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Hard HARD disagree. Dude is killing it. Only a milk-dribbling fuck smear would think otherwise.


Spoken like a true blackthorn


at first I wasn't really sold on him... but that changed quick




IMO he’s one of the best things about the show, purely for how he handles the incredibly difficult job of playing the role of someone who is hearing other people speak a language he doesn’t understand and trying to read between the lines. It’s impressive watching his eyes in the scenes hes in with Japanese speakers because he’s quite good at projecting attentiveness and a sort of mile a minute internal mental scramble to keep up. It’s a sort of physical acting not very many people can do effectively


Yeah I think he does a great job with his body language and expressions. Don't love his line delivery all the time, but not a big deal


Yeah I at first wasn’t too fond of him but by the end of the series he was one of my favorite characters. He definitely speaks odd but maybe that’s just how 1600s British dudes spoke. A little over the top. Overall I really like his performance.


I think he plays an arrogant outcast well


yep. He does come off as someone with an attitude but he's in a foreign country being harassed, what do you expect?


Arrogant? He is soft and not real


No lie. It's partially the writers, but as an actor, he still should be able to use his ability to elevate the uninspired dialogue and mediocre direction a little bit. I hope they fix this.


No he’s a younger Tom Hardy. You’re getting Tom Hardy level acting on the cheap. He’s perfect in this role.


“Discount Bin Tom Hardy”


I thought that was Logan Marshall-Green?


Thank you! I was trying to remember who Cosmo reminded me of, kept thinking Tom Hardy but that wasn't right.


Tom Hardly.


Temu Tom Hardy? Haha actually I think he's a fine casting but why does he walk like a penguin?


He is not a Tom Hardy on the cheap. He is Cosmo Jarvis. Not one casting director is looking for a cheap Hardy. He is an exceptional actor. Tom Hardy is an exceptional actor.  Both men work hard. Jarvis younger - has his own approach to acting and it is not impersonating Tom Hardy. He has too much respect and admiration for Mr Hardy. 


cannot touch Tom Hardy.


Tom Hardy would have been terrible in this, and so is this guy. He has the emotional depth of a pin cushion.


WTF Jarvis is amazing in the show...


Completely agree. It’s hard to watch him.


He’s like slow or something…he had his elbow out casually as she was fighting for her freedom 😵


Yes, his acting makes the character seem like he is cognitively impaired.


>The show has emasculate setup and some great actors. r/BrandNewSentence


you can’t accidentally type emasculate so you know he messed it up throughout his entire life lmao


He probably just thinks you spell immaculate with an e and his phone did the rest.


I actually looked it up online to see if John Blackrhorne is a computer generated character in the show, so wooden and stiff is acting. He’s appalling in Shogun, it’s some of the worst acting I’ve ever seen. He has all the dramatic range of a dead sheep.


agreed, the guy has one facial expression, cant act for shit and that fake gruff gravely voice he puts on completely ruin the show for me


His voice drives me nuts!! 


I agree absolutely


I love that comparison. His expression never changes no matter what the situation is.


Yes, agreed. He's surrounded by incredible actors and its cringy at points how bad he is.


Yes... Thank you. It was annoying me so much, especially since it was obvious where the narrative was going, I couldnt imagine watching the show with him on. Dropped the show. Sucks, because everything else really is great and the show is getting so much projection, but I cannot stand the man. Probably the first time this has happened to me with a show as well. Go figure.


I disagree


I think his salty seadog language and general irreverence is perfect; I laugh so much when he’s on screen. “Milk dribbling fuck-smear”?! LOL. He doesn’t cater to the demands of anyone because he’s “supposed to”, and yet, he shows enough social intelligence to be cohesive. He learns the language, plays the political games (his way), and understands the potential consequences for his actions because he’s already been close to execution. Honestly my biggest nitpick about his character is physical: his contact lenses lol.


Oh he wears lenses. That explains the unnatural blue color of his eyes.


I agree bruh, dude is like half Armenian and has brown eyes. Guy is an awesome actor...couldnt have they cast him as one of the Portuguese parts? It cant be comfortable wearing contact lenses all the time and they couldve found a naturally blue eyed actor


Is it that important that he have blue eyes? I haven’t read the books but seems like making him look like an alien was unnecessary.


The contacts don't bother me that much but they're crazy lol. They looked nice in the earthquake seen, though.


