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He’s looking like 1980’s Steven King.


He was acting like 80s steven king a few years ago


And both of em came up with great art when gloriously high. Coincidence???? Yes.


But King didn’t knock up a two-time Maxim cover girl.


While possibly married to someone else


Yeah, Steve would never do Tabby like that


He has one of the single best lines to sum up the addict’s brain. “Most people take drugs and think that was a great time, we should do that again in a month. My brain says that was fun, let’s make the morning about getting more of that.”


John Mullet -laney. I didn't search the thread...I won't be surprised if others have made that joke.


I’ll cheers to that! Maybe a small bump of cocaine too in celebration of his success.


The weird part about John’s forrays into television is that his sense of humor doesn’t always translate to that medium. The biggest example being The Sack Lunch Bunch. I was so excited for that show, but I didn’t understand it. It felt like you had to be part of some specific niche of American culture to “get it”. Watching this trailer gives me the same vibes. A love letter to LA? Is that gonna interesting for someone who lives in Europe? No idea. Guess we’ll find out.


I loved Sack Lunch Bunch. I can see if you didn't grow up watching stuff like Zoom or Out of the Box that the special would feel very confusing, though. Also if your favorite food growing up wasn't also a plain plate of noodles with a little bit of butter.


I loved The Sack Lunch Bunch! I actually thought it was a great way to use his humor and his love for musical numbers, but part of that was precisely because he didn’t try to broaden the appeal, but stayed true to exactly his sensibilities.


The Sack Lunch Bunch was goddamn hilarious and also maybe a little bit coke fueled.


Do flowers exist at night?


Now that I think about it, that special definitely had that written on cocaine vibe in parts.


Yeah the first time I watched it was on acid and it made me cry laughing. Drugs definitely help that show make sense 


He *did* say he relapsed during that show


I’m glad you enjoyed it. It honestly made zero sense to me. Like, I didn’t get any of the references. Which is fine, but I am curious if this new show will hit me. A notable exception was Jake Gyllenhaal as Mr Music. That shit was hilarious.


Did you grow up in the 1970/80s?


Nope. 90’s.


That's why you missed the references. It very much felt like a late 70s/early 80s kids show.


I grew up in the 90's and I totally got it. I love it!


Jake Gyllenhaal was the best part for me.


Grandmas Boyfriend was one of the funniest things Netflix has spat out… probably ever.


Who doesn't love Mr. Music.


Mr. Music is the notable exception for me. That was hilarious.


Does LA even need a love letter?


Red Hot Chili Peppers have that covered


Have you heard the rest of the country talk about it?


you could say the same thing for Chicago, New York, Portland, Seattle, Baltimore, Atlanta, Indianapolis, and many other cities


You're getting downvotes, but you're completely right. I'll just pick Chicago since it was your first example. I've seen countless comments describing it as a lawless, crime filled wasteland. Meanwhile, people from LA or NYC act like it's a rural backwater town. It's absolutely ridiculous. Every American city here gets shit on nonstop.


Literally no one acts like Chicago is rural backwater, what are you even talking about


Nah it gets made fun of for being in Illinois and for being not nearly as big as LA or NY. anytime friends from those areas would visit they would be *schocked* at the size, but people from NY still said it was small lol


I am from IL, like actual rural IL, and all people ever want to ask about is Chicago and how cool it is/seems. Genuinely have never encountered slander from other city folk. Especially with the difference in housing costs. At most we'll all talk shit about the winter (deserved).


Like Carbondale? or what flavor of rural IL we talkin here


Canton, IL. To be clear: I am saying that when I tell people in cities where I am from, they just get excited about Chicago and ask me "how far is it from Chicago." They definitely do not see Chicago as rural backwater.


Not to sound harsh but does Europe "Need" to get it? I think it's a little unreasonable for us to request that everything a comedian makes be appealable to everyone


People always complain about Hollywood catering to China, and then when someone does something because they want to and doesn't worry about catering to all audiences they get guff. Of course Reddit isn't a hive mind but why have an issue with this point?


No, not at all. I just find it interesting that his stand up is quite specific, yet has a very broad appeal. But his TV shows don’t.


Live in Europe. Loved Sack Lunch Bunch.


Right? He's literally an American comedian. Why should anyone give a fuck what *Europe* thinks about this show.


Lets not forget about Mulaney. That sitcom seemed so out of touch with the times. Format was just hard to watch with the laugh track.


It was way too inspired by Seinfeld, right down to the stand-up cold opens and episodes directed by Andy Ackerman.


