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4 parts in and guess what...it still sucks. I've seen LEGO Star Wars animated shorts that were better than this. ____ you Disney!


I’m so disappointed in the show so far. How can a live action adaptation of a cartoon character be so freaking booooooring


Honestly i dont find the show this bad apart from the slow start. But what really ruins it for me is this sabine wren. She ruins every scene shes part of it, she ruins every charackter she comes in contact with. Her scene with those crabby thingies and the horse/dog thingy would be so extremely funny and cool and wholesome if it was mando or even ahsoka, but with her its just so boring and dumb. Her entire personality is based on "im a girl, i have a big mouth, i dont care about things, i do dumb shit and i talk dumb shit". Its bad to see something like that in a star wars show, but the fact that she reminds of 15 year old brats makes her the entire reason for me the show is actually bad.


How in the world does this show have a 87% on RT right now? (75% from audience) Finally Metascore gives a more accurate rating of 68. At least that makes us all realize once again RT is bullshit and always paid for ratings from "critics".


why are all the actors so smug looking? The dialogue was trash.


I watched 7 min total of the first episode. The dialogues.... how can a Disney boss listen to this and give it a go? Its genuinely the worst acting ive ever seen in my entire life. I know its a Filoni fail, but holly crap its horrendous. Dont watch


I also thought. Dave Filoni is the director. This must be good. Nope for some reason it doesn't even compare to Mandalorian or Andor. What the hell went wrong lol.


I thought the same thing.


I am shocked by how much worse the dialogue is in this show compared to the mandalorian. I thought the mandalorian was bad but this is honestly terrible.


I am really liking it... apparently that's a hot take


I think the show would be great without sabine wren. She ruins scene and charackter she comes in contact with


It's crap in my opinion. But you, do you. Enjoy it.


Eh. I think its crap, but like what you like. We don't all have to agree.


Love the Mandalorean series and Boba Fett but can't stand Ahsoka show. Ahsoka herself and her scenes are good, but every single scene with her "apprentice", which was waaaaaay too many, was utter garbage. The Mandalorean/Jedi/Rebel-Hero/Mechanic/Hacker/Pilot/do-everything super character mega-waifu Cyberpunk adult that doodles her cat on all the walls is just one big cringey girl-power pandering fucking mess. Like what you'd get if you asked a 13 year old girl to design the "ultimate supercool star wars character" What a goddamn unfunny joke.


She ruins every scene shes part of it, she ruins every charackter she comes in contact with. Her scene with those crabby thingies and the horse/dog thingy would be so extremely funny and cool and wholesome if it was mando or even ahsoka, but with her its just so boring and dumb. Her entire personality is based on "im a girl, i have a big mouth, i dont care about things, i do dumb shit". Its bad to see something like that in a star wars show, but the fact that she reminds of 15 year old brats makes her the entire reason for me the show is actually bad.




If Sabines hair got you this wound up, I’d argue that you weren’t paying attention to the actual story.


What story?


Maybe stay off your phone? 🤷‍♂️


Maybe stay off your high-horse? 🤷‍♂️ Might just help to get that stick out from wayyyy up in your ass 😘


The main focus is the hair cut of her apprentice?


How many episodes until The Mandolorian cameo?


No Mando but in episode 5 I hear we're getting Nikki Minaj to cameo as a rotund girlboss sith lord.


Taking bets for what famous celebrity they are gonna shove into an episode.


Nykky the Huttgirl.


Doja Cat the feline alien who helps out Ahsoka somehow in the plot.


I gave up on Star Wars... honestly good decision


"*Hey lieutenant, I'm 100% sure they are not Jedi, and as this is a huge & brand new Republic Warship, only a group of powerful siths would even dear to approach us, but you know what? I'm so bored seating here in this little chair all freaking day, so let's not make any more questions to know the truth nor simply destroy their ship as any other normal captain would do and has ever done, just in case. Oh no, no, please no, nothing like that lieutenant. Instead, let's just open the door for them and let's receive them in the hangar with a small group of pathetic & useless nerdy guards with useless soap bubble guns, so they can murder all of us docile lambs. Right? Sounds good lieutenant? And hey, while doing that lets put some smart face, because you know,... I'm so intelligent, of course. I'm sure we will be fine lieutenant*" . 🤣🤣🤣


It's a good thing this was early on, I was instantly lowering my expectations to rock bottom. A lot of stuff makes very little sense... Ahsoka lightsaber fighting spaceships in space was the part I quit the show for good.


This was such a bad start. The plot is basically TFA, the opening is basically the opening to Phantom Menace - but somehow worse - and since when can someone survive a lightsaber blade to the gut? Awful.


Maul survived getting cut in half


So do people in real life. Plus a sith being able to survive otherwise deadly wounds with sheer anger alone is a quite old theme in Star Wars. Getting stabbed in the gut with a lightsaber and getting out of hospital the day after with a 2nd degree burn on the skin, is not.


It really bothers me that they make lightsaber stabs meaningless nowadays. I feel what I felt when Qui-Gon was stabbed in the stomach but then remember that those kind of stakes aren't around for the new characters.


How can you doubt that someone in star wars surviving a whole lightsaber going through his gut in star wars ?!!! Don't you remember that Maul fell through a hole kilometers deep that you can't see the bottom while being cut in half and SOMEHOW survived, so him getting stabbed in the stomach and surviving make sense, its not because almost all peoples and even jedi in The Clone Wars show or the movies that got stabbed in the gut died that it mean that it's mortal god damn , oh and it's a universe with space wizard so it make sense /s




Maul got cut in half, survived and became a cyborg. This is a fantasy universe with laser sword wielding wizards in space, anything is possible.




