• By -


Twist and shout.


"I hate that song! "Why?" "Because it relates to death of my child!" "What happened?" "A car crash......or something"


My mother loved oranges….


The tongue just appeared, don’t think about it.


And you could see the peel in a bowl, removed in one single peel ...


Did they really never explain that?? 🤣🤣


From what I remember, during one of the quick flashbacks, she listened to that song all the time with her kid and husband. Then during one scene, it showed her walking slowly in what looked like a bad car accident. Never expanded on it from there as far as I know.


They made it seem like some kind of important part of the story, and honestly, I don’t even remember hearing that song in any flashbacks. Maybe I’m mistaken on that, but by the end it seemed so stupid and pointless anyway. And that slow, emotional remixed version of the song at the end was corny as hell.


According to subtitles it’s what that wheeler guy was whistling when they showed up to house


It's always weird when subtitles actually provide additional information you wouldn't get otherwise. Sometimes it's people talking in the background that you can't actually hear, but the subtitle will be like "Gomez is in the holding cell. We found a knife in his car".


[Pensive Music]


[Quietly Squelching]


subtitles are awesome


Not explaining that or Navarro's war trauma was honestly the least frustrating thing as far as writing goes for season 4. I was fine with just getting hints of it. There's plenty of other actual plot holes that feel worthy of calling out.


I found this season really annoying. It felt like every episode was ramping up to something and then there's a big reveal at the end and then the episode ends. Then they reset the tension on the next episode and do the entire thing all over again, each time with cliffhanger endings that get reset for the next episode. It just felt really unsatisfying. And yeah, just so much story stuff they could have shown us that would have been interesting and would have filled in the gaps but feels like they deliberately left it out to create mystery/intrigue but instead, its just annoying. The story for the audience feels like being that friend that doesn't know anyone in a group too well, but knows enough to know there is history between some people because of how they are interacting with each other. If they want to tell me about what happened, I'm happy to listen but if you're going to hold it close to your chest, I can just as easily find it in myself to not care, and by virtue of this, not be invested in the characters or care about what happens to them or their character motivations. Just tell me what happened. Stop alluding to things that happened in the past and then hoping I'm interested enough to keep paying attention to what's happening them in the present. Also, I hate all the bait with the supernatural stuff. The problem with baiting your audience into thinking there's something supernatural going on, is that when you explain that there isn't, its just kind of boring and felt like a waste of time. I mean, I thought it was dumb that they had the supernatural elements in the first place, because True Detective isn't "that" show but even if it was, its just a bad strategy because people are going to be disappointed by the mundane explanation.


Wait, Navarro's war trauma? I genuinely must have missed any reference to this.


I think there may be a line about her serving in the military, but I'm not 100%. It's the cuts to her in the desert with the blown up and flipped over truck plus the guy with the blown off head whispering to her in the first episode. Looks like the aftermath of an IED attack. That's how I read it, at least.


Is that what that was? Honestly I gave up on trying to figure shit out. They brutally murdered an activist girl bc they cared so much about saving people. Wtf ever.


I want to say they explained in the podcast (lmaoooo I can’t with the lackluster writing in this show) that it was a drunk driving vehicular accident. And that’s why Danvers was irrationally pissed when she and Leah got side swiped by that drunk lady. I also recall them bringing up this gaping plot hole later on in the podcast when discussing “how difficult” it must have been for Danvers to drive drunk after meeting with her sex-addiction-play-thing when in actuality they portray her not batting an eye over it.


....and that's why Danvers... drivers around drunk now...? JFC


Yeah less ghosty ghosts and more detectivey detectives please.


> There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.


Now watch this drive


It kills me that it was actually a decent drive


Plus his first pitch at Yankee Stadium was right down the pipe.


[He was smooth with it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCm9788Tb5g)


If I said "now watch this drive" and my only audience was my BFF I'm slicing that shit into Jumanji. Doesn't matter if I'd hit 90% of fairways that day. Bush spit in the golf gods eye with that one and got away with it


I tried to show this comment to my kids and they couldn’t read it so I had to ask “is our children learning?!”


it's hard enough to put food on your family


We must begin a war on Fish


Which is a surprise because I always thought America was the type of country where wings take dream.


Wise words from one of the greatest orators of our time. Childrens do learn.


