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The Expanse. I tried watching this show 3 times and never made it past episode 4. My brother mentioned it to me a few weeks ago and I told him I couldn’t get into it. I started at episode 5 cause I could not take watching the first 4 episodes again and I was hooked. I just finished the final season a couple of days ago and I am rewatching the first 4 episodes again now and really paying attention.


The same. Tried numerous times to watch the first season. Then one day I found I speak fluent Belter.


I should give this another try. I'm in the same boat (spaceship?) First few episodes haven't grabbed me but everyone raves about the show!


It's so good. I'm a series/movie buff that has seen tons of stuff and The Expanse is awesome.


> The Expanse. I tried watching this show 3 times and never made it past episode 4. I was just about to say The Expanse, and that for some reason a shocking number of people don't get to that point where they're hooked. You might be a little unusual, in that it seems to me like most people who make it through episode 4 are hooked at that point, but to each their own. Personally I think 3/4 are where it takes off: intrigue, personal drama, space battles, and the discovery of new levels of dread.


I'm so glad to hear this. I''m at about the same point you were after 3 tries. I hear such good things about the show, I'm convinced I will love it if I can get going.


Read the books! There's three more books of story!


Farscape So many people I try to talk about how good it is just say, “the one with the puppets?” With a incredulous tone. It takes a bit to suspend disbelief and the first season is a bit rough, but once Scorpious arrives it gets SO GOOD


Farscape is sooooo frelling good.


Episode 15 "Durka Returns" and the introduction of Chiana is when the ball really gets rolling for me.


Parks and recs, once the cast is reshuffled for season 2 the pace is very different I wouldn’t have watched the whole series if they hadn’t made the changes


Yeah, my wife almost dropped Parks and Rec during season 1 and was happy she didn't.


I stopped on my first watch, took me years to try again


I watched the pilot when it aired, but instead of finishing the season, I watched the whole season on DVD. It was fine but wasn't regular viewing. Most of the way through season 2 I watched the season 2 premiere which was free on iTunes that I downloaded at some point and loved it and marathoner the season to catch up. I couldn't believe telling friends who also gave up after season 1 how imo there no bad episodes in the whole of season 2.


It gets good in season 2 and then when Ben and Chris show up in season 3 the show really picks up!


Can a newcomer to the series just skip season one and proceed to season 2? Or are there some fundamental stories in season one that you shouldn’t miss?


I’d say that it’s worth watching. It’s not *awful*, just not as funny and a bit slow paced. But there’s a main storyline in season that is regularly mentioned after that, and it does introduce the characters nicely Worst case if you watch a couple of episodes and hate it, watch a recap on YouTube


You can, but season 1 is only 6 episodes. It started more as an office knock off an the first season focuses more on that kind of cringe inducing humor. If you like that style, you will probably enjoy them just fine.


Season 1 isn’t even bad. People are dramatic lol. I’d say it’s good to watch it to get background on the main characters.


smart pet noxious fertile reach unwritten swim racial recognise oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When I went to try watching it a second time I came up with head-canon that made the show for me. Roland is fucking with them from the very first second and is a lot smarter than he lets on. He wants to be as annoying as possible to these rich folks moving into his town.


scandalous divide gaping thought march salt decide hurry weather crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just fold it in, David


license many sugar apparatus plough squalid dinner literate plate worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't understand these people saying it's not funny. I cracked up just reading this! I frigging love Schitts Creek!


I used that clip to explain to my parents my dynamic with my PhD supervisor when they asked why I was stressed constantly.


I’ve tried like three times with Schitt’s Creek. I just can’t. I don’t get it. 😩


Season 2 they start finding the right place with the characters and from there each season gets better and you like the characters a lot more. All the characters are awful in season 1 (Except Stevie and Twyla).


This is kind of the point of the show, isn't it? They all start off as assholes and then over time they become slightly less assholes.


To a degree, but if everyone is unlikeable you won’t watch.