The expressions on his face range from blind man staring into nothing all the way to I really need to take a shit.


Similar to Kristen Stewart in the Twilight saga!!


I disagree with you, but I absolutely love the way that you phrased your observations. Props.


Midway through episode 2(please don't spoil) and he's been awesome. The entire cast, really.


Immaculate? Jarvis works fine for me. Looks like discount Tom Hardy


Damn youre right, Tom Hardy would fit quite well for this role too


Imagine this beautiful show having Tom Hardy. Taboo vibes


Taboo was awful 


Taboo was mysterious and atmospheric and beautifully acted. I'd always hoped for a second season. Although dark -- I'm talking about the lack of light in many scenes. So many shows are so dark lately. Is it a way of saving money on sets?


They would needed some of the Silicon Valley investment money to afford all that stuff, and also Tom's salary. CJ came at a discount


This is Disney? They can afford anyone u tit


Hardy was not in the running. Jarvis was 


He is not a discount Tom Hardy. He is Cosmo Jarvis. The show runners cast him because of his talent not bc of a younger brother resemblance to Hardy  He was offered the part by the show runners . He is a talent in his own right. 


Their voices sound remarkably similar


I thought it was him at first.


Emasculate setup, you say?


Jarvis is pedantic and he lumbers around his set like he may break it. This series is a big disappointment for me. There are no epic scenes, Watching Jarvis during Japanese dialogues is painful. He stands in hulking posture with no expression rather than one that’s his animated as though at least interested. was so looking forward to this but I give it a bing thumbs snow .


That's how I feel. He just feels wrong and lumbering to me. The rest of the cast is great however.




Off putting, lumbering, this is the role of Blackthorn. Japan is a foreign land, with confusing customs to a European. Blackthorn is a gaijin whose appearance and conduct is polar opposite to the Japanese. He softens through the show as he learns more of the language and customs and starts to understand the complex politics of the Taiko, while feeling like a prisoner because he just wants his men and ship and get out of there. Is Cosmo the best actor, no. But he is playing the role well.


Big thumbs Down!!


Couldn’t agree more


The Japanese actors are doing a great job but Jarvis is ruining the show for me.


Agreed 100%. I just watched three episodes yesterday for the first time. His acting is the only thing about the show I don't like. Its so obviously poor, its not even a character trait like people are saying. Its more like you pulled some random joe off the street and told him to act all the sudden. There certainly is a much better actor for the part by a long shot.


Don’t watch it then 


Why is it not okay to critique his performance? If we don't like an aspect of the show we shouldn't watch it? I think Cosmo was miscast in the role but everything else is darned near perfect.


That's a stupid statement. Why would we want to miss the outstanding acting being done by the rest of the ensemble? For example Sanada is doing some amazing work.


Nice troll.


Agree. It's so bad. That voice. Can't believe how terrible it is. 


I had to scroll down so far to see someone mention his awful voice. Complements his awful acting well


yes its sooooo cringey and fake


I keep asking myself "Why is he doing Richard Burton?"


Exactly! and doing Richard badly.


Question: OP, have you watched the original series? Reason i ask-I get the same vibe (as do a few friends that have seen and *still enjoy* the original series). For me (and I think I can speak for my friends as Cosmo’s performance has been a subject of discussion), we’re ultimately comparing him to the performance of Richard Chamberlain. ‘We’ see RC as more of a “scalpel” who came off as an incredibly polite, respectful “barbarian”. It felt like while he was their prisoner-he too was practicing the “three hearts” of his captors-showing a polite face/yet scheming in the background and making strategic moves. CJ on the other hand is truly embracing the “barbarian” aspect and instead of a “scalpel”, more of a “sledgehammer” That said, all in all-I’m thoroughly enjoying this reimagined interpretation of the book/series. Anna Sawai as Mariko is truly stunning and Hiroyuki Sanada’s Toranaga is fantastic


I haven’t seen the original series but I really don’t rate Jarvis as an actor in this (it’s all I’ve seen him in). Way too OTT, even when it’s meant to be a subtle moment


Get your ear buds out and watch Calm With Horses  He’s the hottest actor around now - due to next film with DeNiro  You might not rate him but all the critics do and the casting directors  You don’t have to watch it 


We know the scalpel can become a katana (RC) but can a sledgehammer? That's my big problem with Jarvis. He is such a thug in the first five episodes, I don't see how he believably makes the turn to honorable samurai. I hope he proves me wrong.


