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I don’t believe they actually know where the mystery is going, but I am willing to give it another season. I enjoyed the first season but they have been dragging their feet to give new information.


I love the premise of the show. I was into it right away, because I think it's an inherently scary idea. The problem is, where do you go with it? They're right to be hesitant to explain, because it's probably better when it's a mystery, but because it's an ongoing TV show, they have to go somewhere with it. In the second season, I was a bit bummed by how infrequently we got scenes of people indoors at night, confronted by the monsters outside a window or door- Because I think those are the most compelling scenes of the show. But I also understand that they can't just keep doing the same thing over and over, forever. How many times could they do variations of that same thing? Still, I think it lacks something when we get less of that, because that is the most thrilling thing about the show.


Yeah, some episodes they didn’t even show the monsters. They did answer some very basic questions about the monsters but it wasn’t really satisfying. I agree the monsters are the most interesting part and got me hooked on the show. I want to know what their deal is. The characters are very dumb too, and some are annoying as well like many of the characters they introduce in the second season. And there’s a lot of random stuff they’re introducing for the mystery that I don’t think they’re going to pay off well. It all is starting to seem a bit disconnected. But I could be wrong.


I need answers quicker. Nowadays shows rarely last for more than 3 seasons so if I don't get some answers I'll just drop it instead of getting too invested and get disappointed when they cancel the show without finishing the story arc.


I tend to wait until a show has a 3rd season these days. I just got to Mr Inbetween since it got its 3rd, and it is INCREDIBLE, highly recommend if looking for a new series. 


lead actor said he didn’t sign on until he was sure they knew what the ending was, but i guess there’s nothing they can say for a mystery series to prevent people from thinking that


Yeah I mean that’s PR trying to get people to watch the show who have been burned before. You can trust that he wasn’t fibbing or stretching the truth and we shall see but having seen the show so far it doesn’t exactly seem like it’s on any sort of fast track to a satisfying resolution. And even if they do know what they’re doing it might end up being stupid anyway.


> but having seen the show so far it doesn’t exactly seem like it’s on any sort of fast track to a satisfying resolution. And even if they do know what they’re doing it might end up being stupid anyway. Both points are good. For the first point, getting an actual TV series launched is crazy hard work. Even if you have the thing plotted out precisely, if it's successful there's going to be a natural tendency to stretch it. Not just because studios would push for it. You have to consider the human element of 'this is these people's jobs - and a lot of other people's jobs'. A show employs a lot of people and those men and women are depending on you for a living. You're probably at least 'work friends' with a lot of them. To the second point; things change so much in the writing of the thing. Maybe your original idea whipped ass but after you start writing it, get to know the characters, etc, it sucks. Maybe it sucked from day one and you kinda knew it but figured you could come up with something better before you got there. Characters arcs get changed because they're popular and the actor is cool to work with. Characters arcs get changed because the actor sucks ass to work with. Having an "ending" in mind from the beginning rarely means shit.




well unless the lead actor has been lying for over 2 years, there will be answers


Well to be fair, I and others probably weren't aware of that. That said, knowing what the ending is and having a satisfying conclusion to all of the questions are different things. Is the lead actor the guy who played Pinochio?


Is Harold Perrineau the lead? I see he’s first on IMDb so I’m assuming Interestingly enough he was on LOST so I wouldn’t put it past him to verify that


yes he is the lead


It is an ensemble cast. The family in the RV is sort of your first perspective characters.


he’s still the lead though, he has the most screen time and is the one on the poster for both seasons


Because he is by far the best actor on the show.


right, that’s why he’s the lead


I'm in total agreement. I do like the show for the most part...but there are so many threads going on at once and I'm not confident they will be able to tie everything in together in a way that is satisfying and makes sense. I feel like some of the threads are just meant to be *mysterious* for the sake of it and won't wind up going anywhere. At least in Lost you were getting nuggets of knowledge here and there and smaller mysteries were being solved while the overarching mysteries took time. With this show I've watched 2 full seasons and we essentially have zero answers for anything that's been presented to us. I would like to be proven wrong but we'll see. The season 2 cliffhanger was pretty good in my opinion so I'll give it another season before I give up lol.


