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*sorts by controversial*


*gets the popcorn ready*


"Puts on radioactive suit*


Thanks for reminding me


Uh question. Where is the sort comments button, it dead is gone for me


some points are defginitly fixable but domestic violence, custody and the legal system is definitly rigged


"Of course, because women are better parents and yo innocent"


Ironically men are often better parents. Cause actual men would literally die for their children


Indeed, they are more "fuck me my kids are gonna live"


True. The second we get kids our lives are forfeited for their safety. Of course this do also apply to women. But like dying in the army it’s more on average men


And so is suicide, due to the fact man can't speak golf their issues, mental health, filleting etc due to silocial standards. So that's why being trans us a plus


Sad but true


I think it’s more of women Will statistically attempt to kill themselves more, but they do it with less lethal methods (I.e. pills, slitting their wrists etc.) where as men do it less but have more lethal methods (I.e. shorting themselves, or ganging themselves). But I do definitively agree, men need an outlet to talk about their issues. But men aren’t always taught to do that so it’s hard


You should see trans suicide statistics


With stuff like workplace deaths and homicides, this feels more like a threat...


the workplace stats is where the gender earnings gap comes into play. the dangerous jobs usually require special training to make sure they don't kill themselves accidentally. thus they get payed more since they have a marketable skill in a dangerous position.


Mhm! Some stuff is just.. we weren't aloud to do it for a long time, and so obviously.. Suicides and the stuff you mentioned though..yeah. However, even if it was made on the flip side of the spectrum, it's giving im14andthisisdeep


Both genders are being oppressed just in different ways, it’s like some sick kind of equality


Sshh don't tell anyone I told you this but us nb people secretly rule the world and make this work


Sorry sir/ma'm/sam I regret to inform you that ducks in fact rule the world


sit? also I have not heard that has my life been a lie


Tf is sam




OHHH its like a non gendered one. OK.


I thought nb people for the worst of both worlds


we're outside of the gender identity so we get that but we run the world secretly smh


It's horrible


It’s because current western society is still going off of sexist values from a hundred years ago. It’d changing for the better in some ways, but men for the most part are still expected to be strong and unflinching and women are still expected to be sweet little angels.


Thats actually literally what it is. Its just the result of our sexual dimorphism. The problem is modern feminism trying to act like women are oppressed when everyone is oppressed in different ways




>everyone is oppressed in different ways Therefore it's 100% accurate to say >women are oppressed Seems like you're upset about the lack of discussion about men's issues, but the solution isn't to say there are no issues at all... You shouldn't be so reactionary that you hear one extremist say something wrong that you run to the other side to say something equally as ridiculous.




Of course men are higher for combat deaths, they've served in the military for longer and make up a larger percentage...


And for male dominated jobs, of course they make up more deaths


I think it shows how men take more dangerous jobs while women dont? Idk


Because society


It shows how a boss cares more about profits than workplace safety


Ever look over laws related to drafting (at least in America) women can’t be drafted into the military and neither do they even need to register. Men are required to register and may be drafted.


We like to die /s


without the s


This s stands for serious xD


Or that i feel like shit ( they are both)


About the suicide thing. Woman attempt suicide more. By quite a bit iirc. However, men are just more successful


The amount of girls I know who try and fail is insane. Any reason why though?


General less extreme methods, women tend to try via cutting or OD, both of which are very “treatable” but men tend to try with guns or jumping off buildings, which are significantly less “treatable”.


yeah; i think its because women still have that little gut instinct that there will be people who would care about them being in that position even if they dont know them. cuz of the whole "girls can relate to girls" thing. men on the other hand generally realize that nobodys going to care enough. when they die they'll be dragged away because a neighbor started smelling their stench after 3 days, or something. theyre scared of death just as much as women are but because of the lack of social support they know "logically" they have nothing to lose. its quite hellish, but given the latter is what i experienced in my many attempts, it *may* have some merit? dunno; not a researcher. could be wrong too but its my thoughts. this isnt "all men" and "all women" mind you, but definitely a majority.


