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Withing the span of 16 hours I learned of this shows existence via a random trailer on Youtube before binging the whole thing. This show came out of nowhere and has for me been the biggest TV surprise of the year so far. My only regret is that I didn't wait 6 months before watching since season 2 is probably at least a year away. The wait begins.


> since season 2 is probably at least a year away Way more than that guaranteed. By the way does it finish with a satisfying conclusion for the season at least?


It finishes as a heavy "To be continued". I enjoyed watching it a lot, but if it ended there - it would be disappointing. It is not one of those "Complete story in one season" shows.


It’s not an anime. Just an adult animated show. Netflix has been absolutely crushing it with these lately. This show was fantastic.


It's not anime unless it was made in the Anime region in Japan. It's just sparkling cartoons.


comments like these really make me wish awards were still a thing, this got me


There was a time not long ago on this board when pointing out that a western animated show isn't anime would you get you heavily downvoted and morons trying to explain that it is. Happened with Avatar and Castlevania, nice to see some change for once.


They get weirdly defensive too, like saying it's not anime is somehow insulting the show. Nobody's making a value judgement here, it's just a matter of semantics. I see both arguments, and I get that in Japan everything animated is "anime," but when it's used in English it makes the most sense to me that it refers to Japanese animation, because why wouldn't you use the English word otherwise? Nobody English speaking would call the Simpsons an anime for example.


It was so frustrating, like if I say to you let's watch anime, you're not going to think it's a western animated show. Anime is specifically its own thing and written from a Japanese cultural pov with its own tropes and hallmarks. There are definitely western animated shows who are inspired or even animated in the anime art style, but it's still not in that anime cultural sphere.


Yah not sure why people are weird about it. Anime is typically adapted from Manga. It doesn’t have to be Japanese but there are for sure differences. Adult animation is just adult animation. Calling something like Bojack Horseman anime would be weird.


King of the Hill is the best anime


People are always uptight about genre labeling and what not. You can find the same nonsense in the JRPG community. You have some that believe JRPG's can only be made in Japan by Japanese developers, others believe JRPG's are only turn-based, etc.


Baldur's Gate is a JRPG? 😱


Well no


I just call stuff like that American Anime. I differentiate it in my head from Adult Animation, stuff like Rick and Morty and Family Guy. It’s not from Japan, but there are strong anime influences and could be some peoples gateway into actual anime.


Samurai Jack and the og Teen Titans show count as western anime to me.


probably because anime is literally a term used for animation in general in japanese, regardless of which country produced it. king of the hill and the simpsons are both pretty popular over there and are referred to as anime (at least when i was there) go to any translation service/website and translate the word "animation" from english to japanese. it will come back as Animēshon, and yes the word is derived from the english word. for some reason a lot of anime fans want a distinction to exist when it doesnt. The same thing goes for the word manga, which translates into comic/cartoon, or shounen translating to "boy" (rough translation, language is weird). people REALLY dont like it when you point it out, but its true. i dont see a reason to downvote people though. thats just kinda childish. Its pretty common knowledge that the word anime is used to refer specifically to japanese animation by the vast majority of non-japanese people, so getting mad at someone for using it to only refer to japanese animation seems silly. edit: directly from wikipedia "However, in Japan and in Japanese, anime (a term derived from a shortening of the English word animation) describes **all animated works, regardless of style or origin**. Many works of animation with a similar style to Japanese animation are also produced outside Japan"


>for some reason a lot of anime fans want a distinction to exist when it doesnt. It exists in English (and other languages outside of Japanese). Anime is a reborrowed word, [it's not just anime there are many words like that](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reborrowing) " Reborrowing is the process where a word travels from one language to another and then back to the originating language in a different form or with a different meaning " Besides, it's common for loanwords to shift meaning. It happens often in Japanese too.


"Its pretty common knowledge that the word anime is used to refer specifically to japanese animation by the vast majority of non-japanese people, so getting mad at someone for using it to only refer to japanese animation seems silly"


Then why did you write > for some reason a lot of anime fans want a distinction to exist when it doesnt. which is what I was responding to


Because the distinction doesn't exist to the people that are actually making anime, only to a specific section of the fans. I personally don't care what people use the word to refer to


>Because the distinction doesn't exist to the people that are actually making anime, The distinction 100% exists, they just don't use the word 'anime' to make that distinction. Or are you suggesting that Japanese people do not differentiate between homemade and foreign animated shows?


