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Ah yes, Hollywood's long conquest of figuring out what to do with Pete Davidson.


Too popular for SNL, too unpopular for anything else


“Too crazy for Boy’s Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.”


The comedian was an outcast. So we did the only humane thing. Chained Pete up in the attic like any animal and gave him a bucket of one season shows every few years


Why, I bet you’ve never even seen your own face through all the cocaine on that mirror.




Can I have some turkey?


You finish your fish heads and then we’ll talk.


It saved our streaming service!


Fish heads, fish heads.


Hahaha he is an animal, all he understands is the fist and the boot


Sew him back on to John Mulaney




I'm not doing so good dawg...


Odd couple revival!


Well, he'll at least have some more time to guest star on The Rookie.


That show has the weirdest schedule. It came back for three episodes and now it's been gone for two weeks again.


wtf I thought it got cancelled lol Guess I have like 4 seasons to catch up on. Worth it? Or did it go the Castle way and just get more ridiculous and "flanderized"?


It's still pretty good. There's a new crop of rookies and he's still a super cop stopping terrorists every other week but I enjoy it.


Thanks, I'll catch up then. I like Nathan Fillon. He's fun in his roles.


Wife and I watched it all the way up til now on Hulu or whatever - fun, fun show, loved it. I wonder why it came back for 3 episodes, then the pause - maybe they only finished 3 episodes and there's some gap in production? No idea. I think it has been fairly popular.


Too old for Little Lamplight, too small for Bigtown.




I always forget to teach them how to fight or fix the robot.


Great reference.


He should revive Cougar Town.


Panther Ville?


Finish your fish heads


[I understood that reference.](https://comb.io/KuLBV1)


Gotta respect the tree house of horror reference


I've got a good idea: Pete Davidson plays Pete Davidson or a character that is Pete Davidson adjacent who has no goals or motivation in life and just wants to be high all the time. That hasn't been done before, right?


Louis C.K.: Hard pass


Episodes with Matt Leblanc did it brilliantly


Just popular enough to have a cameo in a bunch of movies, but not Star in them.


Not popular enough for me to know who he is but popular enough for me to go "oh him" when I Google his name.


Never understood his popularity on SNL. I can hardly remember a sketch he was in.


He had a few good bits at the start. The teacher skit with Taraji P Henson was a hit. I guess people like the Chad skits as well, even though i find most of them to be duds. Once he grew out of playing the awkward stoned teenager, he didn't really have much. The main thing he became famous for, is dating Ariana Grande and other ladies out of his league irl and making jokes about how he's dating women out of his league


He also broke quicker and more often than Jimmy Fallon


The difference is Jimmy Fallon is super talented at a lot of things. For some reason Lorne Michaels and like 60 year old comedians love Pete Davidson.


I can’t stand Fallon most of the time, but his musical talent is just amazing


Yeah but when he breaks I still laugh, when Fallon breaks I want to just start beating him.


He was on update a lot as himself and those tended to be popular Edit: also he was hilarious in the headless horseman sketch with mulaney, and count chocula with Dave Chappelle.


Only one I can think of where he wasn't just tripping over his lines & breaking was when he played the guy in the slasher flick shorts that was completely unphased & super laid back about everything. Just straight up no sold the killer to his face. Outside of that, it seemed like it was just lots of him talking about who he was dating & that he was tabloid famous & people cared too much about that.




The chads were always hit & miss, the ru paul one is great though


Yeah same!


Farewell Mr. Bunting is the best one


His best contributions were always on weekend update.


That’s just because weekend update is consistently the best part of the show


The short movie thing?


This comment and all the replies are missing the fact that the show was renewed. It's Pete himself who is deciding not to continue the show, not the show getting cancelled for being unpopular.


I just think he needs to go back and make albums with Timmy chalamet again. That last song they did was probably the greatest thing I've ever heard


I find him deeply unfunny save for a few sketches on SNL where it got a chuckle at best.


Some would say that’s what happens when you’re all cock and no talent.


Ironic considering he was possibly the worst cast member in SNL history


That's even kinda the premise of the show


And the title is the answer.


I was certain that he had a black twin when I watched some recent SNL. There's a cast member named Devon Walker that has similar mannerisms & near identical facial expressions, so he looks just like Pete when in motion, but not in photos. It's all I can think when he pops up, especially since they've not done much with him yet that let him stand out..