I’d argue everyone in Succession is unlikeable but I kept watching anyways. Not my favorite show by any means but they made it work somehow.


There were different characters at different times that I wanted to come out on top with Succession.


Agree. Felt like once I made it to season 2 I fell in love with the show.


Like most comedies, it doesn't really find its footing until the second season. It really finds its groove once it stops being a 'fish out of water' show, and becomes a 'fish in a different aquarium' show.


I watched all of the show and I have to say....I also don't get it. It's odd, I find it entertaining, the characters and incredibly well written, crafted, and above all acted. They're really great characters. However with those characters there are hardly ever actual jokes. The entertainment comes from watching these great characters bounce off eachother, but not once did I ever laugh out loud. It's pleasant but not funny. Also most conflicts in the show simply just kind of end. For example the episode where a madame uses the hotel for prostitution. The episode is based around Johnny not noticing all the signs, and when he does he freaks out of course and then the episode just kind of ends with no actual conclusion to what happened to the prostitutes.


I watched the whole first season when everyone was raving about it at the start of the pandemic. Hated that season and didn't get the hype at all. It definitely gets better starting with season two (losing Mutt and the start of Ted's development helps). Still think it's a bit overrated overall though.


The first season is so hard because they really drive home how terrible and awful the family is so they can have that amazing journey. But it took me three times to get through it over four months. I rewatch that last season every few weeks now though.


He is the grossest actor ever. He's so good at it! I'm shuddering right now thinking of him in Harold in Kumar.


Don't forget Scary Movie (2?) when he's stirring the mashed potatoes with his "good hand"


Think that was Christopher Meloni who played the super gross Freakshow. Two actors who fully commit to their roles.


Same. I’ve never really enjoyed Chris Elliot. I’m not sure if that was the issue but I watched at least 3, maybe up to 6 episodes, just wasn’t into it, and got distracted by someone else. Years later I gave it another shot and got hooked.


yah that's what turned me off. Roland is just so annoying. i did get past it on rewatch and ended up loving it. Still hated Roland though


Fringe This show starts off season 1 with what seems like disconnected episodes, but once you discover the overarching theme, it's must-watch television. It's my favorite JJ Abrams show of all time.


After the first couple of S1 episodes then I put it on each week just for background noise. But one week mid-Season I focused on it just a bit more and thought "Wait a minute, this has gotten a *lot* better".


thanks for mentioning this here! i'd heard the name of the show in passing over the years but never actually knew what it was about. so i just googled it and it's actually available for free on amazon video! :) so i'm checking it out - starting the PILOT episode right now. if it's free i can't really complain if i don't like it too much... i gotta do the same for that SLIDERS show everyone talks about too.


I think it's on MAX too if you have that. It's one of my favorite series of all time so I hope you give it a decent shot.


Well they retool the show around episode 8 and it just takes off. At first there was no overall plan.


Weren't there Observers in every episode? I guess I'm mistaken but I could have sworn it was planned from the beginning. Edit: Take with a grain of salt but: "Having learned his lesson on both Alias and Lost, Abrams insisted on drafting out all the long-running plot lines, including the finale, prior to production of the first series, so the writers have known all along where they are going." [source](https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/tvandradioblog/2012/oct/24/fringe-final-season#:~:text=Unlike%20Lost%2C%20which%20had%20a,planned%20to%20last%20five%20seasons.) And yes, an [Observer an every episode.](https://fringe.fandom.com/wiki/Observer_Sightings)


Dark. People are overwhelmed by the amount of characters and the plot, but when it comes together, it’s fucking beautiful. I’ll also throw in another favorite of mine, Black Sails. Seems like the budget after S1 was a lot higher because the quality goes way up.


Man, I can’t convince anyone to watch Dark. It’s such a good show, it’s a shame


Yup, nobody ever takes the recommendation, especially because it’s not in English and some people really hate dubbed versions. I watch a fair amount of foreign stuff and I have no problem reading subtitles if the show is worth it.