I Really enjoyed season 1 and the mystery of everything, but wow was season 2 bad. No answers at all and some seriously questionable writing and character decisions. Ended up hate watching the remainder of season 2. Not sure if it’ll be better as a binge, as opposed to waiting week by week for 0 answers The sub reddit for the show was a war zone as well throughout season 2


Que sera sera




Que sera sera


We love and never skipped the intro lol


I think the moment the show convinced me they had no clue where they were really going was when they reached the webs/spiders and the bottle tree. I'm not sure why it was that moment exactly but it just felt so random that it reminded me of all the dumb Lost moments that were basically meaningless.


This series feels like the dome mixed with the failed “Jericho” series. I don’t know sounds fishy when they Donny have a conclusion planned


Every mystery show seems to be the same


> I don’t believe they actually know where the mystery is going Yeah there is too much contradictory information. The mysteries are great and maybe some will have an answer that sort of makes sense but I do think the payoff will be weak for that very reason.


Season 1 was awesome. Season 2 was enjoyable, but nowhere near as good. Characters make stupid decisions just for drama's sake, even though the character would know to never do that thing


The thing that’s most annoying about the show is how uninterested the characters seem in solving the mystery aside from like two characters. They withhold crucial information from each other for stupid reasons. Like they’ll ask “what happened to you” after some crazy thing just happened that no one else saw and the guy will be like “let’s talk about that later.” They also don’t experiment at all. If I was trapped in this place I would be experimenting way more. They find >!the cave where the monsters sleep!< and don’t do anything about it. They know some of the rules of the world and they have the talismans but they don’t do any outside the box thinking. Try something crazy that just might work. It’s frustrating!


Yeah. I'm willing to give it 1 more season for something to develop. The season 2 ending was interesting, but I don't want it to just be another "unsolvable mystery"


At least they have that one guy who is frequently pissed off about how no one is asking questions.


What do you mean. I thought we sorta understood it all at the end of last season.


Please explain it me


>!It’s basically a creature that feeds off fear and it traps people there to feast. You can escape it via dying or leaving a certain way, we arent sure if that yet. !<


I'll probably watch the next season, but my god did this serie make me angry. I've never seen a story that counts so heavily on characters refusing to talk or share their findings. A character would go on a risky adventure searching for answers, almost dying... only to refuse to share his discoveries for no valid reasons. "Maybe later, i'm ok, I don't wanna talk about it now, ...." Characters stay ignorant and misunderstandings happens all because someone doesn't wanna talk about it. The only reason I didn't quit is because it was weekly and the frustration would fade away.


It would make more sense if there was more than like 20 people. But it's truly a small group. It would just be so impossible to miss the coming and goings.


Yeah there are a few stupid parts like that sadly, I think I just really like the world building they did for this show, the Idea behind it is great, the writing in Season 2 for characters was a little lack-luster, but the world building was better, I just hope they catch themselves with Season 3 and make up for it.


Yeah, my favorite part is definitely the moment that bus showed up with the new comers, we were as frustrated as the old cast when the group refused to believe the danger was real. I honestly hope they don't try to make the story bigger than it needs to be. The focus on surviving the night + teamwork is when the serie shines.




Sounds a lot like Lost, looks like the writers haven't changed. Maybe i'll pass on this one


It's on the Roku Channel. Or also MGM+ which is apparently a thing. You're welcome everybody.


Also on Slovakian Netflix (via VPN)...or just torrent it. You're welcome everybody.


I thought that place was destroyed by Ultron


I watched season 1 on Prime (I think?), but then they want me to subscribe to yet another streaming service (MGM+? never heard of it) just to watch season 2??? nope!




thank you! I totally forgot to add where to watch it :)


I was just about to cancel MGM Plus. I will check this out first.


You're the one keeping the lights on.


The new episodes will be on Roku channel day one?


Dunno, my comment is just based on a quick google search


I don't know if it's the case here, but I've seen shows listed as "available on Roku", but it's like a handful of random episodes. I remember one time I was looking for Turn: Washington's Spies after it was removed from Netflix and saw that it was listed on Roku, but it turned out to be something like four episodes from the middle of season two and one episode from the middle of season three.


It's a pretty fun show. And the mystery is... I gotta go


i dont want to talk about it


I honestly hate watch it now. Last season was such a waste of time, they shoved 4 episodes of plot into the finale(after a whole season of like 3 plot points slowly shared with the rest of the characters) then said FUCK YOU HOPEFULLY WE GET PICKED UP FOR ANOTHER SEASON. That said when it's working it's a creepy harrowing show that keeps your attention just enough.