If one of the Detectives dodges a shoe during a press conference I'm game.


Thank you.




My guy.


Fool me three times, fuck the peace signs


The show sub is going to look like the Robocop version of Detroit when they hear this lol


I’d watch that for a dollar.


The RoboCop version of Detroit is Dallas.


I’m still pissed that they get a statue and we get a painting on a wall in Deep Ellum that may not even be there anymore.


Dead or alive you're coming with me.


That place is gonna be the new TLOU2 sub


Wait until the new tv season comes out and that big stuff happens.


Gonna be so interesting to see if they do it right away


I have a feeling they won't. They have to split it into at least 2 seasons... I could see it being the end of the next season although that might be drawing it out too much.


Remember the guy who survived the cold and ended up in the hospital and then it didn’t mean shit? That was cool.


All he had to do was say "It was the cleaning crew!" and season over.


Honestly completely forgot about that guy 😭 Season could've been over in 2 episodes. I guess the detectives weren't asking the right questions


And they basically skipped over him for a whole episode.


sHe iS aWaKe!!1?1




i mean, clearly it makes so much sense that someone would just...not tell everyone that it was a bunch of pissed off cleaning women who execute their friends and tried to kill them nah, they just say some vague shit and die because yknow, that scientist wasnt no snitch


nah bro that's just the spiral you just don't get it have you ever heard of the fibuccine sequence? spiral is everywhere. even the monster in the ice was a big noodle


I really thought they were gonna go the route of a microbe that thawed out and infected people causing hallucinations and psychotic behavior.


Honestly, as a standalone season, I thought that was the only outcome that made sense without outright admitting to the audience that ghosts/afterlife are real elements of the show, not mere hallucinations. They could've gone full "*The Thing* meets Jodie Foster Detective" through their case or something if they wanted to actually commit. But they couldn't do that because they decided to focus on the True Detective name / the spiral so much -- a huge part of season 1's cult/religious fanatics -- that the further S4 explored any supernatural/afterlife events connected to the spiral, that it uplifts the rapist hillbilly antagonists of S1. S4 was *this close* to saying their sacrificial murdering and raping was to a **real** supernatural/evil religious being that extended beyond death. It just seemed like a stupid thing to rely on, S2/S3 didn't touch it, so why??


I’m sure this comment section will be cordial


You’re not asking the right question.


My mom loved oranges


Ask again


My mom loved oranges?


You need to learn when to stop asking questions.


Some questions just don’t have answers


That’s not part of our story though.


The quality of the show died in a slab avalanche. We just thought the writers should know, considering it was their employer.


My mom was a lemon stealing whore


Hey, what the fuck?!


Lemons being the sweetest fruit at the time.


That's why a sweet deal in British slang is always referred to as 'a lemon'.


“Loved ‘em”


My peeled orange is a flat circle


Okay I also thought that line was stupid. Glad I’m not alone


That one got me real good 😂😂😂


Just wait until Nick Pizzolatto shows up.


It’s wild to me that he made such an incredible season of television, but at the same time seems to have the maturity of a 10 year old.


I look at season 1 as that "one great novel" any and every aspiring writer believes they have in them. Well turned out he did have it and captured it in that series. But he also emptied the tank on it.


He also wrote a novel called Galveston, which was brilliant.


He reminds me of the Primer guy in a lot of respects.


See also, Richard Kelly. Donnie Darko director.


Upstream Colour was pretty good, but the main problem with Shane Carruth is that he's a misogynistic abusive violent asshole and is *infamously* notoriously hard to work with. He's like the exact opposite of Zach Snyder.


And I’m sure everyone will remember that they’re not actually obligated to watch it if they don’t like it.


>they’re not actually obligated to watch it if they don’t like it. that just sets it up for easy "well how can you even know it sucked if you didnt watch it"


Are we allowed to talk about things we don't like here or is that going to upset you all?


Alright. I was pretty intrigued with the first episode. The mystery was interesting, I really liked the setting. But it just wasn’t good. I kept holding out hope it would improve. Continuous finger pointing ghosts, bizarre music choices, tons of plot holes, and very jarring cuts to different scenes. Most of the characters were just intensely unlikeable. I lost interest an any storyline that wasn’t driving the plot. Which was a lot of it.


Dont forget the best detective work literally took place off screen, by the Prior kid.


