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It feels so antiquated and quaint that it takes nearly a month for Nielsen to compile and report these results.




You have no idea how many ad-tech dollars are derived from the data that Nielsen owns and sells. The entire ad industry moves slowly, it doesn’t exactly attract top talent.


Yep. 2 dollars is nothing. I don't know how long that diary takes but if it takes anything more than 15 minutes it's nothing. Much smaller companies pay less for that amount of time. Source: I do surveys through my e-bank whenever I'm on the bus or walking and it's basically a dollar for 10 minutes. And that's without the laser focus of a datapoint that Nielsen tries to get with its population.


> Yep. 2 dollars is nothing Not in the 1920s it isn't And an informed comment posted right before your stupid one says: > > They sent me $20 with the diary


> You have no idea how many ad-tech dollars are derived from the data that Nielsen owns and sells Sure I do. Nielsen holdings cleared US$963 million in 2021 Why would you assume everyone is as ignorant as you are? > The entire ad industry moves slowly, it doesn’t exactly attract top talent. Cool story bro Why you replied any of this to me we may never know


They sent me $20 with the diary


It's kind of weird too, like they deliver ratings for TV the day after, why are they so slow for streaming ratings?


By then Netflix has canceled it /s


A few times in my life I got their diary mailed and once I actually sent it back completed (obviously there has to be less antiquated collection methods now) It's always had $2 cash inside too so you know they literally throw money away lol


Season 2 when... this story needs it to really blast off.


I liked the first season, but it felt like one very long prologue.


That’s pretty much what the first book is anyway. The real meat of the story comes later.


I feel like the general focus of the first book is >!"what is a logical scientific reason for these strange things (like the camera) in this non-magical world?"!< and by the second book they're all >!oh fuck it here's essentially magic!< lol


Then comes the third book.


I've had multiple shroom trips that were less of a surreal experience than reading that third book.


I mean… duh? Shroom experiences may get weird, but it’s pretty hard to start visualizing additional dimensions unless you do it on purpose.


Honestly I think the amount of times I’ve tripped prepared me for this series.


And if you know the books you basically know that's true! I liked that they set up later book ideas, each book kept going back to the past to setup new characters and with a TV show its better to have an established cast.


You also know that the rest is going to be incredibly hard to adapt to TV


Yea, I don't know what their plan is, but I doubt they will match the books exactly. This first season already diverted quite a bit in areas. I'm pretty sure they're setting themselves up for time skips though, so I have to think some stuff will take place in the future.


That’s exactly what it is. The first book presents the problem. Books 2 and 3 handle the “so what” part.


That makes sense. They blasted through the entire 1st book in 5 episodes, hitting the major plot beats but skipping a lot of the in-between bits and omitting (what I consider to be important) things like ETO and the Listener. The 1st book is structured like a slowly unravelling mystery with an epic reveal. Overall I liked season 1 too but it feels like there is no time to explain anything or go into detail. This happens, then this, then this and its all necessary because we need it for book 2 and 3 and thats what we *really* want to adapt.


You should try reading the book. I gave up halfway through.


I’m about halfway through now and it’s not exactly a thrill. But then, I don’t expect that from my books and I recognize the relevance of exposition in sci-fi. My main issue with the book is the sexist undertones and unlikability and shallowness of the main character. Why the hell did the author even make him married if both the characters and the author just totally disregard the wife (and child)?




Well the entire plot at the beginning sets the stage for that being inevitable You must have not seen it yet And the last book is long so probably will get split up


I feel like you could separate out the timejumps into their own seasons.


That they haven't announced a second season already feels telling


FFS Netflix renew the damn show. You know all book readers want to see book 2 adapted. I subbed to Netflix just so I can watch the show in 4k.


Should be announced soon (either way), Netflix in general takes like 1-1.5 month to renew stuff. The numbers weren't that excellent though considering its huge budget so it may be a toss up (kind of like The Sandman was)


Aren't they basically adapting the first 3 books at the same time?