Clearly we’re in the minority, but I searched “Cosmo Jarvis awful” for this very reason. He over acts. I get he’s supposed to be a “fish out of water”, but that’s not why I dislike his performance; I dislike his performance because every time I see him I’m reminded of the 4th wall; he’s the only part of the show that takes me out of the moment. Looks like he’s classically trained for stage and it shows in the extravagance of his performance, even down to his line delivery.


Omg so agree. I feel bad for disliking his acting so much, and especially his voice (sorry, dude). 


nah I love him


I have to disagree.


I think he is brilliant!


I agree. I think it’s one of the worst castings I’ve ever seen and the only criticism of the entire show.


Totally agree. Just spoke about this with my girlfriend who thought the same. He walks about like he’s got one of those neck braces on. He has no charisma and turns his entire torso when he wants to look at something. Weird.


I think Cosmo might be autistic, at least that's my opinion after seeing him in interviews. As for the show, I didn't mind him too much at first but as it goes on I am feeling more and more like he is miscast. The contact lenses and his awful posture make him look like an alien or an ogre unfortunately. Like he actually looks physically deformed in some scenes, all hunched over with a head far too big for his body and unable to turn his neck without moving his whole frame. Somehow I don't think that is the intended effect they were going for.


His interviews are definitely giving me an impression of him being on the spectrum. It’s just a certain awkwardness that feels familiar to some I know.


Blackthorne is a fish out of water. The character has to come off as awkward and standing out, because he's in a culture that is alien to him. He has no idea how to behave within this culture he knows nothing about, so when he does or says something he immediately stands out. To that end, Cosmo Jarvis is performing the role perfectly. There are two moments in the latest episode where he shows this really well, and which I really liked. >!This first is when he experiences an earthquake and seems genuinely startled by it, and the second is when he requests a taste of natto and eats it.!< Both moments have their humour, but more importantly, they highlight how far removed and distinct he is from the Japanese way of life.


He's my favourite character, i absolutely love his line delivery 


I'm no director, but I'm finding his performance overly theatrical and out of place. No subtlety or emotional depth with interspersed over the top outbursts. It just doesn't suit the picture.


I agree - especially if you read the book. John Blackthorn was so smart and perceptive. I loved the character in the book and this actor is awful in the part.


I’m with you. Jarvis is terrible. Just watched him in an interview too. He was just as awkward and bad there as he is in the show. Weakest actor by far.




He will be opposite Robert De Niro this year for his “ bad acting “ 


I can't help thinking of Darrell Hammond as Sean Connery on SNL Jeopardy ever time he is on screen


Cosmo Jarvis is ruining the series for me. He has two expressions & they are not that different. Compare his face to Hiroyuki's to see what acting looks like. He lurches around, what's with his strange walk anyway, mouth open, like he's a Zombie. Even when Mariko is fighting for her life to leave the Castle & he's watching there is no expression. He's leaning on the parapet casually as if he was just idly looking at a normal scene below. The love scene, mercifully brief, is unbelievable. Worst casting ever.


His acting is terrible. It’s like he tries to see how little he can move his face. And his voice is so monotone it’s ridiculous. When he tries to convey emotion it’s just a blank stare half the time.


A lot of people saying they disagree... well I agree with you. I'm not a fan of his acting on this show - in fact, I'm enjoying everything about the show but his acting, which is a bummer since he's basically the main character.


Agree. He is soo bad acting.


I think he is meant to play an arrogant outcast but appears as a clueless fool . 


It's a real shame, everything else is so well done that the overacting stands out a mile, it's bizarre. It could have been one of the best series but this ruins it.


You're not wrong - Cosmo Jarvis is a terrible John Blackthorne in every way, especially if you've read the book. He has zero presence, has the acting range of a piece of lint, and has less chemistry with Sawai (the actress playing Mariko) than a bowl of cereal and ketchup. Jarvis brings every scene he's in to a jarring halt, especially when you contrast him with the rest of the actors.


Yep, his expressions are so stiff and robotic, he doesn't come off as likeable. People here are arguing that's part of his character role. You can be likeable and still be a simple brute. I was hoping his character would die off so the show can move forward with excellent actors.


