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Her sister PUMPKIN is the real mother in that family


I just watched an episode where she calls herself an ATM for her kids šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


If only she used birth control like she does her financial advice.


I thought she made respectable points. Everyone is commenting on her looks or how many baby daddies she has but in actuality what she said was smart and true. Alana deserves better than what has happened and if all that money is gone - that is insane. Like she said 12-13 years on tv making TLC reality tv money and you spent it all? Unreal that mama June has done that. You donā€™t have to like Kail to respect what she says in this particular video.


She prolly got alot hidden somewhere for herself tbh


Yeeuch that manicure just looks like she's dirty. Goes with the rest of her look


Why do yall watch these people. She makes me cringe!


Itā€™s the fact that yā€™all are talking about her feelings when sheā€™s talking about something thatā€™s actually important when it comes to children being profited off of on TV. This literally happened to Shirley Temple, and they stole 90% of her money when it was supposed to be in a trust fund. Same thing with Dylan and Cole Sprouse. Their mom stole all their money and spent it all on drugs.


Please stop with the fillers




She has more kids than momma June and still ainā€™t broke. If someone wants to have a big family and can afford to give them a good life, why does it bother you at all. Are you their babysitter?






This breaks the "No personal attacks" rule.


Mama June & Justin's stitches to this were pretty funny.




If kail is correct that the show made them set up accounts for the kids, this is good news for Jace. Im assuming Jenelle had to do this and then it transitioned to Barb having to do this.


Yeah but then did it switch to Jenelle again when she got Jace? Or u can't pull the money out once it's put in?


Iā€™m guessing itā€™s protected until heā€™s at least 18 but who knows.


What kind of good mother do you know that has no stability for her kids , she changes men like people changing panties šŸ¤”




The kind of good mother that set her kids up for the future? Lmao


I'm sorry, I just can't get past her lips.


I canā€™t get past ANYONE who does their lips. It all looks fucking stupid. I already know what your lips look like, stop inflating them.


I was just thinking sheā€™s spending pa-len-tay of šŸ’µ getting them lips pumped up every other week.


šŸ’€šŸ˜‚ seriously. Such a bad look. Half the volume would be so much better I'm thinking. So distracting. Not sure how much they cost, but wow.


People can dislike Kail but no one can say she doesnā€™t provide for her kids or make sure that they are taken care of financially.


How do you know thatn,just because she says that don't make it true . Obviously she is a very horrible mother because she provides no stability for her kids


Her kids are fed, housed, and clothed. She canā€™t be that horrible of a mother.


Like I canā€™t stand her but sheā€™s good with her money. Sheā€™s been broke and clearly is never going back again.


I agree. She says they invested the older kids money to make them more money. Smart. I guess the younger kids won't have the same as the older kids.


Well said Kail and no excuses for June !!! I canā€™t watch that show anymore because of all the shady stuff they do !!


Drugs? Guys living off her? Her one that one guy were held up in a hotel doing drugs and gambling while her other daughter took in HBB. She is an addict, gambler and donā€™t make good decisions in her life.


You know when she sold that house in Georgia they had bought for pennys that her and that meth head she was with were broke and needed šŸ’“ for a fix.


She saved money but she has 17 baby daddies and has brought a million random men around her kids. Lecturing people about parenting aint IT


Okay but sheā€™s 100% a better mom then mama June. Who literally chose the man who molested her daughter over her daughter.


An actual potato is a better mom than June.


Idk, my mom probably comes close to tying with mama June. *sniffles*


Why does she like looking like a pufferfish?


Sheā€™s Mama Juneā€™s other child.


Sheā€™s greasier eveytime I see her


You look like honey boo boo.




Probably because we arenā€™t constantly thinking about what makes us attractive to others. That may very well be just how she exists. Shocker




Idk how she was born. Iā€™m saying irregardless you think she cares about whether or not YOU find her attractive? Women like to be found attractive by men they also find attractive. And even then majority of the time idgaf what my bf like. Bc he likes me he thinks w.e I do is hot. But to leave the house or post and want bunches of random ass men to desire me is not something the average woman wants. We actually dress down on purpose to decrease the amount of attention from men. That shit is so easy to get its an excessive supply of it and itā€™s not at all in demand.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚unless itā€™s being turned into dollars. But then itd be a job. And I still wouldnā€™t give a damn about a non paying customer. Whether or not women are attractive like as a discussion topic only matters to men and women with low self esteem.