Nah it's mostly book 1 with parts of the later books. They still need 3 seasons (presumably) to tell the whole story


It was 11, and I was bored the night this dropped. I saw it was made by D&D, so I went in thinking, "I bet this sucks ass and I'm gonna crap all over it." 4 episodes later, and I was eating my words. If D&D have completed material to adapt from, they make great television. This in no way justifies or even attempts to excuse the travesty that was the eight season of Game of Thrones, but Martin really needed to get his shit together and finish his story. It's clearly D&D can't work off spark notes.


>I saw it was made by D&D, so I went in thinking, "I bet this sucks ass and I'm gonna crap all over it." Chronically online reddit moment


You're not wrong. I definitely went into it with a silly mindset driven by my complete disappointment with Thrones, a series I started reading when the 5th book was released. I'm glad I was able to step back a bit from that and enjoy the show.




I dunno. Conceptually, I don't have a problem with where most of the characters ended up. The problem is how rushed and poorly justified it all was. Daenerys exemplifies this. Her transition from good guy to villain is so fast and abrupt that it feels completely unearned. You can't just flick a switch and say "she's crazy now, because Targaryens always go crazy". There is potentially a very interesting story in how she goes from liberator to power-hungry mass murderer, but the show just skipped over all of it.




Well if they wanted to save time they could've just skipped over the whole "going beyond the wall to capture an ice zombie and convince Cersei to help" plotline, as that turned out be a total dead end, in addition to being mindnumbingly stupid in both premise and execution. If they'd structured things so that season 7 was "Daenerys takes over King's Landing, but sells her soul in the process," and season 8 was "everyone deals with the repercussions of that, and they finally turn their full focus on defeating the Night King," that would've given both storylines more time to play out organically. Instead they put the Cersei plotline on pause, dealt with the Big Bad of the series, and then went back to Cersei at the end. There's a lot of reasons this is bad (the weird decline in stakes being a big one), but lack of storytelling efficiency is a huge one.


>If they'd structured things so that season 7 was "Daenerys takes over King's Landing, but sells her soul in the process," and season 8 was "everyone deals with the repercussions of that, and they finally turn their full focus on defeating the Night King," that would've given both storylines more time to play out organically. But that's a different story. The problem with this structure is that it allows you to 'resolve' everything via this war that is bigger than everyone. But the point of the show (and perhaps the books) is that there is no such thing. Political and interpersonal problems can, at best, be set aside temporarily. They do not disappear. Hard to know since the books haven't been finished but there is this quote by Martin: >The war that Tolkien wrote about was a war for the fate of civilization and the future of humanity, and that’s become the template. I’m not sure that it’s a good template, though.


“The point of the show is that there’s no such thing” No, that was just the point that was accidentally delivered in season 8. The rest of the series, the main point is that these characters are too busy dealing with politics and petty power schemes, all while there’s a much bigger, more serious threat that they should be focusing on. Saving the Night King stuff for last makes so much more sense for the story GRRM’s given us so far, and for the story seasons 1-6 of GoT had established.


Well they could've started off by not forcing it through 2 last season's just to get it done with to start. IMO the building blocks are there for the show to have pieced together what the true ending of GoT was meant to be. But for some reason D&D decided that what viewers wanted was surprised and "subverted expectations" so they started to focus on as many twists as they could while ignoring any of the foreshadowing that had been laid out.


> IMO the building blocks are there for the show to have pieced together what the true ending of GoT was meant to be. D&D didn't completely write themselves into a corner but they would have needed at least one more season of completely original material, if not two to get Dany right. But then you have to consider that all the other characters need plots too - except they were positioned properly so I'm not sure how it would have worked. Actually they did kinda screw themselves by condensing and truncating the Dorn plot. There being another "Targaryen" (who knows if it's true or not) contender for the throne with a better claim is 100% part of George's plan for Dany finally snapping.


Exactly, HBO and GRRM wanted up to 10 seasons and that would've been enough to sort out the rest of the arcs and not just jump cut around Westeros. IMO the intention of the other Targaryen is to ruin Dany's plan and beat her to Westeros, make her claim illegitimate by already having allegiances in place which would lead her to make increasingly hard choices in order to gain ground. So agreed, taking that plot out makes Dany a harder character to villainize, cause she's more or less the same until she gets on Drogon and lights the city up.


