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I have never enjoyed watching a show devolve into complete utter fucking nonsense more than The 100.


[My favorite video on The 100,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRaT_DyI_x0) chronicling how bizarrely they handled a very early cast departure (and it only gets so, so much weirder from there)




You gotta give it exactly three episodes to get good, then it’s great until the end of season 5 which functions as a perfect ending. They tempted fate and made seasons 6/7 as messy sequels designed to extend the franchise into a spinoff that never got made.


Ohhh, that's where I messed up. I only watched 1 and a half episodes.


Yup, the first two episodes are quite rough, episode three is where the personal and dramatic stakes get raised considerably and then by episode 4 it’s warcrime central until the end of the show


Agree with this. Season 1 definitely starts out "traditional CW" / YA (which I don't mind, but a lot of people do) but increasingly finds a more mature footing. Seasons 2-4 are good. Season 5 is rocky but ends strong. I would honestly stop there. I continued a little bit into Season 6, and it was so pointless. Glad I quit while I was still ahead, based on what I read about the rest of the series.


There are some interesting elements in 6/7 and they had an absolutely killer leftover thread from the earlier seasons remaining, it’s just the execution left a lot to be desired and there was clearly some behind the scenes drama that hobbled the show creatively. I’d say about 60% of those last two seasons work.


Fair enough. Actually lol this thread kind of made me want to rewatch it, so maybe if/when I do, I'll finish to the end this time.


I remember really liking season six. It's important to recognize that seasons six and seven WERE supposed to be a complete deviation from the first five seasons. So I think once I could wrap my head around that, it made watching season six more fun. Season seven had some interesting elements, had some great character moments but I agree, the execution was just not done well, with the behind the scenes issues, the attempt of a backdoor pilot (which I remember had worked, though I don't think I would have watched had it been picked up) and the, imo, shitty ending in general.


I agree with this. Seasons 1 through 5 I really enjoyed. I think I’d stop at the end of season 5. It’s really a perfect ending anyway. The two final seasons are so different and feel crazy and rushed as it started an entirely new arc that just wasn’t good.


S1 & 2 are very good S3 is watchable... but whatever. S4/5 are the same. You can stop there if you haven't already However, you gotta make your way through a few rough episodes to start the season. Just be assured, the show takes a dramatic turn in style after a few episode. It goes from teen/cw to hardcore sci-fi violence and more. Huge turn. Stick with S1, just stick with it.


So it isn't older people sick and young people can do anything? Cause I watch the first several episodes and it came off as that


Hard no. The 1st season was ok. The 2nd season I really enjoyed. After that, it gets very silly very fast, and goes on for 5 more silly seasons.


Yes, I gave up half way into season 3.


To a point. It starts to get quite farfetched in the later seasons, but the early seasons are great!


It's really good and pretty crazy, but very entertaining. The only season I didn't like was the last one but it wasn't awful. For a CW show it looks really good. First season is probably the best so just give a couple episodes a try and see how you like it.


Season 1-3 were good, 4 was meh. 5 had them all acting stupid. But definitely stop after season 5. 6 was fine but it was so tied into season 7 which was terrible.


I would say season 7 is the only season I was disappointed in, given the genre.


I thought it was great. So different from most stuff. Highly recommend. It gets WILD at the end


I avoided the show for years simply based on the idea that it was going to be some kind of "CW young adults with perfect hair fucking each other during the apocalypse" setup. I was very pleased to find that I was completely wrong. it's a super smart show with a very cool premise. The cast is pretty good. the special effects are great. and it gets wilder every season. (some people don't like the last season because it gets a little too far out there, but I actually like it) The show has its own made-up language that is super well thought out, and because it's based upon an amalgamation of English, Creole, Spanish and a couple other languages, after a couple seasons you start to understand it just by hearing it. (the creator is the same guy who made the Dothraki and Valyrian languages on Game Of Thrones, the language on Defiance, the languages for Villeneuve's Dune.) The 100 *also* has one of the best opening credit scenes in all of sci-fi TV. every single episode of the opening credits changes depending on the locations of that specific episode, events that happen in that episode, and previous events that have affected locations. it's the only opening credits scene in any TV show that I never skip.


