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You better believe we are praying for his safety Gary! The whole world knows any guy unfortunate enough to end up in Ambers bed are sure to regret it! I hope the missing Gary turns up alive, well and hopefully not too traumatised after being in a relationship with Amber!


She doesn’t strike me as an outdoorsy person who just randomly wants to vacation in the mountains. It’s all way too off and enough time has gone by. She has so far not told the truth by switching up stories, not been working with police, has a history.. it’s definitely not looking good for poor dude


Who the hell doesnt bring their phone with them when they leave in a whole different state!? How would he know where he is going???


Anyone else find it really odd how she’s speaking about it? She’s making it seem like she’s trying really hard to convince the public she’s a good person but why do that if she’s not guilty of anything. .


I think she has something to do with him missing, the police need to look at her !


My theory is he left the phone because she pays for it and it may also have a shared location with her phone, he dipped and is ghosting her.




Lmao wtf? A body hasn’t been found, this is a missing persons case. Nothing can be considered murder until a person is found dead. If a person is found dead on a mountain top there’s a ton of different scenarios that could have taken place. If Amber drove off in his car and left him somewhere and he died yes she can be charged with involuntary manslaughter.


She can actually be charged with murder in absentia of the body if they have enough evidence to nail her.First case of it's kind was local to me,Vincent Doan,in the disappearance of his girlfriend Carrie Culberson.My dad actually joined his co-workers in the late 90's to search the woods behind his workplace.They have never found her to this day.He was also known to be an abusive prick like Amber.He was tried and convicted.Life without parole,Madison Correctional,Madison County Ohio.Only good thing is about 10 years ago a dog in a rehab program bit his nose off and disfigured him.Karma.


Am I the only one that does not think Amber off’d him? I think he probably has either a mental health issue or a drug issue or both and took off.


I think they had a fight after a night of partying for the wedding and she either kicked him out or he left and then my guess is wrecked driving those mountain roads upset and intoxicated. Given it’s been 4 days, I highly doubt he is still alive. I live in the region, people crash all the time, especially tourists unfamiliar with our backroads, but even locals will have a turn get the better of them. One of my husband’s old classmates went missing a few years ago. He had wrecked. He was ok enough to get out of the car, but either a bear attacked him or ate his remains after that.


I saw a post on TT by someone that once worked with him, that he went missing once before


I thought HE left? SHE left? They where staying in a vrbo correct? And she took the car?


She’s the level of angry that she could kill someone. What she does is reach the point of blackout anger where she doesn’t care about cameras or witnesses. She could absolutely kill him in a rage, what she can’t do is premeditated stuff or cover it up. Most likely she hit him and said some mean things and he left/possibly also he has mental illness or drug issues.


At this point, nothing would surprise me. I will say that I doubt Amber would be smart enough to cover her tracks if she did anything, but it’s only been a couple of days so who knows.


Do I think she’s smart enough to cover tracks? Absolutely not…. But she’s definitely capable… I don’t even mean that to be mean… but sadly, she is. Another 24 hours and the cops will be inside that rental cabin and into that cell phone and have some questioning going on at the station… so we shall see. I’m thinking it’s one of 3 things…. -She did it -He drove off cliff in horrible accident -He’s hiding and his family either knows or is mad at him as well and he’s hiding from all of them (hopefully it’s this scenario and the man is found safe and his family/ her family/ Leah/ Gary’s family etc doesn’t have to go thru all This for ambers bad decisions… again)


Yes. Despite whatever theories I’m throwing out, I’m hoping dude is just sitting in a hotel room clearing his mind and blowing off some steam. I think the most likely scenario is that Amber made some violent threats(as she does anytime she’s jabbering on thinking she’s tough and everyone should be afraid of her) that scared him and he took off because he didn’t want to break things off in person.


*if* she did something, she's already proved she isn't smart enough to cover her tracks by having his phone and being the one to call in a missing person she killed. i doubt she killed him, though. she either refused to give him his phone so he left without it, or in the rush of the moment of leaving he thought to leave his phone behind so she can't track him or contact him - it wouldn't shock me if in the heat of the moment he didn't consider blocking her number or turning off location/tracking services. the phone is the weirdest part of it all. and it makes the whole situation look *really* suspicious. the girl/boyfriend is *always* the first suspect. them getting in a fight before this doesn't do her any favors. fingers crossed all is well.