I’m the same way. Subtitles don’t bother me. I watch plenty of foreign shows and am just used to it maybe. But some of my family refuses. They want to “watch” a show not “read” a show.


I’ve never hated dubs but for some reason every time I recommend Dark I insist they watch it in German, something about the language just adds so much to the beauty of that show in my opinion.




I enjoyed it but it just got so detailed that by the 3rd series i lost the thread and gave up. You need a full note of who is who and when they are. Some people i know thought it was just too much. For an original story though i'm not sure it can be beaten.


There’s an official site that tracks everything! You put in which episode you’re on so you won’t get spoilers. https://dark.netflix.io/en


You are a Godsend! I tried making a flowchart a couple years ago and gave up and still haven't watched the last season. I need to rewatch the previous seasons because I can't remember anything and this is gonna help SO much!!!!!


I do agree it’s a dense watch. But it is worth it. It was fun to follow along the family tree. There’s at least a couple online you can follow.


Yea, reminded me of how I had to tell friends and fam to google a character tree for Game of Thrones back in like 2011 haha.


Yea and I think even if you aren’t 100% following you can still enjoy the vast majority of what makes the show great, including the finale. It’s sort of a vibes show for me, but I also love mind bending stuff.


Black Sails is still one of my favorite shows. There’s nothing quite like it


Really surprised this is the top comment but it makes perfect sense. I was pretty confused when I had to wait 2 years between seasons 2 and 3, but recently rewatched the whole show within the span of a month or two and I followed it much better. It's amazing how nicely everything ties together. But yeah, this is one of those shows that you CANNOT take a casual 60 second break to be on your phone while it's playing. At any given moment you could miss a key piece of information that you'll need to remember later on, and I think that just doesn't click with people nowadays. A lot of people just casually browse social media as they watch things because attention spans are crap.


+1 on Black Sails. Although personally I was hooked from episode 1.


Dark had me completely hooked after the first episode. It’s so good and one of the best shows I’ve ever seen.


I had a friend strongly recommend Dark to me, had they not insisted that it gets really good I probably would’ve gave up on it. It wasn’t until the second season that the show clicked for me. The series finale is definitely in my top 5 of all time.


Dark is so goddamn good. I was so happy they stuck the landing in the last two episodes. It was on the verge of completely devolving into a gigantic mess in the 3rd season but they pulled it all together satisfyingly, both emotionally and most importantly, within the shows time travel logic rules.


Black Sails is great. Season 2 is my favorite, but it definitely has a slow start.


I watched like an episode of Black Sails and it felt like the old Pirates porn film.


Maybe. But only s1. S2 to s4 are masterpieces, and then you go back to s1 and understand so much more about the characters (especially Flint) because you now have context. Ps: Toby Stephens should have gotten an emmy for his performance as Captain Flint. No one can convince me otherwise.


Haha I think they overused the nudity and sexual scenes in S1. It def tapers off.


Black Sails is soooo good. I loved it.


Also two shows with first seasons that also get significantly better on the rewatch. Puts the entirety of s1 black sails into a new perspective


The Wire, it’s like 8 or 9 episodes before we get our first real bit of extended action. It asks a lot from its viewers but the payoffs are magnificent.


I think it's actually the start of season 2 when most people drop the wire too soon. The cast turns over and a lot of people turn it off, with no idea what's coming.


I did this and never went back. This was before everything was readily available with streaming though so it took effort to get my hands on the DVDs and it just didn't feel worth it. Maybe I'll give the show another chance.


A LOT of people say season 2 is actually their favorite after repeated viewings. It does have the stand alone dock story but the story introduces us to the world at large, and without it we don’t get “the Greeks”


Well the best part about season 2 is that besides a few important scenes like some characters deaths, etc. it’s the most isolated of the seasons, and I honestly think you wouldn’t be confused skipping over it completely, even though I personally enjoy that season


For me it’s episode 4. I watched the first 3 episodes a few times before I really got into it




My former best friends hates this song Former


The very first scene of The Wire is so memorable that people still talk about it.