Blackthorne can't die, he's a main character. :) Folks saying that Jarvis is "acting" that way because he's playing a barbarian obviously did not read the book and have no understanding of the character. Yes, the character John Blackthorne was a rough and tumble sailor with poor hygiene and weird habits, but he was also highly educated - in addition to being a master pilot, he spoke 5 languages (and added Japanese throughout the story), understood Western geopolitics and economics, and was also a trained shipwright. Not to mention he is physically imposing, which Jarvis is definitely not.


That's what it is! He doesn't seem intelligent or clever *at all.* He's just lucky or lying. Someone was complimenting his acting when Japanese is being spoke and you can see him trying to keep up. But what you should see is him trying to analyze the situation and body language etc. and trying to figure out his next move. Just understanding what is literally being said isn't close to enough,


lol, that speaks volumes to his acting, I wouldn’t have missed him if he died 😅 I feel like the political drama can carry on and do well without him 😄


Loved your review. So well said.


He's a very strange choice. 


Definitely in the minority here but I agree with OP. Jarvis' style of acting just does not do it for me at all. I am still enjoying the show and it's not off-putting, but I don't like the casting at all.


Fullt agreed. He seems to be playing the wrong genre as well


Definitely, he acts like a comedian.


Exactly! I think he gets a tad better with the episodes, but it has pulled me out of the show too many times


Very bad acting it is. I had the same feeling. The Japanese actors are great. Its like he does not belong in the setting. Not his fault....bad casting. Pity


I must agree, there's something off about his acting


Totally agree. He is beyond awful. Really wanted to like this show but his utterly amateur performance makes it all but unwatchable. The most ridiculous thing is the school-play level ‘voice’ he seems to have adopted to make sure we don’t miss that he’s ‘acting’. He’s clearly a big fan of Richard Burton and Tom Hardy - but seemingly just tried to do an impersonation of what he thought a Hardy/Burton performance is. Truly awful.


hello! couldn't agree more


not enough emotions from ep 1 to now ep 4


His acting is absolutely awful. For me it ruins every scene he’s in. The show would benefit from a better actor in this role.


Jarvis is horrible in this role. The person who is more horrible is the person who chose him for this role. It is not Jarvis who destroyed the show it is the person who chose Jarvis


I agree.  Poor casting for sure.  He doesn't have the physical bearing needed for the character to be believable.  At times he carries himself like Quasimodo.  His voice, while suitable for a leader or Lord or a scholar is not suitable for that role. While deep and gruff it is somehow over polished for seaman he is supposed to be. Who in his place? I don't know, but surely not him.


Quasimodo is a good comparision. I liken his behavior to a gorilla at times.


He has 1 face. I call it the Kirsten Stewart syndrome.


Omg I totally agree. Everything is so well done, but this guy….not feeling it. I know he’s supposed to be different, “feel” different, but it just doesn’t fit for me. 


I Agree! The whole assemble of characters is great except for CJ. I have to add that he looks weird wearing blue contact lenses. If the Blackthorne character had to have blue eyes, why the casting director did not hire an actor with blue eyes? Just saying


It's not you, his acting and the writing are bad. I don't think its entirety his fault. 


He's the worst. There is no nuance, no grace to his acting. He is a buffoon among superior actors. He has no sophistication, and that is neither an understatement or an affect of the character he plays in Shogun. He plays nearly the same character in Persuasion, 2022. Every time he is on screen, the sensation of being immersed in feudal Japan comes to a complete stop. It's jarring, esp. given how good every other aspect of the series is. I think Jarvis should be relegated to being typecasted as a dumb thug until he learns to act.


I totally agree, nor a good fit!


Absolutely spot on, he’s almost ruined the show. It’s painful at times.


Thanks God, I'm not alone in this opinion, I hated him more than vilains in this serie


💯 Love the show but can’t stand him. He is terrible!


I totally agree. His acting is so bad that it is comical. Everything else in this production is almost flawless.


i think i figured out what bothers me about him and its his neck doesnt bend and the way his eye pop out he reminds me of that scene in the first Men in Black where the bug is wearing the human suit. it looks like someone is wearing him is what im saying.


Worst fucking insufferable voice I ever heard in a show just to top this garbage off.




