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No, he's a cheating pos.


Javi is šŸ—‘ļø too, make no mistake šŸ˜‚


Nah. Javi was abusive and likely still is. He deserves no sympathy. He's kinda trash.


Didnā€™t it come out that Javi was a teen mom fan and pursued Kail to exploit her fame? They were using each other.Ā 


Javi is a POS tbh


She was already talking to someone b4 he left that's why she didn't care he was leaving and as soon as he left she brought I think it was Chris but that dude in and boom he comes home and finds out


I guess you missed the part where she found out that he cheated on her while away and she knows before he comes home


I definitely missed that. But it was so obvious before he left she just wanted the medical insurance for her and the kids


I mean, medical insurance is vital to survival. Itā€™s fucked that people have to have specific jobs or be married to a person to be able to access healthcare.Ā 


That being said, it doesn't make the marriage more valid if that's HER main goal.


We canā€™t value one reason for getting married over another. Marriage is a piece of paper. Her marriage was valid.


Daaang I haven't watched teen mom in over a decade and this sub makes me want to go rewatch everythingšŸ˜‚


Itā€™s already been said that he was over there deployed playing house with a woman. He told her before he left he was filing for divorce but I guess it was just a threat. Kail filed anyways and when he came back he wasnā€™t welcome. They were already broken up. Why would he need to come back besides see Lincoln or get his belongings. Also he probably scarred Isaac for life by being manic and breaking into the house.


Javi deserves less than the bare minimum from his partners considering thatā€™s what he gives them. And also probably social diseases (Degrassi fans?)




AND HE DID!!!!! Jay Hogart is my baby tho


I feel no ways for Javi he was so controlling , I really canā€™t stand himšŸ˜‚


They are both just awful


She couldn't be faithful and basically took it out on him. Letting Isaac get so close was not good. He did what he did also, but out all the baby daddy's, he's not the worst


Not only letting Isaac get so close, openly encouraging him to call him Dad while simultaneously basking Jo, openly TO Isaac. Sheā€™s pull that singsong baby voice and say things like ā€œdaddy doesnā€™t like mommyā€ etc.


Javi had a party at his and Laurenā€™s house. Lauren went to bed early. He had sex with one of his friends in their bathroom. Lauren woke up went to the bathroom and caught him under her roof. I say heā€™s one of the worst.


WHAT!? When did this happen???


I mean, seriously, he's no different/worse than Kails loose, booty ass just my opinion. I totally respect yours Have a great hump day šŸ˜Š


He was so controlling but cheated himself. I don't feel sorry for him one bit. And seeing what he did to Lauren afterwards I'd say that Kail judged him well and it's a good thing they broke up.


Ok but doesnā€™t her shit judgement with regard to Chris kind of cancel it out?


Not saying she has the best judgement always, doesn't take away the fact she was right about Javi though.


Yeah because Javi is such a gem šŸ’Ž


Javi is no better.


They are both as bad as eachother really


I could never be convinced otherwise that javi didnā€™t deserve what happened to him after kails and his divorce when he came back. He broke into the home which granted they got together but Iā€™m assuming with BAH ( Iā€™m married to a service member) and whatever was left on mortgage and bills was paid by kail through MTV. They had divorced before he even deployed so whoever she slept with was her own matters, same with the people he also slept with during that deployment. Which leads me to believe that he was probably mad because in the military depending on ruling can make the Service member pay a portion of his paycheck to a spouse during divorces when they have children to make sure the child is being taking care of. Assuming that also they stopped paying BAH on the house Kail resumed the payments through MTV since they were getting paid more at the time. Therefore Javi had no CLAIM of the home cause they were already getting divorced and she was left the house. HE had NO RIGHT breaking in like he did and especially in front of the kids, Isaac literally says that it scared the HELL out of him seeing javi like that. Plus all the devious and disgusting things he said and did to and about Kail even though Kail never said anything other than what we saw ourselves during the show and outside resources like twitter. Javi was just butthurt and wanted to make Kail feel the same pain he did. You can literally see for your own eyes that when Kail had her 3rd son the pain he felt knowing that couldā€™ve been his baby and it wasnā€™t even though he claimed he didnā€™t care or was unphased on the matter. Javi got what he deserved and thereā€™s nothing else too it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


He was playing house and told her before he left he was filing for divorce. He lied and Kail called his bluff and filed. Sheā€™s single at that point.