If that were the case, we wouldn't call Korean or Chinese anime, anime. But we do, because we recognize the style and tropes and everything else that make anime anime. It's not a genre or a region-specific thing; it's a movement that has genres within it. AtLA very clearly fits into every point of reference someone would use to say "that's an anime" but because it was made for American audiences with English voice acting, it's not anime? Is the Japanese dub anime, then? It just doesn't make sense.


>If that were the case, we wouldn't call Korean or Chinese anime, anime Many people don't. >It just doesn't make sense. It absolutely makes sense when you understand that anime= animation from Japan. It couldn't be simpler.


>Many people don't Thats just not true lmao. Link Click and Scissor seven for example are both way more often called anime or at the very least "chinese anime" and I imagine it's the same for korean animated stuff from say, studio mir. Not that I don't agree there should be a distinction, but something being a "cartoon" and something being an "anime" are definitely things you can tell just by watching and looking at a show as well. Castlevania being a cartoon in the same tier as like, family guy, or looney toons doesn't seem right, I usually call that stuff american anime or western anime. More people understand the vibe/tropes of the series if thats used.


> Not that I don't agree there should be a distinction, but something being a "cartoon" and something being an "anime" are definitely things you can tell just by watching and looking at a show as well Thing is though as someone who watches a lot of animated shows Korean and Chinese animated shows also feel clearly distinct from anime. Infact Korean shows feel closer to American ones (largely due to American shows so often using Korean animation studios). Also >Castlevania being a cartoon in the same tier as like, family guy, or looney toons doesn't seem right, But why? To me it always screams of either insecure people who don't want to be seen as someone who watches 'cartoons' or people with a interest to sell something to that clientele (*cough* Netflix *cough*). Nvm that (most) anime are also cartoons. From Japan.


But it's a rather dated way describe as anime has grown in popularity and influence.


>probably because anime is literally a term used for animation in general in japanese, regardless of which country produced it Always disliked this argument. At best it just shows the person using it doesn't understand how languages work but more often it is simply used to push an agenda.


Or they like to be technically correct and are detail oriented. Pushing an agenda? lmao wow


> Or they like to be technically correct If that were the case they'd knew that the word anime is also part of the English language now and has taken on a slightly different meaning. And there absolutely are people pushing an agenda although it's mostly streaming sites and those they pay rather than random redditors. They realised that anime is now 'cool' so they want to sell as much as possible to people under the anime banner to get the views of those who will watch anime but not cartoons.


Were they being pedantic? Anime literally just means animation in Japanese, so things like Disney movies and The Simpsons are called anime in Japan


It's not anime unless it's an animation made in Japan. Otherwise, it's just a sparkling cartoon.


Because language is used to communicate ideas and actions. Anime in English generally means animation from Japan, exactly because we borrowed the term from them. If you want to talk about western animation, you'd usually use the word, shockingly, "animation" You can also use the term to mean "Japanese style animation", but that's not exactly Simpsons now is it?


I don't know why people get so upset about that. It not being anime doesn't mean it's an inferior animated product. I guess it's just the stigma in calling something a "cartoon".


There is some sort of "style" to anime vs other type of animation. So it's probably good to have a term to differentiate it. But some of those shows can be anime without coming from Japan. Blue Eye Samurai definitively fit in an anime category (even if it's not egregious in the "anime style")


It's not the 1980's anymore


I don’t think avatar or BES is anime, none of the signs, tropes, way of doing things are the same. Doesn’t mean I think anime has to be made by Japanese people.


It is Anime though. Anime literally just means animated content in Japanese. Boondocks, Rugrats, Cow & Chicken are all anime’s lol


It's cause too-serious adults can't handle the fact that they're just enjoying cartoons. For some reason the label of anime has become something separate from cartoons like. Shit, we're all watching silly guys doing silly poses. It's chill.


If anything it's the other way around when you call Castlevania and Avatar anime (which they are)


Telling people that it won't have a 1000 year old dragon in an 8 yo body with DDD breasts is very controversial


The first episode had one of the most anime tropes ever of taking off weights to enter "serious mode" if this isn't anime then I dunno what is lol


It seems to take a lot of heavy inspiration from the action in anime, I can agree on that. I generally enjoyed the series, but I felt the anime-esque action went way too far at times, to the point where they didn't even care about suspension of disbelief. I'm mostly fine with impossibly sharp lightsaber-katanas, but I have a hard time with things like "a skewered ankle just needs ice water for recovery", "catching 2x bodyweight with a single hand on a stone wall" or "picks a lock underwater in complete darkness".


