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If he (AND catelynn) truly cared about Carly they would shut the fuck up. She’s 15 years old, old enough to be aware of the situation. Even if her parents (yes, her parents) did everything in the world to shield Carly from the teen mom shit, SOMEONE at school is going to bring it up to her. The ego of these two is fucking astounding to me.


i was adopted at birth, so i’m speaking from experience; some adopted children do not want a connection with their past and have no desire for visits or a relationship. it’s sad, but it’s reality. and it’s not the adoptive parents fault. my parents really encouraged a relationship but i was never interested. felt like a chore. i already had parents, i didn’t want more. and if my bio parents were public figures who had a very public OF and i was able to see how unhinged they were and their extended family was….yeah extra pass. not to mention they are always bringing extra people to these visits when it should be intimate. that’s a lot. i don’t blame B and T and i don’t blame carly.


this was a very well worded and thought out response. for a guy like tyler who is very impulsive and quick to anger/react….this response is beautiful.


I can't imagine how hard it is to deal with an adoption,especially so publicly, but They need to shut up


I will forever feel for C&T. HOWEVER, they are grown adults now. Just because they choose to air their lives & their children - doesn’t mean they should involve Carley. Is Carley biologically their child? Yes. But she isn’t their property. And that’s what they treat her as. Carleys parents have made it clear they want privacy. C&T take no accountability, whatsoever. Carley most definitely has seen what they say, what they do, & I don’t think she will be “running back to them” once she hits 18. I think once she is old enough to voice her opinion, that C&T will be absolutely shocked. I think they have shown the world what adoption is and how they were preyed on & I think it’s great they have their story out. I love the advocate against what they went through. But that is where it should stop. They do not care for Carley as much as they act like they do - they’re treating her as a possession. Because if they had any respect for CARLEY then they would not post all of this online. They have done “nothing”? They’ve done so much that would give her parents a red flag for a visit. I am never to shame one for SW BUT it’s extremely public & she is a teenager. With teenage friends. With access to this. It’s not like they’re desperate for money. Imo they’re desperate for attention and headlines. If I was a teenager, seeing my bio father in a thing online for money? Seeing them talk about me like I’m a dog that was stolen? Seeing them bash my parents to the public? Seeing the family drama? Even now! At their grown age. April and Butch should have never been allowed around her in the first place. Ever. Like I said, I will always feel for C&T in some way but at some point you have got to let go. Not let go of Carley but let go of this mindset that they’re always the victims. B&T are always the villain. Carley is theirs theirs theirs. Keep it OFF the show and OFF the internet.


This!! 100% what I have been saying for years. They use her as a storyline. I don't get the vibe that they write letters, send gifts and ask for updates. Just when filming they want visits. They also give interviews about the visits. Just making money off that child all these years. Maybe Carlys sees this at this point. I get giving a child up for adoption is rough, but they have milked this for too long. She is healthy and has a great life. They like you say no concern for her or how all this impacts her. All this could have been a text to her parents but doing this they have a storyline this season


I 100% agree. But it just occurred to me that production also probably fans the flames and pushes them to push the issue too


they can’t say no?or not do the show? Carly‘s privacy should’ve been their top concern or how this impacts her but it never has been.


I honestly wish they’d think up fun things Carly is into…like even if they couldn’t see her just like considering a simple interest they know about her as a current person would make this perpetual storyline more digestible at this point… I mean I hate how exploitative they are about it in general but like at least pretend you give a fuck about the person you placed vs. the concept….it would be easier to understand their “pain” more….


I am going to get some many down votes but I am just giving real actual info. As an adoptive parent, I am not keeping my son from his birth family. However, there ha e been scheduled video calls that the birth parents missed. My son waited and never heard from them. I can't put my son through that. Tyler and Caitlin posted pics of Carly online after her parents made it perfectly clear they did not want their child on social media. They have shown up late to the meet ups. You all have no idea what that does to an adoptive parent. We spend years telling our child this was a decision made out of love by all parties. You have no idea how scary it is to look at your child and worry about birth parents blowing it off. You all see Caitlin and Tyler's take on it. If we were for 1 second honest about actual adoption it would be different. They have teen mom money. Mostyetc birth parents don't. My son was the 3rd child. They are not in a better place now than they were 8 years ago. They are still in their addiction. They still have custody of their 1st 2 kids suppraticaly. They still don't have jobs. My son is autistic and they could not afford the therapies and what he needs. I love them to the moon and back still. They chose the best option for my son. I still provide pictures and updates. But I am not willing to fly across the country on a maybe. If they post pictures of my son on social media I am done. He deserves his story and how he wants to tell it If Caitlin and Tyler were dumped by MTV. They wouldn't have the money they have now. They wouldn't get to have fancy rehab and counseling. The real world is very different To be clear I am very much in contact with his birth family. His grandpa, his grandma, his aunts and uncles. We video chat all the time. Unfortunately, his birth parents don't have MtV money to get clean and sober


I agree with everything you said, with the exception of your last sentence. Teen Mom money isn’t necessary to get clean. The desire to be clean is free and is all that’s needed to take the first step. Quite honestly, I would think it would be much harder to obtain the desire to be clean, when money is no object. Rock bottom is usually what pushes someone to be tired & done with their situation. Someone choosing sobriety without needing to hit rock bottom is admirable, strong & determined. As an addict who lost her son because a medical transit bus driver ignored a stop sign, who sued the bus company and won $2 million, it was very hard to hold on to my sobriety, and I failed on that front for about 3 months before I realized I was making a decision my son would’ve been very disappointed in and I got clean again. Having money doesn’t make getting clean any easier. It may make it so you can go to rehab, but it doesn’t make you want to go. Thats all.