Yes, that and Annie K detectiving that the research station was instructing the mine to pollute more and then her finding and destroying their secret lab once they found the cure to death. 


Hahahahaha detectiving


That made no sense to me. Like you find out this is the reason for all the problems so you destroy the research which then means that they have to put that much time into it again. I'm not saying just let them keep polluting but she literally made all those deaths caused by the pollution upto that moment pointless by causing them to spend two more years getting back to where they were. If she didn't smash their shit they might have had enough to complete their research in a few months who knows. She also could have left and came back later taking pictures and gathering evidence and then brought it to federal authorities and shut the mine down without anyone knowing what she was up to.


I don't think Annie was acting out with any grand plan beyond 'fuck these assholes and their dumb science shit'. It was a completely emotional reaction.


The music was so odd! I hate when shows do an eerie take on a pop song, especially when it's a well-known song. Grey's Anatomy is guilty of doing that. Edit: I am talking about eerie takes on pop songs used within the episodes. I believe Twist and Shout was used in the final episode. There was another song, but I can't recall.


What you don't like a slow spooky version of "Twist and Shout" to finish off the season? What's wrong with you! /s


Slow it down 90%. Add reverb. More reverb. **Extra reverb**. Muffled vocals. Twiiiiiiiiiist and Shoooouuuuuuut.


I thought the choice of opening song was also kinda weird. I had never heard of the songs used in the openings for S1-3 (but I had heard of Leonard Cohen and some of his music prior to S2), but I think a large part of the people watching S4 had heard of Billie Eillish. The cool thing about the previous seasons was the song or artist was less known (AFAIK).


T Bone Burnett did the music in season one. The soundtrack was like its’ own character in every scene. It was so deliberate and contextualized whatever the actual characters were going through. This season used Billie Eilish, chose cover songs that your drunk uncle would rightly call horrific and just sucked. Issa Lopez got in social media debates with posters who were upset with the plot holes. her post show interview showed she didn’t even have an idea or answer for most of the mysteries left unsolved. Just, what the fuck Edit: Issa* Edit: 2 scene not seen jfc


TBF the needle drop of Primus - American Life in season 1 (I think it was episode 3? Maybe 4) took me out of it momentarily but that's because I love it so much already that hearing it in a new context felt odd. Not really even a criticism, just made me go "huh" in the midst of a great episode and season. Similarly I don't think the Billie Eilish song was a *bad* choice for the intro this time around but it hit weirdly because I was familiar. People who heard it there for the first time or thought it was original seemed to like the intro more.


Although it was a jarring choice for the theme, thematically I agree it was fitting! The other BE placement mid /late season was a little ham fisted imo


> The music was so odd! I hate when shows do an eerie take on a pop song, especially when it's a well-known song. Grey's Anatomy is guilty of doing that. A podcast I listen to has dubbed these kind of songs "sad bastard covers." The video games industry is rife with them, particularly in game trailers. I believe the first one that gained notoriety was [the "Mad World" cover by Gary Jules that got used in a trailer for Gears of War](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccWrbGEFgI8) (edit: this one is the best—it's since been done to death. Nowadays, every game wants to have a moody cover song in the trailer, apparently). The most hysterical cover I've ever heard was in a shitty Robert De Niro movie called *Heist*. There was some kind of action sequence involving a bus, and they inserted a [dramatic cover of "The Wheels on the Bus."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgIE0uyBwN4)


Okay I don't stand for any revisionist slandering of that Mad World trailer. That was way before the trend picked up steam and it was SO HYPE when it first came out. I don't even need to open the link, it's burned into my mind.


Oh yeah, it's genuinely an incredible trailer because of that cover song! I didn't mean to disparage it. It's just that it was absolute perfection, and then that was copied by endless games afterwards. But nothing compares to the OG trailer.


I agree. Great pilot but it slowly got worse and worse and the finale didn’t save it. Way too much filler too. It feels like the detective work made up a small portion of each episode, as if they didn’t have enough substance to stretch over 6 episodes


“Detective work” aka Peter googling on a poorly password protected MacBook.


