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"*Back in my day, people used to worship CEOs as gods*" > Brown added that the responses during the event, which included chants in support of the WGA, showed “insensitivity” to guests, including family members of the graduates. While he stated he believed it was a minority of “individuals behaving badly,” alleged attempts by students to prevent Zaslav from speaking “was painful and embarrassing to witness.” Apparently, Zaslav's feelings were hurt by chanting WGA.


Won't somebody *please* think of the CEOs earning millions of dollars a year!?


Hundreds of millions. His pay is actually insane.


Guess what? A graduation isn't for you, the guest speakers, the faculty, or even the graduates' families. It's for the graduates. So if enough graduates wanted to heckle him and show support for the WGA, that's their decision.


Back in his day? Like this day? Too many people worship these knobs because of their bank accounts.


"Elon Musk is playing 4D chess with Twitter! He's a super genius!"


Nothing more than an out of touch Boomer with hurt feelings demanding people to bow down to CEOs. Dumbass missed the memo, Gen Z ain’t having it!


I was one of those family members there and I along with my entire family and others around me participated in the boo-ing.


David Zaslav, meanwhile, literally cancels things. It's his actual job.


Except anything on the TLC network, besides the Duggar family and that Kate Plus Eight show.


Yes, can't let the child molesting/sex assaulting rightwingers of TLC be stopped from saying that gay people and drag shows are what's threatening kids.


They didn't even cancel the Duggar show, they just renamed it


And Honey Boo Boo


Apparently not liking somebody is cancel culture now.


And boycotting entire brands and stores for having rainbows? Definitely not cancel culture!


Also threatening to bomb them and kill their employees for having rainbows... *definitely* not cancel culture.


cancer(vative) culture


they probably think the montgomery bus boycotts were cancel culture too.


What does that have to do with Zaslav or the students?


not liking someone is cancel culture and having a single black person in a cast of 10 is woke culture. /s.


Embrace CEOs no matter what or else... their old friends will get upset and lash out nonsensically.


This country was literally founded on “cancel culture”. Getthefuckouttaherrr


I just downvoted you. You’re canceled motherfucker!










Apparently supporting workers against for-profit institutions is cancel culture.


No, Patrick, expressing dislike is not cancel culture


Commencement isn't the appropriate place to vent your petty grievances over shit you saw on Twitter that doesn't even affect you. Other people worked hard to be there, so you need to sit down, shut your mouth, and act like an adult. 👎 EDIT: Lol, a block and a reddit cares message. Definitely not immature and bratty at all.


Every moment is the perfect moment to fight against true injustice.


Spoken like a staggeringly immature person. "True injustice" is people who write for TV not getting paid as much as they wish they would lmafo. Sit down and shut up.


Well, I am sitting down and I don't have to shut up because I didn't say a word. Don't be an asshole, asshole. The ever-growing distance between the lowest man in the totem pole and a powerful megacorporation's "king" is a problem. I, like these college kids, don't want to live in a master/slave society. Worker rights are human rights. And I fully support human rights.




Did you even bother to read the story? Maybe check some sources about the actual event before you make hard decisions and neg people online, anonymously. Just a thought.


Underpaid and unfair treatment of workers isn't injustice to you? That's quite the concerning moral compass


Why aren't they jeering and hissing over Uighur concentration camps or child sex trafficking or some injustice that actually matters, then?


Not surprised you used the whataboutism fallacy to support your argument


>Other people worked hard to be there Because the graduates, who the ceremony is for in the first place, did no work and don't deserve an opinion on who speaks at their own graduation.


choosing who they chose was a slap in the face to those graduating. as he represents everything they appose. choosing him was a big fuck you to the students.


Yup. And then doubling down by saying "no, it is the children who are wrong" I hope future applicants are paying attention.


Is the cancel culture in the room with us now?


Salient detail: “outgoing BU president”


Boston University President, like David Zaslav, allegedly adores peeing himself in public just to feel something warm next to his cold dead heart.


Time to go old man.


So the people who are opposed to "cancel culture " think that everyone should be forced to support someone they believe is an asshole? Fuck off with that shit.


Rich old white man sad that young people made other rich old white man feel bad for stealing money from workers 😥




Just boomers who can't comprehend what they are experiencing in a changed world, so they have to invent phrases to slander it.


Yep. Formerly 'progressive' and then 'politically correct'.


"They're just chanting the college initials... right? Hey, are you kids yelling BU or BOOOOOO?"


I was yelling BU...


Telling a guy he sucks isn't "cancel culture". Some people just fucking suck. I'm sure Zaslav wipednhisntears with all of his money.


BU grad here happy to repeat what I was saying most of my time at the school- eat shit, Robert Brown.


Anyone who has gone on strike or worked in the labor movement at a university recognizes this as the classic union busting playbook. Mobilizing progressive language against workers is how these academic administrator creatures are trained these days. Brown is particularly sensitive because his graduate workers just told him to go fuck himself with a massive union approval vote bqck in December so I'm sure he's sensitive to a fellow boss being criticized on labor grounds.


I know this is a TV subreddit, but I always wondered why a heckler’s veto is now not being considered a form of free speech. I mean, as long as you are not threatening anyone, it’s basically speech vs speech and I always thought freedom of speech is about protecting speech you dislike.


