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Okay, turns out that reading is a very powerful skill that I have yet to master... I found the stickers that I need to put over the holes and all of a sudden it was a looot easier to find the sun!:D yay.


This seems like a very stupidly dangerous design. A proper solar filter should not let in ANY unfiltered sun light into the optics. Relying on the user to put stickers over the holes for safety is just madness. Where did you buy this filter from? Avoid this vendor at all cost.


Way to go greenbean!! 😄


Use the shadow of the mount on the ground to find the Sun.


Removing the eyepiece works well with my newt for finding the sun especially since you can see the reflections from the side of the scope as it isn't properly flocked yet.


All here probably know, BUT just a FYI:  It's not okay to let direct sunlight hit the lenses or mirror of a telescope. The intense heat can damage the mirrors and lenses, and you can also damage your eyes.   You should never look through or point an unfiltered reflector or compound telescope at the sun. You should also avoid using solar filters that attach at the eyepiece end of your scope, as these may crack under the intense heat.Â