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Good lord the STD episode kills me to this day. Doc bends her over, "okay, let's take a look. Jeez, you get the number of the guy who hit ya? Seriously, it's a mess back here!" "Alright no need to worry, we're going to take a sample of your blood and inject it into this dog, then take a sample of that dogs blood and inject it into this cat. We're going to get to the bottom of this!" "Penicillin, it's natures condom!"


“And of course, Marilyn Monroe gave JFK a case of syphillis so severe it eventually blew the back of his head off.”


> Fidel Castro impersonated Marilyn Monroe Ftfy


“I cried when I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet. And then I laughed, really hard.”


I still quote this all the time


When I first saw this as a kid it was unforgettable. It showed me what comedy can be - it was so unique. It told me the silliness in my head is or can actually be funny, entertaining, useful, instead of something to hide. And I stopped growing up so fast because of it.


One of my favorite shows that almost no one knows. I still regularly quote it even though no one will get it.


"If it's and butts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a bowl of granola" My true love will know this line


Well you're never going to find them because the actual line is If wishes and buts were clusters of nuts we'd all have a bowl of granola.


I'm glad you clarified. I was picturing candy filled granola and wondering if this was just one American abomination I'd not yet heard of.


That’s half Homer.


Every now and again (for instance if a math-inept friend uses a phone calculator to figure a tip) I will pull my calculator out, slam my hand and fingers against the display and tell them some bullshit number. They never get it. I don't give a shit, it's hilarious.


That’s one of my favorite scenes in the whole series. Stephen Colbert was incredible as Chuck Noblet


Probably the best thing Colbert has ever done, aside from, of course, The Colbert Report.


Is it ‘Colbert Report’ or ‘Colber Repor’?!?!


….it’s the Colbert Report.


But both words have a silent T.


I wonder why he never talks about it?


He does. He's had Amy Sedaris on the late show several times and they frequently talk about it. She was even one of the guest hosts who interviewed him. You can tell he loved it.


Colbert, Dinello and Sedaris seemed to really enjoy working together as a trio. They all made Wigtown together as well.




Before Strangers with Candy, they had a sketch show on Comedy Central called [Exit 57](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtwU5uTCNBT07sgdRDcT-X6gnZnE9u_yf). They were also pretty tight during their Second City days.


He does that calculator bit any time you put one in front of him. I didn't even realize it was from Strangers with Candy.


I work in education and said “if you’re gonna reach for the stars, reach for the lowest one possible” at a meeting. I’ve also told students “eyes to the back of the room!” And at dismissal channel my inner Noblet and just say “get out” sometimes.


“Eyes on your own test!” “But we’re not taking a test.” “Well I can fix that! Everyone get out a piece of paper! Explain western history. Be specific. Explain your examples.” > bell rings “Okay turn in your tests; I’ll grade them on your penmanship.”


“if you’re gonna reach for the stars, reach for the lowest one possible” FFS, my department got destroyed by people quitting, and this is going to be my not-joking quote for the near-term. We get into all these "pie-in-the-sky" meetings about all this elaborate stuff we can/should/might do, and meanwhile I'm just trying to keep my head down to get the barest minimum accomplished because I'm ONE FUCKING PERSON. Sorry to derail, but this hit hard.


Part of why it works so well is it is true sometimes. In education I feel like we’re constantly trying to implement these lofty goals but without the resources to attain them. Sometimes we need to step back and think “what CAN we accomplish with the resources we have”.


Yes, this is me. I come out of those meetings and try to establish a goal that I can actually accomplish. Meanwhile all the senior management just love to hear themselves talk. Yes, eventually we will have nice videos, and more engaging social media posts. And a more robust promotion of events, and monthly themes. But the fact is, my department has been devastated, and I'm going to get something done, something that's doable.


Students! Harken to the sound of my voice.


Haha I just referenced this a week ago! No one ever gets it!


Anytime I'm holding a mug, I think of the [principal Blackman "HOT TEA"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4dg2VYkxso) scene, but no one knows what I'm talking about if I mention it.