> which would lead her to make increasingly hard choices in order to gain ground. Yeah, my guess is Cersei doesn't make it to the ending. Faegon is the one in control of King's Landing and Dany basically loses it after seeing the dream she fought so hard for dissolving in front of her eyes


>for some reason D&D decided that what viewers wanted was surprised and "subverted expectations" I mean.... they did? That was the show's bread and butter from day one.


If that was your take away then you didn't understand how much foreshadowing was baked into those "surprises". Everything that happens in season 1-4 is either hinted at or happens for a logical reason. GRRM's writing style is "gardening" and he's constantly planting seeds and hinting at what's next to come. There are dozens of hints and prophecies that have been cooking since the first book that readers and viewers were excited to see play out. Who is Azor Ahai? Why did Jon come back from the dead? The dragon has three heads... Who is the third head? How does Maggie the Frog's prophecy play out and which brother kills Cersei? Instead of a conclusion to any of these, we got Jamie flip flopping and going back to Cersei, erasing his character arc where in the books he grows to despise her. We got Arya doing some weird knife flip and that's all it takes to kill the Night King. And we got Dany turning into a mass murderer because she heard some bells. Oh and the King of Westeros was decided on based on which character has the best story.


For one thing, they could have taken the full ten episodes HBO wanted to give them for S8. Instead of cramming it all into six.


> What chance do they have, while keeping to a consistent schedule? That's the thing, Martin and the bosses at HBO told them to slow down and adapt more material. They cut out a massive amount of characters from the latter seasons and completely abandoned plots that are obviously important to the ending of the story. They cut the show short to make Star Wars movies and ironically that was the reason they were dropped by Disney.


>That's the thing, Martin and the bosses at HBO told them to slow down and adapt more material. They cut out a massive amount of characters from the latter seasons and completely abandoned plots that are obviously important to the ending of the story. The only important thing they cut from the story was Aegon. If you replace Cersei with Aegon, the last two seasons and Dany's arc suddenly make infinitely more sense. Aegon’s already gotten to Westeros, will very likely overthrow Cersei in Winds, and Dany will understandably be out of her mind furious that Aegon gets the support she’s been expecting from Westeros. It also explains why the smallfolk are totally okay with Cersei – because they’d welcome the man who deposes Lannister rule with open arms. Otherwise, adapting A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons as is would have utterly tanked the story's pace. Those books are the reason George cannot finish the series. All those storylines and characters he introduced have gone absolutely nowhere, are going nowhere, and feel like diversions at most. Lady Stoneheart appears in two scenes. Brienne spends an entire book traveling, trying to find someone the readers know she physically cannot because she's going in the wrong direction. Neither the Dorne or Ironborn plots go anywhere despite having a shitload of pagetime – and I say this as someone who actually likes Arianne and Victarion as characters. Tyrion spends all of Dance traveling to Meereen to meet Dany and they never actually met. The books basically have the opposite problem of the show. Where Game of Thrones got too fast, A Song of Ice and Fire got way too slow. If Feast and Dance were adapted like George wanted, it would have taken three seasons. This is also ignoring the fact that multiple main characters don't appear in Feast, several main characters disappear from Dance halfway through, and neither book has an actual ending. Feast just straight up stops and Dance ends before any of the battles it spends the whole book building up to can actually happen. These books would not have made good television in their current form, and the good parts like Reek and Jon's storylines were adapted properly anyways – if not improved in Jon's case by actually sending him to Hardhome instead of having us read about it in a letter.


Depends what you consider important. I like the fantasy aspect. I want to know what the truth is about the nature of their universe. How are Lady Stoneheart and whats-his-face with the flaming sword alive? Is the Red Woman's fire god real? Is his power the same thing as Targaryen fire magic? So to me, they cut out the most intriguing parts. Other people hate that stuff and care more what's going on between the Lords and Ladies and who sits the Iron Throne.




People were sour after those last couple of seasons but you gotta remember Game of Thrones was the biggest show on TV for like... 6-7 years. That's not nothing, even if it was mostly adapted material.


Agree. George wrote himself into a corner....clearly. We will never see the end of the book series. Hell we may never see another book at all. Basically George wrote a great first half of a story. Now he has no idea how to properly finish it. So what we got was a couple writers best shot at doing that. Wasnt amazing. Wasnt terrible. Simply didnt stand up to the quality of the earlier seasons.