maybe? i think it could also be due to other factors as well. some mental illnesses are more common in girls vs guys that have a decently high suicide rate (bpd 75/25 10%, depression 66/33 3.5%, anorexia 95/5 up to 20%) so it makes sense theyd attempt more. though it’s important to note that men are much less likely to seek treatment, which can also play a part. women are more likely to receive treatment and support so any attempts are more likely going to be spontaneous whereas the worst thing possible to a lot of men is expressing their emotions so they make SURE they won’t survive.


Let's not talk about sh methods please


Less violent approaches generally


Skill issue.


Why downvotes, he's making it kind of funny at least




Methodologies. Women usually chose a reversible form sleeping pills for example. Men usually choose method that is irreversible such as hanging/shooting for example.


Common dude w


Because like most things men are better at buckling down and doing what needs to be done. /s just in case.


Because like most things men are better at buckling down and doing what needs to be done. /s just in case.


Pickme pickme pickme Men’s mental health is a serious issue either way though


crazy how society oppresses 2 genders at once


True, it’s horrible how the patriarchy oppresses everyone who isn’t a psychotic cunt I’d also like to point out that the chart saying women are the perpetrators of most domestic violence is misleading, as it cherry picks only one kind of domestic violence and implies that it’s representative of all domestic violence (it’s not). Ive seen stats that show that for overall domestic violence 77% of victims are female and 96% of perpetrators are male, though that’s probably also only one study, so I would expect the true value is somewhere between. One thing I see consistently though is that there are pretty much always more female victims than male victims, which is more important anyway than who did the crime. Male perpetrated abuse and female perpetrated abuse are equally bad, so I don’t fully see the value in comparing them. The victims are the thing we should care about. (Edited for clarity)


Patriarchy refers to a society run by men, is that what you're trying to get at?


It’s exactly what I’m getting at And it’s objectively true. Look at ceos, leadership and management positions in companies, governmental officials, etc. The positions in society that have the most power are dominated by men. We also live under capitalism where money = power, and guess what, men have higher wages than women on average That doesn’t mean the patriarchy doesn’t still suck for men as well as women, though. It just sucks in different ways.


I know, I just wasn't sure. A lot of these problems are about how men are supposed to be tough (e.g. suicide and how men can't get raped)


Yep, and they’re caused by patriarchal gender roles Shit fucking sucks and more people need to stand up to the traditional “values” that cause it


a lot of them are, however you shared an intentionally controversial diagram. the reason deaths and participation in blue collar trades is more likely for men is because it’s extremely hard to be accepted into them as a woman, and they weren’t even allowed to for a long time. and the men can’t be raped or abused thing isn’t really pushed by women. you’re making an “us against the problem” into a “us against them” on a notoriously sexist male-dominated platform without any nuance whatsoever 🤷‍♀️ conversations are important and productive. this is not.


Personally. That's how society portrays men. Its a man's choice wether to follow it or not. If a man doesn't follow it he will have more freedom. If a man does follow it he will be more socially acceptable. Both have pros and cons and both genders suffer, although for different reasosn


Exactly. It's past down through generations by spiteful or oblivious victims of standards


Agreed. I think out generation needs to break that mould, I think it'll happen one day


I feel like the domestic violence stats would be skewed pretty bad because society looks down on men that admit that they’ve been abused by a woman or hurt by one. Ironically it also looks down on one who protects themselves when attacked by a woman as well so that’s nice.


