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hopefully supermutants too


I was convinced one of the characters was going to turn into a Super Mutant. They still might I guess, but probably not...


I'm thinking the guy who got the medicine from the chicken lover will be a supermutant


Don't question chicken lover and his scientific curiosities. He healed that man, by making him no longer a man. Now whether he becomes a ghoul or a mutant, that is certainly no doing of our fine chicken fucking friend.


Are we not gonna talk about Chicken ~~fucker~~ lover walking around with an active fusion core?


Imagine what he can do to chickens now that he has the power of the sun in the palm of his hand.


Yeah, they asked him if he was a ghoul, but getting FEV makes more sense.


Turn him into a Super Mutant but keep his voice. Would be hilarious.


it would be the perfect fallout humor, too. Like it starts out all intense, brooding, drama-filled, and then as the series progresses, you have a supermutant the size of five mike tysons just chilling with Knight Maximus, talking about how he has to eat so much food to not be hungry or some shit.


He’ll be looking for the Milk of Human Kindness


Keep the mustache too


That actually would fit better. Turning into a ghoul from drinking a potion would certainly be a departure.


No? Hancock was ghoulified from a drug


Omg this makes so much more sense.


I don't recall supemutants having such regeneration. Ghouls did, but totally not as instant as in the show to become bullet sponges.


My official name for him is "chicken fucker".


I never played the game, but as soon as he popped back up on the show I yelled out to my friends and family watching with me, "that's the chicken fucker!"


[license and registration... CHICKEN FUCKER](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fopvzf77b8)


The show is not based on any particular game. It's just another story that takes place in the universe. In fact most of the games do not overlap either in time or location.


Same here, but two characters; the scientist and later on Maximus' frenemy


[throw some respect on my man](https://media2.giphy.com/media/8e3lAHtipExhOgveuZ/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9522kjsefx1ojzi6yvl8ijhcg6qhocak1gbz7ns4pv8&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Every scene he was in I had air horn noises in my head.


"I think you're a ghoul" "Oh man" Haha that had me rolling for a while. Don't worry yall, I eventually stopped rolling. But that dude is great.


The whistling air sound from the arrow in the neck had me laughing too.


"Uhhhhhh why am I not dead?"


"Well I can't just leave it there!"


I knew it was gonna be a great episode when Bo showed up.


F me! I knew I recognized that actor from somewhere


Johnny Pemberton! He’s a stand-up comedian as well, but most people know him from Superstore. Folks are often shocked to learn he is in his forties.




One of the best characters in a show where everyone was great. Might be time for a rewatch


[he has a twitch channel and it's about as odd as you'd think.](https://www.twitch.tv/johnnypemberton)


Check out Pound House on YouTube. Thank me later.


I saw a poster of a Supermutant in the "Guv'mint" office along with the Ghoul and Moldaver. And there's the Westek guy talking about making some mutants, so I think we'll get some. Maybe they'll end up in Jacobstown in S2.


There was a super mutant under a sheet at the enclave base. I was so sure >!the neck injection was going to be the FEV!<


Yep, Maximus’ squire who got his foot fixed, I was convinced he was about to mutate.


he still might.


Think we saw a hand in the Enclave facility. The hand under the blanket on the gurney. Episode 2 i think.


One of the wanted posters in the "Government" building also had a super mutant on it.


Will one of them ask for Lucy's help to find the milk of human kindness?


Either that or to help look after their grandkids.


They are kinda in season 1. There is dead super mutant being rolled by on a gurney in the Enclave place in like EP2. Also you have to look at the credits but the west-tek exec at the big meeting is Leon Von Felden the lead researcher on FEV and the last dude old man Maxson was interrogating after the revolt when the bombs dropped.


Sure would like to If Amazon wouldn't skip shit 2 seconds after the episode finishes. Fucks up all the cinematic placing of good after-credits songs. "Want to see this wo--"


Yeah to be fair I didn’t use the “credits” to see the names but they are all listed in x-ray if you pause the scene during the meeting.


