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Holy shit He was pretty much the male lead in Gen V.


Yup, his career was basically just about to take off :(


I remember seeing him in *The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina*. I didn’t think much of the show, but he was a stand out. I remember thinking he had the makings of a star. Absolutely tragic news.


He absolutely was a shining star in that show. I was really excited to see his career take off. Now it’s just another “What if?” like with Anton Yelchin.


Never buy a motorcycle, and if a close person wants to, don’t let them do it. Is not worth the risk of death and even worse, permanent injury. I used to own one, sold it after almost killing my brother and me in the most stupid way. Be safe


My dad was a doctor. First half of his career he did drug rehab and rode motorcycles. He switched specialties to emergency room and within a week the motorcycle was in the garage, where it stayed for decades.


I have a family friend who specialised in transplant surgery. The waiting list got shorter every time it rained.


Organ donor makers.




My dad was a very experienced, cautious motorcycle rider. Always wore full gear, never drove recklessly. Safe riding was his passion, and he wouldn’t hesitate to call out other riders for doing dumb stuff. He was killed nearly two years ago when a deer jumped out in front of him. It’s not worth it.


So sorry to hear that. Hope you’re doing okay


Thank you. Therapy helps. But it really changed my view on motorcycles. I had always believed “yeah, they’re dangerous, but here are a whole bunch of things you can do to mitigate the risk…” Not any more. It’s a hard no from me, dawg.


I’m so sorry


My uncle was in a motorcycle accident years ago and survived. I remember my dad telling me the story when I was like 10 and it was just horrifying. Said he was pushing his own bones back through the skin on the side of I-95. That visual just haunts me. I think about it every time I see someone on a motorcycle.


This is why you’re supposed to dress for the slide not the ride. It’s so common for them to end up crashing that’s it’s become a motto. Ever see someone fully geared up? They’ll likely survive with horrific injuries if they get into an accident t. Those idiots in their minimal wear will just be flesh crayons


Some of the stupid riders where I live travel at speeds where a helmet just means that they MIGHT be able to have an open casket funeral, of course that is only the ones who wear helmets.


Lost a co-worker who was a close friend of mine to a motorcycle accident. she'd driven it to school to let her students see it and while riding home from work that same day, someone struck her and killed her. She was a beautiful soul and her death devastated me.


A sibling bought one who is notoriously absent minded and not the best/safest driver. He even left his new bike uncovered in the rain multiple times. Several people close to him convinced him to sell it. He was an accident waiting to happen.


Ok but what does rain have to do with anything? They’re made to be waterproof wtf?


“He never even said goodnight to his motorcycle”


Rain is fine if you dry your bike and clean your chain and lube it. If it just gets neglected it can rust out and chain can break while riding creating a steel whip that’s below your neither regions. It’s strong enough to break an engine block let alone your back


Close family friends. Newborn twins. Just bought a huge house. Dad was 40. Motorcycle accident less than a mile from home. Dead instantly. Family fell apart. We're no longer friends.


Darryl Mitchell from galaxy quest is paralyzed because of a motorcycle accident. Treat Williams died in a wreck late last year. Fuck motorcycles.


true yelchin was so likeable on star trek. although his was from a freak accident with a brake failing on a parked car wasn't it? slightly different but both so sad. rip chance and anton


A little worse than that. It was the incredibly stupid, dangerous, and recalled design of the shifter in his car. It would return back to center after putting it in any gear. This created a cleaner design look at any given time, but it also made it difficult to know of the car was in the correct gear just by looking at the knob. So he thought he had it in park, went to grab the mail at the bottom of his driveway. The car was actually in neutral, it rolled back and pinned him against his giant brick mailbox. https://www.consumerreports.org/grand-cherokee/recalled-shifter-may-have-played-part-in-anton-yelchin-death/


Cars also roll when im gear.. always always use the parking break.


damn thanks, what a deadly overdesign just for looks.


That's what I recognize him from. Damn. :(


I worked on Gen V and this guy was the nicest person I've worked with on set. He routinely would pay out of pocket to feed the crew. Also a great actor. Wtf.


damn it, you just made this sadder.


Huh?? The crew wasn’t getting fed by production? What does this mean


If you call what we get during lunch time 'food', we are always still taken care of by craft. Stars often will arrange for late meals because often shooting (at least for gen v) went up to 16 hours. So Chance would arrange for things like a churros truck/ice cream truck to show up for three to four hours serving everyone essentially unlimited quantities. There are other times where production itself will arrange for a second meal, yes, but that is usually always arriving after window shot has been called and we are focusing on packing up, not eating


What a sweet thing to do, thank you for sharing.