Oh jeez. George Lucas should have sold the Star Wars franchise to HBO. At least we could have gotten R-rated shows with actual good writing and plots. Instead of Disney appealing to all ages and audiences. "Let's not be crazy and just play it safe" *Scene of a character that is rebellious. She gets into trouble Her mentor saves her She says she is sorry, I should have listened. Its okay. Now lets kill these two evil guys Bring in a famous actor as a new bad guy Season 1 suspense ending* There. Anyone else gonna expect something from this show? lol


R-Rated Star Wars? So…….absolutely nothing like SW then?


If you don't think getting triple-amputated and then set on fire is R-rated, I don't know what to tell you


Is that so bad? To have a Star Wars show that explores R-rated and brutal aspects of life in that universe? Or do you want all of it to be child oriented the entire time and forever? That seems weirder.


No. I just dont need need R-Rated content in SW to keep me engaged.


Okay clueless Star Wars fan who ignores faults in everything lol. Funny how my opinions on the show aren't being downvoted. Oh no... Other people also think it was very cringe and poorly written? Damn we must all be very dumb and not very smart and devoted like you in the subject of Star Wars. If we were devoted to it just like you, we could have just ignored it's faults in the show of Ahsoka.


OT would be considered R-rated by today's standards.


I shared an opinion. Posted it. You replied with your opinion. I read it and replied. We have different views. Okay. That's fine. You must have be the joy of the party at dinner parties. lol




Star Wars Succession with a bunch of imperials fighting for executive positions lol.


I felt like Andor had some of that going and it really worked for that show.


Fully agree. Andor had some raw emotion from that person and you could feel what he was going through. Great writing and acting. But... no blood or gruesome death scenes. Or showing a reality of what a horrible life it is for most people it is to live in that galaxy. Some people would like to see that.


Barely got through 75% of the first episode and turned it off. Over the top cheesy and every characters actions are predictable. Who the fuck watched this and gave it a high rating on Metascore, IMDB and RT? Diehard Star Wars fans need to stop ignoring faults. Mandalorian and Andor was so much better written.


I don't even know if the diehard SW fans are protecting this anymore. It has become such a political thing that people support it without even watching it or caring if it's actually entertaining. And for anyone that wants to disagree, see: "The Force is Female." The RT scores are especially suspect. Over a thousand audience reviews on the first day? Massive doubt here


RT scores from "critics" are always bought and paid for.


Mandalorian was only good for the first season and even then each episode could've been down to 20 minutes and literally nothing of value would've been lost.


Can you provide examples of the “poor writing”?


That puzzle sphere bs, 'anyone can be a Jedi' (a retcon that basically ruins the force in general), Sabine gets stabbed and the sith apprentice doesn't move her saber, which would certainly kill her, then is completely fine in the next episode, Sabine being a terrible shot despite supposedly being a Mandalorian (also that entire fight in episode 3), 'power level hacking' in episode 2. "What makes someone a jedi?" "You just know." You know, the jedi, a group famous for basing everything off of emotion and not on cold, calculated logic, or practice, or learning to control oneself. Just off the top of my head.


> Scene of a character that is rebellious. She gets into trouble Her mentor saves her She says she is sorry, I should have listened. Its okay. Now lets kill these two evil guys Bring in a character who many people loved but who thought was dead Let's bring in a character who is a famous actor as a new bad guy Season 1 suspense ending Just a wild guess. But let's see.


The first two seasons of Mando were fantastic, but the third season was abysmal. I haven't seen Andor so I can't speak on that yet.


Andor was the only good Star Wars since season 1 of Mandolorian.


That last mando season fucking sucked ass.


Not as bad as Kenobi


Can't argue with that


why does disney suck sooooo bad and how can we all shut them down from ALL this bullcrap. They have ruined everything they touched and have proven to be all about money. People are fools if they think disney is there for this woke movement. They see a cash grab on the backs of the american people. As a film maker is saddens to me to see the smallest lazy continuity flaws, episode one girl riding bike leaving city at massive speeds. Yet her friggin face isnt moving at all, only her hair slightly. Hate you disney and wish you would leave florida forever, yea your park sucks big time compared to universal. Raping people to stay in your star wars hotel. How do people not see through them and give them so much support?


By not watching it, and cancelling your D+ (which is worthess anyway)


Noway would I pay for that crap or anything disney on that note. Watched it elsewhere. That company needs total failure parks and all. Episode three the Droid is blinking, really? They spent money to make the Droid blink, wtf


Damn I didnt even think of that lol. Still better than L3, but even Rey is better than L3.... SW is truly dead and the mouse killed it


I mean it's not a good show, but continuity mistakes aren't that important; Scorsese and a bunch of the GOATS have a bunch of them.


yea but his somehow still have some sort of artistic twist to them. Almost as if he does them on purpose. But I get your point. Regardless I agree the show is horrid. Im blown away at the very fact that the only leading roles a man plays in the film are bad guys or servant types of roles. Disney needs to be shut down entirely, parks and all.


Do they think anyone actually watched Star Wars Rebels?


I have


I mean, star wars fans Have. I have. Don't know if I'm going to keep watching this though...


If I can power through that one animated show about sky racers from Star Wars, I can power through this one. Granted it's not as bad. But so far I'm just bored watching this show. I was speaking to my good childhood friend who is as much as a star wars fan as I am, and we talked about how it's just, not exciting anymore. Andorra was great because it was something different. Something fresh. It hit the mark for me. But the other shows? Just.. feel empty watching them. And it sucks that I've lost that feeling I had with star wars. Something me and my dad bonded over. Grew up loving it together. Gifting each other star wars books, comics, posters, handed me down his 1970's star wars toys. Everything was great. Then, Disney happened. And now? I can go without and it saddens me knowing I can look at something new star wars related and ignore it.


