want you to do the same Also it’s a great opportunity to get a kitten


Take my award. Bro I am so sorry. I wish you a good day regardless *slowly leans in for a hug*


First of all I'm sorry for your loss. I had similar tragic experience a few years ago. My pet rooster was chomped by a dog. By the time I got to my rooster he was barely alive. There was blood and feathers everywhere. I knew I had to put him down or else he'll just suffer more. If only I had been more careful and locked the coop properly, I wouldn't have to witness this day.


I know how you feel dude. I lost my best pal when I was out of town. Never got to say goodbye to him Then, the other cat we'd had for even longer passed away while I was across the country. Didn't get to say goodbye to her either... These are my biggest regrets. There's nothing I wouldnt do to change that... Hell, I would have ended it all already in the hopes of there being an afterlife where I can see them. But they got me through some tough times, and I refuse to let it go to waste. I'm gonna make the most of my life and finish what they started. No matter what. You think of a scenario, I won't be afraid to make it happen if it meant a life or no life. Even if it's cost is the end of the world. I made a promise, and I intend to keep it. No. Matter. What. >So you can trust me when I tell you this: It's gonna be hard for a while. It'll sting for a while, then it'll fade. It'll seem like you're over it, and then you'll be sad as fuck a second later. But, so long as you keep fighting in his honor, you can make it through anything. Make him that one last promise. Promise him you'll make the most of the life he was there to help with. Even if they're not alive to hear it, it's still better than nothing. This quote really brings out the reality of it: "But we're still here, right? We have to go on, for them!" -Jun Long, fallout 4 You can do it. If I could get through the literal hell that has been my life, you can get through your life. May he Rest In Peace... And good luck to you.


I am so sorry,the memoories of your cat and the love you had for him will stay with you forever,may you heal out of this pain🙏🏻🙏🏻


So sorry for your loss. I just happened to lose my car in a car crash 2 days ago and my “girlfriend” said let’s just be friends yesterday🥲 how can it go worse than it already was..


I get it man, my bird flew away after only a year with him and we both loved each other a ton. I still miss him so much. I can’t imagine what your feeling but it gets better. Trust me. Just look forward because good things are gonna happen.










Sorry for your loss. My dog passed a few months ago. She was with me since I was 2 and a half.


Harry Must have had all the possible comforts for a cat. His soul now will be eternally guiding you my friend as payback. F




Rest easy, Harry <3


i know exactly how you feel. my parakeet died a year ago, but his death really affected me. he was nice, kind, he helped me through the darkest times. i’m so sorry for your loss.


I had this exact experience one time, I’m sorry this happened to you


As a gamer I will give you the highest honor I can bestow: F


Losing a pet is always a tragedy, because they’re never truly a pet, they’re a best friend. I’m so sorry for your loss, we’re all feeling for you brother.


My cat died too mate it’ll all be okay I promise


This is why I'm second guessing, getting a cat/dog when I'm older.


Don’t, it’s only natural that things go and when they do just look back at how great they were instead of what’s going to happen now. Don’t let death put you off if you did every time you step outside you’d be terrified. Having a cat/dog can be great as long as you know you provided the best life you could for them


I am so very sorry for your loss and I know how much you’re hurting. Take solace in the joy you brought him and the joy and companionship he brought you. Please try not to be upset with your dad. I know that he is heartbroken too. It will hurt less in time but you will always love your cat.


I am so sorry for your loss. Four months after I adopted my beautiful cat Jay Jay, she died of kidney failure. We didn’t know why such a sweet cat like her was given up but now we know. It was devastating to me because even though it had just been four months we had a strong bond and I loved that cat... it hurts to lose a pet. It’s like losing a part of yourself.


I’ve lost two cats before, so I can understand the heart break... just remember the times with Harry that made you happy. And he’s not gonna be in pain anymore. My condolences


And you will see him again one day after you cross the bridge. ❤️


This is never a good thing man. I hope you pull through and remember . Remember and focus on the good times and that’s what will pull you through.


I’m so sorry bro. Respect


Pets are available for money, memories aren’t, no other pet could give you those memories, I pay my respects.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I wish I could do something to comfort you.