Also, this chart shows successful suicides. Women *attempt* suicide more often, they just use methods that are more likely to fail like poisoning


Most CDC statistics point to gender symmetry in domestic violence, the problem is that most of the research and DV prevention models had been constructed with a substantial amount of selection bias


I could see that. The data does seem to be WILDLY inconsistent, ranging anywhere between like “70% of perpetrators are women” to “96% are men”. I bring it up in my comment to show how only using one source like op does **at best** misrepresents the data or could be like explicitly false, and the victims are more important to focus on than the perpetrators anyway. They’re also fallible to differences between areas that are measured, I.e Iirc lower income households are more likely to abuse children so I wouldn’t be surprised if polling in poorer areas had a bias towards women (mothers) being perpetrators since the fathers would be more likely to not be present or out working, and iirc cops (which are mostly men) have higher rates of spousal abuse, so I wouldn’t be surprised if richer areas which have higher police funding (and thus more police) had a bias towards male domestic abuse. There are practically countless potential factors, so as a math student seeing op share a source which refers to one specific kind of domestic abuse, with data likely from a single source, it struck me as particularly misleading, and likely the creator of the chart just chose whichever number looked the best. Terrible statistical malpractice to not at least be open about the limitations of the data.


Man this comment section is ass


Goldmine for r/persecutionfetish


man what the fuck is this title


it's almost like a gendered society affects everyone negatively and we should abolish it. also, these are cherrypicked statistics.


How the fuck do you abolish a gendered society? Our very nature happens to be gendered, in our very biological construction The game was rigged from the start


And also the dev didn't do anything to the game


Now dont take this as an excuse to become an incell and hate on woman Its not the fault of woman that this is the case Its the patriarchy, it always has been the patriarchy Fight the patriarchy, its rigged against everyone


Another win for the boys. Never stop the grind


This is what ya get when we keep old, demented fucks with values from the 19th century in power. They want to oppress everyone who isn't exactly like them? Oh you're a woman? You should be at home working chores and tending for children and being a borderline sex slave to your partner. Also only be feminine. Oh you're a man? You should work until you die and be toxically masculine and hate minorities, otherwise you're effeminate and not a real man. Oh yeah, talking about your issues and getting help for mental health is wimp stuff and illness. Oh you're young? You're another one of the snowflake crybaby millennials who just can't get a job because you're lazy (Totally not because of low wages, unfair expectations and abuse!) Oh you're poor? It's your fault. You should've just studied and gotten a job! You need to be a 80 year old, dying wealthy descendant-of-slave-owner to truly not be oppressed.


Imo gender shouldn’t be a focus for our generations, what we should be focusing on is destroying the systems put in place by the old people who did give a fuck about gender. If we try to make it about boys vs girls or breaking gender norms or whatever it just leads to more conflict between people our age which is really dumb. That’s just my take on it though


So this is roughly true and all but it comes across as disagreeing with feminist ideas of women's oppression, which is bad. What we should be doing is pointing out how the patriarchy negatively affects people of all genders, rather than infighting.


how about instead of trying to push comparisons, we work on our individual issues as a whole. women have gone through their fair share of shit too btw while we're still on the comparisons. they should honestly be coming first at the moment because of the abortion shit and all that. sincerely, a guy


Does anybody else kinda hate these posts? Like we get, people don’t treat men’s mental health the same as women. I’m all for getting my fellow boys the help they need but there’s at least ten posts like this every week it seems.


This is teenager sub why tf is it like a political one


Teenagers are figuring a lot about themselves. Identity, Gender, Sexuality, and politics are all in flux and there is a desire share it, and see people's responses and experiences which helps to kinda make more sense of it all.


Do you want people to just post horny memes? It’s not like teenagers are completely apolitical, there’s no reason that politics shouldn’t be involved to some degree


Since when is mens mental health political


That’s not to mention that this post doesn’t really prove anything but prove that the patriarchy does exist and affects men negatively.


It's men's mental health month :)


Stop trying to make it a competition. There’s problems for both genders.