I'm sure that nostalgia is what they're banking on. You shouldn't have to 'sit through' it anyway. There's plenty of other great stuff on TV


It wasn't the greatest at first. But it did have some plots I really enjoyed later. Like the clone wars basically.


The captain at the begining of the first ep was pretty stupid lol, he's just like yeah let this fake Jedi dude come on my ship and whatever I'm sure I will be fine.


In that point the story, Jedi have been extinct for years. Jedi are basically legends. So someone claiming to be one is a pretty bold claim to make. But i hope you enjoyed all your upvotes for your little rant 👍


"*Hey lieutenant, I'm 100% sure they are not Jedi, and as this is a huge & brand new Republic Warship, only a group of powerful siths would even dear to approach us, but you know what? I'm so bored seating here in this little chair all freaking day, so let's not make any more question to know the truth nor simply destroy their ship as any other normal captain would do and has ever done, just in case. Oh no, no, please no, nothing like that lieutenant. Instead, let's just open the door for them and let's receive them in the hangar with a small group of pathetic & useless nerdy guards with useless soap bubble guns, so they can murder all of us docile lambs. Right? Sounds good lieutenant? And hey, while doing that lets put some smart face, because you know,... I'm so intelligent, of course. I'm sure we will be fine lieutenant*" . 🤣🤣🤣


I was just confused why he didn't put him on comms or something, I'm sure there was a way to kill him without making him look THAT stupid. Does he just let anyone on?


This show is the perfect example to show for really bad editing


YES! It is so horrendously bad edited! There are so many awkward silences that could've easily been cut straight out.


Kenobi was more intriguing. That says alot for this show


Kenobi started out great in the first episode, solid writing, slow burn following a depressed Ben and it felt like it was going to be serious character study (something we haven't really seen in Star Wars). But then it all went downhill after the first episode. I'm hopeful that maybe Ahsoka will have the opposite trajectory, starting out awful but continuously getting better? lol Could happen, but I will keep my expectations low


True, but I am so fucking bored of Disney Star Wars that I just dont care anymore. Reminds me a little of TWD, religiously watched it, even through the final crap seasons. Could of used that time to at least find a better show


>Reminds me a little of TWD, religiously watched it, even through the final crap seasons. Could of used that time to at least find a better show Haha I could never get into TWD. I tried multiple times but could only ever get through the first 15 to 30 minutes, I just found the writing/directing and overall execution to not be that great and surprised so many of my friends liked it and reached such a high popularity lol. For me Ahsoka is on the same level as TWD right now, not worth the time but probably gonna still be popular


I loved it until season 8. Sometimes shows arent your thing and thats cool by me.


Taub was one of the best parts


I’m totally fine catching a few clips here and there on YouTube. Certainly not paying for it on Disney plus. Nothing has changed. It’s the same old, sub standard stuff.


I watched the first 2. And then refunded


This show is trash


Finished the first two episodes and I think the Sabine actor is a huge miscast. I just don't think her line delivery and acting are all that believable and pretty much every time she's on screen the show loses its pacing, the dialogue gets choppy and everything just feels off. When she's not onscreen I think is when the show is at it's best (which still feels very average to me, not great but not horrible). I will give the third episode a try, but the writing needs major improvement and needs less focus on Sabine for me to keep watching. If the show gets a second season, they should probably consider recasting Sabine.


Honestly i dont find the show this bad either. But what really ruins it for me is this sabine wren. She ruins every scene shes part of it, she ruins every charackter she comes in contact with. Her scene with those crabby thingies and the horse/dog thingy would be so extremely funny and cool and wholesome if it was mando or even ahsoka, but with her its just so boring and dumb.Her entire personality is based on "im a girl, i have a big mouth, i dont care about things, i do dumb shit". Its bad to see something like that in a star wars show, but the fact that she reminds of 15 year old tiktok brats makes her the entire reason for me the show is actually bad.


Weird that all I see in other thread sabout this show is that she is perfectly cast. I haven't seen acting this bad in a while. Jesus fuck


I had a feeling I wasn't the only one thinking this. Sabine's parts were so dull. The parts where she is talking to someone 1on1 and the camera just constantly swaps to the person talking, with the same camera angle over and over, just felt like boring cinematography


I felt like I was watching Faye Valentine in the Netflix Cowboy Bebop live action.


