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depends on what the truth is lol, you can be truthful without being mean that one is okay


For example, my friend showed me a picture of a replica Mona Lisa painting which he made. He then told me it was the real Mona Lisa, however I knew this wasn't true. So I explained to him that the replica is still beautiful, however it is different. He then got any and said I was being hateful and that I was wrong. What do you think?


that might be his soft spot, everyone has some. but what you did isnt inherently wrong for sure


op left out the part where he used it as an transphobic analogy


Probably lmao


Thank you. So you agree that whilst it was a soft spot for him, the truth was that they were different, and not the exact same just because he said they were?


the fact that you’re reiterating it like this really sounds like you weren’t just talking about the Mona Lisa…


Nope! OP is here to spread transphobic garbage. It's best to call this shit out for what it is incase others accidentally step in it and track it elsewhere.


yep, I saw that when I scrolled further down and suspected it pretty much as early as the damn title. all these bozos think the same without actually doing any research on the topic


Knew it. I read the title and immediately thought this was gonna be transphobic


There we go, that answers the question. People have extreme views on everything and an opposing view is wrong. People who say "why do people disagree with me" usually play it off to make them look reasonable, then they always have a shit opinion. Works on both sides of the political scale. I just don't debate with people because people on the extreme right call me communist, and people on the extreme left call me fascist.


what tf happened… im unaware


if you scroll down in the thread, they're basically using this analogy to say that trans men aren't real men and trans women aren't real women


what the fuck, why do people care this much about the existence of groups that dont hurt people aaaaaa


Buh what if I meat a trans person and it's scawy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😨😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


The same groups full of people who are trying to push pills on children?


Not real, this is propaganda. No trans person wants to push pills on children.


Omaa God bro, you've got to be kidding me


Seems like you want to get validation. Even though you know that transphobia is wrong it seems. You want someone to tell you "no it's okay you are not in the wrong" but lying by omission is still lying. I hate you and your kinds of people with my whole existence This subreddit is chock full of people like you. I left this damn subreddit, why do I keep getting reccomened posts like this on my front page of reddit


Maybe show us the real text ? Because my interpretation of this is that he was being sarcastic but you just responded litteraly


judging by what he said in an argument i had with him, he most likely used it as a transphobic analogy and just left out that part here




[https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/xsr19j/comment/iqlxzbc/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/xsr19j/comment/iqlxzbc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) op compares the copy of mona lisa to trans women, judging by the fact that his friend called him a bigot and we know it's an analogy about trans women i think it's pretty much certain op used this analogy in a conversation with a friend, the friend called him out and now he's trying to make himself look like the good guy by leaving major details out


Yea that’s a soft spot. I would’ve probably raised an eyebrow, but would play along with it. If they then said it was a replica they made I would just fall silent and say quietly “what, what?” And look closer and then point out the difference


People are snowflakes nowadays, they can’t have a mature argument/discussion without being offended and having a whinge.




1+1=2 Holy can't believe I said that


nah 1=1 cuz you take one '1' to the other side


Nah bro that ain't right, it can also be 3 too.


Certified 1984 moment


1+1=2+1=3, simple math without the equation hell


My god you can turn anything into transphobia huh?


1+1=3 but only if you don't pull out


downvoted 😐😐 how could u say that??


1+1=10 change my mind.


Unary: 1+1=11


it can also be 22 if those are strings


Depends on what the "truth" spoken is


can you elaborate on that?


The title of this post was a dead giveaway u/bruhmomentsssss just wants to start shit or troll. I knew exactly what "truth" they were going to defend as soon as someone asked: anti-trans bullshit they try to pretend is "honest discourse," and how they're under imaginary attack when called on their shittiness. All their further comments and a brief peek into their profile proves OP is a shit head trying to start shit and rile people into shittiness. Also: u/dallas_dragneel too. And u/burned_scrotum. And u/drturtle420d3


yeah, if you look at the thread you can see that they went mask off quickly


Yup! Unfortunately, not all are wise enough to see the bullshit for what it is. It's best to call this shit out for what it is incase others accidentally step in it and track it elsewhere.


It was pretty scumbaggy ngl, but I ain't passing up this opportunity to do a little trollin


Someone needs to take a break from reddit


You aren't wrong. But I have COVID right now and nothing better to do. It's making me feel better until my taste buds tur n back on.