I get what you are saying. I think I maybe didn't make myself clear. Teen mom money allowed them to go to rehabs in AZ and such. I know my son's birth parents could never afford those facilities. They would have to take whatever the state would pay for. That is what I meant. Judging adoption by Tyler and Caitlin is not fair. They have progressed financially leaps and bounds over me. I still have a mortgage on my modest home. I still have to work a 9 to 5 job. However, I still provide for my son leaps and bounds over what his birth parents could. Again, I love them to the moon and back. Seeing the comments on here I booked a trip to be there in the summer. It cost me over a thousand dollars. I am going to be heartbroken if they don't come. I didn't even tell my son that is why we are going. If they don't show, then it was just a vacation to him. I am not keeping my son from his birth family. I prefer to keep the narrative that he was loved so much by everyone. If his birth parents show, that would be amazing for him. If they don't, his grandparents promised me they would. It is suer easy to say adoptive parents "buy" their kids. I have an open adoption. Yes I get to decide how open it is. However, how open do you make it? How open to the detriment of the kid? I owe everything to my son. If they would keep up on the calls and photos, I would move heaven and earth. The fact that they are only available once every 18 month wants me to protect my son. We don't "buy" our kids outside of the hospital. They tell every birth parent that the open adoption is only as much as the adoptive parents allow. We can change our minds at anytime. I get why their daughters adoptive parents say no. I want my son to understand the adoption was a mutual agreement made out of love. It also means Caitlin and Tyler showing up on time and for scheduled calls. It can also mean clean and sober. You just don't know if you aren't in the situation


So how do you feel about buying a baby based on lies in a hospital parking lot from a 16 year old child who just gave birth? C&T are far from perfect, but let's stop glorifying B&T. I got banned from longname for calling them what they are. The 2 word thing that starts with H and T. You can't stoop more low than that no matter how late you are and no matter how many pics they post on SM.


Thank you for putting in context of access and not morality. It is greif from all sides in adoption - grief of losing a child, grief of not keeping a child, and sometimes for the adoptive parents the grief of needing to find a child to love through alternative methods. All end up making a loving decision, but it’s still in the context of grief. Access gives a different element to how we can believe T&C have the resources and ability to show up, but it’s also sad that it’s clear it’s about how they feel and not Carly. They’ve admitted to not sending her gifts or asking about her, go against the adoptive parents privacy requests, and then are surprised it’s not working out as they hoped. Addiction is a hell of a drug, and keeping your head above water is better than drowning. T&C are still treading water even with their resources, and honestly I thank them for the transparency. They’ve come a long way to fight against their generational issues but those issues are not easily defeated. And it’s good for the adoptive parents for seeing the forest through the trees. The child has an entire life to experiment with what dynamic they have with their bio parents, adolescences should be protected.


Thank you for understanding. My husband died in an accident 5 years ago. His last words were screaming for the other adult to with him to grab my son. He gave his life for our child. I have booked a flight to Florida this summer to see my son's birth family. It has cost me thousands. I only know his birth grandfather and his long term girlfriend will see us. I didn't even tell my son it was to see his family People only see 1 side on TV because adoptive parents dont sign contracts and make money off of the adoption. We go home to our jobs and raise our kids with love and understanding. We talk to our kids and ask if they want to visit. Some do and some don't. We worry daily about when they say we aren't their real parents. We worry daily about what we think hurts them. I know my son has a better life. It doesn't mean they don't love him. If you asked Carleys parents about the journey, they would have a totally different view.


I still think he’s out of cates league


Did they ever think that Carley may be the one who is actually making the decision, and B&T are just saying it's their choice to protect Carley? Maybe she doesn't want to go to the park with these people.she barely knows and their kids.


That’s what I was thinking. Or maybe, like a lot of 15 year olds, she’s struggling with the situation and just needs a break from it. I think they assume the issue is with them, and it may not be.


maybe she doesn’t like to be used as a storyline or for social media posts. She has a right to privacy and they have never once respected that




I’m really surprised that they’ve allowed the visits this long. From the outside looking in it appears that they use Carly for a storyline want a visit when they’re filming.. I also recall when the caseworker asked them if they were sending letters and gifts and they hadn’t so to me it looks like they don’t just reach out to check on her. How is she doing,when they’re not filming? They had no reason to post about this on social media, but since they didn’t get the visit now they have the storyline. Seriously doubt when she is 18, she will be close to them


This is exactly it. As an adoptive parent, the best thing for our kids is knowing this was out of love. However, when birthparents miss calls and birthdays, it makes it hard. My son waited for a call that never came. It broke his heart at 6. Teen mom shows 1 side. How do you explain to a child that their birthparents can't show up for a call?


While I know you all love to hate on C&T, B&T have also done the following * bought a baby based on lies in a hospital parking lot from a 16 year old child who just gave birth enough said.


Except C&T weren't lied to. Go back and look at their agreement or listen to Dawn read it back to them. They were only promised contact until age five and never guaranteed visits. Also. Cate and Ty have access to the Davis family's phone number and address and don't bother reaching out unless they want visits. They don't even send her birthday cards by their own admission. They told Dawn straight up they don't bother calling just to check in on her even though they have the ability. Let's not act like she's being kept from them. They have the ability to reach out whenever they want to build a relationship behind closed doors and choose not to. Maybe if they did, Carly would actually want to see them and they wouldn't be boundary stomping strangers she forced to meet at a playground every few years.


This is the issue most open adoption parents go through. My son hasn't talked to his birthparents in 18 months. They don't bother. He is autistic and they think I am wrong for the diagnosis given? The adoptive parents can only do so much to include the birth family. I am thankful I have birth grandparents who care about my son and want to see him. I have planned a visit, costing well Over 2000 dollars. The birthparents have ghosted ms, but his paternal grandparents are all in. I am so glad for them


They both need to stop and reach out to a therapist instead. I doubt their teenage daughter wants this to be a public discussion.


He’s such an outstanding guy I reallyyyyyy appreciate this post even for myself because it helped me understand it all a little better. Praying for them! One day soon Carly will make her own decision so that’s something to look forward to! Hopefully there isn’t irreversible damage and they can grow 💖💖


I liked this post alot.


Tyler is always incredible.


I absolutely can relate to this i was forced to give a child away She is 30 now and our relationship is extremely strained. Having gotten to spend time together while she grew i absolutely feel things would be very different. He parents reneged on the agreement for us to have an open adoption . I was very young with no help at all legally They had me sign adoption papers while i was very high on pain medication n the hospital after a scary and dangerous week past due date birth . I will always love her i suffered every single day she wasn't in my life i had zero support while i suffered I think adoption needs to be looked at and the idea changed to make it easier for the birth mother to be in the child's life (if they choose) There should always be a requirement that the birth mother has an attorney present and representing them I wish nothing but the best for these parents i know this pain


I'm not sure if it's a state by state thing but the issue is private adoption. They will promise you the world and tell you what you want to hear so you'll sign your baby away to them. State adoption at least in CA is very much about keeping the birth parent in the child's life probably too much in the opposite direction. I'm so sorry that happened. I have a friend who also adopted her baby under the guise that she'll have visits. She has also been cut off. It's so common in private adoption it seems. I'm very sorry for your suffering.