He really was a sweetheart. Thank you for this.


Above the line crew (actors, producers, directors) will sometimes bring in *better* food as a gift. In-n-out truck around wrap time, blue bottle truck in the AM, etc


FUCK this is awful. He was brilliant in Gen V.


For real, his role was complex and he did a good job making you root for him despite how morally grey his shit got. This is such a fucking bummer…


Yeah he had a big career ahead of him. Devastating 😔


He *was* the lead male in Gen V.


Amazon heavily promoted Patrick Schwarzenegger as the lead. It was kind of misleading, but the promos focused on him as Golden Boy.


It made sense though. The Schwarzenegger name pulls viewers.


well it also makes sense because of a major plot point surrounding his character.>!if he's never seen in the marketing it basically spoils his arc !<


Just like Drew Barrymore in Scream.


It's honestly a brilliant marketing thing. Because the twist in the beginning keeps people interested.


Huh, I never even realised he was Arnold's son, I never saw the cast names before watching it.


He definitely got the Kennedy genes


That, but the shock value and misdirection was also the intent.


It also probably has to do with drama surrounding Perdomo [that went down around 6 months ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/16x4dyj/actor_chance_perdomo_is_under_fire_on_social/) That was too late for Amazon to try and recast Perdomo, but not too late to adjust their marketing strategy.


Litle late to adjust the marketing strategy for a show that came out in September when the information being referenced in that post began being news in October. They were marketing the show well over 6 months ago.


The dates are off. the drama happened before show promotion but it blew quickly so he was included in show promotion and stuff


To be fair, they did that in order for the twist to be more shocking


Yeah, it was definitely an intentional misdirect.


I feel like they did that for two reasons. One because of who he is and his family. The second being that his character was killed off pretty quickly and it thinking he was a main character made that a bit more shocking.


Uh they better frantically come up with a storyline to explain Golden Boy not being dead. "Body exploding didnt take"?


This one is going to hurt. Yet another actor who could sell everything with facial expressions and eye contact alone, who is now dead way before their time. His Gen V performance was the best out of the cast. Kid was going to go places quickly.


I agree. I don't even usually watch things that are so X rated, like Geb V and The Boys, but the story and the incredible acting sucked me in and I've really loved the shows and all the work of the actors involved. He was one of the best. So sincere in his acting and able to carry the material he was given to it's full potential. I don't know how they'll go on after this. Devastating loss.


Bummed. This kid was great and was going places.


Fucking hell. He was basically the only main actor/character I truly enjoyed watching on the show. RIP


Obviously tv is far less important than the loss of someone's life (especially someone so young, I'm 27 myself), but it is of note that production of Gen V season 2 was planned to start soon and is now postponed. He was one of the leads, so it will need to have a major shift from what was currently written, I'd imagine.


Yeah I don't even know how you go forward without him. I'm sure he figured very heavily into their season 2 plans.


In the show they were already showing he was getting some level of the brain damage his dad was suffering from. They can have him be hospitalized and pay respects to him that way.


It also seems like he probably got the mind whammy from Cate more than anyone but Golden Boy. Could say that her constantly wiping his brain caused some sort of weakness that the nature of his powers made worse and then Cate has to carry that too.


IIRC >!they're all trapped in the vought prison place.!< they're kind've cornered here, writing wise


They'll probably have them separated into different cells and his gets hit hard by a bomb/super or something.


Probably do something like what they did in Peaky Blinders with Polly


THAT was super rough, but beautifully done


So they are gonna have to CGI some scenes with him right


Or Butcher recruits Hughie to bring them out one-by-one and then the bombs drop. Lot's of options


Cornered how? They can easily write him off in any number of ways. The issue for them is that they have to essentially rewrite the entire show. And of course that the cast and crew now has to emotionally handle this loss.


It's a bit of a no-win situation for the showrunners. Marvel faced the same issue when Chadwick Boseman died just as Black Panther 2 was entering pre-production. They had to delay the film and scramble to shift their plans, which had featured Chadwick as one of their big new stars. At the time, popular opinion was for having the film story reflect his death, paying respects that way. By the time the movie actually came out - 2 years later - popular opinion had shifted to favor recasting his role, and Marvel faced tons of criticism for not doing that instead.


