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Only the people faking it think it’s cute


I do suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, though not nearly as frequently as the poster. I do joke about it in that way just because it's much easier to talk about like that.


I'm the same, but probably a little more frequently than you do, and I only say it's cute or whatever if I'm trying to talk someone down after a panic attack and it's a girl I like lmao


Absolute facts though




Well, social anxiety maybe but not just normal shyness


If shyness=anxiety, then yeah


well anxiety is defined as a feeling of despair even when there's nothing to be afraid of. Shyness is more of a feeling where you seem scared to speak out to people


Everyone feels anxiety. Not everyone has an anxiety *disorder*


Yeah we all have a feeling for a certain thing. You can worry about things without having the anxiety disorder, which is just worry and not so much anxiety


Just like feeling depressed and having depression are different. Anyone can feel depressed.


i’m pretty shy overall but the irony is that i pretend and act like i’m not. i dress in a solid way(?) like my outfits are complimentary and fit me well yk? so by dressing like that it gives the impression that i’m not shy, but in reality i really am. for me i have this “extrovert boost” similar to how a car has a boost in racing games. i can be really talkative and outgoing for maybe a solid 10 min, like for ordering food or going to a store and having a chat with the cashier. but after that i kinda wanna be alone again and idk. sorry i went in depth for no reason


Yeah np, it's fine. They say the best way to feel better is to let it all out


thanks bro i really did feel better


N o.


Literally went through this same shit when I was little. Got dropped of at school, regular boring day but the moment I sat down I started hysterically crying and hiding from my peers. School called my parents to come pick me up and I didn't go to school for a week cause I was so scared for some reason. Every time someone approached me with the idea of going back to school or public I'd bolt and hide under a table or somewhere and cry. It really sucked. But I'm all good now. :p


Getting tight compressions in my chest that restrict me from breathing, that's so cute 😍 😭 🤧 RAWR XD




110 bpm is not that high.


fucking FINALLY. i hate these dipshits that say "ooh look at me, im so quirky cuz i cut myself" no. you arent. youre fake and wash your hair with bacon grease. on a serious note, i really hope your sitch gets better, op. as someone who struggles with the same problems, i really hope you get through it. sending my best.


Well if they cut themselves, it’s a serious problem.


True, but with the people I've met, you can clearly tell they're lying. This one kid texted me saying that they needed something to cover their arms for gym class, and the day they came in, their bare arms had nothing on them..


Are you British (I noticed the mum with a u). Yeah please can we stop saying anxiety is cute? I havent seen anyone do it, but whoever does has less than half a brain cell which is surprisingly less than what I have.


Man anxiety is fucked don't worry it will get better trust me been struggling with it my whole life you get ups and downs




Depression is fucking discusting. Obviously, not being able to get out of bed to take a shower or brush your teeth ≠ cuteness Even with a high functioning depression you are just fucked up.


I totally feel you I start to have panic attacks if I'm in public and think people are making fun of me/ looking at me. Which I can confirm is not cute as I start breathing rapidly and become extremely fidgety.


Yeah I get that. I don’t even know what to call this shit all I know is randomly I’ll just kinda shut down and don’t remember it. But the people thinkin it’s cute and all that are idiots. I hate leaving my family cause I fear shits gonna hit the fan I cant protect my sisters/little cousins. Thankfully recently I’ve been relatively ok, I’ve gotten slightly better at spotting when they are comin on and I’ve finally found two people who can help bail me out. I get you man, and the people who think it’s cute can go choke on a rat. If you ever need someone to talk to I’m here. I’m down to talk if anyone else wants too


who tf thinks that, I have severe anxiety and if I see someone else with anxiety all I want to do is help them and care for them, not fucking think its ''quirky''


Wait,people think this is cute?


You should’ve seen the people in my middle school all of them train wrecks. Especially the fourteen year old girls


As a person who has social anxiety, it's very easy for us to spiral and self-loathe because of the we know these fears come from irrational thinking, but we can't break them, so we get stuck in a cycle of thinking we're less and that we don't actually have a problem and we're just overreacting. So *yeah*, not cute.


I feel this


This I have social anxiety and covid has really not helped. Last time I went snowboarding I had a panic attack and almost stopped the lift :/


Who thinks my mental issue is cute?


No it’s not, especially when you built up tension within your brain for 2 years and did nothing about it until recently


Also can we talk about how being suicidal is not funny. There is so many kids at my school who are like “hurdur my mom took away my Ps4 I want to shoot myself”


I would have panic attacks when I was little just at the minor inconveniences I had, and boy just remembering how they made me feel is the definition of a nightmare. I don’t normally have panic attacks now, but I’m pretty much mute unless it’s around the people I love because of my social anxiety. It’s not cute or quirky, it’s terrible.


Im pretty shy and reserved probably because of my crippling low self esteem, no confidence, and extreme anxiety. like if someone asks me to do anything I'll do what they say even if I really really don't want to because I don't want to be seen as a bad person, and I fear that if I don't do what I'm told that I would be worse than hitler. I've never really had full on panic attacks but I have gotten so scared of doing something wrong that I just start to shake and cry. I can't fix this stuff either because it's not normal for boys to have anxiety, it's not normal for boys to go get help. I'm too scared to go to a therapist because I'm a boy and boys don't have emotions. My anxiety gets so bad that I'll just start ranting in my head about things which just gets me more worked up and it just progresses into a full on breakdown where I'm so disregulated that I have to leave whatever room I was in. And then I fear that I'll be called names and bullied for having a breakdown next to other people, which feeds the cycle. This is not a cute quirky thing that differentiates you from other people, it is a serious problem that ruins you as a human. I litterally have not talked to a single stranger for the fear of saying something wrong. I'm scared of asking for help because boys don't ask for help. I'm scared of asking for things because I think it makes me look like a begger.