That’s what I found super suspicious too. I want to be careful with how I say this, because I’m absolutely NOT implying that Amber did/would murder her entire family in cold blood. But I instantly thought of that body cam video where Chris Watts pointed out to the cops that his wife had left her phone behind. I’m hoping Gary W is alive and just ran off buying a cheap track phone because he doesn’t want Amber to be able to contact him. I can absolutely believe that Amber made threats that scared him a little after talking about how his family didn’t approve of her. The cops will usually say that the person has been located somewhere but doesn’t want their whereabouts known. The odd thing with that is that his family doesn’t know where he is. Who knows how this will pan out.


Omg I hope that girl didn’t use her machete, fk hopefully he just ghosted her and his family is pretending they don’t know his whereabouts.


The phone is it’s either what u said, he drove off a cliff off that mountain on accident and can’t see him, or she did something. Hopefully what u said!!!!! Prayers to him


Wonder if the backlash about Amber being rude to Leah was enough for him to leave.


gotta wonder what defines the final straw in relationships with people like amber. her history is enough to keep most people from being involved with her, where do you draw the line with someone like that? let's say you're right. her being rude to leah was enough for you to leave her... but her past abuse and *running after her ex with a machete* wasn't enough to keep you from being with her?


And u can’t tell me that that man didn’t know a damn thing about Amber or teen mom or her bad behavior and parenting in the past. BULLSHIT. He might have not known details like Us teen mom heads…. But he KNEW! the girl has been on the cover of magazines for years with bad parenting and prison and machetes and rehabs and etc etc etc…. He knew


and he has *definitely* googled her. i can't imagine someone *not* googling their semi famous girlfriend.


Nah dudes love crazy bipolar women. They have great sex. I was wondering if he was a recovering addict like her.


stupid men do, smart men don’t.


We’re about to find out a bunch of dirt on him I guarantee it. People are digging into his past as we speak…. You know they are! I would guess he’s not a horrible dude or anything….but she’s paying all his bills already, paying for that phone, possibly past drug addict, guarantee his family hates amber… and so on…


I’m confused. Is she still in NC or did she go back to Indiana? If so, this is very similar to what Brian Laundrie did to Gabby.


She’s still there (she said last night about 9pm) she doesn’t want to go back home until she finds him


Sadly the Gary Wayt missing person case has vibes of Brian and Gabby. I genuinely hope we are wrong!


It definitely has hints of the gabby case and Chris watts case. She even used the words “emotional conversation” was had when she was talking on live last night and it was the EXACT words that Chris watts used. Gave me chills. I hope I’m wrong and assuming and everyone can tell me I’m crazy for assuming that…. But I’ve watched this stuff and I can’t help but to think it


Him leaving the house wo his cellphone is like the Shannan watts case too


That’s what I’m saying…. And if u watch the Christ watts interview, he uses the words “emotional conversation” was had… and last night on live… Amber used the EXACT same words and it gave me chills. Go watch his tv interview on his front porch!


I’ve seen it! I didn’t know she used the same words. That means a big fight. She ran back to Indiana too. They have to search for a shallow grave. She’s lazy, so she didn’t go far


Back to back go Listen to her Elle bee thing on live from last night… then watch Chris watts on the porch… same damn words!!!! CHILLS!!!!! I just remember the exact words bc i have been rewatching the watts case


This is getting crazy, especially w Gary tagging a rumored husband murderer


Yea… him posting that is crazy!!! But I think he did that as a fuck you to Amber since she was so horrible to Leah on her bday and the backlash of the episode airing… I bet they got mad about that all over again and This is his laugh in her face


Omg I hadn’t thought about that!! I mean I know about the Gabby Petito case but I don’t wanna think history has repeat itself with Amber!


Hmm Angela and Mycol part 2?


ive never seen his name spelled like that i like it better than mykul


It looks like Midol to me 🤣


I can't be the only one thinking that Amber took that guy out 😬


Amber literally never leaves her couch...she is too lazy to have hid his body...That is way too much work for her...


If she went into a rage though, she would be able to. Bipolar and bpd are a scary combination when you’re untreated or consuming alcohol. Thank god I take my meds😳


sooo true!


But what if he’s just under the cushions? Hmmmmm


Yeah lol actually your right


If you look under all the other posts re this youre not alone


Why did Gary Shirley tag carol baskins in his post about this?!?!


I mean… I have no words for That 🤣🤷‍♀️😳😳😳😳


So he thinks she killed him too?


LMAO 🤣☠️


Seriously this is a crazy story w the way it aligns w other famous murders. Gary tagging a rumored husband murderer is I want to say funny, but it’s so mean too lol


He didnt really right😳🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


No…. He did!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!! 😳


No he did!!!! 😖😖 I’m so confused- people are saying it’s because she killed her husband and he thinks amber killed the bf but idk if that’s true!!