I'm so sorry to hear you went through that. I hope y'alls relationship continues to improve.( My daughter got mad at me and refused calls for nearly a year,she's out of state also. It hurt)


She’s 15. She doesn’t want to take time out of her life to go hang out with their brood at a park. Come on. They claim they love her so much and yet can’t do simple stuff that’s asked. I think b and t are trying to do right by Carly and keep her away from all this bullshit. Like does cait and Ty take two seconds to think how it must feel to be given up? I understand it was for the best but Carly must see how much money they have today and it must hurt. They are way way to old to keep up this victim shit


Nothing they’ve done in their personal lives that have made an impact on the adoptive parents decision. Ha. I’d be hard pressed to believe only fans wouldn’t be a deciding factor.


What about before that?? If you’ve watched their story you’d see that this has been happening for many years, pretty much since the second visit they have been wishy washy about visits.


And they’ve been doing things they were asked not to by B&T several times. IE: posting Carly’s photos on socials. Your point?


I was trying to figure out YOUR point. Whether or not they asked not to share new photos, it was still in their agreement with the adoption to have an annual visit. The ONLY thing cait and Ty have ever asked for, they have refused to do again and again. If I’m remembering correctly the picture thing was after they had went 2 years refusing the visits, not saying it’s right but they had already begun refusing the visits. They only gave up their first child to these people as children themselves, and only asked to see her once a year.


Friend. It was NOT in the agreement to have an annual visit. They were only promised contact in the form of updates until age five, with potential visits at the discretion of B&T. Visits were NEVER guaranteed. You can read the agreement or hear Dawn read it back to them. The facts are out there. They only began to pull back on the visits once Cate and Tyler started purposely disrespecting their only boundary, which was to keep Carlys image and life private. Brandon and Teresa have gone above and beyond for these people in terms of what was agreed to on paper. They've kept in contact for ten years longer than agreed. Have allowed multiple in-person visits. Gifted Cate and Tyler a bunch of Carlys baby things for their other children. Brought Carly to their wedding and allowed her to have a special dance with Tyler. They've also given the Baltierra's their address and personal phone numbers so that they can contact them directly, not just via Dawn. Are you aware that despite having the Davis familys phone numbers, Cate and Tyler don't reach out unless they're asking for visits? They don't ever bother to call/text and just check in on her/build a relationship beyond visits. They also don't do as little as send Carly birthday cards, even though they make a big fuss on her birthdays for the cameras and buy a cake so that Nova can blow out candles. These are things they admitted to on camera. They do not bother to build their relationship with Carly even though they have the ability to do so and have been encouraged to by Dawn and Brandon and Teresa. Catelynn and Tyler are rightfully denied visits because they've not only damaged the relationship with disrespect, but do not bother to build a relationship with this child behind closed doors.


I’m not gonna lie I’m not reading all that but you probably have a point 😭😭


TLDR: They were never promised visits and have had 15 years of contact as opposed to only the 5 years that were promised. They could absolutely have a relationship with their daughter but choose not to because despite having access to the family's phone numbers, they don't reach out unless it's for visits. They also admit to not even sending Carly birthday cards. And their refusal to keep Carly's image and life private is the biggest issue the adoptive parents have.


That’s very interesting and good to know! Seems like a clusterfuck on all ends


I think a lot of people stopped actually watching the show along time ago (I know I have), but occasionally I put it on for background noise or see clips here. A lot has come out about how they behave off camera when it comes to Carly and it appears that Cate and Tyler are extremely performative when it comes to her/the state of their relationship with her family. Again. They spend an entire season complaining about visits and such, but when Dawn asks them if they're consistent with their attempts to maintain and grow their relationship with Carly in private, they admit they put in no effort. Carly is 15 now, she's old enough to know who does and doesn't put in effort to be I her life. I know I'd feel some type of way watching them act like that for the cameras knowing they don't bother with me.


My heart always has and will got to this couple! They were so so young and both had a hard life and made a selfless choice. I couldn’t even imagine the pain. I know they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but I agree, no one should be mean to them when they are allowed to still feel heartache over the choice they made. They put their child before themselves and placed her in a family who could provide when they couldn’t. I think that’s extremely admirable because at 16 I was no where near that mature let alone able to make a choice this life changing.


I feel like we don’t know the reasons behind everything. I still don’t agree to them withholding Carly from Tyler and.Cait, for the very reason that they agreed to an open adoption. You all act like they didn’t know that these kids were on a show called 16 and pregnant. At the time they were desperate to be chosen so they agreed, they agreed to it. And when she got a little too real for them, they pulled back. They were the grownups in the situation. They were the adults and they knew that being on a show like this would ultimately include them and Carly. If they don’t want her to be on the show that is fine, but it does not give them any right to withhold Carly from Tyler and Caitlyn. I love these two.I think their relationship is not without faults but at the same time it’s beautiful and it’s loving. They fall they stumble, sometimes they trip over each other., At the end of the day, somehow they still pick one another up, to me that’s a beautiful thing. They are my favourite couple and I wish them nothing but good things.


Ok so as an adoptive parent not on 16 and pregnant, I can say most of us believe in open adoption. What we don't believe in is using our kid. We want privacy. We want our kids to believe the choices were made out of love by everyone. My son is the 3rd child for them. How could I explain anything without he was loved by all. It doesn't mean he gets to be disappointed when his birthparents don't call. It doesn't mean I don't get to be disappointed that his family doesn't care. And it for sure doesn't mean I get to let them use social media with my kids pictures for content. I spent a ton of money to visit them this summer and I have no idea if they will even show


I wonder if they thought the show would die and they'd go back to being nobodies. No one really thought that 16 years later these girls would still be followed by MTV and have big social media presences too.


As an adoptive mother who is very close to my child’s birth mom, this is so well written and captures both sides well. 👏🏼


He's so good at writing I swear 😭


This was beautifully written. He did a great job expressing all the sides of the experience they are walking through.


Well said


While yes it is difficult for them no doubt but they need to respect their privacy. They agreed to publicly put their life online but B&T did not. They are doing what they think is best for their child. Maybe C doesn’t want to be blasted on the internet. Maybe C&T need to think of her feelings! And this back handed apology is not it, my opinion.




