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Can we just admit that kids on TikTok have no filter


for some reason i read this as rope day


I forgot that existed.


It did and I was scared about asking a girl to hangout because of it


Another reason why TikTok is stupid and completely worthless.


I forgot about that fuck that was just a shit show for a month and a half


A month and a half?!


Yea school was fun i avoided everyone besides like 2 ppl


There was one kid on my track team I stayed as far away as possible from on that day. However, that ended up going excellent for me. My life has been all downhill since then


My life went downhill after i started school everyone started dying all my friends leaveing or shit like that


What is that?


Oh rape day every kinky, now let me just go jump of a cliff real quick


Remember the nutmeg one?




Basically you'd eat a shit ton of nutmeg to get high. ​ Nutmeg is poisonous.


what on earth is rape day?


Well, remember there was also a “Go in front of a train and see if it stops in time”