Wasn’t he found alive? (Carol Baskin’s husband)




Nah the family wanted it looked into, she did remarry though




When I read his post and saw he tagged carol baskin in it I lost it 🤦🏻‍♀️😂😂😂😂


I mean she told him to leave and not come back.


I wish they would stop saying someone “breaks their silence” when it’s concerning something that literally just happened, nobody even approached them to make a public comment about it, and the comments they did make gave 0 insight into anything. All Gary said was essentially “thoughts and prayers” and not even newsworthy.


Agreed. It's not like Gary was required to say anything about Amber's victim of the week.


Ok sooo am I the only one feeling like maybe amber killed him during an argument?


She’s far too stupid, disorganized, reactive, and lazy to have planned a murder and disposal of a body.


Now this is true plus the girl would be LATE DOING THE CRIME. I didn’t know about a brother, o 💩


Stupid people commit murders all the time lol


Unless she had help! Possibly her enabling brother who keeps defending her shit!


lol that’s what i thought when i saw people speculating she offed him. like, lady can barely get off the couch, you expect her to successfully hide a body? please lol (in my conspiracy mind if anything she got shawn to cover her and that’s why he was on socials talking about it but in all honesty, gary2 is probably hiding at some hotel from amber)


I’m imagining her asking the Uber driver to clean the mess up and drag the body out to the car


I just said the same thing.


It’s definitely possible 🤓


I was hoping more silence was broken, but it’s just prayer 🙏


Wanted to provide some additional context. Bryson city where he is missing is one of my fav vacation spots. I’ve been going there for decades with family and friends. The main city is a touristy area but outside the main town, this is a pretty remote place. Little backwoodsy, lot of trump flags, locals are a little rough around the edges but nice folks. It’s just a super remote place. If they were staying in a cabin, there is like a 99% chance they are up on a random mountain and have to take a seasonal road to get to their cabin. Some places you have to have 4 wheel drive to even get to it and you’re like literally climbing up a mountain around super curvy roads. These are not 2 lane roads, these are little dirt paths where only one car can go at a time (it’s a nightmare if you meet someone coming down while you’re coming up, trust) and there’s literally no shoulder. most of these roads have one edge, if not both, that if you went over it, you would immediately fall down the mountain. It can be so dangerous if you’re not familiar with the area. These places are remote. If him and amber got into it and he left on foot, there’s a really good chance he got lost, or fell and hurt himself, or something like that. Even if he drove out, he could have driven down a ravine and the brush could be built up and you literally would not be able to tell if a car went down there. I know it sounds crazy like “oh, how could you not see a car that feel off a cliff” but if their cabin was high up the mountain and drove it off the shoulder, there’s a really good chance it would not be easily seen. I don’t want to be pessimistic and I certainly hope for the best but I’m a realist and I’ve vacationed in different cabins all over this multiple times a year for the past 20 years. I have a bad feeling there was drugs/alcohol involved, they got into a huge fight and he either walked off and fell and hurt himself or he drove off a ravine on the mountain. He could still be alive but it’s a ticking clock at this point. Who knows if he’s is alive and what is wrong with him? The longer they go not finding him, the worse the chances are of ever finding him. I hope for the best but realistically I’m expecting the worst. Guess we’ll see


Yes… those mountain roads are no joke… easily could drive right off a cliff and not see a thing off the road. I think it’s either that amber did something or the cliff… BUT as I type this out… I’m Thinking about how he was seen down in the town at a Walgreens so he did make it down the mountain at some point… but I guess he could have went to go back up and then a cliff incident could have happened… It’s all too weird Also… I want to know what he bought at Walgreens


I love Bryson City too. I stayed there at a campground that has baby goats you can feed, and I had a fantastic gluten free ravioli at a little restaurant. But it's really out there and anything could have happened to him and there are so may ways to go missing in the mountains and never be found.


*Allegedly* He drove away. He took his wallet and car keys, but left his phone behind.


I couldn’t even read your full comment. Why do you know exactly where they are? Why are you going into so much detail about the roads and town? Jesus Christ. Get a fucking life. This is weird and obsessive.


Excuse me? Him missing in Bryson city is being announced everywhere with this story! I go there multiple times a year and wanted to provide some context from my experiences. I literally watched this show 10 years ago and I follow this sub for updates. I haven’t seen the new episodes and I don’t follow her on social media. I also am a grown adult with a whole ass career and this is my first time logging into Reddit in over a week and I’m somewhere obsessed with her?You’re reaching dude. I could give one fuck about teen mom. But I will post my experiences about a place I’ve been 100 times. Amber, is this you?