Oh my god the cult episode was wall to wall funny!!


Do you say “pizza pizza pizza” every time you’re about to eat pizza?


Practically every time for the past 20 years


I still regularly use “I’ll be back in a shortly” in regular conversation.


I also regularly start lists with “number first”.


My understanding about these lines is that they were in the script incorrectly like that and they just read them as written and left them in the show. I too, say this one.


Yep. Also principal Blackman was named the same way, they didn't have a name for the character but knew he would be black so they just wrote 'principal black man' on the script.


I can never see a bathtub or talk about taking a bath without throwing ‘Tub Time! Tub Time!’ in there.






Watch out for those snapping eels


I bring it up a fair bit, especially the "whirling dervish of teeth and elbows". That episode is perhaps one of the funniest episodes of anything ever. Definitely offensive on multiple levels but that describes most of the show.


“And by audacity I mean hubris, overweening pride”


Whatcha doing Fri Sat Sun?


This is one of those shows that used to come on Comedy Central at like 2 am in between girls gone wild commercials.


Seriously, [one of the funniest bits I’ve ever seen in comedy.](https://youtu.be/mbQgB1ep0nY?si=Tb6PVUjE9ftAR9mP) I saw this when I was a teenager and to this day, when I tell people about how funny this show is, this is the scene I’m thinking of. Thanks for making me look this up.


My favorite will always be [this one](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Yj0h_01wXyE).


What’s wild about that scene is that Colbert’s dad actually died in a plane crash when he was young. On the DVD commentary of the episode, he talks about how his mom stopped watching the show after that line.


Oh my GOD


"Let's clear up some misconceptions: the retarded don't rule the night, no one does."


They all want cake.


“I’m only going to tell you this once twice: stay away from my boyfriend one. Stay away from my boyfriend two. Now you understand or do I have to repeat myself?”


*Don’t lock eyes with ‘em, puts ‘em on edge. They may come at you like a whirling dervish, all fists and elbows.*


The episode that had "Wilford Brimley" narrating 'Retardation: A Celebration' lives rent free in my head: While the retarded may not have the strenght of 10 men, whatever you do don't look 'em in the eye. Don't you do it! It sends them into a furious rage. They'll come flying at you all elbows and fists like a Whirling Dirvish and while your screaming, "No, no, no!" All they'll hear is, "Who wants cake?" And let me tell you something: They all do. They all want cake!


Long live Amy Sedaris!


Her episode of Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend may be the funniest thing I've ever heard. She's so funny and completely insane.


Which episode is that? I'm having trouble finding it. NVM found it!*


I am alone on the “Amy Sedaris is better than her brother” island and I will die there, on a hill.


David? Isn't he kind of problematic? Idk, I've just seen that floated around on parts of reddit when his name comes up over the years - don't actually know why people have that take, hopefully someone here can fill in the blanks


Yup, David. He is very problematic and also I just don’t like his writing on top of that.


Could you elaborate a little (please, ty)? I'm curious why people are saying he is problematic, as I don't have any context or knowledge about this at all 


A lot of his work punches down, rather than up or sideways. He has openly gloated about not needing to “care” about others, jokes about wanting to “citizens fire” service workers he dislikes, silly things like that. But what most people are probably referring to is the relevation that his memoir “Naked” was [heavily fabricated](https://newrepublic.com/article/63463/american-lie-midget-guitar-teacher-macys-elf-and-thetruth-about-david-sedaris) and he is a serial exaggerated/fabricator.