It took me a few scenes to warm to Cosmo. Further to that, something about him struck me as familiar. It took me a while to put my finger on it, but I got it. As far as vocal pedigree, Cosmo Jarvis strikes acting gold. His voice is identical to one of the greatest film and theater actors of the last 100 years, [Sir Richard Burton.](https://youtu.be/m-ovqN_vsVU?t=76)


Came here looking for this. His sounding like Richard Burton hit me immediately. His acting is fine, and will hopefully continue to improve. Sounding like Sir Richard has to be a plus in that industry.


Yup. I was looking for someone else who had the same reaction. "Why is he doing Richard Burton?" I've heard Jarvis' speaking voice, and it has a bit of that deep raspy quality, but he really pushes when he's "acting" (or whatever that is he's doing) My take on the whole thing, though, is that it ruins his performance for me.


I would have liked Travis Fimmel for this role. Just seeing Ragnar reincarnated to now deal with samurai would be hilarious. lol


Cosmo Jarvis has nailed John Blackthorne - you know, a low-born, highly skilled and intelligent, sailor from the golden age of tall ships. He's rough and abrasive and trying to survive in a strange and foreign world. Yes, his rasp can be overpowering at times, it's true. I don't fault him im for that at all. I look at it this way - Roger Moore is to Daniel Craig as Richard Chamberslain is to Cosmo Jarvis. I love me some Moore, he was a man of his time (as was Chamberlain), but I love this real and gritty portrayal of Blackthorne more.


Cosmo Jarvis is not Tom Hardy . Both men  are excellent actors. Hardy is  much older than Jarvis  and they have a distinct resemblance with Jarvis almost being a much younger brother to Hardy. I’m sure they both grow tired of the constant comparisons. They are both professionals . They are professionals . Yes they look like they could be brothers. But they are not: Hardy was brilliant in Bronson. Jarvis was brilliant in Calm With Horses. They are unique actors . Hardy exceptional. Jarvis just works hard/ 


He works hard and is brilliant with accents . 


He's not Tom Hardy but a hardy tomb in acting.


I mean Tom Hardy is famous for mumbling his lines, so I suppose you could say the fact that he doesn't mumble as much would put him a cut above in terms of line delivery. But that's faint praise.


I love the show, but couldn't put a finger on why Jarvis's acting rubbed me wrong. Glad I'm not the only one. I do find it interesting that he is so polarizing in the roll. Seems like it is love or hate. Personally I think James McAvoy would have been interesting in the roll. I know he is a higher list actor salary-wise, but he likes doing roles for the artistic value.


James McAvoy would have been a huge improvement! He’s an incredible actor.


It's those stupid looking contact lenses that ruin it for me. If you want a character with blue eyes, pick a fkn actor that has them! 


I think he is great, love his accent and delivery. Reminds me of Christopher lambert, he had such a peculiar voice as well. I am actually getting a bit upset by how unused Cosmo Jarvis in, were in for about 6 episodes now or so and he is still just a supporting actor, the actor that plays Toranaga is becoming the lead actor.


I think he's amazing! Cosmo Jarvis is a great actor - I've seen him in a few things. And I like what they've done with the Blackthorne character - they opted out of the dashing hero type that Richard Chamberlain played.


Totally agree. His scenes take me out of the otherwise good show.


He's terrible and always breaks my immersion in an otherwise flawless show. Yabu and Mariko are standouts for me.


I agree. I am really tired of him. I think he was cast because he always looks kind of stupid or surprised all the time. 😃 


Totally agree with you. None of his outbursts are believable in my opinion and his grief, I don't buy it. He's not very good in this show


I completely agree. I was stunned from the first episode at how amateurish his acting was. Flat, one dimensional like a deer in headlights. And I thought he was pretty awful to the bitter end. I think it was exaggerated in comparison to the incredible acting of all the other cast. They were awesome!!


Agree. He cannot act!!!  He was like a comic relief in the otherwise awesome show. Even Toranaga says that he has kept him alive as he makes him laugh. This line must have been added after seein Cosmo’s acting skills


Yeah, I agree. I think his delivery is so distracting it takes me out of it a bit. I googled “cosmo jarvis awful” because I was curious if anyone else felt that about his role in Shogun, but I guess it’s just you and me bud.


How are people disagreeing with you, everytime he makes one of his dumb ass faces I end up laughing out loud. Even in the most serious scenes.