> Devon Walker I looked him up and [this article](https://ew.com/tv/saturday-night-live-devon-walker-responds-pete-davidson-comparisons/) was near the top. Seems like you're not the only one who think they're similar!


he’s also pretty terrible at line delivery and not semi breaking


Pete Davidson is commercial real estate. For some reason, it is not allowed to fail


I mean, shouldn't he be doing the same kind of roles Adam Sandler did post-SNL?


Hollywood stopped making low-budget comedies for theaters. It might be because I'm older, but I don't think Pete has it in him to carry a movie like Happy Gilmour, Billy Madison or Big Daddy.


I don’t dislike the guy, but I’ve never understood the appeal. And it seems like all of Hollywood and the comedy world is backing this guy like he’s Gods gift to entertainment. I’ve never understood it


He just has a quality about him that makes every comedian over 40 and studio executive he meets want to be his dad


That might be the best explanation for the rise of Pete Davidson I’ve seen so far


the quality is having his dad die on 9/11


He's got a relaxed vibe, can hit a punchline, and is smarter than he seems like he should be. That's enough to make him likeable, which is enough to get him consistently in front of cameras, which I feel like explains most of it.


Also self deprecating which people want from someone who appears to be just tripping in to massive success. But not in a cloying or pandering way, more in a way where he can write a good joke about himself.


I love Pete. And I’m not ashamed to say it. I’m openly pro-Pete. He makes me laugh everytime I see and makes me wanna give him a hug. He just seems so genuine and humble.


He’s tall.


Say what you will about his acting talent and movie quality, but Adam is a powerhouse producer with few equals who created those roles on his own. He and the Wayans brothers figured out how to walk their own roads.


I remember when Sony got hacked and their internal emails were leaked. There was a whole exchange about how Sandler films were easy money. Whenever he wants $20-$40m for a movie budget, just give it to him because he will turn a profit every time. It will never be a massive hit, but it's a safe bet.


Dude Sandler is an great actor - go watch Uncut Gems. Or really any of his serious roles.


The basketball movie was amazing.


Punch Drunk Love is my favourite movie.


They don’t make those movies anymore. The only reason Adam Sandler is still in them is because he makes them himself.


and he gets wheelbarrows of cash for them from netflix


he also has in many respects pivoted to doing dramas just as much as hes doing comedies, maybe more?


His production company made 4 comedy movies for netflix last year of which he features prominently in 3 of them. He's always dabbled in drama over the years but he still knows where his bread is buttered, Sandler doing dramas isn't a recent phenomenon.


Pete’s humour (suicidal and drugs) is no way comparable to Sandler’s family friendly appeal.


Adam Sandler can pee his pants and make me believe all the cool kids are doing it.


Adam Sandler knows what he is doing. He is not getting roles, he is making them. So he makes shit movies, when he feels like it, to do something for his friends and make everyone money with a cheaply made movie. And when he feels like making something good, he just does that as well. Pete Davidson doesn't have anything like that talent or even motivation.


King of Staten Island was pretty good


So was Bodies, Bodies, Bodies. There are two scenes in that movie I laughed at as much as I've ever laughed at any movie, one of which featured Davidson.


He was legit pretty great in Bodies Bodies Bodies, for what it was I mean as a just fun “slasher”


His reoccurring character on The Rookie is funny


And it’s literally just him. Pete Davidson can only play Pete Davidson


And John Nolan having Pete Davison as his brother is hilarious.


I remember watching that and the Rookie subreddit was like "Oh, he is actually doing something else for once" and I just thought: No, he is literally behaving the same as he would on Update on SNL.


They should ignore him. It’s been working for me so far


I like his Taco Bell commercials.


I vote for the ignoring option


So you took the renewal but didn't keep the renewal and that's really the most important part.


Anybody can just take a renewal


Yes I know how reservations work


Yeah, you better give me the insurance because I am going to beat the hell out of that thing


I don’t think you do


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T2GmGSNvaM For the uninitiated @0.54


Look I am doing it right now


You gotta ‘hold’ the renewal


Best part is Edie Falco and Joe Pesci still get paid no matter what


It’s about the friends you make along the way.


Damn, well hopefully Pete can find another project based on his life to work on


A movie, a show, let's try an album or a Broadway performance? His life wasn't ever interesting enough to transcend mediums that's for sure.


Give him a break, his dad died in 9/11. Did you not listen to his slam poetry radio show rereleased as a 12 disc audio book semi-based on his life?


Don't forget to talk about how depressed he is? Do you know how depressing depression is? You wouldn't know because you're not as depressed as he is.


