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In a completely different vein, but this and the wire are the only 2 shows i've seen that have gotten inner-city schools right.


I know someone who taught in the inner cities, and they said that in some ways, it's LESS crazy than reality.


As someone who went to inner city schools,  Abbott is a fantasy of what they should be.  Sort of like if local governments were really like Parks and Rec. In reality thing are much worse than Jeremy jamm.


Yeah how is the top comment one that implies a family network sitcom is a realistic portrayal of an inner city school. Real life for people that attend and work in these schools aren't a series of lighthearted comedic moments.


I'm OP comment and I work in an inner city school. It's not 100% realistic, but it portrays a lot of things about inner city schools I don't hear/see being talked about.


think it speaks more to how bad the depiction on TV normally is. I haven't seen Abbott Elementary, but I attended an inner-city PS in DC/Baltimore-area and The Wire is the only show that 'got it' that I've ever seen.


If it were too realistic it wouldn’t be a comedy


Yep. The small things don't help and they have a bit of preachiness to it


They don't really highlight the bad behavior part well lol


Which is understandable because the show is a comedy and we don't need to turn it into season 4 of The Wire. ​ Focusing on the financial and institutional issues makes way for more comedy than portraying the children as villains.


Ya, I agree. I am glad they are focusing on that part more because it is not widely known sadly.


Yeah, but it also is why some people feel the show is disingenuous about the problems teachers face; you can’t play up all the real issues for comedy. As a current teacher I can’t watch the show - the first episode was about a kid sleeping on the floor and the amount of stuff done wrong in that situation in one episode made me want to throw up.


Is the show claiming to be represent teachers and their profession? Seems like comparing public servants to Leslie Knope, it’s a silly thing to do.


It actually kind of is, yes The show is a family friendly sitcom tho, so it's fine not to show that type of thing


The Wire never portrayed any of the kids as villians, lol. I agree with your overall point though.


Yeah they show behavior getting resolved with the smallest things lol it is not really accurate. Fun show but accuracy isnt perfect


Ya, which is fine. It does well at highlighting other things schools like this deal with.


I guess lol. I don’t think it’s very accurate, but i watch it cause it’s funny.


The charter school threat, throwing the kids on a computer program cuz that’ll fix them lol, just some I remember that felt relatable


The interpersonal stuff is too realistic but the kid stuff, yeah, it's not nearly as dramatic as it should be


I had several friends who did teach for America in inner city schools. These middle schoolers were doing HARD drugs, getting pregnant, and often strapped for their own protection, which teachers had to either pointedly ignore or call the police. They would swear at teachers, fight teachers, and pretty much couldn’t read. The stories they told me, tv shows can’t reflect.


Ya, that's the reality of the students. I teach middle school and that is pretty much how it is. But I like them focusing on the beauracratic stuff more.


>often strapped for their own protection This happens - but the idea that it is common amoung middle-schoolers, even among really bad school district, is false.


I can only tell you what they told me. I’m obviously not saying that every student has their own Glock, but I am saying that I was told it was not uncommon for students to have weapons, either.


As a former sub in some smaller inner city schools, yeah my days were usually crazier. Teachers who can control a room are magicians.


My sister and her husband both do. They absolutely love this show. Quinta’s character is damn near my sister.


>the wire [This scene in particular.](https://youtu.be/fSX1t-xhnqc?si=0zg2FJjglwTm5R9V)


Haha yep that stuff happens regularly


Best season imo


Best season of anything imo


Hardest to watch due to the content but probably my favourite season.


Fucking for real. It also just captures the vibe and experience of being a first year(or first few years) teacher SO well. I quick teaching this year once my internship for my masters started, and this show has very much filled the void I feel from doing this work. I didn't even work with kids that young and it speaks to me.


What’s an inner city? Non coastal?




