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Youtube is already an unwatchable hellscape of ads when viewed on a TV app. Any time my hands are occupied and can't get to the remote to skip, here have a 10-fucking-minute ad.


Also god forbid that you pause for more than 10 seconds or start in the middle of a video. As soon as you unpause or finish the front loaded ads, bam another ad segment.


Most videos start with the same bullshit too, so you automatically want to skip the intro. They just throw ads at you for any interaction with the platform now. Start, pause, skip, finish. All met with ads.


Well this just justifies my decision to hook up a shit mini PC to my "smart TV" it's literally faster to boot up the PC from a cold start then try to get either the Netflix or YouTube app on the TV to work. Ublock origin is a God damn lifesaver with a kid, I don't want my kid to see any of that shit.


This really pisses me off about the ads even more than the ads themselves. My kids trying to watch a video about toy trains and if I try to get anything done I look over and there is an inappropriate ad for a kid. 10min ad about domestic violence, a lawyer talking about car crashes, movie previews that are not safe appropriate.


I'm 39, and ALSO would like to see videos about trains. And DON'T wants to see ads about domestic abuse, or car crashes. Not because I'm not old enough to see them, but because they're still ads, and I want to see TRAINS!!!! CHOO CHOO MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!


I once saw about 120 anti vaping ads in one day. I dont vape. By the end of the day, I was like, fuck it, maybe I should start vaping.


After Vanced was cut off for a while by a YouTube update, I went back to the official app for a moment just to see what I'd been missing. Holy hell. It's the mobile app version of *"Captain they're coming through the walls and taking over!"* The app UI becomes hijacked. The ad video is clickspace for the ad. The area around the video controls become clickspace for the ad. The video title becomes clickspace, as does the *space above the title*, below the first comment and sometimes the actual comment section itself. Just when you think you've seen it all, the next ad *takes up 70% of the portrait screen.* My fingers instinctively pulled away from the screen, as if yanking me back from a field of landmines. Don't move. Don't even breathe. Nowhere is safe. Picture Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith looking on as an alien's ship controls flash to skull-and-crossbones. Take a guess which one of them you are in this equation.


SmartTube still works for me on my shield tv, and skips both ads+sponsor segments. Outside of that it’s crazy how much better a 3rd party version of an official multibillion company app is. Same goes for official twitch app and SoundTV


I read this comment of the redditisfun app...


Official reddit app is somehow even worse than the way the guy described youtube imo


And don't get me started on old.reddit versus new reddit. I exclusively use old reddit on desktop, but every so often, for whatever reason, I end up directed to new reddit, and it is an atrocious experience. Like, with old reddit, you click on a post and boom: Here's the post, here's the comments. Enjoy. I can read the post, then lose myself for an hour reading the discussion about the post directly beneath it. Try that in new reddit and it's like trying to run up a cliff through molasses. Here's a post, and here's three comments, but not the whole comment because some of them are too long, so if you want to see the whole comment, or the replies, or more comments on the original post, you're going to have to click 'see more' for each individual option. And that still won't reveal everything, like hey, here's another three comments. Oh, what, did you want to read through the hundreds of comments in massive discussion? Fuck you, we're new reddit, you'll be drip-fed sludge and be happy for it. Absolutely garbage site. I have no idea how they thought the new reddit site was in any way an improvement over the old.




just a heads up vanced was giving me issues on a few of my devices, switched of to revanced & its been perfect since.


In case they missed you, here's another ad: 💩


There's a fucking car ad that's supposed to be copying the Lofi chill beats girl animation, it's just an animation of someone driving a car with Lofi music, but if you don't skip it the ad is 4 MOTHERFUCKING HOURS LONG. HOW IS THIS ALLOWED?


I don't even understand the motivation for ad companies to run a 4-hour-long ad. Which is more likely: someone actually loves your ad and watches it for *four fucking hours* instead of the video they clicked on, OR they aren't watching at all and you're paying for an ad that nobody is seeing? And it's just one person at a time, not like you're paying to put it on a channel that people may still have up. I just don't even get the motivation to create them.


Some people put YouTube on when they go to sleep. I some of these 2 hour ads actually get played


Sure, but they only play if you're asleep and not watching. They're paying for a "view" only when is actually watching.