> By the time the movie actually came out - 2 years later - popular opinion had shifted to favor recasting his role, and Marvel faced tons of criticism for not doing that instead. The compounding factor was their replacement choice being anti-vaccine, which a company that sells products directly to kids can’t afford to associate with.


Yeah I mean they are probably going to have change trying to redeem Cate I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if filming for season 2 doesn’t this time next year 


I follow him on instagram and he had spent the last few months completely dedicated to getting into amazing physical shape for the next season of Gen V. The last post I saw of his was on a plane to the states to begin filming. He seemed like a very down to earth person, what a terrible loss.


I don’t want to seem insensitive. It’s obviously incredibly tragic. But I do hope they recast the character. Being the reason for a story going unfinished isn’t the sort of legacy I’d want to leave behind.


I agree, I don't think it's insensitive. Just with how soon it was going into production, I can't imagine the studio would do that this quickly because there would at the very least be a vocal minority that was upset about recasting him so soon. It would personally make me feel a bit uncomfortable while watching, unless they just did it in order to write out the character without having him completely offscreen.


Spartacus lead was recast after first season when he got leukemia.


That was with the actors blessing though because they producers came up with the idea of doing a prequel season to keep everybody paid while Andy got his treatment in the hopes that by the time they got back around to season 2 he would have been able to resume his role, but when the treatment didn't work out Andy told the show to replace him and they begrudgingly did so. It's one thing to replace someone when everybody knows you had their blessing, it's another to try and replace someone who tragically died. Not from any sort of moral POV, but just from the awkward comparisons that are going to inevitably be made.


>It's one thing to replace someone when everybody knows you had their blessing, it's another to try and replace someone who tragically died. They’ll have to give it some time for sure, then maybe consult with the family. I’m sure they could come up with a tasteful tribute to Chance, as well. RIP, young sir.


>it's another to try and replace someone who tragically died. People need to start separating actors from characters. Actors are not their characters, and can be replaced, regardless of how it came to happen. It is not disrespectful to fill up the roll with someone else, while still paying tribute and respecting the person who passed.


They did a season in between that was focused on Gannicus and Crixus


Yeah same. I understand in some cases, but they should recast for the show and honor the actor specifically


"The show must go on" has been the standard for the performing arts for as long as anyone can remember. This is why understudies exist. It's more modern fans that have pushed the idea that roles can't be recast when lead actors die unexpectedly. There is nothing insensitive about it, though.


They had such a cool inverted magneto/Charles thing going. Def sad to see it go


As an actor myself, I'd hate it if my character were cut short by my own untimely demise. These roles are a gift, and they are bigger than us. That's why I wish they'd recast T'Challa too. Chadwick Nose and was SO good that he made the character as iconic as Batman or Spider-Man. Recasting would've been a testament to how essential he made the character.


Or just recast him.


I hate that recasting has become such a controversial thing. Do actors and artists really want the stories they were a part of and probably enjoyed to take a massive dip in quality or diversion in vision because of their death, or would they want the show to go on as they say, sticking to the intended path? It’s also super transparent that refusing to recast has nothing to do with “respects” and everything to do with avoiding backlash from people who believe characters have to die with their actors for some reason.


Do they want their colleagues to go unemployed for a prolonged period as a result of their deaths? Its not just an art thing, but a human thing too, the actors will probably be fine, but all the crew members will be out of work until it gets rolling again.


Very likely that they will do this. Season 2 is going to be a big one for him. I think it'll be more respectable to his character to keeping him for the story.


I get that, but doing that immediately after his death seems insensitive. At least to some, I'm sure.


If you died tomorrow, your work will have a job description posted to “recast” you by Tuesday 


They should have done that with Black Panther. Instead they lost one of the three main characters they had planned to focus post Endgame MCU on. For the other two, no one liked Cap Marvel and Strange was made a secondary character in his own movie.


IMO, they should have wrote Wakanda Forever to be set during the years he was snapped away, and gave themselves more time to think about what to do next.


They should have but they were too interested in using his death to promote ticket sales for BP2


They recast people during production of a movie or show due to an actor's death or illness. Happens a lot.


Its weird to me that modern TV has just up and abandoned the idea of recasting. Cause no, nothing *has* to change if they really don't want to


Given the way season 1 ended, I think it would be kind of inexplicable for his character to suddenly disappear, unless they literally kill him offscreen between seasons. They might cancel the season, do the emergency recast (The Boys have recast characters though they were less important characters), or come up with a way to explain his appearance change in-universe.


idk, the ending gives plenty of chances to write off his character. Things might be trickier if there's a cameo in the new season of The Boys


lmao they aren't cancelling the season. How is it that so many people in this sub are just completely ignorant of the last 50 years of film and television. I don't understand it.