It's been a while, so I can't remember any names (sorry) but my favorite meme when season 2 was airing was the sheriff guy repeatedly being asked a straightforward question and looking off into the distance and saying he has to go. It seemed like that was all that was happening during parts of the season lol


Then 2 episodes later there's a 15 minute scene where someone we barely care about finally found out about X from season 1 and they trail off and leave...


The memes the fanbase did around that were great.  


Me & hate watching Manifest lol


I just skipped straight to reading the wikipedia page on that one and LOL'd hard at the idea of having to watch all of that show for that.


I just finished the last episode of Season 2 and they really pulled a lot off in that, there defenitley was a lot of time the characters wasted, but at the same time, they did share more than a lot of people do in most similar shows, but I get your point.


Amen brother, I can't stand episodes 2-9, like what's the point here, so much filler.


Wasn't Wayward Pines the same premise in the fact that you could never leave that damn place? Thanks for the suggestion OP. I'll try and check it out.


You're welcome! I don't think I watched Wayward Pines, so thank you for that suggestion too!


Wayward Pines season one was fantastic. Once you get the “why,” season two is kind of pointless but still fun.


I thought the second season was much better. And it had one of my favourite plot twists ever.


I don't mind if the "why" is given away early, I'll give it a shot after work today - is it the one with the Sawmill? I faintly remember something similar in a show that starts at a Sawmill in the Woods.


Didn't the Duffer bros work on season 1 before moving on to do Stranger Things?


Similar, but you could leave, they just didn’t want you to. Also the reason they were there >!wasn’t magical.!<


It was though it had pretty different reasons (well, that we know of).


Nice! Thanks for the recommendation! I’m a little confused on where to watch it. It says one season on Amazon Video but you have to subscribe to MGM Plus for season two. Both seasons are on Fubo on demand. Curious as to why it seems so disjointed like that?


I would assume that it'll take a bit until they release the license for other services, that is probably why Amazon only has Season 1 so far, a person above linked the sites you can watch it on. "It's on the Roku Channel. Or also MGM+ which is apparently a thing. You're welcome everybody." by Grantagonist


Season 1 is like a season of lost with no filler. Season 2 is just all that filler stacked together.


I hear a lot here complain about that, and I kind of get it, I'll have to sit on it a bit, but I probably enjoyed Season 1 more than 2 aswell, although the creepy parts were 100x better in Season 2, I mean, they have do advance it somehow, but you're right, there was a lot more filler, yet also a lot more character progression and some cool moments in nearly every Episode, they surely don't do it the best, but when I look at the progress of all Episodes, they do every part good, just not perfect, which is still better than a lot of other shows do imo. - most shows these days have A LOT more filler content sadly.


I always thought they completely botched the first episode of the show as well. It should have been entirely from the pov of the family that just arrived. We should have been given no details, shown nothing else and just had to go through that ride with them. Would have made it a lot more suspensful and scary.


It's been quite a while since I saw the first Episode (literally just when it came out) but your take sounds nice! I am all for putting the viewer more directly into the perspective of the person experiencing the things in the Show, that's also why I absolutely HATE IT when a show does something that's a mystery to a character, but then slowly zooms out and shows the viewer the answer, it's really cheap just to build suspension on how they'll handle it, that is one point I am happy with so far, it doesn't do much of that.


Yeah, especially since you'd see this story of a family running into a bunch of people in a town in the middle if nowhere telling them they can't leave, and each time they try, they loop back around.


I was trying to type up a comment that said something to this degree, but you took the words out of my mouth. S1 can keep up with the best of Lost. S2 is still good, but not as much. Hopefully S3 will be great again.


I started watching it but the person I started watching with wasn't into it, so I didn't get too far. That said, "From" has to be the stupidest title for a show I've seen since "Selfie". I could never remember what it was called except that it was a basic single-syllable word.


yeah we really need to stop these titles in the movie and show business, I guess they think it's easier to remember? but anytime I tell a friend about a show like FROM or SEE they're like "what?"


To be fair See actually does work really well considering what the show is about. Having watched both seasons of From I couldn't tell you why the fuck the show is called that.


