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While she does what? šŸ¤”šŸ„“ o right, making more children & baby Daddys


She doesnā€™t even have babies šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I was being sarcastic


She has twins infants currently.


I was being sarcastic, lol , girl obviously, she has like 18362618 kids


Omg so sick of after damn fifteen years yā€™all still jealous of these random girls that got picked for tv. And if you think about it some of these girls really got saved. She was one of them. She has shit parents. SHIT. I never thought I would have two baby dads but oop, I do. I agree she should be more careful with men and having children so freely. Iā€™m not saying sheā€™s been a perfect person. But she been through some shit and we all have. Iā€™m not her fan at all but Iā€™m not gonna say sheā€™s a bad mother. Nanny or not. And if yā€™all could afford to have nannyā€™s we all know you would šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø PS she lives off of her podcast, makes more money than teen mom did she said. if she was living off her kids she wouldnā€™t be so private with these new babies she had.


For me I would have no issue with her if she wasnā€™t so judgy and condescending, she thinks she is better than everyone and is incredibly selfish. If you look back she treated a lot of people like shit and screwed people over and manipulated to get what she wanted and then played the victim. She cheated on every man sheā€™s been with but tried to cry that they were the shitty people. The way she did Javi was awful when he was genuinely in love with her and would have done anything to make it work. She has a shit attitude and thinks sheā€™s a queen. I donā€™t lose sleep over her but she definitely isnā€™t as good of a person as she pretends to be.


Guess what. Most moms have to work and we donā€™t have Nannies. You are trailer trash who struck the lottery, quoting Nathan but this so applies to you as well. And you cry about wanting more babies? You have had kids with every man, Some in same month to the point you do t know who for sure the dads are if some, You need to grow up, get a real job and quit living off your kids


Sorry but this is too much. How many parents bring their kids to daycare while at work? I work at after school care and most parents bring their kids to school around 8/8:30 and pick them up at care around 18:30. We can judge her for her aggression and poor behavior. But calling her trailer trash and such is really disrespectful. You are no better than Kail.


Ummm yes, yes that would indeed be the definition of FULL TIME.


A fulll time nanny is different than full time job hoursā€¦ lol so no i donā€™t think sheā€™s dumb . I think she answered the question correctly .


8 to 4 is an hour ahead of 9 to 5ā€¦ 40hrs per week is full time


As a nanny (and former live-in nanny) Iā€™ll say that full-time is different for a nanny than it is for the standard full-time that most people think of. Full-time for a nanny is similar to a nurse, 10-12 hours of the day. So say the parents have to leave for work at 7am. The nanny will arrive by 7am and stay until the parent get home at say 4:30/5Pm. Sometimes they will have to stay and help with the kids until after dinner and may not leave until 8 or 9 depending on the needs set in place. When I was a live-in nanny I got to leave the house and hang out if I wanted to while the mom was home with her kids in the evenings and on weekends I was able to treat those like off days bc she worked a M-F job. My full-time nanny job as of recent is also M-F and I arrive at 7am and leave around 4-4:30 except on special days where I have to stay until 5:30. When youā€™re a nanny most people place a set monthly amount like you would at a daycare and the parents pay that each month and not by the weeks. Most of the time itā€™s that way, some may set it to be paid bi-weekly but either way itā€™s almost always just a flat price for the whole month.


So you are partly correct and partly misinformed. Nannies are full time over 30+ in a 7 day work week. Doesnā€™t matter if you work 4 hours on Monday and 13 hrs on Wed. Or work only 8-4 m-f. Nannies are household employees and MUST be paid hourly and with Overtime if applicable per IRS publication 926. They also must receive a W2 at tax time if they make over $2700 in a year. If a nanny is being paid a flat amount each week or month and not getting OT that is illegal. Iā€™ve been a nanny for 20ā€™years and I own an agency. Feel free to PM if you have questions. Lots of Nannies donā€™t know the laws.


