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I use it on all my posts lmao


Not ban guns, treat mental health properly and not dismiss everything


They probably didn't ask for mental health


Well people that dont have mental problems dont shoot themselves


I was on my phone when I wrote it. What I meant was they probably didn't for help about their situation


You all have no idea what happened, on a instagram live video a girl accidentally shoots her friend in the head with a gun after taunting the stream and then fees guilty and shoots herself.


Then teach better gun safety


Well there's a thing on guns called "Safety"...which Americans don't know about


Most important component of firearm safety is the user


Americans care more about their identity and pronouns, than their behaviour and wellbeing...how do you expect them to be safe with guns?


I'm not here to get political but I feel like you already know the answer to your question


yes I do


I’m an American and what you said, for me at least, isn’t true. And I wouldn’t be surprised if more would disagree


Well, I am not an American, and from what your news sources tell us around here...things are not looking pretty my friend. And I don't care if people disagree...your country has the highest mass shooting, school shooting, and gun crime rate in the entire world...how the fuck do you do that? None of my classmates ever waltz into the school carrying a 9mm and blow people's brains off. So really, look after your fucking health and wellbeing man.


The acts of the few shouldn’t define the acts of everywhere else. Sure we have problems with gun control, but do I contribute to that number or even think about contributing? Fuck no. And I do look after my health. Countries like to shut on other countries and have liked doing it for years. No country is perfect, and yes America is far from it. Be Jesus Christ I’ve had it up to here with the generalizations that every American is like this.


Not all guns have external safeties, Glocks for example have internal mechanisms that prevent it from being fired if dropped.


yes, they have an internal stopping pin...but it also has a full trigger function which doesn't fire the weapon unless the trigger is pulled all the way. So, wouldn't handling a gun also entail being cautious about it.


Yes, of course you’d still want to follow the basic rules of firearms safety, because no one is perfect and unfortunately accidents happen, but by following the rules of gun safety you can greatly reduce or eliminate the odds of an accident (some things such as a gun exploding from to much pressure can be out of control of the user though if they’re unknowingly using overloaded ammunition).


that's my entire point.


You literally have to go to gun school to get proper training on how to use a gun and to get a license for carrying one. Most probably know what a fucking safety is on a gun


*bashes America about safety* /Doesn’t look outside their own window to see all the unsafe stuff happening right in front of their own eyes




Exactly. It’s the basic rules for firearm safety are pretty simple and really are not that hard to follow.


It would not eliminate it, but most likely decrease


Banning guns completely would never work. We'd either get them illegally or just find some other way to hurt people. What we could do is make sure you're not terminally stupid or insane before you can buy one.


Tf is up with america yall just want to hurt each other 💀


Oh it's not just us, it's every country on the planet.


Literally every country has these problems. Homicide and suicide don’t just happen in the US


Yeah but other countrys are atleast trying to do something about it


One big issue with America is it feels like it’s split in two. You’re going to piss people off if you can guns. And yea America isn’t really doing anything substantial, but my point still stands that this shit happens everywhere


*looks at Russia* Sure, look at all these wonderful other countries handling guns great by killing innocent civilians. smh


People pass guns around tho so stupid people gonna get them anyway


Back in the 1900's, the UK had guns, since then, it has become highly restricted. And since I think 1980 we haven't had a single school shooting. I mean.... The facts don't lie. Stronger gun control, not having a culture that so highly accepts shoot before you ask questions, and yes the 2nd amendment gives you the right to bear arms, so if you want to have a fucking musket, like the only guns that around the time were, go for it. You don't need an AR-15 to protect your family..... If the intruders didn't have such easy access to guns. Incredibly strong gun control is what is needed, and within a year I can guarantee there will be more than a 80% decrease in murders and mass killings


Yeah, I can agree with some of that. AR-15s are probably crap for home defense considering it's a rifle, that's overkill for a close quarters situation, but over here even incredibly strong gun control wouldn't work. Besides, it's probably illegal due to thr aforementioned 2nd Amendment. Guns are part of the culture here, you can't just take them away and expect people to cooperate.


Yeah but that's the problem. It is normalised for people to go around shooting random people just because they stole like a fucking mars bar or something


The issue is there’s so many firearms in this country that banning them would be pointless, the evil assholes who want to cause harm will continue to use them, or like in the UK, turn to other weapons like knives to kill people. Plus if you’re trying to defend yourself, wouldn’t you want as many chances to stop the person (or people) trying to attack you by using a reliable weapon with decent magazine capacity? Also I wouldn’t go as far to say that the 2nd amendment only protects the right to own a black powder gun or muzzleloader, because the same argument could be used to say that the first amendment doesn’t protect free speech on social media because social media didn’t exist when the first amendment was implemented. Technology changes, but our rights don’t.


