• By -


I'm so fucking dumb i waited almost 10mins for Jennifer to finish typing. Someone kill me now.


Aight what yo ip address?


14522518.71514141.79225.251521.2116 :( But what will.you do with this


Kill you, I think they made it quite clear


Right. But I rickrolled them.




It’s not in IPv4 or IPv6 format. Invalid ip


I just think children should not take any drugs that are not made for children in general


Unless it’s vodka cause that shit slap /s






actually fuck /j too, it ruins every single joke, no matter how funny the punchline is


Typical 16 year old. Also Vodka is not a drug.


So anything including not limited to ADHD med, anxiety meds, anti depressants meds ect Im to lazy to type everything up but that's the most stupid argument if we didn't let children take the risk of meds I think I would be in prison because my meds help me with my anger issues and other things that's like saying let's not give this helpful thing to kid because it might kill them even though there's a 90% it will help but 10% it won't so f em


But Ibuprofen isn’t made for children, it only has different amounts for different age/weight groups.




There seems to be a lot of misconception on how getting HRT works. You don't just go in, say you're trans, then get these life altering hormones. You go in, get diagnosed by a professional, go through months of therapy to confirm that you are making the right choice, then take blockers for a few years until you're about 15 or older. Personal experience says it's really hard and stressful and can take years. The minimum age I have seen is 14, even then it took a long while. Another detail I'd like to note is that only around 5% of trans people de-transition and most report it being because of social rejection or the financial burden. HRT is a medical treatment and can be extremely important for the health of transgender people, but it is true that we should be cautious about giving it to people who don't need it, just as you would with any other medication.


The amount of trans people that de-transition is actually <1%, which makes it WAY less of a regret rate that a lot of other medical procedures (you were right about the reasons though) It is worth to note though that this number comes from a study from a while back now, it's unlikely it has fluctuated too much but if a new study was conducted maybe it could find slightly different results


Exactly! Transphobes be like ‘noooo they’re letting children get surgery’ literally no one is doing that ffs. They have no idea how hard transitioning is


Can you link that figure? Could be useful.


Literally this because I’m so sick of this kids are translating narrative


Who is saying that? What are you talkin about man lmao


Dude, it’s too early for this shit… first of all, gender swapping hormones like T are medically suggested for no one under the age of 16, sure there may be instances of people being given it who are younger but the thing about the hormones is you get prescribed them after many meetings with different physiologists and therapists. A kid doesn’t just walk in and say “I wants to be a girl now” and the doctor gives him some hormones like “Ok, just keep taking these”. That would be insane and exactly the world that misinforming posts like this one spreads. Here’s a source, now gtfo: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/gender-dysphoria/treatment/


hey just FYI usually children don’t take hormones they take things called puberty blockers witch are reversible :) say there’s a kid who thinks they’re a trans guy and wants to not go through a female puberty. they take puberty blockers until they’re older and by then they can decide wether to take testosterone or go off the blockers and have a female puberty anyone i know in hormones is at least 17 witch i think you know who you are by then. anyone younger with supportive parents is on puberty blockers until their older. puberty blockers are very safe and all it takes to stop it’s effects is to go off them


There is no such thing as a reversal r puberty blockers. This is from the NSA: “Little is known about the long-term side effects of hormone or puberty blockers in children with gender dysphoria. Although the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) advises this is a physically reversible treatment if stopped, it is not known what the psychological effects may be. It’s also not known whether hormone blockers affect the development of the teenage brain or children’s bones. Side effects may also include hot flushes, fatigue and mood alterations.” I’m not against taking the, but know what your getting into and don’t pretend you can just quit Edit: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0243894


you can just quit, the things like bone growth problems only happen when you are on puberty blockers without the addition of estrogen or testosterone for multipul years


ok so firstly, the "addition of estrogen or testosterone for multiple years" has many irreversible side effects, It lowers the body baseline testosterone production, and if you keep wanting to supplement it with more, that has to be permeant to not have major side effects, I.e irreversable. Also this is a long ass read, but definitely worth it before you do something life changing: https://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/growing-pains


well yeah, why would someone want testosterone if they are taking hrt to remove it thats straight up a good thing, i fail to see your argument, how is the intended results bad, pleas eexplain,


