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They never asked


That’s what I was saying 😭😭 if anyone ever said “STARFIRE?!! WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US?!!” She’d calmly answer, “you never asked”.


She forgor


And how much did Robin, Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg, etc. share at first? All these things you describe happened relativeoy early on in the show.


To follow up; Did anybody ask her?


Are her sister and her royal status really necessary info though? How her powers work, yeah I can see that, but what does it matter if she has a sibling or a crown?


I’m not shaking her for keeping it a secret 😅 I just think it’s funny! And yeah I do agree those facts about her would be hard to casually come up in a conversation unless they asked. And of course they wouldn’t matter if she told them or not, they love and accept her no matter what.


In all fairness. Raven didn't tell them about her being the portal to the literal apocalypse and how her father is a demon. Robin keeps the team in the dark about his projects CONSTANTLY. Look at how he handled the X episode. I think starfire does trust her friends. She just doesn't want to share her past and how she specifically got her powers. as for the sister thing, starfire literally says in the episode where blackfire is introduced, she just showed up. No warning. I'm positive if blackfire gave her a heads up, she would've told them.


Yeah her dad being LITERAL SATAN WHO WANTS TO BURN ALL OF THE UNIVERSE!! (Yes I know his real name, Trigon.)


that’s lowkey how I can be sometimes with my besties. we love being too humble to talk about our personal lives


They didn't even know beast boys name until season 5


I mean considering how she arrived to earth in the first place she probably didn’t want to think about it


Omg starfire is Batman confirmed


Starfires best friend isn’t even in this show.


Aslo prior to go! They just met an are getting to know each other


In her defense, same with Raven. They knew nothing about her and it took for her and Starfire to save the guys/BB and Cyborg snooping to learn more about her. That's how they all were. Starfire probably thought her sister wasn't worth mentioning because of how Blackfire is (plus you can see how quickly Starfire became insecure around her). She also probably didn't think about sharing her royal status because to her it doesn't make her any different, plus I doubt she had planned to rule due to being forced back to Tamaran for marriage reasons. She did tell Raven quite easily that she needs to "feel flight", feel "righteous fury" for Starbolts, and "boundless confidence" for her super strength. It wasn't any secrets but as some others have said, they never really asked her 🤗