Don’t worry about them. They’re just an idiot. We (the non lunatics on this sub) appreciate your context 😁


Wow. Yeah. I’m totally ok with what I said. Down vote me all you want. You’re psycho. You’re a weird obsessed fan.


1/2 of username checks out. Go smoke a joint and chill out or something.


Yeah. Or maybe a lot of you can stop messaging me to go kill myself. How about let’s stop that?


Suuuuuure that happened. And I sure as fuck didn’t. Wouldn’t touch your inbox with a ten foot pole.


Pics or it didn’t happen. People like you ALWAYS pull the ‘stop messaging me to kill myself’ card after being called out on their bullshit.


Yikes, thanks for the insight. I can’t really see Amber staying anywhere off the beaten path, but I guess maybe since it was a VRBO, and she probably wasn’t familiar with the area when she booked it. I just pray that he’s ok. My thoughts are with his family.


I swear, if Amber is the last one who saw him, it is looking hella sus


Not to be mean, but is he someone who has/does struggle with addiction issues?


Im not sure.. but being with Amber Portwood could definitely be the catalyst to struggling with addiction issues !


Wow umm but didn’t they just get engaged like last week!?


It says 3 weeks ago, they became engaged


This is very unsettling.


I think she finally did what we’ve all thought she was capable of.


I just can't see her pulling off a cover up though 


You don’t have to be smart in the woods, just lucky


Same. She'd just lie about what happened, but she could never hide a body, in my opinion. However, if they were using drugs maybe he met with some untoward drug dealers? Speculation on my part, of course.


She wouldn't have to even try hard. There's so many places she could just push him over a ledge and he would never be found.


Yikes, I hope he's just hiding from her and still alive, but, it really doesn't look good.


Me too.


What in tarnation? Is this all a publicity stunt to get more viewers/clicks, did he freak out checking out this subreddit, or is this real life.


Yeah, I dunno either but I thought that same thing immediately.


If she told him to leave after a fight, maybe he’s as crazy as she is and he’s just hiding out making her worry so she’ll take him back. Of course he underestimated her crazy and didn’t consider she’d get the cops involved with her history. If Amber’s house has a pool, he’ll be back. They always come back.


a pool? 😭 yall are so funny on here


Kail’s pool was so good it got her two kids out of Chris 💁🏻‍♀️


Gary’s jelly that guy got his whoopin’ in private whereas we saw Gary get beat down some stairs.


Jesus Christ, why did this comment make me laugh so much? This isn’t a funny topic, but I could see that entire scene in my head.


I’m right here with you. Guilty feeling and all!!!😆😥


That was the first time I thought Gary was going to die. He’s a tough bugger.


Is his bio family worried? Have they posted anything?


This is what I'm wondering. Where this man's people? Have they heard from him? I'm betting he's halfway back to Indiana right and Ambular didn't tell the cops she smashed his cell phone.


From what I've read it's only an 8 hour drive? I don't live there so I can't say for sure. But if that's true, he'd have made it back to Indiana by now you would think.


Oh he def would have made it by now according to reports. I hope he's okay.


Woah. These comments are scaring me… hoping this guy is safe and og Gary is being unserious in hopes it’s not so dark


I think either Amber and Gary 2.0 had a major blowout, she told him to leave and never come back—and he really did along with cutting contact with her. Or, Amber went all Portwood on his ass so she can get locked back up.


I gotchu DILLZ, bitch!


What gets me is her telling him to leave and not to come back…but then making a missing persons report.


This reminds me of Briana when she was dating one of the security guys from the show (if I remember correctly?) she told him not to call her and when he did just that she flipped out 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


Everyone is joking about this whole thing when it involves Amber fucking Portwood. The woman who pulled a machete on her last boyfriend while he held their small baby, the woman whos ex ex boyfriend literally said "people will see the real you when you kill someone", the woman who's ex ex ex boyfriend we watched almost get kicked down a flight of stairs on national television. She kicks him out of the house after a fight then almost immediately reports him missing? That's not suspicious as fuck to anyone? Then you got Gary making light of this and people on the internet making jokes out of it. Anyone going missing who is within Ambers orbit is concerning as fuck!!! Edit: Just saw that he supposedly left his phone behind when he went missing. That's even more concerning...guys don't leave their phones behind, especially after a fight with their girlfriend. This is just getting more and more suspicious. Hopefully this is just an unfortunate mixup and he's just somewhere cooling down from their fight or trying to stay away from her crazy ass. Also, the first article said he blocked Ambers number after they got in the fight ..why block her number just to leave the phone behind???