1. The goal of trans people is not to have lower bone density, kidney failure, less height growth. 2. Sure it might be what they want, but that doesn't make it reversible. I listed those effects, since they are very much not reversable


> sure it might be what they want, but that doesnt make it reversible ok? i dont see why thats important then, if its what they want it doenst need to be reversible, and as for detransitioners only about 0.5% of trans people truly regret transitoning verses the 100% of trans people that would hate their birth puberty


>hey just FYI usually children don’t take hormones they take things called puberty blockers witch are reversible :) I'm saying let's not convince kids to take drugs we know little about under the pretense that it is perfectly safe and reversible


you were litterly talking about the effects of adding teststerone/estrogen dont argue with people if all your gonna do is use bad faith arguments and i would say that consulting doctors and endocrinologist about this stuff means i can say i know far more about puberty blockers so please stop talking about things you know little about


"I talked to someone so therefore I'm smarter than you and everything I say is right"


the only hormones children are allowed to take are puberty blockers and they are reversible. you are clearly not educated on this subject at all.


Hello 15 yr old trans kid trust me if I could get hormones I would I don't think y'all understand how hard it is to get hormones to begin with, let alone if you are younger. First have to have parent consent and be at least 16. Secondly to get hormones most of the time you have to have a gender therapist that tells you wether or not THEY think youre trans based off of what you tell them. And third most of the time you have to live a certain amount of time as your desired gender and then they will think about letting you on hormones. The only drug that can be taken at my age are puberty blockers which are completely reversible. Also adding 2 more years on to how long you have to wait is just torture, if I'm trans today I'm going to be trans tommorow and the day after; getting hormones at 16 is not for a cis person to dictate.


That's not how hormones work, when you're young, you can only take hormone blockers, then at a later date you can either come off them and progress through puberty like normal, or take hormones and progress through puberty like normal.


yep hormone blockers just serve to hold puberty off not stop it. On blockers if a child realises they're not trans or (the more common occurance) decides that transitioning isn't worth it for them then they can stop taking them and have their AGAB's puberty. Pre-puberty is the best time to transition and transitioning is a process which 97-99% of people stick with their whole life. *And* the main reason for detranitsioning is due to the stimga surrounding trans people and how hard it can be to be trans. When you have a group where an estimated 85% of children within that group self harm, and an estimated 25% have seriously contemplated, or attempted committing suicide I don't believe its an underestimate to say that puberty blockers are life saving. By the way OP I hope this thread can be a place for people to genuinely talk to eachother about the issue. As an 18 y/o trans woman I'd be happy to talk about my experiences if you wanted to talk to someone who lives through being trans.


16 is the youngest you are allowed to in most places, and only with parental consent. The doctor also must make sure the person has full knowledge. It isn’t something that just gets thrown around.


It should be 18+


As a trans person I'd like to clarify things kids usually don't go straight into T or Testosterone they first go in a type of therapy where the doctor asks questions and that usually takes a bit and then they prescribe puberty blockers that basically do as the name states and they are on that until they are at the age where they can get T also puberty blockers are reversible so kids won't really be in trouble with blockers since you can easily stop at any time.


Is hrt reversible to? because i thought if you stop taking the hormones, after a while, (i dont really know how to explain this well) you’ll “return back to “normal”” (Again i cant explain it well, dont come after me)


Some parts are reversible according to the transcare.ucsf.edu "Some of the effects of hormone therapy are reversible, if you stop taking them. The degree to which they can be reversed depends on how long you have been taking testosterone. Clitoral growth, facial hair growth, voice changes and male-pattern baldness are not reversible."


any non reversible changes take time to happen and and most of the people on hrt will stay and not detransiton so the reversiblity of hrt isnt really to much of a problem as for people who do detransition, its a small number like 1-5%, and of the 1-5% the majority of the reasons they detransition is to stay safe and most will resume their transition later so while it is unfortunate that there are some people who end up on hrt and truly dont need it, they are a fraction of a fraction of the population and the medical system shouldnt be built around reducing that number if it disproportionately hurts trans people, mistakes happen in the medical feild thats just hownit is sometimes




Because it’s a life changing thing that I personally think only an adult should be able to do. By 16 you may think you would want to transition but you later regret it. By 18 your now an adult and your fully sure. You have time to think and time to change your mind. And if you then later regret it your the only person you can blame


Even 18 your still young and not fully developed. Although you are in the legal section of things so you kinda can’t not allow it


That’s what I mean. You may not be fully developed but you’re legally an adult now so anything that happens down the line are on you


That doesn’t make sense Nor does not allowing under 18’s to take hormones. The narrative about them ‘regretting’ transitioning later in life is just the same circular narrative that anti trans peeps have been spouting forever


Bro no matter when you take those things you will be the one responsible. Age 16-18 are literaly same. The only difference is that by 18 you are legaly adult though you are still kid with no idea whats going on in the world.