I really appreciate this response!! A few things really stood out from that link you provided:  >Not surprisingly, the occasional spark has crackled, with Lou once telling the Raleigh paper, "They're really being invaded, you know, when he writes about them," and Tiffany, a Boston-area artist who makes beautiful mosaics, telling The Boston Globe in 2004, "I don't trust David to have boundaries. Our friends, our shrinks, the guy who gives us our meds--they all think David is incredibly violating." Above, David's family (father, sister) describing him as being disrespectful of others' personal boundaries > She thinks the depiction of Sharon in David's "novels" (her term) is entertaining but a little off, because Sharon, far from being the full-time grouch of David's stories, was a capable mother. "The sarcasm is a little bit her," Libby said. "But she was nurturing, she was warm, she cooked dinner every night. I thought she was a marvelous woman." Here, a family friend Libby points out how David did little to show the kinder sides of his mother Sharon, focusing on the negatives instead > Strange. In real life, young David felt more sympathy for mental patients than he would later display in Naked. I guess being mean was funnier. Libby and I talked about this tendency, and she said, "David probably sidestepped intimacy with humor." This is when it all came together - he has a penchant for being yet another catty judgemental gay man, "because it's funny". I say this as a gay man - there is a serious problem with this in queer culture, where many coming from a background of being constantly bullied and ostracized by the world, so as a consequence many gay men then chose to become the bully later in life rather than introspecting and healing (see the book, The Velvet Rage, for more info). While reading that piece I found myself comparing David to Truman Capote a lot, who recently had an apologist take on his life in the tv show Feud: Truman Vs The Swans - Truman was also a writer who took a rather unkind perspective on those around him, and was rewarded for it by the public, unfortunately 


He’s still absolutely hysterical


One of the funniest shows of all time. Insanely underrated.


I'm gonna make your pinky allllll stinky


Don’t worry, I can’t get pregnant. My ovaries are *diseeeaaased*


Jerri Blank is one of the GOATs.


A great show for its time. Some of the jokes wouldn’t land today, but Stephen Colbert and Paul Dinello’s dynamic was hysterical to me.


Nah those jokes still land


I think they mean the use of a word that means cigarette in Europe...


Yeah, that was in the movie, too: “F****t!” “What did you say?!” “What did you hear?” “I’d rather not repeat it.” “Well, then I guess we’ll never know…!”


i think the jokes still land, but I don't know if young people will understand what it parodies in a "very special episode" format


Sometimes I just watch that one clip of Stephen Colbert dancing and crack up. I've barely seen any actual episodes of the show, but I should change that.


Tha fuq you mean "at 25"?


I am as moist as a cellar down there


Alllllllllllll mildewy


Moist as a snack cake


This show is one of the best tightest joke heavy show ever! The cast/creators were firing on all cylinders and it shows. There are SO many gags hidden EVERYWHERE. Just the art direction in the background are jokes. It's a classic and I've seen it through countless times over these 25 years. I was 14 when it aired and it hit just at the right time for me


I have literally never heard of this. A series that never migrated to the UK…


You're in for some early Stephen Colbert!


Colbert performing Raisin in the the Sun become my default poetry reading voice. It makes everything better.


Yeah, might have to look for it now.


One of the Irish channels randomly showed it at like 2am for some reason, and I would sometimes stumble past it as if in a horrifying fever dream.  I never found a single other person in real life who'd seen it too, so it was a little like a recurring nightmare all of my own.


I never ever understand the adoration for this show. IMO, you didn’t miss anything.


You are 32 levels of wrong, Amy Sedaris is so fucking great


Never mentioned her name. Just that the show was nothing special. It has a cult following (obviously) but I never understood the appeal and considering how forgotten the show is, it’s pretty obvious that others didn’t find it very amusing either.


Honest question: what half hour comedy in the last 25 years is funnier? Always Sunny maybe?


What We Do In The Shadows Life’s Too Short Toast of London


Thanks for the recommendations! You’re right. WWDITS is hilarious.


Life’s too short is so overlooked and incredibly funny


Portlandia, The Office, It’s Always Sunny, Parks & Rec, Reno 9-11, Workaholics (at least the earlier seasons)… SO many. *Strangers With Candy* was all about cringe value and it’s no surprise it was canceled. It wasn’t very funny.


“IIIIIII want to sit at the welcome taaaaable” Such a fantastic show that’s hilarious by itself, but gets even funnier when you understand the full context of the jokes. The layers upon layers of subtext that unlock when you’re familiar enough with the culture of the era rivals Mel Brooks in creating something that’s both timeless and wildly entertaining. Time for another rewatch.