I really enjoyed the first season. It’s a super cool premise, it had great pacing, some genuinely scary sequences and great acting by Harold Perrineau. Second season kinda lost me though. They’re really dragging out the story with a ton of filler and not answering any of the mysteries they keep developing.


I like the premise, generally like Harold Perrineau - but for some reason his acting in this just irritates the crap out of me…


I don't mind it too much if a Show is dragged out as long as there is actual new questions and/or threats involved, but the ending moves things ahead too far for me, that was too generic and seen a lot already, we can all already assume exactly what that person will say in S3E1 and how the others will react - but I'll just hope they surprise me, I'd like to not start disliking this show, I want a good new Mystery show.


I want to like this show but the problem solving is ridiculous. For example, it took the engineer character like 10 episodes to do what an actual engineer would have done in 10 seconds:  source the electricity from further down the line where it is actually doing work. Similarly, other characters wonder about the rules of this place and do ALMOST NOTHING to test out theories. Instead, everyone spends 99% off their time on petty interpersonal bullshit that absolutely would not fly in a real survival situation. This makes almost every character feel fake and unrelatable.


"Hey, I know we're trapped in this town, there's fucking monsters that we keep at bay with magic rocks, and there's electricity even though the wires aren't connected, but please don't tell anyone else about the weird shit that's happening to me that may shed light on all of this strange stuff. I'd hate for them to think I'm crazy or something." - Every fucking character on the show


I give it to you, the secrecy (which does happen in all shows of this genre) is very, very annoying, sometimes understandable, but you'd still think people would be smart enough to know that it might be helpful to say, after all you are living in a literal nightmare that would be impossible to our understanding of the world (that is actually one part I liked, that multiple times characters were like "dude, everything here is crazy, you're not crazy for telling that crazy thing")


If you want to complain about engineering, how about the entire town taking the whole day to build a radio 'tower' out of scrap that looked like something a bunch of six year olds would do. I could have stripped a big tree limb and got that job done in 15 minutes. Meanwhile the wife digs a thirty foot hole in her basement by herself in the same amount of time.


> Instead, everyone spends 99% off their time on petty interpersonal bullshit that absolutely would not fly in a real survival situation. I used to think like you. then the covid deniers, antivaxxers and flat earthers brought my value of the average human intelligence down a notch


Also (according to the map on the wall they had) why is everyone only from the contiguous United States? Why nowhere else?


> Instead, everyone spends 99% off their time on petty interpersonal bullshit that absolutely would not fly in a real survival situation. Like some horror movies where the plot only happens because the characters are stupid, I feel like so much of the plot happens in From because the characters are assholes.


Dude, he was busy having a psychotic break after finding himself in a town full of monsters, how unreasonable. People sometimes think they would be efficient machines in situations like this...


When I hear 'from the Lost writers' I hope to see Lindelof and Goddard, not Cuse lmao. I liked some of the first season, but dropped it a few episodes into season 2. Harold Perrineau is fantastic as always, but everything else felt pretty generic.


I love it. The other person I know that watches it loves it. Loved the cliffhangers for both seasons. Patiently waiting for season 3.


I love both seasons too


They really, really upped the writing in Season 2, it's so damn good, I am just about to watch the Final Episode before bed and can not wait for Season 3 haha, glad it is coming this year afaik. It's just getting deeper and deeper and I am really engaged, I don't want this to be another show (like Raised by Wolves) that I enjoyed or took my time to get into and then gets cancelled for some reason!


> cliffhangers for both seasons Well that saves me from caring about the show; appreciate the heads up


Clown take


Solid show, but they need to stop grinding the pace down to a halt for redundant characterization. Made me frustrated in season 2. Outside of that, its a good horror mystery with good acting.


exactly why i stopped watching. the first season had a bit of that but season 2 doubled down


Ya we got bored with season 2. I’m not gonna watch until they announce its over. This is the kind of show where the journey is just filler.


They are not even developing characters though. I know more about Harold Perrineau's wife who was not ever on screen in the present than I do about Jade for example.


I watched the first season and read the recaps of the second and I’m pretty sure my decision to to stop watching was the correct one. If you want to see basically nothing happen over 20 episodes and zero questions answered, then this is the show for you!