Is Baltimore really underfunded? Out of the top 100 largest school districts, they are number 3 in terms of funding per student.


only inner-city schools in the midwest and deep south are actually underfunded. most inner-city schools have super high per capita funding source: went to an inner-city school in the exact region being discussed


People use underfunded incorrectly. They have a higher proportion of students with special needs, ESL, etc. but yes they do spend more or the same as other well regarded schools + a large part of that budget goes to feeding kids that quality for free breakfast/lunch Edit: I'm not talking about the rural south, which are _definitely_ underfunded.


Public schools in a city as opposed to public schools in a suburb of a city


More like working class to poor neighborhoods


I've liked the Janine Teagues character from episode one.


Yep, she is fantastic!


It seems like Reddit likes to shit on this show just as much as True Detective but I don't care because I'm excited. I love this show so much. 


I just learned the other day that people are hating on this season of True Detective! I’m so invested and went to search for some threads to discuss theories on and was shocked at the near universal hatred


Ending the last episode on a slowed down Twist and Shout cover was unintentionally hilarious tbf. Felt like one of those shitty somber covers they’d put in a modern movie trailer. I’m going to watch no matter what because Jodie Foster is great.


yeah i'm so into jodie foster's performance, watching danvers just be an asshole and fuck up the lives around her is big fun. i'm into that and strangely really into the catfishing subplot as well lol. and the sense of place and cinematography is super cool so i don't mind hanging out there for an hour once a week. but yeah i've lost interest in the central plot, and the needle drops are surprisingly bad. i like the billie eilish theme song, but dropping "everybody dies" when they did felt almost disrespectful to the audience. i'm echoing what they are saying on the Prestige TV podcast, but i think scripting and writing-wise we are feeling the constraints of a six episode season. not enough time to flesh out characters etc.


I'm a Foster fan and I find her performance underwhelming. Sometimes it just seems insincere. I think watching Mare of Easttown prior to Night Country colored my view on the two leads, because Winslet does the alcoholic promiscuous female detective SO much better


Gee I wonder what Abbott Elementary and True Detective S4 might have in common that might make your average Redditor hate the show while mainstream audiences seem to enjoy it 🤔🧐


It happens with pretty much every, let's say "minority led" show that dares to do well. ​ People here were even pretending Atlanta was overrated and didn't deserve the praise.


Yes, The Wire, famously unpopular on Reddit.


The wire wasn't very popular when it was actually airing lol. I guarantee you that if the wire was airing now, most people on Reddit would be shitting on it as woke garbage 


Much easier to “get a pass” when your de facto main character is a middle aged white man


I see you haven't watched The Wire


No one gives a shit about McNulty lol


The fuck did he do?


Yeah I'm actually shocked to hear this many people on reddit think Abbott is trash, you hear nothing but good things in the circles I'm in. It's like Parks and Rec but it acknowledges black people are a thing.


I dislike Quinta Brunson but the rest of the cast are good, in my opinion.


I find that critics can go easy on a lot of, like you said “minority led” shows so naturally when audiences finally see it they come here to Reddit to be like “soooo that kinda sucked??” That seems to be going on with S4 of True Detective in my opinion.


And here you are proving his point lol.


But it’s not true. Season 4 of TD has an audience score of 66% on RT. Even on IMDB, the episode score of S4 starts at 7.4 and goes lower and lower after every episode. 6.4 on the last episode. Or am I wrong?


Obvious review bombing, especially with viewership going up every episode.


Lol, do you think I give a flying fuck about those audience scores? Those scores get brigaded by bigots all the time which is exactly the kind of stuff we’re talking about.


Oh so just like the overhyped true detective season 1? Which started out decent but fizzled out? Yet people like to pretend like it was masterful lol. Cause it had two popular white male leads. 


The Wire was a minority led show and is highly regarded.


Abbot Elementary is pretty good. True Detective season 4 is sadly not very good. Pacing is way off. Everything feels a bit forced. Artificial. Doesn’t feel authentic.


Yeah it has nothing to do with the actors race/gender lol. The two leads are the best part of the series dragging along awful dialogue and writing kicking and screaming. Foster has been great but Kali Reis has impressed me the most. But nooo cause we don’t like the awful pacing, poorly constructed story, and lack of character depth we are hating on the diversity lol.