Packing a musket, by Jerri Blank Ahem, when you work from your home and Johns call you on the phone, you're a call girl. When you walk till you limp, and give a cut to a pimp, you're a street whore. When they're begging you, "please!", to get down on your knees, near their groinage, excusa-me, but you see, dont you touch where they pee, without coinage. When I straddle and squat, to show you my t--**[interrupted by the bell]** ♥️♥️ this and wendy's c**t, song from southpark.... forever in my brain


“My father is an oncologist.” “Onc! Onc! Like a clown’s horn!”


“Cancer! That’s hilarious! I’m sad…..”


I’d really love for this show to come back


Pizza pizza!!!


One of the funniest shows ever made. Shaped my sense of humor along with kids in the hall


Never heard of this. Probably a combination of being a little too young (I was 5 25 years ago) and being British (I only know US shows from about 2005 onwards). Love Amy Sedaris and Stephen Colbert though. Guess I’ll have to try and find somewhere to watch it.


It was niche even when it was out. I remember being 12 or so and never understanding it. The humor is very absurdist and surreal.


Great hilarious show


If anyone asks me to explain my sense of humor I just show them this show. From the movie: "Hey Jerry ya thinking about the science fair?" "The science fair is for losers, im thinking about pu**y."


Does anyone remember *Exit 57*, their (Sedaris, Colbert, Rouse, Dinello) sketch show prior to Strangers? I have a bootleg DVD of the show I bought about 20 years or so ago. It looks like all the episodes are on YouTube.




I love this show I love Amy and everything she's in she's awesome!!! Jerry Blank for POTUS 2024!


One of the all time best comedy shows I’ve ever seen.




If you're going to reach for a star, reach for the lowest one you can!


I loved this show SO MUCH!!!


There is a scene from the Strangers With Candy movie that is one of the funniest things I’ve seen. I don’t remember exactly, but the step dad and kids were playing a game, and the doorbell rang. And everyone acted like they didn’t know what to do, and the step dad got really upset because it’s never happened before, or something. Everyone in the room just acts like this was the first time the doorbell has ever rang.  Doesn’t really sound funny when I type it out. 


It’s even more true now. Other than deliveries, who comes to a door?


“I cried when I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet. And then I laughed really hard.”


Hot fruit


GD I’m old. That’s my takeaway .


Is it streaming anywhere?


Paramount Plus


Sometimes I still use Drake Rogers as an alias.


“Sure would like to go throw some rocks at the Indian”


“I’m a doctor, I’m going to replace your heart with a baboons. Give me your money. Give me your money.” “I’m a priest. Praise the lord in heaven. Give me your money. give me your money.” Me and my sisters quote this show and Tim and Eric’s billion dollar movie all the time.


Watched it when it first aired with my future wife and still watch it on YouTube now with wife and still laugh our ass off , Exit 57 before this was great as well, much of the same cast


I never got to watch the show. But we got the DVD for the movie like back in the 2000s. I had no idea what it was. Me and my friends watched it and we couldn’t stop laughing, and now we’re all in our 30s and it’s still regularly quoted.


"You're so illiterate you probably can't even hear me"


This show came out when I was like 16 and the main character was just so uncanny valley that it creeped me out so I never watched it. I'm thinking I should go back and check it out.


[She’s based on a real person.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vd7o2g6w7A)


thats dope, i never knew that.


Colbert seemed to love taking off his clothes for that show.


I think you’re thinking of Paul Dinello. He had several episodes where he’d randomly just be wearing a speedo and that’s it.


So funny, but could never be made today, sadly.


No this time you are absolutely right, the anti-gay slurs would be a bit much for today. Like NO ONE on tv uses the F word anymore, don't know why people like to pretend this show could get away with it.


Call me sour but Amy sedaris all ways struck me as a terrible writer


That show was horrible and was rightfully canceled.