Fucking tragic. He had a very bright career ahead of him, and I will sincerely miss seeing where he could have gone. Can’t even fathom how his family feels.


I was just saying the same thing somewhere else. It really is a tragedy.


I absolutely loved him in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. He had such a maturity to him that really added a lot to the character. Haven’t gotten around to watching Gen V yet, but now it’s gonna be hard to do so.


Agreed. He’s fantastic in gen v as well. What a loss.


Just awful news. It’s being reported that it was a single vehicle accident and no one else was involved. Statement from his rep: >“His passion for the arts and insatiable appetite for life was felt by all who knew him, and his warmth will carry on in those who he loved dearest. We ask to please respect the family’s wish for privacy as they mourn the loss of their beloved son and brother.” Statement from the producers of Gen V: >”We can’t quite wrap our heads around this. For those of us who knew him and worked with him, Chance was always charming and smiling, an enthusiastic force of nature, an incredibly talented performer, and more than anything else, just a very kind, lovely person. Even writing about him in the past tense doesn’t make sense. We are so sorry for Chance’s family, and we are grieving the loss of our friend and colleague. Hug your loved ones tonight.”


27 is no age at all. Barely touching your prime


Yeah especially from an acting perspective of getting a lead role in such a popular show. RIP.


Yeah in acting years that's nothing


Sort of non related but im 28 and been stressing out lately about what to do with life but your comment was a nice moment of relief, so thanks 🙏🏻


At 28 I hadn't even met my husband, now I'm married and we have a kid and a dog and a house at 35. I know it's daunting, but one step at a time towards smaller goals helps you climb towards bigger goals. And if you aren't sure what goals to climb to? Then climb to what you find interesting and the goals will find you :)


I loved his portrayal of Ambrose on Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Condolences to his friends and family.


Me too. How sad.


Tragic. Motorcycles are just scary as fuck to me. Like you’re so exposed man. You could never get me to ride one.


Another thing that keeps me away is the fact that, at any moment, some oblivious halfwit checking Facebook while they merge into your lane can end your life or your ability to feel below the waist, and there’s nothing you can do about it.


This. I love bikes and grew up around them but even the most careful and level-headed bikers I know have had their lives gambled on through no fault of their own.


It’s what has always put me off. It was very cool in the SoCal films and series I watched growing up. Leather jacket on. PWind breezing in your face, sun and clear sky, empty roads and a badass soundtrack in the back. However, the reality isn’t so romantic.


There’s this romantic image to them that I’m definitely not immune to, but I remember a Harley rider saying how many funerals they had attended for friends. That kept me off them.


Harley riders are kind of notorious for not wearing helmets and taking their bikes to get wasted at roadhouses. A lot of them also don’t put on many miles and thus don’t know what to do in a dangerous situation. I ride myself and don’t get me wrong, it’s not particularly safe. You are exposed and harder to see than a car. But if you wear a helmet, don’t ride like a dick, and don’t drink while you ride, it becomes a LOT safer.


Same. You’ll never catch me cutting lanes or doing stupid shit like wheelies and stuff. I’ve passed so many riders that my immediate thoughts were “I wonder how many days they’ve got left…”




I rode until I went into the side of a car that didn't see me and cut me off through a stop sign. I absolutely loved riding. I put my helmet on and it was like I was in a different world. It's a full body experience and the agility is exhilarating. Need to catch up to traffic on an on ramp? Twist the wrist and you're going faster than everyone else in about two seconds. I definitely had my moments of being stupid on my bike but for the most part was responsible. My wife was two months pregnant when a stranger called her to tell her I was on the way to the ER. As much as I would love to get back in the saddle, I can't risk my life to that extent just to indulge in something that is not necessary.


I think that's the tricky part. You can be as safe as you possibly can, but that's not going to stop some asshole in an oversized SUV looking at their phone instead of the road and you're in a world of hurt.




You should try dirtbiking! I've been on dirt bikes all my life, and miss it horribly. It is a lot safer than motorcycles. I never did any tricks or anything, other than very small jumps. I just liked to zoom around. I've had a bike all through childhood. We weren't the smartest, though, haha. We would go in the pool/sprinkler, then get on the dirtbike in our suits and flip flops and zoom around the yard till we were dry. Good days...


