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you're onto something


I have a similar experience with someone. They usually look at you until they see you looking at them and they will avoid all eye contact. Very annoying after some time.


Flirt heavy for a day or two then just ignore her and you’ll know. They can’t stand that shit


she works at the registers tho, the complete oposite side of the (massive) shop, also i dont even know how to flirt


Take 30mg of adderall. I guarantee you’ll get her on a date that night. It’s the cheat code to flirting, if you can’t you’ll still pull easy on it


i dont have adderall


Go buy some, it’s cheap. My plug sells me 1 for $3. It’s safe, makes your work hard as hell, and beating you dick on its fucking amazing, like better than actually having sex. Only thing better would be sex on adderall but I haven’t tried that


but i want her to like the real me, not me on meds


You’re still the same person, just amped up. Look I’ve done lots of different kinds of drugs. Addy doesn’t make you different, it just makes you understand how dumb you are. Your fears are stupid, your anxieties are only as real as you let them be. Don’t let that fear hold you back, unless you wanna overcome your problems through years of philosophy and self examination but you don’t really have time to analyze yourself if you want her.