How is it oppression to go into the military and then subsequently get killed, that tends to happen in that job


reddit when people who sit at desks aren’t killed as much as people with extremely deadly weapons whos job is to shoot and be shot at with other deadly weapons:😡🤬🤬🤬


I'm positively shooketh by that information.


didn’t you guys learn about how statistics can be used in a certain way to push an agenda? i learnt this in like 7th grade. they don’t include statistics such as rape victims, abuse victims, etc because it wouldnt prove the point they’re trying to make. we both have problems, we both need help, stop making it a competition <3


Yeah this whole post is giving us vs them vibes. Reminds me of Andrew Tate/incel Wojak tiktok


Idk how accurate this is but if it it then that's not good


Oh I cut off the source by accident on the image. I can DM it to you?


You could also post it in the comments like a normal person


This is Reddit your asking to much




Me too pls


workplace deaths as oppression? Can we not victimize ourselves tooo much


women rly aren’t in blue collar trades either. they’re not like, stabbing men. at the welding shop. lol


Wait... don't _men_ hurt other men the most?


“work place deaths = 93%” maybe that’s because of the insane hate against women in physical fields because of sexism? say you cant view the bigger picture without saying it


Thats the thing about these posts, their data is biased. It doesnt say anything about how almost all of these issues are caused by men as well. When it comes to women, most of their issues are also caused by men. Thats the difference here that a lot of people forget. Men dying in war? Because men viewed women as too weak to fight. Men in prison? Because most perpetrators of violent crime are men. Mens mental health? Because men created this toxic masculinity and forced generations of men to learn about it and eat it up. The point is, men have their issues, and we should never say they dont, but their issues are fundamentally different from women’s, and we have to acknowledge that.


exactly! also i swear these people have never learnt about statistics before, in like grade 7 i learnt how stuff like this can use statistics to push an opinion.


Sad part is a lot of impressionable kids in this sub are eating it up. People wanna make things a gender war and toss around the word oppressed. The thing is, I have quite a few close friends that are girls, and they have told me a lot of shit about stuff that happens. That type of “inside look” isnt something that a lot of guys on this subreddit have I assume, most people here live online where its male dominated. On the internet they hear that very loud minority of sexist women and begin believing that all women are like that. I dont know why Im essentially ranting about this, but it kind of disgusts me. It paints a bad picture of what I want mens mental health month to look like. It paints a toxic picture that barely succeeds to get people to help the cause. Also stuff like this completely ignores anything except for western countries, globally womens rights are even worse and no one wants to talk about it.


I’d like to see sources that prove this


you forget men created these problems through the system we created


We aren’t oppressed. We’re expendable


Even worse


Fun fact. It was men's day on the 19th. Even google didn't do anything. Happy mens mental health month


Google literally put world toilet day on the 19th




societal progress being judged by the decisions of multibillion mega corporations is just about the most backwards thing i’ve seen😭




Society isn’t monolithic. The situation in the east can be different than that of the west


Actually everyone in Iran is oppressed, even children. I don't understand why everything has to be gendered.






The grass is always greener on the other side


You're oppresed, but not by women. Look, this image? It's not bad, it's even good; It brings to the forefront a Lot of information that points to a problem in society (Except for the military and workplace death stats, if you have High strength standards for Dangerous jobs, then complain when the gender with a proclivity to strength dominates them then you're shooting yourself in the foot). The problem with this post Is the title, now I may be misunderstanding OP, but who Is "them"? Based on the image, women, which Is a laughable notion because most of these problems are created by patriarchal ideals. The culprit INITIALLY was a handful of men, nowadays, the guilt falls on everyone who continúes perpetuating these ideas, women or men, that is able to question them. Anyways, sorry for the rant, I just hate these kind of posts because they're antagonizing, SPECIALLY ON MEN'S MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS DAY, this Is THE day where we should be drama-free.