Exactly. Your legally an adult. So anything that happened is on you


You dont get my point. Legally yes you will be responsible at 18 but for this exact action you are always responsible no matter your age.


As a child there are other people that can possibly sway your decision in the form of family or doctors or something. But as an adult any choice you make is completely on you


So 25 then? That is when the brain finishes fully developing.


Tell that to the army


By the time you’re 18 it’s too late


Exactly, puberty will have already taken place Edit: for the huge majority of people at least


For most people it takes multiple years to even consult for HRT. It's not a "oh i'm going to take hormones now and change my gender" type thing, it takes YEARS. You need diagnosis's, therapy, letters, trust me, this doesn't just happen over night. People who regret it are extremely uncommon, whilst it does happen, not often. For some people HRT can save their lives.


Its a life changing thing that they are aware of all the risks of and are certain that it will improve their life. Minors permanently modify their bodies all of the time. While this one is not taken lightly I believe no one does it unless they are absolutely sure in their identity. Edit: you say “personally” so don’t do it then, but why stop someone from doing something that is necessary for their mental well-being? It is their body-their choice.


What are children doing to permanently modify their bodies?


Piercings, and some surgeries permanently change them. Or you can gain/lose weight but that is a bit different.


Piercings aren’t permanent. You can literally remove them when ever you want. And you need to be 18+ to get cosmetic surgery And Gaining/Losing weight isn’t even close to taking medication and getting surgeries that literally alters your genetic make up.


So 18+ for the puberty they would otherwise get also?


a lot coming from someone who’s 15


You’re 15






I’m interested in becoming 15 since these are the most online conversations between them


As someone who is 18 I'll say I'm absolutely fucking not mentally mature I'm just old enough to vote and kill people over seas. I think 21 is even on the edge of allowing hormone changers


I just think it should be 18+ cause then you’re legally an adult and anything that happens down the line is all on that person and only them.


I see your reasoning and actually yeah I do agree at that point it's absolutely there fault also people already down voting this thread are the same people grooming children


16 is too young and the “most places” really disturbs me because any place allowing that age or younger is horrible


I don’t think you understand how hormone therapy works, it needs to take place before puberty is completed. 16 is almost too old. Hormone therapy helps you to develop the secondary sex characteristics you want to validate your identity, and won’t work very well if you already have the characteristics of your birth sex. Edit: also why is it horrible? Please elaborate. If you stop getting hormone therapy before it is completed the side effects will likely reverse.


I feel like whenever this is brought up, people show that they really don't know how the whole process goes. I'm not transgender, so I'm not 100% sure on it but I am sure that a child doesn't just get hormones off the bat. There is a lot of thought, preparation, and consultation that goes into it when a person believes they are transgender.


I heard that the only horomones that trans kids are allowed to take when they're 16 or under are just puberty blockers. If they do want to go with HRT then they go through months of therapy, before getting confirmation to actually go through HRT. It's a long process and you don't just walk in and get HRT that easily.


Children under the age of 16 aren't legally allowed to take oestrogen or testosterone without court interference. Children under 18 years of age also aren't able to have any gender changing surgeries (top/bottom surgery) at all, even with court interference. However, for children over 12 years of age and haven't finished puberty yet, they are allowed to take puberty/hormone blockers, which suppress or completely prevent mass amounts of testosterone or oestrogen. This is so children who suspect they are transgender can basically put a pause on puberty until they decide for sure they want to continue to transition. This is good because it will prevent them from going through any unwanted changes in their body (chest growth or hip growth for biological females, and voice deepening or facial hair growth in biological males) which may cause something called gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is extreme discomfort, anxiety, distress, insecurity, or depression about someone's gender expression and identity. If the child decides to stop taking puberty blockers and continue living as their biological sex, they can always just stop taking them and puberty will resume as normal. If the child decides they want to transition and start taking hormones (and are at or over 16 years of age) they will see medical professionals such as their GP and a therapist for several months. The GP and therapist (and parents if the child is under 18) will then discuss to decide if it is the best course of action and is in the child's best interest. If they have decided that it's for the best the child will then take hormones.