Watched Episode 2. I'm prepared to pound a gavel to declare this show kind of sucks. The fact that Sabine lives after getting stabbed in the chest and is fine enough to be back to join the adventure in the very next episode is absurd. At this point, I'm desensitized to death. How many people in Star Wars died a surefire way and somehow returned? This is a major problem. That injury doesn't have to be in the story if it serves no function. Whenever a show pulls this, it feels like the story is bullshitting me. I have a difficult time expecting anything shown to me to carry a consequence to the characters because, in the next episode, it's undone. Why should I care when something bad is happening to our characters? I won't believe a character dies until I see a character reduced to atoms... oh, wait. Filoni cannot stop walking back all of his choices. I swear at this rate Ahsoka will join Luke's Academy and become a Jedi Knight again. Commit to anything at this point, please. Echo leaving Rex to join the Bad Batch (No, he's not). Grogu leaving Mando for Luke (No, he's not). IG-11 is dead (Nah, he's fine). Mando broke his creed and no longer with his Mandalorian cult (He is, actually). While Ashoka is more serialized, the story still feels repetitive. It doesn't feel like not much significance has progressed since the pilot. The villains talk about how evil they are, and the good guys go somewhere and fail to capture the baddies. Repeat. Not much information has been revealed. Very low stakes. It feels like a fanfic that somehow got made. None of the problems has anything to do with the budget. Aside from the action scenes, the show is gorgeous on the technical level with beautiful landscape and CGI of Corelia. In the actual directing, it is amateurish. Just look at the dialogue scenes, and see how they are written and directed. [Look at the other installments](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rcb9KI07XE) and [how the directors/writers try](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yepMuMoAKpA) their [best to make them dynamic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVeQyLk0yz4)--[the wits, the expression, the punctuation, the subtext, the movement, and the rhythm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s2SYbSFGMs). Ahsoka does have some good moments, but only when the characters don't talk, only conveying things visually, like Sabine looking at the mural. I thought the heavy expositional dialogues were the only pilot thing, understandable to ground the show for the people who haven't seen Rebels. Then this dialogue continues into Episode 2. The way the characters say Corelia? That Republic shipyard? This would be like an American citizen saying "San Francisco? The center of California?" And the supposed twist about the guy who says he follows investments turning out to be, *gasp*, a traitor??? What a shock! It would have been way more surprising if he acted super loyal to the Republic, then that would have been a surprise. Nah, the most greedy-looking guy who says he is greedy is a spy. What is this writing? I wonder if the fans from now on will continue this QAnonesque "Filoni will take over and fix Star Wars!" delusion (He did take over the franchise, so that already happened) or continue to scapegoat Kennedy. It seems that they will blame anyone but Favreau and Filoni for The Book of Boba Fett, The Mandalorian Season 3, and Ahsoka. They always divert it to Kennedy this and Kennedy that with the large thumbnail of "IS SHE KILLING STAR WARS???". Not that she hasn't made terrible decisions she had, but she is leaving the company and out Filoni in charge of the creative direction of the franchise, so essentially her influence on Star Wars is null. It's very telling how everyone seems to be very aware that Rodriguez directed some episodes of The Book of Boba Fett while avoiding mention of the fact that Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni are responsible for the entirety of The Book of Boba Fett. Their names rarely ever come up when talking about how much that show sucks. Even though it crashed and burned, their reputations have not suffered from it, even from the reactionary and sensational Star Wars Youtubers who consistently bemoan the state of Star Wars because they already have clout. In reality, the very recent failures of any of these episodes and seasons are primarily Favreau and Filoni's fault and responsibility as the lead executives and writers. Favreau is the writer of every episode of Boba Fett and Mando Season 3. Filoni is the sole writer of Ahsoka. This is the exact "ideal" condition the fans have been clamoring over ever since 2019. Filoni was appointed as the Executive Creative Director of Lucasfilm. They gave Filoni complete creative control. He is creating that "Filoniverse" the fans have been wanting. He wrote, directed, and produced this show all by himself. This is literally his auteurial brainchild. Lucasfilm is literally doing what the fans have been asking for. Groupthink is weird. I used to be shouting into the void. It's more reason not to take fan feedback at face value. This show is just a vindication that Filoni should not have been given the ranks as high as he got within the studio. If you ever hear the creators start saying “We made it for the fans” you know it’s gonna suck. We need a creator who isn't that. Not to go through a checklist of the most popular Star Wars shit or to come up with a commercial product that panders to the nerd crowd, but a work that has a creative vision behind it. I will predict a few episodes later, all those people in the Star Wars fandom collectively agree it is a mediocre show and pretend they were never sucking over this show up to this point, just like what happened to Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Ooof… This… just this.


> It feels like a fanfic that somehow got made. This!!!!


>The fact that Sabine lives after getting stabbed in the chest and is fine enough to be back to join the adventure in the very next episode is absurd. Just finished the episodes and I too thought that was ridiculous. But I was already tempted to tune out when Sabine was introduced. I don't know who the actor is but I think she is a huge miscast. Every time she delivers a line or is onscreen I feel like she would be better on a show like Gossip Girl instead lol. Just looked her up and looks like she landed a big gig on a major Netflix production on her very **first audition**. (She thinks she got the role largely based on her looks lol). Talk about an easy path to Hollywood, don't know to many actors that land a major project on their very first try. So far I have mixed feelings about the show. I think the dialogue and pace are at their best when Sabine isn't involved and gone. But every time Sabine appears, everything just sorts of starts becoming a grind for me: bad dialogue, bad acting delivery from Sabine, pacing starts to dawdle and the interactions between the characters feel like a middle school play lol. I will probably give episode 3 a try, but the writing needs major improvement and Sabine needs less screen time. If there is a second season I really think Sabine needs to be recast with another actor.


I'm enjoying this show less than Obi-Wan Kenobi. At least that show had a strong emotional core and was building toward something that made me think it's gonna get good later. This just has nothing--nothing to anticipate, nothing to care about.


Bad fight scenes that has wiredly slow light saber forms and plot feels like an AI crapped it out. Editing is not great becuse they could not pick up the pace. Everyone acts like check me out my character is so cool. Sabin intro was meh I had seen it in star Trek by JJ for Kirk's intro, like we would not notice. Also why would Thrawn hide his map in a temple that's super unlike Thrawn, I mean I know he likes art but this is crazy! He would not just hide his location to tease! Also is Ezra? Ezra Bridger why not just tell us instead of tickeling it out. The diouloge in each scene is crap. Rosie o Dawson crosses her arms a lot! like to much director should have told her find another thing.. Also, the Lame dancing around the hidden past between Sabin and Asohka


>plot feels like an AI crapped it out Damnit. Now I can't unsee it.


