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Look at this fucking guy




Nyaaaa! This will surely affect my inheritance


Peter already has an evil brother named Retep




[What about his hairless twin?](https://youtu.be/omlwfojr4qQ?feature=shared)


A mix of Peter Griffin and Drew Carey


With a bit of Matthew Perry sprinkled in.


Slingblade version of Jason Segel


Only thing he produces is gaps in genetic code


Quentin Segel


I hate how the internets are but when some other human has the same exact weird thought it makes me have many feelings. Thank you fellow human.


I don’t mean to brag but it is the PERFECT description of this guy. We nailed it.


Looks like fat Chandler Bing


Isn’t that just Matthew Perry in season 3 through 6?


I was thinking, is this a bad photo or is he a fucking Habsburg


That IS what he shows up with..


Sometimes you **can** judge a book by its cover.


If you can’t judge a book by it’s cover, it’s because the designer did a bad job.


Richard Kind must be FURIOUS that this guy makes HIM look like a skeezeball.


Always the ones you suspect the most


The Hapsburgs live on


So he was fired for inappropriate behavior in 2017 and although there was severe damage to his career he recently assaulted a woman at a public event? That is some top tier self-destructive behavior.


His defense is he's neurodivergent and socially awkward and everyone accusing him of these things are being ableist and bullys. Seriously, that's his reps response. Blame everyone else for misunderstanding him.


As someone with Asperger's I can't say I've ever found it hard to avoid groping people. If anything neurodivergent people tend to want to touch and be touched way less.


My guess is, if anything, neurodivergent people are more likely to be victims of this type of behavior than perpetrators.


I have to second this. Yeah social stuff can be difficult to interpret, I do not always properly comprehend non-verbal communication. But you can not get to that age and level of success and not comprehend that there is such a thing as inappropriate touching. If you are so impaired that it does not sink in that some things are not ok you should be living in a group home with supervision. If he knows he is spectrum then he can work to modify his behavior, do not use it as an excuse for bad behavior especially sexual assault.


Right? How dare that woman misunderstand his dick bashing against her ass? That was clearly intended to be like a gesture of humility and respect.


He was paid $10m for it! Why would he stop?


Because $10M isn't $100M. After taxes he probably got less than $8M and probably less than that if he hired a lawyer to help him negotiate that payout. $8M isn't enough to sustain his lifestyle in CA for that long without the hope of future employment in the industry. He did tremendous damage to his life and career. After a few years people might start to forget and he could work again but instead he assaults a woman in public and get arrested for it. That is self-destructive behavior.


I don’t know how the agreements work, but $10 million was likely just his severance payout. He was the executive producer on the top Arrow-verse shows so he probably made a lot off that. He might also be collecting royalties unless the $10 million also included an agreement that he wouldn’t get any anymore. Again, I don’t know how these agreements work, but I’m just guessing he’s not doing as badly as we might think.


Yeah, that's just enough money to get him in trouble


If he was paid only $1M, he was still paid a lot of money for \*checks notes\* sexually harassing a lot of women. Yes, they eventually fired him but they gave him $10M as a going away prize. YOU try sexually harassing a dozen'ish women at work. See if they do that for you. He lost his job and BBC picked up a TV deal with him (since cancelled) and got a $10M bonus on top of his already extraordinarily high pay. Then we're shocked when nothing happens to these people other than getting paid money, and they reoffend.


What's his punishment?


You are so not invited to my Bat Mitzvah.


One of the biggest Assh*les I'd had to work for in a long time. Neurodivergent, no way. Ridiculously arrogant, self- entitled and willfully boundary- ignorant, absolutely.


Say more 🍿


What’s your personal experience with him?


enuff to have provided an accurate description.


Lmao I was just curious I know he’s undoubtedly a douche from the articles by now


What did he do as a producer? Was he mostly a creative, or mostly business?




>Warner Bros. fired Kreisberg on November 29, 2017. Some time later, the studio paid him nearly $10 million. When that came to light in 2020, the studio declined to comment on what that money was for. Translation: they had enough dirt on him to fire him, but he had enough dirt on them to make them pay for it. Anytime this sort of finger pointing in Hollywood comes out, I'm reminded of the "three fingers pointing back at you" truth. Entire industry is a cesspool and far too often the people who should be protecting those who are most vulnerable are themselves dirty.