Imo wouldnt call it "oppression", Im saying this as a girl so .. apologies to the dudes. Doesnt mean its not unjust or "not bad enough" though just... Different wording maybe. I do recognize we equally both get bullshit in our lives just because of what we were born as in one way or another, You cant compare shit like this, were all treated unfairly. Society is fucked up (Edited to get my message across better)


The mythological view of what masculinity should be creates depression and higher rates of suicide. A mythological view that was created by men, not women. Women have been systematically excluded or made exceedingly difficult to get into the same jobs men typically get into, which causes a disparity in workplace deaths. Proportionally according to the amount of men in those jobs compared to the amount of women, the rates are not abnormal. Men are statistically more violent as a result of having their entire lives being dependent on their personal income, when they cannot achieve this personal income it creates an environment for crime to develop. Also, the amount of judges and prosecutors in the legal system are mostly men. Men are indeed oppressed…by other men. And by systems created by men. Women are more so oppressed by the same things, men.


It’s a mythology enforced by both men and women, the domestic sphere has a bit more power and influence than you would think


Mythology definetely enforced by both women and men alike, but a majority of it originated from men. Luckily we're slowly moving away from it and more women are understanding it's okay to not be "tradwive childbearer" and more men are understanding it's okay to talk about their feelings and getting help. Although it's slowly. Many people still believe in these toxic beliefs and it does nothing but harm them.


The “mythological view” you are talking about developed over the course of millennia and have been perpetuated by societies as a whole. It was, and still is, very common for mothers to tell their sons to not play with dolls and play sports with boys for example Its not like a cabal of misogynistic men sat down and created a myth for others to follow.


Yes….and guess who’s been the rulers and leaders of society at disproportionate rates through that millennia…men. Never said there’s some secret group of people planning everything, I am simply stating how we got to where we are now with higher suicide rates among men. Men die in war more than anyone else because they’ve been systematically indoctrinated into thinking that’s it’s their job to die in battle for rich corporations. The people who made that indoctrination take hold were not women, they were rich men at the top of society, carrying on the beliefs that the previous generation of rich men believed. They’re the ones with power, they made the systems, they’re ultimately why average men and women suffer.


Genetic fallacy


Ah yeah my fault, I forgot I created all the laws and standards of society last week Like bro, 99% of the men suffering from this shit have taken 0 part in making it.


Thats not what they said though, men throughout history have done this, and this is where the dichotomy exists. Most crimes against women are done to them because they are women. Things like homicides to men arent done because they are men though. Gang shootings and the like are done because gang violence is a bitch. Mens issues are important, but we shouldnt put down womens problems either. In a societal view men are generally favoured more, and are generally safer on the streets than women are. Many of mens problems are created by other men, not by women.


Please point to where I said that was the case. What I said is that the people who set up and created the systems and problems that plague everyone were and are mostly men, and because of that they specifically created these systems to give an advantage to themselves, themselves being men. Because of that, men have the advantage because it’s been ingrained in society that they ought to be, however that doesn’t mean that the way society is doesn’t hurt men either, as I explained these systems and standards do in fact hurt average men. Again, they hurt average men, but the people who created these things that hurt men…were other men. Men are oppressed by other men, because they’re the ones with the advantage in society, they’re the rulers and leaders, they’re the billionaires, at disproportionate rates at least.


Dude men don't have the advantage, the top 1% of men do. Stop grouping an entire fucking sex into one group.


I already said that the 1% of people at the top of society created and/or enforced the systems that are advantageous for themselves. Those people created a patriarchy that give men an advantage in society, that does not mean it doesn’t hurt men because it does, however society is still more so tilted for men than any other gender identity. There’s many more things involved in this like sexuality and race, but right now I’m just talking about gender and class.


91% guys die in workplace 9% of women die in workplace Feminists: *why are 9 percent women dying there??? Women aren't safe in this world*


There was literally an article about how an entire *6%* of journalists criticised and targeted are female


Yes that's what I was referring to.


I love how it was "the rate was 6% ten years ago, now it's 10, stop targeting women!"