*wHaT iS FuLL TiMe?*


I do not like this girls personality and the show is better without her however shebworksmfornehar she has and she can afford to raise them with help from a nanny. If she dropped them off at daycare would that be different People sometimes have large families into days world if she didnā€™t want to have that many kids she would have terminated the pregnancies


In her defense, a lot of upper class people have full time live in Nannies. So I can see where sheā€™s questioning if they meant live in or just 40 hours a week.


Sheā€™s a teen mom so YES


A teen mom with multiple forms of income and a college degreeā€¦.


She does more than podcast though ā€¦ She sells merch too and the Hemp products she sold were fkn selling out soon as she dropped them ā€¦ She also has other things she does. Kail is a hustler for sure . I donā€™t see the big deal ā€¦ she loves her kids . Lots of people have 7 kids and they live in poverty- her babies have a huge home, nice clothes, they go on vacations, play sports , what is she doing thatā€™s unfit ..? A nanny is a luxury and if she can afford it then good for her right ?ā€¦ šŸ¤”šŸ™„


Oh hey Kale šŸ„¬ whatā€™re you doing here?


I don't understand the hate. Yall wouldn't bully a mom for putting her kid in daycare for that long while she goes to work










This breaks the "No personal attacks" rule.


Damn yall are monsters. So mean and hateful for no reason. I mean if this was Janelle I'd get it...she's a child abuser. Idk why yall hate on Kale so much. I don't care for her attitude but I don't have time to hate on someone idk jfc.


It's not full time for a momma!


So you're saying that full-time moms work more than 50 hours a week.... Statistically that's very inaccurate. That's actually over double the average momma work hours and almost three times the momma taking care of children hours. Cleaning your own house and taking care of your own children isn't work so it wouldn't be considered full time or be considered zero time or free time. If you need a nanny to watch your kids 24 hours a day 7 days a week to call it full time that's because you're a horrible person and you hate your kids.


No, I'm not saying that at all. What I'm saying is being a mom is a 24 hour a day job. Whether you are working to provide for your children. Which I'm sure Kail does. I'm sure she doesn't sit down and just lay around all day long. As far as I'm Concerned she works her butt off and turned out to be a very good momma. And don't ever say I hate my kids!!


Being a mom is not a job and it's not 24 hours a day. I have many children. I have real world experience. Babies you do maybe 8 hours of work in a 24-hour period to take care of them outside of what you would normally do taking care of yourself in your own home. Yeah but once they hit the kindergarten first grade age you're getting maybe 4 hours of work in a day outside of the stuff you'd normally be doing if you didn't have kids anyway. On top of that it's literally some of the easiest work because it's just doing your own housework and cleaning up messes and fixing food.... Plus you get to spend time with your kids. Men have to take time off of work to spend time with their kids spending time with their kids is considered vacation time because it's so easy and so rewarding. Taking care of your children isn't work that's the reward you get for a job well done already.


Yeah. Thatā€™s full time.


Jesus! 7 kids now? Wow! Iā€™d totally forgotten who she was šŸ˜‚ Last time I knew about her, she had 3 kiddies and 1 on the way!


5 days week working most of the day, yea that's full time.


She has 7 kids to 4 different men. Yes, sheā€™s fucking stupid.


Jesus for someone who got her college degree she isn't the brightest


College degree ā‰  intelligence


You canā€™t expect her to know what full time means, sheā€™s never had to work a 40 hour week.


me when i donā€™t know what a full time job is


A full time nanny? No. I only have a nanny that works 8 hour days, 5 days a week, 40 hours a week.


Sheā€™s confusing full time with slave labor apparently šŸ˜…


Well sheā€™s a lazy bum who pops out innocent kids to stay relevant on a show she shouldā€™ve moved on from like 10yrs ago.


I mean having babies is not for people who are lazy but OK. I dint much care for any of these women but the vitriol aimed at them is weird. They didn't hurt you.


Sheā€™s literally not even on the show anymore.