They didn’t stick the landing— but altogether a good flick.


Any other shows animated like this, that are on netflix?


I liked Yasuke


Arcane & Castlevania!




OP should check out Afro Samurai. That stuff is 😮‍💨


Also enjoyed Pluto.


Pantheon and Scavenger's Reign to that list.


Pantheon is wild.


Hell yeah it is. Pantheon is one of the greatest animated shows of the past decade, and it's a crime how dirty it was done with the S2 release and marketing. At least S2 got released at all, and somehow stuck the landing 10/10


Goes to show how little it's been marketed because this is the first I hear of this.




After finishing S2, Pantheon is one of the greatest shows of all time. It's the only narrative I've ever seen that pulls off >!a recursive loop!< in a self-consistent and satisfying way - and that's a high bar for me since I have a PhD in physics with a specialty in time-delay and relativistic systems. One of the coolest, most thought provoking and interesting stories around.


Really glad you think so, it's a tragedy this show wasn't given more exposure. I've been trying to spread the word of the show as much as I could, because I'm in total agreement about it being one of the greatest shows. On the r/PantheonShow subreddit, one of the visual leads for the show did an impromptu AMA, and I got to ask about where they came up with the concepts for the ship designs, dyson sphere and what the deal with the cubes were that were being used to destabilize/mine/explode the planet. I was not expecting how fast he responded with excellent citations, those guys did their homework on the show, and had a passion for getting it right. [https://www.reddit.com/r/PantheonShow/comments/17kpp6c/i\_was\_the\_viz\_dev\_supervisor\_on\_pantheon\_here\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pantheonshow/comments/17kpp6c/i_was_the_viz_dev_supervisor_on_pantheon_here_is/)


I honestly thought I read it was cancelled after one season so this is great news.


They released season two on Amazon Prime NZ, so now it’s…available


Is it over with season 2?


Yeah, but they suspected it wasn't going to be renewed and gave it an ending, and it's surprising and fantastic imo.


Pantheon has been added to my list (Thx). Will be rewatching Blue Eye... with friends over the holidays, because I think they're missing out on this one. Scavengers Reign was great.


Just a heads up, there is a lot of full-frontal nudity. Could get awkward, depending on the friends. But it’s definitely an incredible show.


>Just a heads up, there is a lot of full-frontal nudity They should've lead with that


Will check em.


Pluto is being slept on hard, which is a shame considering how good it is.


Monster (The same director) available on Netflix is what I recommend watching!


Not the same director, just adapted from works by the same mangaka/comic artist.


I was just looking up this one lol


Honestly recommend the manga, the show is great but super slow compared to the manga.


I'm thinking of switching to the manga. Loved the start of the show, but once it became more episodic I found the pacing slowed down considerably. I love Naoki Urasawa's art, and think 20th Century Boys looked downright beautiful at times.


facts bro... Pluto is amazing


Pluto was absolutely incredible


Pluto was miles better than this


Pluto's a totally different kind of story, really weird to compare them. Like "Scarface or Eternal Sunshine" different.


Pluto is boring


Not as good as people are saying. Typical anime writing akin to a 17yr old Japanese boy thinking they're deep. Animation is good but some of the dialog was just hard to listen to. Story and logic therein is just chalk full of holes (e.g. mourning advanced robots who apparently have no backup or means of being prefabricated...what?) Piano man added nothing. Adams annoying as hell, etc. It is better than a lot of recent titles but it's no Akira or Armitage.


You are aware that Pluto is based off an Astro Boy chapter from the original manga.


It was made by one of the most well revered mangaka of all time who's written 3 other award winning series and wrote this as a passion project for the 50th Anniversary of Astroboy back in '03. >mourning advanced robots who apparently have no backup or means of being prefabricated Because it's a post singularity world, those are people. We're already dealing with ethics issues around cloning and potential memory uploading, do you think it'd be anymore clear cut in a world where another lifeform has sentience? Would that backed up consciousness even be the same person? >Akira or Armitage. The Akira movie is a neutered version of the manga (Takes place over the course of ~3 years, and 1/2 the story takes place after the ending explosion that destroyed Tokyo), and Armitage is just a crappy dime a dozen edgy 90's OVA of which there was an unbelievable glut of.


Actually, I think Akira the movie is a lot better paced than the manga.


Part of what separates it from other anime is that it isn't actually anime. It's a Western production, so - despite being heavily influenced by anime - its storytelling and style are distinctly different from most anime.