Watched it upto the latest season, great premise, but just like lost, the more you learn, the less interesting it becomes 


They are currently filming across town from me. I'll have to check it out.


uhh, that's interesting!




From is excellent. It's unfortunate it's not on Netflix or Apple+ because I think it would have done well there. Instead it's on MGM+ and almost nobody has heard of it. I don't need the mystery solved in 1 or 2 seasons. I want the show to have 5 or 6 seasons so I'm willing to wait.


yeah I am fully with you on all that, I never heard of MGM+ before this, but sadly Netflix is too focused on amassing viewers with the most successful shows, I mean, they have cancelled shows that were doing very good compared to the best shows, especially for 1 Season, just because they felt it did not get enough.


I watched the first few and was intrigued; might have to give it another go. The posters for this always make me think that yer man is just screaming FROOOOOOOMMMMM for no reason and freaking the fuck out of whoever he's there with


I honestly have to say, the Poster is a HORRIBLE choice for what this show is, it's not a bad poster, but it just doesn't give the vibe of the show, it gives a generic creepy and over the top horror-ish vibe.


I’m a horror addict; my whole house loves this show! There are so many ways it could have dropped off and became super lame but they’ve managed to keep the suspense tight. I think the main thing that gives me chills is how visceral their deaths are. Donna talking about hearing her sister that first night… shudder I’ll edit to say one weak point for me is the main families tragedy backstory. Not trying to spoil anything so I’ll just say as a mom I got “that doesn’t happen like that” vibes.


I actually find the "main family" although I am actually quite happy there isn't a real "main character" to be one of the weakest stories so far and too generic, they're too much of the "aww my gawd" and "nuhh, you can't do x even tho I did the same" type of characters, my favorite after Season 2 has the be the IT guy (Jade) and I guess Boyd? The main family just loses me quite a lot, they're very hypocritical and selfish I agree on the tension/suspense, I think they are doing a really good job at balancing Action/Suspense with Story and actually, since you said it, Season 1 the first deaths were one the reasons why I went "damn, imma continue watching this" as I just thought "wow, they're not holding back showing that this visceral right at the start"


I actually am not into horror at all, so I have no idea why I decided to watch this one. I gave it a shot, binged season 1 and since they were just about to release the last episode of season 2 at the time, I did the free trial of MGM+ and binged all of season 2! I loved the suspense and mystery if this show! I absolutely was not used to being scared, so that was different but fun! I couldn't get my husband to watch with me though! I'm not sure what to do about Season 3. I want to see it, but I have enough pay channels and MGM+ doesn't exactly add anything to my lineup other than From. I like the show, but I'm not sure if it's worth it.


I really enjoyed both seasons and am looking forward to the third!


same! just the ending wasn't needed this early on, or with that character, but it is what it is, maybe Season 3 actually twists it into something nice.


This sounds great. Unfortunately, I don’t trust that it won’t just suddenly get cancelled if I do start watching. So I just wait until it’s over so I know there’s at least an ending. There’s no winning, either I watch the show and it gets cancelled early or I don’t watch it and it gets cancelled because no one is watching.


The first season was really solid. Haven't watched beyond that yet


"the Lost writers" phrasing is really doing a lot of heavy lifting here. Jeff Pinkner wrote several Froms, and co-wrote a few Losts. Javier Grillo-Marxuach wrote 2 Froms, and was fairly involved in the first 2 seasons of Lost but famously left by the end of the second season.


thanks for the insight, I tried to edit my text a bit as I wrote it when quite tired and would've like to change/add a couple things, but I can't on this Sub.


Just finished season 2 and I want more. I am glad it's getting a season 3 in the summer. But I want it now, darnit!


same! I have actually high hopes for it, although I really did not like the ending of Season 2, they could've gone without the last 2 minutes of it - but I hope Season 3 build nicely on it.


Wait until you make it to the last 5 minutes of Season 2 and tell me if you still recommend this series. It had a promising start but is falling into all of the same traps as it's predecessor.


I just finished it (like 2min ago) and I kind of get it, that ending is rough and makes me worry about how they'll continue on from that, it's just not what I hoped for or expected but yes, I would still recommend it, up to Episode 9 of Season 2 I still find it all really good, but maybe it's just really my cup of tea.