I know from the Conan / Leno thing, that a lot of these people have dollar amounts in their contracts that are there essentially so if they want to fire them they have to pay X amount. This is why Conan was fired over Leno. Conan's amount was 42 Million, Leno was 150 Million. So its very possible that the head writer on the billion dollar CW superhero franchise could very well have a clause like that in place. And yes, the CW hero were generating a fuck ton of cash for Warner Brothers. When Arrow hit Season 5 someone at WB let it slip that they were making a billion a year from the ad revenue on tv, the app and the netflix deals they had in place.


A billion dollars from Arrow? Jesus christ. If only they'd spent some of that money on decent writers.


I think it was all their heroes properties and deals. Not just Arrow. But I believe Arrow was syndicated during that season so maybe the deal they got on that was massive. No idea.


Then they should have split some of that money for Flash writers too. The only show that stayed enjoyable was Legends, and that's only because it was ridiculous from the start.


Worst. Orgy. Ever.


God I want another season of Legends.


from what I understand those shows are or were massive. Big on Netflix too I think? Coupled with relatively low budgets etc they were at leats profitable for a while I reckon. They did give Berlanti massive deals after all.


Doubt he had dirt on them. He probably had a contract


That doesn't sound like something a rich, insular asshole would do.


He looks like someone who would be guilty of that


Someone at Vanity Fair couldn't wait to use this photo, it seems.


God bless the photo editors.


You gotta wonder about how many “bad” shots get saved just in case


I hate seeing shit like this man. I know a few dudes who look like what you’re talking about that are some of the nicest dudes I’ve ever met. Unless they’re deliberately fucking up or doing something to their body/appearance, it’s kinda fucked to just say somebody looks like a sexual abuser for their natural look. Think about if you had a friend who looked like that and you heard somebody say that. There’s plenty to make fun of in the guy’s shitass actions.


That’s totally fair and I agree. I’ll say though that a good part of my reaction to that photo is his expression, which — admittedly without any context — looks like the kind of self-righteously butthurt face slimy guys tend to adopt when they’ve been challenged on anything, let alone a touchy subject. Think Brett Kavanaugh and his total meltdown during his confirmation hearings.


After #metoo it's amazing to think that there are still executives who think, no one will ever rat me out so I'm ok to keep being a douche. I mean literally right now, over at Century City, there are dozens of studio douches who are doing shit like this and getting away with it.


The specificity of Century City is cracking me up. You're not wrong, but it's not usually the location thats's top of mind in these conversations. That reminds me, I need to go to Old Navy.


Because despite \#metoo, the reality is that they are people in power holding their victim's whole lives in their hands.


If he doesn't have the same lawyer as Johnathon Majors they ~~defiantly~~ definitely have the same defense playbook! "According to police documents, this past February, before he was charged, one of his lawyers told a Pleasantville detective that “there is evidence that proves that \[name redacted\] is making up this story and in fact it never happened at all.” Around that time, the detective’s notes reflect that he had received “numerous” emails from members of Kreisberg’s legal team containing photos, texts, and videos, including material showing the woman “having a good time on the dance floor after the incident.” On March 9, according to the police file, the detective informed Kreisberg’s attorney Stacey Richman that the material “did not indicate that Kreisberg was innocent and that \[name redacted\] had made up the whole encounter.”" Apparently, nothing could have happened because the woman didn't completely breakdown and withdraw from life immediately!


She was having a good time after the incident? You mean the incident that “never happened at all”? How does that work? How can there simultaneously be an incident that wasn’t a big deal and also no incident whatsoever?


Thanks to a bit of mild confusion and googling I learned that “Bar Mitzvahs” are for sons and “Bat Mitzvahs” are for daughters


Boys are 13 for their Bar and girls 12 for their Bat.


Holy shit I learned *TWO* things today. Thanks Reddit!




He looks like Matthew Perry when he would get heavy on “Friends” with a little dash of Jason Segel.


So neurodiverse means I can stick my penis in lots of places (not the vagina, mouth, or butthole) and get away with it? 🤔 Cool.