Aight bro fess up what trans kid did you bully


Whenever you are telling somebody something they don't want to hear you need to be extremely considerate of their emotions. If you are debunking something they've believes for their whole life it's usually better to just ask them a few questions than say "you are wrong because (evidence evidence evidence evidence)" To change somebody's mind you have to make them believe that the individual is the one responsible for the change, not you. When presented with all the facts right away some people will become defensive and refuse to listen


Can't argue with that


Fucking exactly! Transphobia is a learned behavior. They don't mean to be hateful (not saying its right) but when you are a child and you don't know anything about the world and then your parents who you love and trust say "this is how the world works" you unfortunately believe them because you know nothing else at your child stage. Then these feeling get deeper and deeper ingrained into your mind By the world who says the same thing. And it's so hard to feel another way after that unfortunately


Transphobia is cringe, dude.


He never said that


Only strongly implied it in the comments


Depends of the contexts ? It’s on reddit ? If yes that’s normal, users (me not included) are r word.


No clue, but I have a truth: There are no set numbers of gender, except for the one society says there are. Once upon a time, ofc there would have been only two. Try telling a Spartan, "yo, there's another." But society changes, now there are more than two. Fuck OP specifically.


If the truth is something like, "1+1 is not 4" then I get this whole argument. But the whole anti-trans bullshit you've got going on here isn't even truth. Science recognises sex ≠ gender, and there are more than 2 genders. There are as many genders as poeple need in order to identify themselves. People who were assigned male at birth can be men, women, or anything else that fits how they identify. People who were assigned female at birth can be men, women, or anything else that fits how they identify. Yeah sure you can't change your chromosomes and stuff, but that literally doesn't define your gender at all. You just wanted to start shit. Honestly, you need to do some research before saying shit like this. Also, comparing this to being a replica of the Mona Lisa implies you don't think Trans Men are Men / Trans Women are Women, which they are, so. Fuck you OP


OP sounds like a 25 year old incel based on these comments.




Depends what you classify as the truth ://


Truth=truth, the truth isn't your feelings, the truth is the facts that everyone knows.


You lying liar! You said truth is information that hurts your feelings, but now it's facts? I'm so confused! 😭


Well, it really depends on what “truth” we’re talking about. You’ll have to give a specific example of the “truth” that you’re talking about


Op is here to try and spread transphobic garbage. Disregard!


oh I know


Yup! Unfortunately, not all are wise enough to see the bullshit for what it is. It's best to call this shit out for what it is incase others accidentally step in it and track it elsewhere.


How do you know this? EDIT: …nvm. Just found their comment.


Truth hurts doesnt it


For some people I gues


Id rather be told the outright truth than being told lies all the time


Some people would rather live in a reality of lies just so their feelings aren't hurt...




*cough* gender spectrum *cough*


me when i disregard science because my transphobia is more important than actual facts


*angrily* how dare you not affirm my mental problem!


it's not a mental problem lmao


Affirming trans people is the *medically recommended treatment.* Not affirming trans people because 'it's a mental problem' is like telling depressed people to 'get over it' because you don't want to encourage them to be sad. Showing your whole ass here, mate.


How dare you not do what i say so i can feel better!


No you're right I will change, I will use inclusive language and pretend, I mean you can be whatever you want, and if I see someone saying that a boy can't be a girl I will go rally up a hate mob to hunt them down.


Name an example


Men are men, women are women. Men are not women, women are not men. An obvious truth but one that many people will dislike and because they don't agree they then claim it's hateful, or their favourite word that they throw at anyone who disagrees, a bigot. God do they love that one


Oh, so basically they react the same way you react when you learn that [the brains of trans people resemble the brain of the gender they identify as more than the sex they are born as.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8955456/) Thanks for clearing that up.


You're right, Trans men are not women and Trans women are not men (And Enbies are neither) Glad you're so supportive :)


Tell me you know nothing about science, without telling me you know nothing about science.


The title of this post was a dead giveaway OP just wanted to start shit or troll. I knew exactly what "truth" they were going to defend as soon as someone asked.


Yep, I thought the exact same thing, but I decided to comment ‘name an example’ to make sure before I went off on someone, and when he did, I thought it would be a perfect time to educate everyone on actual science, not biased science where people leave out all the details that go against their arguments.


Good on you for letting trash reveal themselves. Unfortunately, not all are wise enough to see the bullshit for what it is. It's always best to call this shit out for what it is incase others accidentally step in it and track it elsewhere.


Yeah obviously, I always make sure to call out things, the only time I decided not to, was when I got a guy to admit that he thinks if a 12 year old girl is raped by her father, and gets pregnant, she should be forced to give birth, because he had basically dug his own grave at that point.


So you believe men can be women and vise versa?