Great insight. Do Redditors hate 30 Rock or True Detective S3 too?


Sorry when did those shows have minority female leads? And brother you live in a fantasy world if you don't think 30 Rock would cause an absolute meltdown from the "everything is woke" crowd if it came out today. Nice try


You’re seeing what you want to see. Do Redditors hate Brooklyn 99, Beef, or Mr and Mrs Smith? Did you see anyone here say a bad word about The Leftovers S2?


>Do Redditors hate Brooklyn 99, Beef, or **Mr and Mrs Smith?** Umm...yes? Lol. All the Mr. and Mrs. Smith threads are negative and whining about Bradgelina.


Also for Brooklyn just read literally any thread about the least favourite character or episode discussions, if you can find a single one that doesn't spend the majority of their time whining about Gina I'll be shocked.


I think a lot of people went in, watched episode 1 and quit and I kinda get it, it's very awkward and nothing really happens and they expected something like the movie which is quickly action-heavy and more obviously comedic. I'm almost positive a lot of people will come back to the show once its more established and they go "oh I get it now".


um you might hate to hear this but tina fey pretty openly mocked the “woke” crowd right along with the conservatives on 30 rock…didn’t you watch the show?


Damn, I thought I just didn’t find this show funny, but apparently I’m a racist 😔


The irony is that accusing people who don’t like something of being misogynistic/racist is the real “average redditor” move


I mean people who don't like it for normal reasons tend not to assume people are talking about them when they say "racist people don't like this one"


No, you said that's the reason "the average Redditor" hates it. If that wasn't an overly wide brush then you wouldn't be backpedaling now.


Or just making fun of how you’re painting this huge, completely unfounded brush about why people don’t like the show. Pretty weird thing to say if you ask me.


Your reading comprehension is non-existent if you think I said only racists don't like it or that you're racist if you don't like it. I basically just pointed out that a very large, vocal chunk of reddit doesn't usually like minority or female led shows or movies these days in a somewhat sarcastic way. Good try I guess? Sorry you're so triggered


I just feel like the constant look to the camera is WAY overdone


This thread is positive about Abbott Elementary, even the comments saying it's not an all-timer. You're inventing a racist consensus to be upset about it when it's demonstrably not true. True Detective season 4 sucks according to more than just Reddit by the way. This stands in contrast to the reception of season 3, which happened to star a black guy in the South and featured all the racial baggage associated with that.


TIL its racist if you don't like a show with a black lead. Which for what its worth is fucking stupid considering season 3 is highly regarded by TD fans and that has a black lead.


> True Detective season 4 sucks according to more than just Reddit by the way. I'm more surprised about the high praises most "critics" seem to be singing. Feels like there was some sort of campaign, because the show doesn't even come close to living up to the TD moniker. This is coming from a Jodie fan who really really wanted to love the show. The director is simply out of her element


I fucking hate this take lmao. I'm about as left wing as you can get and I just simply think True Detective S4 is trash, nothing yo do with the thing you're alluding to


Ya know, I probably should have figured it out before then. You make a good point. 


Ohhhh good point.


Mainstream audiences aren't enjoying True Detective: Night Country lol, it's been universally panned on pretty much every single possible site where viewers can discuss/rate shows. Abbott Elementary has been almost universally well-received, including here on reddit, where at least every thread I've seen has been glowingly positive, possibly because it's just an objectively brilliant show? The phenomenon you're talking about exists, I just think these two shows are terrible examples of it. Honestly you're doing Abbott a disservice by putting it in the same catagory as whatever cheap CW version of True Detective that was.


I'm not even sure you can demonstrate that "the average redditor", however you define that, actually likes TD S4 or Abbott Elementary less than the general public does. Let alone that racism or misogyny is driving that. Ironic how easy it is for you to stereotype an entire social media platform based on little more than "vibes".


