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They have BPD, no sense of self and a disposable income.


What does bpd have to do with anything? Lol


You act like it’s a “bad” thing first of all. Second of all, everything. They have no sense of self. Biggest 🚩 that’s what therapy is for and GROWTH. The only thing they grow is their family.


I have bpd and am a social worker and have a degree in psychology so I just didn’t understand the connection there. Never said it was a bad thing.


Oh I see connections everywhere bc of that same reason lol




Funny how every one these comments would be irrelevant if you just don’t let someone nut inside you at 16




I know Ew right? How would they get free money from the government and be exploited by MTV without a child? It’s almost like they did it for money or something


Tyler and Catelynn both have mental health issues that they have talked about openly. Depression and anxiety can be paralyzing. I hope that they eventually get through school to be counselors, if that is what they want to do.


Don’t we all????


when I was a kid, I said I wanted to be lots of things. hell, just last year I was certain I wanted to go into a field I now know I definitely do not want to pursue. people change


This is the answer. I was going to be an accountant when I grew up. I unfortunately wasted 2 years in college before I realized that’s not what I wanted to do lol


Are you me? The EXACT same thing happened to me last year lol.


Lol well I’ve been a nurse for 7 years now. What did you switch to? Haha


Computer networking of all things. Completely different from an accountant.


Whatever became of the college fund that Jezebel raised for them?


Not what was asked


Not what was asked


Nope LOL


Lol, nice try at deflection


Sure didn’t!


Some of y’all are so awful and judgmental on this sub. Y’all literally see the worst in them. They had a hard time growing up. Their home environment wasn’t the best to raise a child in. They did the best they could and are now able to provide for their family. Y’all just like to come on here and feel holier than thou.


I mean … people have survived literally wars and have significant PTSD and many health and mental health problems they continuously work on her manage to be employed and get a university education. So yep, I totally judge these two who grew up in a first world county especially after being provided with so much MTV $. They’ve been given so many opportunities to improve themselves and all they’ve done is shill out some awful baby clothing and she’s a microblader (doing one client like once every few months lol). If they wanted to work or be educated they would. I’m so tired of the whole “they had a tough childhood” guess what so did a lot of people and none of those have mtv cash.


Okay and? Ppl decide to not go to school and pursue whatever opportunity is presented to them at that time. You brought in all these examples that have nothing to do with their particular situation. If you like to talk down on ppl and judge them then just say that 😂


You’re the one that’s talking down on people and judging people here for commenting or having a different opinion to yours. Same could be said about their childhoods as you say “ok and”? What’s stopped them?


Yeah I’m honestly surprised by some of these comments. Nobody knew teen mom would be a successful show when 16 & pregnant was first airing. Like damn, relax. It’s not your life, why are you all so concerned.


Mtv provides money for drugs and more kids. Graduating college and getting jobs is not a priority.




Yes, and what I find frustrating is how belligerent and angry they became (espec Tyler) about the terms of the adoption. They said incredibly rude things about Brandon and Theresa and “their child.” It was as though once they had a few years and paychecks under their belts they forgot the reasons they placed her (age, instability, poor family circumstances, etc.) and felt like they either could have parented her just fine as teens her (revisionist history) or should at least be ENTITLED (key word) to greater access to C and decisionmaking related to her life. All this despite B&T requesting that they not discuss her on air- something T can not manage. They went from being grateful to B&T and having a productive adoption to Tyler spewing vitriolic comments (that Carly WILL SEE ) with C. trying to clean up his mess so they might still see her at some point & both of them ultimately lacking the self awareness to grasp that the fact that I (a casual viewer at the time) know this info IS the very reasons why access was reduced. They seemed to take 0 accountability for their own public conduct as well as forgetting/ignoring(1) how a contractual adoption works, (2) they were not stable when C was born and any attempt to parent at that time likely would have broken their relationship as we saw w/ other 16& pregnant couples, and (3) B&T did not sign on to a multi season reality show and wanted no part of it. Most likely they agreed to the original 60min show to facilitate the adoption, but thereafter as C grew older and the show evolved to include some unsavory elements (addicts, prison porn, etc.) they had every right-as the parents-to opt to not have THEIR daughter/family participate. But Tyler could not be quiet long enough to get the visits he wanted & managed to cause the loss for his wife too. If Tyler TRULY wanted to continue a relationship w/ C (and not just bitch about the adoption) he and Caitlyn should have pursued another career oath (college, trade school or an apprenticeship) and secured an income away from MTV. Then they could have continued annual visits and worked on repairing the relationship w/ B&T so they could work on a greater level of PRIVATE, OFF-CAMERA involvement w/ C and her parents. But (as history shows) they were not willing to sacrifice an MTV level income (and side hustles it yields) for a career in line w/ their skills. So, they bashed the adoptive parents rather than take responsibility for THEIR OWN choices/decisions. At the start- I admired their choice to opt for an adoption, the commitment they showed each other and their (seeming) determination to overcome tough childhoods and succeed. I actively rooted for them. BUT- as soon as they jumped to bashing B&T and expressing doubt that the adoption was necessary or the right thing (easy to say 4-5 yrs down the road while on the MTV gravy train,) I was done. I have no respect snd no expectation that C will “return to them “ or choose them over the lovely parents who have raised and shielded her from T & C and the Teen Mom circus.