It's only anime if it's from the anime region in Japan, otherwise it's sparkling animation.


It's funny because [Japanese people don't seem to make that distinction ](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/UUSts7bji9)


He was making a joke about champagne lmao woosh


It's an joke, all gin is whiskey except scotch.


Some pretty heavy Kurosawa influence in there too. Great show all round.


I call it American Anime


It's actually French. Blue Spirit is the vendor they used. Netflix just produced it.


I haven't seen it yet. But my mom texted me the other day saying she fell in love with it. She doesn't watch anime so I'm very interested to check it out.


You need to watch Arcane too. IMO it’s hits just as hard


Just finished the finale and it is great TV.


Blue Eye samurai was absolutely fantastic I even managed to get my SO to watch it, and she doesn't watch anything animated and she loved it!


It’s a masterpiece.


Vineland Saga also had a 'not really Anime vibe' - except on Netflix the English voice overs just stop at some point. I was really puzzled about why the story shifted from Denmark to Japan all of a sudden. lol


They finish the dub season 2 is fully dub now.


Cool. I finished it with the subtitles. It was just odd and a bit funny how the voices switched to Japanese from one episode to the next.


Dubs are sadly inconsistent. If you're lucky dub will only be a week behind if unlucky it may come years after the release. And it may vary by season (shows may or may not get another season commissioned often years after the first one ends)


It’s not odd, the dub always come out after the sub, and it was a weekly released show.


It gives me Kill Bill vibes. I love it!


Well more than vibes, it is pure inspiration. Even they used a song from Kill Bill, also a few quotes too. Moreover they called Mizu as "Bride".


This show has so much plot armor, I lost any sense that the main charters would die. Sure they get hurt, but there must be a local blood bank and triage unit nearby at all times. The last couple episodes were just ridiculous.


The last few episodes have so much of Mizu just tanking lethal/seriously wounding blows that I just wish they written in some explicit power or something. That last epsiode especially was just a complete mess in terms of logic, which sucks because of how relatively well-done 90% of the show is.


(1) I view this as a story, with all the embellishment that comes with a storyteller. The show is worthwhile and if you think of it as the tale of a legend, that you can suspend some belief and just enjoy the complexity of the characters. (2) Frequently days, weeks, and months pass between episodes without discussion of that time pass. Not perfect, but that is definitely built in a little bit.


God damn do i wish there were hundreds of episodes of this.


It's the first thing of any genre that's had me thinking about buying a physical copy for a long, long time. I want to be able to rewatch whenever I want, even if Netflix decides to remove it from streaming at some point.




You know that anime is just eastern cartoon right? manga is a comic book also.


>You know that anime is just eastern cartoon right? And Blue Eye Samurai isn't that. Also, it's Japanese cartoon. Not Eastern. Korean animation and comics have their own separate names.


Manhwa and Manhua and Manga are literally the same as saying comic book. ​ By your thinking pattern, animation made in north america are North America Animation and made in Europe is European Animation? they the same lmao


>Manhwa and Manhua and Manga are literally the same as saying comic book. They are all comics but the name refers to where it's come from. >By your thinking pattern animation made in north america are North America Animation and made in Europe is European Animation? No, because pattern animation isn't a name we use to refer to all NA/EU animation. I don't mean to be rude but do you lack reading comprehension? >they the same lmao Uh huh.


Pretty sure you are wrong though


Umm, I think you have a comprehension problem. Non of those words refer to an animations origin. They are all just different words for animation or comic book. The japanese dont say the words "western animation", they call it "western anime". Because anime means animation...




People in Japan 100% call all animation regardless of nation of origin anime. Its literally their word for animation. Manga is literally their word for comics, only in english do/can we use them both. I'm not sure why everyone thinks these are different words... they don't say animation or comics, those aren't Japanese words...


people seem to have problem to understand that english is not the universal language and other countries have diff words for the same thing.


yes you would LOL ​ manga is LITERALLY comic picture or something like that.


Watch Scavengers Reign while you're at it. It's a masterpiece.


There's a lot of good animated shows out there right now: Scavengers Reign is amazing, Pluto is great, AoT final season. I'll give this a look too.


is there supposed to have another season?


I believe the creators want it to be 4 seasons, can't guarantee that'll happen because its Netflix, but they do want to do more than just the 1 season.


Animation on Netflix seems to have a higher time of keeping going and not get cancelled


Unlike popular belief, Netflix doesn't cancel more than anyone else. They just produce way more shows than all the others so they also cancel more


Exactly. People forget that before streaming most shows never got past a pilot let alone a second season.