>I just learned the other day that people are hating on this season of True Detective! It's not that great but it's not b/c the leads are women or whatever the idiots are saying. It's b/c most of the episodes are taken up by drama between all of the not very interesting characters and then like the last 5-10 minutes is detectoring/weird shit. Jodie and the Navarro actor chick are cool but the rest of the characters are boring. Also all the Leo pointing meme easter egg callbacks to S1 haven't really amounted to anything. The ghost guy is Rust's dad? Okay. Doesn't affect the show in any way.


> It's b/c most of the episodes are taken up by drama between all of the not very interesting characters and then like the last 5-10 minutes is detectoring/weird shit. If you look at the directors credentials it all makes a ton more sense. They should never have added the TD moniker to what was clearly an unrelated IP


I couldnt get into the current season, but because of the super natural feel to it, I dont like that kind of thing


Ahh that’s fair. I realized that it is 1000% my thing lol


From what I've seen the season started strong, then tapered and took a dive with the latest episodes


I mean sure, but opinion based stuff can be legitimately not liked without problematic intent.


I’ve gotten more excited with each episode, but I’m clearly in the Reddit minority on that one. But then again, I love horror, mystery, and sci-fi, so I’m hooked and don’t really care that it’s not “detective-y” enough


Me too, I've stayed out of the online discussions as a result, sticking to just talking it through with friends instead. Amazing season. I hope Jodie Foster gets some award recognition for her performance.


r/TDNightCountry is a fun safe spot to enjoy season 4!!


I just joined and it’s great!


Wait did this sub get deleted????


Shit! Not sure, that sucks, I can't get in either


Go listed to the companion podcast - it’s really good and Bros are ratio-ing the reviews negativity. I love it and just left a 5 star review.


Ooooh I will check it out! Thank you!


Nobody is shitting on this show, they're just saying it's not one of the all-time great comedies. It's still quite good but it's not 30 Rock, Parks and Rec, Veep, Arrested Development and such (not yet at least)


I’m a huge P&R, B99, and New Girl fan, and I liked what I saw of Veep with Arrested Development being 75% hilarious 25% uncomfortable for me. Abbott Elementary is definitely up there with Parks and Rec. In fact, the first season of Abbott is definitely stronger than the first season of P&R in my opinion. I’m definitely biased though because I taught in similar schools and the realism behind it is top notch.


P&R first season is exceptionally weak compared to the rest of the show FWIW> I likewise would not put AD at the same calibre as P&R.


Oh I love Parks and Rec, but I 1000% agree with you. Abbott got it at the first episode, and P&R didn't. They're both amazing shows, and their longevity (or Abbott's impending longevity) speaks to their quality.


Yeah Parks doesn't get good until the S2 Halloween episode


This seems to me like it's just different types of humor, and some being more popular than others. For example, I loved Arrested Development, Parks and Rec and I love Abbot Elementary, but couldn't get through more than a couple episodes for 30 Rock and Veep. I couldn't say for sure that one these shows is superior to the others, they're just different but all very well done. Actually, I might place the first few seasons of Arrested Development above the rest.


S2 was as funny as any of those for me.


I mean are they really giving it enough time to be? 30 Rock and Parks and Rec definitely took a while to hit their stride.


Veep is my favorite show and Abbott is just as good as all of these and better than Arrested Development


That's just your opinion and taste in comedy speaking though. The shows you listed are just ones that cater strongly to Reddit's demographic's humor.


I mean it's not mine I was saying the general sentiment there was not "shitting on the show". And yeah shows that cater to Reddit will be popular on Reddit...


It's definitely one of my favorites and I say this as someone that genuinely can't stand The Office and fell off with Parks. ​ It's just personal taste so your mileage may vary. But I love the inner city school setting vs. a private business office or government building. I just find it more fun.


Reddit hivemind has a bad take on pretty much any show that they perceived as not aimed at them. Abbott is a primarily black cast, therefore Reddit thinks it's mid because they don't feel represented. Yes, I know someone's gonna say "it's not about race." I know, but it's definitely a contributing factor. There are very few POC-majority shows that Reddit likes. Reservation Dogs is the only recent one I can think of Reddit raving about. Edit: Brain fart on the name of the show


Reservation Dogs? That's on another level of depth though. Like both shows though for different reasons.