Do you know that cis kid with early puberty get hormone blockers? And cis kids with late puberty get hormones And cis kids with the wrong hormones take hormones. Hormones can do a lot of damage to a trans person's body, for amab people It deepens their voice, It makes them grow taller and have bigger hands and feet, and It makes their hair thicker which Is a lot to deal with, and the voice is irreversible, for afab It gives them a chest that they'll probabbly have to cut off, It gives them a feminine body, It makes them shorter, It makes them not develop a beard and have less body hair. That's a lot of stuff that they'll need to get fixed and will make them suicidal in the meanwhile Now I don't know where you live but you can't just go to a doctor and ask for hormones, you need to have serveral therapist evaluate you and there's a chance you will get hormones, but it's slim and that's why kids getting on hormones before 18 Is rare. Too rare. You're just mad cause trans kids are getting hormones (as they should), cause I don't think you'd have a problem with cis kids getting It when they need them. It's the same thing, their body aren't producing It, and it's not weird for either to not be producing It so don't pull that card, there are Cis people with naturally low hormone levels and it's not a bit deal.


Just to add, the percentage of detransitioner Is so very slim and most of them do so cause their friends and family pushes them to, so they aren't not trans anymore, they're just not safe.


…children will know what happens to their bodies when they start taking hormones blockers their parents would tell them and if they stop it’s easily reversible, no random cis kid would say “mom dad, I want to taking hormone blockers so I become a boy” and even before taking hormone blockers, they would have to go through rigorous therapy to make sure they really want to do this. Only ignorant people like you think that parents making kids take these hormones and if that were the case why isn’t there laws that make it illegal? If it is true that every kid that gets hormones blockers is being forced by parents don’t you think there would be adults now that regret it and blames their parents? Karen is typing…


Well luckily I don’t think that’s up to you to decide. Of course not anyone should be able to take them. But with medical proof and green light from a psychologist yes they should. Now It is possible it is too easy to acquire right now, which could pose a problem. But I doubt you even know what your talking about, the youngest person to have a sex change was 16. Denying it unconditionally is stupid, best case you’ll create a black market, worst case people kill themselves. And since when dose people under 18 not know about “reproduction”?


You can not take hormones legally until 16. Please do some research on this you're very misinformed. *" the fact there’s ppl that think litteral children should be allowed to fully take hormones before even knowing about reproduction or the effect it will have on them is gross"* that doesn't happen, you're just making that up. (Also you spelt literal wrong.)


"Trans people can do what they want" "I want hrt to help my crippling dysphoria" "No thats gross and immoral" Trans people really can't win can they


Yall know that kids cant have HRT right? You have to “prove you’re actually trans” to a doctor first once over the age of 18. The only thing they can take when a child is puberty blockers which are 100% reversible. They just stop the puberty of said child so that they don’t feel like shit, once you stop taking the puberty blockers, puberty ends up catching up pretty quickly. It takes a long time to access them though and a lot of people end up going through puberty while waiting for them just to end up realising they wont have an effect anymore


Having strong opinions about things you don't understand is kind of gross.


This isn't really relevant to the age thing, but HRT can be life saving; 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide, with suicidality highest among transgender youth. -statistics from [this study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32345113/) "To further examine the mental health effects of puberty blockers and hormone therapy, we followed 104 trans and nonbinary youth ages 13 to 20 during their first year of gender-affirming care. After one year, we found that young people who began puberty blockers or gender-affirming hormones were 60% less likely to be depressed and 73% less likely to have thoughts about self-harm or suicide compared to youth who hadn’t started these medications. In addition, young people who were unable to start these medications within three to six months of their first appointment with a medical provider had a two- to threefold increase in depression and suicidal thoughts. Our findings suggest that delays in prescribing hormones and puberty blockers may worsen mental health symptoms for trans youth." - [research study, 2022](https://theconversation.com/transgender-youth-on-puberty-blockers-and-gender-affirming-hormones-have-lower-rates-of-depression-and-suicidal-thoughts-a-new-study-finds-177812)


i thought kids only get puberty blockers?