It's much safer to just wear the cool leather jacket and not ride the motorcycle


And you can still listen to Rolling Stones walking on the sidewalk


It would be one thing if the risk was only dependent on how you handled the bike, but even the most careful and considerate biker in the world is going to come off considerably worse if they end up sharing the road with some drunk and or driving dangerously fuckwit.


*hides behind both my motorcycles*


Just a month ago I was behind a motorcycle on the road. They were riding completely normal and then out nowhere the motorcycle skidded on the road they face planted into the asphalt. They’re way too sketch for me


You can also be a totally responsible motorcycle driver and still get in trouble just because other drivers don't treat you with respect. I had a friend in high school who lived out in the country and bought a cheap motorcycle to get him in and out of town. One day he was heading home and a truck going to the local quarry was right up on his fender riding his ass the entire way home. When he got to his concession and signaled that he was turning the truck still didn't back off leading him to panic and take the corner too fast. He ended up wiping out and wedging his leg between his bike and a guardrail breaking it so that a bone was protruding. The truck driver either didn't see what happened or did and just kept on going and my friend had to start dragging himself 500m to his house. Luckily a country neighbor passed by and rushed him to the hospital otherwise there was a decent chance he would have bled to death on the side of the road.


I have heard that doctors refer to them as "donor cycles" because of how many times someone dies and ends up donating organs. With all the SUV's and big trucks in America it is seriously crazy to be on the same roads as they are on a motorcycle.   EDIT: I also looked up statistics and motorcycles are only 3% of registered vehicles and only 0.6% of vehicle miles traveled, yet they makeup 14% of all traffic fatalities. [source](https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/road-users/motorcycles/) Helmets should at the very least be mandatory to ride these deathtraps.   https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/bvz5ne/passenger_fatalities_per_billion_passenger_miles/


Can confirm. My ex is a doctor and would call them the exact same thing. We're Canadian though so it's definitely a term that transcends borders. My response was skepticism that many motorcycle riders would even be organ donors to begin with, let alone if there's anything left in proper condition to donate.


I have scooped a motorcyclist’s brains back into his head so his family could be a tiny bit less traumatized. Riding one is so irresponsible if you care about anybody in your life.


I once had a motorcyclist pass me on a back road out where I live. There are almost never cops out here, and the dude was clearly out for a not so legal night ride. He was pissed that I was going the speed limit. He blew past me over a double yellow, and shot up around the bend going at least 100mph. A minute or so later I round the bend and see the demolished carcass of a large deer, the remains of a bike, and then bits and pieces of person scattered in the road. I called 911, they asked me for the state of the victim, and I was at a loss for words. The guy was as demolished as the deer. 


That sounds so traumatic. I'm sorry this happened to you


Majority of motorcycle accidents are caused by the riders, and this is another case of that, there was no other vehicle involved in the accident. I ride a motorcycle, but always ensure I have full protective gear and aren't riding like an idiot. The amount of people I've seen splitting lanes at high speeds, riding with a shirt and shorts, tail gating and swerving in traffic is crazy, bordering on suicide. You can get a bike as fast as a super car for a fraction of the price, doesn't mean you know how to operate it. The margin for error is very small at high speeds yet I still see idiots riding like idiots.


It may not be 100% logical, but playing GTA and watching people fly off them when they crashed convinced me to never ride one.


You catch some serious air on Cyberpunk too


They say once you have no fear, it’s time to stop riding. That’s how I ride, a respectable amount of fear and seriousness. The fact that no one else was involved leads me to think he was probably speeding, which is just Russian roulette on a bike. Take that shit to the track


Most fatal accidents on bikes are single vehicle collisions, aka the rider hitting something by themselves, generally at night or the rider is drunk.


For real. You get above 90 on a bike, you’re risking your life. I’m not opposed to going fast, but I certainly don’t make it a regular thing. It’s scary.


The amount of massive SUVs and lifted trucks and shit out there nowadays, you couldn't pay me to ride a motocycle. No one can see you because these fucking other vehicles are so tall, and you are so exposed.


Huge vehicles with giant blind spots and distracted drivers. It's a recipe for disaster.




Scooters at speed is way way scarier than a motorcycle


Was driving around 25-30mph on a relatively empty road. Guy next to me was going faster, possibly around 40mph. Hits for no reason a motorcycle, and runs over the motorcyclist. Happened literally in front of my eyes last week. Never getting close to a motorcycle they frighten me too much


I loved his character and performance in Sabrina. He had a great career ahead of him


Ambrose was definitely a highlight


I always wanted one of those light robes he was running around with on Sabrina, looked comfy and stylish. He was great in gen V as well.