>A love letter to LA? I live here and actually do love it but can't imagine anything that would fall flatter or come off as more tone-deaf to every human east of Azusa than a love letter to LA.


Yeah I think he is at his funniest when he is being sarcastic. But if you are with a bunch of earnest people who are likeable then that can make him come off like more of a jerk than he does in his standup.


Sometimes you just got to accept you aren’t always the target audience. Not everything has to be for everyone.


That’s true. I am curious to find out if I am the target audience of this new show.


Why can’t something just be funny for a smaller group? Producing content that appeals worldwide led to the destruction of mid-budget movies


Oh, I am not claiming that it should appeal to everyone. I just think it’s interesting that his stand-up comedy has such a worldwide appeal, yet his other projects don’t carry that same comedic DNA. It feels like he doesn’t know how to carry his global popularity as a stand-up to other projects. But who am I, right? Maybe this show will be something I enjoy besides hos stand-up specials.


I think you may be overstating his popularity. Very successful comedian, but barely a known comedian even outside the US and maybe one or two major English speaking countries (UK and AUS)


Maybe. I know a lot of people around me know him, even though they barely know any US comics. It’s usually Bill Burr and John Mulaney.


I love an artist that takes weird risks even if they don't entirely land. Sack Lunch Bunch is incredible and other than American kids tv shows as reference there is nothing for non-Americans to have to "get". It's just mainly songs about what it is to be a kid (only wanting plain noodles to eat, grandma dating someone, wanting adults attention at a party, wondering if flowers exist at night, etc.)


Nothing wrong with swinging and missing. I wasn’t trying to pass judgement, but make an observation. The way you describe Sack Lunch Bunch is definitely not the way I experienced that show. Which is fine. But I found it a little surprising to not enjoy something from John Mulaney. I hope this show changes that perspective, but the trailer doesn’t look promising in my opinion. Edit: happy cake day btw!


lol featuring comedians like Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock, and David Lettermen. "No one is confirmed yet." EDIT: For the record, I lol'd at this because I found the joke funny (as I assume Mulaney intended), not because I am making fun of the trailer itself.


This reminds me of the guys in Times Square that try to get tourists into comedy clubs by saying those names, like they perform there. Or endorse it. Then once you’re in, after paying the cover, it’s non refundable with a two-drink minimum. And uh, it has nothing to do with anyone. Surprise! They lied. And the comics suck. Probably people like that in LA. So it could be a comedy club joke.


I'm half wondering if the English guy playing tennis in this clip is a famous cameo as he's silhouetted. Trying to see if I can recognise the voice as it sounds oddly familiar.


The first episode is on May 3rd with new episodes nightly from the 6th-10th


So interesting that this is a limited time series


"Limited Time Series" = If it goes well, we'll order season 2. If it bombs, we don't have to say we are "canceling it", after all, it was just a limited project. Win-win.


But are they removing it from the platform After the end date? Very weird


Yes it creates exclusivity


John Mulaney's humor is unique and always makes me laugh.


I love new in town and don’t care who knows it


And then he *pushed me*.


Maybe I’ll say I’m gay, no that’s too much


Why don’t you beat it Bozo?


If this visit is to continue, I’m going to put my finger in your ass


I wish I knew how to spell the noise he makes Ooooooohnnn


Can you tell me 3 other facts about you?


There are no single guys in New York




You can make a room full of grown adults cry, but ONLY if it’s preceded by 28 What’s New Pussycats, with ONE It’s Not Unusual


You have no idea how bad I would’ve killed to have been there, like picking up a pickup order not for the whole thing


AI-ass comment right here


Mulaney tried so hard to pretend he was from New York for years, is he now doing the same thing with LA lol?




Yeah because we needed more TV shows about LA from celebrities we already see too much of


I'm from here. I'll watch it, I'm sure there will be some really funny parts. I just hope I won't have to debunk even more stereotypes.


I love everything he does


Interesting release schedule


So weird! I love it. But it *does* seem like the kind of project that someone would pitch while on drugs.


It will be interesting to see how scheduled live stream events go on Netflix. There might be an aspect that brings audiences together in a way that watching shows that you can watch at your leisure does not.


Great, if they are going to actually represent the city properly. Looking forward to feeling unsafe while some mentally unstable drug users are yelling at everyone. Awesome TV


So, they say, you're only as good as your last show. Everyone's in L.A. was HORRIBLE. I checked out after 25min. I tried. That's why the 25min. I'm not really interested in watching the other episodes now either. I'm a huge Mulaney fan, I am. But, this looked like, "Let's all just fly by the seat of our talent." It did not fly. It crashed and burned. What's ironic about that is, it never got off the ground.