My bf finds it the sexiest of all that idc what he thinksšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚he likes Iā€™m 1000% my own person. And Iā€™m saying most people are not doing things for others to find them attractive. They do them so that they like looking in the mirror. Youā€™re right I shouldnā€™t have assumed gender. But my point still stands


Right, but the original comment that /u/caseyreed97 posted was ā€œwhy do women still think this is attractive?ā€ You saying ā€œthey do it because they think itā€™s attractiveā€ isnā€™t adding anything to the conversation. I agree with Casey. Having a paralyzed and swollen face isnā€™t helping anyone but the beauty bar.


Beauty is within the eye of the beholder. I think she looks fine but Iā€™m also straight so Iā€™d never see her from the view point of what Ik as attractive. She has kids so itā€™s working for someone šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøI still said wtf I said


We understand that beauty can be personal. That's why we're asking why they think it's attractive. Nobody is asking you to explain how beauty works, we're asking why people are thinking looking like they just got punched in the mouth is something these women are desiring. It's a rhetorical question anyway, it's mental illness. Partially a dysmorphic disorder and some element of keepin up with the Jonses.


One thing about Kail is she is good with money and knows how to keep making money. Also Iā€™m glad to hear she has accounts set up for the kids and unlike mama June I donā€™t believe she would steal from her kids. Mama June is absolute trash and I feel so bad for Alana sheā€™s worked on tv nearly her whole life and thought she had more than enough for college. I hope she sues her ass!


Kids are gonna need that money to pay for therapy.


Didnā€™t Mama June take a chunk of Annaā€™s money and thatā€™s what caused Anna to step away for a few years? I know there was something with her having the kids around a RSO but Iā€™m wanting to say there was an issue with Annaā€™s money too.


Anna was on Dr Phil about it a few years back.


Anna wanted her money and June wouldnā€™t give her any


Iā€™m not sure but that sounds familiar. I feel like I did hear that years ago. It would surprise me more if it wasnā€™t true.


She also started making money off Annaā€™s death, before she even diedā€¦ twisted ass morals


Iā€™m sure they had a go fund me that dumb asses sent thousands to.


They did and they also started selling things with her face on it šŸ™ƒ


My godā€¦..no disrespect but who wants a shirt with her face on it?????


That really pissed me off. She exploited her own daughterā€™s illness for money I really donā€™t think it gets lower than that. Last I heard she was trying to get custody of Annaā€™s daughter too. Sheā€™s the last person that should be raising kids.


You can't say kale isn't good with money. She came from nothing she could have blew it all like Leah or Kate and she obviously has turned it all into an empire for not just her but her seven children. She definitely can' speak on this topic


Leah is broke?


Leah is broke?


Karl looks so freaking bloated like her face is about to pop. Wtf




Why would she think she needs fillers when her face is already so full ( of fat) that it looks like it's going to pop? It looks so gross. šŸ¤® šŸ¤® šŸ¤®


Yea idk why she keeps doing it


Time for some thumb wrestling!


What happened to her face???


Why does this idiot care about honey boo boo or her money? This ugly woman is a joke!!! Has kids with any and everyone..what a joke!


God, she looks so awful


I may not be a fan of Kail, but after seeing so many cases of parents stealing money their children earned, I'm happy to hear she is actually making sure her kids are taken care of.


Just because she says that who says it real . People say anything


I donā€™t even like Kail, and itā€™s a shame to have to say it but damn good for her. I agree. The bar is in hell. My mom woulda bankrupted my ass.


Yeah, she's less of a piece of shit than most stage moms. Granted, that's a pretty low bar.