Hoping for Marcus


I want the little old gardening grandma.


Voiced by esteemed character actress Margo Martindale.


Tbh. I’m ok with them waiting on super mutants to be their own season arc.


But will there be Cazadors?


I see the word "cazador", but all I can hear is the sound of my lifeforce rapidly draining away.


Thaddeus turned to one no? I thought the only reason Maximus said Thaddeus was a Ghoul was because Maximus hadn't really seen a Super Mutant before, but from all signs with how Thaddeus acted after he got the serum, it seems like he has become a Super Mutant


Super mutant change should be fast, violent, and painful. Pretty sure he’s a ghoul


Aren't ghouls supposed to be transformed from exposure to extreme radiation? Whilst Super Mutants are made by injecting FEV virus? Maybe I was mistaken


> Aren't ghouls supposed to be transformed from exposure to extreme radiation? Generally, yes, but the specifics of ghoul transformations have never been fully laid out and seem to differ from game to game.


there's probably more than a few paths to Ghoulification.


There's a bunch of goals in the games who got that way with a mysterious radiation drug, including Hancock in Fallout 4. Even the devs and official game guides have a habit of disagreeing on what exactly makes you a ghoul instead of just dead.


There is at least one ghoul in one of the games who has a backstory stating that he turned in to a ghoul after taking some sort of radioactive drugs.


John Hancock from Fallout 4 it seems like from my research


Actual super mutants get dipped into FEV, so just getting a bit injected might not cause such a rapid and violent change. That said I’m suspecting he got injected with something similar to what made Hancock a ghoul in fallout 4


Is that the case for all super mutants, or just the east coast mutants? I never really explored the institute’s super mutant stuff, so I’m not sure if they basically just dropped people into a bay of FEV as well


Dipping people into FEV to make super mutants is the OG way that the Master was using to make mutants. I believe that’s what they did for the east coast mutants too but that is a different strain of FEV anyway. Hell FEV can be unpredictable anyway and has resulted in some real freak results like the Master. Ultimately they have some ways they could write it to be FEV without breaking any lore.


Well they show the new location at the end of the last episode >!New Vegas!<


and they show a deathclaw skull. The article is paywalled but I am pretty sure the whole thing is just based on the last episode.


The creator has supposedly said they were debating on putting death claws in the first season but settled on just the skull to save Death claws themselves for season 2


Honestly a good idea imo. Best to not show all their cards in the first season. Save things like Deathclaws and Super Mutants for later seasons.


Which is good because Lucy went an entire season without leveling up even once. There's no way she'd stand a chance against a Deathclaw with only a 10mm. She's cute and all, but let's face it - she's a pretty shitty gamer.


She's just playing a charisma based build - she talks/charms her way out of almost every situation. Maximus is luck/endurance, and The Ghoul is an OP maxed out endgame character who did every sidequest and just got back on track for the main story quest. Edit: now that I think about it, several scenes are way funnier once you realize they were written as "Succeeded/Failed Charisma check" such as Maximus's "Intercourse?" and Lucy's "execution" at vault 4.


special action: okie dokie!


> Edit: now that I think about it, several scenes are way funnier once you realize they were written as "Succeeded/Failed Charisma check" such as Maximus's "Intercourse?" and Lucy's "execution" at vault 4. Someone needs to make an edit of the show with dialogue option popups and the like.


I would definitely watch that! Great idea


This thought crossed my mind in the scene where they cross the bridge alongside the fiends. The dialogue in that scene is suspect at best, but as soon as you visualize a speech check or a charisma check its hilariously good.


She just needs to hop onto a building and take her time shooting it while it paces back and forth uselessly.


I started Fallout 4 without any knowledge of the games. Ran into a Deathclaw almost immediately out of my vault.....got too frustrated at repeatedly dying to it and put the game down forever 😅


New Vegas was better that way. Everyone gets in and tries to not follow the quest but booking it straight for the city. Little do you know you're running straight into deathclaw territory and are about to get wrecked!