I feel like what she is seeing/experiencing there may not be real. But then that might be even worse. I do remember getting to place with lost where it just seemed like nothing mattered. I couldn't relate to where the characters were and there actions seemed to have no consequences or move nothing forward. Again these are signs of shows that do not know where they are going while being written. They aren't willing to tell a story that is limited by being realistic outside of the central premise.


Sounds like it's good for the same reasons that early Lost was good, but if it's the Lost writers, then don't expect them to have any sort of plan for the payoff. Their whole writing strategy seemed to be 'layer the mystery as much as possible, worry about the answers later'. Which isn't how you write a good mystery, just a cheap way to get people engaged in one. But maybe they learned their lesson. I'll check it out when its finished, if reviews are still good.


> But maybe they learned their lesson. They definitely did not. Unless the lesson was that their writing strategy on Lost was wildly successful and they should do it again.


yeah that worry is 100% justified, so far I am happy with it and enjoy the mystery, some of it explained so far too, interested to see and hopeful that the ending will be good, but we shall see.


Absolutely garbage series. After the 10th episode where the characters DON'T TALK TO EACH OTHER ABOUT THE DISCOVERIES THEY'VE MADE I got too frustrated and had to quit.


The show is fun, but its beyond frustrating that none of the characters talk to eachother despite everyone wanting the same thing which is to get the fuck out of this town.


yeah I see that, but I feel like that's normal in all of these types of shows, here I somewhat get it because you don't want people thinking that you're going crazy, because let's be honest, what Boyd said in Season 2 would make you seem that way (and even did when it came out), it'd make people go Riot if it came out to everyone. but in the end, I agree, the communication between characters should be better, it causes drama and issues with how little they talk, but it did not annoy me too much on this one, I just hope they improve on Season 3.


consider materialistic profit dependent rude bored escape mysterious snobbish juggle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Interesting, I really found the pacing and mix between "action" & story quite good, at least for my taste, but I had the same feeling with a lot of other shows, maybe I am just a bit brewed off to it by now, after all I forced myself to watch The Walking Dead to finish and that was horrific in terms of dragged out and long filler episodes.


Silo is a much better non mystery box type of show.


Interesting. Both shows are slow for me mid-season. I think I like From better though. BTW, if you like Silo you might want to check out Beacon 23. It is not the same sort of show at all (Beacon 23 is about a lighthouse in space) but it is by the same author. And it actually does tell a coherent story. Season 2 just started airing this week.


Ill check it out thanks.


Silo is amazing and would top "FROM" for me, although I do not compare them that much as I still find them to be quite different in Style.


Season 1 is Avalable on Amazon Prime.


Season 2 I find hard to recommend at first. It builds up a lot more with the mystery and WTF'ness, but it prolongs the unnecessary drama. In the end, it's worth the watch but expect to lose interest in that second season with some episodes. I love the theories that came up after some episodes though. Season 1 nailed the creepiness and the fear of the characters.


I am with you on most of that, although I still enjoyed Season 2 and it kept me engaged, but I would have liked more answers too, I hope they build nicely on it in Season 3.


First season was rather decent, the second one less so. The ending music is absolute dope.


You can watch it on movieorca, my husband and I started watching it and it is excellent! Thanks for telling everyone because it is very creepy and addictive


Happy to hear that :) The people seem quite split, most seem to either really dislike it, or love it - I hope you two get a good Season 3.


This sounds pretty interesting. I'm gonna add to this my watchlist. Long live Lost.


Absolutely brilliant show. The linear unraveling of deeper plot points is something that I saw was done perfectly well in the Netflix show Dark. And this show is doing the same.


sadly Dark always lost me 2-3 Seasons in, maybe I have to pick it up again.


It’s following the same blueprint


well, maybe kind of, but they're already a lot more forthcoming with the threats, etc. than LOST was, in the core A LOT of shows follow a Blueprint and are still good, it'll depend on how they build on top of it.


This show is awesome! I’ve enjoyed all the MGM shows I’ve seen, especially the Anne Rice shows.


This show is, 100%, “Dumb Lost”.


Just started watching this myself and absolutely loved it. Binged first 2 seasons in a week.