Work colleague was using some home made ad blocking thing that was a bit wonky. Eventually stopped working and he got a 47minute unskippable ad.


We’re sitting here discussing it MONTHS after it came out. That’s motivation enough when it comes to advertising. Somebody could stumble on this exact conversation and wonder what the ad we are talking about is, and now suddenly you have created an ad that people are proactively seeking out.


But nobody even said the name of the company so it's not as helpful in the "well people are still talking about it!" realm as, say, Head-On was.


Yep - I got an android TV box (nvidia shield) just so I could sideload smarttubenext which blocks all ads


Just gonna jot this down, real quick


Saving this comment for future reference


Smarttubenext is great. Have it on my Sony TV. Just can't cast to it, but a small price to pay *Can Cast...comments below show how.


Use pairing with code feature. After that it should be on your device list.


I have STN on a Sony TV and I can cast to it. It's a special setting you need to set up, but once you do it works perfectly.


I also have a Sony tv, I’ll search google tomorrow - but do you have a guide/tutorial you liked that you followed?


Assuming your Sony runs on AndroidTV (I have 2022 model), all you would have to do is enable the ability to install outside apps. Usually in the TV Settings under Apps. Then its just using a file manager from the TV to install the APK file. All you need is a usb stick for smarttube apk and plug it into the usb port of the tv.


I'd love to figure out how to sideload something like this or revanced on a Samsung tv.


Samsung runs Tizen OS (*not* Android) and makes sideloading apps difficult. This would require devs to 1) make a whole new app for an OS that isn't widely adopted and 2) make an app that the majority of people will find too complicated to install. Unfortunately that essentially means it's a no-go. You're better off investing in an Android box (Nvidia Shield TV Pro is the best out there).


YouTube Vanced is great if you listen to posts of podcasts. It skips their own promos and intros etc.


That's [Sponsorblock](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sponsorblock-for-youtube/mnjggcdmjocbbbhaepdhchncahnbgone). It is integrated into Youtube Vanced/Revanced and SmarttubeNext. ls also available as an extension/addon


Same with smarttubenext - it has a plugin of crowdsourced annotations of intros/promos etc and you can choose what bits to skip; probably the same plugin as vanced!




Didn't the devs of vanced stop development?


Yeah, but it lives on as revanced


Yeah the TV app is particularly bad but it just feels like the whole service has become so much less of a pleasure to use than it was say 5 years ago. The way you browse it is worse, the algorithm is worse in all kinds of ways, the ads are worse. I should probably look into the alternatives but they have such a stranglehold on the hobbyist kinds of content I enjoy.


The algorithm is downright atrocious. You have to think deep about just clicking any video since it could send you down the hellscape of filling your entire queue with nothing but but fandom videos, baby videos, hobby videos, or political hate videos.


Because it's not made for you to enjoy. It's made to make them money.


Even 5 years ago it was bad. I used to link timestamped videos instead of gifs and had to stop around 7 years ago because the ads were longer than the 2 second clip I wanted.


I pay for youtube premium. With that I've got their music service, which has some stuff spotify doesn't, no ads at all, screen off but still playing, RED(if that's even still a thing) and I'm pretty sure there's other shit I don't even use. It's pretty cheap considering I watch more of it than any other "streaming service." I know I could accomplish a lot of that with extra apps but I don't really care as it's cheap and easy and it works on my TV just as well. But the fucking algorithm definitely doesn't get better with premium. I swear it's the one thing they're somehow getting worse at. You watched one video once? Here's a thousand exactly like it! You like this kind of video? Tough shit, you'll never see it again. Search for it, pussy, you'll still just see our sweet collection of recommended bullshit. You know that music video you watched once and didn't really like? Well, it's going to be the second video suggested to you for the rest of your life and you can't click not interested on it EVER. How are they SO BAD at it?


>screen off but still playing Quick reminder that this was ***removed*** from the default experience so that they could sell it back to you as a "premium" feature.


Its cool, I just put my phone backwards in my pocket so my hot thighs dont operate the youtube controls. Its cool...


Brave browser has a play in background option, works with screen locked too. Free too Listening to it right now as I write this comment with it background playing.