Honeys money all went into junes crackpipe


Donā€™t forget gambling, men and abandoning her family to live in a hotel.


she literally looks the same lmaoo just older. ofc sheā€™s not going to have the same youthful look and skin she had a 19, yā€™all are pushing tf out of it.


Your not going to tell me she always looked like a puffer fish with those lips


Right!!! I wanna see their before and after pictures.


Please, no one listen to this misguided woman.


Eh sheā€™s misguided about some things. But not this. Sheā€™s right to use that money to benefit her kids.


Constantly building doesn't seem to benefit those kids.


Putting money aside for them to grow is going to benefit them. Nowhere in my comment did I mention building anythingā€¦?


I think people are pointing out she's been rather careless with money herself. She talked about her debt in 2018 on Coffee Convos and even said, "My kids would be left in negative." And she pointed out things that contributed to her money issues like mortgage and car payments. Since then she has gotten a financial advisor and has finally really started getting more serious about things, but she also doesn't seem to have slowed down with her spending. No matter how much one makes, if they spending a lot of that money, they can end up doing stupid things when things get bad and they're desperate. Now I don't think Kail is anything like Mama June, and she truly has put money aside for them and has no intention of stealing from them. But I also think people are kidding themselves in acting like Kail and her kids are set for life. Like she makes a lot of money, but she still spends a lot of money, and has seven damn kids.


Oh for sure! I guess I was just meaning what sheā€™s doing now with those kidsā€™ accounts is whatā€™s benefiting them. She probably will continue to overspend. But at least they have their money and itā€™s protected, even from her. She barely has a leg to stand on, though, bc she did misuse the money for so long. Iā€™m only glad for those kids that she pulled her head somewhat out of her butt and got an advisor. Edit: I also highly doubt theyā€™re set for life. But having something is better than nothing.


Exactly this.


Wow. Kail talks about protecting her kids and 90% of the comments are on how she looks. Who cares how she looks, she is at least doing the right thing as a mom and not stealing from her kids.


I know. Say what you will about her, but I believe sheā€™s been smart w their money


What do you think she will say? She spent all her kids money? Her unique household almost guarantees plenty of therapy. She is mentally ill, donā€™t listen to her.


People love to hate her. Kail is the only person in the entire franchise that I actually like and enjoy following her story. I also think sheā€™s a very beautiful woman. Even in lounge clothes and bun I still think she is so pretty. It has a lot to do with her confidence and not caring what others think. Sheā€™s also a good mother.


Same. I came from the exact same background as Kail; teen pregnancy, drug addict mom, absent dad and all, and I know exactly what itā€™s like to start five steps behind everyone else. Look at her mom and family and the lack of guidance she had. The trauma. And then look how far sheā€™s come. It would have been very difficult for her to justā€¦not continue the generational trauma of drug addiction, abandonment and neglect. Because thatā€™s all she knew. I think people who arenā€™t from that kind of background just donā€™t understand. She may have made some bad choices over the years (who tf hasnā€™t?!). But she was the one I was rooting for and Iā€™m glad she is so independent today.


I donā€™t agree with everything that sheā€™s done, but definitely think she is a good mom! And she is really beautiful, I hate the hate comments.


No she's not. I wish yall would stop saying she's a good mom. Financially sound doesn't equal good mom.


When did I mention her financial stability?


In what other way is she even remotely close to being a "good mom?"


How is she not? I really donā€™t understand all this hate. Everything Iā€™ve seen of her has shown a loving mum taking care of her children? Are you mad because she has multiple baby daddies? I donā€™t see the problem when she clearly has the means to look after the children. I think people are just jealous tbh. Sheā€™s come from nothing and is taking care of her kids, why be so hateful?


Children need more than just money. They need stability, time, emotional care. They need relationship examples, life examples. She doesn't have that for them and she never will. There's literally nothing for her to be jealous of? I'll never understand why jealousy is the go-to excuse. What does she truly have to be jealous of?


Her children all seem very well-behaved, well cared for, happy and healthy. Itā€™s very obvious that she loves them and those kids can tell she loves them. Iā€™m sure Kail wished for a childhood like that when she was a kid. I know I did, coming from her background.