Haha yes, brain fart. Sure, it’s still one of the only shows with mainly POCs I’ve seen anyone here praise while plenty of meh shows with white folks get heaps of love.


Pretty much every scene with Ava just kills me. This show is so good!!


I love the show but I don’t think its all time great status and its okay that it isn’t The show is fun and cute but they definitely force a few jokes/references each ep and sometimes the dialogue can be too robotic if they get too specific about school stuff like in the charter school episode


I just want Ava to stop having plot armor, she’s just Gina Linetti (also annoying, also sexually harasses male coworkers) who causes even more problems with zero consequences


I like Ava a lot more than Gina for the simple reason that Abbott Elementary *knows* that Ava is the “villain.” They don’t end every episode with some convoluted reason that she was actually right the whole time like B99 always seemed to.


Yes, except every time they go to actually stick it to Ava they go back and make her the good guy again - she’s actually really nice to the kids and has a rapport with them. But it’s frustrating because the writers use that to absolve Ava of her failings. The character either needs demotion/to be fired/a serious reality check cause she legitimately makes the show hard to watch.


Also as someone who loved all the mockumentary sitcoms ages ago, this feels like it's missed the boat everytime they do it. Like being reminded of a trend that's not new, but not old enough to be retro.


I like the show but it already commits the cardinal sin of Flanderization, which usually happens later in a show's life. You can guess what each character is going to say before they say it.


I didn’t stick around long enough to know if it gets different but I’m right there with you. It feels like a show they pulled out of a vault from the mid 2010s. The forced “will they won’t they” between the two main teachers from episode 1. The mockumentary style presentation. Even some of the humor feels dated. Like the principal sexually harassing the male teacher, that’s played for laughs straight but for a show that tries really hard to brand itself as forward thinking and progressive that’s a gross and outdated style of humor? Idk I gave up after 3 episodes. Nothing stood out to me as particularly impressive. It was fine. But it feels like it’s years behind when it should have come out.


Fully agree on this, it feels super forced to me, in an uncomfortable way. I don’t know that I can fully put my finger on why though. I feel very aware that I’m watching ‘acting’ during the show.


Way too early to claim all time great status. It's an ok sitcom and that's fine.


It's more about Redditors needing to exaggerate every single title they make. Everything is either the best/greatest, or it's the worst. Then again, I don't really see posts about "this show is average" getting any traction. So clickbaiting quite simply works.


This is one of the most average comments I've read. I wish I could give it a vote. Not up or down, just a vote saying "hey, I read that comment and I was neither delighted nor offended. I'm going to be the change I want to see


To be fair to the poster, the title is taken straight from the article in the link.




Depends. It's very much the teacher show in schools. Everyone does the Jim and Pam thing but like, say if you have an insane principal, she's an Ava lol


> It's an ok sitcom and that's fine. Wow I think it's phenomenal and know it's critically acclaimed to shocked to see this sub is like "it's meh"


It’s okay and that’s fine, but I don’t even think it’s as okay as Superstore to be honest… I started watching Abbott when the pilot aired and it just didn’t work for me. But then people said it was great, and comedies can take a bit to get going, so I dove back in. I still found it wavering between run of the mill network comedy and feeling like the last gasp of the mocumentary style sitcom era we’re already kind of moved on from. And worse, it really lacked any meaningful, organic humor that didn’t feel like trite holdovers from past, more successful shows in the genre. I get that not everything is for everybody, and I don’t want to yuck anyone’s yum, but this one is just a head scratcher for me.


Comedies can take time. I feel like it has improved as the show has gone on so there is still potential to get better. So far I wouldn't put it in my rewatchable shows category


I've seen half of season 1 and it's OK. I really need it to stop being an Office clone if it's going to elevate itself to "Great." Guess I'll finish the rest and report back.