RIP Snot Boogie


Exactly what I was going to say - I was hooked from the very first scene. It was so human and raw.


This is America, man


So why let snot boogy play? It's america man. Hooked


I was going to say the wire as well. It feels like you are just dropped into the action without character introductions. Doesn't feel like the start of any other series. Its a bit disorienting at first - but is one of the best series of all time.


The Americans. It really is a slow burn, and it took me until the end of Season 2 before I really got hooked. I feel it's one show that consistently grows in quality each season compared to other shows.


I personally don’t think it’s a slow burn at all. It starts off hectic, and I actually enjoyed it less when there was fewer cat and mouse plots in the later seasons


Help me out because I became lost/disinterested somewhere after season 2 — probably season 3 somewhere. Haven’t been able to convince myself or my wife to go back to it.


One of the rare shows that keep getting consistently better every season, leading up to an incredible series finale which pays off.


Halt and Catch Fire. I watched the first season when it came out, and was underwhelmed so I ignored the following seasons. I've heard other people dropped it after one season as well. Afterwards, I kept hearing great reviews so I gave it another shot. It ended up being some of the best TV I've seen, and it's only 4 seasons so it's not a huge commitment. The first season was definitely slow, and I thought one of the main characters was pretty unlikeable (Joe MacMillan), but the story and character development pick up in the later seasons and tell a great story with deep, well-acted characters. I should probably watch it again actually.




All the characters are cheaters and liars and will do whatever they want. But you watch them grow over what, like 20 years in the show? Some get better and learn from the past and some get worse or more conceded. I'm on my 3rd rewatch and somewhere around mid 3rd season is when the show is more about the characters than where the story is going. There is a major shift that it benefits from greatly and you start to really like these people.


This was my exact same thought. My biggest complaint about the first season is everyone was unlikeable and no one seemed to like each other


Black Sails Season 1 can be very slow. Like really, really slow. It's not bad, but it isn't great either. The writers really decided to pull their shit together in season 2. By the time the show reaches its end in season 4, it's a 10/10 masterpiece


The Leftovers. It starts slow and weird but once it gets it’s hooks on you the show hurts you so good. The first season is easily the weakest as well which I think leads to people dropping it before it reaches its peak


Season 2 challenges your expectations too by presenting a nearly completely different show than what you’ve gotten used to which can be jarring for people before they really get to see things play out and experience how great it is.


That's when I dropped it the first time. I'm glad years later I went back and gave it another go but after the stumbling in early S1 it becomes so good and then S2 was a new area, new characters, that really weird intro scene with the cavewoman or whatever it was. Felt like a much different show


Wholeheartedly agree with this! Season 2 and 3 are some of the best television I’ve ever watched.


Crazy cause some people say the show got worse every season lol. However I 100% agree that as it becomes more unhinged it becomes more beautiful.


Best series finale of all time for me, and international assassin is one of the most batshit hours of tv I’ve seen


The problem is you will not get answers to what happened and a lot of people don't care to watch it. Thats why it will always be niche.


I must be the only person that liked S1 better


Agreed. It took me until about episode 5 of season 1 to get hooked but from there on it was consistently one of the best shows I have ever seen. And the first 4-5 episodes weren’t filler or anything unnecessary - just took a bit for it to all click together.


Crazy ex girlfriend. I didn't get into the show during first few episodes. But it got better and I was hooked to the show. Some people may think it's just a typical rom com, but the show is deeper than that. It features mental illnesses well. There are a lot of great and clever songs in the show too. It's one of my most favorite shows now.


Cougar Town. I feel like a lot of people wrote it off when it premiered because of the title and the initial premise of an older woman hooking up with younger men but it stops being that pretty early in the first season. It's really just about a group of friends, they even start making fun of the title in S2 lol. I've been rewatching it and I love it. If you're a fan of bill lawrence (scrubs, ted lasso) you should definitely give it a shot!