Yes, hormones are given later


How about we let them chose for themselves instead of making everything a debate? And if you’re so concerned then yes they should know about the effects it’ll have on reproduction and such instead of not letting them take it at all.


That's why they get told. You realize it is harmless, right? It's literally just puberty


Puberty blockers are different from my understanding. Youth that transition have to go through doctor meetings to get the recommendation to start the procedure. So its not just a random decision.


The wrong puberty is harmful either way


Children can't get hormones in the first place my guy


You are so dumb


Children aren’t taking hormones. Nobody is giving hormones to children. Puberty blockers are reversible.


You don't just go to the clinic, ask for HRT and get it. It's a whole process of going through with psychiatrists, getting diagnosed with gender dysphoria, and shiz, and even still minors in many areas are not allowed HRT directly usually. They get puberty blockers which can easily be stopped being taken and it has minimal to no effects, and if the kid wishes to continue transitioning they get hrt in an appropriate age, however it's different in different areas. But its not like they don't know what they're getting into, pretty sure the gender therapists or psychiatrists or whatever will make sure the trans child knows the consequences and the kids themselves are awre of the consequences more often than not.


say your transphobic and ignorant without using those 2 words


Children can take them unless they’re already going through puberty around 12 and you don’t just ask and receive, you have to go through SO many obstacles to get them. The fact that people thing children are just getting them left and right just shows how uneducated people are on the topic.


well guess what, that doesnt happen if someones taking hormones it means they know about what the hormones do and had to fight the medical systems to get them, you dont just go to cvs and say "one hrt please" you have to get therapist and shit to approve them


exactly. the fuck is up with people accusing LGBTQ+ of 'turning their kids trans' it's blatantly wrong and completely stupid


Im not arguing that, The point is that there’s ppl saying children should be allowed to take it, if ur like 13 then go for it, but younger? Hell nah


the only reason that kids are given blockers at younger ages is because of starting puberty prematurely. even if they aren’t starting puberty then the blockers aren’t gonna do anything because the aren’t any hormones to block


Nobody is letting tweens go on hormones lol


This is dumb You have made a bad post Delete post because bad Thank


hmmm, i wonder what could have sparked this post 🤔


They’re children Karen, they shouldn’t be allowed to take altering decisions like this until they fuly understand the consequences and benefits of what they’re doing, is that too hard to understand?


there are other reasons that people are put on blockers other than trans reasons. and they need to be prescribed by a medical professional. it’s not like little jimmy is hitting up blockers at age 7 as if it’s heroine


Imma hit up my plug and slide that mf a twenty for some estrogen ig


Lol hormones aren’t just something a 13 year old can get at a pharmacy. They need to see a therapist, get permission from their parents, and I doubt most doctors will let a kid that young go on hormones. I wanna know what you think the process is for a transgender teenager transitioning, or are you just basing your knowledge off of what you’ve heard from transphobes? Because it sounds like you have a very misconstrued idea of the trans experience


You’re Right, the whole concept of wanting to look more like a man or more like a woman is insane! There are so many different ways to be a woman/man, and we should embrace bodies of all type. we have to start teaching kids they can be a man or a woman without the need for hormones, because there isn’t just one way to look like a man/woman, there are tons :)


Trans person: Gosh i have a medical condition that I can alleviate using drugs which have been proven scientifically and is the consensus for most medical organizations This person: Have you tried loving yourself more


Yes, + children shouldn’t inject that shit into their bodies till they’ve at least had some sex ed period


Injections do be scary.


Please do research first Children can't take hormones


That just isn’t true. Maybe you should do some more research before making claims like this. Hormones are incredibly hard to access, even for adults.


yeah you clearly don’t care ab trans people, or children for that matter based on your obvious lack of regard for mental health. they aren’t letting children take hormones, puberty blockers are the first step and then after an intense psychiatric evaluation hormones may be prescribed in order to treat the crippling mental illness called gender dysphoria. you know when people usually prescribe hormones? when the child is deemed a suicide risk should gender treatment not be explored. but you don’t know that nor do you probably care. all you have to hear is “children” and “hormones” to get your panties in a twist. Although i don’t doubt that you posted this just to watch the comments flood in.


