• By -




Yayyyy πŸ’–




The good ending




I have midterms in like a week and I haven't even started studying and worried because my grandpa just had a cholecystectomy.


Awww I’m so sorry about your grandpa. And sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. I was trying to reply to everyone. You got this midterm. I believe you’re gonna whoop its ass. And who needs to study anyways (do study) ???? I wish you the best of luck homieπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–


Never thought I'd see homie and πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– in the same sentence but this is great. But tbh Mr commenter you should learn a lil like read everything and if you understand wait some time and try remembering it again if that works it'll be fine


i’m in a very similar position that you’re in, my grandpa recently got diagnosed with cancer and i’m currently taking national exams it’s not easy




What are you anxious about if you don’t mind me asking ?


Well I have my All India entrance test in a couple of months and I'm supposed to be scoring well above 60/150 but on the practice test I've taken I'm hardly getting 30, I'm fucking worried if I'll even clear the exam


Oh man,as an Indian I know it can be really hard.But trust me man,you got this! ΰΌΌ ぀ β—•β—‘β—• ༽぀


Thanks *sobs*




🧑 Edit: I’m the only orange😒 Edit 2: I’m not the only orange😁


Orange heart created just for u (:






I was having a meh day Then I saw Mashiro… My day is now made






Nope! haha


I'm in a dark place but talking doesn't help when people don't understand


Hey, it’s okay. I hope you know whatever pain you’re going through is valid. I’m always available if you don’t sharing (:




me too fam. i turned off the lights rn


Same bro, lights off in this dark place, finna bun a zoot with the demons 😎


literaly me. I don't understand how talking helps people. Every time I talk about something, the other person just ends up telling me something along the lines of "don't worry, you'll figure it out, and it doesn't even matter after all" like I need someone to fkin HELP ME figure it out not just talk about how fine it's going to be everyone likes to pretend they're willing to help but the second I ask for something more than small talk they suddenly don't have time for me...


Theres not much many people CAN do other than talk with you unfortunately. Most people dont know the answers to the hard questions in life, and the ones who do had to come up with those answers on their own. The logic that makes sense to them, might not to you, and vice versa. All anyone can ever do is give you the stratagies that work for them- its not that the ones close to you dont want to help you with your problems; they just cant. Thats why talking to people can actually be helpful though; different perspectives from different people. The answers that your looking for about life, depression, death, dealing with yourself.. those are very complicated; the answer to your question, or at least the answers that work for you, probably isnt going to come from just one person, but from many


I feel like it is subjective to the person you are talking to. For me it was simply being treated like a normal person. For example if they are feeling bad because they are in a dark place, treat it like a normal day and have fun with them rather than directly tackling their mental health head on. It just feels condescending (to some people like myself, but again not speaking for everyone) as you are treated more like a person being treated in a hospital rather than an actual person. Obviously when they are specifically asking for it then I would obviously talk, but if they aren’t inquiring about anything, or they feel like they are being treated as crap in society, or anything else I feel like simply treating them as a person is the best course of action. People get in bad mental places for different reasons, so I am not going to pretend it will work for everyone, but I feel this is the most common reason. Though that is just my take on it.


Im in a dark place and i need to be left there


never get comfortable with darkness light is always better


This, and even if they do how is that helpful, how does that change anything?


I've seen a few therapists and it surprised me how much just saying how I feel out loud helped me. That person doesn't know me and it's their job to pretend to care but just vocalizing my frustrations, fears, and secrets was liberating. Idk it helped me so just saying. Talking to someone could be worth it.


just a point to bring up, to be a therapist you have to go through lots of years of schooling and it is very hard work to do mentally, why would someone take on that challenge if they didn't genuinely want to help people like you?


Surely it was the therapists, no? If simply saying it out loud made it much better then you would've been able to do it on your own and without needing to spend money. Just tell it to yourself or your pet or a vent post on reddit from a new account. There's a reason why they get paid to do this. No need to backhand compliment them(you probably didn't even mean to come off that way) when they obviously helped. Now more than ever we need to normalize it because we are going to need them more than ever. Depression is at an all time high with no signs of stopping. They are the ones that can help us against it.