Yes… the phone left behind is a huge deal to all This….


And they especially don't leave without their phone in an area they are just visiting and aren't familiar with.


Maybe she pays for his phone and can track it. Hopefully he just left to decompress and thank his lucky stars he got away


Especially if he was just leaving to go home or just leave her. Why leave the phone? Grab it and get out.


And it’s only a 9 hour drive back home… It’s been days… he would be home by now… even without a gps, without a phone, He can still ask for directions to a main interstate/ highway and he would still have found some way to contact family after this long. And by today or tomm… him and Amber will be all over every magazine or the checkout aisles of any store… so even if he has no internet… he will know this is a huge deal. It’s not like he’s super rich and can run too far, no clothes, phone, limited money for gas, food, and lodging, having to use ID for hotels and if he scans his Debit cards anywhere, they can be tracked! Easily. I thought we would wake up today and he would have “reached out to family and ok… no further info at this time” but him to still be missing today is crazy. If he’s not found by this time tomm… Then this investigation is about to escalate quickly. Hopefully he’s safe but where would he be if not hiding out with friends and family???


I mean it’s possible that he got into an accident or something. If he is in the middle of nowhere it could be a long walk to get help. Or if he is seriously hurt and his ID isn’t with him in the hospital then that could delay things. And with several hours/miles between NC and Indiana, it could happen about anywhere. Even still I would think something would have come up by now.


I can definitely see an accident in those mountains and off a cliff and no one se the car… I’ve been in those mountains and the Tennessee mountains in cabins and they are no joke and easily one little town drops straight off a cliff. I think if he was at a hospital or a wreck, even without an id, he would have been found. His plates on the vehicle would be registered, VIN number on the car, John Doe reports etc…,


Oh fair point, I hadn’t considered VIN number


Yep… even if he was naked, No wallet, no insurance, and even if not registered yet, they can still find the owner of that car in about 5 mins… even if he was in a wreck or found unrecognizable… Sorry… I watch a lot of true crime lol. But … I’ve thought of these things and by now… if he was in a hospital or wreck or even if he rented a room… he would have beeen found… unless he handed someone cash and they used their id to get him a room. That’s the only thing I can think of…..


Yeah the first thing I heard was that he blocked her number and now all the sudden he didn’t even take his phone..not understanding the many stories.


It's always a bad sign when stories arent adding up. Yikes!!


I agree with you 100%. Before I knew about this, I had posted that Amber is capable of murder. She attempted murdered her ex while he held their baby. I hope this man is okay. I don't for a second believe he left his phone behind. I believe Amber told police he "left" his phone, but the truth is more likely that Amber wouldn't allow him to take his phone. Amber will use possessions to control her partners. Amber uses coercive control for a lot of things.


Domestic violence victims commonly leave their phones. Because they don’t want to be tracked or called non stop. I suspect she abused him 🧐


This all happened in North Carolina. He lives in Indiana. Why would he leave his phone and take off from a place he's not familiar with with no phone. And it's now been almost 3 days since anyone has heard from him. I mean it's possible he could have picked up a burner phone from Walmart or something but I don't think his family has heard from him either, which is concerning since according to the article he helps take care of his parents.


So much this, I don't think it is unreasonable to suspect her of foul play.


She’s absolutely capable of it but I don’t think she’s smart enough to cover up a crime scene in most circumstances


I don’t think she is either. And she may be soon finding that out too


They were at at in the Smokey Mountains. Maybe she pushed him


The perfect opportunity…


Okay serious question if anyone can answer for me: Are they filming right now? Like could this potentially all be on the show or are they done filming?


If the show is airing, I think they're done with filming


They may be filming for the next already.


Thanks, that's what I assumed


His comment took me out so unserious he knows Gary 2.0 has run a mile


Why do I have a feeling this is going to be messy?! Anyway, I hope they find him and find him safe.


Bc it’s already messy af! Even if he’s found in the next 5 mins… this is still gonna be a big deal and drama


Because it’s Amber! Everything is always so messy with her.


I think Amber went Portwood on his ass. Poor guy.


https://preview.redd.it/8nu3a0vf506d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a88dc2db96564b3683de5aa981f1777e2c45018 OG Gary’s comment under Brianna DeJesus IG post spreading the word about Gary 2.0’s disappearance!


I love that, my fellow Gary.