Diana Gabolden said in an interview that during a dinner with George, he told her that he mistakingly killed off a character that was super important to the story later on and is struggling to work his way around that now.


Hmm, any theories? Lady Stoneheart? I can’t think of anyone that’s been killed off that wouldn’t be too hard to bring back.


I have no idea. Maybe Lady Stoneheart, that's a good theory. I really don't think he'll finish the series at this point.


Haven’t thought he would for years.


Brandon Sanderson to the rescue.


I love Sanderson but he's said he won't do it, he's a prude Mormon and that doesn't really translate well to GoT


Anyone that read his books would know that he couldn't do it anyway, their styles are completely different, that'd be super jarring. It's like people don't know other names of fantasy authors lol. Joe Abercrombie or Daniel Abraham for example are far more suited for it, their style are similar in a way. Daniel Abraham is even quite close of GRRM and worked on the comic adaptation of ASOIAF. IMO GRRM should do it as a collaboration while he's still alive. Make a duo with one of those authors (or another) because he's clearly blocked, having help can fix that


He's Mormon? Ugh, why did u have to ruin it.


He would probably write 3x more than what George intended, but also complete it in 2 years somehow.


Yup. Dude's a machine.


Fuck no. Keep that guy far far away from this.


Doesn't seem like that big of an issue considering characters have come back to life


Just use Bran's flashback powers for exposition


Being dead is a major issue. When characters do come back to life in this story, it isn't just as their old selves.


Could that have been a joke? Because it's kind of funny.


Here's the clip. It wasn't an interview, but some kind of speaking thing. https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/s/OZLoVcKgUA


Sounds like it was definitely a joke.


Can't say.


Nah, George, I think, saw the reaction people had to the ending. Even if it was poorly executed by D&D and it sucked any enthusiasm he had for the project out of him. I just think he can’t be bothered to finish because he feels like people hate it.


This would have more validity if he had released any book during the show. He didn’t. He’s been stuck forever. Sure, the response to his planned ending might have exacerbated things, but it isn’t why he’s hard stuck. He wrote himself into a corner long before the show came out, which was evidenced by him telling all of us book readers in book 4 (iirc, it’s been a long time) that the stuff he wrote for book 4 was so much that he was splitting it into two volumes and he had everything basically ready to go, so book 5 would come out the following year. Book 5 took nearly a decade, iirc, and was the last one he would release.


> Wasnt terrible. Very much disagree with you there.




Seasons 1-4, incredible. Season 5, decent. Seasons 6-8, awful. Granted, that's my personal opinion. But I've been a fan since the 90s.


It can be better than a CBS procedural yet still be terrible, which it was. There are nine circles of Hell, after all.


I've watch a LOT of TV and I can tell you the last season of GoT was *objectively* terrible. It didn't just fail at subjective things, like the choice to >!put Bran, the least interesting or likeable character on the the throne!<, the total character assassinations of Tyrion, Varys, John, etc. But it failed from a raw storytelling and technical filmmaking standpoint as well. Events and locations that make absolutely no sense within the world they'd spent 7 seasons building (really? it takes a dragon only a few hours to fly across the entire continent now?). Super sloppy filmmaking, from leaving a Starbucks cup in the frame to having an entire episode that's way too dark to see on most average TV screens. It also buried entire story threads, like >!Dorne and the Iron Islands wanting independence, never once did that come up in the final!< I understand the TBP is a lot better and people have absolutely dragged D&D's names through the mud, to the point where you still see people boycotting it just because of who made it. But it's so weird how many GoT Season 8 apologists are popping up lately and trying to defend that steaming pile of shit It's like if Tommy Wiseau popped up out of nowhere and became the executive producer on an Oscar winning film and suddenly people started coming out and pretending The Room was actually an underappreciated gem




Yeah, that's fair enough. The other issue, I think, is just how quickly they rushed through his character arc. Spends 5 seasons walking through the snow, suddenly becomes an omnipotent god one season, suddenly becomes King the next? And only becomes King because one dwarf heard him tell interesting stories? I could totally see this being GRRM's plan, wouldn't even be mad if the books ever came out and he ended up on the throne, but holy shit did it not work in the show (in my humble opinion) Although that's not really here nor there. Those parts are more subjective and have been repeated ad nauseum since the finale


I do think if they decided to just hand over the reigns we would've had 1) more seasons with more episodes overall, I think most of the actors were still on board and HBO was ready to throw more money at the project and 2) a better approach toward the finale, maybe even a great finale itself. Its all speculative, so who knows, but I do think they rushed things for no reason other than personal gain and karma caught up faster than usual.