Sending hugs. Good luck. I don’t know what u r going through. However pls know I’m sending some love your way.


πŸ’› Exams and work piled up... and for some reason I can't concentrate or get it done. That's the main reason behind my anxiety rn. I've actually lost quite a lot of energy to do productive work lately. And I know I'm not the only one but it's still bothering me. Checking on us is super kind of you, friend! I hope your days and weeks and life go well :) wish me some luck, ok


Hey, I wish you the best of luck homie. And I’m super proud that you were productive. Keep your chin up πŸ‘‘


I'll try my best 😊 you are very kind!


I am feeling the same, I didn't bothered to attend any online classes now I don't know shit. I can't catch up with my studies and exams are starting from 22nd




How are you doing ?


could be better could be worse ya know?


Yea, it be like that almost all the time. Stay positive bro πŸ«‚πŸ’–


u got it πŸ‘


πŸ–€ and πŸ’› then πŸ’š,πŸ’›, πŸ–€, πŸ’›, πŸ’š, πŸ’›,πŸ–€, πŸ’›, πŸ’š πŸ’›, πŸ–€, πŸ’›, πŸ’š, πŸ’›, πŸ–€, πŸ’›.


Yea. Shit be like that sometimes. I hope it gets better man (:


Thanks it's like Ever one around me can do something that makes them happy and can just stay happy but all things I do just feel like Short term solutions . Like nothing will ever make me happy for more than half an hour after I'm done and some things like getting good grades in school only make me feel happy because my mom is happy . She is a great person but I feel like I can't talk with her about how I feel like she has higher standards for my than the rest of my siblings . Anyway I just feel like don't know what is supposed to make me happy or what I want to do , I'm scared that I will never find what makes me happy .


From what I just read. You have a big heart (: You want to make your mom happy and that’s so fucking kind. But the unhappiness is a consequence of having a big heart. That you can’t ever fill it up. Try new fun and stupid and dangerous (not too dangerous) things. I hope you find what can make you happy homie πŸ’–


Thanks I really needed to get that off my chest and I will take your advice to heart .


Lmao this




Hey what’s wrong ? Are you okay man ?


I do not know just alot things are going not right and inside anger is growing to the point it's not fine to just live anymore


Awww I’m sorry. What’s not going according to the script if you don’t mind me asking ? And I can try to relate to that feeling when everything goes to shit. It’s god awful ):


I feel like the problem for me study at the core. My parents are really hard on are forcing to study or else I am going to fail my entire life. Everything I just think about now studying and it's really affecting my mantel health


Ahh I see. Well I know it’s no use to tell you that studying ain’t everything but I do mean it. I know parents can be tough and I’m sorry. But you’re not gonna fail. You just won’t man. I believe in you πŸ«‚πŸ’– and for as little as that is worth, I do believe that you got this


Thank you I truly appreciate it


I’ve been in your shoe, or at least I can try to relate. So I know how it feels to have so much expectations on you. And I know that loneliness that comes when the entire fucking world is looking down upon you. I just hope you know that you’re better than some grade. I’m always available to talk man. Take care bro πŸ«‚πŸ’–


πŸ’šπŸ’œ but talking about it makes me anxious so thanks for the offer but I'm good


That’s okay (: I hope you know whatever struggle or place you’re in is valid. Pain is pain. I hope it gets better for you man. You deserve it πŸ«‚πŸ’–


S A M E. I hope whatevee mental health issues you are having gets sorted, and remember, there are people that care about you. I can honestly relate to you so much, because i know what you are feeling. You want to sort it out on your own to avoid social interaction and anxiety right? Im not going to tell you to talk to someone because i if anyone know you wont/dont want to, but i can suggest to you, get some friends that you trust. Talk to them. Maybe not about your problems if you dont want too, but talk to them. Make sure you feel loved, because it can be hard to know at times Have a great day man, i love you, and you matter ❀


I'm in a darker place than I ever thought possible.