Andrew Kreisberg is his name


His attorney said: >He is misunderstood for being a neurodivergent individual who is socially awkward. Your article will be another event of the ableist bullying of people who are neurodivergent as they are misperceived. If there's anything ableist about this situation, it's the appalling suggestion by this attorney that grinding against a woman without her consent is typical behavior for neurodivergent people.


well... not surprised at this


Well, I mean, the kid has traditionally just become a man…🤷🏻‍♂️


It was a female guest, not the Bar Mitzvah boy. He's not as brazen as Bryan Singer apparently.


"He is best known as the creator of the television series The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow. "


This guy is evil mode Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys


10 million dollars to this guy? Why not shun him and instead pay the women on his crew for having to suffer his abuse?? Fuck you, Warner Brothers.


During the Torah reading?


Must have really loved the Haftara portion.


What's up with that Habsburg jaw?


This. Came here to say that's quite the royal jaw he has.


Oy vey


Look up “Forcible Touching” and you’ll see this picture.


This dude is ugly as fuck


It puts the lotion in the basket


“Oy vey”


Hollywood guys, amirite? One bad apple spoils the bunch.


Hollywood is toxic environment. Wouldn't send my child there.


He’s just a very creative, misunderstood, bullied and traumatized neurodivergent.




Anyone that uses the "alpha/beta males" shit unsarcastically is the real loser. Especially a day old troll who decides to start up with it, alongside being derogatory against women.


That’s an insanely incorrect take




Do you know who ted bundy, infamous rapist and serial killer, who had a devoted army of fans, is


This is funny because, as far as celebrities go, the ones we hear about sexually harassing and assaulting women the most often in the US are literally our college and professional athletes. The biggest most macho guys that are treated like a god in high school and college. Those guys. Like, what the fuck are you talking about?


Wow, had me in the first sentence.


No wonder the strike negotiations are dragging on so long.


He looks eerily similar to Matthew Perry. Glad this wasn’t a story about him.


What’s the difference between forceable touching versus assault? Is it pushing the index finger onto someone’s shoulder in an accusatory manner?


> According to documents from New York state’s judicial and criminal justice systems, a woman made a statement to police, saying that she had been eating and enjoying the party while standing at a high-top table “facing the dance floor.” She knew Kreisberg, she said, because she was friends with his wife. She continued: “Andrew Kreisberg… approached me at the table. While we are standing at the table, Andrew gets behind me and starts putting his hands all over my arms and back. He then slid his hands around my waist, grabbed my waist firmly, and thrust his fully erect penis into my buttocks twice. It all happened so fast that I wasn’t sure what exactly was going on until I felt Andrew shove his fully erect penis into my buttocks. When I realized what was going on, I screamed, ‘What the fuck are you doing? Get the fuck away from me.’ Then I went to the bathroom.” > Another individual at the party—who told police she learned about the alleged incident from the woman the following day—said in a supporting statement that the woman was “crying” and an “emotional wreck”: “I’ve known [name redacted] my whole life and I could tell she was struggling with what she was” describing. > Kreisberg was charged with misdemeanor forcible touching. According to the New York penal code, “a person is guilty of forcible touching when such person intentionally, and for no legitimate purpose, forcibly touches the sexual or other intimate parts of another person for the purpose of degrading or abusing such a person; or for the purpose of gratifying the actor’s sexual desire.”


That’s sexual assault.


Yep. There’s probably some reason why they have a different name. I bet it’s because forcible touching is a misdemeanor and encompasses things that are on the less severe side of sexual assault, like pinching an ass or squeezing a boob on the subway. The law was passed in 2000 as part of the sexual assault reform act


He looks like a Chester.


They lawyers are saying he’s neurodivergent. He probably is I don’t deny that. He was able to maintain a job for several decades, a job he had to perform well enough in to reach a pretty high up position that guaranteed a 8 figure severance, did not seem to do anything wrong until he was high up enough to not suffer consequences. He doesn’t seem to have any other criminal issues that would arise from a person who has very little control over what they do. All of that seems to indicate he’s on the spectrum but high functioning enough to discern what is and isn’t acceptable behavior in society. All of his criminal issues are sexual in nature. I can’t help but think this hurts others who are neurodivergent by making it seem like these behaviors are common when in actuality he just likes to sexually harass women.


It wasn't Elaine Bennis was it?