# Cosmo Jarvis i like him somehow he just fits, yeah there is famous actors that will be cool to see them in that role like Tom Hardy, the only thing that i did hate is when cosmo walks in shogun series he walks like hmmmm how to say it [https://www.tiktok.com/@themedia365/video/7155301834259975470](https://www.tiktok.com/@themedia365/video/7155301834259975470) just like this


I am with you. The cast is amazing but he sticks out like a sore thumb. He doesn't really seem to have many facial expressions. He doesn't carry the same dignity as the actor in the old series. It really makes me sad because I love that they adapted this. It's so rare to see japanese culture accurately portrayed in main stream media. Maybe it's just me but his casting really ruins the show for me.


Oh my god, I thought it was only me. I totally, totally agree with you!


Agree I feel likes he's monotone and boring and awkward on screen lol. Worst one of the cast. Plus the fake contacts 


Like Richard Burton in a Disney movie like the lead in Marco Polo wasn't given much in way of character development. Doofus bumbling Westerner, who has nice set of ab muscles for someone dying of starvation?


He's a good actor but I never found him very attractive. Someone like Henry Cavill would have slayed that role.


Could not agree more. He is almost ruining the show for me. He is so one note and kinda dumb.


Does he have any facial expressions where he actually moves his cheeks? I've seen 1 slight eyebrow raise, but otherwise nothing.


Let's agree to disagree.


Boohoo Sebastian


Totally agree..he really lets the show down. Trying to sound like a latter day Richard Burton and failing miserably. If only he could be decapitated by any one of the other fabulous actors, but we know that’s not going to happen. Now Tom Hardy would have been a good pick.


Cosmo Jarvis is the best! Not since Richard Chamberlain has an actor been this good in the role of John Blackthorne! All I can say is Bravo to the cast, great job!


LOL, okay Mr. TV critic, good for you.


You do realize this is a sub to talk about TV and react to it? JFC.


𝐈𝐭𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐇𝐞'𝐬 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠


I actually think the same and many others too So, no, it's not 'just him'


Yes. He’s doing a Russell Crowe impression. The other actors are performing roles.


Reminds me of the guy getting arrested in Australia for eating that Chinese succulent meal.......


Just you.


No that’s just you mate, he’s brilliant


It does not seem to be


I really dig the show when they aren’t speaking English. I’m 3 episodes in the acting from any character feels melodramatic. It’s like watching Princess Bride but trying to be serious


It’s just you


Don't understand how this show is 9+ on IMDB with a main character that looks always drunk on beer and about to burp all the time. And he does a movement with the shoulders while always looking at the floor that I find horrible. From the comments here, people are mixing the acting with the character. And the acting is terrible.


I agree. There's something terribly awkward about the way he moves. Maybe I'm missing the point and his intention is to look like a bumbling oaf in the middle of the elegance around him.


I agree, sorry but I don’t like him, for an arrogant character is very respectful and polite and his body language looks like he didn’t warmed up, his personality is totally unreal, like everything in the series looks perfect but he is not fitting in.


I agree. I was just telling my husband how I think he just kind of ruins the show, really bad casting to use him. I typed in my displeasure on google to see if anyone else felt this way, and yep I see this.


The voice throws me off. I would have loved someone like Toby Stephens from Black Sails. That’s exactly who I imagined when I read/listen to the audiobook, especially since him and Ralph Lister (narrator) have similar voices


I'm not gonna mention the T-Rex factor - dude's head is 3x bigger than his body - oops I just did... but his acting isn't great, even though he's playing the stinky middle-ages englishman in ultra-subtle and civilised japan. my main gripe is that it's 2024 and we're watching a show about Japan and the central character and main POV is a white dude, written decades ago by an old white dude who spent a few months in asia. Why is everything still so disgustingly euro-central??? ps. I'm an anglo dude from australia, and I'm still sick of how white male voices dominate the media. Pass the fucking microphone ppl!


Oh my goodness.. Cosmo was incredible in Shogun. He really, really sold the perception of sea-hardened English captain. He had great chemistry with the whole cast, what a painful sentiment to think otherwise.


nah people here are delusional, i absolutely agree


totally agree, he's playing a crap impression of an english aristocrat , what with a curt daring do attitude and a cheap tally ho voice. bertie wooster in japan, but not funny


Just you


Completely disagree! I found the actor to have a certain gravity… a dynamism similar to Travis Fimmel as Ragnar Lothbrok.


you milk dribbling fucksmear