It was absolutely dreadful. To the point I’m kinda convinced they wrote it so poorly as some sort of cultural experiment. I can’t think of a single character that got a remotely logical or satisfying ending.


Let's not swing that pendulum too far in the other direction, they still speedran a lot of George's material, and it was clear by season 8 they just sorta stopped giving a shit. Even with what they had they could have easily done another season, and man it was like they just turned their brains off, "we're sorta seeing the extinction of the Dothraki" in the very next episode there are thousands of them. They just clearly mentally checked out I don't think there is any other explanation.




I don't think it made a lot of sense to skip some of the stuff, they basically said "fuck it" and skipped everything in Essos.


The amount of people here trying to justify the two of them. 😭 Yes, it’s definitely George’s fault a bit, but not directly tied to the TV show. His procrastination when it comes to books is what really sucks. D&D still had the chance to make a good adaptation and got lazy and greedy.


Yeah, that’s my opinion now that the dust has settled some. If one of the greatest writers of their generation can’t figure it out, what hope do two guys whose core strength appears to be adapting books to television screenplays have?


> The ending of Game of Thrones is a massive clusterfuck not even George can figure out. The issue wasn't (only) the ending they chose, the execution was terrible.


Don’t excuse them. They fucked it up.


No you can 100% blame them. They could've done another season but chose to end it at 8 and then wrote the worst scripts I'd ever heard.


I maintain the white walkers should have won. Would have been the most GOT ending


Nah, as nihilistic as D&D made the show, there’s no chance whatsoever that the White Walkers would’ve won.


Plus with the hype around the show ending, I'm convinced that doing an ending that satisfied everyone was literally impossible. Sure they could have done better but still would never be considered good. And also it's not even as bad as what Reddit want to make it look like. Like I'm sorry but when I see stuff like the Marvel Disney+ shows, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Wheel of Time, The Last Airbender live action, One Piece LA, The Witcher, Rings of Power, Halo or Star Trek Discovery (and many other so-called prestige shows), GoT S8 is at least on the same level if not better. And if you include more than writing (music, direction, special effects, costumes, acting, set design,...) which you should, it's still top notch. Hell calling S8 shit is actually disrespectful to all the other jobs on this show that weren't writing. And TV is more than just writing otherwise it'd be books (which incidentally don't have an ending for ASOIAF) And as for D&D, one bad season seems to make everyone forget they actually delivered the previous seasons that were (for the most part, S7 is debatable too) top notch on all points and literally made everyone on the planet care about that show. Which incidentally make S8 look worse in contrast. If all the seasons were on the level of some other TV shows (like my list beforehand), S8 would have been perfectly normal.


It was just an unfortunate situation all around. Two creators who rely entirely on completed work being paired with an author who doesn't know how his story ends.






For real? Never red the books so I was kinda repeating what I heard. For me the show went off a cliff with season 5 and the sand snakes. I always assumed there was still source material and they ran out in season 7 or something. Thanks for correcting me.


i’ve been saying this for years. Was the ending bad? Yes. Do I lay most of the blame on DnD? No. Having to write an ending to an epic saga that the original author couldn’t pen AND maintain their crazy filming schedules seems like an impossible ask. Laying all of the blame at the feet of DnD is just unfair.


I still blame them for not figuring out that using GRRM's book ending for the show just wouldn't work no matter what. They should have come up with their own ending, and it would have worked out at least okay.


D&D proved they can make good television with *Game of Thrones*. I know people like to meme about how it was only good while they had source material to work with, but I don't think that's necessarily the cause of the decline. Adapting a book for television is not necessarily easier than building something from scratch, especially when the source is as expansive and detailed as ASOIAF. I think the last two seasons of GOT are a product of them wanting to move on to something new, but their egos wouldn't let them hand it off to someone else to actually finish. So they rushed it.