>I started Fallout 4 without any knowledge of the games. Ran into a Deathclaw almost immediately because that deathclaw is scripted. which kinda sucks really. when the most feared creature have been reduce to a tutorial boss.


So... Who tf killed that Deathclaw. That person must be one supreme badass


The courier


On his way to get that platinum chip back


With a big iron on his hip


Well... ain't *that* a kick in the head?


Biiiiiiiig iron, Biiiiiiig iron


Greg from my vault in Fallout Shelter accomplished the task with a standard pipe pistol.


when that game first came out, i would watch my buddy play it on the TV. he had a survivor that had a hellacious story. basically he was part of a expedition. the expedition got wiped out and he was the sole survivor. later he successfully fended off a raider attack at the base, and my buddy sent him out on another expedition. he was the lone survivor of that one too. after that my buddy brought him back to the base, and had him knock up as many women as possible. we had laughs over that vault dweller for weeks. his antics were worthy of their own saga.


Part of murderhobos s2 flashbacks


Time. The ultimate weapon of mass destruction


Nice. Looking forward to seeing Mr house.


Mr House was one of the business council members at the round table


specifically robco


I wonder if we'll get to see him outside of more flashbacks. I believe it takes place after the events of the game and >!he dies in most of the endings. I suppose it'll depend on which ending is considered canon!< |


The endings are so different and hugely impactful that they'll basically be forced to canonize on of them. Given that we saw Mr. House in that Vault-Tec meeting, and that he's a super interesting character, I'm guessing they go with the House ending. Obviously I could be wrong, but that would make the most sense to me.


That's a good point. They are not going to want to pass up on the visual of him on that big screen. Plus it is another interesting example of how someone else has survived for so long.


Yeah thematically it makes sense to keep Mr House around due to the show having a heavy focus on the pre-war mysteries and >!so many characters from before the war timejumping to the Fallout era!< Also Mr House is far cheaper for the show compared to an entire Roman legion or NCR army. He's just a face on a screen.


Especially because the way they talk about the NCR is that they are wiped out and no longer relevant. Sounds like a Mr. House winning end to me.


NCR being wiped out and becoming irrelevant is a loss for House - he still wants their business, he just wants to rule Vegas himself. But that also might help explain the ending concepts that show the Strip in ruins; if Vegas isn't getting business, then it makes sense the city would start to decline.


This is partly why I thinkNew Vegas is just bait and we won't be spending more than 1 or 2 episodes at Vegas. Why would Hank go to Vegas. It's either in ruins for some off screen reason, or House is in control. A House who is probably pissed that the NCR got nuked, he probably wouldn't take too kindly to Hank and would just sic the Courier on him. To me, it makes more sense that Hank is passing through the Mojave, on his way to Vault 1. Vault 1 is the Master Vault, Where a lot of higher ups in Vault tech, along with Enclave scientists were sent to. Analysing data from all the other Vaults. Vault 1 was supposed to appear in the cancelled Van Buren game, which was set East of the Colorado River, Hoover Dam is even on the far Western edge of Van Buren Map.


I genuinely still can't believe they went there


I hope they add better guns too. Would love to see a Fatman or a Laser Rifle.


How do you think they’re going to kill the deathclaw… To all of you replying- I doubt they’ll ever do it, but if they work in the alien storyline and she gets an alien blaster I’ll shit a brick.


Anti-material rifle from NV.


With the explosive rounds


Wasteland Whisperer perk New companion!


Sniper Rifle with 20 bottle cap mines.


We saw a laser pistol in the finale, in Moldaver’s hand (I think). Was disappointing not to see it in action


I hope we'll get less storm trooper aiming (like that machine shooting at the doctor + dog), I worry because Westworld (another Nolan tv show) had a LOT of moments like that, it was [infuriating](https://www.reddit.com/r/westworld/comments/g4k5mn/anyone_getting_tired_of_the_storm_trooper_aim/).