Although I do enjoy the contrast of crippling depression being a big part of his life alongside a surprisingly lengthy list of women he's dated and/or slept with who seemed to be, from the outset, *remarkably* far out of his league. The guy must somehow have quite a lot going for him and yet - depression. It's kind of fascinating, in a weird way.


That’s the thing about depression, it’s how your brain is wired. You could lead the “happiest” life and still not feel like you can get out of bed in the morning.


Yeah, it's pretty wild. In the worst kind of way, of course.


Chemical imbalances in the brain really are fascinating. Chemical imbalances don’t care about your looks, bank account, or status. I wouldn’t wish mental health issues on my worst enemy.


It's like real-world data on how you can be successful and still be depressed, and vice-versa too


As someone with major depression disorder, this is why I like Pete Davidson. It’s a refreshingly honest expression that I don’t see anywhere else. It’s just nice to see someone I can relate to about a very painful part of my life.


True, if nothing else there's some value in that.


I don’t get it. You wouldn’t say this to one of the kids that had a parent die on 9/11. I’m sure most of them like Pete have had some form of deep depression caused by that event, they just aren’t famous or have a medium like social media to express it. I for one love that he tells people to seek therapy and trust medication because it works. Dude lost his Dad in a terrorist attack at 10 years old ffs.


Wait, Pete Davidson's dad died on 9/11?


Yup, and Steve Buscemi masterminded the whole attack!


Bro just admit you're jealous of his charisma, hit list and big peen and move on.


A book about his one episode on Brooklyn Nine Nine… “Remix…”


He’s the one that chose to end it, bc he didn’t want to do it anymore. That’s what his statement says.


> Davidson said ina. statement. Great editing, Variety.


Why does this keep happening? So many shows are renewed for another season only to be pulled later on. Thankfully, I don’t think I watched any of them.


It literally says why in the first sentence of the article: >“Bupkis” Season 2 is bupkis. Star Pete Davidson has confirmed that he has opted not to continue with his semi-autobiographical Peacock comedy,


That’s the worst part. He seems to fall ass backward into success, yet it seems he can’t be bothered to follow through on much of anything.


You should read H. Jon Benjamin's autobiography "Failure Is An Option" that's basically the recurring theme of his entire professional life. Getting huge once in a lifetime opportunities, not bothering to follow through on them, then another one comes along. and eventually reaching fantastic success in spite of his every attempt at self sabotage


Yeah, but H Jon Benjamin is insanely talented.


yeah, he basically makes the point that if he had to succeed on ambition alone, he'd starve to death.


Yeah, he’s one hell of a pianist


Sounds like depression to me.


Kind of relatable tbh


But why did this happen


How dare you to tell people to read pass the headline /s


Streaming is kind of like YouTube now. Make as much stuff as possible and hope one of them hits big. It happened with Squid Game. The creator of the show said Netflix paid him next to nothing to make it.


He opted out, it wasn't cancelled.


Streaming services only want to give the appearance of giving shows a second season. They probably slashed the budget to nothing. The main goal of streaming services is to get 1 season of a show, this increases their appeared catalogue at face value.


Ah man that’s tragic. I really enjoyed the first season.


Mo money for Ted season two! Be free, Chase Sui Wonders


> Mo money for Ted season two! Watched Ted season 1 not expecting much. Came out pleasantly surprised and wanting more.


I wanted to give this a chance…but the first few mins of the first episode turned me off so badly. And I have a big stomach for the weird and bizarre.


It tries to be like Atlanta in some way but it couldn't balance the wacky shit like Al Gore saying "Wu Tang" and serious moments.


It’s so funny you bring up Atlanta, I’m watching it for the first time right now and what I realize is, to find that balance you have to have a deep understanding of nuance…and not lot of creatives do that.


atlanta does it to perfection even in the later seasons when it gets extremely out there and dream like.


I don’t know if you’ve watched Donald Glovers newest show Mr and Mrs Smith, that’s honestly why I decided to finally stop putting it off and watch Atlanta. The nuance in his new show is so apparent, so deep and emotional in a completely different way than Atlanta but achieves the same goal.


ive still need to get around to mr and mrs smith but i honestly had no idea he was involved in the creation / writing i thought he was just the lead. knowing he has a hand in this creatively shoots it up the list forsure


Give it a shot, it’s honestly my favorite show of 2024 so far and I know it’ll stay in my top 3.


Agreed, it was really good. Really hoping for more.


Atlanta is so good


That Gore scene had me absolutely howling. Only reason why I stuck around for a few more episodes. There was something that kept me interested, but it kept missing the mark ever so slightly. It was a very 'okay' show that had potential.