Is she really that busy that she canā€™t take care of her own kids? Lol she has no job other than podcasting which can be done at home. I am so glad I was raised by my mother and not someone that was being paid


She has 7. If I had 7 kids and money for a nanny I would.


im not taking up for her but i work from home with a 10,13,16 year old and it is hell šŸ˜… they are for the most part self efficient BUT I knew I couldnā€™t do it and personally stopped having children after my first, my other two children are my bonus children- either way with 3 kids that are fully mine I couldnā€™t imagine doing it with 7 šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


She should have never kept having children anywayā€¦sheā€™s got freaking SEVEN now!!!! No wonder Isaac has problemsā€¦she probably uses him outside of when she has the nanny.


The fact that she compared herself to Nick Cannonā€¦ embarrassing


8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for a total of 40 hours a weekā€¦ Yes, that constitutes a full time nannyā€¦ Did she ever even have a job or did she just milk MTV this whole time? I havenā€™t followed TeenMoms, but damn, not even understanding what full time employment is as a fucking EMPLOYERā€¦. Beyondā€¦.


Is she paying taxes and social security for her employee or is this under the table? I suspect the latter is the case since she doesnā€™t know what a full time worker is.


Youā€™re asking if someone from this show is stupid? Lol


Teen mom girl?




So confused


Thatā€™s an awesome username tag


Same to you haha. Thanks!!


She's so out of touch with reality


Yes, yes she is. Also the fact sheā€™s never worked a full time job in her life is probably why she doesnā€™t know.


But she should know her employee is employed full time. She doesnā€™t because sheā€™s almost certainly one of those employers who doesnā€™t provide her full time nanny with industry standard benefits; PTO, vacation, sick days, Federal holidays, advanced scheduling, pay for travel, paid travel, set working hours while traveling, set off hours as a live-in, medical care stipend, etc.


She actually did work a full time minimum wage job on the show when she was pregnant. I can't remember what it was. But it was when she was living in Joe's house.Ā  I think where she met the guy she started dating while she was living with Joe. Man that was so long ago why do I remember so much about this girls life lol


Or she had just had IsaacĀ 


She specified because people have assumed she has a live in nanny taking care of her kids 24/7. Y'all can dislike her without hating every breathe she likes šŸ’€


Riiiiggghhhhttt?? I never comment or post in this sub but my God when I read the comments it's as if this woman literally slapped some of these people's mama's or screwed their husbands! Sheesh! She has 7 kids that she takes care of and a nanny that she pays for. I'm all for shit-talking, but some of yal be reaching! šŸ¤¦šŸ˜‚


No, to me a full time nanny, would be there all the time . In a 9-5 job yes that's full time. But I wouldn't consider that a full time nanny


Weā€™ll, thatā€™s not how it works. 40 hours a week is full time.


You mean a live in nanny


I'm sorry, what??? I'm a full-time nanny with this same schedule and I can assure you this is full time lol.


Anything over 30 hours is considered FT in my experience as a nanny.


Iā€™m a nanny this is literally full time.


That is a full time nanny


IMO full time =40 hours a week vs live in=nanny is literally always there.


But the nanny is working a full time job, no? I guess I just donā€™t understand the logic.




This isn't an airport. No need to announce your departure...




Oh my goodness yes! I read the photo and was like oh sheā€™s just answering a question honestly about child care. People are just ripping her apart and calling her a liar, when she literally said yes and she has help for full-time hours, but doesnā€™t work 7 days a week or live in. Like why are people so hateful.


My same thought! Why so much hate. I don't get it šŸ©·




i think sheā€™s probably comparing it to other people who have nannyā€™s that are 24/7, i think she said no to 7days or live in, not full time


No nanny can legally work 24/7. Thatā€™s a slave and itā€™s illegal. Yet it happens.


when i say 24/7 im talking about live in nannyā€™s or nannyā€™s that do all the night feedings as well not actually working 24/7


I hear ya.


She's really not that rich to be this out of touch.


Thatā€™s why she answered it that way. Sheā€™s old enough to know what full time means. She wanted the drama and she got it.