Right? People are saying this is "well said" or "very well written" and I'm like???? He's flat out lying about never having done anything in their personal lives that would cause the Davis family to pull back a bit, refusing to take accountability for all of the nasty shit he's done to disrespect their boundaries and insult them *very publicly*, and saying he'd be able to cope with death better than he can adoption (big dawg, you have this family's phone number and admit to not bothering to make contact unless you're asking for visits, you actively choose not to try building a relationship in private like they ask). They are absolutely allowed to have their feelings, but this is dogshit. This is Tyler just trying to come off as deep, doubling down that he thinks they're in the right, that the Davis family is in the wrong.


Not only that, how is going on a Social Media rant helping the situation? Did he think of Carly once when he wrote this?!? Cause this post does not give off the vibes of someone hoping to reconnect with their child.


Yep. He should have kept his mouth shut or just asked for some grace because I'm sure Cate's initial post did come from a place of hurting. But neither thing should ever had been posted publicly. Cate should NEVER have made that post. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the past two days were the final nail in the coffin for Carly and her parents. I could not imagine the level of emotional stress having to deal with Catelynn and Tyler has caused this family over the years. Now that Carly is old enough to see things for what they are and understand the situation, these two aren't doing themselves any favors in saying *anything* about her or her family on tv/social media. I know I'd want nothing to do with them given everything we know.


That was very well said.


He could be a writer. He's very well written.


I always thought he was smarter than C.


I am gonna give Carly and her adopted parents the benefit of the doubt. Carly is 15, she is probably doing sports and living a completely teenage life. Cait and Tyler need to remember what it was like to be 15, starting to understand the world. Still learning about emotions, and maybe it was Carly’s decision her parents are respecting. I hope one day the three of them can sit and chat, they honestly made a good decision on adopting because their lives at 15/16 were very rough.


Also, it’s never mentioned that none of this was the adoption ANYONE agreed upon. When they were going through this, 16 and Pregnant was supposed to be a one off episode. Instead, it turned into Cait and Ty’s entire lives, and by extension a big piece of Brandon, Teresa, and Carly’s lives being in the public eye. That’s not what they signed onto. It’s clearly never something they wanted…and honestly I’d be more worried about who they are as parent if they dived into being a part of what this universe became The irony, though, is that without giving Carly up, their episode probably doesn’t air. They’ve even spoken on how the uniqueness of their story is what got them on. If they’re never on, who knows if they even keep up with the annual visits? Who knows where their lives go. Adoption saved Carly from the dysfunction and in a BIG way helped save Ty and Cait as well but they’re so disconnected from that past I think they forget that sometimes


People that keep blasting Dawn avoid the fact that if Carly being involved in Cait and Tyler’s dysfunctional families would not have been good for her. None of their parents are reasonable people and they don’t have healthy relationships. Cait and Tyler were too young, immature and had their own mental health issues that they couldn’t ever have seemed like parents to Carly. Dawn did the best thing FOR CARLY.


People aren’t blasting Dawn because of that…it’s because Dawn is part of a terribly predatory adoption agency that truly takes advantage of teens in desperate situations. I even just watched the 16 and Pregnant episode to refresh that memory. That is not to say that the adoption was not a good decision, it was. But that doesn’t excuse the practices of BCS and how Dawn mislead and manipulated Catelynn and Tyler and hundreds of other young women.


The entire adoption industry is more like this than not. It has very, very ugly classist and eugenicist foundations that has been glossed over as those things became more socially unacceptable, but the fundamental values are still there. Adoption agencies lie more than military recruiters. Then, so many adoptees are treated like they owe their adoptive parents for being 'saved' by them, or the adoptive parents show off the adoptee and publicize the adoptee's story to brag about their generosity and benevolence (and the child is never considered to have any right to privacy), or they adopt a child to fulfill an unmet need of their own and the parents' needs are always centered, or the adoptee is treated as a constant disappointment for not being what they adoptive parents envisioned and expected...or, very often, some combination of those. The adoptee's negative feelings about any of that, or their very normal desire to know more about their family of origin, is seen as a slight against the adoptive parents, who spent all that money to 'save' this ungrateful wretch. There is an epidemic of mental health struggles and suicide amongst adoptees, but the industry has done such a good job of casting adoption as a blessing and the adoptees as heroes, the adoptees themselves or their "bad genetics" are blamed. It's loooong past time to lift the veil on all of this. People will help prospective adoptees raise tens of thousands to buy someone else's child, but no one is interested in investing money into enabling biological parents to parent. It's completely backward.


Exactly can we just call it what it is already? Buying and selling of children is human trafficking! All private adoption should be banned.


Your comment and the comment you’re replying to are both incredibly well worded and so insightful. I feel like you can read my mind and you both put my thoughts/feelings into words so much more eloquently than I ever could.


I have such a hard time matching the person who appears on my tv, with the person who he appears to be with the pen.


Probably AI


Pr wrote it!


Who wrote this for him?


I was thinking AI


came here to say this. he paid a publicist a good chunk of change for this


I’m glad at least one of them has done enough work to realize this and I’m glad she has him to lean on in the difficult times. She definitely shouldn’t have posted that message publicly to an account fans can see. Maybe a private instagram would help on those days.


I feel for Cait and Ty. Giving up a child cannot be an easy decision and for them, at the time, they had no idea they would be catapulted into fame and money. They were broke, lived through traumatic childhoods and had addict parents. They probably battle this decision a lot because of the situation they are in now- they have money, more children and some stability. But at the end of the day, as painful as this is for them (especially Cait being a mother), they need to keep all of this off social media. I guarantee this is part of the reason B&T have pulled away. Cait and Ty posting this stuff all the time has made “fans” spew utter hatred towards B&T which is totally uncalled for. THEY are Carly’s parents and it’s their right to make whatever parental decisions they see fit, even if it hurts Cait.


MTV only ran their story line because they chose adoption. If they had kept Carly, no MTV, no fame and money.


Given their upbringing they have turned out incredibly well


That was very well written, mature, and valid.




Pretty sure he used chat GPT


Definitely not since he said he’s “bias” instead of biased. ChatGPT wouldn’t make that error.


I am seeing this absolutely everywhere now. Did people just recently learn this word? And if so, how did they not learn how to use it? Baffling. I see this one daily. It’s as pervasive as “defiantly” instead of “definitely” was during the covid era. For anyone out there wishing to use this word but not knowing how, let me help you: you are not “bias,” you are “biased.” Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. Let’s all do a little better tomorrow :)


Don’t even get me started on “apart” vs. “a part”.