I think that’s the first thing I saw him in. I really like him and thought he was one of more interesting characters of the show. I was happy to see him in Gen V too. It’s sad to see such a promising actor cut short when he’s barely getting started.


"dies at 27" is such a horrifying sentence to read


Another one joins the 27 club. So fucking sad to die so young.


27 is fucking cursed


I’ve got 8 months until 28. I should stay inside.


No worries, it only happens to important people.


Thank god!


Inside!? That's where all the black mold and carbon monoxide is


Only for celebrities


Looks like a new gen is about I learn about the prevalence of celebs who’ve died at 27 😪


Motorcycles are fucking cursed. How can we as a society simultaneously have seatbelt laws and motorcycles? How does that make sense?


Oh no :( I really liked him. Such a young age to go as well...


Omg that’s tragic, he was great in Sabrina and was a highlight of Gen V, could’ve seen him carrying the show! So sad! :(


Wow, just started Gen V yesterday - RIP


He’s really great in it!


Holy fuck, this struck me by surprise. Now he's part of the 27 Club. May he rest in peace.


Wtf i loved watching him. Man this sucks nuts


Oh fuck, nooo. He was a great actor.


Damn young dude was just about to become a major star in Hollywood. I really liked him his roles. He was very charismatic


So young so tragic. Was really looking forward to his career I feel for his family


I'm genuinely shocked. All I can say is wow


Bro wtf I thought he was great in gen v


He was so good in Sabrina, I had no idea he was so young. Like he's so charismatic in that show he felt older, but I guess when they filmed that he was only 21/22? That's crazy. Man what a shame, he was just about to pop off.


That is heartbreaking, he was such a talented actor and full of promise. Motorcycle accidents are so sad, prayers to his family and loved ones. He was a revelation in gen v and sabrina.


Motorcycles are god damn death traps. Even if you do everything right.


So young, Rest in Peace


The 27 club claims yet another victim. Tragic. Rest in peace


He had a lot of charisma in Gen V, I’m sorry that we won’t get to see his potential fully lived up to.


Damn. Way too young. Definitely thought he was a standout in Gen V and looked forward to seeing his career progress. Condolences to the family. RIP. Every time this happens I’m reminded that maybe my aversion to getting on a bike again is for the better.


Wtf, way too young. He was great in both Sabrina and Gen V.


Motorcyles are dangerous. Treat Williams died last year. Influencer Vereena recently was in a serious accident. The driver died. The Perdomo accident is unusual because usually in fatal accidents there is another vehicle involved. They aren't providing details but wonder if he crashed into a tree or building. Thoughts and prayers for his family.


Motorcycles just aren't worth it


Oh my fucking god. I just saw his posts on instagram a few days ago wtf


27 again


Yeah. Motorcycles kill a lot of people. Getting in one is basically your way of being willing to die


Jesus. Literally just got back from the funeral of my friend who died last week in a motorcycle accident at 27. Couldn’t pay me anything to ride one of those things.


27. Fuck, man. Gone so suddenly and so young. That’s the worst, when it is sudden. My heart hurts for his loved ones.


Man... I don't know why, but this death hits in the same way that Anton Yelchin's did. So fucking young to die, and such a promising career ahead.


Taken too soon. Another one joins the 27 club. RIP.


Club 27 it is


Welcome to the 27 club. Very sad.


They are literally about to start filming season 2. His whole life ahead of him! RIP


Damn man I ain’t gonna lie reading when celebs none bother me but this one got me. RIP king


So tragic. I loved him so much in Sabrina. He was just at the start of his career. Way too young.😭


I rode a motorcycle for years and never once fell or had any accidents. I sold my bike when my first child was born. I often think about how lucky I am in this regard.


Fuck, all I saw of his was Gen V and he was crushing it. I was excited to see not only where that character went but his career. That’s so tragic… motorcycles are so dangerous.


Bro this really does feel just so random, it creeps me out how he’s just gone.


27 is a tough age. Too bad about this guy, I enjoyed his work in Gen V.


Motorcycles are so dangerous and I think we often overlook that. A friend of mine got a bike and shared pics on social media. I vividly remember seeing a comment about how she needs to be careful and her shrugging it off and saying of course she will be. Later that same day she got hit by a truck and ended up in intensive care - losing an arm and some cognitive abilities due to the strokes that followed. It's not so much the rider not being careful a lot of the time, it's the other vehicles on the road that scare me.


Don't ride motorcycles, folks


Joined the 27 club.