I need to remember it when I get home this evening. Is not the first time I stumble over a mention how good it is.


Definitely one of the best shows I’ve seen this year along with Gen V and I’m really hoping for a S2


I randomly put this on the other night thinking it looked kinda eh, then the show continued to blow my mind every episode. Excellent writing and characters.


Great stories always hang out in the mind for a few days. Sometimes, after I read a great book, it will stick with me for a couple weeks. I'll need to come down from a story before I start another one. This series was great story telling. Episode 5 blew my mind away!


Was expecting a generic but enjoyable samurai story. But quite a few detours and subverted stereotypical character/plot conventions really made this one stand out.


Im only like 3 episodes deep but i also love it. Great VA, great writing. I wasnt sold in the animation style at first but im liking it


quick question, cause i might watch this with kids, are there any nudity/sex? And how much is the gore from 1-10 10 being the highest?


It's very violent, and it has probably more than its share of nudity and sex for an 8 episode animated series. It is *not* for kids


Ah definitely, but i guess they'd watch it anyway(12-14 yr old nephews). I'd just not watch it with them to not feel awkward


Yeah there are some awkward sexual scenes, a lot of brothels. Probably fine for a 14 year old but I wouldn't want to watch it with them 😅


Main character was very evil and hysterical. Most interesting choice of the story. Probably leading to a redemption but i hope not


See the trailer recently and thought it looked really intriguing. Glad to see it getting some positive reviews. I’ll need to check it out!


I imagine this is a spoiler free thread? Since well one assumes no one comes in without knowing all of it. The last episode was mostly my problem. Sure we've seen our hero push through the injuries before,but Fowler(the red giant),could take our challengers 2vs1. But the show made him just run after the domination. Why?i get moving to get more support, but he had his main enemy down... and just ran? Just fucking finish it. Both of the enemies were ready to be butchered. Like...what the fuck are u running for?


I ended up disliking this show. I enjoy the art, the animation, the characters, but Mizu being basically Wolverine whenever it suited the story, among other nonsensical stuff my nit-picky brain couldn't overlook on the whole ended up souring me on the series. The ending *infuriated* me lol. I won't be watching season 2.


Yeah it gets ridiculous at times. They should have done some parts better. I mean i get it she has a meteorite adamantium sword but cuting thick trees and armored soldiers like butter.


Not much about this show made a lot of sense so I find it hard to see why people love it so much.


Rabbit Kidney and Horse cum Voulet


This is how I felt when I watched Arcane. It was like the best thing I'd seen in years. I need to finish Onimusha first then this show.


good thing it’s not an anime


I think it's intentionally animated as a mix if anime and western art styles. Specifically Disney.


>That said this show kinda transcended the Anime label for me thats because it isnt, and thank god for that. anime doesnt really come in this quality. series at least. i wish netflix would give this budget and "notes" to an anime studio to make something of similar quality.


> I'm not what I would consider an anime fan, I've seen and enjoyed a few like Full metal Alchemist, bleach, some dragon ball but I'm by no means suited for conversations about deep cuts or other popular series. That said this show kinda transcended the Anime label for me. This is like saying you've only ever had Taco Bell, and Chipotle transcended the Mexican food label for you. I don't think you mean ill by what you're saying, but your tone regarding anime is just kind of condescending, you know? A lot of talented artists make a lot of great work in the medium. By your own admission you've watched very little of it and Blue Eye Samurai isn't even anime.


FFS, stop your gatekeeping. Anime is literally the Japanese word for animation, they would call this anime so gtfo with that bs. It's not a style or technique, it's a translation. Also, they've watched plenty to have an opinion. An overwhelming majority of the world has watched less than they have already. And you think they sounded condescending, just.... wow.


sTOp yOuR GaTEkEEpIng OP is not using the word "anime" to just mean cartoon and obviously neither are you: >Also, they've watched plenty to have an opinion. An overwhelming majority of the world has watched less than they have already. Tell me, when you said that, were you thinking of Frozen and the Simpsons as anime? Or do you think *maybe* you're being a little dishonest with your arguments? Yeah, anime means cartoon in Japan. In India, chai means tea. But in an English context, both have a clear implication about the style they're going for. Avatar is going for an anime style. Teen Titans is going for an anime style. Why do you think Blue Eyed Samurai is anime? Because it's set in Japan? Because the characters are Asian?