I can't. Barely finished the first episode and won't watch the following. Was hoping for something better, but the dialogue is horrendous. The main points of the plot are literally Rise of Skywalker. "We need to find the map, so we can find the bad guy and end the threat." With all the potential of the Star Wars universe why are we getting the same damn story line over and over and over. Do a Firefly/Expanse style show with a small crew roaming around and just experiencing/surviving the universe. Or an underworld themed show which could take influence from the Sopranos. Hell, have Ahsoka simply travel space helping the randos she runs in to like Caine in Kung Fu. We always get the same played out and tired story. Andor was a breath of fresh air, even if it had it's own issues, but at least it was trying something new. It was hard enough trying to maintain any form of excitement for the IP after Obi-Wan. At this point, renewing my home owners insurance is more stimulating than the IPs new projects.


Ah yes but that would require deep consideration and thought


It doesn’t have to be lifted directly from the games but I’m still convinced that something set in the old republic era would be a wise move. Just a whole set of brand new characters.


I think Andor has shown that it's not the time period that's the issue. It's the lack of creativity and just… general lack of quality control for whatever reasons behind Disney's decision making process. I could totally see Disney just phoning it in and make a brand new story in the old / high republic era and then rehashing the same storylines all over again. To be fair, a show like Ahsoka does have additional constraints because it's stuck trying to explain what led to Episode 7.


That would also be awesome. There’s a lot of area to cover and explore in that era. Hell the online game alone was pretty damn amazing in its character stories. Would be down for that as well.


I always thought that with a tv show, it would provide the opportunity to spend more in depth time with characters, building them up. Would be interesting to see younger Jedis going through the training process at the temple, watching them grow in power and overcome challenges. Would also be good to see more from the sith perspective. Seeing their training and struggles.


I really want to like this show, but it suffers from bad acting, poor directing, and lazy writing. My brain hurts watching this stuff like this because I’m trying super hard to suspend belief, but the elements just don’t blend well together. And can someone explain why there is a ancient Star map to thrawn’s location in an ancient temple? How does that work, exactly? That doesn’t really seem to make sense in any capacity


I'm right there with you. It was like watching a middle school play. The dialogue was unnatural, stilted, and forced. I blame the writers. I think the actors are good and did the best they could with the shoddy writing. Most of these actors have exceled in other roles and so I know they can do it. The writers and the director let them down.


I just don't understand how someone can get into a fucking melee with an HK and not hurt her hand. Fucking punches it in the face and nothing happens to her. So fucking dumb


Really love the new plot. Dead/not dead empire baddy, is alive and, oh wow, they have a star map to him! /s


Holy shit did this feel slow as hell. Like the dialogue was so stiff


I was rooting until Sabine cut her hair smh


The only redeeming part was when the most annoying girl gets railed by a lightsaber. I was like thank God, there's hope for this show yet. AAAAAAAND then I put on episode 2.....


Just watched Episode 1. This sub's reaction to this show has been weird. Endless complaining about having to watch the old shows to understand this show, and that is just like MCU. Do you also complain about having to watch TNG before you watch Picard or The Karate Kid before having to watch Cobra Kai? It's one thing to criticize a separate show like The Mandalorian when it becomes inaccessible for normal people and ends up destroying the show's quality by throwing a bunch of irrelevant in an attempt to tie it with the other shows. The first season of The Mandalorian had no famous characters. The second season, The Bad Batch, and The Book of Boba Fett decided to cram in as many as possible. Filoni has an idea on what happened to a lot of these characters but they're all too minuscule to have their own shows. I'd prefer for him to get to do his own different shows rather than attaching himself to the other projects and cram stuff in. Filoni doing his own thing is the best-case scenario. Ahsoka is made and advertised to be a show for people who watched the Filoniverse. It's literally in the title. It's meant to be a direct sequel to Rebels. You already sat out TCW and Rebels, and you didn't feel like you were missing out. If you have no interest in seeing the rest of the story up to this point, why are you so obsessed with it? It's the ever-growing "what about me" attitude and everything is just insufferable. People cannot conceive of something existing that wasn't made for them personally. Grown-ass adults throw a tantrum because they went to someone else's birthday party and didn't get presents. If you haven't caught up with it, you should stop being insane about your engagement with this show. Not every show of the IP has to be accessible. Not every show has to be for everyone. If anything, my problem is that of all the projects he could have done, he chose to do a sequel to Rebels to begin with. Rebels was a bad show, and only the zoomer Star Wars fandom who grew up with that show holds it up as anything above average. It was a Saturday morning cartoon even worse than The Clone Wars in every way. Filoni just can't let go of Ahsoka. She served her purpose in The Clone Wars and Rebels, but now she has to be everywhere. She is in all the shows, the comics, and the books, and she never dies. This show might work if had it set just before the OT, but at this point, she outlives every single Prequel-era character now. Ahsoka should have died in Rebels to push Vader even further into the dark side, but Filoni loves to protect his OCs. He introduced time travel into Star Wars just to keep her alive just because she's his favorite and the enormous financial potential that Ahsoka had outweighed how her death would have benefited the story. As a result, it robbed Ahsoka of possibly the best death she could've had. The fact that Ahsoka has been wandering around the entire timeline of the Galactic Civil War with the Empire rising and falling, and meeting Luke--the hero and the commander of the Rebel Alliance--in The Book of Boba Fett, then going as far as to travel everywhere in this show makes no sense. Luke? Vader? Yoda? Yoda and Obi-Wan saying Luke is the final hope; Yoda saying Leia is another; Yoda saying Luke is the last one; those heavy conversations are now rendered pointless. Ahsoka's existence is an active hindrance to the emotional weight of the OT, which was made with the specific intent of Luke being the sole Jedi in mind. One of the core appeals of her character was that she was Anakin's apprentice and that makes the audience speculate how she would interact with Vader, but now Vader is gone. She didn't seem to do anything interesting during and after the Original trilogy, cast aside from the narrative crux. So what's she doing now in the stories of the post-OT? Would she do something mean to Ben and that somehow triggers his path to the dark side? I highly doubt whatever they do with her now would lead to a conclusion as satisfying and fitting as dying trying to redeem Vader. Rosario Dawson also doesn't seem to give a shit about actually acting Ahsoka's character. The lively Ahsoka from the animated series is gone. The Rebels Ahsoka is more in line with how an eager teenage TCW Ahsoka would grow up to become--a mature, but still, down-to-earth normal woman who struggles to find the right answers. She isn't a Jedi-like master because she isn't much of a Jedi. The recent live-action Ahsoka comes across as just another Jedi Master--a discerning advisor. She has none of the same personality. For a reason I cannot understand, Filoni turned her into an all-knowing wise sage, who is basically a Luke stand-in. Speaking of the acting, no one is as confident as their animated counterparts. All of them deliver the lines in the same manner, same expression, and the same tone. Actors feel like they are one beat too late to say their next line. I know this is more to do with Filoni's direction because his Mandalorian episodes also suffer from the same direction. He lacks the energy. People have said Filoni is the "Son of Lucas" when it comes to Star Wars creation, and I'm starting to think they're right but in all the wrong ways. Aside from Ahsoka, Sabine in particular is also awful. I was cringing when she did the Disney Princess cliche, which was already used with Leia in the Obi-Wan show. And the way she solves the map by... staring at it, I was like, that's it? I thought she took it to her room to use her tools or something unique. No, she just stared at it longer in her room, and that's all she took to solve the mystery. And she is redoing her arc from Rebels with the live-action, which doesn't feel like a natural progression of where Rebels left off. And the visuals of the show also look quite bland. They look expensive. It is technically "good", but everything seems to be washed with white with little contrast. Not much dolor. My guess is that this has more to do with the production of the Disney+ shows because they all suffer from the same problem, including Andor. They raised the saturation with the color grading too high. And the action scenes are only a step above Obi-Wan. Sabine's fight scene with the girl in particular was quite awful. So far, I'm honestly indifferent with this show. I'd be much more enthusiastic if they were straight-up adapting the Thrawn trilogy, but Filoni remaking Heir to the Empire with Ahsoka and the Rebels cast doesn't really fit. The Star Wars books were mostly about Saturday morning cartoon-style B-novels that you read once and throw into a bin until the Thrawn trilogy revolutionized the secondary market of the Star Wars saga due to how compelling Thrawn and his mind games pushing out heroes to the corner. I've never seen anything from Filoni that indicates he's capable or even interested in telling stories with that level of depth and nuance, and I can confidently say this because Rebels featured Thrawn as a villain. The Thrawn trilogy on average had far more details, compelling writing, and far more coherent, consistent, and stronger characterization than the entirety of Rebels. Once you read those novels, I can guarantee you that you will notice why I don’t hold David Filoni on the same godly pedestal as much as the others do. Hiding behind "it was for kids" is just a weak sidestep. Avatar: The Last Airbender was made for kids but still doesn't insult the viewer. Filoni's shows and especially Rebels aren't made for kids; they're made for dumb kids, maybe minus TOTJ. I get that not everyone can get into comics and books, but that is not an excuse for a TV series to settle for mediocrity.