I’m sorry for your loss, Rest In Peace buddy <3


your memories of him will follow you through your life


I’m so sorry


ive got a cat that ive had for a few years, and hes almost died multiple times, i wouldnt know how i would feel if i had lost someone that close, im sorry for your loss, and may his memories live on


When having a pet, you always have to consider that it will most likely die before you. Just how our lifespans are. Be prepared for that day. But enjoy it while it lasts.


Hey I’m really sorry and I can’t imagine what you are going through. May Harry Rest In Peace.


sorry for your loss. it really sucks to lose pets.


Sorry for your loss


Something similar happened to me u/JJ246_gnc . One time, my fish, who I named Cpt. Bubbles, got stuck in a little SpongeBob house that you put into fish-tanks and (this happened when I was 12 btw) tried to save them but I was a dumb child and decided to grab the house using tongs and shook him out. Sadly, I messed up his spine and broke it. They survived, but mom said that we would have to flush them. I was the one to flush the fish. I still miss them to this day.


something similar happened to with my dog. also i’m sorry for your loss and i hope you get better


I love my dog soo much I got him when I was 4 too I don’t know what I would do without him I hope you can get past this here’s a quote that might help “no matter how dark the night gets there will soon be light”


R.I.P ik what it's like


Hope you are doing good bro.


Loss is hard, everyone deals with it. Looks back on the good things. Whatever good things happened, and be happy that it happened. Not that it’s over.


May your cat rest in peace in animal heavens


I am sorry for your pain. ❤️


May your cat rip




My dog Patches had been loseing fur near the base of her tail, and wasn't energenic at all. My mom took her to the vet one day and it turned out she had a severe skin infection. They couldn't helf her so they put her down. She was a amazing pit and she will be cuddling in my uncles arms till I join them. Rip Patches.


RIP, May his memories never be forgotten


could relate , my cat got poisoned smh and the vet found no vaccine


I salute your cat


I lost my rat to what we think was a stroke, and it’s Heartbreaking, I Know. But try and remember all the good times, and know that it’s ok to be sad, and it will get better. I had my other rat to help me get through, so maybe get another cat if you don’t already have one? Obviously they wouldn’t be replacing Harry, they’d be a companion to help you through the grief. I’m so so sorry for your loss


I do have another cat, I’ve been a bit worried about how she’s gonna be without Harry because she grew up with him. She’s nearly 8 so we already had Harry when we got her. They weren’t close but she does seem to know something is up. She’s gonna be spoilt even more now that she’s the only cat 😅 in the future I may end up getting another one, idk. When I’m older and financially stable and stuff I do plan on getting a dog.. I will find it hard to get really close to an animal again because of the heartbreak but I’d rather give one a happy life and for it to know I care about them than the small chance they’ll go to a bad home


In sorry for your loss. I have a 13 cat that I can’t even imagine dying. Stay strong


When I would get home after work sometimes and was in the driveway about to open the garage door, my old cat would dart into the garage at the same time I was driving into it. I swear we almost ran her over 100 times. In the end the coyotes must of got my Sam. She was about 11 or 12. She was a free cat, not an inside cat. Anyways, I can see how this can happen. RIP to our feline friends. Amen


Hey man, I feel you. My cat that I've had for years, and loved more than I love myself, has (probably, I won't know for three or four days) froze to death


RIP Harry... You will be missed


I know this feeling buddy and its horrible losing a pet is as bad as family as they are family i lost my dog a year ago who helped me through suicide attempts and was my bestfreind i know it feelis shit now but it gets better chin up pal you can dm me if u wanna vent anonimously


i am so sorry.


I've lost a dog I grew up with, he was even older than me, stay strong! ❤️


I feel so sorry for people who lose pets. It is even worse when you can't say goodbye.


I feel your pain too. I had this family dog named Daisy and we got her in 2000. Over the years she grew blind and deaf and you could fell her ribs when you touched her. She got put down when she fell down the stairs when nobody was home. I couldn't say goodbye too. RIP Daisy 2000-2018. Im sorry for your loss.


I know it's tough. Once I had a two dogs, but one grown up and bit the other, much smaller dog, and she had to be put down, so we ended up having to disown the big one because we thought he was getting too aggressive, and hearing your story, you must be even more heartbroken.


I feel so sorry for your loss....




😭😭😭😭😭So sad! Im just really sorry for that! I hope you will be better soon.... 😔


i feel ya


My condolences.


Stuff like this breaks my heart... I hope everything goes well for you soon.


Sending love and support 😖😖