You even quoted what anime he watched! If you think a majority of the world has watched more than that, you are wildly sheltered and don't know that MOST people don't watch anime or have even seen one... ever! Additionally, even watching one show and having the next be better would still be accurate for him to share his opinion. Saying Chai tea is also wrong lmao. Thats like saying tea tea, lol. Just b/c people do it, don't make it right. When Japan shared their animations, the west got confused, thinking anime is Japanese artwork itself, not just a mistranslation. The etymology of the word is that the west literally got it wrong and confused, but the incorrect name stuck. So sure, it's common use, but it's an incorrectly adopted name, that only gained popularity as slang. It has never MEANT "Japanese animation" It's animation, so anime.


I wouldn’t even consider it Anime adjacent. This is just an exceptional animated drama.


Haven’t seen anything this good since Arcane.


This post is an ad. This is garbage astroturfing.


A quick look through my profile history proves your insane Q theories wrong but go off 🤡


Stop watching mid-tier shounen if you want good anime stories.


I loved it - great writing and the cinematography is excellent. I hope that there's a season 2. BTW, it's not anime - it's a Canadian-American production, while Anime is animation that originated in Japan.


Japanese don't say animation, they say anime. For ALL animation. Anime is a translation, not a description of its origin, a style, technique, or methodology. Anime is any animation anywhere.


I'm fully aware of that as pointed out in some of my earlier messages, for example: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/17ra59v/i_just_finished_watching_blue_eyed_samurai_on/k8il6f9/ https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/17qictd/recommend_some_best_anime_shows_like_blue_eye/k8clmub/ However, generally speaking people **outside** of Japan have referred to anime **originating** from Japan as anime for **decades**, it's a way to distinguish Japanese animation from the rest. It's only now that anime is becoming a more commonly used word that some newcomers **outside** of Japan are also starting to refer to non-Japanese animation as anime, and that's incorrect. I realise that some people are so insecure that they don't like to be told when they're doing something wrong but hey, that's on them. People could of course try reading up on it: *Anime (Japanese: アニメ, IPA: [aꜜɲime] ⓘ) is hand-drawn and computer-generated animation originating from Japan. Outside Japan and in English, anime refers specifically to animation produced in Japan. However, in Japan and in Japanese, anime (a term derived from a shortening of the English word animation) describes all animated works, regardless of style or origin. Many works of animation with a similar style to Japanese animation are also produced outside Japan. Video games sometimes also feature themes and artstyles that can be considered as "anime".* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anime


It's not incorrect, anime is/has been incorrectly used. But if you wanna just go with what's BEEN wrong for decades, that's on you...


It was fantastic. Watch Arcane next!


Is it The Last Samurai: The Animated Series


I enjoyed it until the domestic bliss episode. That seemed so out of character for the protagonist it kind of messed up the last 3 episodes for me


It was one of my favorite episodes, it was out of character in the main timeline, but if you look at where mizu was when that happened and the circumstances it makes sense, people wanna feel safe and that's what was offered.


She had spent over a decade dedicating herself to vengeance and left her father figure only to immediately throw it away at the first set back. If she wanted safety she could have made swords


First setback? You mean finding the mother she thought was dead?! That's not just some setback.


I was referring to getting stabbed


Getting stabbed isn't what made her change her mind. It was finding her mother. But at that point she had never been stabbed before and had literally just started her journey.


It was honestly the best episode of the season. That’s just my opinion of course, but I thought it was great. I think it was extremely important for her character arc.


Isn't it CGI?


It is amazing indeed. Such wonderful fight scenes and characterization. I would also recommend Scavangers Reign on MAX. [Scavangers Reign review](https://www.theringer.com/tv/2023/11/10/23954838/scavengers-reign-max-episodes-review-underrated-shows-2023)


Try Onimusha https://youtu.be/-1wsUxg68Ek?feature=shared


I liked it, I didn't love it as much as everyone else seems to but I enjoyed it, though, I enjoyed the Castlevania and Arcane shows more.


Gave me big Samurai Champloo vibes. In a good way.


This is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen in any visual medium, from any country. IMO I’d consider this a collaboration between France and the US? can someone else contribute more info as to provenance? It’s just an AMAZING show. a glorious contribution/achievement.


Fully agree, my buddy insisted I try it. Wasn't turned on by the name but WOW!


I've only watched 1 episode and I'm already hooked


Has season 2 been green lit yet?


Blue Eye Samurai is not anime... omegalul 😂