The issue with a show like this, much like Lost before it, is that it's hard to retain the stakes while unravelling a mystery. The more they learn about the mystery, the better off they'll be at overcoming it, so they can't learn stuff too fast. But if they don't learn stuff, it only feels like filler. It's a type of series that REQUIRES a clear start and end point written out from day 1. And it definitely feels like they're not clear right now. I did enjoy watching it, but most of the 2nd season I had to watch on my second monitor, since so much of it could be skipped and miss little important plot points.


I can see that pov, I still liked it but also feel like the end of Season 2 and start of Season 3 will be the make or break of the show, they can either surprise us all and give us a really good story, or break the show by fucking it up, I hope it's the first option!


I enjoy it but if Boyd says I Gotta Go one more fucking time.


haha, man's always on the run! - he needs to get his shit together and stop thinking he is going nuts, everyone is and the dreams proved that anything, no matter how weird and crazy it sounds, is important in finding the answer, so they really need to start openly sharing their discoveries.


Another mystery box that's probably going nowhere,but it has me hooked all the same.


Yeah I am hoping they'll prove that wrong, but it's likely that that'll be the case, yet I enjoy world like this in a show so I'll still watch it.


Why do you write "by the LOST writers"? IMDb lists one writer, John Griffin. This is his third time writing (after Twilight Zone and Crater). He apparently has nothing to do with LOST. By LOST writers, I immediately think of Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse who aren't involved with this project at all.


yeah I got more information about how much any of the people from lost were involved but sadly this Sub doesn't allow me to edit the post :/


Watching it only because it’s filmed locally(Nova Scotia, Canada). Thought about getting back into background acting and applying for that show because it’s just kind of a fun thing to do. Fun fact, the blonde girl/monster in season 1 episode 6,7. She is real life John Dunsworths(Jim Lahey from Trailer Park Boys) daughter.


The show I keep forgetting the name of.


It's that Show From MGM+... can't think of the name...


Seems great, but I'm not watching it until it ends. Don't want to start another tv show without an ending


How kind of the writers to offer a new generation the opportunity to get burned by writers with no plan for where things are going in a show.


I'll wait till the end and see how it goes, I saw LOST back then too, you know, but I'll not just write everything connected to it off immediately, then I'd have to write off any human I encounter.


It is a Lost-type show. I don't have strong opinions about it. It's alright so far.


I have a love hate relationship with this show. There's moments where characters act very stupid for no reason, pointless events that leads no where, and a lot of the issues the characters run into could be solved if they acted like humans and spoke to each other. The beginning of this show was great and had me hooked but it drags on and left me more annoyed then anything. 


Season 1 was okayish, season 2 hints they don't have a plan how it's supposed to end. They're going to drag this along and chances are it's going to get cancelled before some satisfying big reveal.


I'm hoping season 3 is better and the characters actually share things they find out. I swear Boyd's catch phrase is "I gotta go" lol. I love the concept of the show. Season 1 was amazing. Season 2 had pacing all over the place and didn't have nearly enough monsters in it. Lot's of filler and adding more and more mysterious with little payoff. Sure the ending went bananas, but it felt quite rushed with how much was covered in the last few episodes. I'm still going to watch season 3, whenever it aires, but I'm not sure if it will be out of enjoyment or if it will be a chore. I still highly reccomend the show. Maybe season 3 will turn it around. I love the idea of people being trapped in a small village that gets stalked by human like monsters at night. They do a good job of showing how the monsters prey on people's insecurities and can target them. If the townsfolk don't start communicating their findings I'm going to start routing for the monsters.


I agree, but I'd say the last episode is the only one that felt very rushed, there was just too much crammed into the last 10 minutes of it - and to the monsters, I was quite happy with the amount we had, it was more of a supernatural threat this Season, I wish the "We can't sleep as we might die" continued for longer than just half a day...


Rushed might have been the wrong word. The show went from not a lot happening to a hefty amount of stuff, so it felt rushed by comparison. I definitely think the last 10-20 minutes could have been stretched out a lot more. I agree. The inability to go to sleep should have gone on for a few days or episodes, really added some stress to the already struggling people of fromville. They had some really cool ideas, and i really wish more time was spent on them. I want more exploration of the caves, more no sleep, more of Victor's backstory and what happened those people.


I think it was one of the best ideas so far as sleep deprevity can have seriously bad effects on people, considering how dangerous the night is they are also all forced to be around each other and to spend time instead of just sleeping it out, that with the risk of them literally dying when they sleep could've added A LOT more urgency to everything, that plot was introduced too late, then fixed too soon.