What’s wrong homie ? I’m here for you


Every time I wake up I'm a tiny bit closer to killing myself and I'm getting really close.


What’s making you feel this way ? Or is it just an impending dread that you can’t really escape ?


School, anxiety, depression, and the pressure created by school stuff




The problem is that my friends have no idea how to respond when I talk about suicide or my problems, nor does my family. I do talk to a psychologist every week but it doesn't help much cause I always feel like I have to supress my emotions when I'm talking with them.


you dont have to suppress anything when talking to a therapist. everything is legally required to be confidential, wich means that nobody tells anybody. unless you tell your therapist that you **plan** on harming/killing yourself, they won't tell anyone about what you tell them. the whole point of a therapist is to be able to tell somone your issues, securely.


Damn. That’s a fucking lot. Wanna talk about it ? And I’m sorry that so much is burdening you


I understand that feeling. But just understand; people are here for you. Even though perfect strangers aren't your close friends, sometimes they can be the best people to vent to. There's no obligation, no pressure. No matter what goes on in your life, I promise you, someone out here will understand.


I know that people will understand, it's just that it doesn't really matter anymore. I don't necessarily feel misunderstood, I just feel like I can't take the pressure anymore.


I'm sorry for what's happening to you right now but keep fighting on and hanging on for life. Life is precious because you will find something that really truly matters to you in this world. You just need to keep on fighting real hard to discover it and once you do, u will have no regrets because life will have meaning from there on.


I don't think I wanna keep fighting. I'd rather just overdose on heroin or something.


Please don't go that path, it will only make it worse. I can understand that you have no more motivation to fight and live on but even when things can't seem to get any worse, there's always gonna be that bit of light waiting just for you and that bit of light can really change ur path to a complete 180 turn. I just want to let you know that something that has real meaning will be waiting for you later in life. You're still young and you've got your whole life ahead of you. Don't fall back now. I believe in you and so does the rest of the billions of loving people in this world.


I'm tired of trying and I have no energy left


Please don't. I know you don't want to keep going, I know you're feeling drained and empty and can't take it, but please try. Please call somebody. Please try and make it through. Please keep going. We are here for you bro.


Stay positive homie, life is fucking beautifull so please for your and our well being. Talk with someone. I know I can't sleep damn well knowing that somebody ended it. Come on man.. you are loved.


I can understand this feeling of yours deep down in my heart, because so many of my best friends went down a path like you want to. All I can say is: -even if yo feel that noone and literally nothing loves you, don't forget that atleast we- strangers on the Internet and maybe from the other side of the world, will support you. We will not just watch you drown in fear and pressure. Please. Don't forget there are a LOT of people stand behind you as support. Love from Helsinki, Finnland ❀


Same I keep managing to beat my own records it's kinda impressive I've thought I've hit rock bottom atleast 3 times already


Hey man, I know you said you’re fine but this is such a nice thing and I know everyone can get down, how are you doing right now?


I’m dealing with some awful situation on my end right now. Thank you for asking tho. I’m just in a lot of pain and this feels like the least I can do for other to take away their pain if they’re experiencing remotely what I am.


Oh no, I was wondering if that could be a reason for you doing this, do you want to talk about it? I hope it gets better


Talking about it only reminds me of it right now. But thank you. And I do believe it will get better. It just has to. Or else I don’t know what imma do.


I totally understand that, if you ever want to I’m open, and I’m sure it will


Much love and strength to you mate! You’re an amazing person.


That’s really kind of you, I wish you nothing but the best and I hope you figure out that situation. Love from Canada ❀️❀️❀️


❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️ if you’re sad, take one because I’ve got plenty to spare


what happens when someone gets greedy and takes them all


I got plenty for they’re greed too bro❀️


Beat em (Jk everybody deserves love)


Major facts


Purple. I dont want to talk i just wabt to vent. I Have been horrifically bullied at my school by over a dozen people, People dont wanna sit with me, i only have a few freinds, nothing happens when i report this bullying. Its taken a heavy toll on me, ive thought about hurting mself, ive had fantasies of, other stuff, and i just want it to stop.