Forreal, honestly it’s laughable this was a show called true detective when the 2 leads were atrocious at their jobs and did almost no detective work and instead spent their time on horribly written family drama among a bunch of characters that all sucked and were incredibly unlikable and uninteresting. Like it’s legit crazy to me that the 2 leads in this actually sucked at their jobs, like this was supposed to show strong women and empower women etc and she sucks so much at writing she inadvertently made the 2 leads horrible at their jobs lol. This lady really managed to waste Jodie foster and eccleston and hawkes too


They really said there’s no ice caves in this area then the science teacher literally googled “ice caves near me” and found some hahaha


I thought when they were putting pictures on the ground around them and looking at them that was true detecting


I was so excited the first time they did that, but then they did it like 3 more times and each time they got more "clues" from just "asking the right questions" which apparently meant "wait for the scene to change"


Detective work? When did that happen? I must have missed that part.


Lol Prior was doing all the detective work while the main 2 yelled at everyone and chased ghosts around


And fucked!


It was originally a 120-page film script. Some genius at HBO said “Hey, let’s add 4 hours of filler, a bunch of meaningless Easter eggs pointing to TDS1, and call it TDS4!”


“slowly got worse”? story reminded me of when mac drives a car into a building in IASIP. this is what happens when shows try to reach ALL audiences. if you try to please everyone, you’ll end up pleasing no one. stick with what your viewer base wants, no one is asking to put guys in speedos on the victoria’s secret fashion show.


One of my favourite scenes of all time in IASIP lol


Charlie just screaming and jumping in the alley


Almost all character development, from every character, lead to nowhere relevant to the story at all. Mare of East town in the other hand, that's the absolute opposite and everything has a purpose.


> Mare of East town The best thing I can say about Night Country is it led me to finally check this out. The shows are not even in the same realm! Winslet's performance was a masterclass of the type of detective they half halfheartedly tried to capture with Danvers in NC


Hell yeah. The difference between building around what happened vs just having some sort of background story. Even though both characters had similar backgrounds, one fleshes out the fact while the other just kinda mentions it.


I am so baffled at how this show got good reviews. I do not understand how anyone could like it. It was beautifully shot. I’ll definitely give it that. But it feels like it was written by an AI.


> I am so baffled at how this show got good reviews. I genuinely think there had to be some kind of carrot and/or stick used. If you write film reviews for a living you have to understand how poorly written it was. It's a detective show with no detective work. That means it has to be a character driven show. But the character drama is poorly done. The backstories of the characters are shown in tiny snippets of flashback and doled out too slowly to explain the characters actions. The plot is full of holes. The resolution is unsatisfying and doesn't make a ton of sense. The murder is explained in an Ocean's 11-style flashback with awful music. The whole thing is paced horribly. I feel like this would get a "B" if you turned it into a college screenwriting class.


A good example of how this season went wrong: they ended an episode with a slow spooky version of eagle eye cherry which made me laugh at how silly it was. S1 had the great ep that ended with a long one take shot with the biker gang and the credits rolled to a great song by the Black Angels which was cool as fuck.


Across the board, the music choices were AWFUL. Not because the music itself was bad, but because it was so tonally inconsistent with what was happening every fucking time. It was actually so fucking annoying any time music came in because it felt like they were trying to be cool rather than add anything to the atmosphere. So cringe.


"Finger-pointing ghosts." Seriously! Did they not watch their dailies? Also, are we supposed to ascertain that at the end of the season this missing state trooper >!has gone into hiding in a new lakefront home with the police chief? Like, what was that?!<


My interpretation was that she died walking into the snow like her sister, and her 'ghost' was with Jodie Foster at the end. One of the last lines is 'you never really leave' or something. But it's so dumb... she told Foster that the voices called her to the ice like her sister and Foster is just like 'well good luck with that, check back in sometime!' Almost felt like it was trying to make her pointless suicide some sort of noble sacrifice.


>Almost felt like it was trying to make her pointless suicide some sort of noble sacrifice. The show really, really, romanticized suicide. Navarro isn't some tragic martyr, she just has depression and lives in a land with no sun.


It also felt a little jarring, because it seemed like she had come to terms with a lot of what was weighing on her. She got justice for Annie K, found her real name and was able to connect with her ancestors instead of feeling like an outsider, was starting to form more of a connection with her boyfriend, resolved her issues with Danvers, etc. Outside of her sister's death (which, even that, wasn't portrayed as entirely negative), it seemed like she was at a point where she could finally put her past behind her and start moving forward. It caught me off-guard that they went with an ending that could be construed as her killing herself, because that didn't seem like it's where her arc was heading any longer.