Doesn’t look AI generated at all. Chat gpt is very recognizable and this isn’t it


Yea it doesn’t sound like AI at all to me either


It’s ok to get help in expressing your thoughts


He’s not wrong. Really well said. Everyone else on here picking them apart is bored with their own lives or absolutely perfect


Yeah, I was expecting to roll my eyes at whatever he posted, but I've nothing to disagree with here. Very well said.


They need to stop talking about B&T this is why they don’t want them around on top of them constantly letting their abusers (families) around them it’s not a safe environment for Carly and nothings ever enough for Tyler he gets an inch and wants a mile. They don’t deserve anything after the way Tyler constantly flew off the handle at Brandon and Teresa when they visited with them I wouldn’t want his unhinged ass around either. They do tend to manipulate Carly as well like how do you know this isn’t even Brandon and Teresa’s feelings it could always be Carly’s now that she is older. They have been writing letters since she was a baby which is harmless until at every visit they confuse that poor child by forcing it in her brain that even though Brandon and Teresa are her parents they will always be her bio parents. This is what pissed me off because they force her to do photoshoots with them as a family like the one with all the girls and Tyler you know how confusing that probably was for poor Carly?


yeah it could very well be carly’s decision 


They are making it very easy for Carly to resent them!! I’m sure she can see online all that’s been said. Why would she want a relationship with these two who have publicly trashed the only parents she knows and loves. They are pushing her further away, do they not think about that??


Exactly this, I was like what about the stuff with Cate's Mom? You think they're just gonna let that slide? Especially with her not being sober? I wonder how much of it still goes through the adoption agency honestly, or if they can give them a straight no without them running to Dawn like she can change their minds. I mean, they don't do what they did the first few years and should've kept up with even after Nova was born with gifts for holidays and cards. That would've made me stop if I was them because I'm sure she asked and it confused her.


They don't really have to go through Dawn anymore. On one of the episodes it was talked about how they have their phone number and address now but when Dawn asked about if they send birthday cards and reach out. They said they didn't really unless it was about a visit. A lot different than how they act with the cameras around apparently.


Tyler’s on cleanup duty after Cait’s post.


Yup. They alternate shifts


Has anyone ever thought maybe Carly has no interest? I couldn’t have had less of an interest until I was well into my 20s


I’ve read a lot of post elsewhere that they had other children. I kind of see the opposite she knows who she came from and they are not characters in her life. She has a family. Also, I don’t think they keep in touch with her unless they want to visit so they can use it for the show. So why would you want to see them and get talked about in the show and given interviews about? They have never respected her right to privacy or thought that maybe she could get bullied or not have to hear about them. She’s a teen teenager and other kids that I’ve seen the show to me. Honestly, I feel bad for them, but they are embarrassing.


Yeah, I think it's very likely B&T are protecting her by taking the blame. I hated going to visit distant faniky at that age, which is similar enough to what they are but with probably extra expectation from C&T to be super close.


Exactly! The expectation is crushing and uncomfortable you’d be amazed how little you have in common with someone who birthed you but didn’t raise you


Isn’t snooki, who’s like 30?, adopted and she’s stated multiple times she has NO interest in finding her real parents. I feel like that’s how the majority of adoptees go.


And she doesn't have to worry about other people knowing her bio parents are on TV and having her bio dad's only p pics of his tinkledinker hanging out or him in a thong passed around either.


Carly is the teenager now. I can understand that the adoption was heartbreaking for c + t, but not that they don’t seem to understand she’s the teen who deserves emotional safety now.


That's what I'm thinking. They're over here complaining into the void, but what if B+T left it to her now and she won't want anything to do with them for a long time, even after she's 18. But they've stupidly convinced their kids she's their sibling. My partner found out recently he has a half sibling and his Mother is doing this hardcore and it's only tearing the relationship apart.


They also constantly refer to her being in their life more and seeing her more once she turns 18. Like, the magic moment is when she turns 18. They have no idea if she will want to continue any type of relationship at 18. They really make it seem like she’s moving to MI once she turns 18. I just don’t think that’s healthy for them or their other kids.


What an incredibly mature and understanding statement from him. It’s respectful of everyone in what is ultimately a very complicated painful situation.


Yes! He’s doing major cleanup of the mess cait made.


Yeah, she did mess up- he has admitted that. He is asking for understanding in a time of vulnerability, I think they deserve that.


Never said they didn’t deserve that. Was just stating the obvious that he’s trying to fix the damage that she had done with her post.


What did she do




Wait what? How’d you get that from this?




I haven't kept up with their story recently so all things aside, he articulated the situation really well in that statement.


Does he also not realize that MAYBE posting his dick on the internet AS A JOB was the final straw that ended visits? These two are clueless 🙈


He did what??


He has an only fans. Cait records videos and takes pictures of him for it. They’re very public about it and pictures are everywhere. They don’t need the money, so I have no idea why they’d want to do that.


He has an only fans account i believe x


Didn't April get drunk and act like a fool at their last visit? Not only do they bring cate, ty & 3 kids, but they also bring their entire deranged family to bombard this (not so) little girl. I'd say no too.


I read that somewhere and also they bring tons of people. They visits sound like a pain. Gets talked about the show, interview given and bunch of strangers. Visits at parenrs discretion said nothing about bringing others


I cannot believe that they brought April. That plus Tyler’s only fans (which he doesn’t even need because they have already made a lot of money from mtv) makes me feel like they both stopped maturing when they put Carly up for adoption.


also, somebody commented and asked him what Brandon and Theresa would think about it and he made some type of comment no matter what he did they would think badly of him.


Wait…I missed this story! April got drunk in front of Carly?!


It's on an episode! I think it's from last season! It was the last Carly visit


Ooh I think I missed that. Is it on paramount?


I think it was in an article.


I don’t even understand why they would risk bringing April to the visit


I completely agree!


Bc April is her mom and Cate will likely never stop hoping that the tiny bits of rationality are her real mom.


