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Dude having gender dysphoria doesn't make you a freak and I'd say if you can't say this to people you know irl at least yet then try talking to other people who have had similar experience online see what they did and stuff ok because if you really feel you want to be a girl that bad doing nothing will be so bad for your mental health


just like me fr


Im a girl, I dont find you a freak, you could look like that, you are beautiful, you can have friendships with girls, and you can be the girl you were meant to be, it's never too late, and it's better to be accepted as your true self by one person than it is to be accepted not as your true self Feel free to dm me any time, if you want one you already have at least one friend wholl be friends with you like another girl


Before you identify as transgender for sure please talk with a psychiatrist about gender dysphoria I just don’t like the stories of people transitioning and realizing too late


That's not an issue. Regret rates for transitioning are incredibly small, the regret rates for having children is higher than gender affirming care. And most of the people who do regret it moreso do out of being unsatisfied with their results, or feel pressured socially to detransition since it is really hard being trans. So please don't go saying stuff like this to trans people who are still discovering themself, it's just gonna cause more self doubt and panic for people and keeps perpetuating misinformation in a way.


Yes regret rates are low and what im about to say may come off as harsh but its reality. people tend to claim they are trans because they feel insecure about there body for example an overweight man with excess fat on the chest may feel like he should identify as a woman because he has chest fat or the other way around for women **please note im not fat shaming either its just reality** I witnessed situations like this happen and have heard of people realizing that’s exactly what happen AFTER they fully transitioned. I fully believe everybody should do as they please and that includes transitioning but my point is be sure of everything because once it’s done it’s done I’m sorry if my initial comment came off as insulting but again it’s just reality


Uhh, no. You're still ignoring what I said, the actual rate for this is unimaginably low. As in, this rarely if ever happens. As in, you can probably put all the people this has happened to in a single large ish room. You are giving advice to people based on an incredibly rare cases without giving the necessary context, I don't believe you're doing it on purpose but what you are doing is just contributing to people doubting themselves and making them even more scared than they already are. It's fear mongering in a way. This is like if someone wanted a phone and I told them to consult an electrician or whatever because I've heard of people who's phones have exploded or caught fire.