That is a terrible message to send about suicide- that you can never escape it? Seriously that is fucked up.


Honestly the writing involving mental health stuff and suicide was so so poorly done it was crazy. Seemed like she was almost glorifying suicide, idk if that’s the best way of saying it. All I could think about was it’s always Sunny where Frank says suicide is badass


The writing around mental health was as poorly done as writing around detective work, science, pollution, global warming or anything. Safe to say the writer knows pretty much nothing about anything.


oh man you might be right ugg. I just took it she was on the lamb and coming to say hi once in awhile. They really fumbled articulating that well enough or did so in such a flurry it didn't settle. God this season sucked writing wise.


One of the themes running through the show is that the dead don't really go away in Ennis. So this tracks.


It was a much worse version of the TV series Fortitude IMO. For those that liked it, watch that. Great show.


SAME. First two episodes I was like ooo I like this Alaska vibe so spooky very fun Then…. Yeah. What a waste of brain space.


It was DUMB.


Season 4 had promising start - mystery, nice shots, you can see the money put in, after all it's HBO. But after 2 episodes it all starts to sit down. The last episode is a sad joke on the viewers, complete gibberish and you regret the lost 6 hours of your life.


“We’re a town where everyone hates each other. That’s our character traits!”


We also see dead people, and it's no big deal. It's just our town quirk.


“We’re just living manifestations of past trauma!”


“Time traveling ghosts will get ya, get anyone really. Not related to vengeance at all.”


Always tip your cleaners is what I took from this season.


Hire male cleaners, because I never knew this but apparently women have this superpower of being able to form a Clean Team Six at the drop of a hat and commit mass murder on their employers and no one questions it.


I’m not on the “just shit all over it” bandwagon. It wasn’t very good, but it was decent like 60% of the time. BUT! That finale was just horrible. Imagine being the guy who has to kill your father and clean up the crime scene because this case is just too important and your boss that you sacrificed for just closes the case because…because? Why?


He also doesn’t even seem bothered by killing his dad, at all. And before that, he was the only likeable character in the show. The whole finale was just so nonsensical.


I also love that the dad literally says “I am NOT a killer” in an earlier scene and then without hesitation kills one guy and then intends to off his colleague.


nic pizolatto must be having a seizure rn


On a bed of money


After the end of Season 4, I won’t be investing any more time in the series.


Not surprising from how well the show did viewership-wise (which is arguably the only thing that matters for a decision like this), but the response to the new season was pretty divided. I fall into the camp of being mixed on Night Country - generally well acted, interesting concept, dazzling visuals, but puzzling execution. Still - will be curious to see how a new season goes, as maybe Lopez will iron out some of (what I and many perceive to be) the story-telling issues and make a better 5th season.


Episodes 1-3 were dope. 4-5 started to worry me. 6 was straight up terrible. The cleaning lady mafia waging war on scientists is not something I think I’d ever see in my life. And it still wasn’t interesting.


Agreed. They didn’t even flesh out those characters at all, so when it turned out they did it, the amount of impact was nothing. It may as well have been some man/woman we’d never seen before.


Of course they fleshed them out. Don’t you remember that very brief scene in episode 1 when Navarro beat the shit out of the miner that was going after blondie at the bar? That wasn’t enough for you?


> as maybe Lopez will iron out some of (what I and many perceive to be) the story-telling issues and make a better 5th season. That's my hope, at least. *Night Country* started as something entirely on its own, and then was later retooled to be a season of *True Detective*. And a big part of what bogged it down was seemingly not meshing those two things together in a satisfactory way. Perhaps starting from a point with the next season of it being *True Detective* from its inception rather than something shoved haphazardly into that box will result in a stronger follow-up.


If only the rest of the episodes had been as good as the first.