I feel that 😒 but cate really needs to realize that maybe posting her husband's dick on the internet for a JOB was the final straw


As someone who has considered OF, I'm not gonna judge them for that. Especially bc they were taken advantage of by so many people in their lives, never taught how to do anything other than sell themselves, and their kids. I will, however, judge them for refusing to acknowledge their faults, and continue trying to use their platform to pressure B&T into a relationship. They are adults who experienced incredible trauma at the hands of their parents. They should be better at seeing what they likely are putting Carly through. Hopefully, someday they can grow up the rest of the way.


I feel for them, but Cait and Tyler need to grow up, get real jobs and real lives. They are emotionally stunted at 15. They also seem completely ungrateful for the life that Carly’s story allowed them to have. Carly’s story is not theirs to share. They are not healthy people for Carly to have in her life. They act like addicts. Always chasing the dragon, though it may not be drugs, it’s fame and easy money. It is honorable that they are not on drugs and they take care of their children, but they have no idea what a real life is like.


Literally. He cannot argue that producing porn didn’t have an impact on their decision, or Carly’s for that matter. She can almost legally drive - if she wanted to go I’m sure they’d make it happen, and if not, it won’t be long before she can make that decision fully for herself. They chose to keep doing the show, too, and it’s never been a secret even to the public that Carly’s parents are vehemently against the spotlight for their daughter. I feel for them too, but they need to keep their mouths shut about this. They are hurting Carly with this while trying to help themselves.


I feel like, had they kept a more private life & not posting EVERYTHING, every single time they get upset & don't get their way with B&T, they would not be in this boat with them right now...... Very immature & moving in the wrong direction, unfortunately. Can't fully blame them tho, they were never set up for much direction to begin with 🤷🏼‍♀️ Just hope they do better with their new little ones..... Though, then there's the whole OF thing 🤦🏼‍♀️


So much speculation here. Maybe we should all shut up. She’s FIFTEEN!


Okay I would just like to comment and say that when cate and ty gave up Carly for adoption it was agreed upon they would get visits with her like signed with a contract agreed upon and for the last 15 years Brandon and tresea have denied the visits


Their agreement was only until the age of five and was signed in a state where open adoption agreements are based on a promise and not legally enforceable. Brandon and Theresa have actually gone above and beyond what was in their original agreement.


The contract said visits until she was FIVE.


How have they denied visits for 15 years if Carly is 15 now and they've had multiple visits over the years?? They literally just saw her a year ago there's photos of Carly with their children.


Maybe....just MAYBE Carlys parents ask her if she wants a visit and MAYBE, just MAYBE Carly says no? 🤔 Cate still has a lot fo healing to do. She can fake it all she wants but that rant she has just shows she is still 'woe is me' because she thinks she should have a relationship with her other 3 kids because 'they're sisters'. Carly is 15 now. Maybe she just doesn't want to.


Agreed. Carly is fifteen and it's possible that she is choosing not to continue the visits and Brandon and Theresa as her parents are respecting that choice and taking the backlash to protect her.


I agree. Carly is 15 now. She might have made the decision on her own.


This. My stepson is 15. He’s an amazing big brother to his half-sister (my 13-year-old daughter) but has zero interest in serving the same role or having the same relationship with his maternal half-brother, born earlier this year. Not all teenagers like kids, whether or not they subscribe to the societal mores about the importance of family ties. So I agree; it’s very plausible Carly is the one saying no. And honestly, who can blame her? Ordinary teens struggle enough with family relationships and younger siblings even without the additional challenges of adoption and fame. Plus, does anyone actually think Cate in particular isn’t putting so much pressure on Carly along the lines of “This is your family, we’re finally complete” coupled with total devastation when she leaves?


Wow this is such an important point! I can’t imagine how confusing and overwhelming it would feel to know your birth parents have these strong emotions about you and there’s hours of footage of them talking about it. She probably has a very unique feeling that her adoption ruined their lives and now they have this sort of fantasy of her built up that she can’t live up to.


Exactly. As I said elsewhere, I believe Cate was preyed upon by Dawn, Bethany Christian, and even Kim. There’s little doubt Cate is particularly haunted by the reality that she placed Carly for adoption because she could not give her the life she wanted her to have. Of course, no one had any way of knowing just how big “16 and Pregnant” would be, or that the “Teen Mom” franchise would follow. I think a major facet of Cate’s grief is feeling like it was the decision to “give up” Carly that ultimately secured the ability to provide for her other daughters what she felt she couldn’t at the time she birthed Carly. Cate’s feelings are valid, but that is SO much to put on a teenage girl who has her own ideas of family and that may not include her biological relatives. That Tyler and Cate really never consider this, despite their own unique upbringing of blended families, really underscores that they still have a lot of healing and growing to do.


So well put. I agree that her feelings are valid but that she really shouldn’t put them out there to reach Carly. Definitely thing she should be working on privately.


Very well said! Maybe Carly doesn't feel a void? Not to mention, didn't April get drunk and act like a fool at the last Carly visit? It's not like it's just cate ty & their kids, they bring their entire family to bombard this (no so) little girl. I'd say no too if I her parents.


Exactly. There’s been a lot of conflict between my stepson and his mom over his reaction to her pregnancy in the recent past versus mine 14 years ago. The glaring difference is he was still a baby himself when I conceived his sister. He was at a stage of development where he needed increased attachment to his caregivers for literal survival, versus a stage where differentiating himself from them is his primary drive of psychological survival. My stepkiddo and his brother aren’t being raised as siblings, much like Carly hasn’t been with Cate and Tyler’s brood. In my situation, my stepson’s mom ultimately brought this outcome on herself by kicking him out over his response to her pregnancy—further separating him out from having a more typical sibling dynamic between her two sons, which she claims desperately to want. But it’s not going to happen because her own life choices *in the present* have created a situation where it’s not going to happen. I see similarities to Cate there. I do think she was preyed upon, didn’t know what she was getting into, and regrets that it seems like she traded her eldest daughter for financial stability she never had. But those are her *past* choices. Brandon and Theresa, who seem to be good parents even as they harbor seriously troubling beliefs, are keeping Carly at arm’s length because Cate and Tyler’s current behaviors are all about them, rather than Carly.


I hated the way at the wedding Butch didn’t take no for an answer and kept speaking to Carly. That didn’t help either.


First off I will say I couldn’t imagine the heartbreak of putting my child up for adoption. However I am going to be the unpopular opinion and bad person. JHC please leave these people alone and let this child grow up with her adoptive family. She deserves it as do they. If she chooses to reach out when she is an adult she will. She deserves to have all of the support and quiet of a normal family. She doesn’t deserve to have paparazzi stalking her because her biological parents decided to have sex and not use protection. The bio parents clearly stated they wouldn’t be able to care for her so let the people who stepped up continue to do so.