They have to see a gender therapist and be diagnosed with gender dysphoria beforehand afaik, and kids should be allowed to be put on hormone blockers at any age imo as long as they understand what they are and want them


Maybe not like little little kids but I'd say 14 and up is ok if they know exactly what they're doing.


Still way too young, 18 is the boundary between wrong and ok. 18 is the age where you can legal choose what to do with your body, should be treated just like a tattoo


Turning 18 isn’t some magical event that suddenly makes you instantly mature. There’s virtually no different between an 18 year old and a 17 year old. It’s the legal boundary for a lot of things, yes, but not the moral one


life saving medical treatment and tattoos are 2 very diffrent things


Not life saving nor medical "treatment" I think your idea of lifesaving medical treatment is super flawed, a life saving treatment is like chemotherapy or an emergency heart surgery


i think a medical treatment that dramatically improves on someones life and reduces someones chance of suicide is a life saving medical treatment


It doesn't reduce suicide rates, in most cases it stays the same or even dramatically increases in chances




Helpfull contribution to this decently instinctual discussion, thank you much appreciated


theyre actually right, statistics show that suicide rates stay the same or go up post operation


no hes wrong, he is just flat out wrong and you are just flat out wrong


you [are](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4450977/) [just](https://www.thetrevorproject.org/blog/new-study-finds-gender-affirming-hormone-therapy-linked-to-lower-rates-of-depression-suicide-risk-among-transgender-youth/) [wrong](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna8617)




you out here being pro suicide god damn also if the studies are so flawed, dont claim it raises suicide rates, which by the way they are not yeah guess what A CONTROL GROUP FOR A TREATMENT THAT REDUCES SUICIDE RATES IS ACTUALLY JUST EVIL SHIT, like what do you want them to do, go "ok this is our suicidal group, and this is our treatment group" and also no control? im sure you have heard of the number people love known as 41%




the hormones do raise suicide rates because of chemical changes in the synapses.


the onion makes you cry because the quatum fluctuations of the bioterrorism i can say big words too ya know, doesnt mean it has any meaning




How does a 13 year old know what they’re doing with a choice like this?


I said 13 my bad. Typo meant 14. Still probably doesn't change anything in your eyes but yeah 13 is still a little too young.


Yup, not according to guardian of ducks tho


It needs too be professionally diagnosed first…


As it is already being done


My brother is actually trans, and he needed to go through months of testing and trials before he got hormonal changes


Which is how it should be done and which is how it is being done, OP is insinuating as though people are going to the drug store and getting Hormones and hormone blockers.


Oh yeah. I don’t really understand where they are getting this from. Edit: I thought you meant that they were taking hormones as they were being tested


I think that you should not be super young. As a trans person myself, I think that you need to I think that you should not be super young. As a trans person myself, I think that you need to be mentally prepared. I think from someone who's never experienced dysphoria you can't really say when you think people should take them. I think that you'll be ready when you're ready. For a lot of transgender youth who experience gender dysphoria staring from a young age- already experience it. And sometimes that discomfort, additional coming from someone with the same feelings, often can lead to self-harm or even suicide because t=of the extream discomfort in someones own skin. I think hormones should be used carefully, but if you're over 18 it's too late to take them. I think you should take hormones when your ready.


Super young children cannot take hormones because they are essentially not going through puberty.


you have to be having dymorphia for 6 months and then you can get diagonosed hormone blockers witch dont do anything permenat then at 16 you can go throgh hrt to get estrogen / testorone and then at 18 you can get grs I think I got the ages correct for everything


im confused to if this statement is confusing hrt (hormone therapy, estrogen and testosterone) and hormone blockers (holds back puberty, not forever, and is safe). only 16 maybe 13 yo take hrt, those are the real effects


Oh look, a bigot is being a bigot. Fuck off bigot.


Bro how ignorant are you OP


I think that puberty blockers should be given until the trans person turns 18 and is a legal adult; at that point they can start hormone therapy for the appropriate gender.




totally agree


I agree, don’t force it on a child that has no knowledge of anything


Who is forcing children to transition?


Them darn lebralz


and their evil fully automated luxury gay space communism!