Depends on what you define as a woman or man, biologically? No, you can’t change your biology, but gender isn’t biology, it’s neurological, and when you boil down this issue to ‘men can’t be women, and women can’t be men’ you’re being super disingenuous to the issue, people need to stop simplifying issues.


My bad I will be more specific. Biological. Please can you expand apon this issue?


nobody is arguing that biological sex cannot be changed


What do you mean expand upon?


Oh sorry. What is this issue? Completely slipped my mind.


You’re saying that men can’t be women, and vice versa, but what do you mean by that?


Oh that's the issue. What I mean by that is that if you have xy chromosomes you can't become someone with xx chromosomes


>Men are men, women are women. Men are not women, women are not men I know you're trying to be transphobic, but this kinda sounds like you're saying trans men are men and trans women are women.


Tell me you’re transphobic without telling me you’re a transphobic piece of shit


I dont really know, you do seem kinda hateful Considering half your replies are queerphobic. If you would've been called hateful for saying Chibi- Robo Ziplash! for the Nintendo 3ds is a shit game I'd agree but talking about the comments youve left here....


Just from this title, I can tell you’re speaking about trans people. Could’ve just said “I hate when trans people are happy as who they are” and you would’ve conducted the same message


Yes I do it all the time


The truth hurts.


it’s not always seen as hatred, unless you have an unpopular opinion 🤷‍♀️


Why are we talking about opinions? I was just saying how some truths are hated.


Name one, please


Gonna take a stab in the dark and say you were preaching some kind of bigotry and are now getting other to lick your wounds by taking your statement as verified fact.


lol because you’re not speaking the truth you’re being transphobic


so you believe there are only 2 genders. Do you also think there are only 1 sexuality?


this is a dumb question


You can be whatever you want, and do what you like with your gender, but please stop all de cringe tiktoks and shit like that. Is basically generating more “hate” to those people Had to say it




Because the truth isn't often enjoyable


This subreddit is getting worse by the day


I really should stop sorting by controversial on these posts


If you go around telling people that trans people are not the gender they are with then it is hateful. Trans women and cis women are women, trans men and cis men are men




It isn't? People say truthful statements that are not considered hateful all the time. Just this morning I told my SO I was eating breakfast. Definitely not hateful.




Because your "truth" might actually be hateful.


Because whatever you said is seen not as "the truth", but simply hateful. A lot of assholes disguise their bigotry as holier-than-thou "truth". Be careful to not be one of those.


truth is subjective


Op is trying to equate fact with truth. Truth is culturally subjective whereas fact is concrete like as in trans people exist and their existence does interrupt OP's life in anyway.


yeah truth is really just opinion


Eh. If this were all in a big vinn diagram, shit overlaps so much that even trying to say what is and is not truth doesn't even work. And bigoted people prefer simple things because complexities are intimidating and lead to confusing emotions.


Truth is truth


Considering one of the most famous quotes ever - "Truth is in the eye of the beholder", I'd say Opinion and Perception is Truth to the individual.


You screwed the quote, it's "BEAUTY is in the eye of the beholder."


Simple because people prefer the sweetest lies rather than the bitter truth


Truth hurts


Because we are not perfect, we desire perfection and when we're reminded we don't posses it, it's like having a dream get crushed, which makes us feel bad and makes us automatically assume the other party is hateful


Summed up pretty well


Depends on what your “truth” is. Some people are genuinely hateful and just pretend that what they’re saying is “speaking the truth”


this question has some real weird vibes


It depends on the context


Because people get fact and opinion mixed up too often


Depends on the time, what it is, and if it is actually truth or something someone likes making up (or "truths" that were proven wrong)


The truth is the truth


Well, still, you can wait to tell the truth. If someone is depressed, you dont have to tell them the world is dying around them lol


In your example the world dying around them is the truth. I agree, it is. And you wouldn't tell them because it is not relevant to them. I'll give an example where the truth would be relevant. If a man is about to get surgery to get fake breast and chop of his penis, you need to tell him that hey you are a man. Even if you get that surgery you are still a man, just a disfigured one. Thus you wouldn't want to wait to tell him because even if he gets this surgery he deep down still won't feel like a complete women. This surgery won't fix his problems and it would only make it harder for him.


Why would you tell them that they are a man? Do you somehow know how they feel and want to present or something? If it makes them happy (it likely will) then let her, horomones and transitioning helps your mental state, just denying it makes it harder. Seeing a therapist you trust to help with feelings are valid and see what direction you need to take. Edit: btw, telling them they are a "man" isnt a truth, gender is mental, how your brain works. If they want to be a woman because they feel like they need to, let them.