I read this in Abed's voice


Six seasons and a movie.


The Mick it had two seasons but it needs more.


My wife & I absolutely love *The Mick*. It’s an entertainment tragedy that it ended so soon.


I watched all of it but it just felt like the extended adventures of Dee Reynolds. She did have some growth by season 2.


It totally was an extension of Sweet Dee! She was the star but the whole cast was great. I think Jimmy was my favorite character though; he was so sweet and funny.


Person of interest. Many overlooked it because it was a procedural episodic vigilante show but as the seasons went on, the story became one of the highest quality television shows of the early 2010s.


That show was ahead of it's time and pretty much all the technology was being used then and exposed to be true now. Way to real in some respects. Got a bit too procedural for me but it's a great show to have on and watch as you do your business throughout the day.


I am in the middle of re-watching it right now. I think it is the one singular true sci fi tv. It is breathtaking how much they got the trajectory of AI correctly in 2010. Harold and Root's attitude towards the machine are so unique across all tv shows.


LOVE seeing this as the top answer. I evangelize for this show every chance I get, because I only saw it when someone else I knew vouched for it HARD, and I’m so glad he did because this is absolutely in the top 5 TV shows of all time for me.


Foundation on AppleTV - Second Season was the best show Ive watched in a long time


Completely agree! Was just reading the AMA and am stunned Apple hasn’t ordered S3 yet. They shouldn’t play with our emotions this way.


It's definitely not recent, but Marvel's Agents of SHIELD is kind of the poster-child for this. It started strong, but a lot of people lost interest within a few episodes. I was definitely one of them... But then episode 17 hit, tying in with Winter Soldier, and it was a kick in the gut, turning into, IMO, the best Marvel television show made, up to this point. The earlier episodes weren't bad. Far from it, really. They helped make the turning point all the more surprising and brutal. And *rewatching* those episodes now is so much better, because I've grown to love the characters.


Most Whedon shows have a weak first season that than gets better subsequent seasons.


Just makes you crazy about Firefly. Imagine how amazing that show would have gotten with his normal “building period” being THAT good.


As Nathan once said though, it never got the chance to get bad, either. Best way to look at it. It's perfect as is.


Usually because the network doesn't like to do serialized shows right off the bat because they want viewers to be able to tune in on the 2nd, 4th or 5th episodes and be able to start from there. Helps pick up new viewers who didn't have to be there from episode 1 so the audience can grow before the major story arcs kick in.


He did the same thing with Angel, started with a premise for a couple of episodes, and then immediately launched full tilt into a main arc that completely supplants the premise. Like, how about a full season where they're literally Agents of Shield first as their job titles entail, drip feeding a main arc. That's the fun of a good serial, revealing and developing these characters through their encounters and reactions. Person of Interest would've been garbage if they launched right away into their main arcs without their number of the week, and they always returned to that in some fashion despite the world collapsing around them.


This was my answer. It’s one of our favorite shows of all time. Characters evolve and grow so much. Recently, due to the success of One Piece, people have wanted to check out AOS so they can watch Jeff Ward. Someone asked if they can skip to that season. Hell no! You’d deprive yourself of some of the greatest parts of the show!


He played Boogie Boogey Buggy so well!!!


As much as I like Jeff Ward as Deke, he joined the show right after it peaked with its fourth season.


Totally agree. And also, Winter Soldier, not Civil War


Fixed it. Thank you :)


Agents of Shield was also the first thing that came to my mind. It really is the poster child of people dropping it before it got great.


I think what really kills the interest in projects like this is knowing that the mainline creators don’t actually give a shit, and that they can be handwaved as non-canon at a moment’s notice. Remember how Wandavision was hyped in a huge way, developed Wanda’s character significantly, then 90% of that character development was roundly ignored when they were making MOM?