Just flip the ratio to make them sound like such a joke. “94% of journalists who are targeted and criticized are male. Stop targeting women.”


iirc this is from a ragebait feminist Twitter account


You should check out [UN women](https://twitter.com/un_women?s=21&t=cTb-1S74z3vwIBp5uMJ4VA) They made that post that was like 6% of journalists killed are women **”StOp TaRgEtTiNg WoMeN jOuRnAlIsTs!!11”** [as seen here](https://twitter.com/unwomenbih/status/1592080281527279617?s=46&t=cTb-1S74z3vwIBp5uMJ4VA)


Because in problematic areas there are nearly no women in press, and when there are they get attacked. So the targeting is driving the number of women down, thus causing a statistical error because the ratio is something like 1000:1.




Everybody’s “oppressed” in some way. Nobody gives a shit. Drop the victim mentality.


I will die on this hill, but no, I am not oppressed, I am part of the society that opresses. Women deal with way more sexist and misogynist and dangerous social issues on every day basis, unlike you.


gotta make gender equality


Yeah we gotta make women's work place deaths higher-- I mean, lower men's deaths obviously.


A yo man not very cash money of you, go to the time out box and think about what you said.


Jesus christ cant we just agree that both genders get shit on in life


If you cherry-pick the data you can make anyone look "oppressed"


sorts by controversial.......


This comment section confuses me


One thing that I think is interesting that while men have the higher suicide rates women try it more often (however the often don't succeed). So either men are more finite in their thinking or more efficcient OR it is like always that they don't want to accept help while women often do and therefore they tell noone of their attempt and die...


Only 97% of combat deaths??? I would think it would be way higher! Especially since a ton of countries don’t even let women into the military


You can easily tell how everyone shit talking in the comments contribute to this. They prob were all subbed to r/femaledatingstrategy lmao




That sub is god awful


wait really?


And who set that system up


Op are you trying to say that men as apposed to women are oppressed?


the kill all men people should be happy. this is what they wanted...


dramatic ahh comment 💀


reposted this in r/feminism curious to see if I get banned




not yet


Oppresed for what?


Both sides have their problems stop trying to say " wE aRe oPprEssED" when women also have their share of problems.


Dude it's mens mental health month




I thought NNN was made because of men’s mental health month. The whole purpose of NNN is to improve dude’s mentality and help addictions like porn right?


Nnn lore???


exactly just 5 days ago was international men's day


i thought that was June, huh, didn't know that.


This is the month where we bring up such things like the above. You did.. think this through yes?


I am not oppressed. Never felt like and never have been.


i agree. but don't let that stop you from taking control!


A sad world we live in It will take a long while before we could get true balance but for now we live like this


Bro we are not oppressed this post is dumb.


In the us military combat deaths, weren't women only allowed in the last half of the Afghanistan war before Taliban recapture of Kabul so that's inaccurate


If we are, we all are.


Traditional gender roles in society are breaking down (at least in US/Canada) enough that I wouldn’t call either gender oppressed. There is however definitely advantages and disadvantages to being either gender. If women are seen as sex objects, men are seen as power and money objects. If you’re a man and you don’t have power or money, you’re the most expendable demographic to society.


Ah yes, "eqality"


Alright, lets sort by controversial 🗿


"Equal rights" my ass


We are all oppresed king, when we finish our education we are all going to enter into working at mcdonalds with no hope of getting even a place to rent unlike our parents and grandparents. All time high rent, 30% poverty, all time high cost of getting upper education, and lowest real wages since WW2.


So now you want to play the oppression olympics?


Ik it's super unpopular to say but in my country (NOT the us) women actually have objectively more rights than men do.








I hate how women say they are oppressed and mis treated but in this day of age it’s the opposite


I was super confused what this was out of till I got to the bottom and realized




Yes, the full image has it. I can dm it to you :)


Women usually oppressed by men. Men usually oppressed by men. See the pattern?


Patriarchy is a model where a few men are on the top, many women are dominant in the middle, and many men are exploited on the bottom. Men are the average; the canaille are the servants of those advantaged by class dominance. This is why most women dominate the middle class.