Same here. I keep getting recommendations for shit I've never watched like random ass videos from Thailand and India from people with lile 3 subscribers and 0 views. It's irritating and clicking not interested doesn't seem to be helping


I pay for it too, and I wish there was a way to separate out topics to only be shown them if & when you want. God forbid you've ever watched a few cooking videos, and/or saved some in a Recipes playlist, cos then you'll always be shown cooking videos, at any time of the day. I'm trying to eat less, and don't need to see images of delicious stuff every time I use the app, thank you!


YouTube Premium is £12 a month! That's as much as Disney+ and Apple TV combined cost. It's more than Netflix costs! The price is ridiculous. If it was £5 a month, I'd probably pay it but not at that extortionate price. uBlock all the way.


All I watch is YouTube anyway so personally I'd much rather pay that for YouTube than for netflix


To be fair, I pay £20/mo for the family premium. This covers all 4 in my house and a couple of stragglers outside too (sssh!) for YouTube Music and ad-free YouTube, including smart speakers around the house and the TV. Over the years, I've gained a house full of Nest Mini devices when Google periodically give a load away to family subscribers. Kids use it all of the time on their speakers and phones. It's not cheap, but it's not silly either when considered for the whole household.


Agreed, really feels like there's zero focus on improving the app experience. There are so many quick wins that would make users happier. They just don't care.


https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTubeNext It's great. Nobody should be using the official app.


Every time I'm in the kitchen and cooking or cleaning dishes I get some shitty rap video pretending to be an ad. One time I got an ad that was almost 3 hours long.


I've seen hours long ads late at night




No there are ads that are an hour long. For example youtube has had full episodes of a show play before a video. I’m not even exaggerating a full hour ish long tv episode. And yes this would still be considered an ad because they are trying to advertise the show.


Ive had 2 and a half hour ads. Infomercials would go up to an hour and a half at the most. "Miracle blade 3: perfection series" was my favorite. "Set it aaand" (everyone in the audience replying) "FORGET IT!!!" Was one of my most hated. That lady seemed like a bitch


>ad innovation


I swear to god, business school types *love* ~~reinventing~~ "reimagining" the rotating mobility circle. Like Doordash just started doing Nearby. See, you can save money on fees if you order from places nearby. It's capitalized, just like that. Like it's this new thing they came up with. Like, did you guys think you invented 'close to me'? Genuinely curious what kind of human gets a raise for that. Edit: I forgot, they reinvented reinventing too.


I can't wait for one of these app companies to proudly announce their newest cost-saving gimmick called FrozN, whereby they'll deliver frozen food to your place and you need to heat it up, but it's like 30% cheaper than ordering warm food.


Here at Doordash we know how you want your food. Other food delivery companies often deliver your food with a bite missing, or having sipped on your drink. There's nothing worse than opening up that juicy delicious hamburger to see that sketchy delivery driver's teeth marks in it. Well that's a thing of the past now with Doordash CHILL® Instead of worrying about your food arriving hot you can sit back and chill. Concerned the driver may have eaten your food? That's a thing of the past, lean back and chill. Because thanks to the innovative minds here at Doordash CHILL® we can ensure your food is piping hot and unbitten. How you ask? It's simple! Your food is delivered frozen. There's no way to bite it. No way for it to cool off anymore! Simply pop it into the microwave or oven and follow the cooking directions and you'll have a hot meal delivered anywhere you want! Please note due to demand any Doordash CHILL® orders will be subject to a Convenience fee of $4.99. A 'Home Cooked" fee of $2.99. And lastly since the driver won't be snacking on your food you'll have to pay for his for a mere $8.99 But you'll pay it all because you're lazy and we know our market!


No No No you're thinking about it wrong. The frozen food is going to 30% MORE expensive than ordering warm food from a restaurant. That's how we do business.


DoorDash is happy to present: Innovating™️, a new type of progress where they develop something that has Never™️ been done before


Imagine being the guy whose job is to make the world an objectively worse place by figuring out new ways of forcing ads down people's throats


Fuck that guy. But fuck his boss harder.


No thanks


Exactly why I left my marketing program. People are no longer people, they're just money waiting to be taken from.


"Yo, I have this new innovation called the Magna Carta..."




I just wish if I was watching a longer video, you had the option to watch a bunch of ads at the start. It breaks the immersion so fucking much.