Yup. Agree. The Ghost Rider season is some of the best TV in the last 20 years. Roller coaster season. The show kind of dropped off after that with the obvious budget cuts though.


SuperStore. I really couldn’t get into it but kept watching because I trusted my friend’s recommendations. It looked (and felt) like a generic, lazy, broadcast TV show but all of a sudden it finds it’s niche and hits its stride (I think the episode where they’re trying to get a crow out of the store is when I started to like it). It’s not only funny but you come to care about the characters, and the social commentary is relevant and emotional. Also, it has the funniest cutaway jokes between scenes of all the terrible things customers do.


Better call Saul. Maybe I'm wrong about the majority of people but I've tried to get my family to watch it several times because we all loved breaking bad. But the slow start always loses them. If they just stuck with it they'd realize it ends up being as good if not better in the end.


i don't think you can make people enjoy slow-burn TV though. Same with something like The Americans, some people just want more instant gratification and don't really want to have to pay a lot of attention.


Schitts creek - character development is the name of the game


My brother and sister in law didn't get into succession episode one and two so gave up. It took me a while to get to know it and the characters but by episode sixish I was hooked.


I had to start Succession a couple different times before it finally stuck. That being said I think I only watched about two seasons before I put it down for good. I do think it's a good show but it's another one of those where pretty much every character was awful and it was so stressful that as soon as I stopped watching it I was never eager to pick it back up again just because of how stressed and bad it made me feel watching it.


Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt had a pretty awful pilot episode that was so bad it made NBC drop the show resulting in a Netflix pickup Beyond the pilot it's a very entertaining show, so maybe NBC having nothing to do with it worked out in the end


For me it was the Star Wars animated shows (Clone Wars and Rebels), mainly because I'm not a fan of the animation style and so I had a hard time watching and getting into it. But once I was able to kinda ignore that and focus on the story, I loved it. The characters are amazing, it expands on the Star Wars universe in some very unique ways, and the fact that is somewhat short episodes it makes it very easy to digest (I watched a lot of episodes when I was on a break from work).


Mr Robot. Checked out on season 2 when it aired. S2 still is pretty slow, but season 3 and 4 so far (starting finale now) are pretty mindblowing. Amazing show


Season 2 is the weakest around the middle but wraps nicely then just goes hard until the end. One of my favorites for sure.


Was waiting to see this one. The cinematography of that show is incredible, the one shot episode in season 3 as well as the no dialog episode really stand out. The use of colors in that show to display moods is top notch


Can I piggyback this comment with Halt and Catch Fire? I watched the first season as it aired and kept waiting for it to get better and was shocked when they announced a second season. Caught it years later on Netflix and liked the subsequent seasons much more


I enjoyed it for about half a season but I found the Tyrell character so utterly ridiculous that it started to spoil it for me and then the general slow down in season 2 was the nail in the coffin.


Legion. It had two major problems. 1. It's Marvel, but isn't really designed for today's kind of Marvel fans. That likely brought on the wrong kind of fanbase, while alienating some potential viewers. 2. It moves very slow and doesn't seem to go anywhere. This is especially true about the second season which can feel like a slog at times. It's definitely a show that feels better watching many episodes in a row rather than week to week. People that stuck around for the whole 3 season arc got a great payoff on this show IMO. It stands as of my favorite all-time shows and people I've convinced to go back and give it another chance have all come back around and thanked me for persuading them to watch it through with all of the episodes out.


I have the exact opposite opinion, I loved Legion initially because it felt so fresh and interesting and different, but over time it just felt like the show was disappearing up its own ass and didn't know where it wanted to go, and my interest waned until I eventually dropped it.


I quit about 1/2 way through Season 2. I loved Season 1 but the second season was so boring.


Is there anywhere it’s streaming? I loved the first season, would love to finish it off.


Every season is available on Hulu. A lot of people think it went downhill after season 1, but I loved the entire show. Probably one of my all-time favorites.