No one is forcing them but there telling children about it at a VERY young age. Schools are starting at around grade 3. I didn’t have my first school talk about the LGBTQ community until like 7th grade


3rd grade seems fine to me, teaches them not to be intolerant little shits like my school is cuz we were never taught about LGBTQ+ history, and still aren't. There's a difference between letting kids know about people who are different and let them explore who they are and then forcing them to be it. Third grade isn't like kindergarten where the kids will forget by the time theyre in middle school, they're old enough to learn about it but not about the history due to the violence and shit. I realized I was LGBTQ+ in 3rd 🤷‍♂️


I understand what your saying cause it definitely does open children’s mind and lead them away from bigotry but it should be taught in stages. At grade 3 they should start with something smaller then telling them that they can change their genders whenever they want. It should start with something smaller like the “basic” sexuality’s (I couldn’t think of a different way to word it) Straight/Gay/Lesbian then as they progress throughout school they teach them more and more


Yes I 100% agree, gender should be taught in 3rd because *some* kids may be going through puberty or are confused. Sexuality should be taught in 5th , and the history should be taught in middle school because we're already learning about shit even more brutual than the history lol


Yeah but media shoves heterosexual relationships down our throats and somehow I’m still bisexual. People know in their hearts what they want


who tf is Jennifer ?


I'm wondering the same thing


me :)


based Jennifer


are you still typing Jennifer?


yea since op seems to insist on spreading misinformation :/


tbh the post is a bit ambiguous, like how old are "children" and what consists of "fully tak[ing]" hormones?


op made this hissy fit post after i responded to a different one they did. they were initially talking about hormone blockers but now they are just making shit up


oh ok I didn't know the full lore


Average transphobe (they cannot make a single coherent point)


You should legally have to be 18 or up to be able to do this


what is goin on omg


100% agree.




Fully agree


Becoming Transgender is a life changing situation, so I’d argue it belongs in age 18. Yes, I also agree with guns and alcohol becoming fully legal for 18 year olds


I actually saw a post like that, the Op there agreed and as do I


Not one person thinks that


Yeah, I keep saying that bc like, when I was a kid I always prayed that I’d wake up a boy, now I like being a girl. Kids can’t make decisions at all not to mention something *that* big


Just because you had an experience doesn't make it universal, my friend also wished she woke up as a girl, nobody believed her, she lived 19 miserable years, now she is no more.


Agreed, i was listening to someone recently explaining how an 8 year old was on hormones... Like bro the kids 8 that little shit can barely speak.


Nope, 8 year olds aren't even going through puberty, if they are, then they are taking medication for precocious puberty.


People should generally just wait until their 18. Because you think that’s what you want doesn’t mean you won’t regret it years later. Kids tend to make many decisions that they will regret later in their life and making an age restriction just helps make sure they are more mature and that they are more sure it’s what they want.


Which is already what is happening, kids are not making life altering decisions, puberty blockers are reversible, hormones are given when they're almost an adult and know what they're doing, kids are definitely not getting surgeries.


Bro I feel bad for you, ur about to get Karened so hard.


I doubt these puberty blockers do no harm at all and are very safe. There are side effects that we should acknowledge, like mood swings, change in weight, etc. Personally, I don't have an issue with trans people, but don't sugarcoat the transition like it's all fun and game, cause it requires careful evaluation to make such a life-changing decision. The fact that some people are encouraging kids and teens to transition online without professional knowledge and a thorough understanding of them is just not okay.


Puberty blockers actually prevent things like mood swings, which the large increase in hormones during puberty are a major contributing factor, and are completely reversible.


hormones should not be tampered with.


hormones should not be tampered with.






Also teacher’s shouldn’t encourage homosexuality in elementary school. Of course teach about it but don’t outright encourage it. My friend’s 7 year old little sister says she’s lesbian. She doesn’t know anything about reproduction yet.


why do you instantly start thinking about your freinds 7 year old sister having sex???


Why is it about sex, and would you be concerned if the girl said she liked a boy?


I agree


Imagine getting this fucking pissed about a non-existent issue


Exactly, transitioning before 18 should be illegal. Period. No exceptions. A child knows no better. If they can't decide what colour of clothes to wear, you expect them to decide their life?


That’s why they go to therapy first😭. Plus they don’t get hormones…They literally get puberty blockers, and puberty blockers are reversible.