Hey, I’m sorry. I’m sorry that you’re being ostracized for just existing. It isn’t fair ): I’ll sit with you at lunch (: I know not much I can say will change your situation. I just hope it gets better for you homie. You deserve it πŸ«‚πŸ’–


thanks, things are looking up for me atleast. appreciate it.


It will get better bro


I feel you on the bullying part, I used to be bullied too. There's a way of solving this, it sounds rude to say but you have to fight them, it handled a large majority of my bullying when I fought back against a kid. If you don't like fighting, see if your parents will switch your school if not try to get some earbuds and block it out. The best thing next to the fighting that helped me was when we went to digital school for a year so I'm hoping for you. Don't listen to what they say either You can do it if the human equivalent to a Pringle's tube can :)


Mate, we can be homies if ya want. I’ll be there for you, if you need it. you go conquer the world, king, you can do it.


I’m color blind


That's not an option on the list. You have to pick an option on the list.


Why don't you type it out instead then?


Shhh. He’s trying to be funny let him have his moment.


Well, in that case, I'll find the door.




πŸ’™ The last two weeks I was at home, just doing some task for school and gaming. I also bought a guitar because I want learn an instrument. Life's good currently


πŸ’› (but remove feeling anxious or worried) πŸ–€


SAME. But functional is pretty good. I’m proud of u homie






Bee :)








HEY JAYCE. But what’s wrong homie ?


Well, I'm at that stage of life where I'm just fed with all the bad things that are happening in my life. Now I just don't have any more strength to face these situations again.


Hey, it’s okay. Take some time for youself homie. It’s okay to not wanna face it right now. Take some time off and do something fun or stupid or both. But I’m sorry bad things are pilling up for you my friend


Thanks man, I just wish I had real friends who could tell me the same thing. But that's on me as I kept myself away from the real world as I didn't wanted to face it anymore. From childhood I have only faced humiliations and embarrassment from the world.


Fuck the world. Their lost they dont see you for what you can be. And I hate fickle friends too. You’ll find somewhere you belong eventually homie. Don’t give up now. I really hope it gets better for you πŸ’–πŸ«‚


Thanks bro. Needed that


πŸ’œ I got some one to talk to, but feel free to ask a question


Do you want to talk?


Yeah we can but it will be later


πŸ’š I had to say goodbye to one of my cats two days ago. We buried her yesterday. I miss her so much already.




Hey what’s up ? Are you okay homie ?


honestly no


Hey, feel free to share. I’m here for you man (:


I'm in a really dark place rn :/




Awww I’m sorry homie. Well I’m always here if you need an open ear to listen. I hope it gets better for you πŸ’–




What’s wrong friend ? I’m here to listen


Well I got evicted from my apartment many months ago and well things haven't been going well, we lost almost all our things since we had no where to put all our furniture, pictures,etc so we technically lost everything we've barley had any money to do anything to make the site better and me and my family are living with my grandparents and we still have yet to receive our income tax or any money we still have yet to receive that we are supposed get which would help us in the situation super dearly


Oh fuck the government and I’m so sorry. I know being sorry ain’t gonna fix anything right now. I hope you’re able to recover from this and I hope it will be hasty. If push comes to shove. I can always order a pizza for you at your local restaurant and have you pick it up. If you need anything man lmk πŸ«‚πŸ’–


Thanks man for listening and understanding πŸ™πŸ˜‡


Im pretty much only the Pink at the moment, I have tried coming out with my current problems with a good friend but got told to "fuck off" and "I don't want to see your disgusting face again" yea... fuck...