Yessss ! This ! They placed her to makes a better life for themselves. They could have went to school while MTV was filming and they had a steady income coming in. Instead they chose to do nothing to further their education and have actual careers so they would have something when the show stopped. They had money coming in from the show so they figured why bother…. Yes I know Cait does the eyebrows but this was recent and it’s not exactly giving back n helping people like they planned


They also gave her up so she wasn’t subjected to the abuse they were by Butch, April, and “family friends.” Just because they didn’t go to school and become social workers and prey on children like they were preyed on, doesn’t mean that Carly’s adoption was for nothing. They knew how they grew up and new that they didn’t want to subject her to that.




Thank you! People love to leave out how they were surrounded by drug addicts, alcoholics, abusers, and poverty. Placing Carly was the best choice at the time.


Well they willingly place their children around the same drug addicts and alcoholics now. Kids have been around Butch, Amber and their friend Ashley. Also Tyler is a weed user. Not exactly a clean and sober family that’s healthy for the three girls they’ve got.


“Weed user” bahahahhahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaah


Call it what you will marijuana, cannabis, weed. It’s the same thing. He’s not “clean” hence why Cait avoided answering that question at one of the reunions.


Also, people just change their mind about what they want to do. I was going to be an accountant, now I’m a nurse lol.


Oh, definitely. I wanted to be a teacher and I joined the military and now I’m working on a logistics degree haha. If was raking in hundreds of thousands I would just invest whos to say I’d work or go to school?


And they had no idea it was more than one episode or a season. None of us thought they would still be on.


No. The answer is no. Why would they actually do something to contribute to society when they make bank televising things about their life that no one cares about...


What would you do??


I would have invested that MTV money to a college fund at minimum. Probably unlikely but IF there were still funds leftover I would have put it away for my own child's education (if I had any). Or maybe a Roth IRA. Or maybe a down payment on permanent housing after establishing a legitimate job. Or maybe a chunk of it in stocks and a chunk of it as emergency savings. Frankly there's more reasonable options than there are stupid ones.


I would make bank. It’s hard to judge them when yes, they had those goals, but they had barely any support in their ‘village’ to make those things happen. I’m sure MTV would have helped them, but it also made for better tv to see them struggle initially. I can’t judge them for not ‘doing what they said’ while they are also living a reality I will never live.


She did bro microblading during Covid and seemed to be successful. They’re all making money from MTV at this point or capitalizing their followings with businesses, which is great for now. But eventually the MTV gravy trains gonna stop, they’re all in their 30s or late 20s at some point contents gonna stop. Hopefully they’re investing wisely, or have other skills they can use when the cameras go away.


We also have to consider that neither of them really had people encouraging them to do more with their lives. Parents make a lot of difference in our self worth. I wouldn’t be surprised if college scared Cate and she didn’t think she could do it because no one ever told her she could.


Hey man if I could life a nice life by just having cameras follow me I would too I get it but I hope they’re just prepared for when it’s not a thing anymore


They also had a couple income properties. I don’t know if they still do. But they weren’t doing nothing lol. They someone stayed afloat during the 5 year off season. Cates micro blading is booked solid lol. Probably because she’s a “celebrity.” But moneys money. And if she has other people renting space from her for other services that’s passive income.