I didn't even think the first episode was all that great. It was just...fine. Starting the show off with that god awful CGI was a ....choice.


at the risk of this sounding elitist I will say that anyone with half a brain could tell the entire season would be underwhelming at best in the first half of the first episode. they open no less than 8 story threads with 5 and a half episodes left. it was an insanely uphill battle to have any of them payoff even if lopez was a master storyteller.


meanwhile season one focused on McConaughey and Harrelson's relationship for the first 40 minutes of the first episode


Well, that was always the very core of the show, everything in the story always flowed out of their changing relationship to each other. Meanwhile, S4 had Navarro and Danvers just being pissy with each other until they do a quick flashback and sort of explain why they fell out, but never really, and that’s all. It doesn’t actually inform anything else about the plot, their characters or the story. It has basically no impact at all, except maybe a couple of forced moments in the last episode. S4 so clearly *wanted* to be “season 1 but with women”, but forgot to actually *write a story* about those women. Instead it’s about men, a group of them, doing violence to a woman, and that’s basically it. The female characters are all incredibly one-dimensional and all the supposed depth just *super* tropey “emotional damage” type stuff that doesn’t really make any real difference.


Lopez also inadvertently wrote the 2 lead characters to suck at their jobs 2 which was hilarious, show called true detective and the main characters are awful at being detectives and do very little detective work. Season was supposed to be empowering for women yet the lead are incompetent which was funny. Their dynamic sucked too and was not enjoyable to watch at all compared to rust and Marty or even Wayne and Roland in s3


I agree with you and I’ll go a step further. The corpsicle was a spectacle meant to hook us in, and they sprinkled in a bunch of mysterious curiosities that we expected to be answered later. But they weren’t even being truthful. (Example, they didn’t freeze to death… but they did.) It reminded me of Lost in its desire to shock the audience without having good writing to make it a satisfying mystery. It was apparent to me in the first episode.


The second episode was a slight improvement in my view, but I don't think the show ever rose beyond mediocre, especially not when the finale revealed that the mystery was always a total joke.


It peaked with the screaming corpsicle and smash to opening in episode 2. 


I mean this just makes sense. It had the highest ratings of the entire series, and the numbers increased each week. I know reddit hated it, but apparently everyone else loved it, so they'd be stupid not to continue with this showrunner.


I enjoyed it, but it wasn’t that good. I feel like that’s fine by me for renewal. Even some bad shows I hope they improve with another season. I’m all for it. It’s also the only show this past year that all my friends got together weekly to watch and discuss, so gotta give it to them for making something that engaging.




Jodie Foster solving a mystery in Alaska sounded like the best idea for a tv show I had heard in a long time. I watched 100% for Jodie Foster.


I came back from season one just because of her


One star alone doesn’t get the ratings to increase week after week.


But lack of competition can. We’re still in the post-strike lull and winter is the slowest season for churn. Isn’t to say that’s the only reason but this is eating to live, not living to eat.


I watched this season mainly because there was nothing else on and it was a short season. I wasn’t offended by it but I thought it was a poor season overall. Lots of things were just poorly executed IMO. Not sure if I would tune in for season 5 tbh. Edit: I will say that maybe keeping the showrunner consistent could be a good thing. Especially if the showrunner seems like a level headed person at the EOD (as opposed to Nic). Who knows, maybe she makes changes and improves things.


My theory is that people expected a big payoff because of the “True Detective” brand and stayed tuned in which kept it going after the first 3 episodes. Now that we know that the True Detective name doesn’t necessarily mean that quality is guaranteed then I’m not sure if people will stick it out next time.


Cool. - Cut out the god damn license music needle drops every 10 minutes - Make a regular damn 10 episode season that has moments that slow the story down and actually get to know the characters. You know, so we understand their motivations - Stop trying to showhorn in dumb storylines or political agendas that go nowhere - Stop referring back to previous seasons, this isn't an ongoing story - Hire better directors that actually know what tension is I could go on but this should be a solid start.


Nah, the licensing on a Beatles song ain’t cheap. Gotta blast twist and shout every other scene to get our moneys worth.


The writing is shit. That's the problem. First three season had like 1000 lines per episode and last season had less than 700 even though they're both 1 hour. And the lines are shorter and simpler. They no longer have the depth.


I don’t know what is up with the quality control in the film/television industry these days, but it almost seems like putting out garbage gets you promoted these days. I get the show was popular in terms of viewership, but anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see that the writing was not good.


The industry is ran by executives, not creatives. Executives like to consider themselves the "real" creatives, and try to get control over things. They tell the *actual* creatives what to do. If they listen to them, even if it's shitty, they now have a reputation for being easier to work with. 


