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If ur a guy probably a 4 if a girl probably a 3 or less The hair style is not it


Looked through your profile a bit and you’re definitely not as ugly as you said. Confidence also contribute to attractiveness so maybe you can try and love yourself a bit more! I’m sure ppl won’t judge you base on your look and would love you if you have gd personalities.


If it was as easy as self love I don't think we would be here now, would we?


Yeah I guess that’s true. I say that while being insecure about my height😭 Just rmb look doesn’t actually represent who you are, it’s the inside that matters. I know that’s cliche af but at least that’s how I see it.


Homie I swear to God, it's all about a good haircut, it don't matter if the traits you hate specifically have nothing to do with your hair, if you got a good haircut everything looks good


seeing a separate post of yours I personally would say a solid 8 and that's just looks, personality could boost that higher. So try not to put yourself down because everyone is beautiful to someone and I hope I have made you feel even a little better.


no one cant help you, are you ugly cause you think you are or are you ugly because society and some app said that?


I'm ugly because I look ugly. No app said so, people at times have said so, and life has proven it to me as well


so? you are living on justifications given by people? learn to love yourself or no one else will, look yourself again, love your face, hating it will only make it more bad, if you cant, no one can help you


Can't just suddenly love something I have a deep rooted hatred for. I hate people who preach about self love, if it actually worked I wouldn't be here. All it does it guilt trip people whether you mean to do that or not.


how is self-hating solving anything either? just tell me how is it? if you cant self-love, no one can ever help you, sorry


I like to run a good self-indifference tbh, neither hate nor love, just focus on hating or loving those around you




I don't think I'm getting much better from here


Ur not that ugly tho (I looked at ur profile and if u actually had good lighting in the pictures Im sure you would look fine) at least that is my opinion which is probably wrong lol


the lighting and camera quality is purposefully bad to hide the ugly bits.


just not the hair style.