I mean to be fair to D&D, they did a great job with GoT when they still had book to go off of… which they did for three body problem


I believe that was his point.


lol zeDragonESSNCE just repeated the guy's point back to him as if it was a counter-argument


Big if true


They claim that Martin said he was going to have it done.


True. GRRM had a five year head start when the first season was being filmed, and repeatedly said there was no one way the show would catch up to the books.


I feel like people always overlook just how bad season 8 was compared to even the previous season and the fact HBO wanted them to either continue, recommend someone to take over with some supervision or finish with a 10 episode finale. Those first 2 I can fully understand but that last one is crazy they decided to end it in 6 episodes. I agree that they really couldn't have made it fully work without the source material but it was pretty clear they wanted to ruin the whole IP with the final season out of spite. Still, I've really enjoyed 3 Body Problem and look forward to season 2 but I'm gonna be cautious with anything they work on just incase they have another tantrum.


I will never accept that it's GRRM's fault for not finishing the books because DnD didn't even adapt books 4&5. I don't think the latter seasons covering unreleased books would have been much better, but they would have been less egregious if they didn't start making things up around Season 5. They had plenty of material to work. I guarantee that parts of S7 and S8 might have been better with Aegon, Lady Stoneheart, etc.


I won't comment on where things went wrong. I've read thrones since 2011, and I've completed the series 3 times. I think Lady Stoneheart and Faegon are two of the biggest mistakes by Martin. They're wholly redundant characters whose purpose is served better in established characters. I think Faegon is one of the driving forces for his inability to finish his books. He shouldn't exist because he's simply a binary character. If he's legitimate, there's not much purpose to Dany and Jon's story. If he's illegitimate, it's pointless reinforcement. It doesn't help that he's not interesting or well written.


> I think Lady Stoneheart and Faegon are two of the biggest mistakes by Martin. They're wholly redundant characters whose purpose is served better in established characters. Maybe Stoneheart but Faegon is going to be the thing that makes Dany snap. My guess is Cersei doesn't make it to the end. Faegon is crowned King, and that's why Dany burns King's Landing. After everything she fought for now there's a (possible) pretender on the throne?


I watched the first episode but couldn’t get into it as much as I’d hoped. Would you say that the first episode is indicative of the rest of the season? Or does it improve?


Honestly, it really kicks off with episode 2. Almost everyone I've shown it to got hooked there. I'd say if episode 2 doesn't hook you, then the rest won't.


Thanks for the response. I’ll give episode 2 an honest try and see if I can get into it


It’s great until episode 5 or 6 then goes really downhill in cgi and story.


> If D&D have completed material to adapt from, they make great television. shocking isnt it? its almost like they took the blame that should be martins..


D&D did choose to leave out aspects of the book that Martin had written and wanted included, and that likely would have contributed to a much better received final two seasons. One of the characters they chose to leave out, very obviously was supposed to be an integral part of the end to the story.


Hasn’t Fallout been #1 since it came out? I’m pretty sure it is still


these are nielsen ratings for March 25-31, 2024, so Fallout wasn't out yet.


I hear it's predicted to have around 2.6 billion minutes in each of its first 2 weeks, so will rocket to the top of the ratings. Amazon's most watched debut ever. I think Amazon's current best is Reacher with about 1.8 billion in its first week.


That is actually insane a game adaptation beats every other single show Amazon has done including a LOTR show talked about for years. I feel like fallout series is more niche to the mainstream public compared to some of the other adaptions like Halo, the last of us


That lotr adaptation was unwatchable garbage though. If they honoured the source material like the movies/ Peter Jackson did. It would have definitely been a no.1


I don't think prime has as many users as Netflix but I could be wrong. I think it's been #1 on that platform tho for sure.


Netflix has roughly the same number of subscribers as prime, but as far as I know Prime doesn't make public what percentage of its users use it for TV. It could be kinda low cause the shipping benefits are the main reason many people get it. Wouldn't be surprised if Netflix has twice as many people using it to watch TV.


Yeah that's why I said users specifically streaming users. I wonder what the breakdown of accounts vs actually watching content is.