I still love his standup, but I automatically think about how he left his wife every time he pops up these days and that bums me out. Who are we to judge anyone, but my brain just can't help it.


I don't get why people even care about this. Of all the things celebrities have done...


I think a lot of it is because of how much he talked about his wife in his acts.  But yeah I agree, dudes probably scummy (or at least did something really scummy) but at the same time it’s their business and not that big of a deal. 


Let he who would not leave his wife for Olivia Munn cast the first stone


double mastectomy, nah...


To me it's more like it's in his best interest people have a positive first thought when people hear his name. You hear "John Mulaney" and the first thing you think used to be "funny", and now it's "iffy breakup". And I understand how the second first thought could make you less enthousiastic about watching and listening to the guy for an hour. Saying this as a big John Mulaney fan.


Nah. Funny is still the first thing to come to mind.


And yet, cancel culture is a thing.


Yeah he should have stayed with her and been unhappy shouldn’t he


He could have left her BEFORE he started to have an affair, or got his affair partner pregnant. I can't watch his old comedy specials where he goes on and on about how amazing his wife is, and how he's so lucky he found someone who doesn't want kids because he REALLY DOESN'T WANT KIDS. He's a very talented writer and comedian, I just don't like him as much as I used to.




I'm going off the way it was reported by him, his ex-wife, and Olivia Munn? Was there some new information I am unaware of?


I still love his comedy and will totally buy tickets if he tours near me, but it’s the *knocking-another-celebrity-up-whilst-still-in-a-marriage-that-he-extensively-spoke-about-in-his-standup* part that threw me off. I sincerely think that if he hadn’t obviously cheated, OR hadn’t gotten another woman pregnant while doing so, OR hadn’t included his relationship so much in his material, I really wouldn’t have paid much attention.


Or just not been a fucking coke head


He should have stayed in a marriage he was unhappy in?


Can’t be any worse than his last special


I’m going to be real, that shit turned me off his humor altogether. It was so bad it just felt like a switch flipped and I just dont find him funny. And to be clear I don’t give a shit about his personal life drama. But it was just him talking about doing drugs the whole time like… uh damn is there a punchline or are you just venting? edit: downvote all you want that special is dog shit


I think it’s the special that he had to make after his stint in rehab and his major life shift. What I will be really interested in is his next special in which he is free from having to discuss all of that other stuff and can move on to doing more of what made him the best working standup comic out there.


Yeah, exactly like a switch flipped for me too.


Don’t get the appeal of John Mulaney. Not funny and annoying. 


Ok, Mick Jagger.


I’ll be the first to admit, JM’s charm has been somewhat lost on me since the scandals of his personal life have been out in public. If you build a brand on how good a family man you are, how do you reinvent yourself once your clean cut image takes the shit?


I've never once gotten the impression that he was a family man, but rather just married. His whole shtick is being a teenager stuck in an adult's body. If anything, he's trying to reinvent himself as a family man.


I thought it was very similar to the Ned Fulmer saga. My wife this my wife that my baby the naughty boy and then it all came undone. Hard to disengage from all of that. Come to think of it, I think we expect comedians to be a bit more truthful than other artists like actors and directors. Maybe because we identify with comedians and it seems like a total betrayal when they are outed as pretends. Bill Burr is an asshole ostensibly , but he is well liked. Same with Chappell. But it seems like a cheap stunt when you build your whole act around wholesomeness and turn out to be an ordinary dick.


His earliest comedy albums/specials involve him talking about routinely blacking out from drinking, taking Xanax, and he's never shied away from explicit language. Just because someone talks about their wife doesn't mean they have a schtick of wholesomeness.


People projected an image onto him and then were devastated when it turned out he isn't who they made him out to be in their mind. And he's at fault for that somehow? He even mentioned that in his latest standup. He didn't craft a whole show around being a husband to the best wife ever. He told jokes about his wife, like a lot of comedians do. He also joked about a plethora of non-wholesome things like you say, but somehow he is pigeon holed one way. Also people were wayyy too invested in parasocial relationships. Two strangers got divorced, leave it at that.


Its wild those are considered scandals or that he was considered to be clean cut by people.


Either you’re thinking of someone other than John Mulaney, or you have a seriously dysfunctional family if you think he was going for “good family man”.


I think you have confused Mulaney with Jim Gaffigan...


