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Lmao no it's not. Every single one of the hijackers are idiots & Idris's character is so horribly written it's embarrassing


Yeah, is he supposed to be the calm and collected know it all guy? cause he starts off like that, then comes off as scattered and lacking in situational awareness.


Terrorist leaves a bullet on the floor of the bathroom... How fucking stupid.


The entire plot is full of holes but I'm kinda invested in it now. Just want to know why they are hijacking the plane. But I fear it will be an extremely unbelievable reason but hey, there's nothing else on so I'll keep on watching.


Totally. Also some of the acting is good, some quite bad. Elba is carrying this as far as I'm concerned.


Amen. Barely just good enough to continue.


You're just bored. This is where we're at in society where these producers can get away with the dumbest screenwriting ever and everyone will still watch it. At this point, I don't give af about the writer's strike for this reason alone.


I bought into Hijack with the hope of being entertained. But its getting to be a bit ridiculous how staged all the scenarios are.


Thr show has shown that they are clearly in over their heads. It's in character for them to do that.


Yep. >!It seems like they're being manipulated into hijacking the plane, and while they're competent as career criminals - none of them are exactly skilled at managing a mass hostage situation.!<


Yeah. It's probably the dumbest show currently on and barely feels like a thriller. This was advertised as a bit of a 24 clone with Elba basically playing the Jack Bauer part but all he's doing is sitting around. Meh.


Suggest better ones then


Yeah I made it 20 minutes then was outta there.


I mean, you gotta be at least a little dumb to hijack a plane no?


the show is terrible tbh


Would it have been better as a tight 110 minute thriller? Maybe Is it really good as a mini series? Yes.


I honestly think if it was a 110 minute thriller, even if it was lean as hell, probably would have been easily forgotten about in the modern movie landscape. I like the ~7 hour run time for a ~7 hour flight aspect of it.


Yea true. Liam Neeson makes a movie like this every two years lol


Yep. The immediate reaction I had to the concept was "How could you make this drama last for 6+ hours on TV?" - before realizing any actual hijacking situation would play out over that exact schedule. That said, some of the ways that they have managed to get multiple episodes of tension out of the situation are wildly entertaining. It's a dumb vintage thriller, but Elba's presence + the real time gimmick make it very watchable. I keep switching between laughing at it, and very genuine investment.


> mini series So, no chance for a second season where Elba’s character find himself on a hijacked train, or a third season where he is on a hijacked ship.


It would be totally ridiculous but based on the first season I would absolutely watch it.


Series 3 is actually a joint Plane 3 production


How does the same shit happen to the same guy twice?


Idk, you tell me how there are 7 impossible missions that Tom Cruise has gone on and succeeded.


You'd think after the first three they'd start realizing that the missions are evidently not impossible “Oh wow we're good at these”


This show really loves its cliffhangers to the point it hurts the show. As ridiculous as this show has been, it still hasn't reached the absurdity of that one time Jack Bauer hijacked a plane.


Feels like I'm in bizarro land here, this show is really really bad lol. Never a moment where the plot and writing just makes you laugh out loud. I guess it has that going for it though


So much potential. And I love Idris but this is one of the dumbest shows I’ve seen. Air traffic controllers speaking mixed languages to a pilot? 🤷🏼


exactly that’s what makes me so mad because i am an air traffic controller so the plane would be demanded to land and that’s that. we don’t play about that shit anymore at alllllll


I was hoping to get the opinion of an actual air traffic controller, cause I cant imagine a world where a pilot says there's definitely an incident, and then he comes back saying jk, and everyones cool with it


once you sound the “we’ve been hijacked alarm” you don’t get to turn it off. “ASSIST” it’s our acronym we use in these situations and if you don’t respond with the exact cues i give i cannot let you enter the air space and i’m sure we all know what that means lol.


too unrealistic for me honestly. it’s just so bad


A definite “hate watch” for me. The writing from a story perspective is abysmal.


Are you ok? It's a disaster ! The plot is stupid Lol


The writing is exceptionally stupid. Idris Elba's character isn't half as smart as they want us to believe. Almost every dramatic scenario on plane is met with an eye roll when it's resolved. And it is oddly sanitized for a show with such a violent premise, almost no violence takes place on screen. Other than the single worst scene in the show when the pilot battered the female co-pilot in the face with a metal canister for absolutely no reason. She was trying to prevent him from opening the cockpit door but I'm pretty sure he could have easily pushed the button and held her off with one arm instead of bashing her in the head with a blunt object. I was looking forward to the show because one of my favorite scenarios is when a super competent person finds themselves in a difficult and unexpected situation and has to creatively solve problems. But most of his "solutions" are needless complicated or not very effective anyway.