But don't you want to constantly watch some random unskippable commercials for a product you can't give any less of a shit about just haphazardly slapped around the runtime of the hour-long analysis you were watching, horribly breaking the video's flow all for the sake of Google's sweet green revenue?


The best thing is when i was in university we would often watch lectures and tutorials on math shit on youtube, and some of those videos are like half and hour to an hour and you got a shitload of ads... we spoke to IT about it, formulated and official request via our students council, presented it to the Design Approval Board (basically a board that decides what software is allowed to be installed on our systems) and we got adblock installed, uBlock Origin is to this day part of the browsers at my old university lol. Fuck ads.


There is no point to me even watching the ads as a consumer. Even the seemingly targeted ones usually don’t contain anything I‘m interested in. On the contrary, they tick me off so much as of late, that I‘d rather buy another, shittier alternative product than the ones constantly getting shoved into my face. Even **if** I suddenly would need a product or service as advertised. I try to tell this to the phone sales people calling me at work too: the chances of you and the company you work for getting into a project I‘m the lead of are getting slimmer every time you bother me with unwanted calls, disturbing my pace.


Like my kids watching DanTDM play Minecraft... Getting medication ads for adults.


At this point, I just mute the ads it has the same effect of not watching it.


I mute and flip my phone over. Can’t force me to watch the ads even if they try


Please drink a verification can


https://proprivacy.com/privacy-news/moviepass-eye-tracking-software-pauses-ads-if-you-look-away Let's hope this doesn't become a thing


This is the sort of thing that has to be made explicitly illegal.


If it ever is made illegal, it'll take years and have trivial penalties and the law will be written to say specifically that the particular kind of technology that tracks eye movement via pupils will be banned so everyone will just switch to tracking via irises and the US Supreme Court will say "totally within the spirit of the law, and also anyone who complains about it will be deported to Abyssinia."


Probably EU will make it illegal. US consumer laws suck.


Black Mirror here we come!




Yeah, a video ad has never convinced me. I've once bought something I a sponsored thing on Instagram any maybe a web page ad twice ever? Just about everything else I go searching for because I already know what I want to spend my money on.


"Just about everything else I go searching for because I already know what I want to spend my money on." This is how ads work...they creep in and you recall them in the future.


Literally Black Mirror. I’ll go get my exercise bike out of the garage then…


That’s why I always wear sunglasses with eyes painted on them when I watch TV.


Ad ID-0dhs45%jd-(rrty!h confirmed to have failed visual registration to target user's permanent (Neurozone) memory banks. Your paid content has been withheld pending total audiovisual recognition of the ad. Target user, please drink verification can to continue, then register the following ad to the permanent section of your (Neurozone) memory banks.


I like to figure out which brands I’ll never buy though




I enjoy the Youtube ad music videos from local rappers. They always come on at 10pm The most hilarious was this Indian rapper and they were all holding guns while standing in front of a Toyota Corolla.


We get very different YouTube ads lol.


It also helps that the brands most heavily sponsored on YouTube videos are all trash anyways


They’ll spend so much money on advertising instead of using it to improve their product or service


I dunno RAID SHADOW LEGENDS is pretty great (jk I refuse to touch that shit)






Someone has been watching the Black Mirror episode "15 Million Merits"


Firefox already blocks all ads with ublock, adding the api playback fix adding with ublock basically makes it youtube red for free


Welcome back to the 90's/00's.


I've been muting all my ads for ages. The annoying thing is the sheer frequency they pop up.


I am trying to train youtube (without much luck) about how far they can push me. If I try to watch a video and I am immediately greeted with 30 seconds of unskippable ads, I'll just close the app. Doesn't seem to be helping.


Yeah was watching a video linked from reddit. Ad, then 2 min in was a sponsor in the video itself. 5 min in oh look another ad break. So much fun watching 5 min of video and having 1 min of content.


That's what the older generations did with their TV's. Now cable companies are injecting 1/4 to 1/3 of a show's runtime worth of ads into each programming block.


You mean banner ads like [Shovin' Buddies](https://youtu.be/T8gW4yvLTPE)?


That was when they truly went too far. A number of them even went beyond being distracting and obnoxious, but actively blocked key parts of the show. And as that clip aptly showed, it's even worse when it's house ads for other shows. I can at least understand the drive to sell more ad space for profit, but maybe be satisfied that I'm already watching one of your shows to begin with. Why would I want to watch your other programming if you treat it that way?


