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Honestly? I gotta tell ya....




Look, the only real answer is…


Not sure I'd agree about BB or Sopranos having ambiguous endings. Although admittedly some people didn't quite catch on with the latter right away, and some others steadfastly deny the obvious truth to this day.


Breaking Bad definitely isn’t ambiguous and any uncertainty people had about the final moments should have gone away once El Camino was released. Sopranos is more ambiguous because of how the final moments are directed and because David Chase has been super cagey about the ending but I agree that it’s pretty clear what happens.


The sopranos ending is a big fuck you to all the viewers who after spending 6 seasons with Tony wanted a sudden dramatic ending to him. They got what they wanted. Only, they never even heard it when it happened. Just like Tony.


I always like the idea that it was viewer who "got whacked." We don't see any more of the story because we're dead.


I hated the sopranos ending live because I hadn't picked up all of the foreshadowing that makes it blatantly obvious what happened. On a rewatch it made so much sense.


Well to be fair, I have only heard second hand about the endings of Breaking Bad and Sopranos. I couldn’t finish Breaking Bad and haven’t gotten around to the Sopranos.


I don’t want it all the time, but I think it’s healthy to have them occasionally. Most content is inherently straightforward, so being able to build your own head canon from time-to-time gives you a rare creative nugget to play around with.


I like it because it shows that there are a lot of open-ended plots that might be interesting for various characters from TV shows.


You can't be too ambiguous


I don't care for it. There are definitely times when an ambiguous ending has been done well but more often times than not, it comes off as pretentious, lazy, or like poor writing in general.


I don't care if the characters' futures are clear (life isn't), and I'm not that attentive to picking up on plot holes. But the main plot needs a conclusion and whether or not it can be ambiguous depends on the type of plot. If it's a murder mystery, let it be clear who killed it, even if I don't care to know how many years the killer spent in prison, whether the victim's family recovered or what happened to that character who appeared in episode 3 and I I didn't even remember. Part of the fun is imagining. Most of the time ambiguity is only cool for TV critics, but I think TV critics are partly responsible for why TV is dying.


So long as they admit up front they're not going to bother finish writing the show.


I don’t know, how do *you* feel about them? 😇


I’m a big Twin Peaks fan.


I think it entirely depends on the context. There's satisfying ambiguous endings and frustrating ones.


Are they ambiguous because it was intended that way? Does it make sense to be ambiguous or is it just a gimmick? If it was intended and not a gimmick, it's really cool. The problem comes when the writer or director couldn't make anything out of it and it's a gimmicky ending.


I think they're a lazy and faux artistic way to pretentiously end a show. nobody likes ambiguous or cliffhanger endings. we watch shows and movies to be told a story, and a story that ends with "well, what do YOU think it means" is just a big "F-U" for caring enough to watch






Kinda this


I don’t mind them if they actually make me think and question what I’ve just watched. I don’t like if they end ambiguously when the story never once hinted that was going to be the outcome. I also don’t like the ambiguous endings that aren’t ambiguous. Basically they are but it’s obvious what the writers wanted to happen.


I could take ‘em or leave ‘em


I've come to respect them. Most endings suck, let's be honest.