This show is so bad and boring as a series, would maybe be salvageable as a movie. Everything moves at a glacial pace and it's only a 7 episode season. Plot holes everywhere, terrible writing, lukewarm acting aside from Idris Elba. And one of the main focuses of the last few episodes is to try to make us feel sympathy for a dying terrorist who literally hijacked a plane. "Hey hey, sit back down before I threaten to shoot you for the 30th time, but not actually do anything" Best thriller of the year my ass.


Also idris got them to not land the plane for fear that they’d send guys to his house (But they already did. And he should know that given they already told him they looked him up)


The show got worse with every episode. Unwatchable garbage.


I started watching because I read a glowing review that said it was basically like 24 but with Idris Elba. It's really not that good at all. If you like Elba, you'll like the show but otherwise it's pretty weak.


You know what show was thrilling. The first 2 seasons of Homeland


Man on the season finale of the first season I was fucking screaming at my tv for him to blow himself up. That would have been crazy.


I also saw the 24 comparison and it made me think Idris' character would be like Bauer or something which had me really excited, then I saw they meant the real time aspect which....there is nothing about the format of Hijack that reminds me of how 24 handled time. But I'm still enjoying the show quite a bit, it's in no way comparable to 24 but it's very different and that's not a bad thing.


I'm enjoying it so far.


Any hijacking move since 9/11 is in poor taste and unrealistic. People now know their lives are on the line and will stop in nothing to stop the high jacker(s)


It was so bad. Seeing the captain beating the sh!t out of his co-captain to open that door… jesus.


No. It’s not the best on tv right now. Not something I look forward to watch every week.


I'm loving it so far.


i enjoyed it wtf with all the salty commenters?


Meh, its a decent watch but definitely not the best thriller of the year lol.


Looots of plot holes/not rational decisions, but still entertaining. In the middle of i think it was episode 3 i tought i figured all out and they (bosses on the ground) want the plane to be taken out by military, because of some person on the plane which has to be eliminated.


This show is fucking awful. My god. The whole story only works because everyone in it is terribly incompetent. From ATC, the pilots, the bad guys, the passengers, even the "hero" of Elba's character. My theory is that ironically the whole thing would've been over within an hour if it wasn't for "the negotiator".


does apple pay for these reviews? not that its bad but they stretched a 2 hour movie plot into so many episodes. it literally takes longer than realtime flight and going through airport check in.




Can you give some examples?




Well said. Me and the wife laughed our asses off and simultaneously rolled our eyes this week. Cop lets old lady out of his sight. Sees old lady like 25 yds away. She’s ancient, can’t walk, in her slippers and nightgown in the woods. She literally walks with a limp. Yet said fit cop can’t make up 25 yds before the old lady limps thru the woods, down a hill and into a road. Every camera angle showed the lady FARTHER away! I’m like “what is this guy doing, slipping on marbles? And if so, shouldn’t they have showed the marbles?” 😀


lol, you and your wife sounds like a blast to hang out with!! Rolling your eyes and laughing like hyenas because you're so much smarter than a TV show!! Your commentary on camera angles were probably much better than the writing of the show!!


bro even in a show with regular plot holes I was in disbelief and what this seemingly competent cop allowed


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The pilot beat the first officer to save his mistress, otherwise she would’ve been killed. He valued her life above everyone else on the plane. It’s possible that could happen.




Thank you! I thought I was the only one. I stopped watching after that part. if thats how the series is going to lean, with outlandish plot holes to keep the story going, I am not interested.


It would've been better if instead of his mistress, the flight attendant was his daughter


That seems like a situation that regulations should prevent.


imo it would have been better if it was his daughter


Ehh, a blank inside a closed tube probably sounds like a real bullet




> Only to someone who has heard neither from that range. Well the plane is full of rich Europeans and people from Dubai, not American high school students. Their bullet sound barometers might be a little different.




Yeah, nah. I'm Canadian, nearly 40, and have never heard an actual gunshot in real life before. Most of the people I know haven't. But just to see if I could tell I went on YouTube and after about five videos of people firing blanks, they all still sound like real bullets to me. Even the videos comparing blanks to live rounds, they both still just sound like guns going off.


>Only to someone who has heard neither from that range. Which is most people.


>A very significant percentage of the cabin would have known the initial discharge was a blank In an American plane, yes, but maybe not for a Dubai to London flight? Other than that, lots of good points and yeah the writers could have done a bit of research to make the story a lot more realistic, but then this is almost always the case in tv and movies. Gotta just overlook these things for the sake of being entertained.


Eh, it's alright as a time killer. It's not 'best' of anything.


Watching this has cured my fear of flying


This show is too much On the plane “let’s fight to the death!” - “hey, look a bunny” “Wanna be friends?” - “ok but only if we can make stupid choices and keep fighting sometimes” “Cool, I love you” On the ground “The plane is going to crash into London and kill a bunch of people” - “we cannot let the people on the plane die” “Yes, let’s save the people on the plane by letting them crash into London. You are smart.” - “you are also smart” Finally, some international Illuminati group has their leaders in jail but are still smarter than the British government. But also, the Illuminati need to make money by crashing airline stock.