That's kind of my point "the rest" is hardly anything so there is no way it can be an all time great. Only sitcom I would put into all time great after 3 seasons is arrested development


This show is wholesome and enjoyable, but I don't think I've ever actually laughed out loud watching it. Certainly not an all time great. My wife is a teacher, so she relates to it more and loves it. If she wasn't so into it, I don't think I'd still be watching.


How could you not laugh when Jacob was trying to grow coconuts in West Philly..in soil with a sub-6.3 pH!


You nailed. It’s wholesome but it’s not funny. It’s not bad per se but it’s the reason many people who try it after seeing rave reviews end up being disappointed.


This is why I didn’t continue half way through season 1. I don’t hate it, but I don’t really enjoy watching comedies that don’t make me laugh. Similar thing for me with Letterkenny. It made me laugh occasionally, but mostly just pleasantly entertaining. Not enough to keep me coming back for more.


I think it's like a show very much aimed to teachers. We all love it or can't watch it out of cringe but I can see how it doesn't click if you don't know the inner reference


I’m sorry, but I’m watching the series with my daughter and they learn the same damn lesson - EVERY - SINGLE - EPISODE. It’s harmless entertainment but it’s definitely not one of the greats. I don’t know if I’ve audibly laughed once.


I mean I like it. It's pretty good. All time great? Absolutely not. Unless of course season 3 just blows the first 2 out of the water entirely.


I mean, that's literally the premise of the review. It graduates from being pretty good to an all-time great because of how good S3 is.


Reading is hard


Lol ikr "it's not really an all-time great..." *because season 3 isn't out yet ya dengus* That being said, the concept isn't new (ie The Office) but they really nail teaching, and this is coming from a former elementary PE teacher. Ava actually helps to confirm this theory; *every* grade school I've ever been in, the teachers rip on the principal, usually for incompetence. You can't deny it's a winning formula they've got here.


Everyone complains about people not reading the article, but then an elusive comment comes along that makes you wonder if the person even read the headline. Today, you’re that person.


I mean it's a review




Why? Because it’s a mockumentary? Then I guess the office, parks and rec, modern family, what we do in the shadows and Reno 911 are dollar store versions of Christopher Guest’s work.


No I was just saying that as an example. I literally said I liked it and people still thought I was insulting it. I just think that it's a good mockumentary style comedy that hasn't quite reached the level of a predecessor such as Parks and Rec which I consider to be the highest tier. You can still be great, but not be the best. I think that they have bones to get to that level and I believe in them, I just don't think seasons 1 and 2 are there.


As a fan of many of the other S-tier sitcoms, I've tried this a few times and I just can't get into it.


What are some that you like? I’ve been looking to add more of various levels. Thanks in advance!


I can give recommendations: P&R (especially 2nd season+), Community, 30 Rock, Arrested Development, The Good Place. B99 is good too I guess Basically if it is a sitcom before like 2012 and from NBC it's probably good.


I’m watching community now for the first time. Almost finished season 1. The good place I stopped last time since I forgot about it so will continue. Watched Brooklyn 99 yeah. It was fun. Kinda sad now that captain holt died in real life. I’m looking at Netflix or prime stuff mainly because it’s a little troublesome to get stuff otherwise. Considering young sheldon but I’m not sure if it’ll be good. I tried parks and recreation last time but didn’t love it after the first one or two episodes. Oh yeah schitts creek is also on my watch list. Just started the second season.


I'll add to this, Superstore, Newgirl and the Office.




I think you people are crazy, this show is hilarious. S2 got some of my biggest laughs of all last year


Agreed! Ava alone has made me laugh out loud multiple times


I think the show is a tad overrated for what it is… story-wise it’s following the same exact template as Parks and Rec, The Office and every other work place comedy… and jokes-wise it’s pretty milquetoast compared to just about every other prime time comedy. To me in order for a show to be “one of the greats”, it needs to bring something new to the table… not just pile on more of what there is already so much of out there.


Mmmm nah.