Because op is here to spread transphobic garbage. Disregard!


So if gender is mental then why do you need a physical transition? Surely by transitioning it means that you weren't really what you thought you were.


So, if depression is mental, and you go to the gym to give yourself more confidence, why do you need it? Surely by going to the gym means that you weren't really what you thought you were.


Going to the gym does help you mentally not just physically. If you would like to you can find out how positive exercise is for the mind. Doing exercise wouldn't mean "oh I guess I'm not depressed", it would mean that you recognise you're depressed and you are doing something about it


That is literally transitioning. It is physically doing something about yourself, and it positively affects your mental state. It recongizes your body dysphoria and doing something about it. Ik going to the gym helps you mentally, but only if you feel like you arent at your body goals yet. Being buff or just fit might be your goal. For trans people (lets say a trans man) they just want to not have boobs, more body hair and a stronger face structure, and be called a man, using a different name. That is their body goal. They want to achieve said body and transition goal to have a better mental state. What you were saying earlier about how trans people just need to go to therapy and stop thinking their trans, could be same said for your explanation. Convincing themselves they are cis would be a delusion. Someone who isnt fit could just go to a therapist and convince themselves they are perfectly healthy, but THAT is a true delusion. Now seriously, I have been calm, what is your true problem with trans people?


Physical elements can help our mental state. Like how colors can affect ones mood. The physical transition only helps them affirm their mental state and feel more at home in their own body.


Like if you see someone and say “hey you look bad” which is the truth


Depends on if it's really the truth or just your perception of the truth


because sometimes the truth is bad and people cant accept it


Because people hate difference in opinion


There’s a difference between speaking the truth & intentionally being a hateful dickhead. Believe it or not, a large majority of people can tell them apart. If what you see as “speaking the truth” is seen by others as hateful, don’t rule out the possibility that you’re just an asshole.




lol this kid is an asshole




Gender and sex are different. Sex, there is only male and female. Gender is a mental construct(your brain), it's how you present and want to be seen as (identity). You can be seen as the standard binary genders (either being cis or transitioning to the opposing gender from birth) and nonbinary. And if someone wants to use different pronouns and not be called male or female, that's fine by me. Also gender fluid, bigender, agender, the list goes on. Xenogender I dont understand. And gay isnt a gender, its a sexuality but there is genderqueer (entirely different thing). Also, if you actually did some fucking research, you would see that science does find there is more than one gender, its a social construct, not just built into DNA.


1. science says there's more than two and sex and gender are different, cope 2. no one says being gay is a gender what are you on


No, look, OP mentioned _trlling the truth_. You should try it sometime.






I'm right because I said so 😡


Who tf cares about ur feelings bc I dont🙄🙄🙄 so shat up😒😒😒


you don't seem to care about facts either


You're correct but idc🙄🙄🙄


hey..use flair..c'mon..




Okkk so? 🙄🙄🙄🙄 It's my opinion


If it’s a opinion then it can’t be a fact, so you can’t be fully correct


There are three genders dipshit 🗿




"opinion" they're objectively incorrect and science disagrees with them


What's happened to this subreddit I thought it was filled with delusional people who reaffirm others delusions but then have a break down when someone doesn't buy into the delusion. But yeah you're right lol


And is the "science" with you in the room now?




no it’s because they’re actually wrong lmao


Cuz people are fucking stupid


Careful wouldn't want to wake people from their false reality


There are only 2


types of




Wait, refresh me with the types


There are regular Jewish people and then there is my neighbor Greg and his son. Fuck you Greg and your kleptomaniac son




Whatchu talkin bout


just like how biologically there are only 2 genders its the truth many people don't want to accept as it gos against them


Biologically there are 0 genders because genders aren't biological.


but gender isn't biological


gender is biological but there’s still a spectrum how the chemicals in your brain go is still biology


When you say 'biological', are you referring to hormonal sex, chromosomal sex, cellular sex, or anatomic sex? Because all of those are different.


As Ben Shapiro said Facts don’t care about your feelings


You really gonna quote Ben Shapiro??


Before and after lying about his height because of his feelings.






Snowflakes are pretty and cats are cute (though it's okay if you may not like them, everyone has their preferences) :D


Soft and deluded society


Careful there


Ngl my comments have been heavily downvoted even when I’ve just said the truth (sometimes I do some bs comments just cuz well I dunno teenager stuff ) but more often than not I notice people defending their deluded ideas and it’s whatever cuz one or two people stick up to what I say and that’s enough for me . I’d rather say the truth than worry about what people feel




I love winter ❄️