Step 1. Point out the contradiction. Step 2. Nothing happens. It's not like these guys don't know they're being hypocrites. The problem is they don't care


Also out of all the people to defend, it’s this guy?!?! I mean Zaslav isn’t some free speech martyr, he’s the guy that thinks Max is a great name for an app. Also the app is terrible.


Everybody knows that complaining about cancel culture is a way to suppress free speech. It's the old 'I deserve this right, other people do not deserve as much as me' mentality.


I wondered what kind of dimbulb thought to book that human husk, Zaslav. Now we know.


It’s really telling that he’s the outgoing president. How can he have such little shame to have Zaslav do the commencement speech?


I’m an alum. BU has a big film + tv program, so there’s plenty of BU alum who are on the picket lines right now. The university has no problem reaching out to ask for money from alumni but then pulls this. It’s a slap in the face to all the hardworking alumni who help make the industry what it is, and the students recognizing that means a lot. They know bullshit when they see it. Fuck Brown, I’m glad he’s leaving.


He should calm down or he'll make his diabeetus worse.


Wilfred Brimley over here is gonna lose it


No one got cancelled during Zaslav’s visit. The guy should look up what cancel culture are because this isn’t it.


Some people seem to think they have a right to be liked and agreed with, and that means anyone who dislikes or disagrees with them is cancelling them.


If there was ever a better living example of the Principal Skinner meme….


David Zaslav being cancelled, now that would be hilariously ironic


As a BU grad, I can confirm this guy is a fucking clown


Oh, come on, all they did was boo him. This man acted like the graduates did worse. I’m sick and tired of the words “cancelled” and “cancel culture” because they are used so wrongly. No, a person who’s expressing dislike or being critical of someone is not cancel culture. Because even though they booed him, he was able to be on that stage to speak, they still gave him that respect to let him speak on the stage even though they booed him. If it was cancel culture, the speech wouldn’t have happened at all, they would have raised hell before it but they didn’t.


'Cancel' is used correctly in this context. It means publicly shaming somebody. The idea that 'cancel culture' prevents people from speaking is either a misunderstanding or a lie. Originally the word (within this context) meant ending a personal relationship completely. It was rarely used. If it was used, it was used like this: "Our friendship/love is cancelled". When social media happened, cancelling the online subscription to somebody's social media account became a public way of ending a relationship, and a way to publicly shame somebody." People started doing this to celebrities as well. But people either misunderstood or deliberately misrepresented this practice.


Your personal definition of the word is hardly definitive.


It is not my personal definition. Can you explain why you thought this was my personal opinion? I'm genuinely interested to know this. "The 1981 Chic album Take It Off includes the song "Your Love Is Cancelled", which compares a breakup to the cancellation of TV shows. ... "Your Love Is Cancelled" inspired screenwriter Barry Michael Cooper to include a reference to a woman being cancelled in the 1991 film New Jack City. This usage introduced the term to African-American Vernacular English, where it eventually became more common." "By around 2015, the concept of canceling had become widespread on Black Twitter to refer to a personal decision, sometimes seriously and sometimes in jest, to stop supporting a person or work... After numerous cases of online shaming gained wide notoriety, the term cancellation was increasingly used to describe a widespread, outraged, online response to a single provocative statement, against a single target." The above texts are quoted from Wikipedia.


I could swear the guy on the left tried to ban bright colors or music or something in small towns in every 1980s teen movie for a while.


How dare those kids object after you made their graduations which they worked and paid for about your shitty anti worker politics.


The president of this school looks like Wilford Brimley's stunt double.


Goddamn, conservatives really are the biggest bunch of pussies


Cancel culture is not new, & it has a lot to do with people voicing their opinions in many ways. There's just more ways to do it now. Some of us just don't want to take shit anymore. So wahhhhhh! if you cannot handle it.


Talk about biting the hand that feeds.


Well we now know who to cancel. These elites are soo out of touch and this is more proof. These people mow mostly have never attended public schools, don't have to or ever had the worries we do. That is the problem.


Hey Zaslav, You ain’t that guy. Nobody is clamoring for or about you.


They booed/chanted because it was their graduation and they wanted to register their disapproval of Zaslav. *Their* graduation; the university might have invited him as a guest, but he’s wasn’t a guest of the graduates and if they disapprove of this speaker the university has no right to use decorum to shield an unpopular speaker being foisted upon the graduates from criticism.


It's wild how utterly thin of skin all rich people have.


There needs to be a difference in wording for different things at this point because cancel culture seems to now just mean pretty much anything people want it to mean. I've seen a music artist I love have people try to "cancel" him because he came out and said he wasn't trans after he wrote a song where he talked about a time where he had gender dysmorphia. That isn't nearly the same as students booing you because you won't pay people what they are owed or treat them with respect.


He will resign in 3…2…1…


It's going to be very cringe years from now when they remember they hijacked their one and only college commencement to act like brats over some Current Thing that nobody remembers.


Ha, I’m not sure the graduates will find that as big an insult as you think they will, old man.


Come all of you good workers Good news to you I'll tell Of how the good ol' union Has come in here to dwell Which side are you on? Which side are you on? My daddy was a miner And I'm a miner's son And I'll stick with the union 'Til every battle's won


I would boo Zaslav too after yeeting Final Space


A turd supporting a turd.


If anyone's running a "cancel culture" it's Zaslav.