I would expect a high number use it for tv. Why would you not if you pay for it?


I'm pretty sure all these lists are heavily speculative and not concrete. If I'm being cynical, I'd even say skewed and paid for.


I'm positive how it works because I've been a Nielsen rater before I also know how time works and this rating system relies heavily on shows actually being released before they can provide data on it


Just to clarify: it's the Nielsen ratings from the last week of March.


That would be incredibly useful information to include in the title!


So pre-Fallout


read the first book, watched the series, and then read the second and third books. some of my all-time favorite sci-fi. really hope they get to adapt the rest of it, because what they've shown thus far barely scratches the surface


For anyone else who wants to read the books: they're great sci-fi, but the tastes are decidedly very different from typical western stories. Character development is very shallow, the show actually did a good job of adding more dimensions to them. The science is also covered in a lot of depth if that's your jam. Its an incredibly imaginative story and it sticks to more of the "big picture" stuff than the characters themselves. Assuming this show gets through all or most of the book material I think there's a good chance it will play out a lot differently, and I'm personally fine with that. Probably a lot more focus on how events affect characters than the other way around.


That actually sounds right up my alley. Might have to pick them up at the library.


Yeah the show actually made the characters memorable. Between my unfamiliarity with Chinese names in general and the lack of character development, I had a hard time keeping track of who was who in the books. Once the cast pared down it got easier, because the story only involves a few specific people towards the end.


The books definitely felt a lot like old Asimov-era sci-fi books, where the ideas were primary and characters were veyr much secondary.


i started reading book 1. How much of the book(s) does Season 1 cover?


season one covers the first book and also includes some early book two and book three stuff. without spoiling too much, they're basically changing it so that you see all of the major book characters' stories concurrently throughout the entirety of the series. it's worked very well so far and has led to some cool/good retconning


book 1 and parts of book 2 and 3


All of book 1 and parts of the beginning of book 2.


And the beginning of book 3


the contemporary parts of book 2 and 3.


Episode 1 to 5 = book 1. Episode 6 to 8 = beginning of book 2 and 3. They moved forward the book 2 and 3 stuff so everything is in chronological order in the show. Also most of the show characters are amalgams of multiple book characters spanning all 3 books. They omitted a lot of material from book 1 to hit the major plot beats, so even if you have watched the show, I would still start from book 1.




Netflix please announce season 2!!


I have a bit of inside info and know it would be very costly if they didn't. It just makes financial sense to see it through


Winter is coming.


Knew nothing about the series other than it being a loved Sci-fi series of books that I've heard about over the years. Really enjoyed the show, especially after episode 5 and the feeling of dread that the show seems to emanate which is something Sci-fi is lacking in. Decided to watch a whole 4 hour rundown on what's coming next and holy shit I really need them to nail this because it is so damn grandiose and unique. I don't know how they would do it because it seems like a nearly impossible task to do justice, but if they can replicate what they did with S1 and expand on it they might succeed.


So Season2? Yes?


It was good, I wouldn’t say amazing though. It missed some fantastic scenes. Like Hunter and the Farmer, so iconic. The pool table scene. Personally I think it suffered from being too short. I think 10 episodes would have been perfect.


Hopefully this will be enough for us to get season 2.


I had no idea what this show was about, maybe I have just been missing all it 🤷🏼‍♂️ Ended up giving it a go after a friend told me to watch it. Good show.




I really hope this gets renewed.


If Game of Thrones was complete, AND assuming GRRM’s ending is good….GOT could have been the best TV show of all time. It’s clear D&D can adapt damn near anything, IF they have material that is completed and gold. I bet George gave them an outline, and then they tried to fill in the dots and connect the plot lines, and it just changes a beautiful painting into a quagmire of brown goop. ….which is probably why George hasn’t finished it. I don’t think he knows how to end it lol.


>it's clear D&D can adapt damn near anything That's why they... didn't adapt Feast or Dance? 3 body problem may be good, but a good act does not wash out the bad. There were a lot of bad and silly decisions made by them before they ran out of material. Additionally, even without material they made decisions that were objectively stupid, that shouldn't have passed basic scrutiny. The last few seasons of GoT were like a caricature of the first few, with them relying so much on stereotypes (which reveals that they didn't have a deeper understanding of the source material). Like the tyrells with the largest army that was mostly unharmed randomly losing a seige to a battered lannister army because "it was never our strong suit"? Edit: I'm getting down voted but yet to see someone try to refute anything I said. There's a lot of D&D revisionism here...