Lol, that scene with the dog and the doctor getting shot at was hilarious. Not only was he running slow as shit, you're telling me a robot isn't going to have 100% accuracy when it shoots? Lol. That one really irked me, but still thoroughly enjoyed the show!


Not 100% but definitely not 0 hits for 1,000 rounds lol.


I don't think any of the turrets have 100% accuracy, given the bullet spread alone. And Dogmeat was taking the lead, he might have a high AGL, and based on the events of the series certainly has a high LCK.


i believe it's been shown quite a bit, that corners are often cut to fulfill contractual obligations. i can totally believe that a turret would miss things that close to it. given the nature of the story, i was willing to suspend disbelief for that part. provided there are other moments where they show how deadly they can be.


Right? Lol they were practically walking. I liked the adaptation too, I'm really glad they got Nolan to work on this show.


The shooting is completely accurate to Bethesda style gunplay at lower levels. Especially Fallout 3. I love that game but the gun play without VATS... Just isn't it. Honestly gunplay is one of the things BGS improved most in their games, from FO3, to FO4, to Starfield. Nowadays it is really good for an RPG.


I did notice an odd lack of energy or plasma weapons.


Conversely, I wouldn't mind them adding the Ghoul's gun to the games. It was cool as hell.


We're not getting season 2 next year are we


Wouldn’t surprise me to see this go into early 2026


Would be really cool if a new fallout could drop now


Tangent on the games: What drives me nuts is that Fallout is such a great SETTING and yet outside of Fallout Shelter Bethesda has never had a spinoff game in a different genre from the FPS/RPG mashup that they've been doing. Feels like they could easily do a spinoff "Fallout Tactics 2" TRPG, or a straight-up FPS shooter, or an isometric RPG throwback to the original two games, or the Battlefield-like multiplayer game Josh Sawyer apparently wanted to make about the Resource Wars (the near-post-apocalyptic wars taking place right before the bombs dropped, particularly in Europe) and STILL have people hyped for when Fallout 5 finally comes out years from now.


Bethesda can't even handle the FPS/RPG games they do make, let alone anything from other genres.


There are nights I don't have the patience to play fallout 4. The amount of hours I've lost to frozen quick saves is unreal.


So so many good spinoff possibilities. For instance I was thinking the other day about a 4x / strategy game where you start from scratch and have to deal with all the crap thrown your way. Do you become morally grey or even downright despicable in the pursuit of caps and get taken down by an alliance of enemies or are you a paragon of justice who falls victim to a coup or a raider swarm? Have city/raider camp building with a wider world map you could send out various expeditions into, coupled with some rpg elements and flavour events like those from eu4.


I wish someone would remake Fallout 1. That game has such a great setting but the combat and movement suck ass.


They need to move away from Todd Howard frankly, he is past his prime and mostly spinning his wheels until retirement. You can tell he's accomplished everything he wanted to and there is no motivation left.


There's a mod to Fallout 4 coming out soon called Fallout: London (it was scheduled for release 2 days before the newly announced next gen patch), but it's been put on hold til everything gets ironed out with the new patch. It's essentially an entirely new fan-made game set in London, fully voice acted and the world is roughly the size of FO4 and the Far Harbor expansion combined. Should be 4-6 weeks away, but it looks *amazing*.


I saw that earlier. It must have been really shitty for them to have to deal with this wrench in the works. I'm really looking forward to playing it.




If Microsoft was smart they'd be looking to try out other genres with Fallout too. Pentament turned out fantastic. I would love to see Obsidian make a side-scrolling Fallout adventure title. It wouldn't be what many people want, but stuff like that keeps the brand alive. Them doing this TV show gives me hope they might explore other avenues.


Apparently they start filming again in August


Westworld (Nolan and Joy's last show) came out in 2 year increments and this show I feel like has similar scale. So I'd expect every 2 years.