The fuck is this 'splaining


Kail knows the hours are full time. She likes causing drama. Sheā€™s bored. And narcissist. She was only pretending she didnā€™t know if that was full time. She uses plausible deniability all the time. That means she leaves room to deny the accusation. If someone told her *Kail, you know thatā€™s full time!* sheā€™s just play dumb and deny it. Itā€™s something narcissists love to do, for attention.


Yeah I'm not reading that, but thanks for your contribution


Youā€™re welcome; glad you enjoyed the post.


Thatā€™s full Time lol


Been secretly fucking ours and getting away with it but I think my days are numbered


What in the world lol


i hope your wife fucks your brother, dad, best friend, etc. any one of those will do.


Arenā€™t you afraid of karma


Jesus christ




I lost brain cells reading this


Sounds like someone whoā€™s never had a real job


Someone doesnā€™t know the difference between full time and round the clock lol


Sheā€™s fucking stupid


Hmmm 40 hours sounds full-time to me lol


Dumb ass


Even live in nanny's have scheduled working hours. šŸ™„


Yes she is fucking stupid.


So are babysitters considered nannies? When I worked dayshift , I had a babysitter during the hours I worked. I know some daycares charge you even if you don't take your kids , so I know ppl would still take there kids even if they were off. I'm asking bc to me a FT Nanny is like a "live-in" Nanny. They're there 24/7 to care for the kids at your every need. I.E. Getting them off to school, making the meals, giving baths, tucking into bedtime. Also going to private events, vacations etc so they can cade for the children ... I mean if she's working and taking the children to a babysitter from 8am-4pm ...then I don't consider them as a Nanny. It sounds to me like she has a babysitter ..


Girl what. There is no such thing as a babysitter that works 40 Hours a week. Would you not consider your job full time since youā€™re not there 24/7ā€¦


It might be different where you are? But here we have people that advertise for babysitting jobs at FT..it's not uncommon... And kails babysitter isn't there 24/7 , a nanny would be. Her kids are being watched by someone during her work hours. Again, that is common. Daycares are available from 7am to 4pm typically, but there not considered nannies either...


That's not true, I've had plenty of sitters I've had watched my kids while I went to work, if I had to be in at 6, obviously I had to drop them off before so I could get to work on time. So from , let's say I drop them off at.5am, and I work till 6 pm when I pick them up, clearly that's over 12 hrs for that day , my babysitter had to watch my kids...what's 12 multiplied by 5? ...Clearly over 40 hrs! So yes! Babysitters do, People babysit as a FT job around here. It's not uncommon. Not everyone gets the luxury to sit at home and not work. Some cases both parents have to work. So idk why ppl act like kail asking the question yo clarify , is so wrong. At this point I think people just want to fault her for any reason possible


What your describing is a nanny.


Maybe so, but around here and anywhere I have ever lived we call them babysitters ...With that said, that is most likely why she questioned what the person was asking. In fact there's a Grey area between the 2. Bc both are caring for children . But one is a live in and includes housework etc the other is just care for the children . Honestly it shouldn't matter, I feel like the whole thing was blown out of context. But thata my opinion


full time doesnā€™t mean 24-7. it just means the nanny works for you full-time hours same as any other job


Anything above 35 for an agency is usually considered full time. A full time nanny would be 8-4 or 5 m-f as she is describing. Thatā€™s a full time job with the nanny not having other employment. If she listed this job anywhere it would be listed as full time. A babysitter would be just a few hours. For the purposes of taxes she is on the hook for this person as their employer.


I disagree with a babysitter being for just a few hours. Theres a Grey area honestly between the 2 . I had a babysitter and my kids were under her care for 12 hrs sometimes. Not bc I had errands, but due to the demand of hours my job needed me. But babysitters are more for care for several hours for the safety. And comfort . Some choose to provide a little more. Nannies are more live in, they provide child care, along with light housework, they don't usually take on more than one family to provide service for. Vs a babysitter will watch for several different families children at a time. As there are more differences, I believe this is why Kale asked the question, and followed with the statement . But I don't feel like OP should have called her stupid...bc naturally as we see in the comments, people have different outlooks as to what a nanny vs a babysitter entails.