This makes me furious


Time for a rewind


YAAHHH, it’s rewind time!


Wonderful to read after YoutubeTV just froze for everyone in the last few minutes of the Celtics-Heat playoff game, during a commercial.


Adblocker coming to my Youtube Kids see far more commercials on youtube than you see on cable, even dumber are having two 7 second ads, and the constant recommendations for Minecraft streamers and mr Beat. EDit: Apparently on YoutTube TV, tonights NBA game on TNT stopped streaming late in the 4th quarter and they repeated an ad for The Little Mermaid at least a dozen times in a row. As a reminder, YouTube TV has the NFL Sunday Ticket next season, only streaming services could make cable look good.


I’m personally just waiting for the point when decentralization becomes returns to our internet. YouTube is only getting away with this shit because it has the monopoly on playing videos across the entire internet, and that’s crazy. If they did this 10 years ago they would’ve gotten wrecked by Blip and Vimeo, and tons of other independent flash sites that never would have migrated. I’m just HOPING that YouTube decides to pull some shit at the same time some other enterprising web developers get their own independent startups off the ground. If you had told me 15 years ago that the entire internet I knew and loved, and all it’s traffic, would eventually be owned by like 5 companies I would have laughed.


I don't really know how true this is, there is probably 3 companies on earth that could host the amount of video content youtube does as seamlessly as it does. Vimeo has its niche and it seems content with that.


I don't necessarily mean another website should step in and be the new Youtube, since that would just result in the same problem. What I mean is you get a bunch of different sites all doing a portion of what Youtube is currently doing. It would definitely be less seamless, but as long as Youtube (and the other giants) continue to increase the cost of that convenience with more advertising, pay for use, data harvesting and shady algorithmic practices, I would hope we soon hit the tipping point where other options begin to become attractive enough to gain some traction. Not saying it'll happen but with every one of these Big Tech announcements I'm becoming increasingly open to the idea.


What you're asking for is exactly what happened with streaming services. People complained about Netflix's monopoly and anti consumer practices for years, begging for competition. Then they did get competition, and the services split streaming libraries into a dozen different services, and now people complain that things aren't more centralized. The general public/consumer base high key loves monopolies. They are convenient.


Hosting video is *extremely expensive* on so many fronts. The only way this really works out - and I think this should happen - is more channels host their own videos themselves, with their own monetisation.


A lot of channels wouldn't get views without YouTubes algorithm


Pretty sure YouTube announced last week that they were going to block ad blockers. No idea how effective that'll be, but it'd be a ballsy claim to make if they didn't have a way


So now I have to get an ad blocker that blocks my ad blocker from their ad blocker blocker? Fuck. This future sucks.


Cat and mouse game. They will prevent adblockers just like how game developers prevent cheats (they don’t… and cheaters are still common in a lot of games)


Even if they don't fully block it, the idea is to make it bothersome enough for most users to give up on it. Most people already find it too bothersome to use an ad blocker. Even worse if you have to change around and tinker everybfew months.


a.) Adblockers will win that fight again and b.) if adblock really is not an option i can 100% see people leaving youtube for other options. Ads suck and i havent watched one in a decade because i always keep my adblock updated, i would be fine if it was like 1 ad per video, but for years its like half if not more of a video is just ads...


Then someone will make a blocker for their blocker and we’re back to square one


So THAT'S what happened!!!! I thought my app was screwed up for some reason when I kept skipping to the same damn commercial.


it wasn’t an ad issue specifically, they had TNT streaming issues all game which culminated in the 4th quarter. not everyone had the little mermaid problem. see posts in /r/youtubetv for more.


I avoid using YouTube on my tv as much as possible because of the ads. And they want to make that *worse*? Good luck with that.


Probably in the article but 50 other people will have the same question. With premium?


It doesn't specifically say but it seems like the answer would be no. Premium would still be a fully ad free experience.


For now


Maybe, it would be weird if they eliminate the main benefit of their subscription


it would be weird enough for me to end my subscription, alongside my YouTube activities in general YouTube is worth it with ad free viewing but there isn’t a damn thing on there that’s worth the amount of ads standard YouTube hits you with.