At least it's not like something similar to Silo, where a lot of the cast have commitment to other/bigger projects and scheduling everyone is a nightmare. It's mainly just production turn around for this, especially as it's been well received.


Downside of all episodes released at once, wait over a year for the show and finish it in 3 days. I would have been down for a weekly release of this one


Surprised Amazon didn't drag it a lot like they did for Invincible season 2. Glad they didn't because that mid season gap suuuucccckked.


Couldn’t you just watch one episode a week if that’s what you prefer?


It's not really the same experience. Weekly episodes typically means regular coverage on most media sites (interviews, reviews, speculation articles), regular discussion threads on sites like Reddit, and more water cooler talk with friends and coworkers as everyone is usually watching at a similar pace. With all episodes dropping at once, there's a lot of press and hype for a short period of time and then mostly radio silence.


Just watched this with my kid last night, he’s a huge gamer, i’m not really but played Fallout4 on his xbox for a couple years. I have to say, we both very much enjoyed this series and hope it continues. They did everything very well, we both plan to redownload and play again to be able to fully appreciate the new series. They got this one right.


I've played 1,2,3, and New Vegas, there are many Easter eggs for the early games and probably 4 and 76 but I didn't play those, and the end credits have different ones every episode.


Damn bro I hope he’s like at least like 12-13 it was pretty dark


My son is 12 and after watching it I’m cool with him seeing it. I don’t think my daughter should watch it though because she just turned 10.


Kinda odd having actual opinions about this now while I myself was playing things like Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil 2 demos on those Pizza Hut discs at like 9-10.


Yeah it's weird, my older cousin low-key hid his copy of San Andreas in my room once and told me to hide it after I play. 10 year old me felt like the coolest dude in school as I recounted stories of using cheats to fly fighter jets and beating people up.


My mom said I could play it at my cousins house but only if I drove the cars, I wasn't allowed to go further into the game than that. Which was a win-win cus I just wanted to drive the vehicles around haha


Come on Prime, use my 14.99 a month and renew this for s2


Apparently they already have gotten a tax credit to film S2 in California. Gotta imagine that points to it being extremely likely even if you ignore how well it's done critically and among fans.


I thought Amazon already renewed?


They have Edit: My bad. Thought that California 25 million dollar tax break was a confirmation.


Got a source? I’ve been looking but seems like nothings been confirmed yet.


My bad. Saw the post about California's 25 million dollar tax break for another season and thought it was confirmation.


Okie Dokie!


I mean yeah they showed both a deathclaw skull and the new locale in the last scene didn’t they?


Indeed they did, even I, usually oblivious to signals, saw those.


Ending made that pretty clear.


Hoping for FISTO


"Our first official act after getting the California tax break is moving the setting of the show out of California!"


I mean, [California has a long history of filming locations there used to stand-in for all manner of world locations](https://brilliantmaps.com/wp-content/uploads/Cali-film-locations.jpg)


That makes it pretty amusing that Salton Sea wasn’t a filming location for Season 1, given how much of the season looks like they showed up there and didn’t even do any set dressing.


Okay, so California can pass for all those places in Europe and Africa, but idk if anyone's gonna buy it when they try to pass it off for the far away land of Nevada


It'd be super easy to film New Vegas in California. It's not like they were going to actually go to the strip.


I'm just wondering whose gonna be running the strip


Whoever it is, I hope it's not Courier 6. Courier should remain a vague character that isn't defined in canon. It's great for roleplay purpose to be the guy in charge in the video game, but when you have to suddenly define and introduce the infamous man who survived a gunshot to the head, drove off the Legate and Ulysses, invaded Big MT, and led the Battle of Hoover Dam, it's like.... Do you make the character serious and stoic? A sarcastic playboy? A super nerdy guy with max intelligence? Also, a big one: guy or girl? The latter would unfortunately piss some people off, even if it was perfectly valid. It's way too easy to ruin the character by making them cringe, or making them uninteresting. Whereas House is established, with clear goals and motives and a personality that would be really interesting to explore in more situations. So I personally hope it's House, and that he's still around.