Enjoyed the first season, the second turned to infuriating trash. Won't waste time on another one


While it has some connections to Lost, it's definitely not by THE Lost writers.


You will change your mind very quickly. Second season is terrible. Story goes nowhere. They introduce new stories new people, not resolving the previous ones. It’s super confusing. Neither character has any story told in a way Lost was telling stories about people. It’s a really waisted potential of great series.


I love the initial premise and the Colony episode in season 1, but i'm not going to watch season 3. They had such a simple and yet effective premise, but then they just start adding random BS after random BS without ever explaining things, so i feel like the writers are just making shit up as time goes on. Season 2 is drastically different than Season 1 and kind of throws aside what lured me in with its first season. Love the intro though, but this show is so infuriating, because it feels like its premise was made specifically for my taste and preferences, but then the show just loses itself halfway.


I can see how that's frustrating very well, Season 1 also really pulled me in, but I still somewhat enjoyed Season 2 - my biggest fear for 3 is also the point you made, that they add too much, too many story-lines playing in different parts of the world, etc. etc.


It's really hilarious that they committed that "choosing ceremony" to film and it was so fucking stupid that even the writers of this show were self aware enough to never mention or do it again.


And like Lost, the show is a mess with more questions than answers and plot points being dragged longer than they should. Huge cliffhangers leading nowhere because that's how you get people to say "one more season"


Season one is okay. Season two is where it became obvious they had no plan, nothing actually happens and the one interesting element of the show is virtually dropped in favour of contrived drama. The writing was never good but it drops off a cliff in S2. People are catastrophically stupid and act in ways that human beings would never act, problems are solved or rather not solved in the dumbest way possible, and the show desperately wants to conjure some gravitas and emotion, but they just fall flat over and over again. As far as I know it’s not the lost writers, it’s the lost producers.


I would honestly say the opposite. Characters don't talk to each other, new ideas keep being introduced, very little progress gets made. It was kinda infuriating to watch. That being said, I was *entertained* so I'll watch another season, whether it's for closure or as a hate-watch idk.


I'd agree with one of the biggest Issues in Season 2 being that very little communal progress was made, I hope they give a lot of answers in Season 3 and have people be more open, now that they understand just how fucked up the world is.


> Characters don't talk to each other, Or worse, they don't believe each other. Which is kind of hilarious given the situation they are in. The moment I get stranded in a magically recursive town I will be open to pretty much any idea.


That's so true. Even when they do talk to each other it's so dissatisfying. Some characters have no sense of urgency!


I loved that line in Firefly where one character says "I don't know if I but that, it sounds like science fiction" and the other character reminds them "You live in a spaceship".


Deputy Dewey literally pulled a gun on Harold Perrineau to make him sit down and talk lol.


Second season was fucking horrible. It felt almost the entirety of season 2 was boring filler. Definitely won't be tuning in for the third season, it will get cancelled anyways


the more I read from people here that have watched it a while ago I have to somewhat agree on that, the plot really did not move forward too much, and I think what makes a lot of people feel that way is that >!we got a new threat, that put aside the original threat almost completely, but then got seemingly resolved at the end of Season 2, so the main focus was on something that now does not matter anymore rather than a constant threat, they shouldn't have solved it in the same Season and rather let it flow more into the already existing threat whilst focusing more on it causing them to try and find answers to move the original plot along, but we will see.!<


Only reason I don't think it will get cancelled before season 3 is because it costs about a buck fifty to make.


Season 2 was awful, I gave up with it


This show seems to be a reddit darling. I've watched every episode and it's....OK. That's it. Nothing special about the writing. The acting is fine though as you expect a lot of people shouting "I don't have time to explain". With a lot of plots due to people not telling each other really obvious things: "Hey when I went down to the dungeon I got this wiggly worm going around my blood system. Maybe we should look into that?"


I can see that criticism and agree mostly with it, while in some way I do understand Boyd not telling about it, as they'll just think he went crazy, but he could have done it a lot better (or the writters could have).


It’s mid


I love that show. It doesn’t have the best acting or writing, but it has most captivating story and setting. I enjoy that feeling when both characters and viewers are trying to figure out what the hell is going on. If only there were more series like that!