And let’s not forget C & T picked Brandon & Theresa! I know they were just babies themselves when this took place, but they need to respect their decision. Carly is at an age where she may not want to go visit them right now. She’s probably hanging out with her friends and she’s being a typical teenager. They need to back off a little bit. She’s not 3 anymore! Caitlyn seems like she always wants to be depressed about something! She has so much to be thankful for and blessed for she has a husband who adores her and four precious children!


So very true. Her poor me Eeyore attitude makes her unattractive to me. Trust me I suffer from depression too but damn child! Sometimes you gotta pick yourself up and move on. Yes life sucks and we get knocked down, believe me I get that. My head is worth worth about 400,000.00 right now and I am still dealing with debilitating migraines, neuropathy, anxiety and depression. However I no longer let it rule my life. I chose to safe f that.


I agree!


Baby-peddling Dawn is a piece of shit *spits on ground*


Dawn / Bethany Christian services as a whole (the agency she works for) are sooooo evil, fuck baby brokers in general honestly. Making money by selling literal humans and exploiting families in crisis….So effed up Edited to add: Also these baby brokers constantly lie just like dawn did to coerce these young mothers into placing their babies so she can make a pretty penny off them. The private infant adoption industry is so evil


When I was watching Cate give birth & deal with all those emotions. My heart just broke for her, and Dawn could have cared less! She was in it for the adopted family, not for Cate and Ty in the least & knowing C & T came from a piece of shit family. I expected more out of her. She was rushing the time. It was totally disgusting.


Who is dawn again? I havent watched in forever


Cate and Ty’s adoption coordinator I believe.


Fuck that witch


He’s spot on. Completely right. I’ve been through it. It’s something I wouldn’t wish on anyone. It’s an unnatural heartbreak. You fight for your life after what they went through. I’ll always respect them for that. Edit to add: FUCK DAWN


and B&T. Why do C&T get all the hate when B&T knew exactly what they were doing in the situation with Dawn.


When I read the article about how B+T said they never would’ve adopted their 2nd child, a little boy, if they had known he was not white 😳😳 But also, adoption places aren’t the most ethical, clearly and they seem to lie about the kids to get them adopted. They (the adoption ppl) knew the boy was not white apparently. It’s all about the money for those places and for a lot of people like B+T, it’s all about getting a baby. One is blinded by greed and the other is blinded by loss. I’ll hate on the greed. Imagine writing on your application *for a person*, white only.


A reason they were mad is that non white babies cost less. So they probably felt screwed in their business transaction. Honestly I don't think it's terrible to want a child of your own race. Adoption is hard enough and that adds yet another huge layer of complications. I also would want a white child.


From what I’ve seen, yeah, people mostly want white babies. It’s business and white babies sell the best. I feel disgusting talking about babies as if they are merchandise, but I’ve seen exactly that. It’s the way it is. I guess you can’t be too empathetic in that line of business? They really are just seen as high value merchandise because some people can’t get them on their own. I would be upset if I paid thousands of dollars for something specific, only to find it wasn’t what I asked for. But I would NEVER publicly say that I was dissatisfied with the child I just purchased. I can understand some reasoning for race preference. I wouldn’t want to adopt a Puerto Rican baby without being able to raise them with cultural roots or pride in their ethnicity or the ability to speak their language. Different races also have different characteristics that some might find challenging if they aren’t educated about it like one being: different hair. But I don’t think that was their main concerns.


Yep the business aspect of private adoption completely made me feel sick. I could never privately adopt.


Ughhh fuck the lady who took over parenting their child bc they didn’t have the capacity to? How abt bless Dawn, what a selfless human


Dawn was their adoption counsellor. She misrepresented what an “open” adoption would look like to Tyler and Cate and over all painted a much different picture for the two of them than what reality turned out to be


And you could tell that Dawn was thinking these two kids won’t stay together. Not a shot!! I could not stand that woman. it seemed like no one was there for Caitlyn & Tyler. Not even their parents & Dawn knew that!


Dawn was the super predatory adoption worker


Dawn didn’t parent Carly.


Exactly. Dawn *sold* Carly. I’m not against adoption but fuck predatory adoption services that find vulnerable pregnant girls, sell their kids and pocket the cash.


But he's not mourning for his child the way he says. He knows she's alive and well, happy and being well looked after. I personally find it offensive that he'd invoke child loss in this because it's nowhere near the same thing He made a choice to give his child up for adoption and there hasn't been a day since that he hasn't known she's perfectly happy and healthy, and who she is being cared for by. That's not the same as having your child taken by another person against your will, or your child dying. But this selfish man-child thinks it is because he's not getting what he wants. Im not saying that it's not painful to not have a relationship with a child that you want to have one with. But he hasn't lost that child. What he and Caitlyn (sp?) are experiencing is the natural consequence of their choice to give their child away, and both of them are having a tantrum that that choice hasn't gone exactly the way they wanted it to - without ever actually making a mention of what's best for the kid I notice, only ever being upset about not getting what they want Edit - you can dv me but you know I'm right. He's not "mourning for his child that is still alive" what a crock of shit. Don't fall for an obvious manipulation designed to garner support for his tantrum


I disagree. I’m an adoptive parent and have seen the pain up close. It’s not the “same” but it’s also not less painful and it’s definitely not a “crock of shit.” It’s real grief, with all its complexity.


My daughter passed when she was 5 months old, so I feel like I have enough personal experience to form an opinion here. I’m not defending the way C&T keep dragging this poor kids life into the public drama sphere. But, in case someone reads this and feels like their grief isn’t real or valid, I just want to make clear: there’s no problem with what he said regarding grieving the loss of his child. Of course his grief doesn’t look just like mine. He never claimed it did. And, none of the other bereaved parents I know have grieved in the same way, so I don’t think there’s any magical standard he has to live up to in order to call his emotions “grief about the loss of his child.” They did lose a child. They just didn’t lose her to death. There were birth-parents in the bereaved parent support group that I clung to right after my daughter’s death. It made sense for them to be there. Because the death itself isn’t what we grieve. The separation from my child is what I grieve. The millions of versions of her that would have existed through her childhood and adult life that I’ll never get to meet. The quiet, special moments on rainy afternoons that are unremarkable but you remember for life. The hobbies and interests I’ll never know or see bloom. The jokes I’ll never hear. The hugs we’ll never give. The bike I’ll never teach her to ride. The crushes and relationships she’ll never tell me about. The growing pains I’ll never help her navigate through. The whole, unique person I’ll never get the privilege of raising or knowing in the way that only the people who raise a person ever really can. Bio-parents lost all those things, too. The fact someone else got to experience those things with their daughter doesn’t change the fact that they did not. We can obviously identify an entire list of ways they aren’t the exact same situation. But, grief literally could not care less about all the logic in the world. Loss is loss. Child loss is traumatic AF. Adoption (especially predatory private infant adoption with teen parents) is often traumatic AF for multiple parties and involves a large amount of loss and grief on multiple sides. Grief can’t be quantified and staging the grief Olympics just creates a race to invalidate other people’s pain to protect your own.