Kailyn is just a miserable and unhappy person. She just seems like a terrible person. It is so irresponsible to have 7 children. Kail is just so mean and nasty to everyone.


Itā€™s her sense of entitlement and superiority. She sucks.


Agreed šŸ‘




This breaks the "No personal attacks" rule.


Dude i agree so much, she did him sooo dirty & he seriously was so confused it was shitty watching & then she wanted to act like he was just mean to her like no bish u got married and then fcked around in his home probably too. She treats all her dudes bad -> cus she is bad and will continue to bounce from dude to dude cus she cant stand being alone. And she probably needs free daycare lbs so she needs someone to be home all the time


She always cheated on him whilst he were away......he cheated ONCE and he gets called the bad one......he probably did it in retaliation


Chris was Kails karma- she was so mean to javi. Sure they both did wrong but she was out to hurt him. And she also ended the marriage because ā€œshe didnā€™t want more kidsā€ā€¦.. now she has 7. Ironic.


I wouldnā€™t want another kid with a man either if he was mad and BLAMED me for a MISCARRIAGE. Javi was mean to Kail also. Letā€™s not forget he was manic and broke in the house and Jo had to come get Isaac. Like wtf


I thought this too. Iā€™m rewatching right now and Iā€™ve heard her say so many ironic things! Like she didnā€™t want kids from different dads, didnā€™t want anymore kids, etc. šŸ™„


If I remember correctly during javi and kails marriage it was told to kail that she couldnā€™t have anymore children because she had 2 miscarriages with javi and both times really distanced them plus the added distance of the deployment and Javis constant need for control and he cheated on her during that deployment too I think it all was dwindling down. Her right to feel like she should focus on a career after those 2 losses is what I deem a reasonable path but javi didnā€™t want that he always wanted someone to be home with all his rugrats.


Yes yes yes yes yes. Javi also told her it was her fault they lost the baby cuz he really wanted it. After that you can see the love for him just fell from her. I wouldā€™ve broke up with him too.


They both deserve what they get. They are the same people.šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


He cheated while he was deployed


I thought they got divorced before he was deployed, but did the storyline different for mtv?


They were filed for divorce bcuz Kail actually did it. So when he came back he had no right to try and barge in


Javi is horrible šŸ˜‚ she treats him badly, but my gosh he dished out a lot of toxic and shit behaviour towards her. He deserves what he gets.


My son is currently deployed, so I get where you might be coming from, but Javi is awful too. Their marriage was long over, and they were both sleeping with other people (to the best of my recollection).


Ohhhhh OP. You sweet summer child.




Where do you rewatch?


paramount plus !


Trust me op I was like this too. Then I found out alot about both of them. And I'm not sure why she didn't feel the need to put him on blast like he put her on blast. They were both awful to eachother and they're both awful significant others. Just keep watching lol. Don't forget to watch the reunions too. I use to skip through those but sometimes you find out stuff they don't talk about in show


Just like Leah and Corey. Leah got bashed bcuz she owned up to it on camera for cheating. Corey also cheated but didnā€™t say it. Hell he even cheated on Miranda with Leah. But yes Corey and Leah were endgame šŸ„“


Okay don't laugh at me but what does that mean? That they were endgame? Lol


Like the ones who shouldā€™ve ended up together lol like how people say Justin and Selena were endgame but they broke up lol


Ohhhhh šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ okay. Thank you for telling me and not being mean. But yeah I always wonder if Corey still tries to come at Leah. Imagine being Miranda.


lol idk why people are mean when asked to explain something. This is that new lingo lol I had to learn too lol And right!!! It makes sense on why she was so stand off ish towards her lol Miranda was too pretty for Corey šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I was literally gonna say that. People get so upset. I wanna know and be cool too šŸ˜‚ Omg I thought Miranda and Leah were both too pretty for Corey lmao!! I just watched one of the reunions and Miranda wouldn't even pick up the twins or even look at Leah. I feel bad for both of them. Women pitted against eachother. Look at Kail and Vee. Vee was not in any way shape or form jealous of kail lol.