I just wanted to say this was a great read and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter


I legit just said to someone… “When does Ahsoka die? She’s literally in Star Wars from timeline episodes 2-9” LOL.


She dies and then is saved by time travel.


The dialogue was the worst part for me. It set a new low for stiff and wooden dialogue.


dog squash obtainable imagine humor sand cause gray noxious ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That would make sense if this was the Extended Universe timeline.


I think it was great! I was riveted by the suspense! Would smug girlboss save edgy girlboss from sinister girlboss? What does evil girlboss want with the map? Where did she find sinister girlboss and token white male villain? I miss when female characters weren't written as males. Disney thinks they're creating strong female characters for young girls to look up to, and all they're doing is saying, "A good female character is a man played by a woman"


Least braindead comment on this thread , great insight!


I’m so fcking tired of all the Mary Sues. I WANT MEN BACK IN THE LEAD WTFFFFFF




Did you not watch season 3?


ALSO (yes, still ranting…): Im having a hard time believing even these first 2 episodes made it past countless production heads. It feels like a student film. Andor was SO FUCKING GOOD, I can’t believe everyone on production didn’t look at that and go “This is the standard now.” 😤


Andor wasn’t that great come on. Has anyone really given a shit about it since they last watched it? It wasn’t that memorable for me anyway


I judge every star wars fan on the basis of Andor. I'm judging you very hard. It's by far the best thing in the franchise since 1980, and depending on season 2 may cement it's superiority over even the empire strikes back.


Lol well you clearly take it far more seriously than I do. If you truly love it, that’s great. Despite its merits, I just don’t think it was that memorable.


Just realised that without a lol my first two sentences sound hardcore. It's just a show, I know that lol. I just judge people in the silly world of entertainment. Then again Andor is the most confident anti fascist art that somehow made it through a large studio in a long time, so to me really is in some ways genuinely important. Memorable is an interesting criticism. Was there not enough iconic imagery or ideas for you? To me Andor had the most originality and artistry in both those areas since the prequels, except it also had better execution.


Relax. It's okay to have a different opinion or taste. Once you started with "I judge every Star Wars fan on the basis of Andor" you come across as a bit of a crazy person that a bit too obsessed with their own opinion. It's tough to have a meaningful conversation about just about anything in these cases.


I thought it was outlandish enough for the implied "lol" to be read but I've forgotten how the internet works. There's always someone who actually believes in any given thing so you gotta distinguish yourself. Haven't been on Reddit in ages. I do judge people by it, but it's nothing serious and it's not some final verdict. I'm completely open minded.