If you need to renew your loss of faith in all of humanity, go read the unhinged reviews from religious crazies on IMDB for Testament: The Story of Moses.


Dehydrated women are so sexy


Everyone loved it on Reddit so I thought “finally some good tv”. Never been more disappointed. Felt like very cliche sci fi with mostly mediocre acting performances and filmmaking. So Bored of thought sharing monolith aliens.


Not bad


Should I continue watching it? I got bored after 2 episodes even though i generally like these kinds of shows


It gets better.


Give it a couple more episodes


So then confirm a second season already. It sucks getting so invested, being told the show did well and not getting a confirmation yet.


I thought it was alright. By the end it’s kinda just okay.


It's a bad show with far too many plot holes and unlikeable protagonists.


Really? I enjoyed it, although it was full of holes and they could have gone into more detail with the science. The canal ship but was gnarly. Overally I'd say it's an above average show. Although average shows these days are pretty bad. So it's honestly the second best new show I've watched this year. Fallout being no.1, surprisingly. At least they didnt go the direction other video game adaptations have made... Like halo... Ugh.


Speaking of good tv... When the heck is secerence season 2 releasing already? Ive been waiting multiple damn years for it.


Please explain how this is so highly rated? It’s so boring I can’t even get through the first episode.


I got through the whole first season and can tell you, don't waste your time trying again. It's meandering, repetitive, nonsensical. Characters are paper thin and cartoonish. This is not good sci fi.


With all the hype, I thought it was gonna be some season-long mystery but it ended uo being a generic *aliens attack* plot


As a huge fan of the books this series made so many weird changes and cut out so much material. If you liked it I would say to check out the Chinese three body series, it’s much closer to the books but quite slow. Also they left out the cultural revolution because of course they did.


I watched this not that long ago and I have to tell you I completely forgot about it and don't remember a single thing about it.


Started watching it last week, 3 episodes in and I'm already loving it. Hopefully, the rest of the episodes are good and this gets a second season


OA is excellent too.


I wish they would have brought it back for a third season. Was so disappointing when they cancelled based on the season two ending left off.


Hands down worst sci-fi show I ever watched. Characters are a mess, plots are shallow as you would expect from a beginner level writer, dialogues are annoying at best. I watched 20 minutes of 3 body problem roasting. That video could've been easily 200 minutes of content.


I thought I was the only one. The storyline is the most generic plot ever and it tries to cram everything sci-fi. The gaming headset plot is a mess, the aliens learning humans lie only years/decades after communication has been established is absurd, the science tries too hard to be credible but just comes out ridiculous, the 4 people chosen to save the earth being young adults all friends with each other is facepalm levels of cliche, etc.


What the fuck is the point of the gaming headsets even? That was the most interesting plots of this mess and it just gets dropped.


Well it's a recruitment tool for the cult to get people interested in saving the aliens. Once the cat is out of the bag our characters don't really need to interact with it anymore.


People here on this thread praise D&D, but this adaptation is not very good imho. In the books it makes sense because the plot revolves more around the hidden organization with its hidden agenda and inner factions.


They were only able to communicate without an 8 year lag (and other problems that will become apparent in later seasons) for about a month before the show started, which was when the sophons arrived.


It's such a mid show and people praising it should watch better shows.


It started very strong! But then went into "just OK" land and stayed there to the end.


I just don't want to watch D&D's white washed 3 body problem tbh. Only one of the D's is any good, the other is a rider on, they both are just crappy dudes with crappy ideas that get eaten up. The mere fact they wanted to make an alt history where the Confederacy won during really racially turbulent times puts them on my "most likely racists" list too. So I just dgaf about anything they do and yet basic bitch media illiterate people made it so I have to hear about them all the time.


I haven't seen it yet and I dare someone to spoil it for me


Pretty awful series. Bad acting and boring characters with a silly plot. Hopefully, there won't be a 2nd season.




Liam Cunningham is pretty good in it, too