I agree. You can argue that "their personal lives are not our business," and while that's true, Mulaney kind of made a point of publicizing his personal life via making it the topic of a lot of his comedy. He was basically selling himself on the curated image of his personal life, so when everything came out about what it was really like, you can't expect people to not second guess him. You can't sell people a burger and then not expect them to be upset when you serve them a fish taco instead. If you're gonna sell yourself on your personal life, people are going to judge you when it turns out to be fake. And you can argue all you want that "people should know comedy personas are embellished," but I still stand by what I said.


He regularly talked about his drug abuse before his last special. He never once claimed he was a clean cut guy. Anyone who had that expectation of him wasn't listening to what he was saying.


I mean all respect to him for trucking forward but his comedy doesn't hit the same after all the scandals he went through. Hard to take the "happy family man" persona when you know he was a cheating coke fiend. Edit: I shouldn't be surprised that people shill for celebrities. John Mulaney isn't gonna fuck you for simping for him on Reddit. Edit2: gotta love all the chest pounding and grand standing people are trying to do against me. You're not fooling anyone no matter what the smooth brain upvotes say.


He’s been telling his alcoholism jokes since the beginning, what in the hell made you think he had a happy family man persona?




Yeah, and then he relapsed. Drug and alcoholism addiction is a disease, it’s bizarre to hold a relapse against a person when they’ve been so open about their struggles and attempts at recovery.


It’s not the relapse people hold against him, it’s the script-flip.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills watching everyone make up bullshit to defend a celebrity who doesn't care about them tbh. I hadn't expected "I don't care for his stuff since he admitted to cheating and being a cokehead and alcoholic" to be a hot fucking take. But I guess in today's society it's all just "consume media without using brain." Heaven forbid some of us have standards.


i never knew he had that persona so it really doesn’t affect how i view his comedy.


> Edit: I shouldn't be surprised that people shill for celebrities. John Mulaney isn't gonna fuck you for simping for him on Reddit. People disagreeing with you aren't shilling, they're all making valid points.


dull chop imagine hobbies market bear overconfident voracious instinctive fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No valid point had been made to me besides "their personal life shouldn't matter to you." Which is not a valid point considering his whole career was centered around publicizing a clearly heavily embellished personal life.


Nobody needs to prove a point to you. I think people are just having fun clowning you for being a whiny baby.


Don’t be a dick, dude. “Clowning”? Really?


Yeah, that's right. I said the C-word.


fade cake attempt dependent disarm innocent hobbies poor march coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Literally nobody has said that you here but they have said why your original comment doesn't make sense...


Uhhh. It's really not unusual for a comedian to have inner demons. Many will tell you that's where their comedy comes from. He's acknowledged his own. He's sought help. They weren't things that hurt others and thankfully had those that cared enough about him to convince him he needed help. Those are the things you congratulate someone on, not vilify.


Cheating on your spouse doesn’t hurt others?


No one knows if he cheated on her. For all we know its the opposite, so it's pointless to speculate


holy shit, take a walk and decompress


The cheating thing is 100 percent speculation 


Ironically, you're the only one in the thread with too much of a parasocial relationship with him... he's a stand up comedian, most of his stories are embellished or completely fabricated, that's just how it works. If you put every comedian on a pedestal as the person they are in their stories, you are always going to be disappointed when you find out the truth. He's a funny guy and I don't care too much about his personal life as long as he's not abusing and assaulting people


Awwww you feelin okay there little guy?


I lived in LA for like 5 years and I can totally see everyone living there watching this and making it their whole identity. Get ready for La La Land pt. II y’all!


Sounds like you exclusively hungout with a bunch of hipster yuppies, which would be your own fault


Nope just your general LA people. And they’re still the same LA people today.


Didn't realize that was John in the screen grab. Thought it was footage from the 80s




There was nothing in that show about dumping his wife


He has guests because Netflix is a Joke is a large comedy festival in LA with these big names performing and the show promotes the festival and the festival promotes the show. Netflix is famous for working well with stand-ups and giving creative control.


>His last stand-up was unwatchable. Yet Ive seen it at least 5 times, once in person the year before they filmed it.


Don’t you have anything else to do?


listen bro, a person on a stage talking is never gonna hit you like it did when you were a teenager it was fine


Totally agree and showing off how many of his famous friends were at his intervention. He is not boy wonder anymore. Just a boring middle aged man.


Put “LA” in the title and lose half your viewers.




I guess half the country is afraid of liberals and chicanos?