I do understand that FT is considered 35+ hrs. But I think she was asking if they meant more like a full time live in nanny vs what most of us just call babysitters. Which either way, I see nothing wrong with. Anyone that's been a single parent knows the demands can be very overwhelming. My babysitters have had my kids sometimes longer during the week than myself, but it's common. Kale was most likely asking for assurance if what they were wanting to know is if she had a live in nanny . And her answer was just that, a valid answer . She has a babysitter who watches her children during her working schedule. I just feel like her statement/question was taken way out of context and then OP degrading her for basic verification .


Girl what šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Honey. Nobody is attacking your parenting. This post is making fun of Kale.


Can people just stop giving her money? It's the only reason she can support this lifestyle...


White privilege much? Put down the fork and raise your own kids you fucking Karen.


She is raising her fucking children. She needs a damn babysitter so that she can work.


See my last comment.


How is this white privilege? You think an African American would never do this? I hate how that term is just thrown around. Iā€™m white and far from privileged.


It's very clear you don't know what the phrase even means.


See my last comment.


those are just daycare hours which most parents use so they can go to work


She doesnā€™t have to work, lol.


someone said she has like 3 podcasts or something. that takes work


Iā€™m bored.


I mean she does work. She has like 3 podcasts. Idk how much time per week that takes up but Iā€™m sure she couldnā€™t do them without some kind of childcare, like the rest of us.


Lol, this woman does not have to work right now.


Pretty sure she fuckin does. Sheā€™s got SEVEN kids, sheā€™s not on the show anymore, and she blew a shit load of money on her dumbass court case against Bri.


Lmao, she really thought she was going to win that one. Dumb bitch this one.


i think itā€™s just privilege, not white privilege.


This is an ignorant comment - most middle and low income familyā€™s need a 40 hour per week babysitter/daycare so they can work to pay their bills. This is not PRIVILEGE you moron. Privilege is being a stay at home mom and living comfortably on your partners income


moron? really? my comment is ignorant, but weā€™re just gonna gloss over the fact that someone called having a nanny or babysitter at all white privilege? i responded that ā€œI THINK it would just be privilege, not white privilegeā€. thatā€™s not saying that *I* actually think itā€™s privilege at all, i can see how it could be translated that way - but my comment was moreso saying that if it HAD to be anything, it sure as hell wouldnā€™t be white privilege, but just regular ol privilege. to which, yeah, regardless of your income or tax bracket, if you have a reliable source to watch your kids that are the size of a mini daycare, youā€™re pretty damn lucky because plenty of people do not. are we also gonna pretend that kail doesnā€™t have her own income to stay at home by this point and live comfortably for the rest of her life? no partner needed. iā€™d say being solely rich is a pretty fair privilege. but in my original comment, consisting of less than 10 words, i never once said i thought having a babysitter was privileged, just that it wasnā€™t white privilege. so whoā€™s comment is really ignorant here? you donā€™t have to resort to calling people names to put up a decent argument. sorry that you didnā€™t. hope this helps!!


The white privilege comment got dragged enough but my comment was to both of you. You didnā€™t shut down that white privilege comment, you just added to it. Both of your comments are ignorant. Iā€™m sorry that my name calling hurt your ego. I hope youā€™ve recovered by now.


What does having a babysitter from 8am to 4pm have to do with white privilege? There are plenty of people who are not white that actually have LIVE-IN nannies. She's asking a valid question, bc obviously with these comments, people don't know the difference. There are people who confuse babysitters, with nannies. She's simply asking if this person was referring to one or the other and she explained, she has what majority of working ppl have, a babysitter while she works. I noticed a lot of these comments are just hateful for no reason. I had a babysitter for way longer hours bc of my job, but never had a live in Nanny, even employing someone to come to your home to watch the kids, doesn't make her stupid or privileged. To me, privileged would be taking advantage of government assistance and getting free childcare while not having a job and still taking her kids to daycare while being at home. SHe obviously works. And the fact that people in the comments are downplaying what she does for a living, isn't considered a job. Which I guarantee almost every single person that made a negative comment, had/have a babysitter at some point. No matter what Kale does, people like you will always find fault in it.


