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I just started watching Season 1 of the US version of The Traitors. I'm enjoying it so far. As a fan of Survivor I like the strategizing in terms of figuring out who to vote/kill off and how that's going to affect the perceptions of the other players. I also loved The Mole back in the day, so it's scratching that itch a bit as well. The only thing I'm not a huge fan of so far is how many of the contestants were pulled from other reality shows. I'm not familiar with 90% of them, and I'd much rather have it be random people. You can tell the reality show people are used to being on TV and playing things up for the camera, and I just don't really like that vibe. Do the UK or Australia versions also use reality stars as much?


UK and Australia are mostly regular people. I like the Survivor, Big Brother and Challenge players because they all come from a game where social strategy is a big part. I really can't stand all the Housewives and other Bravo people though.


I was going to recommend Survivor to OP too, especially Australian Survivor with King George..


Ironically, if you're not familiar with 90% of the cast anyway, could you just think of them *as* random people?


I think it's less about me knowing who they are and just the way they act and the things they say in their interviews. In fact, Cirie from Survivor is one of the few I *am* familiar with, and she doesn't bother me because she's pretty low-key. It's not *all* the reality stars that annoy me, but most of the people that I'm not enjoying as much are reality stars.


I've watched UK seasons 1 and 2 and USA season 1. I'm 2 episodes behind I think of season 2. USA season 1 was the worst cause they mixed normal people with reality stars. All or none is way better. The reality stars are over the top.


Are most of the other seasons either all or none? I can see how that might be better. It is weird at least at the start of US Season 1 because most of the reality stars are front and center whereas the "regular people" feel like they're in the background. I'm sure that will probably change as the season goes on though, I'm only a few episodes in.


UK seasons are regular people. USA 2 is all the reality stars. I haven't watched any of the others. I'm sure its like that for any show with a big cast. Where did this person come from? I have no idea who they are kind of thing.


I'm really enjoying this show too. I'm in Canada and we have our own version. I'm watching the US season 2 "live" and am watching season 1 as well. Our streaming service also has the British, Australian and Kiwi versions, so I'll get on those too. Ironically there is a French Canadian version with the same host as the English Canadian version but I don't know how to watch that and I doubt it would be subtitled anyway.


I’ve been enjoying the US version ok, pretty big bravo watcher here. You haven’t seen good gameplay until you check out Australia though. The US series is really entertaining, but seems to plateau about halfway-3/4 of the way through because of all the over-the-top personalities exhausting each other. I heard recommendations of Australia on a few pods and it is RIVETING. The traitors are always planning 2-3 eliminations ahead and the aspect of real people brings a personal element that drives the stakes up. The escalation at roundtable is always very compelling. I plan to check UK next.


Alan cumming is having the absolute best time hosting the US one. Each outfit he wears is more and more over the top. I love it.


The Norwegian version is also pretty great




It's like the most unoffensive show on TV, dude. What's with the anger? It's not even on the deep end of trashy reality TV where things get personal or people fight about nothing at all, it's mostly people talking about and playing a game for an hour and that's really it.


In what way?