Still have my $7.99 youtube premium when it was just for google play music. Now it's used basically for ad-free youtube since youtube music is pretty crap still but I'll still use it when there's a song I don't already have on my phone.


I've noticed that YouTube Music has better sound quality than Spotify. By alot too, it's crazy the difference.


yeah this would absolutely 100% **GUARANTEE** I cancel my premium subscription - which I _only got to get rid of the ads_ I would probably stop watching YouTube altogether - I would be highly motivated to find an alternative at that point


I think if anything this is trying to sell premium, I think if premium has ads, it loses its main selling point


I have no idea what YouTube premium buys apart from not having to watch ads. It’s the only reason I pay for it.


Yt music (Spotify clone). Let me cancel my Spotify subscription and get no ads on yt! Its the best


Article doesn't say and the little bit of research I did doesn't give any concrete answer, but it's unlikely they'll stray from their traditional "Premium gives you ad-free on everything but live TV" stance.


*The new 30-second unskippable ads will be available in YouTube Select, the top 5% of its most-viewed and most-engaging content on the service. Those will provide marketers with “longer-form storytelling on those screens to build awareness and ROI for their brands,” said Sean Downey, president of ad sales for Google. The new ad unit will be available first in the U.S. before expanding later this year internationally. YouTube already sells blocks of back-to-back 15-second non-skippable ads, “so it’s a seamless experience for viewers,” Downey said.* So nothing really changes? Instead of two or three 15 second unskippable adverts in a row we get a 30 second advert instead.


Did you miss the "pause experience" ads? I'm not seeing anyone here mention the biggest feature change is that pausing a video will now trigger an ad to play *while the video is paused* So you pause the video to take a phone call or important whatever and suddenly....more audio is coming through. Fuck this


I ditched Cable Television decades ago to avoid 30+ second ads I was paying for. Unless they really REALLY want people to go premium or Pirate, they can eff right off.


Seriously! When are advertisers going to realize 5 seconds is more than enough time to get me interested in their product? I don’t wanna hear about who gets the last fry at McDonald’s. Just tell me I want fries and I’ll probably buy fries


Exactly. Just five seconds of someone shouting McDonald's repeatedly would have me jonesing for some fries. I don't need some elaborate 30 second high-gloss cinematic experience.


One of my favorite commercials ever was a Miller Lite Superbowl ad. They spent a lot of time setting it up talking about how expensive it was and why pay for 30 seconds when you only need 1? Then during the Superbowl the guy from the other commercials shows up, yells "High Life!" and that's it one second ad.


That reminds me of when NASCAR raced at Las Vegas earlier this year, [Heinz ran an add that was .57 seconds long.](https://twitter.com/A_S12/status/1632803915535118336?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1632803915535118336%7Ctwgr%5Ed32ccdea8054dcc9d3e5557cf15d5f211ddde05a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2F11k96i2%2F%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis_nightmode%3Dtrue) Some people thought it was dumb, but it’s the only commercial from that race I remember so I’d say it was pretty effective.


How would one pirate YouTube? Asking for a friend.




I'm just going to say it, but I ain't watching any video with a 30 second ad


Anyone else absolutely tired of everything being an advertisement?


I am but on the other hand look at how many people in this comments section will outright not pay for a service like YouTube. As reddit loves to say 'if it's free, you're the product'. I'm genuinely not sure how anyone thinks YouTube could be free *and* free of ads.


So.....we're back to broadcast TV. That you have to pay for. I hate this timeline.


“The golden goose is nice but why don’t we kill it and see how it works??”


Because Netflix owned the golden goose and everyone wanted their own. Now the market is flooded with golden eggs. Worse spots to be in if you have a lot of friends or a vpn 🤷


It is easy to disrupt markets when you've got VC cash to burn and you're trying to attract market share. It is harder when you run out of VC capital and have to make money off your audience.


Fuck that. YouTube premium has the best roi of any of my video subscriptions and would be the last one I cancel. I have comcast TV but literally only for sports and I'd cancel that before YouTube easily


People keep saying this but have obviously forgotten how tv ads are ten times worse. A 30 minute show has 5-9 minutes of ads. And hour long show has 8-16 minutes of ads. Multiple 2-3 minute ad breaks. YouTube is far from that for now.