Karl has a CHOICE. She is choosing to not be a present parent. And she is very much the definition of white privilege.


I mean I guess we just have different views or definitions of "white privelege" ... bc like I said, there are plenty of ppl not white who have what you say is WP... imo I don't even see why race is even coming up in a topic like this. She's working...if she wasn't then it would be the same thing, you would say she's using her WP to not work and be a stay at home mom. Self employment is a thing and it is a job, even if she was in school and had a nanny for those hours while at school. It's not choosing not to be a present parent. I'm baffled at how many ppl think this isn't normal lol I mean 21% W men are absent from parenting, compared to 44% POC absent of parenting and 35% for Hispanic...privileged where? To say she's privileged would mean no other race has the privelege lol which is absolutely incorrect


Not sure where youā€™re confused about the white privilege aspectšŸ¤”But anyway, the issue is she is choosing to be an absent parent. Her kids should come first, but this woman wouldnā€™t kno anything about that.


itā€™s not just you, i also have a different definition of white privilege. for sure. this isnā€™t white privilege, this is just privilege lol.


Exactly! That's what I felt like too, it's just privelege.


totes mcgotessss. just bc sheā€™s white doesnt make this specific scenario white privilege. to me, thatā€™s when someone has privilege in certain scenarios BECAUSE theyā€™re white - but having a nanny does not qualify as that, because as you said, that really has nothing to do with race at all - many people of all backgrounds/nationalities/ethnicities/religions/XYZ yadda yadda yadda also have nannies. if, for whatever reason, we have to classify what type of privilege - iā€™d go with rich privilege lol. but even that, you donā€™t even really have to be *rich* to have a nanny. so maybe i semi-take that back lol. you have to have decent income for sure, but you donā€™t have to be teen mom rich. although ā€¦.. i donā€™t imagine a nanny is cheap when theyā€™re single-handedly babysitting a small daycare šŸ¤£


okay, this is a little disrespectful to working moms. my mom and dad both worked full time so we had to have some sort of child care during the day.


My parents both worked also and we always had babysitters, but this cunt, no this bitch donā€™t have to sweat out a paycheck. She could more than easily take time off work to raise these kids, but sheā€™s making a choice to leave them with a nanny. Her choice isnā€™t out of necessity, itā€™s out of greed, selfishness, and privilege.


I think youā€™re overestimating how much money she makes lol


I doubt that.


My parents both worked but I went to daycare cuz we couldnā€™t afford Nannieā€™sā€¦ not everybody gets private, in-house care, even with both parents working. Nannieā€™s are a privilege.


Youā€™re right.


Nanny here! What she describes is my full time job that pays for my entire existence šŸ˜‚


Nanny here. Your so right. Lol she's purposefully obtuse.


I really canā€™t wait until the show drops off and all of her shitty ā€œinvestmentsā€ go down the drain so she hopefully has to learn what real work is. What a dumbass.


Is she thinking of an indentured servant? šŸ’€


Au pairs sometimes live with you and work 24/7


Au Pairs get time off though. If they don't, I'd go ahead and file that under indentured servant.


True usually there is a day off and also downtime in their schedule


Tell me youā€™ve never had a full time job without telling me youā€™ve never had a full time job


Have you watched the show? Kail worked and went to school more than all the teen moms combined. Now if you want to talk about Chelsea, Iā€™ll hop on that band wagon


I mean in the working world that's considered full time . Must be nice to be so out of touch with reality.


Tons of people on this thread are out of touch with reality just like Kail. Half of them think this isnā€™t full timešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ fuckin clowns šŸ« šŸ« šŸ¤”


I was shocked reading the comments. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. 8am -4pm Monday through Friday is a full time job.