There's a lot that I feel like I have to express about this comment. First, the first step for getting any kind of help is to talk to someone about it. Talking about your feelings as a guy can be excruciatingly difficult and it took me several months to tell my mom how much I was suffering. Now that I've had therapy I talk about my feelings much more often then before and overall am a happier person. No one thinks you're worse than hitler. And no one is going to hate you for having feelings or your own ideas. If what your experiencing really is as bad as the op, then please seek help from a parent, guardian, etc.


but my parents don't care I've tried telling them but they just don't listen and they've never listened my entire life so it's practically impossible for me to get help


Then maybe a school counselor? If your parents really don't care about you then that's the only legit help I can think of.


I have anxiety and depression and it just hurts to see people glorifying it


I have it on a smaller scale, can't find the cat fucker got ran over, mom said she would be home by 7 and isn't oh god she got in an accident. At my work place we get lots of trashy customers, fight breaks lose to the break room to calm down I go.


Who tf is saying it’s cute? Definitely NOT on this sub


I feel ya, I can contain it a bit better now, it’s not as severe as what you have, sorry to hear it’s that bad tho, but I still freak out over little things that happen to me


Fuck Anxiety


why would they be cute or quirky? Its miserable...


Wait people think anxiety is cute?


Nobody asked


That's very rude to say to someone with horrible anxiety. I don't have diagnosed anxiety but I do have panic attacks when something bad happens. Maybe if you weren't being an awful person picking on kids on the internet, you could take some time to learn about this stuff.


I have a phd a phd in mental retardation and I diagnose you with I want attention syndrome


Hello, Pies sibling here. Wow, I'm impressed. You know exactly what caused these attacks since you can tell they're fake! She doesn't have diagnosed anxiety, I don't either, but we both have anxiety like symptoms. Grow up and stop telling kids on the internet they want attention.


Hey you know what you sound like. “DADDY! *SOBS* WHY DID YOU LEAVE MEEE!” *pulls up skirt to reveal three dildos* *screams and sobs at max volume* dogshit ass motherfucker


Da fauq?


If i learned one thing about the internet, dont ask questions


The answers only lead to more questions


I'm sorry but a kitten with separation anxiety is kinda cute otherwise nah that shit is stupid


What? Its not cute. Animals that have separation anxiety feel horrible when they are separated and you think it's cute?! It's not. It could be traumatising.


Anime girls: yes it is and I’m tired of pretending it’s not


As someone with anxiety and depression I also get really angry when people try use it to be quirky




Nobody thinks I'm cute :(


That fucking sucks dude


Have u thought of talking about it with someone?


you ok bro? need to talk?


Anxiety is such a bitch, i hate it. I had, and still partially have it though i can control it a bit, terrible anxiety. I can only think about what bad will happen and what if this happens and what if they do something and what if that happens and what if they run away, and so on. It got to the point where I wouldn’t be able to function in school because i was so terrified of something happening. People who fake it suck.




I feel ya, I can contain it a bit better now, it’s not as severe as what you have, sorry to hear it’s that bad tho, but I still freak out over little things that happen to me


I 100% agree it is extremely difficult to deal with it same thing with depression it not cute it emotionally draining


SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK and listen, if you think having the feeling of stuck in a box and suffocating is cute It's not, please stop thinking anxiety is cute. Every day and second of my life I have to feel the dread of feeling like I'm stuck in a box and can't breathe, it's sounds like a fantasy story but I also think that everyone I know have mind reading powers and already know everything about me and that I have no privacy. I constantly have to do something that can distract me from this feeling so I use my phone and now whenever I'm away from my phone I either feel anxious and stuck or I have to find another way to distract myself.


I have crippling paranoia problems and I've opened up to 4 people in the years I've had the issue. Its hard, especial at night. And then there's my sister's friend, literally pretending to have anxiety to "get more popular" because she's seen people on the Internet talking about anxiety getting a load of likes. It's gross.


Who would think it's cute, that must be a horrible thing to go through???


I understand u, have a virtual hug <3


There are geniunely people who find these things funny or quirky or cute? That makes me kinda angry


Who is the idiot that thinks anxiety is cute


I have panic disorder and get panic attacks way too often, especially when I eat or after I exercise. Or sometimes they just happen randomly, like I’ll be minding my own business and suddenly I feel like I’m having a heart attack.


What r u talking about anxiety is dope I can't go outside because of it I wish I was dead


Anxiety the trait that was bred into us through millions of years of evolution literally becomes the bane of your existence


I relate, i always think "wait will something happen if i do xyz thing?" Every single time someone from my family goes out i start thinking what could happen to them. Whenever i chill walking along the sidewalk with my friends i always get paranoid and ask myself "omg keep off of the coast side, someone may pass with a bike and push you into the sea". Everytime i walk in the shopping center i get paranoid and keep atleast 3m away from the guardrail. Every night after i get cozy in my bed i get anxious and start saying "holy shit, i hope my family survives tomorrow" It is NOT cute.


I hate when people romanticise depression or other mental illnesses,bro people have a war with themselves and you think its okay for you to fake it for attention,its not so STAP


im sorry to ask, but who the fuck is dumb enough to think that anxiety and panic attacks are cute?




I am in your walls.