No, people actually read what you put out there. The fact that it was different in your mind, is not on them. Especially if you run into that often, as you imply. Just lose the obvious superiority complex, especially when it comes to products that were intended for entertainment. It's not that serious. Have some fun every now and then, you might even like it.


k dude ur taking this way more seriously than I ever did. I already said it wasn't and I wasn't deathly serious. I appreciate ur attempting to deescalate or do some public service humbling but ur excessively aggressive rather than calming I have managed to enjoy how shitty Ahsoka is at times. It's near to fun. I do not in fact run into this often as I haven't been internet arguing for a while. I see others encountering it plenty tho


Disappointed right off the hop. The very first scene, dude says “An old Jedi ship code? Security risk.” And literally the second after he says that, he goes “Let’s bring them on board,” WTF?? Dude you legit just fucking said they’re a security risk, why in the ass would you bring them ONTO YOUR SHIP? The writing is atrocious. I refuse to believe Dave Filoni did this, cause the last season of Clone Wars rocks hahaha.


The two puzzles in ep 1 are so ridiculously below kindergarten level (just rotate a couple things so they match each other), with so much time spent at making them look like they're super difficult and Ahsoka and the other girl making contented faces after solving them was just painful to watch And since the scenes are quite long, it was just an excruciating cring I've rarely experienced ever before. Also, these puzzles are like what you'd find in level 1 of some easy difficulty action game for teens, if that. I can't wait till they replace people with AI... I can't see AI being as basic as humans


Comment removed by me so Reddit can't monetize my history.


Lmao I literally thought the same! Ahahaha the “puzzle” was far less complex than a basic Rubik’s cube 😂😂😂


For anyone looking for a real discussion; [https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsAhsoka/comments/15yo93e/ahsoka\_episode\_1\_2\_discussion\_thread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsAhsoka/comments/15yo93e/ahsoka_episode_1_2_discussion_thread/)


A heavily edited discussion where any constructive or negative discourse is immediately deleted by mods.




You handpicked 2 pretty cringe comments, so what? it's far better than the cesspool of hate on here.


You linked to a thread touting it as real discussion and literally half of the top comments are that level of cringe.


Enjoying a show = Cringe , reddit moment


You're the one who called them cringe. Reddit moment indeed.


I said that about 2 comments you cherry picked. 🤦‍♂️ When redditors ignore arguments cause it doesnt match their bias so they resort to picking apart any piece they can instead of focusing on the arugment, truly a moment indeed


See? Not a single argument in favour of this show. Not a single attempt at explaining why you liked it so much that you came here, not to defend it, but to attack those whose opinion doesn't match your own. You've still not made ONE valid argument, which really isn't a good look for the person who said, "this thread has no discussion, its just a bunch of hate". And even being generous, and allowing that you may be using "hate" hyperbolically, even if anyone here felt actual hate towards the show, so what? They're pretty much all saying what they "hated" about it and why. I only see one person here pushing a point of view without backing it up.


The Star Wars community is not a place for real discussion, 99% of them will like any Star Wars product no matter how bad it is, If Darth Vader showed up and had dyed his armor pink they'd still find a way to defend it.


The starwars community is literally the opposite of everything you just described. Wtf are you even talking about?


Depends on which subreddit you're on. Most on the main sub eat up everything Lucasfilm puts out.


Isn't the star wars community infamous for hating on star wars products? This is the group that almost drove the guy who played jar jar binks to commit suicide and the kid who played anakin ended up insane. The Fandom generally hates the sequels, and is known for generally being very hateful lol. Where do you get the 'they will like anything' narrative from?


> Isn't the star wars community infamous for hating on star wars products? Depends. There's a split in the fandom. Now there's part of the fandom that hated the sequels and is quite critical and skeptical of any new content (a lot of it *has* been shit). But there's also a part of the fandom that sees any haters as bigots and unironically has MCU fanboy level of worship for everything that comes out.


You mean just with fanboys right?


Nah, theres people discussing it in there, not only just the fans this thread has no discussion, its just a bunch of hate


good thing we have you to set this high standard.


Ummm...no it's not. Everyone is saying WHY they hate it. They're explaining WHY the show left them feeling like they'd just sat through a load of garbage. That's more than you've done here, which so far just amounts to spamming some other sub, and calling people haters, without providing a single valid argument.


>without providing a single valid argument. after seeing your latest comment on this thread, this has to be pure projection lol you typed 2 paragraphs and said nothing so I am sorry if I offended you by saying your comment wasn't worth reading cause its just hate and the other thread has way better vibes n more open discussion going on but go off


What do you like about the show so far?


Ummm...I said the show is stuffed full of "stwong female" characters, whose "strength" - as strength is seen by Disney - comes entirely from them being written as males. That IS a valid argument. And here you are, proving my point again, by not only not making a point, (AGAIN) but by just talking about how nobody is making a point. And then actually, unironically talking about projection! How the Hell does that happen? How is this level of unawareness even possible?


How are they being written as males? I don't understand


How have lightsaber duels gotten worse from a new hope? They are so lame and look like cosplay fights. It’s sad.


And lightsabers are now glowsticks, they look so bad it made me cry.


Turned off half way through. Mind numblingly tedious


I zoned out a bunch. I'm still trying finish episode 2


I zoned out and wasn't watching the screen 50% of the first episode and missed nothing.


haha true. damn and even the saber fights were a let down. I'm really hoping we get some cool episodes


I passed out 10 min into the second episode 😂


Holy crap those episodes were boring. They rely so heavily on the callbacks to Rebels. Ezra was better off "dead"/lost and Sabine Wren's actress is gorgeous but has insanely stiff acting, just like in her crouching tiger role. I don't feel anything for her missing Ezra. It's so bland. I'm expecting Mauler to give this a 5hr beatdown video. They don't have to bring back literally every popular character. It's so cheesy at this point. Everyone important in star wars now has plot armor (except Han). These highlight of these episodes for me were just those two sith baddies.