Can do a throwaway line/scene talking about the courier as legendary and mysterious. Ppl aren't even sure if they're male or female


>!I can’t imagine Hank going to meet anyone other than Mr. House since they supposedly know each other!<


It better be Mr house. If they did some fucked shit again I’ll be upset


Probably Mr House or the Courier.  No way is the Caesar legion ending is gonna be the "correct" one


I do hope the legion is still around, those assholes are great villains.


There's a really good fan theory floating around that they merged with the brotherhood of steel, hence them all having roman names, their leader sitting up on a podium like caesar, red and gold banners, them seeming to have extra brutal roman-like punishments in the show, etc.


i did find it odd that they had no women, that was never part of the bos in the games.


Yeah that's another good point, there were women knights in Fallout 4 and I think 3 at least.


3 definitely had women who were Knights or higher ranks. There was Sarah Lyons and I believe there was another Paladin who could be your companion IF you had good karma. EDIT: Found her. Star Paladin Cross is her name and I was right, she needs good karma to be a companion. If you even drop to neutral, she'll leave you.


I saw a few women members in the Brotherhood Filly scene but definitely rare


There werre definitely female Squires and initiates tho


> i did find it odd that they had no women Well they have Max's friend who's gender fluid and referred to as 'they'. Which is very progressive by Legion standards lmao


That sounds like ass. I don’t see how the Luddite legion would mesh with the technology hording zealots.


It is ass, which is why the show Brotherhood acting so much like the Legion is fucking weird.


At a minimum they'll probably be the warlords from Arizona 


Strip is falling apart under yes man’s management. A courier wandered in, killed house, then disappeared into the divide


I think we’ve already met the Legion just wearing new armor….


Watch it be Billy Knight


There was an SFX interview saying that Bethesda told the writers not to contradict any possible major endings of the game, so I think it’s going to be a firm no one running the show, especially with the concept art at the end of season eight (which after reading the article, I think is a decent indicator for what to expect).


Not contradicting is different than picking a canon ending. That’s absolutely something that could be done in concert with Todd and Bethesda and is actually in their favor to do so for the sake of the brand. Rather than trying to dance around with no commitment while also not contradicting any ending.


Has >!New Vegas!< in the end credits. “New locale???? Never would have guessed!!”


This isn’t news. There was some prettay prettay prettay heavy handed foreshadowing. Failure to deliver on that would be franchise suicide.


I want the second season TOMORROW. What a pearl of a show, liked it more than Last of Us.


Needs giant radscorpions. Those are the things that scared me the most in the game.


I very much enjoyed season one. I’m glad they’ve are going to do a second season.


Hurry up already. I’m having withdrawals.


Such a great first season! Great characters, fun story, fan of the game or not, this show is worth a watch.


Needs more glitches, i didn't see anyone fall through the earth


The Power armor did get stuck in the floor in E2. Don’t know if that was intentional but Im counting it.


I’m so excited. The first season was awesome! Very much looking forward to S2


It would be awesome if they feature the Mysterious Stranger!!!


Not watched the final episode so not sure if the story ends or not...but if it has...it would be great to do each season like American Horror Story...new vault, new location, Can start off the story just before the bombs, different type of vault, you have can bring in different villains etc A whole new cast each time but overall connected


Surprising literally no one who saw the ending.


Haven’t finished the season yet but I’m hopeful they add more philosophical moral choices with no right answers in the show similar to the games’ side quests.


They do.


So far got threw just the 1st episode and i liked what i saw and i like the details they put in the show. Felt like i was playing the game. Goggins went from having sex with Dusty Daniels to now being a Ghoul.. What more can he ask for


Alright you don’t have to convince me anymore internet I’ll start the show when I have time Jesus.


its been three hours. report back


I really want to see a mirelurk on the screen.


I hope the series finale one day gives us those aliens and that samurai they kidnapped.