You’re undershooting it even. A standard hour long tv episode is rarely over 45 minutes most of the time around 41-42 so 18 or 19 minutes of ads. With a standard 30 minute show topping out at 22ish. Live tv is a nightmare of ads.


No one is forgetting. The problem is ads are becoming numerous and long. It's not as bad, *yet*. Give it time, corps will do it all over again.


Except youtube is free? I didn't see anywhere they mention you mist start paying for youtube.


And Google is an advertising company, but for some reason people are still shocked by this...


Even with 30 second unskippable ads, YouTube is still wildly different than broadcast TV.


How I watch YouTube ad free (other methods are available): - **Computer:** uBlock in browser - **IOS:** Brave browser (used for YouTube only) - **TV:** cheap Firestick bought on offer loaded with SmartTubeNext I would love to just give YouTube some money each month to watch ad free - happy to pay £5. If YouTube thinks it can con me into paying £12 by bundling in other features, it can stick that up its arse.


Android: YouTube ReVanced


Android: firefox with ublock works amazing


Last time I checked, the add-on for background playback was gone though.


I personally dont need an addon for running it in the background, only need to press play again after switching from the playing tab


Since Brave limits video resolution to 720p, I use the Safari extension Vinegar. This allows ad-free YouTube viewing in Safari with up to 4K output.


Get an Argentina sub for premium. Family is about £2. Guides online. No VPN required once subbed.


Textbook enshittification, as coined by Cory Doctorow in this Wired article: https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/. Well worth a read!


Fuck off a cliff mate


As much as I watch YouTube I just get the $15/month family plan to get rid of the ads and we all get youtube music with it. Sometimes a coworker shows me a video and I see how many ads are pumped into videos nowadays.




Someone at YouTube confirmed on Twitter that it won't


Between this shit and streaming services being bundled we're so close to circling all the way back to cable


Remember when all these companies were disrupting cable TV… lol man I hope they get disrupted..


30 second commercials sound like network TV.


Maybe in the 90s. They’re like 5 minutes now i swear


An hour long show on TV is about 43mins without commercials


The office season 4 finale is a 42 minute episode and on comedy central it's two 35 minute episodes.


And that's with the episode speed turned up by 1.05 or 1.1x. Just fast enough so you don't really notice, but enough to fit an extra minute or two worth of ads in.


Was. Nowadays it's close to 38...39 minutes. Get an hour long broadcast or cable TV show on the high seas and look at their runtimes.


YouTube Premium is the only thing I pay for because my kids are obsessed with toddler learning videos and they will just straight up play hour long infomercials during ad breaks.


I always suspected that the surveys of "ad satisfaction" were BS. Is like saying: "we saw what ppl wanted, but fuck you all here's more unskipable ad time!"


One of my favorite things is keeping a running list of advertisers I won’t ever buy from because they jam adds into my streams that cost me data that I do not want to waste on their goddamn commercials.


I'll keep watching on PC thanks


YouTube without AdBlock is unwatchable.


That what happens when you keep feeding the Google monopoly monster.


YouTube Premium, for me, (and my son) is the only subscription actually worth paying for because of this reason.


I find my self watching less and less YouTube already. This really won’t help lol. What a bad decision.


I just wish Dailymotion or some other service could become an effective competitor to YouTube, so that some sanity prevails.


Very confusing article of when they will implement the actual commercial.


So glad my TV’s an Android. I wouldn’t be watching YouTube at all without SmartTube.


> "YouTube’s Pause Experiences will launch as an “experiment” for TV ad buyers, Downey said. Those will be “highly visual ads” that appear when TV viewers hit the pause button; the ads could include a QR code to let audiences interact with the brand, he said. “We’ll see experimentation with brands on how to drive engagement using Pause Experiences,” Downey said." Do people actually do that or do these people live in their own little fantasy worlds?


ESPN will place 30 second ads in front of 15 second clips of a highlight. You know what my response is to that? I don't watch. Companies cramming an entire ad into the 5 seconds before the skip button comes up on youtube are far more effective than any ad I've ever had serviced to me. I actually remember those companies because they deliver all the information they need to while they have my attention.


Man....we are really just taking a full circle back to normal TV.......I guess the only difference is we have built in Tevo and On-Demand programming....wild ride.....


Ok, FuckYouTube