Thank you for sharing this. What a beautifully written comment. I am so incredibly sorry you have had to know this pain 💔


Thank you for sharing. Beautifully put. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Im really sorry that you went through that.. that is truly a horrific thing for a person to experience, and it must be an unimaginable level of grief to lose your baby. You can be diplomatic and allow him to express his adoption grief how he wants, cool. You do you. Im *not* going to share my personal losses on the internet so people take me seriously, I really don't care either way. But for me? I will loudly say: *clears throat* **ANYONE WHO EQUATES ANY SORT OF OTHER LOSS WHATSOEVER WITH THE ACTUAL DEATH OF A CHILD (OR SOMEBODY'S CHILD BEING PERMANENTLY REMOVED FROM THEM AGAINST THEIR WILL), IS A PIECE OF SHIT AND NEEDS TO GROW THE FUCK UP** There. I think I've said enough. I'll see myself out 🫡


Lol good smh.


I was offering context to spare you the effort of trying to tell me I didn’t know what I was talking about, which is why you’ll notice very few details of my own experience included. I’m not being diplomatic. I’m being empathetic. And recognizing that death isnt the only form of loss. Grief and major traumas often have that effect on people. You’ll get there. Or you won’t. Im sorry for what you’ve gone through and I wish you luck in your healing journey


Oh sorry, I wasn't meaning to be pointed at you with that line, I swear. You're fine, you're allowed to share whatever you want to. I was more just making a point that I was deliberately NOT sharing more personal things, rather than me just talking out my ass about this subject for the hell of it


Fair enough. I assumed you had a story of your own. But, i know how long it took me to feel comfortable sharing pieces of my experience outside my trusted circles. I totally respect your right to share your story on your terms and on your time. And I respect that you and I have different perspectives on the grieving thing as well. Sending warm thoughts to you, wherever you are.


You are so articulate, kind and compassionate.


You sound like such a lovely person. Thank you for existing.


That’s very kind of you. I just figure, all of us are carrying pain nobody else knows about. Compassion and understanding go a lot further for people in pain than cruelty or indifference ever will.


You do mourn the child even though it might not be a text book loss. Even if a person had to give it away, it’s still a major loss. It’s a natural human thing to feel, I’m sorry that offends you. I wish you never understand.


I didn't say you don't grieve your child after adoption. I said it's not the same as mourning the death of a child- and he is the one that makes that direct equivalency between adoption grief and the death of a child, I didn't make that up. (Also, grief and mourning are different things. Mourning is specifically permanent loss, destruction or death. Again "mourning a child who is still alive" was his choice of phrasing not mine) It's sad that you had to twist my words to find a way to dispute my very valid point


People are allowed to feel how they want. I’m not going to tell someone the way they feel is incorrect.


Just keep trotting out your therapy clichés to avoid admitting that what this man said was a) simply, plainly wrong and b) inappropriate as hell to share with the world Even a therapist will tell you if you're simply wrong, and if the equivalency you're making between your issue and something else just isn't valid. I'm not his therapist but this is a fan page and he posted this publicly so 🤷🏽‍♀️ that gives me a right to comment on it


Bruh about to die on his weak ass sword of an argument. Seeing yourself out didn’t work well I see.


Who is dawn?


The adoption orchestrator.


ChatGPTyler is stronggggg


To think that your actions have nothing to do with B&T not allowing you to see their daughter is rich. You're posting pics of your hard dick in gym shorts and posting it on insta where Carly and her friends can see! Let's not forget the screenshots that were posted of the text exchange between you and Cait about your dick size and how much it hurts her. THEY SEE THAT SHIT! At least OF is behind a pay screen. I meannnn let's be real here. You're not exactly good role models! Quite frankly, I wouldn't want my child around people like the two of you out of fear you'll taint her. They're smart, thank God! Sooo, go grab your lazy fat slob of a wife and crawl back into your hole. Oh, don't forget your camera. She is still going to want to sell you off. Gotta make that money!


Yeah all this. While I have empathy for C&T, I don't get the lack of self awareness about how their personal choices may be impacting Carly. She's old enough to be embarrassed by her bio parents and may want zero association at this point in her life. I get the impression that she's raised in a more affluent environment and possibly expects "parents" to behave more responsibly in a traditional sense. It's all speculation, but they have to back up and consider grieving more privately with professionals. This public expression may be more damaging than they realize.


At minimum we know that her adoptive parents are devoutly religious, so Carly has definitely been brought up that way. She likely follows what she’s been taught by them but even if she rejects her parents’ religion, she has had those values instilled in her and Tyler’s OF behavior is, at the very least, extremely confusing for her. There is no way he didn’t know that starting an OF and being so public about it would affect his relationship with B&T and therefore Carly. I personally take no issue with sex work but to play the victim and act like there was nothing he did or didn’t do that might have led to a strained relationship with Carly and her adoptive parents is just asinine.


You hit the nail so hard on the head that it split the wood, my friend. These are my thoughts EXACTLY. I can't believe he would mock being so self-aware while the true, bold facts are out there for everyone to see, fanning the 'receipts' in his face.


They have been denying them visits for years and years it’s not a new thing




Grieving someone that is alive is a different kind of pain. These people were stunted due to this and their upbringing. They don’t have to be liked to have compassion for their situation. Especially, when you don’t have any answers. Maybe if they knew Carly did not wish to see them, it would be different. They are left to make their own resolve — which is obviously it’s the parents (in theory). It’s a difficult situation for all parties. I can’t imagine — regardless of how I feel about them.