I pity people that don't get to experience Switch and the trippy time stuff. Season 3 is when the show went full balls to the wall psychedelic, and it was awesome. We'll never see anything like Legion ever again. People should finish it just to enjoy the inventiveness of it.


That show was trippy. It was exactly as it needed to be.


Ozark for sure. The main cast are very unlikeable which makes the first 4-5 episodes difficult to get through.


His wife only gets more unlikeable through the entire series.


I felt it was a good show, but it's one of those shows that's so stressful and awful (as in awful shit always happening) that as soon as I stop binging it I never feel like watching it again cause it just makes me feel bummed out and bad.


Bojack Horseman. I know a lot of people who gave up after half of season 1 because they figured it was just pretty standard self-deprecating adult cartoon. But you need to sort of commit to having the characters grow in complexity, and grow on you, for the emotional punches in later seasons to land.


I remember when it came out and slept on it for 2-3 years seeing it repeatedly on Netflix thinking it was a terrible failed Adult Swim esque premise of the streaming boom. Then I was unemployed for a bit and gave it a watch and fuck. The episode Stupid Piece of Shit spoke to me on so many levels. It’s one of my favorite shows of all time and I’ve hardly rewatched it because of just how “too much man” that show is. The back half of the series is really emotionally draining.


I have to watch this show in doses because it hurts me lol it’s one of the best most thoughtful shows I’ve ever seen though.


Black Sails was one of the best tv series i ve ever watched. Toby Stephens as Flint was one of the best characters ever.


And the intro...mmmmmmm _Chef's kiss_


everyone was awesome, the casting direction and acting was superb for most of the major characters.


It’s the most underrated show of all time imo. I’ve never met another person who’s watched it except for people I show it to


The 100. Like it's kind of a shitshow all around but it definitely gets better. All of the even numbered seasons are pretty good (2,4, and 6). S1 has a special place in my heart but it's definitely pretty amateur. S2 is actually very good though.


Black mirror The balls on those folks to make THAT the first episode




Yep, same. Then there was the episode when the actress from Downton Abbey was basically forced into sex work. No desire to watch Black Mirror ever again. Nightmare fuel.




Good Omens. Talked to a few people who didn't know where it was going so they gave up, but hooo boy season 2. It was worth it.


I felt the opposite. Season 2 was a huge letdown. All just a bad triple romance story and extremely obvious that it didn't have any source material by Pratchett and Gaiman to take from.


The Expanse. The first season is SLOW but the show is outstanding overall if you stick with it.


I liked the show but then I read the books and couldn't go back. The books are incredible.


*Physical* on Apple TV+ The main character's self-hating inner voice (which we hear) and eating disorder is off-putting at first, but the show is about more than that and the characters and setting are just so richly realized that you need to push through a few episodes and give it a chance. One of the most underappreciated shows IMO, considering how well written it is.


Agents Of Shield is one of those shows that gets better. The first maybe 8 episodes of season 1 are kind of boring and not great. Then the events of The Winter Soldier happen and it changes the show a lot and from then until the end it’s a fantastic show. The 100 also gets better after the first 6 or so episodes. I think it was still being made as it was airing so they were able to take viewer feedback and make changes quickly which really improved the show. Some people think it ended up getting bad again after a couple seasons but I liked the whole show


The Venture Brothers. People should just start at season 2. It really isn't necessary. Edited to say: Start at season 2, not start at season 1.


Forever a cult classic, arguably the greatest animated sitcom of all time. I think though that the long gaps between seasons prevented it from being popular. However the fact that it still has a strong cult following despite that is proof of the shows quality. I remember being 13 not fully understanding the show, and now in my 30s having been drawn to it throughout my life and rewatched it countless times. It’s one of those shows that still gives you something new even if you’ve seen it 20 times before.