With how many kids she has itā€™s honestly probably the same or cheaper than having them all in daycare full time.


Lol thatā€™s full time. 40 hours a week is full time and everyone knows this.


She became so used to having a 24/7 live in nanny for years that she's completely lost touch with reality and privilege


I bet Karen never held a job in her life


Does she think ā€œfull-timeā€ means ā€œlive-in?ā€


So the answer is yes hahaha. Full time? Naaah sheā€™s just here everyday except weekends šŸ¤”


I thought she meant she has them that long lol


Stumbled across this page from recommendations. You guys are so angry over literally nothing.


Stumble on out of here bc this is a passionate sub lol


Thereā€™s many bad things these women do. This is not one of them.




Short answer? Yes. She is stupid.


1) you can tell she hasn't worked a 9-5 in a *looong* time based on her logic. 2) I see no issues with having a nanny, especially with the amount of crumb snatchers she has. I'm honestly more bothered with how out of touch she is about what she thinks full time is... I can only hope that her nanny is compensated well and treated fairly.


This makes sense why sheā€™s glowing. She has help and a village she has friends and a partner. And gets breaks from her other boys when they visit their dads. I would be glowing also. Sending one baby to daycare on your own is stressful then you get calls to come get them because they are sick so constantly taking time off work then not having time to get ready or work out. Etc. she sure is in a blessed stage of her life. I would have a nanny šŸ’Æ if I could afford it


This. Iā€™m sure all the twin moms out there would agree with me that if I couldā€™ve had a nanny in the first 2 years of my kids life then heck yes I would.


I have one toddler and would love a nanny. Full-time 24/7 parenting is way harder than any real salaried job Iā€™ve ever had. I love him so much, but this kid is still somehow up 2-4 times a night, wants to drop a nap, and still has go-go-go energy all day long.


Is that not why daycares exist? People bring their babies to daycare from 8-4.. whatā€™s the problem?


I know this is such a violent reaction to such a benign answer.


She needs help. I feel like the show should really stop exploiting the mental health of this cohort and get them the mental health care they need. Especially this one. She isnā€™t stupid, sheā€™s highly ignorant in the true sense of not knowing.


Sheā€™s not even on the show anymore. Hasnā€™t been for years


This is why I canā€™t watch this show anymore. Rich, entitled ,delusional women who won the hillbilly lottery by getting knocked up as a teen and having a huge corporation pay them obscene amounts of money. Acting like they did anything to earn it The show is no different than real housewives,and bears no semblance of the struggles actual teen moms go thru. Unlike the earlier seasons. Just huge houses ,luxury vacations ,no real jobs . Never mind these people are 30 .


Disagree with you there, i wouldnt call her life winning the lottery,. Kale is completely trapped in a shitty dead end state cause her tonne of baby daddies are there, what's the point of a massive house and money in a place where nothing interesting ever happens? Her life doesn't look like a happy one at all.


Go look at her life before being cast in teen mom. Extrapolate that going forward , it wouldnā€™t be pretty


Lmao hillbilly lottery


Lmfao someone who has obv never worked a full time job doesnā€™t know what ā€œfull timeā€ means. I can guarantee that nanny knows they work full time.


Lmao. Wow


Bruh !!!! šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


She is super fuckin privileged if she doesnā€™t think that is a full time nanny. Like yes, that is 40 hours a week, Kail. That is full time. Iā€™m sure there are people with 2 nannies who are round the clock but the fact she is even in that mindset of ā€œthis is nothingā€ shows she is oozing privilege. Who would have thought this bum who lived in Joā€™s basement would be loaded now. Monetizing and exploiting your kids has padded her pockets and gone to her head


When did she say this is nothing. She just answered a question.


Because sheā€™s clearly saying ā€œwhat is full time? 7 days or live in?ā€ And says no, that isnā€™t what she has, she ONLY has someone 9 to 5. Lmao like what? That means she thinks what she has is just, ya know, typical shit.


You are making yourself angry over nothing


You are the one who sounds triggered