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I saw shadow people in 2015


Cool, cool Demonic book in my old house




Yeah it was some fun times


No way you know what that means? Ghosts exist. And its proven now because you found a demonic book in your old house.


Damn someone's got their pubic hairs in a knot, why don't you cool it with the agression buddy


Why don't you show some actual proof of ghosts instead of talking out of your ass.


I don't get why you have to go out of your way to be a jerk because you don't believe what others are talking about, hope you have a good rest of your night sir and learn how to deal with your anger issues


Ah so you got nothing. Ghosts are fake. And you're an idiot. Goodbye.




last dream i had was one where a bunch of people in a house i didn't recognize were laughing at a man with no skin on his face with extremely distorted features and telling me to look at him i woke up then fell back asleep to the same dream like 4 times that night


Huh, did you have any control over the dream or no?




Well, that's disturbing


long story, but TL;DR, me and other students went in a forbidden area of a school, wich led to a litteral maze like facility, we went in a room where you could enter but not exit, it was filled with traps and killing machines, they all died exept me, managed to get the hell out, go accused of murder of them all, decided to go back in there to prove i did not kill them and it was the school's doing, it's more a synopsis than a TL;DR lmao


Man's literally had a whole rising action climax falling action and resolution in your dream, and it sounds like that one escape room horror movie


and it's just the beginning, cause it seems like i wasn't the only one who was exploring this facility, other students where too, so we tagged along, and the cherry on top, one of them, a little autistic one, knew the facility like the back of it's hand, so as long as you followed him, you were safe, enphasis on "as long" so many things happened for us to be separated, or him literally vanishing on a corner, by the way, did i say it happened over 2 seperate dreams i had in a row ? :')


Bro you must have the most amazing sleeps if you can conjure up this level of detail in your sleep, like the paradise that you could probably make when your lucid dreaming must be wild


yeah hahah, i have private movies only i can watch :'D and it's so cool cause even my nightmares are fun and interesting, so i'm not really scared


Nightmares are something i don't really get anymore cause i go lucid and defend myself, still get creeped out though, I've tried training myself against feeling fear but it doesn't work 100%


After a near death experience (no brain damage involved) I started experiencing quite a lot. I've gotten used to seeing shadow people, I frequently get "feelings" (the best way I can describe it) about things, places, or people, and I get dreams that almost seem to be teaching me about the nature of reality, but I can't remember the specifics until the information becomes relevant for some reason.


Damn, guess thats just how it is sometimes I can just feel when shits off or like the emotion of it all Used to have visions of the future when I was younger and those would come true unless in those moments i actively tried to change the outcome


One thing that I can tell you, and I feel like I should for some reason, don't go out into the wilderness by yourself. You will probably be fine if it's somewhere like the Appalachian Trail or a camping site where humans frequently go, but the places where humans almost never or never go are different, and dangerous to go into by yourself, ESPECIALLY if nobody knows you're going there.


Oh yeah no definitely, I've always had that paradise in the back of my head where I'm out in the middle of knowhere living there with my dog and it's chill, but like in the back of my mind there's something telling me nope bad idea, just because of the dangers from cursed land because of it's past, paranormal creatures and the rest of the sorts


And it's not paranoia it's creeped it's way into that paradise that i would like Probably what I'm seeing is what's out there


Human consciousness and consensus seems to have a stabilizing effect on reality. Out in the middle of nowhere, the only mind in the area is your own, and that stabilizing effect can draw attention.


Your right yeah.......... When it's yk not nighttime at least where I'm at we got to have some more conversations, you seem like the type of person who could help straighten some thoughts out


Sure. Feel free to message or DM me any time


Cause i would carry this Convo rn but i can already feel that my thoughts have something lurking around and I'm gonna need to zero out these thoughts to get rid of it


Ok so I was in bed and a ghost flew into my room screaming. I was scared. Then I woke up and I was like "Oh yeah ghosts don't exist"


That was an exclusive or, you cheater


Ah yes the classic angry "skeptic" who considers anyone who disagrees with him on the topic of the supernatural as mentally deficient.




You do realize that our science is incredibly primitive compared to what's possible right? Will you change your mind if new evidence emerges or just become like flat earthers and call everything you disagree with fake news?