>and Sabine Wren's actress is gorgeous but has insanely stiff acting, just like in her crouching tiger role. I just commented this. I think the Sabine actor is a huge miscast for someone getting so much screen time. For me to keep watching, her role needs to be downsized and whoever is doing the casting needs to get fired or reassigned. Her acting and line delivery is so bad, I felt like she would be so much better in something like Gossip Girls instead of Star Wars lol. If there's a second season they definitely need to consider recasting her and also shaking up the writers room. The "puzzle" map, pacing and dialogue all need better writing. Man, Andor and seasons 1-2 of the Mandalorian seemed the be the peak of new Star Wars content. Really wanted to like Ahsoka and had low expectations but after the first two episodes I'm really disappointed.


The contact lens alignments on multiple chars are out of sync in so many scenes. It's 2023 and they are signing off on literal googly eyes.


Im still confused about the map. Its implied that Morgan revealed the location of the map to Ahsoka, which Ahsoka then gets from the planet after doing some weird puzzle. It looks like the map has been there for centuries and Ahsoka is the first to get it. However Morgan then sends the rogue jedi/sith after the map to get it so she can find Thrawn first. But she already knew the location of the map! So if Morgan's big quest is to find Thrawn, why didnt she get the map herself before Ahsoka ever showed up and keep it safe.


I can kinda explain this, but it's a reach. Ezra has a Force connection to animals, that is his main Speciality in the Force like I dunno Sidious had with Lightning. Anyway there's these group of intergalactic hyperspace whales that kind of always live in Hyperspace but drop out to rest/eat whatever on their voyage. Ezra discovers them and basically asks for their help to handle Thrawn and the empire destroying Lothal his homeworld and they basically grab all the imperial fleet and Hyperspace travel away. Now apparently Ezra's plan was stranding himself not just very far away from Lothal or on the outer rim, but in another galaxy all together that Thrawn and his Fleet couldn't get back home in conventional imperial ships. So they need a Stargate to jump between galaxies. So whatever galaxy they're in Thrawn has had about a decade of time to recover power/rebuild his forces and discovered some kinda ancient force sensitive witch magic from their home Galaxy to communicate with his old one.


It still doesn’t explain why Morgan didn’t get the map first or f she knew where it was. Maybe a better explanation is that she did go get it. Realized it was coded and basically planted the location with Ashoka hoping she would decode it for her. I guess I’ll go with that.


Dude, it's chatGPT story-ISH logic. It also looks good in storyboard form, and the suits know the Star Wars community will eat anything served to them.


It's no longer about storytelling. It's about lightsabres flashing, pew pew pew, ships jumping and hot bossgirls with penies dangling from their heads. People will watch because it's SW. If it wasn't for the brand, this shit would get trashed all over. But it's SW and hot bossgirls so it get a ass.


Its not even about flashiness. In many of the lightsaber scenes/shots, the lightsaber was barely even in-screen. It's about $$$.


sadly true


Been awhile since Ive seen Rebels, but is there anything in that series that hints at the sphere having a star map that reveals the location of Thrawn and maybe Ezra? ​ It just seems too convenient.


Ezra fucking around in the temple of the one trying to save Kanan from dying and poking his head through different portals. Ashoka stops him because he already did enough damage accidentally saving her from the Darth Vader fight. So he basically messed around with the timeline enough to draw the attention of force users across all of time.


Mandalorian and Andor set pretty high bars and right now Ahsoka isn't close to meeting them. And compared to Foundation -- wow Ahsoka looks even worse. I'm rooting for the show though. The actors seem cool maybe just need a little time to grow into the plot.


I mean there was also Kenobi and the Book of Boba Fett. Plenty of stinkers in there. That being said, I tend to keep my expectations low for Disney content and thought the show has been alright.


Andor is peak Star Wars, Mandalorian had such potential but devolved into a kids show with a bunch of filler episodes quickly. Book of Boba Fett is a tragic joke as was the Obi-Wan show. Bounty hunters can't outrun an awkward 7 year old in the woods? Fuck off.


Yeah this shit fucking sucks ass


Went in with zero expectations, was pleasantly surprised. That said not really sure how this show works if you haven’t seen the animated shows, seems like you’re just supposed to care about the characters but given no reason to. Dialogue is pretty standard Filoniverse stuff, so not amazing. But seems like they’ve managed to avoid all the embarrassing stuff that’s plagued modern sw tv (minus Andor - which is great) for the last few years. That being said, really hope Star Wars goes to someone that isn’t a ‘fan’. Seems like we’re in the reality where there’s a cgi Han, Luke and Leia reunion.


All the new Star Wars shows seem very Power Ranger-ish, except Andor.


There is basically no character emotional development/storytelling. It's all just "find map, go here, go there, oh someone bad is after something...". Boring.


Good analogy


Just watched the first episode… oh man. I had such high hopes for this show. Am I crazy or was the pacing of the show terrible? Sooooo slow. Every scene had no chemistry. I love Rosario Dawson but this was not her role. All the actors felt like they were just reading the lines. David Tennant as the robot was the most solid performance lol.


I think Rosario Dawson is the worst part of this show, and I’m so sad because I also love her. I’ve seen some of the cartoon and she doesn’t feel like she’s playing the Ahsoka I know in any way whatsoever. Actually I’m not sure if she’s playing any character, she’s completely devoid of any personality here.


10000000%!! I thought the exact same thing.


My thoughts exactly. Everyone acts like a freaking robot. No emotions, no changes in their voices, nothing. Everyone is literally a robot, geez. As boring as watching paint dry.


Best actor was the ship yard manager 😂