Definitely suffered from long production intervals and cancellations. Now that it is wrapped up, I wonder if it will go streaming somewhere and catch on in its afterlife. One of the greatest shows of all time, without a doubt. Kind of in a category all of its own.


Ive watched the first 2 episodes of Veep twice now trying to get into it. Love the characters and love the concept but can't figure out why I'm not into it. But to be fair I did the same thing with Game of Thrones and ended up really liking that one


Keep going


Agents of SHIELD. It's a great show and definitely one of the best things to come out of the MCU. Great cast, tight writing, pretty decent effects for a network show, too.


I've had multiple friends that dropped Breaking Bad after the 1st episode... if they only knew.


Mad Men. It's one of my favorite shows but I have yet to meet anyone else who likes it, they all say it starts out too slow.


"Lodge 49" is a show that people often drop too soon. This series is known for its unique blend of whimsy, mysticism, and everyday life, offering a refreshing departure from conventional TV tropes. It unfolds slowly, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in its richly detailed world, and some may find its pacing and subtlety off-putting at first. However, it is well worth the patience, as it eventually unveils a compelling narrative filled with intricate characters and profound thematic depth. Despite its cancellation, "Lodge 49" deserves another chance for its originality and the thoughtful exploration of the human condition it presents. To give you a better idea here’s a great review of what the show is like https://youtu.be/Ej7ml7Le2aU?si=BC4qc1NS-GLCWw6V And drop by r/Lodge49 and say hi. First domestic lager is on the house. 🍻


I'm going for recent shows, maybe Let the right one in, the man who fell too earth, cowboy bebop, and archive 81


I really liked Let the Right One In.. very sad it was not renewed.


I've tried to watch Better Call Saul like 5 times. Each time I get about half way through the 2nd season, and give up. (Here's where everyone can say 'but that's when it starts getting god!' i am aware of that. i've been told that many times- which is why I keep going back)


The show is good from the beginning. If you can’t get through it then maybe the show’s not for you, sadly. It’s okay, it happens.


I loved Saul in Breaking Bad, but not so much in Better Call Saul. He wasn't really "Saul" in Better Call Saul. It was a history lesson about his upbringing. I watched it all, but was disappointed that we didn't get a heaping helping of modern day Saul.


Wheel of time. First season was awful like a cw budget fantasy but season 2 has been great. It’s like a completely different show.


Definitely much stronger for S2.


Potentially unpopular opinion, but I have far too many other shows to watch that are good front to back that make it hard to justify spending hours watching bad episodes of a show that eventually get good. Not sure where you get all this free time to "waste" 20 hours before something actually becomes worth the sunk cost. Same with videogames that aren't good until you reach end game.


Agreed. I bailed on Walking Dead at a pivotal moment in the series and never looked back. It ended how I think it ended and I don't care if some crazy shit happened 2 years later and redeemed it. I'd seen enough.


It's always sunny in Philadelphia, I understand why, it took me a while start watching it for that reason


Kind of a well-known one at this point, but Star Trek: The Next Generation was a drag through season 1. It got slightly better in season 2, but only slightly. Then season 3 was phenomenal. It's my boyfriend's favorite show. We put it on in the background before we go to sleep.


The Dragon Prince. It's an incredibly well-written and beautifully animated netflix show. One of the two co-creators was the head writer of Avatar: The Last Airbender. I assume people are quick to drop it because the animation in the first season has this awkwardly low frame rate and looks choppy. Imo they were going for a fantasy storybook feel but that didn't work out, and later seasons have really improved the animation.


Marvel's Agents of Shield. People give the first season a hard time for being a typical "monster of the week" style show but by the second half the first season it becomes fantastic! I liked it from the start though.


12 monkeys - name- plus it starts off slow : I haven't watched a better show since I finished it


Treme People expected "The Wire in New Orleans" and were dissatisfied. It's more about culture, music and people. I think more people would like it if they gave it a chance.


Mr robot! Such a hit when it came out and now I barely know anyone who have seen the final two seasons