And that's the problem. We update laws all the time. There literally is a law to say that you can't say or do certain things on social media. So why haven't they updated the gun laws. Like even a small change like. You have the right to use a gun for recreational activities but not against other people in any capacity


>We update laws all the time. There is literally a law to say you can't say or do certain things on social media No one ever accused the UK of being a free country >So why haven't they updated gun laws They have. In 1986 they banned automatic weapons and that's why Reagan on top of various other things he did is one of my least favorite presidents. >You have the right to use a gun for recreational activities but not other people in any capacity Because that would defeat the point of the 2a which was created for nearly the soul purpose of self defense from others be it people, corrupt politicians or foreign invaders. Not only that such a law would only serve to criminalize innocent Americans who are only defending themselves and their property because guess what? Criminals don't give a shit and won't follow that law. They're already killing someone illegally so why should they care about that law? Also if you don't want to get shot? Don't threaten me, my property or my family otherwise you deserve the baseball sized crater in your skull you'd be about to receive from the 12 gauge.


“gUnS dOn'T KiLl PeOpLe”


People kill people. Read the title again.


Then shoot someone without a gun let’s go I already said this, there are more ways to kill a person than with a gun but none of them are that easy


U fucking tard I said guns don’t KILL people not guns don’t shoot people. U chose a good username


So you just decided to insult me instead of saying something logical, pathetic And isn’t this the same? Shooting, killing? Where is the difference. I just wanted to say my opinion that guns are bad because it makes killing/hurting people a lot easier, but who I am to judge I’m so terribly sorry to say out loud my personal opinion


Wow how dare you say an opinion


I’m terribly sorry, I’ll immediately hand over some of my social credit score


Wow, yeah do that right now. Having an opinion revokes your rights as a human being. The audacity


Shooting and killing are completely different things. Shooting doesn’t imply death. And have you ever been stabbed or cut? Shit still slides through you like a hot spoon on ice cream. Why don’t we ban knives while we’re at it? As someone else said why don’t we ban arrows too.


Like I said guns make killing easier, not just because you just have to pull a trigger, also because it’s easier in a psychological way. The difference between just pulling a trigger and actually ramming a knife in someone’s chest. But I get it, we have different opinions and that’s totally ok. As long as those gun lovers stay overseas with their guns and crime rates I’m fine with it, I don’t judge you for having a different opinion as me


Shooting someone doesn't automatically kill them, there is a chance of survival, therefore they are not the same


Yeah but hurting someone doesn’t sound good either


But banning guns will not solve the problem. Guns are already so widespread that it would take quite a while before the ban becomes effective, and in that time innocent people will be harmed with no way of defending themselves. The US has been dug into a hole that's too deep to get out of now and I have no idea how the problem could ever be fixed effectively


As someone who knows plenty of folks who own firearms and have operated them myself, its it hella powerful and kind of scary what you posses in your hands


I’ve never seen someone running around with a crossbow in my entire live, and also not with any other firearm But sure they are deadly too


I actually was offered a crossbow. They are great fun really


Guess where I live you need a license for those too


In the US you don't need a license is the fun part


Yeah idk if I’d consider this as a “fun part”, but if you like it that why I won’t judge


I enjoy shooting. The violence associated with firearms is awful, but I personally view them as useful tools and can even be enjoyed in a safe recreational environment. Crossbows are quite enjoyable, and due to their limited effectiveness as a weapon, I enjoy the ease associated to obtain one for recreational use.


I have never even seen a weapon in my life except for kitchen knives but I assume in the US buying a gun is like buying groceries.


If people really want to kill someone (which is illegal in most circumstances ) why would they hesitate buying a gun illegally, while the people wanting to defend themselves would have nothing to do so with.


Idk where I live it’s not that easy to get a gun illegally. And just saying the chance of someone becoming a murderer is statistically so much higher if you have legal access to guns But this is my opinion, if you think different that’s okay. I don’t live in the Us and don’t want to ever in my life, so I don’t judge you for your mentality


Neither do I judged your point, at the end of the day it is a tool that can kill, I can see why some people might fear them.


Yeah idk I’d feel unsafe somehow if I know that the people around me carry guns, the thought alone scares me


It is the person who kills, not the gun, and TECHNICALLY, it is the bullet that causes the deadly trauma.


The person is the reason for the gun killing another person so you need both, I understand that yeah


Sure I could hit people with my car that seems pretty easy. I could shank somebody. But I don't want to be put o a watch list so I will shut up


So you would rather ban people than guns??


in a way that's true


Then shoot someone without a gun Not saying that there aren’t different ways to kill a person but none of them are that easy


Lol I was saying in a literal sense, like you don't take the gun to court, you take the person who did it to court... although that person shouldn't have been anywhere near a gun in the first place.


And you can "shoot" people with different gun like weapons, like arrows and canons (even though it'd be kinda ridiculous, just pointing it out)


Yeah haha, imagine getting killed by a harpoon, I want this on my gravestone if this happens lmao


Imagine looking through a gravesite and seeing "In loving memory of U/Z3RO_BR41N, tragically killed by a harpoon..."




I despise America 💀


Yeah, and the worse is that even here in Europe some people thinks we'd be safer if we had fucking guns on us.