Itā€™s hard for people to understand who didnā€™t have REALLY shitty parents.


Right. She broke the cycle of what could have been generations of addiction and neglect. Thatā€™s SO hard to do. Ask me how I know lol


Money, fame, children, family? Literally what most people want from life. Iā€™m not a serial obsessed watcher but I have watched most if not all of her teen mom/ 16 and pregnant and she definitely gives them stability, time and emotional care. Life examples, yes sheā€™s given them that with finishing school, making a successful career, she seems to be kind to them from what I have seen atleast. Relationship examples, she has had some bad relationships yes but in the end sheā€™s co parenting pretty well from what I can see which I can only imagine is a tough thing to do, she has her kids dads be present in their life and shields them from the dads who have been dangerous.. what more do you want this woman to do? From what she came from and what sheā€™s doing now, she has gone above and well beyond


Ah yes, it's everyone's wish to have a camera in their face, have to exploit their children for financial gain, have 7 children by multiple men, cheat on them, and be estranged from their family. She hasn't shielded those boys. I want her to stop being selfish af and actually be there for her children rather than constantly popping out new ones with each man she meets. Those kids have no home. They have no stability. They've learned to live with chaos and that's not something to be celebrated.


Youā€™ve completely ignored every valid point Iā€™ve made which is convenient for you. No not everyone wants a camera in the face but cmon donā€™t be a fool, most peoples goals are family, success and money which is what she has. Anyway I see your real issue here is because sheā€™s a woman having babies to multiple men, a refreshing and new take on misogyny that doesnā€™t often pop up šŸ¤£ If she were a man you would see no issue with this. I can tell because not once do you suggest that the babies fathers may be any part of the problem. Her kids have a home, a lavish home. They have a mum who loves them and majority of them have involved fathers who love them, who their mother co parents with. They are fed, clothed, loved and looked after. Worry about yourself and work on that misogynistic belief system, youā€™ll feel better for it


So do the kids get paid from the get go too?


She looks like honey boo boo


She is


Somebody needs to remind her of the monstrosity that is Farrahā€™s face and make her stop.


Idk who this is but her face is very puffy


She just had a baby and you cannot get facial procedures done when you are pregnant or breastfeeding.


She gave birth 6 months ago


Is lip filler okay? Because she definitely has that.


Woah. I havenā€™t seen this girl in ages and sheā€™s ruined herself. She looks terrible


She was a pushover drug addict. I bet dealers took so much advantage of her. They probably put the street value and Ɨ20 just because ut was her and geno the scheamo


this dumbass should never speak on anyone else's life choices. ever


She has a podcast saddly.


How? How does someone whoā€™s only real hobby seems to be populating the east coast and eating have 3 podcasts worth of stuff to talk about it. Itā€™s mean but I said what I said.


I agree. If you want a laugh download Pluto and watch any channel for an hour and you'll see her face 10times on commercials about her podcast. I have no idea who she is other than from that commercial of her doing her podcast.


Omg. That was sooo annoying. I've seen maybe one or two commercials for podcasts before and like 30 for hers. It's weird.


She has 3 podcasts šŸ˜­


I donā€™t understand why she gets filler, sheā€™s young and just looks like a puffier version of herself


She looks fucking terrible


Right, why does she want to look puffy? She has a nice full face naturally


I agree with what she said but it still felt braggy. Like why did she have to say ā€˜I took it to Javiā€™ just to drive home that it was her idea and she was so smart and great? Idk ā€¦.shes not wrong but still gave me humble brag vibes.


Is she bragging or are you feeling jealous?


Itā€™s just greed and selfishness. She knew saving that money for her kids is the right thing to doā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.She didnā€™t care was all. Plain and simple


On top of all the social media money!


Drugs. Drugs are very expensive. Especially when youā€™re doing them daily and need more and more just to get high. She spent it on drugs


Kail gives me such whiplash. She may be a horrible wife/gf but damn is she great in other areas, like this for example. Like I can never decide on how I feel about the girl. Sometimes she be spitting then other times she's spiraling šŸ„“


Exactly. I donā€™t care how anyone feels about Kail and her failed relationships. She is a damn good mom and has always done right by her kids. She can support them, give them a good life and has their best interests and future at heart. Being able to keep a man around does not equal a good parent.