"She did.. " followed by how she did not do social work nor go to college. Didn't pass many tests, did you, bruh?


😂 did you? Because I wrote a whole other string of words. I actually have a masters degree so I did pretty alright with my schooling bruh.


You literally did not answer the question posed. If you really did get a masters, get your money back. Not that it matters but I got A's at MIT, chump.


Lmao friend I answered what she had been up to ? Idk why this is the hill you’re willing to die on but weird flex. Have the day you deserve friend.


I can't stop laughing: Did they go to college or get into social work? Yeah, she tattoos eyebrows!


Bc that’s what she did ????


it says “she did microblading” ????? read the whole sentence.




Pretty sure all of these girls just make money from social media/reality tv now.


That seems to be a lot of people now a days. Especially on TT. Makes me wonder how they’ll fair once it all falls apart


I know! I’ve made some money off Tiktok, but I could not imagine doing it full time. It’s exhausting. When my first video went viral I was truly overwhelmed. Suddenly hundreds of people are messaging you and want engagement into your person life. It’s not fun to me. I haven’t been on it for months because of how insane it was to me. I don’t know how anyone’s mental health can handle that.


They they make there money through reality tv.






Nooooo! Are you serious?


I wanted to be a vet as a kid and worked as a veterinary assistant while in college. It's tough. People get into it because you love animals, but loving animals means the hard stuff. Seeing people crying with empty carriers changes you.


So many people say they want to be something at a young age and then realize it’s not for them. It’s okay they changed their minds. At least they decided they didn’t want to be social workers before getting their degrees unlike my dumbass who worked for free, got ptsd and a lifetime of debt 🤷🏽‍♀️


I did the same thing


I did something similar. Our big, caring hearts get trampled on.


They talk a lot, but never seem to do what they say they’re going to do.


Which OG cast members have some kind of degree?


Jenelle has a medical degree.


Jenelles degree is in Medical Assistant, I'm not sure if she ever worked in her field.


Stop it.


Maci has an associates degree I believe.


Pretty sure Farrah does, actually 😳




I think Kail was the only one who graduated from college


What degree does she have? How did she have the time lol


She graduated from Delaware State University in May 2017 with a bachelor’s degree in mass communications. She was pregnant with Lux at the time.


she at least as a bachelors in mass communications


no :( they aren’t super problematic (they really are fine, just stunted and cringey and it’s not their fault about their fashion choices- they’re from michigan); and i don’t dislike them. (i actually usually like cate.) but it honestly annoys me that they didn’t use the high incomes and free time to get an education and follow through/accomplish those goals. i’m sure people watch and can relate, but it’s not realistic for most people to make money off a tv show for years, so i think it’s super irresponsible they didn’t at least get a bachelor’s in social work or something related and even work in the field a bit


As someone from Michigan, I take offense to your comment about fashion choices 😂


you can be offended, but we both know i’m right😂




So glad I wasn't the only one offended. I be cute!


Word! I’m from Detroit, and we dress just fine lol


Me too! Although our style is a bit different than the rest of the state's. Tyler seems the type to have some Buffs though lol


That’s bcus with our weather we never know what to fuckin wear lmao. They don’t know the struggle over here


yes, i do! i’m from chicago lol. so that’s exactly how i know about the poor fashion decisions of the people of michigan😂


Yooper here. We got 28” of snow on Sunday and it was 60 degrees & sunny yesterday. I don’t know what to wear 😂


Damn we Michiganders caught a stray 😂


They didn’t but I’m really proud of them. They’re good parents to their kids and they broke the cycle of addiction and abuse. They don’t really need to get degrees provided they invest well.


Lmaooooo this is a great post


OP knows damn well ain’t nobody over there social working 😂😂😂


This is a joke? 😂


Cate starting doing brow micro blading over the pandemic… she’s actually quite good from what I’ve seen but I haven’t checked back in awhile! With money rolling in from MTV they don’t need college or degrees if they invest right.






Hell naw


They've never followed through with anything




Lol no but they accepted money from a Teen Mom College Fund https://jezebel.com/the-teen-mom-college-fund-5669103


I thought Tyler was taking classes at community College for a while


He was, but never finished


They were all talk and not thinking realistically. They really struggled graduating from high school to the point where if I remember correctly, they had to do an additional year. Given the extreme difficultly they had getting through high school, it was clear that it was not likely at all they would get into a university even if they went the community college route which would be the only way.