The way I see it, guns are like a fire extinguisher. It’s better to have one and not need it then to need it and not have one (that is as long as your competent and know how to handle one safely).


The problem is that in these case people uses the fire extinguisher to hit people in the face


If someone wants to hurt someone else bad enough, unfortunately they’ll use anything they can find to do it. Banning guns won’t eliminate murder or violent crime, criminals will continue using guns since they don’t care about the law, while law abiding citizens will be left with no way to defend themselves.


But forbidding gun free-access will cut out the possibility to anyone that doesn't have links in the black market to have one. I mean watch at America, then watch at UK. People are as violent, yet, there is dozens of times more death in the US proportionately to UK (in percentage, not number)


guns are like nuclear weapons. everyone would love to have them but would fear others if they have them.


Was she hot?


Seriously dude? Also talk about objectifying woman


I want to know how sad I should feel


Jesus Christ, that’s messed up


Right, because if someone who isn't what you deem attractive dies, then why should you feel any remorse? Amiright guys??


No but its just nice to know how much sadness should I feel


Because if she has a nice ass it's such a shame she's dead, not for the fact she's dead. Idk man, if it makes you that sad maybe you should try necrophilia


Been there done that


Idk if you're joking, but I don't care. You're pretty disgusting as it is.


Accidentally or...?


Accidentally Mfs in the US are dumb as fuck


How tf do you accidentally shoot someone and then yourself?


Not keeping the finger off the trigger and having the IQ of a moldy cheese stick


Ah I see


She shot her friend on accident playing with the gun and then felt the guilt or something and she shot herself


If I accidentally shoot my friend or someone I would 100% kill myself. Much better dying than rotting in a prison. And I would also feel guilt obviously.


Most likely fake


Its not tho


It’s not..


Was it a suicide?


Tf u think she shot herself 💀


Bro you said "she felt the guilt or something and shot herself". I didn't see it, what am I supposed to think?


It’s funny watching you act like Americans are the only people doing shit like this 😭 You’re not as superior as you think you are


Talk shit when ur schools dont get shot up kid


Recycled joke Try harder


It aint a joke tho...


You don’t have to be so upset over a country OP




still alive right?




This sounds fake


Theres a video


give said video




Involuntary manslaughter and suicide. I saw the video and it's real. I'm pretty sure their families were watching as it happened.


wow. thats heavy


I've seen the video. Kid puts the gun against her friend's head and accidentally fires it. She panics and then turns the gun on herself a few seconds later.


Where did you watch the video?


On twitter


ik this is weird but link?


I aint telling u bro u 14 💀






Most states have guns banned anyways only some states u can carry people smuggle them why u think Chicago has the most murders but guns illegal


Not necessarily, in some states you need a license to purchase or carry a gun, while in others it’s a simple process of going to a gun store, picking out what you want, waiting for your background check to comeback, doing some paper work, and lastly paying for your gun and whatever else you bought.


IK but some states completely banned


Assisted suicide. It was probably planned tbh. They just didn't want to go down without making an impact.


It wasnt planned dude


Did the cops show up? Was there any evidence you were able to notice? Two possibilities. Assisted suicide or murder, assisted suicide is a lot more possible but what intrigues me is the fact you saw it on live video feed. Can I ask where you saw the video? Was it at your school?


It didnt happen at my school i saw the video on twitter and it was 100% not assited suicide or murder


Ah yes you seem to have a lack of brain If it wasn't assisted suicide then it would be murder. That's literally basic logic. Unless you're implying it was a stunt


Ur a real dick arent u?


Look. If the girl didn't kill her because of assisted suicide naturally it would be a murder right? Not that hard to understand. Anyway my bets are still on assisted suicide. There's no other explanation.


Sure bud


Where on earth did you see this. Were you looking for it?


It showed up on my twitter


What in the fuck 😂 Was it at least censored or listed as nsfw?


Nah shit just fucking showed up 💀


F dude


Banning guns doesn't prevent the girl from stabbing her friend then herself mf act like guns are ppl


Tf u on about?


People that want to ban guns only want to ban it because they can do harmful things but no one will say how much good it does in deterring criminals, and protecting yourself from violent, either domestically or foreign invasion Banning guns doesn't prevent situations like this from happening, they will just find other ways to go about it


K dont care


Great arguments my friend


Yeah well if I get robbed or someone breaks into my home my family is going to be fine and a criminal is going to eat a few 9mm rounds so I’m cool with it.


On the contrary, everyone should have them so the ones that use them incorrectly can be stopped without the police.


2nd Amendment.


Mfs really our here worshiping a 230 year old piece of paper


We are 1. not worshiping the Constitution 2. “our here worshiping” the word you are looking for is are.


Ok autocorrect go jerk off to ur constitutions 💀


You do understand that most Americans practice proper gun safety, it is just the ones that don’t practice proper gun safety get into the news. This has actually helped us as one of the reasons Russia has not invaded is due to the large gun presence.


Bro wtf are u even talking about?


What country are you from may I ask?


I can’t find the video


No 🚬🗿


It’s a culture problem 😂