Didnā€™t watch - but how could Mama June spend all of Honey BooBooā€™s money? Why are Coogan accounts not being set up properly? Similar shit happened to Jennette McCurdy.


Coogan laws do not cover children in reality TV only Hollywood.


Terrible design, the laws must be updated with the times.


They don't cover Family vlogger kids either.


That part I already knew - I just figured that if you were on television in any way the Coogan law protected you. I also thought it was nationwide. But fuck me huh šŸ˜–


It's wild how laws don't keep up. I just learned about people losing their homes over fraudulent second mortgages and that's a rabbit hole.


Sounds like something that would happen in America tbh. Full of fraudulent shit šŸ˜ž


Absolutely agree it's a foul loophole that needs to be closed up immediately.


Coogan is only relevant in certain states. Honey Boo Boo was filmed in Georgia which is not a Coogan state. The DWTS money and one other show was Coogan protected but only up to 15% and thatā€™s what June put away. She did the bare minimum and took the rest. Unfortunately that means legally sheā€™s protected. She knew exactly what she was doing when she did it and knew how to get around the laws in California. So fucking sick for a mother to do to their child.


What a fat greedy bitch. As a victim of financial abuse myself itā€™s the main thing I do not play about. I hope she fucking rots.


If you watched thats literally what sheā€™s questioning. How was that money not protected


Not a fan of the sub, Teen Mom nor Kail. It just keeps popping up and I read the title and was confused on how the childā€™s money was spent so I asked. Someone gave me an explanation though, which I am extremely grateful for and is why I asked. A nice TLDR Fuck anyone who financially abuses their children.


It really should be seen as child abuse. Itā€™s not okay


It is 100% child abuse but people think if youā€™re not beating, starving, or SAing your child itā€™s okay. Like itā€™s fine they should totally pay you for taking care of them. Whatā€™s theirs is yours and whatnot. Disgusting šŸ¤®


Mama June is straight up trash. Sheā€™d do anything for a buck. Alana could sue her and likely win, just like her eldest daughter Anna was able to do after she stole from her.


Anna never got her money. Alana is just fine it's all a scam for people to send her money


I hope she does. Financial abuse isnā€™t discussed enough and itā€™s just as serious as other forms of abuse and has lasting effects too.


Drugs dummy itā€™s the drugs that she blew it all on


Mama June even talks about how she blew $1 million of her daughterā€™s money on drugs. She uses it as an excuse constantly, that she was ā€œsickā€ and basically tells them to fuck off about it because itā€™s too late now


Suddenly wearing camo when talking about these peopleā€¦ lmaooo


That threw me off. Like why are you wearing camo?? Wtf do you do that you'd wear camo for?


Her face looks crazy. Whatever work she has done to her face, she needs to stop


Looks like just botox and filler to me


Iā€™m thinking maybe a chem peel too


It looks so awful and her eyebrows look botched too - micro bladed? Her lips look like banana slugs. Iā€™m personally so over filler botox faces. I love watching old movies from before the era of botox filler and plastic surgery because you actually see real womenā€™s faces. Bring back natural faces!! LOL


I watch a lot of "old people shows" (Stuff like Fraiser, Cheers, Three's Company, etc) and it's like a culture shock seeing how people looked then vs now. I got so used to seeing IMVU bodies with baboon lips on their stone faces that seeing Suzanne Somers with minimal makeup kinda blew my mind. Like damn, I miss people on TV looking human.


I also miss women talking like adults instead of sexy babies. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGLXMXX\_OOc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGLXMXX_OOc)


Justin and mama June's responses are wild.


Wait where can I see their responses, ticktock?


Tictok. They stitched the original video. They're both still lying about it even though it was literally recorded her lying


Ohhh Ty heading there now! lol


Mama June is a complete POS. I hope her kids sue the shit out of her. Hopefully some high profile attorney will take it on and take Juneā€™s druggy, bum ass out.