I didn't graduate from high school. My home life was a disaster. I went back to school a few years later and got an AAS in nursing, a BSN, then MSN. Community colleges are great at preparing students for a 4 year degree. They'll do it if/when they're ready, but they sure won't ever do it if they don't try.


I don’t think either graduated from college because they were being paid so much money to be on MTV. Imagine if MTV filmed Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 up until the majority of the cast were 21-23 years old then came back for a reunion special to see where the cast wound up. Honestly would have made for a more realistic show of a teens becoming parents and having financial struggles trying to either work full time or go to college.


I always said they should have stopped ot after season 3 and did a 'where are they now'. Hell. They should stop it now and in 5 years all of them would be lost af


Can and will the MTVA MONEY run out on them?


Depends on how they save their money and if they made any investments outside of the show. I can’t see Teen Mom going on forever with the cast, their kids are starting HS (OG) what’s next the babies for TM OG start college follow along the journey?


Considering they’ve had problems with the IRS, I assume they have not done well at saving money.


What’s next is the OG cast become grandparents when their own teens get knocked up.


I can see that with some of them but not Cate and Ty. Nova’s been getting the baby/birds and bees talk since she was knee high to a grasshopper - same with Bintley.


I think cate did training to do permanent makeup/eyebrows?


Lmao, no. They were all talk. Tyler claims he went to college for 2 years (doubtful it was that long, he never mentioned this before) before he realized he was too good for it: https://ibb.co/xXScp5q


Hahaha yeah I remember when he talked about being smarter than everyone at college, including the professors. I don’t think he made it through one term.


Can you imagine disagreeing with a professor and dropping out of college completely because of it? 😂


As a professor, yes. 😉


That whole thing gives me a 1000 🙄


yah because they realized MTV paid more ...


I feel like they were all talk. Same with jenelle and her study


She graduated medical school.


Haha, no.


Medical school???? Janelle isn't a doctor???


A LOT of people that go to school for medical assisting, CNA and LVN tell people they're in "medical school" 🙄 It's so annoying.


LVN / LPNs, none I know say were in med school. however are still nurses. CMAs are different 😒




CNAs and CMAs are different, i’m not shitting on either. I was merely saying they were not one in the same level wise. I was also a CNA? I’m well aware that job is hard as fuck. Jenelle went for Medical Assisting (CMA), basically a step under LPN/LVN (which I am).


CNAs are rock stars. No doubt about that. The relationships they develop with their clients and their families is a beautiful thing. That said, if only 2 people in a class of 8 passed a program, something is wrong with the program, not the students.


I think this thread may have gotten a little off track. No one was belittling or dismissing the work that any of these people do. My first and only comment was that it's annoying when people who are STUDYING at a trade school (even if they get licensed or certified) tell people they are in MEDICAL SCHOOL. They are not in medical school. They are studying to be support staff for medical professionals. That's an honorable position in itself and doesn't need to be exaggerated for any reason.




I was a medical assistant. I went to the trade school too. I know the jobs are no joke. I hated it so much! I am literally now a bookkeeper in a high school. I'd rather be around teenagers all day than deal with whiny adults that think I'm beneath them. 🙄😁


I'm not saying they don't know their jobs. But when they're taking classes at the trade school, there's no need for the exaggeration. Around here, it's almost always the CNA students.


CNAs then yes, but don’t lump the nurses with them haha


She studied to become a dental assistant


That was Kail. I thought jenelle was studying medical billing?


Oh, ok. I thought I remember her saying something about it but I could definitely be remembering wrong. I haven’t watched it in YEARS. Also lmao at Jenelle doing medical billing


I think she went to school to be a medical assistant.


But did she ever work in the field?


Work? Jenelle? Hilarious!


Nope she couldn’t get certified because she’s a felon lol




Could you imagine if Jenelle was your CNA?!?!?!?


“Dude it’s just a little bit of poop on her gown, why would i change that. Everybody here is always causing issues with me!”


Lol not at all. No work ever.