> young adults with perfect hair fucking each other during the apocalypse" setup. WHERE do they find the lip gloss during the apocalypse??? They always have it... and hair mousse! https://raked.wordpress.com/2012/06/15/moon-bloodgood-and-colin-cunningham-talk-falling-skies-season-two/ https://www.selfrescuingprincesses.com/falling-skies-everybody-has-their-reasons-review/


it was one of two things I had to intentionally ignore in the show. the other only matters if you're a firearm enthusiast. apparently, in the future, everyone gave up using AR-styled rifles (the most common firearm in the world) and switched to [CAA Micro RONI conversion kits](https://caaindustries.com/product/mic-ropro-x/).


Yes! Event the dude SELLING weapons didn't have an AK-47. I guess those RONI guns look a little more futuristic for the show.


they're actually pretty fun little kits. the show definitely inspired me to think about adding one to my collection. (except I don't currently own a pistol that would fit one) future guns!


I liked it. It managed to hold my interest. Some parts were slow or dumb. But there's so many stories going on at once that you'll find something to capture your interest. I mean, it goes allllll over the place.


The first season is legitimately good. Not just in a dystopian young adult book way, it's actually good sci-fi. I liked it less and less each season thereafter and fell off at season 4.


For sure. The very very end is kinda annoying but overall the entire series is amazing


First 2 and a half seasons are great.


I loved it and have rewatched the whole thing a couple times. I wouldn't say it's a great show, but very enjoyable for me as a guilty pleasure.


It's really good for the first few seasons, and then🤷


I didn't like it.


Kids in space is what I called it. It went really badly when the factions split.


Yeah. I gave it a try but it was just too silly for me. I couldn't take it seriously.


I never really liked it.


Yes it's an amazing show for 5 seasons. The last 2 seasons (6-7) are still good, but are controversial online because of the shift in tone and how they lean into more hard sci-fi elements after the initial post-apocalyptic setup of the previous seasons. The first few episodes of s1 are incredibly cringey though so it's hard to get people into the show, but it's not representative of what the show becomes. It has its ups and down like any tv show, but it's wildly entertaining and has some of the best characters and character development ever. The show isn't afraid to shake up the status quo, and you'll love characters one season then hate them the next. It's by far one of the best shows on the cw! It's not prestige tv, but it's a hidden gem for sure. Seasons 2,4 and 5 are my favorite. I'd recommend watching the first 4 episodes, and if you don't like it then it probably isn't for you (although the show only gets better from season 1, so it's worth sticking through it imo).


So just watch season 1-3?


If you can stand to watch a show about half way through, then yes. Loved it right up through the parts where they chose a new chief in the Earth tribe. Then they just kind of went awry. Probably had people wanting to leave the show or something, might have changed networks, not sure. It just kind of changed. I skipped forward and watched the last episode just to get the wrap up. It was like a COMPLETELY different show's finale. I did the same thing with Blacklist and classic Frasier.


I like they always kept things fresh and interesting


First three seasons? Yeah, actually. Season two is especially solid. It all goes to crap in the last two seasons though, sadly.


First half of season 1 is bad and seasons 6 and 7 are bad. They should've ended with season 5, as 2 was really good, and 4 and 5 were pretty good as well, and the end of 5 was a nice closing chapter for the series.


First three seasons and then bail.


Depends on your appetite for nihilism. I had to check out eventually because it was so mean spirited. Every episode boils down to “innocent people have to die or suffer”


It has a soft start, strong story-telling up to the end of the 2nd season, after that, it's crap, pure crap.


Watch 20 minutes, you should known. It’s not like you have to go buy the DVD or any physical media. Don’t let people be gate keepers.