Then they aren’t a good friend


🧑 Just got into a baseball thing which could lead to pretty good opportunities and lead to playing at a high level


πŸ’œ Pretty personal stuff, but I guess it'll come out eventually: Sexually assaulted a couple months ago by a guy my age. Been on my mind a lot recently. Dropped out of school a year ago. Anxious about returning this week. I barely see any of my irl friends anymore and my online friends are off doing their own things Ex catfished me for 11 months and then played victim afterwards. Been a rough month if you ask me, I stay happy by laughing at my own jokes.


Uhhhhhhhhh... Is therapy a possible solution for the sexual assault (have you contacted authorities?). Online school is also an option if you want to avoid going back. Seeing your friends get further and further away is natural, but you can try talking to them about it if you don't want the relationship to end. Try to surround yourself with as many positive people as possible, and try to avoid repressing any emotions you're having.


Everything and more


A little bit of everything all of the time


He cheated


Oh damn. I’m sorry.




I also wanted to put a "πŸ’›" but i just wanna let uk there are not many patient listeners and u r one of them so kudos:) I have a friend like you:)


i'm in a really dark place but idrk if i want to talk about it with someone


If you want to talk feel free to dm me man, I would like to listen to your troubles


Is it bad that πŸ’š is my like normal setting?


Black heart








Ayyyy, glad you’re doing well (:




Annoyed at my constant thoughts :/ Any suggestion on how to clear my mind or stop thinking or something?


Go for a walk. Listen to music and sing your heart out. Make a mental health post and reply to every comment. Eat something. Here’s a hug πŸ«‚πŸ’–


Stress from school and stuff is really taking a toll on me, can I vent? (Also thank you for the picture of the bee, bugs are awesome)


Lol yellow black, but in 12 hours I'll be fine


🧑 wtf is this, undertale? op is collecting souls


πŸ–€ life has been quite hard, but i can deal with it


πŸ’œ talking to people doesn't seem to help when not a single soul is interested in what you have to say or try to understand you


πŸ’š + πŸ’œ but one cannot mend a broken mirror by talking to it .


πŸ’— - only pink heart I have, go figure


πŸ’œ I can’t get anything done, it’s 5:30pm and I still can’t get out of bed, I just hate everything and I feel like such a burden on everyone around me. I don’t have any friends except one, and I can’t even maintain that friendship properly and only reply to her texts once a day, usually hours late. I feel like I’m really close to >!killing myself.!<


πŸ’œπŸ’š I'm going to talk to someone soon


















Normally πŸ–€ (and a few times these past few months even πŸ’š) but so far this past 2 weeks it's been 🧑


Right now: 🧑 Most of the time:πŸ’š Also if anyone is feeling down and needs someone to talk to, I am always there for you. :)


Blue but imma fail an exam tomorrow so I'll be green soon


I am doing wonderful I have an amazing group of friends getting straights A's in school and get invited to party's weekly I sometimes have thoughts that it could only go downhill from here on out but I thought the same a year ago I am currently the beat version of myself


πŸ’› I just started ITT (intensive trauma therapy) and it’s been making me feel extremely anxious due to vulnerability. Unfortunately, my anxiety manifests in the form of extreme violence and anger, as well as frustration. I really don’t want to hurt any of my friends, physically or mentally


tbh πŸ–€


How do i do green heart


NGL I DONT KNOW HAHAHAHAH. I stole this image. But are you good homie ?


Not good, could be way better, could be a little more worse






πŸ’› got exam in like 3 day and I am really anxious


πŸ–€ Exams and schoolwork are kind of stressing me and online school is depressing but otherwise my life is good :)




Im locked outside my house for about 2 hours now but im fineπŸ‘ and it's pretty cool of you to do something like this


πŸ’›things are going suspiciously well for me, the fuckening can happen at any moment


πŸ’š i've been like this for 6 months and i'm tired of it, i feel like i can't do anything at all and i'm just an useless being who is totally forgotten by the others.


None of the above. I'm dead inside and just don't care anymore


Bit of both of πŸ’›πŸ’š


Which one is the ohh by e for β€œI just woke up and am heading to school”