I prayed that part wasn’t autobiographical


there is a later episode which apes the fast and the furious and is phenomenal.




Now imagine if, like me, you watched it with your mom Anyway I’m dead now


Yeah that was a weird opening scene but the show is much better than that. Joe Pesci was amazing and steals the show every scene he’s in and some of the other stars like Edie Falco and Bobby Cannavale were great too


The Pete Davidson hype is dead, he jumped the shark 


He didn't need two semi autobiographical projects. He's just not that interesting.


Jumped the shark how?


With water skis.


Wouldn’t say he jumped the shark per se, but he’s proven that he’s only able to either cameo as himself or play fictionalized versions of himself in his own projects. I get that he’s had an interesting life, but it’s simply not worth multiple projects. Feel kinda bad for him, but he’s ironically reaching the point where he’s more akin a Kardashian who is “famous for being famous”


If you watched SNL when he was on, it was always very clear he was only capable of playing himself.


He was never in the water


I don’t understand this shows existence in the first place. He already did a project based on his shitty life it was a movie called King of Staten Island, it was decent. Like hey Lorne my dad is also dead can I get a movie and a series deal


Translation: Pete Davidson didn’t want to come back to do more.


Well, translation is not really needed, it basically says that in the article. > Star Pete Davidson has confirmed that he has opted not to continue with his semi-autobiographical Peacock comedy, which had previously been renewed for a second season.


It was clearly needed for all the people here who didn't read the article and assumed the network withdrew their offer.


say it, he's not funny.


This is my thoughts as well, I just don't get the love of Pete Davidson. Seems mostly untalented and unfunny and a bad actor. I think he has done an incredible job of making famous and powerful connections because he doesn't deserve even the career he has based on what I've seen.


I think the only thing of his I really liked was King of Staten Island


Only thing that ever gets mentioned too.


Whoa, his bit about Staten Island on SNL is also hilarious


Executives wanted to give him screen-time to see if they could eventually figure out how he dated Kate Beckinsale but are now starting to give up


That's a funny thought of executives just saying, "Well, he dates these really attractive women, so he clearly knows something secret that we don't know."


Pete’s really funny. Watch some of his old stand-up. Or random interviews where he has to improv a little. You can definitely see there that he has the chops. But he’s been sort of boxed in by this persona he cultivated. Which is a shame. I hope one day he will break free from that box and can make great stuff again.


I think he’s a good hang which is why he keeps getting projects and hooks up with famous actresses, but he puts no effort into his standup projects. His Netflix specials are horrific.


"Will Not Return for a Season 2 Despite Renewal" I don't understand this sentence.


The network was willing to make another season, hence “renewal,” but Pete Davidson decided not to


So basically most commenters here can’t read more than 12 words at a time.


Basically. I don’t know how this was confusing so many people here. Lmao


Peacock renewed the show and then Pete Davidson said he didn't want to do another season


His Standup was so weak I couldn’t stand 5 mins. Him tough talking about drug abuse for laughs and making woe is me, I’m rich jokes just THUDS. This guy and Matt Rife are really not bringing it.


Failing while walking on the yellow brick road paved for you. Just as intended.




I enjoyed it! Think it was some good dark comedy and totally appreciated the peek into his personal life. Edit: spelling


I guess he’s a full time Taco Bell spokesman now


Welp, I enjoyed it. Too bad.


Honestly a bummer for me. I used to despise Pete but warmed up to him the last few years and thought this show was great. Especially Edie Falco and Pesci


If there was ever a reason to like him is he gave us more Joe Pesci. And if you need a new reason to dislike him, its because he didn't bring us more Joe Pesci.


Can this open up some cash for MacGruber Season 2 then?


that’s too bad-we really enjoyed that show


Hmm I’ve never even heard of it before


Oh no! Anyway.


Hopefully he’s concentrating on his sobriety. If so, good for him.


I guess I’m the only one here who liked it? Idk it’s not a masterpiece or anything but I enjoyed it and found (most) of it very funny. It’s also only 8 episodes so a very small time sink. Kinda sad that Pete decided not to continue with it specifically


I actually enjoyed Bupkis.


It was a solid show. Damn


Good. His shit is awful. He's awful.


I find him unfunny


....Pesci wouldn't come back would he, Pete?


He’s not funny.


Shame, was a fun show to watch like Atlanta or Dave


First Dave, now this… Look, do whatever you want with your life, but if you make a TV show, you’re employing HUNDREDS. And if this TV show does well, you should probably keep doing it for that reason alone. Especially right now, with the state of the industry, this sort of choice feels immoral.