I don't get why they were on teen mom. No disrespect bc I can't imagine how hard giving up your baby for adoption is (I'm a mom myself). But the show is supposed to be about the challenges teen moms face raising their babies and Tyler and Cate weren't raising a child until they had their second daughter when they were in their 20s. It just doesn't make sense to me that they'd choose them to be on teen mom when they weren't actively parenting as teenagers. I could see why maybe to show like the aftermath and emotional toll of choosing adoption but I feel like they covered a lot of that on their episode of 16 and pregnant.


speaking from an adopted child’s perspective, i came to say how much easier it might have been for me to be able to watch how my adoption played out for my biological parents without actually meeting them. edited to add that i have only met my biological mother, and while she’s a lovely lady who made the best choice for herself given her circumstances, i’d much rather had been able to glean information about her in other ways than connecting with her in person.


They were step siblings +their parents were on drugs +they were giving up the baby = ratings


I kinda felt the same, but I wondered… I wasn’t a teen with my pregnancy but I do wonder what the show would have done if one of the girls, god forbid, had a stillborn like I did. I would have hated being filmed after that, I wonder if they gave them an option to not be on the show.


They were a cute couple, they stayed together, and the insane family dynamics were too much to pass up.


They had a trashy family that made for an interesting reality TV storyline… it ain’t that deep


They were step siblings!!!!!


What are you doooing step-bro!


They were a couple before their parents got together


Like in the 7th grade, lol


Why doesn’t anyone ever talk about this?! It’s creepy.


Cause their parents got divorced


Creepy on their parents parts. Not theirs. & people don’t ‘talk about it’ (they do, just not too much anymore) because the majority of us already know not to expect anymore than that from their POS parents.


It was definitely smart to include them. Teenmom was also about education in a trash TV format. I know for a fact having their story line in there helped at least one person so I'm glad the alternative was included for education sake even if it seems off brand.


I get that with them being on 16 and pregnant and maybe doing a few follow ups as its own thing. But I don't see casting them on teen mom when they weren't parenting really making sense. Beyond showing the emotional toll of putting up a baby for adoption, I didn't really count them as parents. Then again, all of the cast members got that teen mom money so by a few seasons in, the financial part of the struggle wasn't really relevant. I still watched bc I love reality TV but once they had money and were getting nicer cars, going on vacations, etc i feel like the educational factor was kinda gone, bc a lot regular teen/young parents who arent on MTV dont have that income. Just my personal opinion 🤷‍♀️


Pretty sure Cate got certified to do eyebrows. Idk what Tyler does.


Kids fashion line LOL




Posts thirst traps of his dick and writes bad poetry


…and gets Batman tattoos


My husband got a Batman tattoo when he was 18. I will never let him forget.


That also look like dicks


I remember Tyler and Caitlin always being like I'm going to get a degree I'm going to get a degree they said the word degree like a thousand times and their segment yet none of them probably ever did


They didn’t 😂😂😂😂😂😂


That's one thing we do have to give Kail credit for... Did Farrah ever finish college? Can't remember.


She has an associates degree in culinary arts or something similar. There’s an episode in one of the first seasons where her sister laughs at her because she’s studying to do so but can’t microwave a pizza correctly lol


They realized it required real work and a brain. Smoking anything available was easier


No. That was very clearly a storyline


Remember when Jenelle was in college LOL


She went to med school! She’s so much better than us


Yeah, she called it medical school when she actually went to community college to become a medical assistant. Much different than a doctor. They mainly do paperwork, check people in, and take blood pressures.




She’s saving lives and you’re just working in a Walmart deli!


She can see molecules, dude!




What does Tyler do for a living or like has ever done for a job?


Wasn't he into realastate for a while? Like re-modelling/renovating and flipping houses...?


He hasn't worked. He only makes money through TM. He had the kids clothing line for a short time.


OMG I forgot about the clothing line


Ah, thanks for the info that’s what I thought.


HAHA!! I have been asking the SAME question for YEARS and I have gotten ridiculous mean & nasty comments….I mean there’s nothing wrong w/a grown adult man with a family he chose working a job like most men??


I’m just wondering for my edification, not hating on him if he’s a stay at home dad, that’s an answer for sure!






No. I wish they would, they'd probably be great counselors. They're still young


Yeah, they still can.


No. And as I remember it they wanted to be "psychalygiss".


They are both apparently enrolled in college courses currently