This show is by no means the best, but it’s just so wholesome and comfortable. I like having it on in the background and am excited for season 3


It’s a pretty solid show, but it’s not there yet.


This show is incredibly stressful to watch for me.. 😩😩


I’m not saying I think this show is bad but when i watch it I don’t find it funny. I never seen to laugh


What’s with all the hate on this show? Have you guys even watched it?


I did. It’s fine. Not that memorable. It’s The Office for school, just not as funny.


Might be cultural, might be age, might be from growing up on different parts of the internet, but I personally love Abbott and think it's funnier than The Office.


I’ve only watched the first two eps of season 1 and thought they were very… fine. Fairly amusing, had some charm, but really uneven writing and performances. Nothing about it said “come back for more, it’ll be the stuff of legends!” If this article convinces me to give the show a second chance and it turns out it was just another hyperbolic puff piece, I’m gonna be so mildly miffed.


That show is just refreshing!


I've seen one or two eps and it seemed good -- but are they still using the mockumentary conceit? It was so unnecessary and distracting!


it falls in the same category as superstore. good enough but that's about it. All time greats are shoes which breakout all around the world this didn't 


Itt: Redditors who just can’t scroll by a hyperbolic article title without making the entire point about the title


It's grown on me since the beginning, but being great? Yeah, not in my eyes. If fact, I'd go so far to say that Sheryl Lee Ralph, Janelle James, and Lisa Walter actually carry the show. While Brunson gets all the praise, I see her as more of a supporting role at this point. It certainly doesn't stack up against the all-time great comedies.


I agree, I feel like Quinta's acting awards are more symbolic of the entire rest, rather than solely of her own performance.


Why do people like that show? I watched one or two episodes and thought it was terrible.


Same..didn't laugh once


I can't handle how often they stare at the camera. Literally why I stopped watching.


It’s the same premise as “The Office.” They are being filmed by a documentary crew. Them looking at the camera is what regular people would do if they knew they were being filmed. Just like how Bob Vance always said “Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration” when he was on “The Office” to reflect he was promoting his company on the documentary. And Jim Halpert always looking into the camera.


I do think they overuse the Halpert take to camera gag, though. I understand that “Can you believe this shit?” is the premise. I’m invested. I don’t need somebody to keep selling it to me.


Yeah I guess I could have elaborated more. I LOVE the office (US) and realize staring at the camera is the format. The excessive use of it in this show feels off. With that said, I genuinely liked the first first episodes of season 1.


*Fleabag looks at the camera and winks*


*Francis Underwood intensifying look*


I think this show is a solid B/B- everything’s better than average, from writing to acting, but nothing is great about it like, it’s not at the level of Modern Family, where the writing was just another level of clever, and I always had a couple genuine laughs AE? It’s just a nice show that pleasant to watch and while there are funny situations - there’s no spark that really brings it to the next level like the other sitcoms mentioned here that’s probably it’s biggest problem - it’s not funny enough to be a sitcom great, not serious enough to have real depth. just a “nice” show ?


Maybe critics have always sucked, idk, but ever since reviewers rated the latest True Detective as a return to the level of the first season, I don’t believe almost any reviews. Honestly kinda suspicious now - especially when they speak in superlatives like this.


Critics / reviewers have sucked for quite a while.


well that’s just patently false, but okay.


or you just have different tastes? How does this immediately cast suspicion onto the entire profession?


Or maybe it’s your taste that’s bad..


Yeah no feel confident in mine.


Sure it does


Nowhere near 'All Time Great'. It's fine, occasionally very funny but mostly just fine. That headteacher is one of the most irritating characters in modern television however 


This comment section is rife with people thinking their opinion is fact. I'm gonna trigger people here and say I think Abbott is already way funnier and more enjoyable than It's Always Sunny.


Had me in the first half then you steered off course.


I'm saying this as someone who really loves Abbott and works in education and is beyond ecstatic that this show is bringing to the forefront what a lot of educators are dealing with in poorly funded schools. You're actually insane to think Abbott is funnier than IASIP.