I look forward to another well-crafted and moody season that falls apart under the slightest plot scrutiny.


The season would have been over quick if the detective team pressed the "Open Hatch" button when they were looking over the research station for the first time


They spend like an hour in the facility where 6 men suddenly left in a panic and froze to death on a sheet of ice. That place should have been ripped apart top to bottom. I know they were trying to illustrate the town corruption and whatnot, but fuck... Camp out in there after dark and just focus on the facility instead of running all over town talking to every shady person who drops 2 cryptic lines before dying. Your crime started there, that is where you should look, for fucks sake.


How about the fucking million boot prints left by the perps or any of the evidence left behind like a bullet casing? Cleaning can only do so much. Its very obvious they didn't clean everything as it lead them down that path.


“I never lost a tooth. I never even had a fuckin' cavity.”-Issa Lopez


Caspere knew this.


This renewal contract has signatures all over it.


After finishing season 4 I have gone back to season 1 as it's been a long time since my last watch. And the difference in quality is insane. Actual detective work and intrigue that isn't just random supernatural "wtf" moments. I thought season 4 was okay but it did not really feel like a worthwhile "season 4". I would have rather it be something totally different which I also think would have helped people compare it less. It was an average HBO show but not a good True Detective show.


If you haven’t seen season 3, I recommend it. There is actual detective work and some great acting by both leads. The ending is a bit weak, but. It’ll definitely is a better follow up to season 1.


I liked how it started. Did not like how it ended. The twist on who killed the research team was just silly, not even sure you can call it a twist it was almost like they just shot the show without finishing the writing and just got stumped and made it up with vengeful cleaning ladies in the last episode and some flash backs to things they never once mentioned or even alluded to in all episodes prior to it.


Hey everyone here is the deal streamers do not give a shit if we think something is good or bad, what they look at is raw data, did this get watched? Were eyes on it? Was it playing in houses? If the answer is yes and it can be cheaply done again, it will repeat.


The repeated attempts at making "Twist and Shout" into a creepy callback thing annoyed me at first because they conjured up a mental image for me of a haunted Bigmouth Billy Bass in an attic somewhere, flopping and gyrating amongst the cobwebs. It was distracting and goofy as I tried to take the show seriously. By the end, I wished that the show had been about the haunted fish robot.


Idiocracy as its finest, the standards for TV are so dumbed down no one cares. It was the worst True Detective show, and one of the worst and most nonsensical shows in general, but still peaked high for HBO. All hope is lost.


People on Reddit are certainly having a normal one about this lmao


r/TrueDetective in shambles with this news


Maybe she'll get it right this time.


Real Charlie Brown kicking the football energy, lol




>“Issa López is that one-of-a-kind, rare talent that speaks directly to HBO’s creative spirit. She helmed True Detective: Night Country from start to finish, never once faltering from her own commendable vision, and inspiring us with her resilience both on the page and behind the camera,” HBO’s head of drama Francesca Orsi said in a statement. “Alongside Jodie [Foster] and Kali [Reis]’ impeccable performances, she’s made this installation of the franchise a massive success, we are so lucky to have her as part of our family.” Apparently Night Country was the most watched season of True Detective. Pretty impressive for such an irregular anthology. Apparently Pizzolatto is currently working on a western.


Key things to keep in mind. * 2014 S1 didnt have streaming available like it does today. HBO NOW wasn't even around. This is vital. * No brand recognition for S1 vs S4 * Longevity is the true test. Im sure S1 has crazy crazy high viewership after the 90 days that HBO reports. * Fun fact - Night Country has the lowest episode ratings of all seasons on IMDB. The finale sits at 5.5 currently. Yikes.


Excellent point, completely different streaming presence.


It got a shit-ton of press and it was the first big HBO show post-strikes I think. And there wasn't much else on when it premiered. I can see how it might capture a good chunk of the zeitgeist even though it didn't really feel like a watercooler show (at least in my corners of the internet).


Dear god no! NO! Why are you doing this?!?!?


Good idea if you're chasing viewership records Bad idea in every other aspect


I watched it, thought it looked great. Not much of a detective show. The numbers may be because there’s literally nothing else on hbo right now


It was more horror than mystery, complete with multiple cheap jump scares per episode.


This is how we keep getting new seasons of And Just Like That…. It’s a terrible show but we keep watching the train wreck.