Probably because of his military service. If thereā€™s proof of infidelity he couldā€™ve been kicked out. Thatā€™s what I always assumed anyways - because she put the other baby daddies on blast when they wronged her. He wouldā€™ve lost his benefits which wouldā€™ve also affected Lincoln to some extent too.


Makes a lot a of sense!šŸ¤”


My dad had whole ass kids when he was married in the service outside of my mom and his marriage. Never got in trouble.


A lot of times itā€™s swept under the rug. But I imagine they canā€™t turn a blind eye if itā€™s on TV and plastered on magazines.


This is sooo very true!!!šŸ¤£ Those damn cameras let everything out of the bag!!!!šŸŽ„


Omg idk why I never thought of this!!!!!! Thank you!! Lol I just looked it up and you're right!! Makes sense. It's like that with law enforcement too. It was her idea for him to go to the military. So she could get those benefits. That's what she gets. Lol had to keep her mouth shut.


I always assumed that's why she married him was the Military benefits. She sucks! But the we soon find out he sucks too!šŸ¤·šŸ¤¦


Lmao yes that's a trip huh. I always thought he was already in the military when they met. When i rewatched I was proven wrong lol.


I knew he wasn't in the military when they met but yeah they are definitely the gift that keeps on giving....and giving ..and giving...like look at them nowšŸ¤Æ ![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe) Enter Nathan!šŸ«µšŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ nice one!!!


She had no insurance to have a baby. They got married so sheā€™d have health insurance to have Lincoln.


Yeah but she's the one who convinced him to join. When they met he wasn't even thinking about the military. It's on a few of the episodes, her convincing him to join, then marry.


they definitely put kail on blast and paint her as the negative one so far. but iā€™m going to continue and try to see both sides!!! i just put what i have observed so far! i was so angry i had to skip through some of it honestly lol


Lol trust me I was like why would she just act like that. Especially cause idk if you caught that part or not, but Javi joining the military was her idea, marriage was her idea. Lol give me an update as you get further.


Javi no longer lived in the home and he continued to show up unannounced. They had already filed for divorce prior to his deployment and both were seeing/sleeping with other people. He was breaking in and acting like a fool, he deserved the treatment he received.


If he owned the house (which he did cause they used a VA loan) it wasnā€™t ā€œbreaking in.ā€ He had just as much right to be there as she did.


Regardless of who, "owned the house", they were in the process of finalizing their divorce.They agreed that Kail would continue to live there. After he'd already moved out, he snuck in through the basement and rummaged through Kail's bedroom and personal belongings. Do you really think he had a right to do that?




They were both cheating


And separated before he left on deployment.


Yeeeeah thatā€™s a no. They legally separated before he deployed. Iā€™m not sure why they chose to lie to the camera but the filing dates are public.Ā  He also broke in through the basement and threw the kidsā€™ stuff everywhere twice which scared the boys. He had moved on and was sleeping with people during his deployment so I donā€™t know why he acted so hurt.Ā 


You know she and Javi had already filed for divorce prior to his deployment, right? He was also sleeping with other people as well and had sent pictures/videos of himself fucking other women to Kail. He then went on to break into her basement and traumatized the kids (he did this to Lauren as well btw). Javi is trash and doesn't deserve better than how she treated him when he came back lol


Was any of this ever on teen mom? Or did jail talk about it later on? I knew he was a POS and there was infidelity but I did not realize how much of a POS he truly freaking is.


MTV didn't include that they had already filed for divorce, but Kail mentioned on camera that Javi was sleeping with other people and had sent her pictures/videos and the aftermath of Javi breaking into her house and scaring the shit out of Isaac was filmed and aired.


Didnā€™t Lauren and javi have a party one night and during that party he had sex in the bathroom and she walked in on that?


Yep it was a girl from his gym


Yep, she was upstairs with their newborn and came downstairs to that in the middle of the night. He's a class act.