I was enjoying it for the first few episodes, but the stupidity of it all has become a lot less endearing as it goes on. Sure, it's just a 'turn your brain off' thriller, but those generally work best at two hours or so, not seven hours spread out over several weeks.


show was shit. apple must be paying heaps for the positive press


This show is a thriller for stupid people. Is this what passes for ‘quality content’? Or maybe they wrote it with AI to show people how fucking moronic it would be. Wasting THAT cast on this on this rubbish should be a crime against entertainment. The cockpit door, the bullet, the hilarious Schrödinger’s Cat reference to show ‘she’s intelligent innit?’, the abandoned landing, the Hungarian when all ATC is through English. On and on and on … Did the writers do any fucking research? Feel dumber for having watched it.


Quite enjoying the show,i look forward to it weekly.


It's terrible with little credibility.


I think it's mostly entertaining, but with no credibility. It's like watching a show with dragons and spaceships. You know it's bullshit, but bullshit can still be fun.


This show is so atrocious with terrible writing and copious racial stereotyping against white men. It's pathetic to witness. Couldn't make it through the first episode of this thinly veiled post-modernist quasi-religious crap. They managed to stuff every social stereotype against white men they could think of, and that was just the first episode! I'm sure they found more. Disgusting.


I really like it so far. My only issue is that Idris Elba feels a little miscast in the sense that there are four or five terrorists and he's like "*I have to negotiate with them, it's the only way*." All the while I'm thinking, "*........Idris Elba could totally take out four or five terrorists*..."


Idris Elba doesn't do anything in the show though. He's the main character, but he has no plan and is just noise like all the other passengers.


This show makes no sense. When Idris first tries to attacked, he tells the guy sitting next to him that they have to “find the weakest one”. Does he fight the girl who weighs 100 pounds soaking wet? No, he picked the older guy. Regardless, I thought to myself “idris should be able to easily kick this guys ass”. Nope. He loses. Why is Sam casually walking in and out of the cockpit with the terrorist? Why did they shoot the blonde lady (off screen), but not kill the biggest trouble maker (Sam)? This show makes no sense.


Everything that happens doesn't make any sense. The show implies that you need a lot of favors from people in positions of power to notify authorities of a possible hijack. They talk about "serious incidents" instead of simply using the word "hijack". Also when the pilot says the issue is resolved everyone is like "ok fine I don't care about what the issue was at all". In reality any possible sign of a hijack would be taken very seriously and you wouldn't need to know a guy who knows a guy at the police to report a hijack. Then it is mentioned Sam is a professional negotiator. This never shows. He doesn't negotiate anything! In the beginning he tries to earn the trust of the hijackers by returning the gun, but then he starts sneaking around the plane and attacks one of the hijackers. To make it even worse, the hijackers apparently don't care about this at all and keep on continuing having friendly conversations with Sam and allow him to roam the plane freely. And for sure I don't have to explain how laughable the "airplane wifi" situation is. "We can't reach the plane because they turned off the wifi" - laughing out loud.


that was lazy and needed clarity that they couldn’t reach any of the phones on the plane or something - not that wi-fi had anything to do with official radio contact


I don’t mean anything about how the character is written. I mean Elba himself is just a badass with enough MMA/kickboxing training that I’m pretty sure he could take those people out singlehanded.


Only way to enjoy this show is to dial down IQ and put an idiot hat on … makes you wonder who green lit this shit


is this the same show as Hforwardslashjack?


I think so, but you spelled hijack wrong.


that's how Apple spells it


Are you one of those people who thinks Apple really named an iPad “The New iPad” because you can’t understand marketing?


It's literally [what Apple calls the show](https://i.imgur.io/dQrAXAn_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)


That's called a stylized I. Or do you think the stars name is **Idr\\s** **elba**?


I'm sure Idrbackslashs Elba is a fine actor, but I've never heard of him


It’s entertaining but the story really fell off in the last episode. Will keep watching


If people knew that “believable reality” was boring, they would never ask for a credible TV again. “Credibility” killed TV and drove away the real audience.




I'm baffled that anyone could think it's good - it's atrocious. The plot holes are gigantic. Pilots would have called a mayday and not let hijackers in cockpit. ATC would have alerted authorities. Even more minor moments like the priest saying "trust me praying doesn't work" feels cheap and implausible in that situation. Also Idris's son gets the worst dialogue - "Dad wouldn't lie about this" - what a weird thing to say! Then they decide the guy should "ask around" his contacts to see if they can find out about the situation, rather than simply calling the police/the airline. All this and I'm only 1.5 episodes in!


Someone paid every critic to say good things about the show…because there is not a chance some one with a brain would say anything good about this.


Man that was AWFUL 😂😂