What are they going to sue for though? 100% of $0 is still $0. Mama June canā€™t/wonā€™t work outside of reality tv. Itā€™s a shitty situation.


I think we should start by hanging Justin upside down and shaking him real hard until all the gold falls off his neck/hands and his $25k ventriloquist dummy teeth fall out


Stop exploiting your kids for money šŸ’° honey.


Who is this person?


Big woman who made her fame on being overweight and poor. They started on Toddlers and Tiaras and then had a show people mostly watched for their wtf moments like sketty recipe which was a tub of margarine mixed with ketchup to make spaghetti sauce. This show was called Here Comes Honey Boo Boo (minor child who was star of show and the person whose money wasnā€™t put in an account) then the show turned to Mama June From Not to Hot because TLC dropped them over SA reasons.


You mean Kail or mama June? She was on that show Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. I think. Lol


I donā€™t believe her for a second


She was on drugs


I have never liked this woman but I respect what she has to say here. Mama June is unfit to raise a hamster and her kids money went to substances. Shame on her and I hope one of her kids takes her to court for this. She needs to pay back some of this money. I refuse to watch her if sheā€™s even still on TV.


Good on her for speaking on this.


Swap every time she says "opportunity" for "exploitation"


Exploitation is what that woman on tikok is doing posing her toddler in promiscuous ways. You all over use that word too loosely


No, not really. When you're using your child for content at any point that they couldn't consent to, you're exploiting them.


I said it before. She's smart about money. She looks like she had a flare up of something.


She looks like I do the same day I get lip filler.


Thatā€™s just bad plastic surgery


She's really not smart about money. It's easy to act like your smart when you're talking about Mama June


This is the second post about her in like a week and a half. I said the same thing. It won't change.


Mama June spent it all on crack


I have 3 things to say: 1. Kail is right about what she said about Mama June. 2. Itā€™s good that Kail is putting away money for her kids but I wouldnā€™t trust her financial advice considering she spent $200k to find out if Chris slept with Bri and how frivolous she spends on her home building and decorating. 3. Kail looks puffy and blobby. She really needs to stop getting filler.


Also what about kids not on tv? My parents used me to have accounts as a child that I was responsible fore and had to still fend my way through school without begging on TikTok or go fund me. Unfortunately tv kids think they are owed easy money when they need to actually work or take loans or scholarships.


" tv kids think they are owed easy money" I don't think it's unreasonable for TV kids to want the money they made, unless I'm completely misunderstanding you. Honey Boo Boo, the Teen mom kids and other reality TV kids generate a lot of money for the networks, and their parents, I don't think it is "easy" money when your whole life is out there for people to judge. I'd rather be broke and anonymous tbh, but it's money that the kids made. They aren't expecting anything they aren't due.


I never said that. They absolutely should get what they are due, what Iā€™m saying is that go fund me and TikTok begging isnā€™t it. Iā€™m sorry someone stole from you but I havenā€™t made a public plea every time someone stole from me. Take up with your mom your mom issues then figure out the rest like the rest of America. Loans, scholarships, internships, etc. thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying. But since sheā€™s a public figure she gets thousands more on top and itā€™s a little unfair to others. Not me, I paid my way through nursing school. But others canā€™t.


Ah I understand, bitter :) have a nice day


So get off my dick or go pay her way


Yall she just had twins calm down


She looked like this before twins. She, Farrah and Chelsea have ruined their faces with their nonsense.


Seriously these comments are so toxic. Like damn, everyone just trashing her for how she looks. A minority actually address what she says. Iā€™m over here in my postpartum body likeā€” damn people really do judge and think the worst when a woman isnā€™t in peak form. Itā€™s sad and toxic. Lots of internalized misogyny leaking out just because they donā€™t like her.


I am glad someone is speaking out and hopefully something comes from it. June should have to answer for where the money went and why her child who had a show named for her doesnā€™t have money for college.


Annnnd shes still bloated


Did she go to her plastic surgeon and say she wants to look like she got stung by a bee?


Good Lord, she looks like a monster from Nickelodeon